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<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Class to send an e-mail */ if ( ! class_exists( 'rsssl_mailer' ) ) { class rsssl_mailer { public $to; public $title; public $headers; public $message; public $branded = true; public $subject; public $button_text; public $change_text; public $sent_to_text; public $what_now_text; public $sent_by_text; public $warning_blocks; public $error = ''; public $template_filename; public $block_template_filename; public function __construct() { $this->sent_by_text = __( "This email is part of the Really Simple Security Notification System", "really-simple-ssl" ); $this->subject = __( "Notification by Really Simple Security", "really-simple-ssl" ); $this->button_text = __( "Learn more", "really-simple-ssl" ); $this->to = rsssl_get_option( 'notifications_email_address', get_bloginfo( 'admin_email' ) ); $this->title = __( "Learn more about our features!", "really-simple-ssl" ); $this->sent_to_text = __( "This email was sent to", "really-simple-ssl" ); $this->what_now_text = __( "Learn more", "really-simple-ssl" ); $this->change_text = __( "Why did I receive this email?", "really-simple-ssl" ); $domain = '<a href="' . site_url() . '">' . site_url() . '</a>'; $this->message = sprintf( __( "You have enabled a feature on %s. We think it's important to let you know a little bit more about this feature so you can use it without worries.", "really-simple-ssl" ), $domain ); add_action( 'wp_mail_failed', array( $this, 'log_mailer_errors' ), 10, 1 ); } /** * Send a test email * @return array */ public function send_test_mail() { if ( ! rsssl_user_can_manage() ) { return [ 'success' => false, 'message' => 'Not allowed' ]; } if ( ! is_email( $this->to ) ) { return [ 'success' => false, 'title' => __( "Test notification email error", 'really-simple-ssl' ), 'message' => __( 'Email address not valid', "really-simple-ssl" ), ]; } $this->title = __( "Really Simple Security - Notification Test", "really-simple-ssl" ); $this->message = __( "This email is confirmation that any security notices are likely to reach your inbox.", "really-simple-ssl" ); $this->warning_blocks = [ [ 'title' => __( "About notifications", "really-simple-ssl" ), 'message' => __( "Email notifications are only sent for important updates, security notices or when certain features are enabled.", "really-simple-ssl" ), 'url' => rsssl_link('email-notifications/'), ] ]; return $this->send_mail( true ); } public function send_verification_mail() { if ( ! rsssl_user_can_manage() ) { return [ 'success' => false, 'message' => 'Not allowed', 'title' => __( "Email verification error", 'really-simple-ssl' ), ]; } $verification_code = str_pad( rand( 0, 999999 ), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); $verification_expiration = strtotime( "+15 minutes" ); // Delete existing option delete_option( 'rsssl_email_verification_code' ); update_option( 'rsssl_email_verification_code', $verification_code, false ); update_option( 'rsssl_email_verification_code_expiration', $verification_expiration, false ); update_option( 'rsssl_email_verification_status', 'started', false ); if ( ! is_email( $this->to ) ) { return [ 'success' => false, 'title' => __( "Email verification error", 'really-simple-ssl' ), 'message' => __( 'Email address not valid', "really-simple-ssl" ) ]; } $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $verification_url = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'really-simple-security', 'rsssl_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'rsssl_email_verification_' . $user_id ), 'rsssl_verification_code' => $verification_code, ), rsssl_admin_url([], '#settings/general') ); $this->subject = __( "Really Simple Security - Verify your email address", "really-simple-ssl" ); $this->title = __( "Please verify your email", "really-simple-ssl" ); $this->message = __('To use certain features in Really Simple Security we need to confirm emails are delivered without issues.', 'really-simple-ssl'); $this->button_text = __( "Verify email", "really-simple-ssl" ); $this->warning_blocks[] = [ 'title' => '', 'message' => sprintf( __( "Click the button below to confirm your email address, or copy the following URL: %s", "really-simple-ssl" ), '{url}' ), 'url' => $verification_url, ]; return $this->send_mail(); } public function log_mailer_errors( $wp_error ) { if ( is_wp_error( $wp_error ) ) { $this->error = $wp_error->get_error_message(); } } /** * Send an e-mail with the correct login URL * * @return array */ public function send_mail(): array { if ( empty( $this->message ) || empty( $this->subject ) ) { $this->error = __( "Email could not be sent. No message or subject set.", "really-simple-ssl" ); } if ( ! is_email( $this->to ) ) { $this->error = __( "Email address not valid", "really-simple-ssl" ); } $block_template = $this->branded ? rsssl_path . '/mailer/templates/block.html' : rsssl_path . '/mailer/templates/block-unbranded.html'; $email_template = $this->branded ? rsssl_path . '/mailer/templates/email.html' : rsssl_path . '/mailer/templates/email-unbranded.html'; $this->block_template_filename = apply_filters( 'rsssl_email_block_template', $block_template ); $this->template_filename = apply_filters( 'rsssl_email_template', $email_template ); $template = file_get_contents( $this->template_filename ); $block_html = ''; if ( is_array( $this->warning_blocks ) && count( $this->warning_blocks ) > 0 ) { $block_template = file_get_contents( $this->block_template_filename ); foreach ( $this->warning_blocks as $warning_block ) { $block_html .= str_replace( [ '{title}', '{message}', '{url}' ], [ sanitize_text_field( $warning_block['title'] ), wp_kses_post( $warning_block['message'] ), esc_url_raw( $warning_block['url'] ) ], $block_template ); } } $username = rsssl_get_option( 'new_admin_user_login' ); $login_url = ! empty( rsssl_get_option( 'change_login_url' ) ) ? trailingslashit( site_url() ) . rsssl_get_option( 'change_login_url' ) : wp_login_url(); $body = str_replace( [ '{title}', '{message}', '{warnings}', '{email-address}', '{learn-more}', '{site_url}', '{login_url}', '{username}', '{change_text}', '{what_now}', '{sent_to_text}', '{sent_by_text}', ], [ sanitize_text_field( $this->title ), wp_kses_post( $this->message ), $block_html, $this->to, $this->button_text, site_url(), $login_url, $username, $this->change_text, $this->what_now_text, $this->sent_to_text, $this->sent_by_text, ], $template ); $success = wp_mail( $this->to, sanitize_text_field( $this->subject ), $body, array( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' ) ); if ( $success ) { return [ 'success' => true, 'title' => __( "Email verification", 'really-simple-ssl' ), 'message' => __( 'Email sent! Please check your mail', "really-simple-ssl" ) ]; } if ( empty( $this->error ) ) { $this->error = __( 'Email could not be sent.', "really-simple-ssl" ); } else { $this->error = __( 'An error occurred:', "really-simple-ssl" ) . '<br>' . $this->error; } return [ 'success' => false, 'title' => __( "Email notification error", 'really-simple-ssl' ), 'message' => $this->error ]; } } }
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