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<?php # No need for the template engine if ( ! defined( 'WP_USE_THEMES' ) ) { define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', false ); // phpcs:ignore } //we set wp admin to true, so the backend features get loaded. if ( ! defined( 'RSSSL_DOING_SYSTEM_STATUS' ) ) { define( 'RSSSL_DOING_SYSTEM_STATUS', true ); // phpcs:ignore } #find the base path if ( ! defined( 'BASE_PATH' ) ) { define( 'BASE_PATH', rsssl_find_wordpress_base_path() . '/' ); } # Load WordPress Core if ( ! file_exists( BASE_PATH . 'wp-load.php' ) ) { die( 'WordPress not installed here' ); } require_once BASE_PATH . 'wp-load.php'; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/class-phpass.php'; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; //by deleting these we make sure these functions run again delete_transient( 'rsssl_testpage' ); function rsssl_get_system_status() { $output = ''; global $wp_version; $output .= "General\n"; $output .= 'Domain: ' . site_url() . "\n"; $output .= 'Plugin version: ' . rsssl_version . "\n"; $output .= 'WordPress version: ' . $wp_version . "\n"; if ( RSSSL()->certificate->is_valid() ) { $output .= "SSL certificate is valid\n"; } else { if ( ! function_exists( 'stream_context_get_params' ) ) { $output .= "stream_context_get_params not available\n"; } elseif ( RSSSL()->certificate->detection_failed() ) { $output .= "Not able to detect certificate\n"; } else { $output .= "Invalid SSL certificate\n"; } } $output .= ( rsssl_get_option( 'ssl_enabled' ) ) ? "SSL is enabled\n\n" : "SSL is not yet enabled\n\n"; $output .= "Options\n"; if ( rsssl_get_option( 'mixed_content_fixer' ) ) { $output .= "* Mixed content fixer\n"; } $output .= '* WordPress redirect' . rsssl_get_option( 'redirect' ) . "\n"; if ( rsssl_get_option( 'switch_mixed_content_fixer_hook' ) ) { $output .= "* Use alternative method to fix mixed content\n"; } if ( rsssl_get_option( 'dismiss_all_notices' ) ) { $output .= "* Dismiss all Really Simple Security notices\n"; } $output .= "\n"; $output .= "Server information:\n"; $output .= 'Server: ' . RSSSL()->server->get_server() . "\n"; $output .= 'SSL Type: ' . RSSSL()->admin->ssl_type . "\n"; if ( function_exists( 'phpversion' ) ) { $output .= 'PHP Version: ' . phpversion() . "\n\n"; } if ( is_multisite() ) { $output .= "MULTISITE\n"; } if ( rsssl_is_networkwide_active() ) { $output .= "Really Simple Security network wide activated\n"; } elseif ( is_multisite() ) { $output .= "Really Simple Security per site activated\n"; } $output .= 'SSL Configuration:' . "\n"; $domain = RSSSL()->certificate->get_domain(); $certinfo = RSSSL()->certificate->get_certinfo( $domain ); if ( ! $certinfo ) { $output .= 'SSL certificate not valid' . "\n"; } $domain_valid = RSSSL()->certificate->is_domain_valid( $certinfo, $domain ); if ( ! $domain_valid ) { $output .= "Domain on certificate does not match website's domain" . "\n"; } $date_valid = RSSSL()->certificate->is_date_valid( $certinfo ); if ( ! $date_valid ) { $output .= 'Date on certificate expired or not valid' . "\n"; } $filecontents = get_transient( 'rsssl_testpage' ); if ( strpos( $filecontents, '#SSL TEST PAGE#' ) !== false ) { $output .= 'SSL test page loaded successfully' . "\n"; } else { $output .= 'Could not open testpage' . "\n"; } if ( RSSSL()->admin->wpconfig_siteurl_not_fixed ) { $output .= 'siteurl or home url defines found in wp-config.php' . "\n"; } if ( RSSSL()->admin->wpconfig_siteurl_not_fixed ) { $output .= 'not able to fix wpconfig siteurl/homeurl.' . "\n"; } if ( ! is_writable( rsssl_find_wp_config_path() ) ) { $output .= 'wp-config.php not writable<br>'; } $output .= 'Detected SSL setup: ' . RSSSL()->admin->ssl_type . "\n"; if ( file_exists( RSSSL()->admin->htaccess_file() ) ) { $output .= 'htaccess file exists.' . "\n"; if ( ! is_writable( RSSSL()->admin->htaccess_file() ) ) { $output .= 'htaccess file not writable.' . "\n"; } } else { $output .= 'no htaccess file available.' . "\n"; } if ( get_transient( 'rsssl_htaccess_test_success' ) === 'success' ) { $output .= 'htaccess redirect tested successfully.' . "\n"; } elseif ( get_transient( 'rsssl_htaccess_test_success' ) === 'error' ) { $output .= 'htaccess redirect test failed.' . "\n"; } elseif ( get_transient( 'rsssl_htaccess_test_success' ) === 'no-response' ) { $output .= 'htaccess redirect test failed: no response from server.' . "\n"; } $mixed_content_fixer_detected = get_transient( 'rsssl_mixed_content_fixer_detected' ); if ( 'no-response' === $mixed_content_fixer_detected ) { $output .= 'Could not connect to webpage to detect mixed content fixer' . "\n"; } if ( 'not-found' === $mixed_content_fixer_detected ) { $output .= 'Mixed content marker not found in websource' . "\n"; } if ( 'error' === $mixed_content_fixer_detected ) { $output .= 'Mixed content marker not found: unknown error' . "\n"; } if ( 'curl-error' === $mixed_content_fixer_detected ) { //Site has has a cURL error $output .= 'Mixed content fixer could not be detected: cURL error' . "\n"; } if ( 'found' === $mixed_content_fixer_detected ) { $output .= 'Mixed content fixer successfully detected' . "\n"; } if ( ! rsssl_get_option( 'mixed_content_fixer' ) ) { $output .= 'Mixed content fixer not enabled' . "\n"; } if ( ! RSSSL()->admin->htaccess_contains_redirect_rules() ) { $output .= '.htaccess does not contain default Really Simple Security redirect.' . "\n"; } $output .= "\nConstants\n"; if ( defined( 'RSSSL_FORCE_ACTIVATE' ) ) { $output .= "RSSSL_FORCE_ACTIVATE defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'RSSSL_NO_FLUSH' ) ) { $output .= "RSSSL_NO_FLUSH defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'RSSSL_DISMISS_ACTIVATE_SSL_NOTICE' ) ) { $output .= "RSSSL_DISMISS_ACTIVATE_SSL_NOTICE defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'RSSSL_SAFE_MODE' ) ) { $output .= "RSSSL_SAFE_MODE defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'RSSSL_SERVER_OVERRIDE' ) ) { $output .= "RSSSL_SERVER_OVERRIDE defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'rsssl_no_rest_api_redirect' ) ) { $output .= "rsssl_no_rest_api_redirect defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'rsssl_no_wp_redirect' ) ) { $output .= "rsssl_no_wp_redirect defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'RSSSL_CONTENT_FIXER_ON_INIT' ) ) { $output .= "RSSSL_CONTENT_FIXER_ON_INIT defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN' ) ) { $output .= "FORCE_SSL_ADMIN defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'RSSSL_CSP_MAX_REQUESTS' ) ) { $output .= "RSSSL_CSP_MAX_REQUESTS defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'RSSSL_DISABLE_CHANGE_LOGIN_URL' ) ) { $output .= "RSSSL_DISABLE_CHANGE_LOGIN_URL defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'RSSSL_LEARNING_MODE' ) ) { $output .= "RSSSL_LEARNING_MODE defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'RSSSL_DEACTIVATING_FREE' ) ) { $output .= "RSSSL_DEACTIVATING_FREE defined\n"; } if ( defined( 'RSSSL_UPGRADING_TO_PRO' ) ) { $output .= "RSSSL_UPGRADING_TO_PRO defined\n"; } if ( ! defined( 'RSSSL_FORCE_ACTIVATE' ) && ! defined( 'RSSSL_NO_FLUSH' ) && ! defined( 'RSSSL_DISMISS_ACTIVATE_SSL_NOTICE' ) && ! defined( 'RSSSL_SAFE_MODE' ) && ! defined( 'RSSSL_SERVER_OVERRIDE' ) && ! defined( 'rsssl_no_rest_api_redirect' ) && ! defined( 'rsssl_no_wp_redirect' ) && ! defined( 'RSSSL_CONTENT_FIXER_ON_INIT' ) && ! defined( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN' ) && ! defined( 'RSSSL_CSP_MAX_REQUESTS' ) && ! defined( 'RSSSL_DISABLE_CHANGE_LOGIN_URL' ) && ! defined( 'RSSSL_LEARNING_MODE' ) && ! defined( 'RSSSL_DEACTIVATING_FREE' ) && ! defined( 'RSSSL_UPGRADING_TO_PRO' ) ) { $output .= "No constants defined\n"; } $output .= "\n"; $output .= "rsssl_options:\n"; if ( is_multisite() && rsssl_is_networkwide_active() ) { $stored_options = get_site_option( 'rsssl_options', [] ); } else { $stored_options = get_option( 'rsssl_options', [] ); } unset($stored_options['permissions_policy']); unset($stored_options['upgrade_insecure_requests']); unset($stored_options['x_xss_protection']); unset($stored_options['x_content_type_options']); unset($stored_options['x_frame_options']); unset($stored_options['referrer_policy']); unset($stored_options['content_security_policy']); unset($stored_options['xmlrpc_status_lm_enabled_once']); unset($stored_options['csp_status_lm_enabled_once']); unset($stored_options['csp_frame_ancestors_urls']); unset($stored_options['file_change_exclusions']); unset($stored_options['license']); unset($stored_options['cross_origin_opener_policy']); unset($stored_options['cross_origin_resource_policy']); unset($stored_options['cross_origin_embedder_policy']); $output .= print_r( $stored_options, true ) . "\n\n"; $output .= "Installed plugins:\n"; $output .= rsssl_system_status_get_installed_plugins() . "\n\n"; if ( rsssl_get_option( 'enable_firewall' ) == 1 ) { $output .= "Blocked regions firewall: \n"; $output .= rsssl_system_status_get_blocked_countries_firewall() . "\n\n"; $output .= "Whitelist firewall: \n"; $output .= rsssl_system_status_get_whitelist() . "\n\n"; $output .= "Blocked IPs firewall: \n"; $output .= rsssl_system_status_get_blocked_ips() . "\n\n"; } if ( rsssl_get_option("enable_limited_login_attempts") == 1 ) { $output .= "Blocked regions LLA: \n"; $output .= rsssl_system_status_get_blocked_countries_lla() . "\n\n"; $output .= "Blocked users LLA: \n"; $output .= rsssl_system_status_get_blocked_users_lla() . "\n\n"; $output .= "Blocked ips LLA: \n"; $output .= rsssl_system_status_get_blocked_ips_lla() . "\n\n"; } if ( rsssl_get_option( 'login_protection_enabled' ) == 1 ) { $output .= "Users with 2FA enabled: \n"; $output .= rsssl_system_status_get_2fa_users() . "\n\n"; } return $output; } if ( rsssl_user_can_manage() && isset( $_GET['download'] ) ) { $rsssl_content = rsssl_get_system_status(); $rsssl_fsize = function_exists( 'mb_strlen' ) ? mb_strlen( $rsssl_content, '8bit' ) : strlen( $rsssl_content ); $rsssl_file_name = 'really-simple-ssl-system-status.txt'; //direct download header( 'Content-type: application/octet-stream' ); header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $rsssl_file_name . '"' ); //open in browser //header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"".$file_name."\""); header( "Content-length: $rsssl_fsize" ); header( 'Cache-Control: private', false ); // required for certain browsers header( 'Pragma: public' ); // required header( 'Expires: 0' ); header( 'Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0' ); header( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary' ); echo $rsssl_content; } function rsssl_find_wordpress_base_path() { $path = __DIR__; // Check for Bitnami WordPress installation if ( isset( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ) && $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] === '/opt/bitnami/wordpress' ) { return '/opt/bitnami/wordpress'; } do { if ( file_exists( $path . '/wp-config.php' ) ) { //check if the wp-load.php file exists here. If not, we assume it's in a subdir. if ( file_exists( $path . '/wp-load.php' ) ) { return $path; } else { //wp not in this directory. Look in each folder to see if it's there. if ( file_exists( $path ) && $handle = opendir( $path ) ) { //phpcs:ignore while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) {//phpcs:ignore if ( '.' !== $file && '..' !== $file ) { $file = $path . '/' . $file; if ( is_dir( $file ) && file_exists( $file . '/wp-load.php' ) ) { $path = $file; break; } } } closedir( $handle ); } } return $path; } } while ( $path = realpath( "$path/.." ) ); //phpcs:ignore return false; } function rsssl_system_status_get_installed_plugins() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_security' ) ) { return; } // Load the plugin admin functions if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } // Get the list of all installed plugins $all_plugins = get_plugins(); $plugin_list = array(); // Loop through plugins to format the list with name and version foreach ( $all_plugins as $plugin_path => $plugin_data ) { $plugin_list[] = $plugin_data['Name'] . ' (' . $plugin_data['Version'] . ')'; } // Return the list as a comma-separated string return implode( ', ', $plugin_list ); } function rsssl_system_status_get_blocked_countries_firewall() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_security' ) ) { return; } global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'rsssl_geo_block'; $query_string = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT iso2_code FROM {$table_name} WHERE data_type = %s AND ip_address is NULL", 'country' ); // phpcs:ignore $result = $wpdb->get_results( $query_string ); $column_results = array_column( $result, 'iso2_code' ); return implode( ',', $column_results ); } function rsssl_system_status_get_whitelist() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_security' ) ) { return; } global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'rsssl_geo_block'; $query_string = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ip_address FROM {$table_name} WHERE data_type = %s", 'trusted' ); // phpcs:ignore $result = $wpdb->get_results( $query_string ); $column_results = array_column( $result, 'ip_address' ); return implode( ',', $column_results ); } function rsssl_system_status_get_blocked_countries_lla() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_security' ) ) { return; } global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'rsssl_login_attempts'; // Query to get all the blocked countries from the login attempts table where attempt_type is 'country' $query_string = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT attempt_value FROM {$table_name} WHERE attempt_type = %s AND status = %s", 'country', 'blocked' ); // phpcs:ignore $result = $wpdb->get_results( $query_string ); $column_results = array_column( $result, 'attempt_value' ); if ( empty( $column_results ) ) { return "No blocked countries found."; } return implode( ',', $column_results ); } function rsssl_system_status_get_blocked_ips() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_security' ) ) { return ''; } $output = ''; global $wpdb; $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ip_address FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}rsssl_geo_block WHERE blocked = %d AND data_type = %s", 1, '404' ); $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A ); if ( empty( $results ) ) { return "No blocked IPs found."; } foreach ( $results as $row ) { $output .= $row['ip_address'] . "\n"; } return $output; } function rsssl_system_status_get_blocked_users_lla() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_security' ) ) { return; } global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'rsssl_login_attempts'; // Query to get all blocked users from login attempts where attempt_type is 'username' $query_string = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT attempt_value FROM {$table_name} WHERE attempt_type = %s AND status = %s", 'username', 'blocked' ); // phpcs:ignore $result = $wpdb->get_results( $query_string ); $column_results = array_column( $result, 'attempt_value' ); if ( empty( $column_results ) ) { return "No blocked users found."; } return implode( ',', $column_results ); } function rsssl_system_status_get_blocked_ips_lla() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_security' ) ) { return; } global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'rsssl_login_attempts'; // Query to get blocked single IPs (without CIDR notation) from login attempts $query_string = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT attempt_value FROM {$table_name} WHERE attempt_type = %s AND status = %s AND attempt_value NOT LIKE %s", 'source_ip', 'blocked', '%/%' ); // phpcs:ignore $result = $wpdb->get_results( $query_string ); $column_results = array_column( $result, 'attempt_value' ); if ( empty( $column_results ) ) { return "No blocked users found."; } return implode( ',', $column_results ); } function rsssl_system_status_get_2fa_users() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_security' ) ) { return; } global $wpdb; // Query to get all users with TOTP or email 2FA status $query = " SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key IN ('rsssl_two_fa_status_totp', 'rsssl_two_fa_status_email') "; // Execute the query $results = $wpdb->get_results( $query ); // If no results, return a message if ( empty( $results ) ) { return 'No users found with 2FA settings.'; } // Array to store users and their 2FA methods $users_2fa = array(); // Organize the 2FA status by user foreach ( $results as $row ) { if ( ! isset( $users_2fa[ $row->user_id ] ) ) { $users_2fa[ $row->user_id ] = array( 'rsssl_two_fa_status_totp' => '', 'rsssl_two_fa_status_email' => '', ); } // Update TOTP or email 2FA status $users_2fa[ $row->user_id ][ $row->meta_key ] = $row->meta_value; } // Prepare output for users with active 2FA methods $output = array(); foreach ( $users_2fa as $user_id => $user_data ) { $user_info = get_userdata( $user_id ); // Determine the active 2FA method if ( $user_data['rsssl_two_fa_status_totp'] === 'active' ) { $output[] = $user_info->user_login . ' - TOTP'; } elseif ( $user_data['rsssl_two_fa_status_email'] === 'active' ) { $output[] = $user_info->user_login . ' - Email'; } } // If no users are found with 2FA, add a note if ( empty( $output ) ) { return 'No users found with 2FA enabled.'; } // Return a newline-separated list of users and their 2FA statuses return implode( "\n", $output ); }
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