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<?php /** * ET_Dashboard class * Generates the dashboard and supports saving/retrieving options data including import/export options. * Following variables should be set during class construction: * _options_pagename - 'et_dashboard_options_pagename', * * plugin_class_name - 'et_dashboard_plugin_class_name', * * save_button_text - 'et_dashboard_save_button_text', * * plugin_name - 'et_dashboard_plugin_name', * * All other action hooks and filters described before each function where applicable * * Important: dashboard_save_settings() function should be registered as wp_ajax action in the plugin which uses this class to avoid conflicts. * Action name should be following - 'wp_ajax_<plugin_class_name>_save_settings' */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } define( 'ET_DASHBOARD_DIR', trailingslashit( dirname(__FILE__) ) ); define( 'ET_DASHBOARD_PLUGIN_URI', plugins_url( '', __FILE__ ) ); class ET_Dashboard { var $class_version = '1.2'; var $protocol; var $plugin_name; /** * @var ET_Core_Data_Utils */ protected static $_; function __construct( $args ) { //define filterable variables $this->_options_pagename = isset( $args['et_dashboard_options_pagename'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_options_pagename'] : 'et_dashboard'; $this->plugin_class_name = isset( $args['et_dashboard_plugin_class_name'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_plugin_class_name'] : ''; $this->save_button_text = isset( $args['et_dashboard_save_button_text'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_save_button_text'] : esc_html__( 'Save Changes', 'et_dashboard' ); $this->plugin_name = isset( $args['et_dashboard_plugin_name'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_plugin_name'] : 'et_dashboard'; $this->options_path = isset( $args['et_dashboard_options_path'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_options_path'] : ET_DASHBOARD_DIR . 'includes/options.php'; $this->top_level_page = isset( $args['et_dashboard_options_page'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_options_page'] : 'tools'; $this->protocol = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $this->dashboard_options = $this->get_options_array(); //include options at the init hook, to make sure localization applied correctly $this->include_options(); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'add_class_localization' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_et_dashboard_generate_warning', array( $this, 'generate_modal_warning' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_et_dashboard_execute_live_search', array( $this, 'execute_live_search' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'set_post_types' ), 99 ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'dashboard_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'process_settings_export' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'process_settings_import' ) ); self::$_ = ET_Core_Data_Utils::instance(); } /** * Adds class localization * Domain: et_dashboard * * @return void */ function add_class_localization() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'et_dashboard', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' ); } function get_options_array() { return get_option( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_options' ) ? get_option( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_options' ) : array(); } public static function load_fonts_class() { if ( ! class_exists( 'ET_Dashboard_Fonts' ) ) { require_once( ET_DASHBOARD_DIR . 'includes/google_fonts.php' ); } $fonts_class = new ET_Dashboard_Fonts(); return $fonts_class; } function include_options() { require_once( $this->options_path ); $this->dashboard_sections = $all_sections; $this->assigned_options = $assigned_options; $this->provider_names = $email_providers; } function update_option( $update_array ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { die( -1 ); } //we need to update current version of options, not cached version $dashboard_options = $this->get_options_array(); $updated_options = array_merge( $dashboard_options, $update_array ); update_option( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_options', $updated_options ); } /** * Removes option from the database based on the $option_key * @return void */ function remove_option( $option_key ) { //we need to remove options from the current version of options, not cached version $dashboard_options = $this->get_options_array(); if ( isset( $dashboard_options[$option_key] ) ) { unset( $dashboard_options[$option_key] ); update_option( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_options', $dashboard_options ); } } function dashboard_scripts( $hook ) { if ( "{$this->top_level_page}_{$this->_options_pagename}" !== $hook ) { return; } $DEBUG = defined( 'ET_DEBUG' ) && ET_DEBUG; $core_scripts = ET_CORE_URL . '/admin/js'; $bundle_url = ET_DASHBOARD_PLUGIN_URI . '/js/bloom-dashboard.bundle.min.js'; if ( $DEBUG ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'react', '', array(), '16.2', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'react-dom', '', array( 'react' ), '16.2', true ); add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', 'et_core_add_crossorigin_attribute', 10, 3 ); } else { wp_enqueue_script( 'react', "{$core_scripts}/react.production.min.js", array(), '16.2', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'react-dom', "{$core_scripts}/react-dom.production.min.js", array( 'react' ), '16.2', true ); } if ( $DEBUG ) { $site_url = wp_parse_url( get_site_url() ); $hot_bundle_url = "{$site_url['scheme']}://{$site_url['host']}:31495/bloom-dashboard.bundle.min.js"; wp_enqueue_script( 'et-bloom-dashboard-bundle', $hot_bundle_url, array( 'jquery', 'react', 'react-dom' ), $this->class_version, true ); // Add the bundle as fallback in case webpack-dev-server is not running wp_add_inline_script( 'et-bloom-dashboard-bundle', sprintf( 'window.et_bloom_custom_field_manager_init || document.write(\'<script src="%s">\x3C/script>\')', "{$bundle_url}?ver={$this->class_version}" ), 'after' ); } else { wp_enqueue_script( 'et-bloom-dashboard-bundle', $bundle_url, array( 'jquery', 'react', 'react-dom' ), $this->class_version, true ); } wp_enqueue_script( 'et-dashboard-mce-js', ET_DASHBOARD_PLUGIN_URI . '/js/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->class_version, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'et-dashboard-custom-mce-js', ET_DASHBOARD_PLUGIN_URI . '/js/et_custom_mce.js', array( 'jquery', 'et-dashboard-mce-js' ), $this->class_version, true ); wp_enqueue_style( 'et-dashboard-css', ET_DASHBOARD_PLUGIN_URI . '/css/et_dashboard.css', array(), $this->class_version ); wp_enqueue_script( 'et-dashboard-js', ET_DASHBOARD_PLUGIN_URI . '/js/et_dashboard.js', array( 'jquery', 'et-bloom-dashboard-bundle' ), $this->class_version, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' ); if ( ! $DEBUG ) { $styles_url = ET_DASHBOARD_PLUGIN_URI . '/css/bloom-dashboard-style.min.css'; wp_enqueue_style( 'et-bloom-dashboard-styles', $styles_url, array( 'et-dashboard-css' ), $this->class_version ); } wp_enqueue_media(); wp_localize_script( 'et-dashboard-js', 'dashboardSettings', array( 'dashboard_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'dashboard_nonce' ), 'search_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'search_nonce' ), 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php', $this->protocol ), 'save_settings' => wp_create_nonce( 'save_settings' ), 'generate_warning' => wp_create_nonce( 'generate_warning' ), 'plugin_class' => $this->plugin_class_name, 'i18n' => array( 'addNewField' => esc_html__( 'Add New Custom Field', 'bloom' ), 'linkCancel' => esc_html__( 'Cancel', 'bloom' ), 'linkSave' => esc_html__( 'Save', 'bloom' ), 'linkURL' => esc_html__( 'Link URL', 'bloom' ), 'linkText' => esc_html__( 'Link Text', 'bloom' ), 'done' => esc_html__( 'Done', 'bloom' ), 'linkSettings' => esc_html__( 'Option Link', 'bloom' ), 'noCustomFields' => esc_html__( 'You have not defined any custom fields in your email provider account. Once you have defined some fields, click Update Lists button for appropriate account on the Email Accounts tab', 'bloom' ), ), ) ); wp_localize_script( 'et-dashboard-custom-mce-js', 'dashboardEditor', array( 'text' => esc_html__( 'Text', 'et_dashboard' ), 'visual' => esc_html__( 'Visual', 'et_dashboard' ), ) ); } /** * Generates the array of post types and categories registered in WordPress * @return void */ function set_post_types() { $default_post_types = array( 'post', 'page' ); $theme_name = wp_get_theme(); $final_categories = array(); $custom_post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false, ) ); if ( ( $key = array_search( 'wysijap', $custom_post_types ) ) !== false) { unset( $custom_post_types[$key] ); } $this->dashboard_post_types = array_merge( $default_post_types, $custom_post_types ); $categories = get_categories( array( 'hide_empty' => 0, ) ); foreach ( $categories as $key => $value ) { $final_categories[$value->term_id] = $value->name; } $this->dashboard_categories['post'] = $final_categories; foreach ( $this->dashboard_post_types as $post_type ) { $taxonomy_name = ''; $cats_array = array(); switch ( $post_type ) { case 'project' : $taxonomy_name = 'project_category'; break; case 'product' : $taxonomy_name = 'product_cat'; break; case 'listing' : if ( 'Explorable' === $theme_name ) { $taxonomy_name = 'listing_type'; } else { $taxonomy_name = 'listing_category'; } break; case 'event' : $taxonomy_name = 'event_category'; break; case 'gallery' : $taxonomy_name = 'gallery_category'; break; } if ( '' !== $taxonomy_name && taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy_name ) ) { $cats_array = get_categories( 'taxonomy=' . $taxonomy_name . '&hide_empty=0' ); if ( ! empty( $cats_array ) ) { $cats_array_final = array(); foreach( $cats_array as $single_cat ) { $cats_array_final[$single_cat->cat_ID] = $single_cat->cat_name; } $this->dashboard_categories[$post_type] = $cats_array_final; } } } } /** * Generates the output for the hint in dashboard options * @return string */ function generate_hint( $text, $escape ) { $output = sprintf( '<span class="et_dashboard_more_info et_dashboard_icon"> <span class="et_dashboard_more_text">%1$s</span> </span>', true === $escape ? esc_html( $text ) : $text ); return $output; } /** * Generates modal warning window for internal messages. Works via php or via Ajax * Ok_link could be a link to particular tab in dashboard, external link or empty */ public static function generate_modal_warning( $message = '', $ok_link = '#', $hide_close = false, $ok_text = '', $custom_button_text = '', $custom_button_link = '#', $custom_button_class = '' ) { $ajax_request = isset( $_POST[ 'message' ] ) ? true : false; if ( true === $ajax_request ){ if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['generate_warning_nonce'] , 'generate_warning' ) ) { die( -1 ); } } if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { die( -1 ); } $message = isset( $_POST[ 'message' ] ) ? stripslashes( $_POST[ 'message' ] ) : sanitize_text_field( $message ); $ok_link = isset( $_POST[ 'ok_link' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'ok_link' ] ) : $ok_link; $hide_close = isset( $_POST[ 'hide_close' ] ) ? (bool) $_POST[ 'hide_close' ] : (bool) $hide_close; $ok_text = isset( $_POST[ 'ok_text' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'ok_text' ] ) : $ok_text; $custom_button_text = isset( $_POST[ 'custom_button_text' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'custom_button_text' ] ) : $custom_button_text; $custom_button_link = isset( $_POST[ 'custom_button_link' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'custom_button_link' ] ) : $custom_button_link; $custom_button_class = isset( $_POST[ 'custom_button_class' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'custom_button_class' ] ) : $custom_button_class; $result = sprintf( '<div class="et_dashboard_networks_modal et_dashboard_warning"> <div class="et_dashboard_inner_container"> <div class="et_dashboard_modal_header">%4$s</div> <div class="dashboard_icons_container"> %1$s </div> <div class="et_dashboard_modal_footer"><a href="%3$s" class="et_dashboard_ok et_dashboard_warning_button%6$s">%2$s</a>%5$s</div> </div> </div>', wp_kses_post( $message ), '' == $ok_text ? esc_html__( 'Ok', 'et_dashboard' ) : $ok_text, esc_url( $ok_link ), false === $hide_close ? '<span class="et_dashboard_close"></span>' : '', '' != $custom_button_text ? sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" class="et_dashboard_custom_btn et_dashboard_warning_button%3$s">%2$s</a>', esc_url( $custom_button_link ), esc_html( $custom_button_text ), '' !== $custom_button_class ? ' ' . esc_attr( $custom_button_class ) : '' ) : '', '' !== $custom_button_text ? ' et_dashboard_2_btns' : '' ); if ( $ajax_request ){ echo $result; die; } else { return $result; } } /** * Handles ajax request for save_settings button * @return string */ function dashboard_save_settings( $options = array() ) { if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['save_settings_nonce'], 'save_settings' ) ) { die( -1 ); } if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { die( -1 ); } $options = $_POST['options']; $option_sub_title = isset( $_POST['options_sub_title'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['options_sub_title'] ) : ''; $error_message = $this->process_and_update_options( $options, $option_sub_title ); die( $error_message ); } /** * Handles options array and import options into DataBase. * $sub_array variable toggles between 2 option formats: * 1) false - [option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * 2) true - key_1[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n], key_2[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n], ... , key_n[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * * @return string */ function prepare_import_settings( $options = array(), $sub_array = false ) { //if options stored in sub_arrays, then we need to go through each sub_array and save the data for each of them if ( true === $sub_array ) { foreach ( $options as $subtitle => $values ) { $error_message = $this->process_and_update_options( $values, $subtitle ); } } else { $error_message = $this->process_and_update_options( $options ); } return $error_message; } /** * * supposed to check whether network is authorized or not * verdict should be overriden from plugin using 'et_<plugin_name>_authorization_verdict' filter * FALSE will be returned by default * * @return bool */ function api_is_network_authorized( $network ) { $is_authorized = apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_authorization_verdict', false, $network ); return (bool) $is_authorized; } /** * * Executes live search through the posts/pages and returns the output to jQuery * * @return string */ function execute_live_search() { if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['dashboard_search'] , 'search_nonce' ) ) { die( -1 ); } if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { die( -1 ); } $search_string = ! empty( $_POST['dashboard_live_search'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dashboard_live_search'] ) : ''; $page = ! empty( $_POST['dashboard_page'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dashboard_page'] ) : 1; $post_type = ! empty( $_POST['dashboard_post_type'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dashboard_post_type'] ) : 'any'; $full_content = ! empty( $_POST['dashboard_full_content'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dashboard_full_content'] ) : 'true'; $args['s'] = $search_string; $args['pagenum'] = $page; $results = $this->posts_query( $args, $post_type ); if ( 'true' === $full_content ) { $output = '<ul class="et_dashboard_search_results">'; } else { $output = ''; } if ( empty( $results ) ) { if ( 'true' === $full_content ) { $output .= sprintf( '<li class="et_dashboard_no_res">%1$s</li>', esc_html__( 'No results found', 'bloom' ) ); } } else { foreach( $results as $single_post ) { $output .= sprintf( '<li data-post_id="%2$s">[%3$s] - %1$s</li>', esc_html( $single_post['title'] ), esc_attr( $single_post['id'] ), esc_html( $single_post['post_type'] ) ); } } if ( 'true' === $full_content ) { $output .= '</ul>'; } die( $output ); } /** * * Retrieves the posts from WP based on search criteria. Used for live posts search. * This function is based on the internal WP function "wp_link_query" from /wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php * * @return array */ function posts_query( $args = array(), $include_post_type = '' ) { if ( 'only_pages' === $include_post_type ) { $pt_names = array( 'page' ); } elseif ( 'any' === $include_post_type || 'only_posts' === $include_post_type ) { $dashboard_post_types = ! empty( $this->dashboard_post_types ) ? $this->dashboard_post_types : array(); $pt_names = array_values( $dashboard_post_types ); if ( 'only_posts' === $include_post_type ) { unset( $pt_names[1] ); } } else { $pt_names = $include_post_type; } $query = array( 'post_type' => $pt_names, 'suppress_filters' => true, 'update_post_term_cache' => false, 'update_post_meta_cache' => false, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => 20, ); $args['pagenum'] = isset( $args['pagenum'] ) ? absint( $args['pagenum'] ) : 1; if ( isset( $args['s'] ) && '' !== $args['s'] ) { $query['s'] = $args['s']; } $query['offset'] = $args['pagenum'] > 1 ? $query['posts_per_page'] * ( $args['pagenum'] - 1 ) : 0; $get_posts = new WP_Query; $posts = $get_posts->query( $query ); if ( ! $get_posts->post_count ) { return false; } $results = array(); foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $results[] = array( 'id' => (int) $post->ID, 'title' => trim( esc_html( strip_tags( get_the_title( $post ) ) ) ), 'post_type' => $post->post_type, ); } wp_reset_postdata(); return $results; } /** * Processes and saves options array into Database * $option_sub_title variable toggles between 2 option formats: * 1) '' - [option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * 2) '<subtitle>' - <subtitle>[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * * Supports 'et_<plugin_name>_after_save_options' hook * * @return string */ function process_and_update_options( $options, $option_sub_title = '' ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { die( -1 ); } $this->dashboard_options = $this->get_options_array(); $dashboard_options = $this->dashboard_options; $dashboard_sections = $this->dashboard_sections; $dashboard_options_assigned = $this->assigned_options; $error_message = ''; $dashboard_options_temp = array(); if ( ! is_array( $options ) ) { $processed_array = str_replace( array( '%5B', '%5D' ), array( '[', ']' ), $options ); parse_str( $processed_array, $output ); $array_prefix = true; } else { $output = $options; $array_prefix = false; } if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) { $current_section = $key; if ( isset( $value[ 'contents' ] ) ) { foreach( $value[ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) { $options_prefix = sanitize_text_field( $current_section . '_' . $key ); $options_array = $dashboard_options_assigned[$current_section . '_' . $key . '_options']; if ( isset( $options_array ) ) { foreach( $options_array as $option ) { $current_option_name = ''; if ( isset( $option[ 'name' ] ) ) { if ( '' !== $option_sub_title ) { $current_option_name = $option[ 'name' ]; } else { $current_option_name = $options_prefix . '_' . $option[ 'name' ]; } } $current_option_name = sanitize_text_field( $current_option_name ); //determine where the value is stored and set appropriate value as current if ( true === $array_prefix ) { $current_option_value = isset( $output['et_dashboard'][ $current_option_name ] ) ? $output['et_dashboard'][ $current_option_name ] : false; } else { $current_option_value = isset( $output[ $current_option_name ] ) ? $output[ $current_option_name ] : false; } if ( isset( $option[ 'validation_type' ] ) ) { switch( $option[ 'validation_type' ] ) { case 'simple_array' : $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $current_option_value ) : array(); break; case 'simple_text': $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = ! empty( $current_option_value ) || ( 'email_list' === $current_option_name && 'empty' !== $current_option_value ) // Can't use `empty()` for the `email_list` since the list_id can have a `0` value (e.g Salesforce WebToLead). ? sanitize_text_field( stripslashes( $current_option_value ) ) : ''; if ( function_exists ( 'icl_register_string' ) && isset( $option[ 'is_wpml_string' ] ) ) { $wpml_option_name = '' !== $option_sub_title ? $current_option_name . '_' . $option_sub_title : $option_sub_title; icl_register_string( $this->plugin_name, $wpml_option_name, sanitize_text_field( $current_option_value ) ); } if ( 'checkbox' === $option['type'] && ! empty( $current_option_value ) ) { $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = '1' === $current_option_value ? 'true' : 'false'; }; break; case 'boolean' : $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? in_array( $current_option_value, array( '1', false ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( $current_option_value ) : false : false; break; case 'number' : $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = intval( stripslashes( ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? absint( $current_option_value ) : '' ) ); break; case 'complex_array' : if ( isset( $current_option_name ) && '' != $current_option_name ) { if ( ! empty( $current_option_value ) && is_array( $current_option_value ) ) { foreach ( $current_option_value as $key => $value ) { foreach ( $value as $_key => $_value ) { $value[ $_key ] = sanitize_text_field( $_value ); } $current_option_value[ $key ] = $value; } $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = $current_option_value; } } break; case 'url' : if ( isset( $current_option_name ) && '' != $current_option_name ) { $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? esc_url_raw( stripslashes( $current_option_value ) ) : ''; } break; case 'html' : if ( isset( $current_option_name ) && '' != $current_option_name ) { $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? stripslashes( esc_html( $current_option_value ) ) : ''; if ( function_exists ( 'icl_register_string' ) && isset( $option[ 'is_wpml_string' ] ) ) { $wpml_option_name = '' !== $option_sub_title ? $current_option_name . '_' . $option_sub_title : $option_sub_title; icl_register_string( $this->plugin_name, $wpml_option_name, esc_html( $current_option_value ) ); } } break; } // end switch } do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_after_save_options', $dashboard_options_temp, $current_option_name, $option, $output ); } // end foreach( $options_array as $option ) } //if ( isset( $options_array ) ) } // end foreach( $value[ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) } // end if ( isset( $value[ 'contents' ] ) ) } // end foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) } //end if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) if ( '' !== $option_sub_title ) { $final_array[$option_sub_title] = $dashboard_options_temp; } else { $final_array = $dashboard_options_temp; } ET_Dashboard::update_option( $final_array ); if ( ! empty( $final_array[ 'sharing_locations_manage_locations' ] ) && empty( $final_array[ 'sharing_networks_networks_sorting' ] ) ) { $error_message = $this->generate_modal_warning( esc_html__( 'Please select social networks in "Social Sharing / Networks" settings', 'et_dashboard' ), '#tab_et_social_tab_content_sharing_networks' ); } return $error_message; } /** * Generates dashboard page based on the options from options.php file. * Supports following hooks: * 'et_<plugin_name>_after_main_options' * 'et_<plugin_name>_after_header_options' * 'et_<plugin_name>_after_save_button' * 'et_<plugin_name>_header_start' * 'et_<plugin_name>_header_end' * * @return array */ function generate_options_page( $sub_array = '' ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { die( -1 ); } if ( $sub_array && wp_doing_ajax() ) { // This request is from the dashboard script to load opt-in settings. We need to send // custom fields data along with the dashboard HTML so we don't want to print anything yet. ob_start(); } $this->dashboard_options = $this->get_options_array(); $dashboard_options = $this->dashboard_options; $dashboard_sections = $this->dashboard_sections; $dashboard_options_assigned = $this->assigned_options; $dashboard_post_types = $this->dashboard_post_types; $dashboard_categories = $this->dashboard_categories; printf( '<div id="et_dashboard_wrapper_outer" class="%1$s"> <div id="et_dashboard_wrapper" class="et_dashboard"> <div id="et_dashboard_header"> <div id="et_dashboard_logo" class="et_dashboard_icon_%2$s et_dashboard_icon"></div> <ul>', esc_attr( $this->plugin_class_name ), esc_attr( $this->plugin_name ) ); if ( isset( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) { printf( '<li class="et_dashboard_tab_content_header_%1$s"> <a href="#tab_et_dashboard_tab_content_header_%1$s" id="et_dashboard_tab_content_header_%1$s" class="et_dashboard_icon_header_%1$s et_dashboard_icon" title="%2$s"> <span></span> </a> </li>', esc_attr( $key ), esc_attr( $value ) ); } } echo ' </ul> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div id="et_dashboard_navigation"> <ul>'; $menu_count = 0; if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) { if ( $key !== 'header') { $current_section = $key; foreach( $value as $key => $value ) { if ( $key == 'title' ){ printf( '<li class="et_dashboard_tab_content_side_%1$s"> <a href="#" class="et_dashboard_icon_%1$s et_dashboard_icon et_dashboard_tab_parent"> <span>%2$s</span> </a>', esc_attr( $current_section ), esc_html( $value ) ); } else { printf( '<ul class="et_dashboard_%1$s_nav">', esc_attr( $current_section ) ); foreach( $value as $key => $value ) { printf( '<li class="et_dashboard_tab_content_side_%2$s"> <a href="#tab_et_dashboard_tab_content_%1$s_%2$s" id="et_dashboard_tab_content_%1$s_%2$s" class="et_dashboard_icon_%2$s et_dashboard_icon"> <span>%3$s</span> </a> </li>', esc_attr( $current_section ), esc_attr( $key ), esc_html( $value ) ); } echo ' </ul> </li>'; } // end else } // end foreach( $value as $key => $value ) } // end if ( $key !== 'header') } //end foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) } // end if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) echo ' </ul> </div> <div id="et_dashboard_content"> <form id="et_dashboard_options" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; settings_fields( 'et_dashboard_settings_group' ); if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) { $current_section = $key; if ( $key !== 'header' ) { foreach( $value[ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) { $current_location = $key; $options_prefix = $current_section . '_' . $key; $options_array = $dashboard_options_assigned[$current_section . '_' . $key . '_options']; $sidebar_section = 'sidebar' == $key ? true : false; printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_tab_content et_dashboard_tab_content_%1$s_%2$s">', esc_attr( $current_section ), esc_attr( $key ) ); foreach( $options_array as $option) { $current_option_name = ''; $hint_output = ''; if ( isset( $option[ 'name' ] ) ) { if ( '' !== $sub_array ) { $current_option_name = $option[ 'name' ]; } else { $current_option_name = $options_prefix . '_' . $option[ 'name' ]; } } if ( '' !== $sub_array ) { $current_option_value = isset( $dashboard_options[$sub_array][$current_option_name] ) ? $dashboard_options[$sub_array][$current_option_name] : ''; if ( ! isset( $dashboard_options[$sub_array][$current_option_name] ) && isset( $option[ 'default' ] ) ) { $current_option_value = isset( $option[ 'default_' . $current_location ] ) ? $option[ 'default_' . $current_location ] : $option[ 'default' ]; } } else { $current_option_value = isset( $dashboard_options[ $current_option_name ] ) ? $dashboard_options[ $current_option_name ] : ''; if ( ! isset( $dashboard_options[ $current_option_name ] ) && isset( $option[ 'default' ] ) ) { $current_option_value = isset( $option[ 'default_' . $current_location ] ) ? $option[ 'default_' . $current_location ] : $option[ 'default' ]; } } if ( isset( $option[ 'hint_text' ] ) ) { $escape = isset( $option[ 'hint_text_with_links' ] ) ? (bool) true : (bool) false; $hint_output = $this->generate_hint( $option[ 'hint_text' ], $escape ); } switch( $option[ 'type' ] ) { case 'select_shape' : printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_row et_dashboard_selection%2$s%4$s"%3$s%5$s> <h2>%1$s</h2> <div style="clear:both;"></div>', esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '' //#5 ); foreach ( $option[ 'value' ] as $shape ){ printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_shape et_dashboard_icon et_dashboard_single_selectable %1$s"> <div class="et_dashboard_shape_tile et_dashboard_icon et_dashboard_shape_%2$s"></div> <input type="radio" class="et_dashboard[%3$s]" name="et_dashboard[%3$s]" value="%2$s" %4$s style="position: absolute; z-index: -1; visibility: hidden;"> </div>', $shape === $current_option_value ? 'et_dashboard_selected' : '', esc_attr( $shape ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), checked( $current_option_value, $shape, false ) ); } echo '</div>'; break; case 'select' : $current_option_list = isset( $option[ 'value_'. $current_location ] ) ? $option[ 'value_'. $current_location ] : $option[ 'value' ]; if ( isset( $option[ 'filter'] ) ) { $current_option_list = apply_filters( $option[ 'filter'], $current_option_list ); } printf( '<li class="select%3$s%5$s%7$s"%4$s%6$s%8$s> <p>%1$s</p> <select name="et_dashboard[%2$s]">', isset( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) ? esc_html( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) : esc_html( $option['title'] ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option et_dashboard_triggered_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_conditional' : '', ( isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', '' !== $sub_array ? esc_attr( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) : esc_attr( $options_prefix . '_' . $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ) : '' ), isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '' //#8 ); foreach ( $current_option_list as $actual_value => $display_value ) { printf( '<option value="%1$s" %2$s>%3$s</option>', esc_attr( $actual_value ), selected( $actual_value, $current_option_value, false ), esc_html( $display_value ) ); } echo ' </select>'; echo $hint_output; echo ' </li>'; break; case 'checkbox' : $checked_value = 1; if ( 'simple_text' === self::$_->array_get( $option, 'validation_type' ) ) { $checked_value = 'true'; }; printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_checkbox clearfix%5$s%6$s%9$s"%4$s%7$s%8$s> <p>%1$s</p> <input type="checkbox" id="et_dashboard[%2$s]" name="et_dashboard[%2$s]" value="1" %3$s> <label for="et_dashboard[%2$s]"></label>', isset( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) ? esc_html( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) : esc_html( $option['title'] ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), checked( $current_option_value, $checked_value, false ), ( isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', '' !== $sub_array ? esc_attr( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) : esc_attr( $options_prefix . '_' . $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ) : '' ), isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_conditional' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option et_dashboard_triggered_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '', isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '' //#9 ); echo $hint_output; echo ' </li>'; break; case 'checkbox_set' : $checkboxes_array = isset( $option[ 'value' ] ) ? $option[ 'value' ] : array(); $current_option_value = isset( $current_option_value ) ? $current_option_value : array(); if ( ! empty( $checkboxes_array ) ) { $i = 0; foreach ( $checkboxes_array as $value => $label ) { printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_checkbox%6$s%8$s"%7$s> <input type="checkbox" id="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][]" value="%3$s" %2$s> <label for="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]"></label> <p>%5$s</p> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), checked( in_array( $value, $current_option_value ), true, false ), esc_attr( $value ), esc_attr( $i ), esc_attr( $label ), //#5 isset( $option[ 'conditional' ][$value] ) ? ' et_dashboard_conditional' : '', ( isset( $option[ 'conditional' ][$value] ) ? sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', esc_attr( $option[ 'conditional' ][$value] ) ) : '' ), isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) . ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) . '_' . esc_attr( $value ) : '' //#8 ); $i++; } } break; case 'input_field' : printf( '<li class="input clearfix%4$s%7$s"%5$s%10$s> <p>%1$s</p> <input type="%9$s" name="et_dashboard[%2$s]" value="%3$s" placeholder="%6$s"%8$s>', isset( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) ? esc_html( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) : esc_html( $option['title'] ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $current_option_value ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', //#5 'number' == $option[ 'subtype' ] ? '0' : esc_attr( $option[ 'placeholder' ] ), 'text' == $option[ 'subtype' ] ? ' et_dashboard_longinput' : '', ( isset( $option['class'] ) ? sprintf( ' class="%1$s"', esc_attr( $option['class'] ) ) : '' ), ( isset( $option['hide_contents'] ) ? 'password' : 'text' ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '' //#10 ); echo $hint_output; echo ' </li>'; break; case 'checkbox_posts' : echo ' <li> <ul class="et_dashboard_inline">'; $i = 0; $current_option_value = '' == $current_option_value ? array() : $current_option_value; $current_option_cats = $current_option_value; // remove unneeded items from categories array unset( $current_option_cats['auto_select'] ); unset( $current_option_cats['previously_saved'] ); $checkbox_array = 'post_types' === $option['subtype'] ? $dashboard_post_types : $dashboard_categories['post']; $post_types = ! empty( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : $checkbox_array; $array_of_saved_cats = isset( $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) ? explode( ',', $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) : array(); foreach ( $post_types as $post_type => $id ){ $is_checked = false; if ( 'post_cats' === $option['subtype'] ) { if ( ! isset( $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) ) { $is_checked = true; } else { if ( isset( $current_option_value['auto_select'] ) && '1' === $current_option_value['auto_select'] ) { $is_checked = !in_array( $post_type, $array_of_saved_cats ) ? true : in_array( $post_type, $current_option_cats ); } else { $is_checked = in_array( $post_type, $current_option_cats ); } } } $conditional_class = ''; $conditional_data = ''; if ( 'post_types' === $option['subtype'] ) { if ( isset( $option[ 'conditional' ]['any_post'] ) && 'page' !== $id ) { $conditional_class = ' et_dashboard_conditional'; $conditional_data = sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', esc_attr( $option['conditional']['any_post'] ) ); } $conditional_class = isset( $option['conditional'][$id] ) ? ' et_dashboard_conditional' : $conditional_class; $conditional_data = isset( $option['conditional'][$id] ) ? sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', esc_attr( $option['conditional'][$id] ) ) : $conditional_data; } printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_checkbox%6$s"%7$s> <input type="checkbox" id="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][]" value="%3$s" %2$s> <label for="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]"></label> <p>%5$s</p> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), 'post_types' === $option['subtype'] ? checked( in_array( $id, $current_option_cats ), true, false ) : checked( $is_checked, true, false ), 'post_types' === $option['subtype'] ? esc_attr( $id ) : esc_attr( $post_type ), esc_attr( $i ), ( 'post_cats' === $option['subtype'] && isset( $option['include_custom'] ) ) ? esc_attr( $id ) . esc_attr__( ' ( post )', 'bloom' ) : esc_attr( $id ), esc_attr( $conditional_class ), $conditional_data ); $i++; } if ( isset( $option['include_custom'] ) && 'post_cats' === $option['subtype'] ) { foreach ( $dashboard_post_types as $post_type ) { if ( 'post' != $post_type && 'page' != $post_type ) { if ( ! empty( $dashboard_categories[$post_type] ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_categories[$post_type] as $cat_id => $cat_name ) { $is_checked = false; if ( ! isset( $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) ) { $is_checked = true; } else { if ( isset( $current_option_value['auto_select'] ) && '1' === $current_option_value['auto_select'] ) { $is_checked = ! in_array( $cat_id, $array_of_saved_cats ) ? true : in_array( $cat_id, $current_option_cats ); } else { $is_checked = in_array( $cat_id, $current_option_cats ); } } printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_checkbox%6$s"%7$s> <input type="checkbox" id="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][]" value="%3$s" %2$s> <label for="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]"></label> <p>%5$s</p> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), checked( $is_checked, true, false ), esc_attr( $cat_id ), esc_attr( $i ), esc_html( $cat_name . ' ( ' . $post_type . ' )' ), esc_attr( $conditional_class ), $conditional_data ); $i++; } } } } } if ( 'post_cats' === $option['subtype'] ) { $current_option_value['auto_select'] = isset( $current_option_value['auto_select'] ) ? $current_option_value['auto_select'] : 0; $current_option_value['auto_select'] = ! isset( $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) ? 1 : $current_option_value['auto_select']; $cat_id_array = array(); printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_checkbox et_dashboard_auto_select"> <input type="checkbox" id="et_dashboard[%1$s][auto_select]" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][auto_select]" value="1" %2$s> <label for="et_dashboard[%1$s][auto_select]"></label> <p>%3$s</p> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), checked( $current_option_value['auto_select'], 1, false ), esc_html__( 'Automatically check categories created in future', 'et_dashboard' ) ); foreach ( $checkbox_array as $id => $name ) { $cat_id_array[] = $id; } if ( isset( $option['include_custom'] ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_post_types as $post_type ) { if ( 'post' != $post_type && 'page' != $post_type ) { if ( ! empty( $dashboard_categories[$post_type] ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_categories[$post_type] as $cat_id => $cat_name ) { $cat_id_array[] = $cat_id; } } } } } $current_option_value['previously_saved'] = implode( ',', $cat_id_array ); printf( ' <li> <input type="hidden" id="et_dashboard[%1$s][previously_saved]" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][previously_saved]" value="%2$s" /> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) ); } echo ' </ul> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </li>'; break; case 'section_start' : printf( '%5$s<div class="et_dashboard_form et_dashboard_row%2$s%7$s"%3$s%4$s%8$s> %1$s %6$s <div style="clear:both;"></div> <ul>', isset( $option[ 'title' ] ) ? sprintf( '<h2>%1$s</h2>', esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ) ) : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', ( isset( $current_option_name ) && '' != $current_option_name ) ? sprintf( ' data-name="et_dashboard[%1$s]"', esc_attr( $current_option_name ) ) : '', ( isset( $option[ 'sub_section' ] ) && true == $option[ 'sub_section' ] ) ? '<li class="et_dashboard_auto_height">' : '', //#5 isset( $option[ 'subtitle' ] ) ? sprintf('<p class="et_dashboard_section_subtitle">%1$s</p>', esc_html( $option[ 'subtitle' ] ) ) : '', isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '' //#8 ); break; case 'section_end' : printf( ' </ul> </div> %1$s', ( isset( $option[ 'sub_section' ] ) && true == $option[ 'sub_section' ] ) ? '</li>' : '' ); break; case 'text' : printf( '<li class="et_dashboard_auto_height%6$s%10$s"%7$s%8$s> %9$s <textarea placeholder="%1$s" rows="%2$s" id="et_dashboard_%4$s" name="et_dashboard[%4$s]"%5$s>%3$s</textarea> </li>', esc_attr( $option[ 'placeholder' ] ), esc_attr( $option[ 'rows' ] ), esc_html( $current_option_value ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), ( isset( $option['class'] ) ? sprintf( ' class="%1$s"', esc_attr( $option['class'] ) ) : '' ), //#5 isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '', ! empty( $option[ 'title' ] ) ? sprintf( '<p>%1$s</p>', esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ) ) : '', ! empty( $option[ 'title' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_text_with_title' : '' //#10 ); break; case 'main_title' : printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_row et_dashboard_selection%3$s"> <h1>%1$s</h1> %2$s </div>', esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ), isset( $option[ 'subtitle' ] ) ? sprintf('<p>%1$s</p>', esc_html( $option[ 'subtitle' ] ) ) : '', isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '' ); break; case 'note' : printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_row et_dashboard_note"> <h2>%1$s</h2> <p> <span>%2$s</span> </p> </div>', esc_html__( 'Note:', 'et_dashboard' ), esc_html( $option[ 'text' ] ) ); break; case 'color_picker' : printf( '<li class="input clearfix et_dashboard_color_picker%5$s%8$s"%6$s%7$s> <p>%4$s</p> <input class="et-dashboard-color-picker" type="text" maxlength="7" placeholder="%1$s" name=et_dashboard[%2$s] value="%3$s" /> </li>', esc_attr( $option[ 'placeholder' ] ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $current_option_value ), esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', // #5 isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"' : '', isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '' //#8 ); break; case 'live_search' : if ( '' === $current_option_value ) { $current_option_value_array = array(); } else { $current_option_value_array = is_array( $current_option_value ) ? $current_option_value : explode( ',', $current_option_value ); } $selected_posts_list = ''; if ( ! empty( $current_option_value_array ) ) { $selected_posts = get_posts( array( 'post__in' => $current_option_value_array, 'post_type' => 'any', 'posts_per_page' => -1, ) ); if ( ! empty( $selected_posts ) ) { foreach( $selected_posts as $single_post ) { $selected_posts_list .= sprintf( ' <span data-post_id="%3$s">[%1$s] - %2$s<span class="et_dashboard_menu_remove"></span></span>', esc_html( $single_post->post_type ), esc_html( $single_post->post_title ), esc_attr( $single_post->ID ) ); } } } printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_selected">%1$s</li> <li class="et_dashboard_live_fields"> <input type="text" class="et_dashboard_search_posts" placeholder="%4$s" data-post_type="%5$s"/><span class="spinner"></span> <input type="hidden" id="et_dashboard[%2$s]" name="et_dashboard[%2$s]" value="%3$s" /> </li> <li class="et_dashboard_live_search_res"> <ul class="et_dashboard_search_results"></ul> </li>', $selected_posts_list, esc_attr( $current_option_name ), is_array( $current_option_value ) ? esc_attr( implode( ',', $current_option_value ) ) : esc_attr( $current_option_value ), esc_attr( $option[ 'placeholder' ] ), esc_attr( $option[ 'post_type' ] ) // supported post types: any, only_pages, only_posts, <post_type_name> ); break; case 'image_upload' : printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_upload_image%7$s"%8$s%9$s> <p>%6$s</p> <input name="et_dashboard[%1$s][url]" type="text" class="et-dashboard-upload-field" value="%2$s" /> <input type="hidden" class="et-dashboard-upload-id" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][id]" value="%10$s"> <input type="button" class="button button-upload et-dashboard-upload-button" value="%3$s" data-choose="%4$s" data-update="%5$s" data-type="image" /> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), isset( $current_option_value['url'] ) ? esc_attr( $current_option_value['url'] ) : '', esc_attr( $option['button_text'] ), esc_attr( $option['wp_media_title'] ), esc_attr( $option['wp_media_button'] ), //#5 isset( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) ? esc_html( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) : esc_html( $option['title'] ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '', isset( $current_option_value['id'] ) ? esc_attr( $current_option_value['id'] ) : '' //#10 ); break; case 'hidden_option' : if ( 'array' == $option[ 'subtype' ] ) { $current_option_value = '' == $current_option_value ? array() : $current_option_value; foreach ( $current_option_value as $single_value ) { printf( '<input name="et_dashboard[%1$s][]" type="hidden" value="%2$s" />', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $single_value ) ); } } else { printf( '<input name="et_dashboard[%1$s]" id="et_dashboard_%1$s" type="hidden" value="%2$s" />', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $current_option_value ) ); } break; case 'button' : printf( '<li class="et_dashboard_action_button"> <a href="%1$s" class="et_dashboard_icon %2$s">%3$s</a> <span class="spinner"></span> </li>', esc_url( $option[ 'link' ] ), esc_html( $option[ 'class' ] ), ( true == $option[ 'authorize' ] && $this->api_is_network_authorized( $option[ 'action' ] ) ) ? esc_html__( 'Re-Authorize', 'et_dashboard' ) : esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ) ); break; case 'font_select' : $fonts_class = ET_Dashboard::load_fonts_class(); $current_option_list = $fonts_class->et_get_google_fonts(); if ( isset( $option[ 'filter'] ) ) { $current_option_list = apply_filters( $option[ 'filter'], $current_option_list ); } printf( '<li class="select%3$s%5$s%7$s"%4$s%6$s%8$s> <p>%1$s</p> <select name="et_dashboard[%2$s]">', isset( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) ? esc_html( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) : esc_html( $option['title'] ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option et_dashboard_triggered_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_conditional' : '', ( isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', '' !== $sub_array ? esc_attr( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) : esc_attr( $options_prefix . '_' . $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ) : '' ), isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '' //#8 ); foreach ( $current_option_list as $font_name => $font_details ) { printf( '<option value="%1$s" class="et_dashboard_font_%1$s" %2$s>%3$s</option>', esc_attr( $font_name ), selected( $font_name, $current_option_value, false ), esc_html( $font_name ) ); } echo ' </select>'; echo $hint_output; echo '</li>'; break; case 'custom_fields': echo '<li id="et-fb-app"><div id="et_bloom_custom_field_manager"/></li>'; break; case 'react-portal-container': printf('<li class="et_bloom_react_portal_%1$s et_bloom_react_portal_empty" data-label="%2$s"></li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $option['title'] ) ); break; } // end switch do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_after_main_options', $option, $current_option_value ); } // end foreach( $options_array as $option) echo '</div>'; } // end foreach( $value['contents'] as $key => $value ) } // end if ( $key !== 'header') } // end foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) } // end if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_row et_dashboard_save_changes %3$s"> <button class="et_dashboard_icon"%2$s>%1$s</button> <span class="spinner"></span> </div> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save_dashboard" />', esc_html( $this->save_button_text ), '' !== $sub_array ? sprintf( 'data-subtitle="%1$s"', esc_attr( $sub_array ) ) : '', esc_attr( apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_save_button_class', '' ) ) ); do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_after_save_button' ); echo '</form>'; if ( isset( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] ) ) { do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_header_start' ); foreach ( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) { $options_array = $dashboard_options_assigned['header_' . $key . '_options']; printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_tab_content et_dashboard_tab_content_header_%1$s et_dashboard_header_option">', esc_attr( $key ) ); if ( isset( $options_array ) ) { foreach( $options_array as $option ) { switch( $option[ 'type' ] ) { case 'import_export' : printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_form et_dashboard_row"> <h1>%1$s</h1> <p>%2$s</p> </div> <div class="et_dashboard_import_form et_dashboard_row"> <h2>%3$s</h2> <p class="et_dashboard_section_subtitle">%4$s</p> <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="et_dashboard_action" value="export_settings" /> <p>', esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ), esc_html__( sprintf( 'You can either export your %1$s Settings or import settings from another install of %1$s below.', esc_html( ucfirst( $this->plugin_name ) ) ), 'et_dashboard' ), sprintf( esc_html__( 'Export %1$s Settings', 'et_dashboard' ), esc_html( ucfirst( $this->plugin_name ) ) ), esc_html__( 'Export the plugin settings for this site as a .json file. This allows you to easily import the configuration into another site.', 'et_dashboard' ) ); wp_nonce_field( 'et_dashboard_export_nonce', 'et_dashboard_export_nonce' ); printf( ' <button class="et_dashboard_icon et_dashboard_icon_importexport" type="submit" name="submit_export" id="submit_export">' . esc_html__( 'Export', 'et_dashboard' ) . '</button> </p> </form> </div> <div class="et_dashboard_form et_dashboard_row"> <h2>%1$s</h2> <div class="et_dashboard_import_form et_dashboard_row"> <p class="et_dashboard_section_subtitle">%2$s</p> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="%4$s.php?page=%3$s#tab_et_dashboard_tab_content_header_importexport"> <input type="file" name="import_file"/>', sprintf( esc_html__( 'Import %1$s Settings', 'et_dashboard' ), esc_html( ucfirst( $this->plugin_name ) ) ), esc_html__( 'Import the plugin settings from a .json file. This file can be obtained by exporting the settings on another site using the form above.', 'et_dashboard' ), esc_attr( $this->_options_pagename ), 'toplevel_page' == $this->top_level_page ? 'admin' : esc_attr( $this->top_level_page ) ); wp_nonce_field( 'et_dashboard_import_nonce', 'et_dashboard_import_nonce' ); echo ' <button class="et_dashboard_icon et_dashboard_icon_importexport" type="submit" name="submit_import" id="submit_import">' . esc_html__( 'Import', 'et_dashboard' ) . '</button> <input type="hidden" name="et_dashboard_action" value="import_settings" /> </form> </div> </div>'; break; } // end switch do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_after_header_options', $option, $dashboard_options ); } // end foreach( $options_array as $option ) } // end if ( isset( $options_array ) ) echo '</div><!-- .et_dashboard_tab_content_header_ -->'; } // end foreach ( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_header_end' ); } // end if ( isset( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] ) ) echo ' </div> </div> </div>'; if ( $sub_array && wp_doing_ajax() ) { $data = array( 'dashboard_html' => ob_get_clean(), 'custom_field_definitions' => ET_Core_API_Email_Fields::get_definitions( 'bloom' ), 'setting_values' => self::$_->array_get( $dashboard_options, $sub_array, new stdClass ), 'predefined_custom_fields' => ET_Core_API_Email_Providers::instance()->custom_fields_data(), ); wp_send_json_success( $data ); } } /** * Removes unneeded options from the export file. Array of options can be modified using 'et_<plugin_name>_export_exclude' filter. * @return array */ function remove_site_specific_fields( $settings ) { $remove_options = apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_export_exclude', array( 'access_tokens', 'db_version', ) ); foreach ( $remove_options as $option ) { if ( isset( $settings[$option] ) ) { unset( $settings[$option] ); } } return $settings; } function process_settings_export() { if( empty( $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_action' ] ) || 'export_settings' !== $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_action' ] ) { return; } if( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_export_nonce' ], 'et_dashboard_export_nonce' ) ) { return; } if( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } $dashboard_options = $this->dashboard_options; ignore_user_abort( true ); nocache_headers(); header( 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' ); header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $this->plugin_name . '-settings-export-' . date( 'm-d-Y' ) . '.json' ); header( "Expires: 0" ); echo json_encode( $this->remove_site_specific_fields( $dashboard_options ) ); exit; } /** * Processes .json file with settings and import settings into the database. * Supports settings in 2 formats: * 1) [option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * 2) key_1[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n], key_2[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n], ... , key_n[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * Works with 1 format by default, format can be changed using 'et_<plugin_name>_import_sub_array' filter. Set to TRUE to enable 2 format. * Import array can be modified before importing data using 'et_<plugin_name>_import_array' filter */ function process_settings_import() { if( empty( $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_action' ] ) || 'import_settings' !== $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_action' ] ) { return; } if( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_import_nonce' ], 'et_dashboard_import_nonce' ) ) { return; } if( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } $end_array = explode( '.', $_FILES[ 'import_file' ][ 'name' ] ); $extension = end( $end_array ); $import_file = $_FILES[ 'import_file' ][ 'tmp_name' ]; if ( empty( $import_file ) ) { echo $this->generate_modal_warning( esc_html__( 'Please select .json file for import', 'et_dashboard' ) ); return; } if ( $extension !== 'json' ) { echo $this->generate_modal_warning( esc_html__( 'Please provide valid .json file', 'et_dashboard' ) ); return; } // Retrieve the settings from the file and convert the json object to an array. $dashboard_settings = (array) json_decode( file_get_contents( $import_file ), true ); $sub_array = apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_import_sub_array', false ); $error_message = $this->prepare_import_settings( apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_import_array', $dashboard_settings ), $sub_array ); if ( ! empty( $error_message ) ) { echo $this->generate_modal_warning( $error_message ); } else { $options_page = 'toplevel_page' === $this->top_level_page ? 'admin' : $this->top_level_page; echo $this->generate_modal_warning( esc_html__( 'Options imported successfully.', 'et_dashboard' ), admin_url( $options_page . '.php?page=' . $this->_options_pagename ), true ); } } }
Save Changes
Rename File