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<?php class CssUtilities{ private $html = ""; private $tags = array(); private $except = ""; private $wpfc; private $url = ""; private $url_for_fix = ""; public function __construct($wpfc, $html){ $this->wpfc = $wpfc; $this->html = $html; $this->set_except_tags(); $this->set_tags(); $this->tags_reorder(); } public function check_exclude($css_url = false){ if($css_url){ // to exclude the css source of elementor which is /elementor/css/post-[number].css to avoid increasing the size of minified sources if(preg_match("/\/elementor\/css\/post-\d+\.css/i", $css_url)){ return true; } foreach((array)$this->wpfc->exclude_rules as $key => $value){ if(isset($value->prefix) && $value->prefix && $value->type == "css"){ if($value->prefix == "contain"){ $preg_match_rule = preg_quote($value->content, "/"); } if(preg_match("/".$preg_match_rule."/i", $css_url)){ return true; } } } } } public function combineCss(){ $all = array(); $group = array(); foreach ($this->tags as $key => $value) { if(preg_match("/<link/i", $value["text"])){ if($this->except){ if(strpos($this->except, $value["text"]) !== false){ array_push($all, $group); $group = array(); continue; } } if(!$this->checkInternal($value["text"])){ array_push($all, $group); $group = array(); continue; } if($this->check_exclude($value["text"])){ array_push($all, $group); $group = array(); continue; } if(count($group) > 0){ if($group[0]["media"] == $value["media"]){ array_push($group, $value); }else{ array_push($all, $group); $group = array(); array_push($group, $value); } }else{ array_push($group, $value); } if($value === end($this->tags)){ array_push($all, $group); } } if(preg_match("/<style/i", $value["text"])){ if(count($group) > 0){ array_push($all, $group); $group = array(); } } } if(count($all) > 0){ $all = array_reverse($all); foreach ($all as $group_key => $group_value) { if(count($group_value) > 0){ $combined_css = ""; $combined_name = $this->wpfc->create_name($group_value); $combined_link = ""; $cachFilePath = $this->wpfc->getWpContentDir("/cache/wpfc-minified")."/".$combined_name; $cssLink = $this->convert_path_to_link($cachFilePath); if(is_dir($cachFilePath)){ if($cssFiles = @scandir($cachFilePath, 1)){ $combined_link = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$cssLink."/".$cssFiles[0].'" media="'.$group_value[0]["media"].'"/>'; if($css_content = $this->wpfc->read_file($cssLink."/".$cssFiles[0])){ $css_content = $this->apply_filter($css_content); $combined_link = $this->to_inline($combined_link, $css_content); } } }else{ $combined_css = $this->create_content(array_reverse($group_value)); $combined_css = $this->fix_charset($combined_css); if($combined_css){ if($this->wpfc->cdn){ $combined_css = preg_replace_callback("/(url)\(([^\)]+)\)/i", array($this->wpfc, 'cdn_replace_urls'), $combined_css); } $this->wpfc->createFolder($cachFilePath, $combined_css, "css"); if(is_dir($cachFilePath)){ if($cssFiles = @scandir($cachFilePath, 1)){ $combined_link = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$cssLink."/".$cssFiles[0].'" media="'.$group_value[0]["media"].'"/>'; $combined_css = $this->apply_filter($combined_css); $combined_link = $this->to_inline($combined_link, $combined_css); } } } } if($combined_link){ foreach (array_reverse($group_value) as $tag_key => $tag_value) { $text = substr($this->html, $tag_value["start"], ($tag_value["end"]-$tag_value["start"] + 1)); if($tag_key > 0){ $this->html = substr_replace($this->html, "<!-- ".$text." -->", $tag_value["start"], ($tag_value["end"] - $tag_value["start"] + 1)); }else{ $this->html = substr_replace($this->html, "<!-- ".$text." -->"."\n".$combined_link, $tag_value["start"], ($tag_value["end"] - $tag_value["start"] + 1)); } } } } } } return $this->html; } public function create_content($group_value){ $combined_css = ""; foreach ($group_value as $tag_key => $tag_value) { $minifiedCss = $this->minify($tag_value["href"]); if($minifiedCss){ $combined_css = $minifiedCss["cssContent"].$combined_css; }else{ return false; } } return $combined_css; } public function minifyCss(){ $data = $this->html; if(count($this->tags) > 0){ foreach (array_reverse($this->tags) as $key => $value) { $text = substr($data, $value["start"], ($value["end"]-$value["start"] + 1)); if(preg_match("/<link/i", $text)){ if($href = $this->checkInternal($text)){ if($this->check_exclude($href)){ continue; } $minifiedCss = $this->minify($href); if($minifiedCss){ $prefixLink = str_replace(array("http:", "https:"), "", $minifiedCss["url"]); $text = preg_replace("/href\=[\"\'][^\"\']+[\"\']/", "href='".$prefixLink."'", $text); $minifiedCss["cssContent"] = $this->apply_filter($minifiedCss["cssContent"]); $text = $this->to_inline($text, $minifiedCss["cssContent"]); $this->html = substr_replace($this->html, $text, $value["start"], ($value["end"] - $value["start"] + 1)); } } } } } return $this->html; } public function to_inline($link, $css_content){ if(!isset($GLOBALS["wp_fastest_cache_options"]->wpFastestCacheRenderBlocking)){ return $link; } if(!preg_match("/\smedia\=[\'\"]all[\'\"]/i", $link)){ return $link; } if(isset($css_content["11000"])){ return $link; } $link = "<style>".$css_content."</style>"; return $link; } public function tags_reorder(){ $sorter = array(); $ret = array(); foreach ($this->tags as $ii => $va) { $sorter[$ii] = $va['start']; } asort($sorter); foreach ($sorter as $ii => $va) { $ret[$ii] = $this->tags[$ii]; } $this->tags = $ret; } public function set_except_tags(){ $comment_tags = $this->find_tags("<!--", "-->"); foreach ($comment_tags as $key => $value) { $this->except = $value["text"].$this->except; } // to execute if html contains <noscript> tag if(preg_match("/<noscript/i", $this->html)){ $noscript_tags = $this->find_tags("<noscript", "</noscript>"); foreach ($noscript_tags as $key => $value) { $this->except = $value["text"].$this->except; if(isset($GLOBALS["wp_fastest_cache_options"]->wpFastestCacheLazyLoad)){ // to set noscript for lazy load // <noscript><img src=""></noscript> $GLOBALS["wp_fastest_cache"]->noscript = $value["text"].$GLOBALS["wp_fastest_cache"]->noscript; } } } // $("head").append( "<link rel='stylesheet' id='ms-fonts' href='//' type='text/css' media='all' />" ); $script_tags = $this->find_tags("<script", "</script>"); foreach ($script_tags as $key => $value) { $link_tags = $this->find_tags("<link", ">", $value["text"]); if(count($link_tags) > 0){ $this->except = $value["text"].$this->except; } } } public function set_tags(){ $style_tags = $this->find_tags("<style", "</style>"); $this->tags = array_merge($this->tags, $style_tags); $link_tags = $this->find_tags("<link", ">"); foreach ($link_tags as $key => $value) { //<link rel='stylesheet' id='avada-dynamic-css-css' href='/wp-content/uploads/avada-styles/avada-9.css?timestamp=1485306359&ver=4.7.2' type='text/css' media='all' /> if(preg_match("/avada-dynamic-css-css/", $value["text"])){ continue; } preg_match("/media\=[\'\"]([^\'\"]+)[\'\"]/", $value["text"], $media); preg_match("/href\=[\'\"]([^\'\"]+)[\'\"]/", $value["text"], $href); $media[1] = (isset($media[1]) && $media[1]) ? trim($media[1]) : ""; $value["media"] = (isset($media[1]) && $media[1]) ? $media[1] : "all"; if(isset($href[1])){ $href[1] = trim($href[1]); $value["href"] = (isset($href[1]) && $href[1]) ? $href[1] : ""; if(preg_match("/href\s*\=/i", $value["text"])){ if(preg_match("/rel\s*\=\s*[\'\"]\s*stylesheet\s*[\'\"]/i", $value["text"])){ array_push($this->tags, $value); } } } } } public function find_tags($start_string, $end_string, $source = false){ if($source){ $data = $source; }else{ $data = $this->html; } $list = array(); $start_index = false; $end_index = false; for($i = 0; $i < strlen( $data ); $i++) { if(substr($data, $i, strlen($start_string)) == $start_string){ $start_index = $i; } if($start_index && $i > $start_index){ if(substr($data, $i, strlen($end_string)) == $end_string){ $end_index = $i + strlen($end_string)-1; $text = substr($data, $start_index, ($end_index-$start_index + 1)); array_push($list, array("start" => $start_index, "end" => $end_index, "text" => $text)); $start_index = false; $end_index = false; } } } return $list; } public function minify($url){ $this->url = $url; $md5 = $this->wpfc->create_name($url); $cachFilePath = $this->wpfc->getWpContentDir("/cache/wpfc-minified")."/".$md5; $cssLink = $this->convert_path_to_link($cachFilePath); if(is_dir($cachFilePath)){ if($cssFiles = @scandir($cachFilePath, 1)){ if($cssContent = $this->file_get_contents_curl($cssLink."/".$cssFiles[0])){ $cssContent = $this->apply_filter($cssContent); return array("cachFilePath" => $cachFilePath, "cssContent" => $cssContent, "url" => $cssLink."/".$cssFiles[0], "realUrl" => $url); }else{ return false; } } }else{ if($cssContent = $this->file_get_contents_curl($url, "?v=".time())){ $original_content_length = strlen($cssContent); if(isset($this->wpfc->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyCss) && $this->wpfc->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyCss){ $cssContent = $this->_process($cssContent); } $cssContent = $this->fixPathsInCssContent($cssContent, $url); $cssContent = $this->apply_filter($cssContent); if(isset($this->wpfc->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyCssPowerFul) && $this->wpfc->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyCssPowerFul){ if(class_exists("WpFastestCachePowerfulHtml")){ $powerful_html = new WpFastestCachePowerfulHtml(); $cssContent = $powerful_html->minify_css($cssContent); } } $cssContent = str_replace("\xEF\xBB\xBF", '', $cssContent); // If the content is empty, the file is not created. This breaks "combine css" feature if(strlen($cssContent) == 0 && $original_content_length > 0){ return array("cssContent" => "", "url" => $url); } if(!is_dir($cachFilePath)){ if($this->wpfc->cdn){ $cssContent = preg_replace_callback("/(url)\(([^\)]+)\)/i", array($this->wpfc, 'cdn_replace_urls'), $cssContent); } $this->wpfc->createFolder($cachFilePath, $cssContent, "css"); } if($cssFiles = @scandir($cachFilePath, 1)){ return array("cachFilePath" => $cachFilePath, "cssContent" => $cssContent, "url" => $cssLink."/".$cssFiles[0], "realUrl" => $url); } } } return false; } public function fixPathsInCssContent($css, $url){ $this->url_for_fix = $url; $css = preg_replace("/@import\s+[\"\']([^\;\"\'\)]+)[\"\'];/", "@import url($1);", $css); $css = preg_replace_callback("/url\(([^\)\n]*)\)/", array($this, 'newImgPath'), $css); $css = preg_replace_callback('/@import\s+url\(([^\)]+)\);/i', array($this, 'fix_import_rules'), $css); $css = $this->fix_charset($css); return $css; } public function svg_to_file($source){ return $source; if(preg_match("/base64\,/", $source)){ $is_base64 = true; }else{ $is_base64 = false; } if(preg_match("/\,(%3Csvg|<svg)/", $source) || $is_base64){ $source = preg_replace("/\"|\'/", "", $source); $source = preg_replace("/data[^\,]+\,/", "", $source); if($is_base64){ $source = base64_decode($source); }else{ $source = rawurldecode($source); } $md5 = $this->wpfc->create_name($source); $cachFilePath = $this->wpfc->getWpContentDir("/cache/wpfc-minified")."/svg-".$md5; $this->wpfc->createFolder($cachFilePath, $source, "svg"); if(is_dir($cachFilePath)){ if($cssFiles = @scandir($cachFilePath, 1)){ $source = $this->convert_path_to_link($cachFilePath."/".$cssFiles[0]); } } } return $source; } public function woff_to_file($source){ return $source; // url("data:application/x-font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64,d09GRgABAAAA") if(preg_match("/base64\,/", $source)){ $is_base64 = true; }else{ $is_base64 = false; } if($is_base64){ // not to use preg_match() for the speed $source = strstr($source, 'base64,'); $source = str_replace("base64,", "", $source); $source = trim($source); $source = str_replace(array("'", '"'), "", $source); $md5 = $this->wpfc->create_name($source); $cachFilePath = $this->wpfc->getWpContentDir("/cache/wpfc-minified")."/woff-".$md5; $this->wpfc->createFolder($cachFilePath, $source, "woff"); if(is_dir($cachFilePath)){ if($cssFiles = @scandir($cachFilePath, 1)){ $link = $this->convert_path_to_link($cachFilePath."/".$cssFiles[0]); return $link; } } } return $source; } public function newImgPath($matches){ $matches[1] = trim($matches[1]); if(preg_match("/data\:font\/opentype/i", $matches[1])){ $matches[1] = $matches[1]; }else if(preg_match("/data\:application\/(x-)?font-woff/i", $matches[1])){ // data:application/font-woff // data:application/x-font-woff $matches[1] = $this->woff_to_file($matches[1]); }else if(preg_match("/data\:image\/svg\+xml/i", $matches[1])){ $matches[1] = $this->svg_to_file($matches[1]); }else{ $matches[1] = str_replace(array("\"","'"), "", $matches[1]); $matches[1] = trim($matches[1]); if(!$matches[1]){ $matches[1] = ""; }else if(preg_match("/^\#/", $matches[1])){ $matches[1] = $matches[1]; }else if(preg_match("/^(\/\/|http|\/\/fonts|data:image|data:application)/", $matches[1])){ if(preg_match("/fonts\.googleapis\.com/", $matches[1])){ // for safari browser $matches[1] = '"'.$matches[1].'"'; }else{ $matches[1] = $matches[1]; } }else if(preg_match("/^\//", $matches[1])){ $homeUrl = str_replace(array("http:", "https:"), "", home_url()); $matches[1] = $homeUrl.$matches[1]; }else if(preg_match("/^\.\/.+/i", $matches[1])){ //$matches[1] = str_replace("./", get_template_directory_uri()."/", $matches[1]); $matches[1] = str_replace("./", dirname($this->url_for_fix)."/", $matches[1]); }else if(preg_match("/^(?P<up>(\.\.\/)+)(?P<name>.+)/", $matches[1], $out)){ $count = strlen($out["up"])/3; $url = dirname($this->url); for($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++){ $url = substr($url, 0, strrpos($url, "/")); } $url = str_replace(array("http:", "https:"), "", $url); $matches[1] = $url."/".$out["name"]; }else{ $url = str_replace(array("http:", "https:"), "", dirname($this->url)); $matches[1] = $url."/".$matches[1]; } } return "url(".$matches[1].")"; } public function apply_filter($content){ return apply_filters('wpfc_css_content', $content, null, null); } public function fix_charset($css){ preg_match_all('/@charset[^\;]+\;/i', $css, $charsets); if(count($charsets[0]) > 0){ $css = preg_replace('/@charset[^\;]+\;/i', "", $css); foreach($charsets[0] as $charset){ $css = $charset."\n".$css; } } return $css; } public function fix_import_rules($matches){ if($this->is_internal_css($matches[1])){ if($cssContent = $this->file_get_contents_curl($matches[1], "?v=".time())){ $tmp_url = $this->url; $this->url = $matches[1]; $cssContent = $this->fixPathsInCssContent($cssContent, $matches[1]); $this->url = $tmp_url; // to minify again because of the @import css sources if(isset($this->wpfc->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyCss) && $this->wpfc->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyCss){ $cssContent = $this->_process($cssContent); } return $cssContent; } } return $matches[0]; } protected $_inHack = false; protected function _process($css){ $css = preg_replace("/^\s+/m", "", ((string) $css)); $css = str_replace("\r", "", $css); $css = preg_replace_callback('@\\s*/\\*([\\s\\S]*?)\\*/\\s*@' ,array($this, '_commentCB'), $css); //to remove empty chars from url() $css = preg_replace("/url\((\s+)([^\)]+)(\s+)\)/", "url($2)", $css); return trim($css); } protected function _commentCB($m){ $hasSurroundingWs = (trim($m[0]) !== $m[1]); $m = $m[1]; // $m is the comment content w/o the surrounding tokens, // but the return value will replace the entire comment. if ($m === 'keep') { return '/**/'; } if ($m === '" "') { // component of return '/*" "*/'; } if (preg_match('@";\\}\\s*\\}/\\*\\s+@', $m)) { // component of return '/*";}}/* */'; } if ($this->_inHack) { // inversion: feeding only to one browser if (preg_match('@ ^/ # comment started like /*/ \\s* (\\S[\\s\\S]+?) # has at least some non-ws content \\s* /\\* # ends like /*/ or /**/ @x', $m, $n)) { // end hack mode after this comment, but preserve the hack and comment content $this->_inHack = false; return "/*/{$n[1]}/**/"; } } if (substr($m, -1) === '\\') { // comment ends like \*/ // begin hack mode and preserve hack $this->_inHack = true; return '/*\\*/'; } if ($m !== '' && $m[0] === '/') { // comment looks like /*/ foo */ // begin hack mode and preserve hack $this->_inHack = true; return '/*/*/'; } if ($this->_inHack) { // a regular comment ends hack mode but should be preserved $this->_inHack = false; return '/**/'; } // Issue 107: if there's any surrounding whitespace, it may be important, so // replace the comment with a single space return $hasSurroundingWs // remove all other comments ? ' ' : ''; } public function checkInternal($link){ $httpHost = str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); if(preg_match("/href=[\"\'](.*?)[\"\']/", $link, $href)){ if(preg_match("/^\/[^\/]/", $href[1])){ return $href[1]; } if(@strpos($href[1], $httpHost)){ return $href[1]; } // if(preg_match("/fonts\.googleapis\.com/i", $href[1])){ // // // if(preg_match("/Raleway/i", $href[1])){ // return false; // } // return $href[1]; // } } return false; } public function is_internal_css($url){ $http_host = trim($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], "www."); $url = trim($url); $url = trim($url, "'"); $url = trim($url, '"'); $url = str_replace(array("http://", "https://"), "", $url); $url = trim($url, '//'); $url = trim($url, 'www.'); if($url){ if(preg_match("/".$http_host."/i", $url)){ return true; } // if(preg_match("/fonts\.googleapis\.com/i", $url)){ // // // if(preg_match("/Raleway/i", $url)){ // return false; // } // return true; // } } return false; } public function convert_path_to_link($path){ preg_match("/\/cache\/.+/", $path, $out); $prefixLink = str_replace(array("http:", "https:"), "", WPFC_WP_CONTENT_URL); return $prefixLink.$out[0]; } public function file_get_contents_curl($url, $version = ""){ if($data = $this->wpfc->read_file($url)){ return $data; } $url = str_replace('&', '&', $url); if(preg_match("/\.php\?/i", $url)){ $version = ""; } if(preg_match("/(fonts\.googleapis\.com|iire-social-icons)/i", $url)){ $version = ""; $url = str_replace(array("'",'"'), "", $url); } $url = $url.$version; if(preg_match("/^\/[^\/]/", $url)){ $url = get_option("home").$url; } if(preg_match("/http\:\/\//i", home_url())){ $url = preg_replace("/^\/\//", "http://", $url); }else if(preg_match("/https\:\/\//i", home_url())){ $url = preg_replace("/^\/\//", "https://", $url); } //$response = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 10, 'headers' => array("cache-control" => array("no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate", "post-check=0, pre-check=0")))); $response = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 10, 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.110 Safari/537.36')); if ( !$response || is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return false; }else{ if(wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response) == 200){ $data = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); if(preg_match("/\<\!DOCTYPE/i", $data) || preg_match("/<\/\s*html\s*>/i", $data)){ return false; }else if(!$data){ return "/* empty */"; }else{ return $data; } }else if(wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response) == 404){ if(preg_match("/\.css/", $url)){ return "/*404*/"; }else{ return "<!-- 404 -->"; } } } } } ?>
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