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<?php /** * Dynamically generate CSS code. * The code depends on options set in the Highend Options and Post/Page metaboxes. * * If possible, write the dynamically generated code into a .css file, otherwise return the code. The file is refreshed on each modification of metaboxes & theme options. * * @package Sinatra * @author Sinatra Team <> * @since 1.0.0 */ /** * Do not allow direct script access. */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } if ( ! class_exists( 'Sinatra_Dynamic_Styles' ) ) : /** * Dynamically generate CSS code. */ class Sinatra_Dynamic_Styles { /** * Singleton instance of the class. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var object */ private static $instance; /** * URI for Dynamic CSS file. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var object */ private $dynamic_css_uri; /** * Path for Dynamic CSS file. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var object */ private $dynamic_css_path; /** * Main Sinatra_Dynamic_Styles Instance. * * @since 1.0.0 * @return Sinatra_Dynamic_Styles */ public static function instance() { if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) && ! ( self::$instance instanceof Sinatra_Dynamic_Styles ) ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Primary class constructor. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function __construct() { $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $this->dynamic_css_uri = trailingslashit( set_url_scheme( $upload_dir['baseurl'] ) ) . 'sinatra/'; $this->dynamic_css_path = trailingslashit( set_url_scheme( $upload_dir['basedir'] ) ) . 'sinatra/'; if ( ! is_customize_preview() && wp_is_writable( trailingslashit( $upload_dir['basedir'] ) ) ) { add_action( 'sinatra_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_dynamic_style' ), 20 ); } else { add_action( 'sinatra_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'print_dynamic_style' ), 99 ); } // Include button styles. add_filter( 'sinatra_dynamic_styles', array( $this, 'get_button_styles' ), 6 ); // Remove Customizer Custom CSS from wp_head, we will include it in our dynamic file. if ( ! is_customize_preview() ) { remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_custom_css_cb', 101 ); } // Generate new styles on Customizer Save action. add_action( 'customize_save_after', array( $this, 'update_dynamic_file' ) ); // Generate new styles on theme activation. add_action( 'after_switch_theme', array( $this, 'update_dynamic_file' ) ); // Delete the css stye on theme deactivation. add_action( 'switch_theme', array( $this, 'delete_dynamic_file' ) ); // Generate initial dynamic css. add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) ); } /** * Init. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function init() { // Ensure we have dynamic stylesheet generated. if ( false === get_transient( 'sinatra_has_dynamic_css' ) ) { $this->update_dynamic_file(); } } /** * Enqueues dynamic styles file. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function enqueue_dynamic_style() { $exists = file_exists( $this->dynamic_css_path . 'dynamic-styles.css' ); // Generate the file if it's missing. if ( ! $exists ) { $exists = $this->update_dynamic_file(); } // Enqueue the file if available. if ( $exists ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'sinatra-dynamic-styles', $this->dynamic_css_uri . 'dynamic-styles.css', false, filemtime( $this->dynamic_css_path . 'dynamic-styles.css' ), 'all' ); } } /** * Prints inline dynamic styles if writing to file is not possible. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function print_dynamic_style() { $dynamic_css = $this->get_css(); wp_add_inline_style( 'sinatra-styles', $dynamic_css ); } /** * Generates dynamic CSS code, minifies it and cleans cache. * * @param boolean $custom_css - should we include the wp_get_custom_css. * @return string, minifed code * @since 1.0.0 */ public function get_css( $custom_css = false ) { // Refresh options. sinatra()->options->refresh(); // Delete google fonts enqueue transients. delete_transient( 'sinatra_google_fonts_enqueue' ); // Add our theme custom CSS. $css = ''; // Accent color. $accent_color = sinatra_option( 'accent_color' ); $css .= ' #si-scroll-top:hover::before, .si-btn, input[type=submit], input[type=reset], .comment-form input[type=checkbox]:checked, #comments .bypostauthor-badge, .single .post-tags a:hover, .single .post-category .cat-links a:hover, .tagcloud a:hover, #main .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-current, .si-btn.sinatra-read-more::after, .post_format-post-format-quote .si-blog-entry-content .quote-post-bg::after, .si-hover-slider .post-category a, .si-single-title-in-page-header.single .page-header .post-category a, .entry-media > a:hover .entry-media-icon::before, .si-pre-footer-cta-style-1 #si-pre-footer .si-flex-row::after, .si-pre-footer-cta-style-2 #si-pre-footer::after, .select2-container--default .select2-results__option--highlighted[aria-selected], .si-input-supported input[type=radio]:checked::before, .si-input-supported input[type=checkbox]:checked, .sinatra-sidebar-style-2 #secondary .widget-title::before, .sinatra-sidebar-style-2 .elementor-widget-sidebar .widget-title::before, .widget .cat-item a:hover + span, .widget_archive li a:hover + span, .widget .cat-item.current-cat a + span, #sinatra-footer .widget .cat-item a:hover + span, #sinatra-footer .widget_archive li a:hover + span, #sinatra-footer .widget .cat-item.current-cat a + span, .si-btn.btn-outline:hover, #infinite-handle span { background-color: ' . $accent_color . '; } .si-btn:hover, #infinite-handle span:hover, input[type=submit]:hover, input[type=reset]:hover, input[type=reset]:focus, .si-btn:focus, input[type=submit]:focus, .si-hover-slider .post-category a:hover, .si-single-title-in-page-header.single .page-header .post-category a:hover { background-color: ' . sinatra_luminance( $accent_color, .15 ) . '; } mark, span.highlight, code, kbd, var, samp, tt { background-color: ' . sinatra_hex2rgba( $accent_color, .09 ) . '; } code.block { background-color: ' . sinatra_hex2rgba( $accent_color, .075 ) . '; } .content-area a:not(.si-btn):not(.wp-block-button__link), #secondary .sinatra-core-custom-list-widget .si-entry a:not(.si-btn), #secondary a:not(.si-btn):hover, .si-header-widgets .si-header-widget.sinatra-active, .sinatra-logo .site-title a:hover, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li > a:hover, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-item > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-ancestor > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.page_item_has_children:hover > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current_page_item > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current_page_ancestor > a, #sinatra-topbar .sinatra-nav > ul > li > a:hover, #sinatra-topbar .sinatra-nav > ul > > a, #sinatra-topbar .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-item > a, #sinatra-topbar .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-ancestor > a, .si-topbar-widget__text a:hover, .si-topbar-widget__text a, .sinatra-social-nav > ul > li > a .si-icon.bottom-icon, .si-header-widgets a:not(.si-btn):hover, #sinatra-header-inner .si-header-widgets .sinatra-active, .sinatra-pagination .navigation .nav-links .page-numbers:hover, .widget .cat-item.current-cat > a, .widget ul li.current_page_item > a, #main .search-form .search-submit:hover, #colophon .search-form .search-submit:hover, #cancel-comment-reply-link:hover, .comment-form .required, .navigation .nav-links .page-numbers:hover, #main .entry-meta a:hover, #main .author-box-title a:hover, .single .post-category a, .page-links span:hover, .site-content .page-links span:hover, .navigation .nav-links .page-numbers.current, .page-links > span, .site-content .page-links > span, .si-btn.btn-outline, code, kbd, var, samp, tt, .is-mobile-menu-active .si-hamburger, .si-hamburger:hover, .single #main .post-nav a:hover, #sinatra-topbar .si-topbar-widget__text .si-icon { color: ' . $accent_color . '; } #page ::-moz-selection { background-color: ' . $accent_color . '; color: #FFF; } #page ::selection { background-color: ' . $accent_color . '; color: #FFF; } #comments .comment-actions .reply a:hover, .comment-form input[type=checkbox]:checked, .comment-form input[type=checkbox]:focus, .comment-form input[type=radio]:checked, .comment-form input[type=radio]:focus, .single .post-category a, #colophon, #secondary .widget-title, .elementor-widget-sidebar .widget-title, .si-hover-slider .post-category a, .si-single-title-in-page-header.single .page-header .post-category a, .si-entry blockquote,,, .wp-block-quote.has-text-align-right, .navigation .nav-links .page-numbers.current, .page-links > span, .site-content .page-links > span, .si-input-supported input[type=radio]:checked, .si-input-supported input[type=checkbox]:checked, .si-btn.btn-outline { border-color: ' . $accent_color . '; } #masthead .si-header-widgets .dropdown-item::after, .sinatra-nav > ul .sub-menu::after, textarea:focus, input[type="text"]:focus, input[type="email"]:focus, input[type=password]:focus, input[type=tel]:focus, input[type=url]:focus, input[type=search]:focus, input[type=date]:focus { border-bottom-color: ' . $accent_color . '; outline: none !important; } .si-header-widgets .dropdown-item, .preloader-1 > div, .sinatra-nav .sub-menu { border-top-color: ' . $accent_color . '; } .sinatra-animate-arrow:hover .arrow-handle, .sinatra-animate-arrow:hover .arrow-bar, .sinatra-animate-arrow:focus .arrow-handle, .sinatra-animate-arrow:focus .arrow-bar, .sinatra-pagination .navigation .nav-links .sinatra-animate-arrow .arrow-handle, .sinatra-pagination .navigation .nav-links .page-numbers.prev:hover .sinatra-animate-arrow .arrow-handle, .sinatra-pagination .navigation .nav-links .sinatra-animate-arrow .arrow-bar, .sinatra-pagination .navigation .nav-links .page-numbers.prev:hover .sinatra-animate-arrow .arrow-bar { fill: ' . $accent_color . '; } .si-input-supported input[type=checkbox]:focus:hover { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px ' . $accent_color . '; } '; $header_layout_3_additional_css = ''; if ( 'layout-3' === sinatra_option( 'header_layout' ) || is_customize_preview() ) { $header_layout_3_additional_css = ' .sinatra-header-layout-3 .si-logo-container > .si-container { flex-wrap: wrap; } .sinatra-header-layout-3 .si-logo-container .sinatra-logo > .logo-inner { align-items: flex-start; } .sinatra-header-layout-3 .si-logo-container .sinatra-logo { order: 0; align-items: flex-start; flex-basis: auto; margin-left: 0; } .sinatra-header-layout-3 .si-logo-container .si-header-element { flex-basis: auto; } .sinatra-header-layout-3 .si-logo-container .si-mobile-nav { order: 5; } '; } /** * Top Bar. */ // Background. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '#sinatra-topbar', 'top_bar_background', 'background' ); // Border. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '#sinatra-topbar', 'top_bar_border', 'border' ); $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-topbar-widget', 'top_bar_border', 'separator_color' ); // Top Bar colors. $topbar_color = sinatra_option( 'top_bar_text_color' ); // Top Bar text color. if ( isset( $topbar_color['text-color'] ) && $topbar_color['text-color'] ) { $css .= '#sinatra-topbar { color: ' . $topbar_color['text-color'] . '; }'; } // Top Bar link color. if ( isset( $topbar_color['link-color'] ) && $topbar_color['link-color'] ) { $css .= ' .si-topbar-widget__text a, .si-topbar-widget .sinatra-nav > ul > li > a, .si-topbar-widget__socials .sinatra-social-nav > ul > li > a, #sinatra-topbar .si-topbar-widget__text .si-icon { color: ' . $topbar_color['link-color'] . '; } '; } // Top Bar link hover color. if ( isset( $topbar_color['link-hover-color'] ) && $topbar_color['link-hover-color'] ) { $css .= ' #sinatra-topbar .sinatra-nav > ul > li > a:hover, #sinatra-topbar .sinatra-nav > ul > > a, #sinatra-topbar .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-item > a, #sinatra-topbar .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-ancestor > a, #sinatra-topbar .si-topbar-widget__text a:hover, #sinatra-topbar .sinatra-social-nav > ul > li > a .si-icon.bottom-icon { color: ' . $topbar_color['link-hover-color'] . '; } '; } /** * Header. */ // Background. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '#sinatra-header-inner', 'header_background', 'background' ); // Font colors. $header_color = sinatra_option( 'header_text_color' ); // Header text color. if ( isset( $header_color['text-color'] ) && $header_color['text-color'] ) { $css .= '.sinatra-logo .site-description { color: ' . $header_color['text-color'] . '; }'; } // Header link color. if ( isset( $header_color['link-color'] ) && $header_color['link-color'] ) { $css .= ' #sinatra-header, .si-header-widgets a:not(.si-btn), .sinatra-logo a, .si-hamburger { color: ' . $header_color['link-color'] . '; } '; } // Header link hover color. if ( isset( $header_color['link-hover-color'] ) && $header_color['link-hover-color'] ) { $css .= ' .si-header-widgets a:not(.si-btn):hover, #sinatra-header-inner .si-header-widgets .sinatra-active, .sinatra-logo .site-title a:hover, .si-hamburger:hover, .is-mobile-menu-active .si-hamburger, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li > a:hover, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-item > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-ancestor > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.page_item_has_children:hover > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current_page_item > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current_page_ancestor > a { color: ' . $header_color['link-hover-color'] . '; } '; } // Header border. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '#sinatra-header-inner', 'header_border', 'border' ); // Header separator color. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-header-widget', 'header_border', 'separator_color' ); // Main navigation breakpoint. $css .= ' @media screen and (max-width: ' . intval( sinatra_option( 'main_nav_mobile_breakpoint' ) ) . 'px) { #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav { display: none; color: #000; } .si-mobile-nav { display: inline-flex; } #sinatra-header-inner { position: relative; } #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li > a { color: inherit; } #sinatra-header-inner .si-nav-container { position: static; border: none; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation { display: none; position: absolute; top: 100%; width: 100%; left: 0; right: 0; margin: -1px 0 0; background: #FFF; border-top: 1px solid #eaeaea; box-shadow: 0 15px 25px -10px rgba(50, 52, 54, 0.125); z-index: 999; font-size: 1rem; padding: 0; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul { max-height: initial; display: block; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul > li > a { padding: 0 !important; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul li { display: block; width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; margin-left: 0 !important; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul .sub-menu { position: static; display: none; border: none; box-shadow: none; border: 0; opacity: 1; visibility: visible; font-size: rem(14px); transform: none; background: #f8f8f8; pointer-events: all; min-width: initial; left: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; border-radius: 0; line-height: inherit; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul .sub-menu > li > a > span { padding-left: 50px !important; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul .sub-menu .sub-menu > li > a > span { padding-left: 70px !important; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul .sub-menu a > span { padding: 10px 30px 10px 50px; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul a { padding: 0; position: relative; border-bottom: 1px solid #eaeaea; background: none; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul a > span { padding: 10px 30px !important; width: 100%; display: block; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul a > span::after, #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul a > span::before { display: none !important; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul a > span.description { display: none; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul .menu-item-has-children > a > span { max-width: calc(100% - 50px); } #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav .menu-item-has-children>a > span, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav .page_item_has_children>a > span { border-right: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.09); } #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav .menu-item-has-children>a > .si-icon, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav .page_item_has_children>a > .si-icon { transform: none; width: 50px; margin: 0; position: absolute; right: 0; pointer-events: none; height: 1em; } #sinatra-header-inner .site-navigation > ul > a > .si-icon { transform: rotate(180deg); } .sinatra-header-layout-3 .sinatra-widget-location-left .dropdown-item { left: auto; right: -7px; } .sinatra-header-layout-3 .sinatra-widget-location-left .dropdown-item::after { left: auto; right: 8px; } .sinatra-nav .sub-menu li.current-menu-item > a { font-weight: bold; } ' . $header_layout_3_additional_css . ' } '; /** * Main Navigation. */ // Font Color. $main_nav_font_color = sinatra_option( 'main_nav_font_color' ); if ( $main_nav_font_color['link-color'] ) { $css .= '#sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li > a { color: ' . $main_nav_font_color['link-color'] . '; }'; } if ( $main_nav_font_color['link-hover-color'] ) { $css .= ' #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li > a:hover, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-item > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-ancestor > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.page_item_has_children:hover > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current_page_item > a, #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current_page_ancestor > a { color: ' . $main_nav_font_color['link-hover-color'] . '; } '; } if ( 'layout-3' === sinatra_option( 'header_layout' ) ) { // Background. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.sinatra-header-layout-3 .si-nav-container', 'main_nav_background', 'background' ); // Border. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.sinatra-header-layout-3 .si-nav-container', 'main_nav_border', 'border' ); } // Font size. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( ', .sinatra-header-layout-1 .si-header-widgets, .sinatra-header-layout-2 .si-header-widgets', 'font-size', 'main_nav_font_size', false ); /** * Hero Section. */ if ( sinatra_option( 'enable_hero' ) ) { // Hero height. $css .= '#hero .si-hover-slider .hover-slide-item { height: ' . sinatra_option( 'hero_hover_slider_height' ) . 'px; }'; } /** * Pre Footer. */ if ( sinatra_option( 'enable_pre_footer_cta' ) ) { // Call to Action. if ( sinatra_option( 'enable_pre_footer_cta' ) ) { $cta_style = absint( sinatra_option( 'pre_footer_cta_style' ) ); // Background. $cta_background = sinatra_option( 'pre_footer_cta_background' ); if ( 1 === $cta_style || is_customize_preview() ) { $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-pre-footer-cta-style-1 #si-pre-footer .si-flex-row::after', 'pre_footer_cta_background', 'background' ); } if ( 2 === $cta_style || is_customize_preview() ) { $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-pre-footer-cta-style-2 #si-pre-footer::after', 'pre_footer_cta_background', 'background' ); } if ( 'image' === $cta_background['background-type'] && isset( $cta_background['background-color-overlay'] ) && $cta_background['background-color-overlay'] ) { $css .= ' .si-pre-footer-cta-style-1 #si-pre-footer .si-flex-row::before, .si-pre-footer-cta-style-2 #si-pre-footer::before { background-color: ' . $cta_background['background-color-overlay'] . '; } '; } // Text color. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '#si-pre-footer .h2, #si-pre-footer .h3, #si-pre-footer .h4', 'pre_footer_cta_text_color', 'color' ); // Border. if ( 1 === $cta_style || is_customize_preview() ) { $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-pre-footer-cta-style-1 #si-pre-footer .si-flex-row::before', 'pre_footer_cta_border', 'border' ); } if ( 2 === $cta_style || is_customize_preview() ) { $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-pre-footer-cta-style-2 #si-pre-footer::before', 'pre_footer_cta_border', 'border' ); } // Font size. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( '#si-pre-footer .h3', 'font-size', 'pre_footer_cta_font_size', true ); } } // Footer Background. if ( sinatra_option( 'enable_footer' ) || sinatra_option( 'enable_copyright' ) ) { // Background. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '#colophon', 'footer_background', 'background' ); // Footer font color. $footer_font_color = sinatra_option( 'footer_text_color' ); // Footer text color. if ( isset( $footer_font_color['text-color'] ) && $footer_font_color['text-color'] ) { $css .= ' #colophon { color: ' . $footer_font_color['text-color'] . '; } '; } // Footer link color. if ( isset( $footer_font_color['link-color'] ) && $footer_font_color['link-color'] ) { $css .= ' #colophon a { color: ' . $footer_font_color['link-color'] . '; } '; } // Footer link hover color. if ( isset( $footer_font_color['link-hover-color'] ) && $footer_font_color['link-hover-color'] ) { $css .= ' #colophon a:hover, #colophon li.current_page_item > a, #colophon .sinatra-social-nav > ul > li > a .si-icon.bottom-icon { color: ' . $footer_font_color['link-hover-color'] . '; } '; } // Footer widget title. if ( isset( $footer_font_color['widget-title-color'] ) && $footer_font_color['widget-title-color'] ) { $css .= ' #colophon .widget-title { color: ' . $footer_font_color['widget-title-color'] . '; } '; } } // Main Footer border. if ( sinatra_option( 'enable_footer' ) ) { // Border. $footer_border = sinatra_option( 'footer_border' ); if ( $footer_border['border-top-width'] ) { $css .= ' #colophon { border-top-width: ' . $footer_border['border-top-width'] . 'px; border-top-style: ' . $footer_border['border-style'] . '; border-top-color: ' . $footer_border['border-color'] . '; } '; } if ( $footer_border['border-bottom-width'] ) { $css .= ' #colophon { border-bottom-width: ' . $footer_border['border-bottom-width'] . 'px; border-bottom-style: ' . $footer_border['border-style'] . '; border-bottom-color: ' . $footer_border['border-color'] . '; } '; } } // Sidebar. $css .= ' #secondary { width: ' . intval( sinatra_option( 'sidebar_width' ) ) . '%; } body:not(.sinatra-no-sidebar) #primary { max-width: ' . intval( 100 - intval( sinatra_option( 'sidebar_width' ) ) ) . '%; } '; // Content background. $boxed_content_background_color = sinatra_option( 'boxed_content_background_color' ); // Boxed Separated Layout specific CSS. $css .= ' .author-box, .sinatra-layout__boxed-separated #content, .sinatra-layout__boxed-separated.sinatra-sidebar-style-3 #secondary .si-widget, .sinatra-layout__boxed-separated.sinatra-sidebar-style-3 .elementor-widget-sidebar .si-widget, .sinatra-article, .sinatra-article, .sinatra-layout__boxed-separated.category .sinatra-article { background-color: ' . $boxed_content_background_color . '; } @media screen and (max-width: 960px) { .sinatra-layout__boxed-separated #page { background-color: ' . $boxed_content_background_color . '; } } '; $css .= ' .sinatra-layout__boxed #page { background-color: ' . $boxed_content_background_color . '; } '; // Content text color. $content_text_color = sinatra_option( 'content_text_color' ); $css .= ' body { color: ' . $content_text_color . '; } .comment-form .comment-notes, #comments .no-comments, #page .wp-caption .wp-caption-text, #comments .comment-meta, .comments-closed, .entry-meta, .si-entry cite, legend, .si-page-header-description, .page-links em, .site-content .page-links em, .single .entry-footer .last-updated, .single .post-nav .post-nav-title, #main .widget_recent_comments span, #main .widget_recent_entries span, #main .widget_calendar table > caption, .post-thumb-caption, .wp-block-image figcaption, .wp-block-embed figcaption { color: ' . sinatra_hex2rgba( $content_text_color, 0.73 ) . '; } .navigation .nav-links .page-numbers svg { fill: ' . sinatra_hex2rgba( $content_text_color, 0.73 ) . '; } '; // Lightened or darkened background color for backgrounds, borders & inputs. $background_color = sinatra_get_background_color(); $content_text_color_offset = sinatra_light_or_dark( $background_color, sinatra_luminance( $background_color, -0.045 ), sinatra_luminance( $background_color, 0.2 ) ); // Only add for dark background color. if ( ! sinatra_is_light_color( $background_color ) ) { $css .= ' #content textarea, #content input[type="text"], #content input[type="number"], #content input[type="email"], #content input[type=password], #content input[type=tel], #content input[type=url], #content input[type=search], #content input[type=date] { background-color: ' . $background_color . '; } '; // Offset border color. $css .= ' .sinatra-sidebar-style-3 #secondary .si-widget { border-color: ' . $content_text_color_offset . '; } '; // Offset background color. $css .= ' .entry-meta .entry-meta-elements > span:before { background-color: ' . $content_text_color_offset . '; } '; } // Content link hover color. $css .= ' .content-area a:not(.si-btn):not(.wp-block-button__link):hover, #secondary .sinatra-core-custom-list-widget .si-entry a:not(.si-btn):hover, .si-breadcrumbs a:hover { color: ' . sinatra_option( 'content_link_hover_color' ) . '; } '; // Headings Color. $css .= ' h1, h2, h3, h4, .h4, h5, h6, .h1, .h2, .h3, .sinatra-logo .site-title, .error-404 .page-header h1 { color: ' . sinatra_option( 'headings_color' ) . '; } '; // Container width. $css .= ' .si-container, > div { max-width: ' . sinatra_option( 'container_width' ) . 'px; } .sinatra-layout__boxed #page, #sinatra-header-inner, #sinatra-header-inner, #sinatra-header-inner .si-nav-container > .si-container { max-width: ' . ( intval( sinatra_option( 'container_width' ) ) + 100 ) . 'px; } '; // Adjust fullwidth sections for boxed layouts. if ( 'boxed' === sinatra_option( 'site_layout' ) || is_customize_preview() ) { $css .= ' @media screen and (max-width: ' . intval( sinatra_option( 'container_width' ) ) . 'px) { body.sinatra-layout__boxed.sinatra-no-sidebar .elementor-section.elementor-section-stretched, body.sinatra-layout__boxed.sinatra-no-sidebar .si-fw-section, body.sinatra-layout__boxed.sinatra-no-sidebar .entry-content .alignfull { margin-left: -50px !important; margin-right: -50px !important; } } '; } // Logo max height. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( '.sinatra-logo img', 'max-height', 'logo_max_height' ); $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( '.sinatra-logo', 'height', 'logo_max_height' ); // Logo margin. $css .= $this->get_spacing_field_css( '.sinatra-logo .logo-inner', 'margin', 'logo_margin' ); /** * Transparent header. */ // Logo max height. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( '.si-tsp-header .sinatra-logo img', 'max-height', 'tsp_logo_max_height' ); $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( '.si-tsp-header .sinatra-logo', 'height', 'tsp_logo_max_height' ); // Logo margin. $css .= $this->get_spacing_field_css( '.si-tsp-header .sinatra-logo .logo-inner', 'margin', 'tsp_logo_margin' ); // Main Header custom background. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-tsp-header #sinatra-header-inner', 'tsp_header_background', 'background' ); /** Font Colors */ $tsp_font_color = sinatra_option( 'tsp_header_font_color' ); // Header text color. if ( isset( $tsp_font_color['text-color'] ) && $tsp_font_color['text-color'] ) { $css .= ' .si-tsp-header .sinatra-logo .site-description { color: ' . $tsp_font_color['text-color'] . '; } '; } // Header link color. if ( isset( $tsp_font_color['link-color'] ) && $tsp_font_color['link-color'] ) { $css .= ' .si-tsp-header #sinatra-header, .si-tsp-header .si-header-widgets a:not(.si-btn), .si-tsp-header .sinatra-logo a, .si-tsp-header .si-hamburger, .si-tsp-header #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li > a { color: ' . $tsp_font_color['link-color'] . '; } '; } // Header link hover color. if ( isset( $tsp_font_color['link-hover-color'] ) && $tsp_font_color['link-hover-color'] ) { $css .= ' .si-tsp-header .si-header-widgets a:not(.si-btn):hover, .si-tsp-header #sinatra-header-inner .si-header-widgets .sinatra-active, .si-tsp-header .sinatra-logo .site-title a:hover, .si-tsp-header .si-hamburger:hover, .is-mobile-menu-active .si-tsp-header .si-hamburger, .si-tsp-header #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li > a:hover, .si-tsp-header #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > > a, .si-tsp-header #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-item > a, .si-tsp-header #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-ancestor > a, .si-tsp-header #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.page_item_has_children:hover > a, .si-tsp-header #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current_page_item > a, .si-tsp-header #sinatra-header-inner .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current_page_ancestor > a { color: ' . $tsp_font_color['link-hover-color'] . '; } '; } /** Border Color */ $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-tsp-header #sinatra-header-inner', 'tsp_header_border', 'border' ); /** Separator Color */ $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-tsp-header .si-header-widget', 'tsp_header_border', 'separator_color' ); /** * Page Header. */ if ( sinatra_option( 'page_header_enable' ) ) { // Font size. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( '#page .page-header .page-title', 'font-size', 'page_header_font_size', true ); // Page Title spacing. $css .= $this->get_spacing_field_css( '.si-page-title-align-left, .si-page-title-align-right, .si-page-title-align-center .page-header .si-page-header-wrapper', 'padding', 'page_header_spacing' ); // Page Header background. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-tsp-header:not(.si-tsp-absolute) #masthead', 'page_header_background', 'background' ); $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.page-header', 'page_header_background', 'background' ); // Page Header font color. $page_header_color = sinatra_option( 'page_header_text_color' ); // Page Header text color. if ( isset( $page_header_color['text-color'] ) && $page_header_color['text-color'] ) { $css .= ' .page-header .page-title { color: ' . $page_header_color['text-color'] . '; } .page-header .si-page-header-description { color: ' . sinatra_hex2rgba( $page_header_color['text-color'], 0.75 ) . '; } '; } // Page Header link color. if ( isset( $page_header_color['link-color'] ) && $page_header_color['link-color'] ) { $css .= ' .page-header .si-breadcrumbs a { color: ' . $page_header_color['link-color'] . '; } .page-header .si-breadcrumbs span, .page-header .breadcrumb-trail .trail-items li::after, .page-header .si-breadcrumbs .separator { color: ' . sinatra_hex2rgba( $page_header_color['link-color'], 0.75 ) . '; } '; } // Page Header link hover color. if ( isset( $page_header_color['link-hover-color'] ) && $page_header_color['link-hover-color'] ) { $css .= ' .page-header .si-breadcrumbs a:hover { color: ' . $page_header_color['link-hover-color'] . '; } '; } // Page Header border color. $page_header_border = sinatra_option( 'page_header_border' ); $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.page-header', 'page_header_border', 'border' ); } /** * Breadcrumbs. */ if ( sinatra_option( 'breadcrumbs_enable' ) ) { // Spacing. $css .= $this->get_spacing_field_css( '.si-breadcrumbs', 'padding', 'breadcrumbs_spacing' ); if ( 'below-header' === sinatra_option( 'breadcrumbs_position' ) ) { // Background. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-breadcrumbs', 'breadcrumbs_background', 'background' ); // Border. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-breadcrumbs', 'breadcrumbs_border', 'border' ); // Text Color. $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '.si-breadcrumbs', 'breadcrumbs_text_color', 'color' ); } } /** * Copyright Bar. */ if ( sinatra_option( 'enable_copyright' ) ) { $css .= $this->get_design_options_field_css( '#sinatra-copyright', 'copyright_background', 'background' ); // Copyright font color. $copyright_color = sinatra_option( 'copyright_text_color' ); // Copyright text color. if ( isset( $copyright_color['text-color'] ) && $copyright_color['text-color'] ) { $css .= ' #sinatra-copyright { color: ' . $copyright_color['text-color'] . '; } '; } // Copyright link color. if ( isset( $copyright_color['link-color'] ) && $copyright_color['link-color'] ) { $css .= ' #sinatra-copyright a { color: ' . $copyright_color['link-color'] . '; } '; } // Copyright link hover color. if ( isset( $copyright_color['link-hover-color'] ) && $copyright_color['link-hover-color'] ) { $css .= ' #sinatra-copyright a:hover, #sinatra-copyright .sinatra-social-nav > ul > li > a .si-icon.bottom-icon, #sinatra-copyright .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-item > a, #sinatra-copyright .sinatra-nav > ul > li.current-menu-ancestor > a, #sinatra-copyright .sinatra-nav > ul > li:hover > a { color: ' . $copyright_color['link-hover-color'] . '; } '; } // Copyright separator color. $footer_text_color = sinatra_option( 'footer_text_color' ); $footer_text_color = $footer_text_color['text-color']; $copyright_separator_color = sinatra_light_or_dark( $footer_text_color, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.1)', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)' ); $css .= ' #sinatra-copyright.contained-separator > .si-container::before { background-color: ' . $copyright_separator_color . '; } #sinatra-copyright.fw-separator { border-top-color: ' . $copyright_separator_color . '; } '; } /** * Typography. */ // Base HTML font size. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( 'html', 'font-size', 'html_base_font_size', true, 'px' ); // Font smoothing. if ( sinatra_option( 'font_smoothing' ) ) { $css .= ' * { -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } '; } // Body. $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( 'body', 'body_font' ); // Headings. $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( 'h1, .h1, .sinatra-logo .site-title, .page-header .page-title, h2, .h2, h3, .h3, h4, .h4, h5, h6', 'headings_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( 'h1, .h1, .sinatra-logo .site-title, .page-header .page-title', 'h1_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( 'h2, .h2', 'h2_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( 'h3, .h3', 'h3_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( 'h4, .h4', 'h4_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( 'h5', 'h5_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( 'h6', 'h6_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( 'h1 em, h2 em, h3 em, h4 em, h5 em, h6 em, .h1 em, .h2 em, .h3 em, .h4 em, .sinatra-logo .site-title em, .error-404 .page-header h1 em', 'heading_em_font' ); // Emphasized Heading. $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( 'h1 em, h2 em, h3 em, h4 em, h5 em, h6 em, .h1 em, .h2 em, .h3 em, .h4 em, .sinatra-logo .site-title em, .error-404 .page-header h1 em', 'heading_em_font' ); // Site Title font size. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( '#sinatra-header .sinatra-logo .site-title', 'font-size', 'logo_text_font_size', true ); // Sidebar widget title. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( '#main .widget-title', 'font-size', 'sidebar_widget_title_font_size', true ); // Footer widget title. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( '#colophon .widget-title', 'font-size', 'footer_widget_title_font_size', true ); // Blog Single Post - Title Spacing. $css .= $this->get_spacing_field_css( '.si-single-title-in-page-header #page .page-header .si-page-header-wrapper', 'padding', 'single_title_spacing', true ); // Blog Single Post - Content Font Size. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( '.single-post .entry-content', 'font-size', 'single_content_font_size', true ); // Blog Single Post - narrow container. if ( 'narrow' === sinatra_option( 'single_content_width' ) ) { $css .= ' .single-post.narrow-content .entry-content > :not([class*="align"]):not([class*="gallery"]):not(.wp-block-image):not(.quote-inner):not(.quote-post-bg), .single-post.narrow-content .mce-content-body:not([class*="page-template-full-width"]) > :not([class*="align"]):not([data-wpview-type*="gallery"]):not(blockquote):not(.mceTemp), .single-post.narrow-content .entry-footer, .single-post.narrow-content .entry-content > .alignwide, .single-post.narrow-content p.has-background:not(.alignfull):not(.alignwide), .single-post.narrow-content .post-nav, .single-post.narrow-content #sinatra-comments-toggle, .single-post.narrow-content #comments, .single-post.narrow-content .entry-content .aligncenter, .single-post.narrow-content .si-narrow-element, .entry-header, .entry-meta, .post-category, .single-post.narrow-content.sinatra-no-sidebar .si-page-header-wrapper, .single-post.narrow-content.sinatra-no-sidebar .si-breadcrumbs nav { max-width: ' . sinatra_option( 'single_narrow_container_width' ) . 'px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .single-post.narrow-content .author-box, .single-post.narrow-content .entry-content > .alignwide, .si-page-header-wrapper { max-width: ' . ( intval( sinatra_option( 'single_narrow_container_width' ) ) + 70 ) . 'px; } '; } // Allow CSS to be filtered. $css = apply_filters( 'sinatra_dynamic_styles', $css ); // Add user custom CSS. if ( $custom_css || ! is_customize_preview() ) { $css .= wp_get_custom_css(); } // Minify the CSS code. $css = $this->minify( $css ); return $css; } /** * Update dynamic css file with new CSS. Cleans caches after that. * * @return [Boolean] returns true if successfully updated the dynamic file. */ public function update_dynamic_file() { $css = $this->get_css( true ); if ( empty( $css ) || '' === trim( $css ) ) { return; } // Load file.php file. require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'file.php'; // phpcs:ignore global $wp_filesystem; // Check if the the global filesystem isn't setup yet. if ( is_null( $wp_filesystem ) ) { WP_Filesystem(); } $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $this->dynamic_css_path ); if ( $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $this->dynamic_css_path . 'dynamic-styles.css', $css ) ) { $this->clean_cache(); set_transient( 'sinatra_has_dynamic_css', true, 0 ); return true; } return false; } /** * Delete dynamic css file. * * @return void */ public function delete_dynamic_file() { // Load file.php file. require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'file.php'; // phpcs:ignore global $wp_filesystem; // Check if the the global filesystem isn't setup yet. if ( is_null( $wp_filesystem ) ) { WP_Filesystem(); } $wp_filesystem->delete( $this->dynamic_css_path . 'dynamic-styles.css' ); delete_transient( 'sinatra_has_dynamic_css' ); } /** * Simple CSS code minification. * * @param string $css code to be minified. * @return string, minifed code * @since 1.0.0 */ private function minify( $css ) { $css = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $css ); $css = preg_replace( '/\/\*[^\!](.*?)\*\//', '', $css ); $css = preg_replace( '/(,|:|;|\{|}) /', '$1', $css ); $css = preg_replace( '/ (,|;|\{|})/', '$1', $css ); $css = preg_replace( '/(:| )0\.([0-9]+)(%|em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)/i', '${1}.${2}${3}', $css ); $css = preg_replace( '/(:| )(\.?)0(%|em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)/i', '${1}0', $css ); return trim( $css ); } /** * Cleans various caches. Compatible with cache plugins. * * @since 1.0.0 */ private function clean_cache() { // If W3 Total Cache is being used, clear the cache. if ( function_exists( 'w3tc_pgcache_flush' ) ) { w3tc_pgcache_flush(); } // if WP Super Cache is being used, clear the cache. if ( function_exists( 'wp_cache_clean_cache' ) ) { global $file_prefix; wp_cache_clean_cache( $file_prefix ); } // If SG CachePress is installed, reset its caches. if ( class_exists( 'SG_CachePress_Supercacher' ) ) { if ( method_exists( 'SG_CachePress_Supercacher', 'purge_cache' ) ) { SG_CachePress_Supercacher::purge_cache(); } } // Clear caches on WPEngine-hosted sites. if ( class_exists( 'WpeCommon' ) ) { if ( method_exists( 'WpeCommon', 'purge_memcached' ) ) { WpeCommon::purge_memcached(); } if ( method_exists( 'WpeCommon', 'clear_maxcdn_cache' ) ) { WpeCommon::clear_maxcdn_cache(); } if ( method_exists( 'WpeCommon', 'purge_varnish_cache' ) ) { WpeCommon::purge_varnish_cache(); } } // Clean OpCache. if ( function_exists( 'opcache_reset' ) ) { opcache_reset(); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.NewFunctions.opcache_resetFound } // Clean WordPress cache. if ( function_exists( 'wp_cache_flush' ) ) { wp_cache_flush(); } } /** * Prints spacing field CSS based on passed params. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $css_selector CSS selector. * @param string $css_property CSS property, such as 'margin', 'padding' or 'border'. * @param string $setting_id The ID of the customizer setting containing all information about the setting. * @param bool $responsive Has responsive values. * @return string Generated CSS. */ public function get_spacing_field_css( $css_selector, $css_property, $setting_id, $responsive = true ) { // Get the saved setting. $setting = sinatra_option( $setting_id ); // If setting doesn't exist, return. if ( ! is_array( $setting ) ) { return; } // Get the unit. Defaults to px. $unit = 'px'; if ( isset( $setting['unit'] ) ) { if ( $setting['unit'] ) { $unit = $setting['unit']; } unset( $setting['unit'] ); } // CSS buffer. $css_buffer = ''; // Loop through options. foreach ( $setting as $key => $value ) { // Check if responsive options are available. if ( is_array( $value ) ) { if ( 'desktop' === $key ) { $mq_open = ''; $mq_close = ''; } elseif ( 'tablet' === $key ) { $mq_open = '@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {'; $mq_close = '}'; } elseif ( 'mobile' === $key ) { $mq_open = '@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {'; $mq_close = '}'; } else { $mq_open = ''; $mq_close = ''; } // Add media query prefix. $css_buffer .= $mq_open . $css_selector . '{'; // Loop through all choices. foreach ( $value as $pos => $val ) { if ( empty( $val ) ) { continue; } if ( 'border' === $css_property ) { $pos .= '-width'; } $css_buffer .= $css_property . '-' . $pos . ': ' . intval( $val ) . $unit . ';'; } $css_buffer .= '}' . $mq_close; } else { if ( 'border' === $css_property ) { $key .= '-width'; } $css_buffer .= $css_property . '-' . $key . ': ' . intval( $value ) . $unit . ';'; } } // Check if field is has responsive values. if ( ! $responsive ) { $css_buffer = $css_selector . '{' . $css_buffer . '}'; } // Finally, return the generated CSS code. return $css_buffer; } /** * Prints range field CSS based on passed params. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $css_selector CSS selector. * @param string $css_property CSS property, such as 'margin', 'padding' or 'border'. * @param string $setting_id The ID of the customizer setting containing all information about the setting. * @param bool $responsive Has responsive values. * @param string $unit Unit. * @return string Generated CSS. */ public function get_range_field_css( $css_selector, $css_property, $setting_id, $responsive = true, $unit = 'px' ) { // Get the saved setting. $setting = sinatra_option( $setting_id ); // If just a single value option. if ( ! is_array( $setting ) ) { return $css_selector . ' { ' . $css_property . ': ' . $setting . $unit . '; }'; } // Resolve units. if ( isset( $setting['unit'] ) ) { if ( $setting['unit'] ) { $unit = $setting['unit']; } unset( $setting['unit'] ); } // CSS buffer. $css_buffer = ''; if ( is_array( $setting ) && ! empty( $setting ) ) { // Media query syntax wrap. $mq_open = ''; $mq_close = ''; // Loop through options. foreach ( $setting as $key => $value ) { if ( empty( $value ) ) { continue; } if ( 'desktop' === $key ) { $mq_open = ''; $mq_close = ''; } elseif ( 'tablet' === $key ) { $mq_open = '@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {'; $mq_close = '}'; } elseif ( 'mobile' === $key ) { $mq_open = '@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {'; $mq_close = '}'; } else { $mq_open = ''; $mq_close = ''; } // Add media query prefix. $css_buffer .= $mq_open . $css_selector . '{'; $css_buffer .= $css_property . ': ' . floatval( $value ) . $unit . ';'; $css_buffer .= '}' . $mq_close; } } // Finally, return the generated CSS code. return $css_buffer; } /** * Prints design options field CSS based on passed params. * * @since 1.0.0 * @param string $css_selector CSS selector. * @param string|mixed $setting The ID of the customizer setting containing all information about the setting. * @param string $type Design options field type. * @return string Generated CSS. */ public function get_design_options_field_css( $css_selector, $setting, $type ) { if ( is_string( $setting ) ) { // Get the saved setting. $setting = sinatra_option( $setting ); } // Setting has to be array. if ( ! is_array( $setting ) || empty( $setting ) ) { return; } // CSS buffer. $css_buffer = ''; // Background. if ( 'background' === $type ) { // Background type. $background_type = $setting['background-type']; if ( 'color' === $background_type ) { if ( isset( $setting['background-color'] ) && ! empty( $setting['background-color'] ) ) { $css_buffer .= 'background: ' . $setting['background-color'] . ';'; } } elseif ( 'gradient' === $background_type ) { $css_buffer .= 'background: ' . $setting['gradient-color-1'] . ';'; if ( 'linear' === $setting['gradient-type'] ) { $css_buffer .= ' background: -webkit-linear-gradient(' . $setting['gradient-linear-angle'] . 'deg, ' . $setting['gradient-color-1'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-1-location'] . '%, ' . $setting['gradient-color-2'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-2-location'] . '%); background: -o-linear-gradient(' . $setting['gradient-linear-angle'] . 'deg, ' . $setting['gradient-color-1'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-1-location'] . '%, ' . $setting['gradient-color-2'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-2-location'] . '%); background: linear-gradient(' . $setting['gradient-linear-angle'] . 'deg, ' . $setting['gradient-color-1'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-1-location'] . '%, ' . $setting['gradient-color-2'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-2-location'] . '%); '; } elseif ( 'radial' === $setting['gradient-type'] ) { $css_buffer .= ' background: -webkit-radial-gradient(' . $setting['gradient-position'] . ', circle, ' . $setting['gradient-color-1'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-1-location'] . '%, ' . $setting['gradient-color-2'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-2-location'] . '%); background: -o-radial-gradient(' . $setting['gradient-position'] . ', circle, ' . $setting['gradient-color-1'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-1-location'] . '%, ' . $setting['gradient-color-2'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-2-location'] . '%); background: radial-gradient(circle at ' . $setting['gradient-position'] . ', ' . $setting['gradient-color-1'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-1-location'] . '%, ' . $setting['gradient-color-2'] . ' ' . $setting['gradient-color-2-location'] . '%); '; } } elseif ( 'image' === $background_type ) { $css_buffer .= ' background-image: url(' . $setting['background-image'] . '); background-size: ' . $setting['background-size'] . '; background-attachment: ' . $setting['background-attachment'] . '; background-position: ' . $setting['background-position-x'] . '% ' . $setting['background-position-y'] . '%; background-repeat: ' . $setting['background-repeat'] . '; '; } $css_buffer = ! empty( $css_buffer ) ? $css_selector . '{' . $css_buffer . '}' : ''; if ( 'image' === $background_type && isset( $setting['background-color-overlay'] ) && $setting['background-color-overlay'] && isset( $setting['background-image'] ) && $setting['background-image'] ) { $css_buffer .= $css_selector . '::after { background-color: ' . $setting['background-color-overlay'] . '; }'; } } elseif ( 'color' === $type ) { // Text color. if ( isset( $setting['text-color'] ) && ! empty( $setting['text-color'] ) ) { $css_buffer .= $css_selector . ' { color: ' . $setting['text-color'] . '; }'; } // Link Color. if ( isset( $setting['link-color'] ) && ! empty( $setting['link-color'] ) ) { $css_buffer .= $css_selector . ' a { color: ' . $setting['link-color'] . '; }'; } // Link Hover Color. if ( isset( $setting['link-hover-color'] ) && ! empty( $setting['link-hover-color'] ) ) { $css_buffer .= $css_selector . ' a:hover { color: ' . $setting['link-hover-color'] . ' !important; }'; } } elseif ( 'border' === $type ) { // Color. if ( isset( $setting['border-color'] ) && ! empty( $setting['border-color'] ) ) { $css_buffer .= 'border-color:' . $setting['border-color'] . ';'; } // Style. if ( isset( $setting['border-style'] ) && ! empty( $setting['border-style'] ) ) { $css_buffer .= 'border-style: ' . $setting['border-style'] . ';'; } // Width. $positions = array( 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' ); foreach ( $positions as $position ) { if ( isset( $setting[ 'border-' . $position . '-width' ] ) && ! empty( $setting[ 'border-' . $position . '-width' ] ) ) { $css_buffer .= 'border-' . $position . '-width: ' . $setting[ 'border-' . $position . '-width' ] . 'px;'; } } $css_buffer = ! empty( $css_buffer ) ? $css_selector . '{' . $css_buffer . '}' : ''; } elseif ( 'separator_color' === $type && isset( $setting['separator-color'] ) && ! empty( $setting['separator-color'] ) ) { // Separator Color. $css_buffer .= $css_selector . '::after { background-color:' . $setting['separator-color'] . '; }'; } // Finally, return the generated CSS code. return $css_buffer; } /** * Prints typography field CSS based on passed params. * * @since 1.0.0 * @param string $css_selector CSS selector. * @param string|mixed $setting The ID of the customizer setting containing all information about the setting. * @return string Generated CSS. */ public function get_typography_field_css( $css_selector, $setting ) { if ( is_string( $setting ) ) { // Get the saved setting. $setting = sinatra_option( $setting ); } // Setting has to be array. if ( ! is_array( $setting ) || empty( $setting ) ) { return; } // CSS buffer. $css_buffer = ''; // Properties. $properties = array( 'font-weight', 'font-style', 'text-transform', 'text-decoration', ); foreach ( $properties as $property ) { if ( 'inherit' !== $setting[ $property ] ) { $css_buffer .= $property . ':' . $setting[ $property ] . ';'; } } // Font family. if ( 'inherit' !== $setting['font-family'] ) { $font_family = sinatra()->fonts->get_font_family( $setting['font-family'] ); $css_buffer .= 'font-family: ' . $font_family . ';'; } // Letter spacing. if ( ! empty( $setting['letter-spacing'] ) ) { $css_buffer .= 'letter-spacing:' . $setting['letter-spacing'] . $setting['letter-spacing-unit'] . ';'; } // Font size. if ( ! empty( $setting['font-size-desktop'] ) ) { $css_buffer .= 'font-size:' . $setting['font-size-desktop'] . $setting['font-size-unit'] . ';'; } // Line Height. if ( ! empty( $setting['line-height-desktop'] ) ) { $css_buffer .= 'line-height:' . $setting['line-height-desktop'] . ';'; } $css_buffer = $css_buffer ? $css_selector . '{' . $css_buffer . '}' : ''; // Responsive options - tablet. $tablet = ''; if ( ! empty( $setting['font-size-tablet'] ) ) { $tablet .= 'font-size:' . $setting['font-size-tablet'] . $setting['font-size-unit'] . ';'; } if ( ! empty( $setting['line-height-tablet'] ) ) { $tablet .= 'line-height:' . $setting['line-height-tablet'] . ';'; } $tablet = ! empty( $tablet ) ? '@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {' . $css_selector . '{' . $tablet . '} }' : ''; $css_buffer .= $tablet; // Responsive options - mobile. $mobile = ''; if ( ! empty( $setting['font-size-mobile'] ) ) { $mobile .= 'font-size:' . $setting['font-size-mobile'] . $setting['font-size-unit'] . ';'; } if ( ! empty( $setting['line-height-mobile'] ) ) { $mobile .= 'line-height:' . $setting['line-height-mobile'] . ';'; } $mobile = ! empty( $mobile ) ? '@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {' . $css_selector . '{' . $mobile . '} }' : ''; $css_buffer .= $mobile; // Equeue google fonts. if ( sinatra()->fonts->is_google_font( $setting['font-family'] ) ) { $params = array(); if ( 'inherit' !== $setting['font-weight'] ) { $params['weight'] = $setting['font-weight']; } if ( 'inherit' !== $setting['font-style'] ) { $params['style'] = $setting['font-style']; } if ( $setting['font-subsets'] && ! empty( $setting['font-subsets'] ) ) { $params['subsets'] = $setting['font-subsets']; } sinatra()->fonts->enqueue_google_font( $setting['font-family'], $params ); } // Finally, return the generated CSS code. return $css_buffer; } /** * Filters the dynamic styles to include button styles and makes sure it has the highest priority. * * @since 1.0.0 * @param string $css The dynamic CSS. * @return string Filtered dynamic CSS. */ public function get_button_styles( $css ) { /** * Primary Button. */ $primary_button_selector = ' .si-btn, body:not(.wp-customizer) input[type=submit], .site-main .woocommerce #respond input#submit, .site-main .woocommerce a.button, .site-main .woocommerce button.button, .site-main .woocommerce input.button, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .added_to_cart, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .button, .woocommerce div.product form.cart .button, .woocommerce #review_form #respond .form-submit input, #infinite-handle span'; $primary_button_bg_color = sinatra_option( 'primary_button_bg_color' ); $primary_button_border_radius = sinatra_option( 'primary_button_border_radius' ); if ( '' !== $primary_button_bg_color ) { $css .= $primary_button_selector . ' { background-color: ' . $primary_button_bg_color . '; }'; } // Primary button text color, border color & border width. $css .= $primary_button_selector . ' { color: ' . sinatra_option( 'primary_button_text_color' ) . '; border-color: ' . sinatra_option( 'primary_button_border_color' ) . '; border-width: ' . sinatra_option( 'primary_button_border_width' ) . 'px; border-top-left-radius: ' . $primary_button_border_radius['top-left'] . 'px; border-top-right-radius: ' . $primary_button_border_radius['top-right'] . 'px; border-bottom-right-radius: ' . $primary_button_border_radius['bottom-right'] . 'px; border-bottom-left-radius: ' . $primary_button_border_radius['bottom-left'] . 'px; }'; // Primary button hover. $primary_button_hover_selector = ' .si-btn:hover, .si-btn:focus, body:not(.wp-customizer) input[type=submit]:hover, body:not(.wp-customizer) input[type=submit]:focus, .site-main .woocommerce #respond input#submit:hover, .site-main .woocommerce #respond input#submit:focus, .site-main .woocommerce a.button:hover, .site-main .woocommerce a.button:focus, .site-main .woocommerce button.button:hover, .site-main .woocommerce button.button:focus, .site-main .woocommerce input.button:hover, .site-main .woocommerce input.button:focus, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .added_to_cart:hover, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .added_to_cart:focus, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .button:hover, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .button:focus, .woocommerce div.product form.cart .button:hover, .woocommerce div.product form.cart .button:focus, .woocommerce #review_form #respond .form-submit input:hover, .woocommerce #review_form #respond .form-submit input:focus, #infinite-handle span:hover'; $primary_button_hover_bg_color = sinatra_option( 'primary_button_hover_bg_color' ); // Primary button hover bg color. if ( '' !== $primary_button_hover_bg_color ) { $css .= $primary_button_hover_selector . ' { background-color: ' . $primary_button_hover_bg_color . '; }'; } // Primary button hover color & border. $css .= $primary_button_hover_selector . '{ color: ' . sinatra_option( 'primary_button_hover_text_color' ) . '; border-color: ' . sinatra_option( 'primary_button_hover_border_color' ) . '; }'; // Primary button typography. $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( $primary_button_selector, 'primary_button_typography' ); /** * Secondary Button. */ $secondary_button_selector = ' .btn-secondary, .si-btn.btn-secondary'; $secondary_button_bg_color = sinatra_option( 'secondary_button_bg_color' ); $secondary_button_border_radius = sinatra_option( 'secondary_button_border_radius' ); // Secondary button text color, border color & border width. $css .= $secondary_button_selector . ' { color: ' . sinatra_option( 'secondary_button_text_color' ) . '; border-color: ' . sinatra_option( 'secondary_button_border_color' ) . '; border-width: ' . sinatra_option( 'secondary_button_border_width' ) . 'px; background-color: ' . $secondary_button_bg_color . '; border-top-left-radius: ' . $secondary_button_border_radius['top-left'] . 'px; border-top-right-radius: ' . $secondary_button_border_radius['top-right'] . 'px; border-bottom-right-radius: ' . $secondary_button_border_radius['bottom-right'] . 'px; border-bottom-left-radius: ' . $secondary_button_border_radius['bottom-left'] . 'px; }'; // Secondary button hover. $secondary_button_hover_selector = ' .btn-secondary:hover, .btn-secondary:focus, .si-btn.btn-secondary:hover, .si-btn.btn-secondary:focus'; $secondary_button_hover_bg_color = sinatra_option( 'secondary_button_hover_bg_color' ); // Secondary button hover color & border. $css .= $secondary_button_hover_selector . '{ color: ' . sinatra_option( 'secondary_button_hover_text_color' ) . '; border-color: ' . sinatra_option( 'secondary_button_hover_border_color' ) . '; background-color: ' . $secondary_button_hover_bg_color . '; }'; // Secondary button typography. $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( $secondary_button_selector, 'secondary_button_typography' ); // Text Button. $css .= ' .si-btn.btn-text-1, .btn-text-1 { color: ' . sinatra_option( 'text_button_text_color' ) . '; } '; $css .= ' .si-btn.btn-text-1:hover, .si-btn.btn-text-1:focus, .btn-text-1:hover, .btn-text-1:focus { color: ' . sinatra_option( 'accent_color' ) . '; } '; $css .= ' .si-btn.btn-text-1 > span::before { background-color: ' . sinatra_option( 'accent_color' ) . '; } '; if ( sinatra_option( 'text_button_hover_text_color' ) ) { $css .= ' .si-btn.btn-text-1:hover, .si-btn.btn-text-1:focus, .btn-text-1:hover, .btn-text-1:focus { color: ' . sinatra_option( 'text_button_hover_text_color' ) . '; } .si-btn.btn-text-1 > span::before { background-color: ' . sinatra_option( 'text_button_hover_text_color' ) . '; } '; } // Secondary button typography. $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( '.si-btn.btn-text-1, .btn-text-1', 'text_button_typography' ); // Return the filtered CSS. return $css; } /** * Generate dynamic Block Editor styles. * * @since 1.0.9 * @return string */ public function get_block_editor_css() { // Current post. $post_id = get_the_ID(); $post_type = get_post_type( $post_id ); // Layout. $site_layout = sinatra_get_site_layout( $post_id ); $sidebar_position = sinatra_get_sidebar_position( $post_id ); $container_width = sinatra_option( 'container_width' ); $single_content_width = sinatra_option( 'single_content_width' ); $container_width = $container_width - 100; if ( sinatra_is_sidebar_displayed( $post_id ) ) { $sidebar_width = sinatra_option( 'sidebar_width' ); $container_width = $container_width * ( 100 - intval( $sidebar_width ) ) / 100; $container_width = $container_width - 50; if ( 'boxed-separated' === $site_layout ) { if ( 3 === intval( sinatra_option( 'sidebar_style' ) ) ) { $container_width += 15; } } } if ( 'boxed-separated' === $site_layout ) { $container_width += 16; } if ( 'boxed' === $site_layout ) { $container_width = $container_width + 200; } $background_color = get_background_color(); $accent_color = sinatra_option( 'accent_color' ); $content_color = sinatra_option( 'boxed_content_background_color' ); $text_color = sinatra_option( 'content_text_color' ); $link_hover_color = sinatra_option( 'content_link_hover_color' ); $headings_color = sinatra_option( 'headings_color' ); $font_smoothing = sinatra_option( 'font_smoothing' ); $css = ''; // Base HTML font size. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( 'html', 'font-size', 'html_base_font_size', true, 'px' ); // Accent color. $css .= ' .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable mark, .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable span.highlight, .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable code, .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable kbd, .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable var, .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable samp, .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable tt { background-color: ' . sinatra_hex2rgba( $accent_color, .09 ) . '; } .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block code.block, .editor-styles-wrapper .block code { background-color: ' . sinatra_hex2rgba( $accent_color, .075 ) . '; } .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block .block-editor-rich-text__editable a, .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable code, .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable kbd, .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable var, .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable samp, .editor-styles-wrapper .block-editor-rich-text__editable tt { color: ' . $accent_color . '; } #editor .editor-styles-wrapper ::-moz-selection { background-color: ' . $accent_color . '; color: #FFF; } #editor .editor-styles-wrapper ::selection { background-color: ' . $accent_color . '; color: #FFF; } .editor-styles-wrapper blockquote, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-quote { border-color: ' . $accent_color . '; } '; // Container width. if ( 'fw-stretched' === $site_layout ) { $css .= ' .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block { max-width: none; } '; } elseif ( 'boxed-separated' === $site_layout || 'boxed' === $site_layout ) { $css .= ' .editor-styles-wrapper { max-width: ' . $container_width . 'px; margin: 0 auto; } .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block { max-width: none; } '; if ( 'boxed' === $site_layout ) { $css .= ' .editor-styles-wrapper { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 30px rgba(50, 52, 54, 0.06); box-shadow: 0 0 30px rgba(50, 52, 54, 0.06); padding-left: 42px; padding-right: 42px; } '; } else { $css .= ' .editor-styles-wrapper { border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.085); } '; } } else { $css .= ' .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block { max-width: ' . $container_width . 'px; } '; } if ( 'post' === $post_type && 'narrow' === $single_content_width ) { $narrow_container_width = intval( sinatra_option( 'single_narrow_container_width' ) ); $css .= ' .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block { max-width: ' . $narrow_container_width . 'px; } '; } // Background color. if ( 'boxed-separated' === $site_layout || 'boxed' === $site_layout ) { $css .= ' :root .edit-post-layout .interface-interface-skeleton__content { background-color: #' . trim( $background_color, '#' ) . '; } :root .editor-styles-wrapper { background-color: ' . $content_color . '; } '; } else { $css .= ' :root .editor-styles-wrapper { background-color: #' . trim( $background_color, '#' ) . '; } '; } // Body. $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( ':root .editor-styles-wrapper, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block, .block-editor-default-block-appender textarea.block-editor-default-block-appender__content', 'body_font' ); $css .= ' :root .editor-styles-wrapper { color: ' . $text_color . '; } '; // If single post, use single post font size settings. if ( 'post' === $post_type ) { $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( ':root .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block', 'font-size', 'single_content_font_size', true ); } // Headings typography. $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( ':root .editor-styles-wrapper h1.wp-block, :root .editor-styles-wrapper h2.wp-block, :root .editor-styles-wrapper h3.wp-block, :root .editor-styles-wrapper h4.wp-block, :root .editor-styles-wrapper h5.wp-block, :root .editor-styles-wrapper h6.wp-block, :root .editor-styles-wrapper .editor-post-title__block .editor-post-title__input', 'headings_font' ); // Heading em. $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( '.editor-styles-wrapper h1.wp-block em, .editor-styles-wrapper h2.wp-block em, .editor-styles-wrapper h3.wp-block em, .editor-styles-wrapper h4.wp-block em, .editor-styles-wrapper h5.wp-block em, .editor-styles-wrapper h6.wp-block em', 'heading_em_font' ); // Headings (H1-H6). $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( ':root .editor-styles-wrapper h1.wp-block, :root .editor-styles-wrapper .h1, :root .editor-styles-wrapper .editor-post-title__block .editor-post-title__input', 'h1_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( ':root .editor-styles-wrapper h2.wp-block, :root .editor-styles-wrapper .h2', 'h2_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( ':root .editor-styles-wrapper h3.wp-block, :root .editor-styles-wrapper .h3', 'h3_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( ':root .editor-styles-wrapper h4.wp-block', 'h4_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( ':root .editor-styles-wrapper h5.wp-block', 'h5_font' ); $css .= $this->get_typography_field_css( ':root .editor-styles-wrapper h6.wp-block', 'h6_font' ); $css .= ' :root .editor-styles-wrapper h1, :root .editor-styles-wrapper h2, :root .editor-styles-wrapper h3, :root .editor-styles-wrapper h4, :root .editor-styles-wrapper .h4, :root .editor-styles-wrapper h5, :root .editor-styles-wrapper h6, :root .editor-post-title__block .editor-post-title__input { color: ' . $headings_color . '; } '; // Page header font size. $css .= $this->get_range_field_css( ':root .editor-styles-wrapper .editor-post-title__block .editor-post-title__input', 'font-size', 'page_header_font_size', true ); // Link hover color. $css .= ' .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block .block-editor-rich-text__editable a:hover { color: ' . $link_hover_color . '; } '; // Font smoothing. if ( $font_smoothing ) { $css .= ' .editor-styles-wrapper { -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } '; } return $css; } } endif; /** * The function which returns the one Sinatra_Dynamic_Styles instance. * * Use this function like you would a global variable, except without needing * to declare the global. * * Example: <?php $dynamic_styles = sinatra_dynamic_styles(); ?> * * @since 1.0.0 * @return object */ function sinatra_dynamic_styles() { return Sinatra_Dynamic_Styles::instance(); } sinatra_dynamic_styles();
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