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// Check whether current page is inside (visual) builder or not var isBuilder = 'object' === typeof window.ET_Builder; /*! ET custom.js */ (function($){ window.et_calculating_scroll_position = false; window.et_side_nav_links_initialized = false; var top_window = isBuilder ? : window; var $et_pb_post_fullwidth = $( '.single.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout.et_full_width_page' ), et_is_mobile_device = navigator.userAgent.match( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/ ), et_is_ipad = navigator.userAgent.match( /iPad/ ), $et_container = $( '.container' ), et_container_width = $et_container.width(), et_is_fixed_nav = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_fixed_nav' ) || $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_vertical_fixed' ), et_is_vertical_fixed_nav = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_vertical_fixed' ), et_is_rtl = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ), et_hide_nav = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_hide_nav' ), et_header_style_left = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_header_style_left' ), $top_header = $('#top-header'), $main_header = $('#main-header'), $main_container_wrapper = $( '#page-container' ), $et_main_content_first_row = $( '#main-content .container:first-child' ), $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper = $et_main_content_first_row.find('.et_post_meta_wrapper:first'), $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper_title = $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper.find( 'h1.entry-title' ), $et_main_content_first_row_content = $et_main_content_first_row.find('.entry-content:first'), $et_single_post = $( 'body.single' ), $et_window = $(window), etRecalculateOffset = false, et_header_height = 0, et_header_modifier, et_header_offset, et_primary_header_top, $et_header_style_split = $('.et_header_style_split'), $et_top_navigation = $('#et-top-navigation'), $logo = $('#logo'), $et_pb_first_row = $( 'body.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout .et_pb_section:visible:first' ), et_is_touch_device = 'ontouchstart' in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints, $et_top_cart = $('#et-secondary-menu'); // Modification of underscore's _.debounce() // Underscore.js 1.8.3 // // (c) 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors // Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license. function et_debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result; var now = || new Date().getTime(); var later = function() { var last = now - timestamp; if (last < wait && last >= 0) { timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last); } else { timeout = null; if (!immediate) { result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; } } }; return function() { context = this; args = arguments; timestamp = now; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) { result = func.apply(context, args); context = args = null; } return result; }; }; function et_preload_image( src, callback ) { var img = new Image(); img.onLoad = callback; img.onload = callback; img.src = src; } // We need to check first to see if we are on a woocommerce single product. if ( $(".woocommerce .woocommerce-product-gallery").length > 0 ) { // get the gallery container. var gal = $(".woocommerce-product-gallery")[0]; // let's replace the data attribute since Salvatorre reconfigures // data-columns on the resize event. var newstr = gal.outerHTML.replace( 'data-columns', 'data-cols' ); // finally we re-insert. gal.outerHTML = newstr; } // update the cart item on the secondary menu. if ( $et_top_cart.length > 0 && $('.shop_table.cart').length > 0 ) { $( document.body ).on( 'updated_wc_div', function(){ var new_total = 0; var new_text; $('.shop_table.cart').find('.product-quantity input').each(function(){ new_total = new_total + parseInt( $(this).val() ); }); if ( new_total === 1 ) { new_text = DIVI.item_count; } else { new_text = DIVI.items_count; } new_text = new_text.replace('%d', new_total); $et_top_cart.find('span').text(new_text); }); } $(document).ready( function(){ var $et_top_menu = $( 'ul.nav,' ), $et_search_icon = $( '#et_search_icon' ), et_parent_menu_longpress_limit = 300, et_parent_menu_longpress_start, et_parent_menu_click = true, is_customize_preview = $('body').hasClass('et_is_customize_preview'); window.et_pb_init_nav_menu( $et_top_menu ); function et_header_menu_split(){ var $logo_container = $( '#main-header > .container > .logo_container' ), $logo_container_splitted = $('.centered-inline-logo-wrap > .logo_container'), et_top_navigation_li_size = $et_top_navigation.children('nav').children('ul').children('li').size(), et_top_navigation_li_break_index = Math.round( et_top_navigation_li_size / 2 ) - 1, window_width = window.innerWidth || $et_window.width(); if ( window_width > 980 && $logo_container.length && $('body').hasClass('et_header_style_split') ) { $('<li class="centered-inline-logo-wrap"></li>').insertAfter($et_top_navigation.find('nav > ul >li:nth('+et_top_navigation_li_break_index+')') ); $logo_container.appendTo( $et_top_navigation.find('.centered-inline-logo-wrap') ); } if ( window_width <= 980 && $logo_container_splitted.length ) { $logo_container_splitted.prependTo('#main-header > .container'); $('#main-header .centered-inline-logo-wrap').remove(); } } function et_set_right_vertical_menu() { var $body = $( 'body' ); if ( $body.hasClass( 'et_boxed_layout' ) && $body.hasClass( 'et_vertical_fixed' ) && $body.hasClass( 'et_vertical_right' ) ) { var header_offset = parseFloat( $( '#page-container' ).css( 'margin-right' ) ); header_offset += ( parseFloat( $( '#et-main-area' ).css( 'margin-right' ) ) - 225 ); header_offset = 0 > header_offset ? 0 : header_offset; $( '#main-header' ).addClass( 'et_vertical_menu_set' ).css( { 'left': '', 'right': header_offset } ); } } if ( ( $et_header_style_split.length && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) || is_customize_preview ) { et_header_menu_split(); $(window).resize(function(){ et_header_menu_split(); }); } if ( window.et_is_vertical_nav ) { if ( $( '#main-header' ).height() < $( '#et-top-navigation' ).height() ) { $( '#main-header' ).height( $( '#et-top-navigation' ).height() + $( '#logo' ).height() + 100 ); } et_set_right_vertical_menu(); } window.et_calculate_header_values = function() { var $top_header = $( '#top-header' ), secondary_nav_height = $top_header.length && $ ':visible' ) ? parseInt( $top_header.innerHeight() ) : 0, admin_bar_height = $( '#wpadminbar' ).length ? parseInt( $( '#wpadminbar' ).innerHeight() ) : 0, $slide_menu_container = $( '.et_header_style_slide .et_slide_in_menu_container' ), is_rtl = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ); et_header_height = parseInt( $( '#main-header' ).innerHeight() ) + secondary_nav_height; et_header_modifier = et_header_height <= 90 ? et_header_height - 29 : et_header_height - 56; et_header_offset = et_header_modifier + admin_bar_height; et_primary_header_top = secondary_nav_height + admin_bar_height; if ( $slide_menu_container.length && ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_slide_menu_active' ) ) { if (is_rtl) { $slide_menu_container.css( { left: '-' + parseInt( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() ) + 'px', 'display' : 'none' } ); } else { $slide_menu_container.css( { right: '-' + parseInt( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() ) + 'px', 'display' : 'none' } ); } if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_boxed_layout' ) ) { if (is_rtl) { var page_container_margin = $main_container_wrapper.css( 'margin-right' ); $main_header.css( { right : page_container_margin } ); } else { var page_container_margin = $main_container_wrapper.css( 'margin-left' ); $main_header.css( { left : page_container_margin } ); } } } }; var $comment_form = $('#commentform'); et_pb_form_placeholders_init( $comment_form ); $comment_form.submit(function(){ et_pb_remove_placeholder_text( $comment_form ); }); et_duplicate_menu( $('#et-top-navigation ul.nav'), $('#et-top-navigation .mobile_nav'), 'mobile_menu', 'et_mobile_menu' ); et_duplicate_menu( '', $('.et_pb_fullscreen_nav_container'), 'mobile_menu_slide', 'et_mobile_menu', 'no_click_event' ); // Handle `Disable top tier dropdown menu links` Theme Option. if ($('ul.et_disable_top_tier').length) { $disbaled_top_tier_links = $("ul.et_disable_top_tier > li > ul").prev('a'); $disbaled_top_tier_links.attr('href', '#'); $disbaled_top_tier_links.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); // Handle top tier links in cloned mobile menu $disbaled_top_tier_links_mobile = $("ul#mobile_menu > li > ul").prev('a'); $disbaled_top_tier_links_mobile.attr('href', '#'); $disbaled_top_tier_links_mobile.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); } if ( $( '#et-secondary-nav' ).length ) { $('#et-top-navigation #mobile_menu').append( $( '#et-secondary-nav' ).clone().html() ); } // adding arrows for the slide/fullscreen menus if ( $( '.et_slide_in_menu_container' ).length ) { var $item_with_sub = $( '.et_slide_in_menu_container' ).find( '.menu-item-has-children > a' ); // add arrows for each menu item which has submenu if ( $item_with_sub.length ) { $item_with_sub.append( '<span class="et_mobile_menu_arrow"></span>' ); } } function et_change_primary_nav_position( delay ) { setTimeout( function() { var $body = $('body'), $wpadminbar = isBuilder ? top_window.jQuery('#wpadminbar') : $('#wpadminbar'), $top_header = $( '#top-header' ), et_primary_header_top = 0; if ( $wpadminbar.length ) { var adminbarHeight = $wpadminbar.innerHeight(); // Adjust admin bar height for builder's preview mode zoom since admin bar is rendered on top window if (isBuilder && top_window.jQuery('html').is('.et-fb-preview--zoom:not(.et-fb-preview--desktop)')) { adminbarHeight = adminbarHeight * 2; } et_primary_header_top += adminbarHeight; } if ( $top_header.length && $':visible') ) { et_primary_header_top += $top_header.innerHeight(); } var isFixedNav = $body.hasClass('et_fixed_nav'); var isAbsolutePrimaryNav = !isFixedNav && $body.hasClass('et_transparent_nav') && $body.hasClass('et_secondary_nav_enabled'); if (!window.et_is_vertical_nav && (isFixedNav || isAbsolutePrimaryNav)) { $('#main-header').css('top', et_primary_header_top); } }, delay ); } window.et_change_primary_nav_position = et_change_primary_nav_position; function et_hide_nav_transform( ) { var $body = $( 'body' ), $body_height = $( document ).height(), $viewport_height = $( window ).height() + et_header_height + 200; // Do nothing when Vertical Navigation is Enabled if ($body.hasClass('et_vertical_nav')) { return; } if ($body.hasClass('et_hide_nav') || $body.hasClass('et_hide_nav_disabled') && ($body.hasClass('et_fixed_nav'))) { if ($body_height > $viewport_height) { if ($body.hasClass('et_hide_nav_disabled')) { $body.addClass('et_hide_nav'); $body.removeClass('et_hide_nav_disabled'); } $('#main-header').css('transform', 'translateY(-' + et_header_height + 'px)'); $('#top-header').css('transform', 'translateY(-' + et_header_height + 'px)'); } else { $('#main-header').css({ 'transform': 'translateY(0)', 'opacity': '1' }); $('#top-header').css({ 'transform': 'translateY(0)', 'opacity': '1' }); $body.removeClass('et_hide_nav'); $body.addClass('et_hide_nav_disabled'); } // Run fix page container again, needed when body height is not tall enough and // adjustment has been aded et_fix_page_container_position(); } } // Saving current styling for the next resize cycle function et_save_initial_page_container_style( $selector, property ) { var styling = {}; styling[property] = $selector.css( property ); $selector.attr({ 'data-fix-page-container' : 'on' }).data({ 'fix_page_container_style' : styling }); } function et_page_load_scroll_to_anchor() { var location_hash = window.et_location_hash.replace(/(\|)/g, "\\$1"); if ($(location_hash).length === 0) { return; } var $map_container = $(location_hash + ' .et_pb_map_container'); var $map = $map_container.children('.et_pb_map'); var $target = $(location_hash); // Make the target element visible again if ('undefined' !== typeof window.et_location_hash_style) { $target.css('display', window.et_location_hash_style); } var distance = ('undefined' !== typeof($target.offset().top)) ? $target.offset().top : 0; var speed = (distance > 4000) ? 1600 : 800; if ($map_container.length) { google.maps.event.trigger($map[0], 'resize'); } // Allow the header sizing functions enough time to finish before scrolling the page setTimeout(function() { et_pb_smooth_scroll($target, false, speed, 'swing'); // During the page scroll animation, the header's height might change. // Do the scroll animation again to ensure its accuracy. setTimeout(function() { et_pb_smooth_scroll($target, false, 150, 'linear'); }, speed + 25); }, 700); } // Retrieving padding/margin value based on formatted saved padding/margin strings function et_get_saved_padding_margin_value( saved_value, order ) { if ( typeof saved_value === 'undefined' ) { return false; } var values = saved_value.split('|'); return typeof values[order] !== 'undefined' ? values[order] : false; } function et_fix_page_container_position(){ var et_window_width = parseInt( $et_window.width() ), $top_header = $( '#top-header' ), $et_pb_first_row = $( 'body.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout .et_pb_section:visible:first' ), secondary_nav_height = $top_header.length && $ ':visible' ) ? parseInt( $top_header.innerHeight() ) : 0, main_header_fixed_height = 0, header_height, et_pb_first_row_padding_top; var $mainHeaderClone = $main_header .clone() .addClass('et-disabled-animations main-header-clone') .css({ opacity: 0, position: 'fixed', top: 'auto', right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, }) .appendTo($('body')); // Replace previous resize cycle's adjustment if (!$('body').hasClass('et-bfb')) { $('*[data-fix-page-container="on"]').each(function(){ var $adjusted_element = $(this), styling = $; if (styling && styling.fix_page_container_style) { // Reapply previous styling $adjusted_element.css( styling.fix_page_container_style ); } }); } // Set data-height-onload for header if the page is loaded on large screen // If the page is loaded from small screen, rely on data-height-onload printed on the markup, // prevent window resizing issue from small to large // ignore data-height-loaded in VB to make sure it calculated correctly. if (et_window_width > 980 && (! $main_header.attr('data-height-loaded') || $('body').is('.et-fb'))) { var mainHeaderHeight = 0; if ($main_header.hasClass('et-fixed-header')) { $mainHeaderClone.removeClass('et-fixed-header'); mainHeaderHeight = $mainHeaderClone.height(); $mainHeaderClone.addClass('et-fixed-header'); } else { mainHeaderHeight = $main_header.height(); } $main_header.attr({ 'data-height-onload' : parseInt(mainHeaderHeight), 'data-height-loaded' : true }); } // Use on page load calculation for large screen. Use on the fly calculation for small screen (980px below) if ( et_window_width <= 980 ) { header_height = parseInt( $main_header.innerHeight() ) + secondary_nav_height - ($('body').hasClass('et-fb') ? 0 : 1); // If transparent is detected, #main-content .container's padding-top needs to be added to header_height // And NOT a pagebuilder page if ( window.et_is_transparent_nav && ! $et_pb_first_row.length ) { header_height += 58; } } else { // Get header height from header attribute header_height = parseInt( $main_header.attr( 'data-height-onload' ) ) + secondary_nav_height; // Non page builder page needs to be added by #main-content .container's fixed height if ( window.et_is_transparent_nav && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav && $et_main_content_first_row.length ) { header_height += 58; } // Calculate fixed header height by cloning, emulating, and calculating its height main_header_fixed_height = $mainHeaderClone.height(); } // Saved fixed main header height calculation $main_header.attr({ 'data-fixed-height-onload': main_header_fixed_height }); var $wooCommerceNotice = $(' #left-area > .woocommerce-notices-wrapper'); if ($wooCommerceNotice.length > 0 && 'yes' !== $wooCommerceNotice.attr('data-position-set')) { var wooNoticeMargin = main_header_fixed_height; if (0 === wooNoticeMargin && $main_header.attr('data-height-onload')) { wooNoticeMargin = $main_header.attr('data-height-onload'); } $wooCommerceNotice.css('marginTop', parseFloat(wooNoticeMargin)); $wooCommerceNotice.animate({ 'opacity': '1' }); $wooCommerceNotice.attr('data-position-set', 'yes'); } // Specific adjustment required for transparent nav + not vertical nav + (not hidden nav // OR hidden nav but document height is shorter than "viewport" height) // NOTES: // 1. hidden nav: nav is initially hidden then appears as the window is scrolled) // 2. in hidden nav, nav is displayed as window is scrolled. If document height is // shorter than viewport, vertical scroll doesn't exist and nav is directly rendered. // Thus, transparent nav adjustment need to be applied if body is shorter than window // 3. Hidden nav only works on desktop breakpoint. Nav is always displayed on tablet // and smaller breakpoints // 4. "viewport" height calculation needs to be identical with viewport calculation used // at `et_hide_nav_transform()` to make sure that when nav is displayed due to short // document height, the padding gets added var bodyHeight = $(document).height(); var viewportHeight = $(window).height() + et_header_height + 200; var isBodyShorterThanViewport = viewportHeight > bodyHeight; var isDesktop = parseInt($(window).width()) > 980; var isHideNavDesktop = isDesktop && et_hide_nav; if (window.et_is_transparent_nav && !window.et_is_vertical_nav && (!isHideNavDesktop || isBodyShorterThanViewport)) { if (!$('body').hasClass('et-bfb')) { // Add class for first row for custom section padding purpose $et_pb_first_row.addClass( 'et_pb_section_first' ); } // List of conditionals var is_pb = $et_pb_first_row.length, is_post_pb = is_pb && $et_single_post.length, is_post_pb_full_layout_has_title = $et_pb_post_fullwidth.length && $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper_title.length, is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title = $et_pb_post_fullwidth.length && 0 === $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper_title.length, is_pb_fullwidth_section_first = $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_section' ), is_no_pb_mobile = et_window_width <= 980 && $et_main_content_first_row.length, isProject = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'single-project' ); if ( is_post_pb && ! ( is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title && is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ) && !isProject ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Single Post */ /* * EXCEPT for fullwidth layout + fullwidth section ( at the first row ). * It is basically the same as page + fullwidth section with few quirk. * Instead of duplicating the conditional for each module, it'll be simpler to negate * fullwidth layout + fullwidth section in is_post_pb and rely it to is_pb_fullwidth_section_first */ // Remove main content's inline padding to styling to prevent looping padding-top calculation $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); if ( et_window_width < 980 ) { header_height += 40; } if ( is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ) { // If the first section is fullwidth, restore the padding-top modified area at first section $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '0' }); } if ( is_post_pb_full_layout_has_title ) { // Add header height to post meta wrapper as padding top $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } else if ( is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title ) { // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row, 'paddingTop' ); // Reset any inline padding-top. $et_pb_first_row.css({ paddingTop: '' }); $et_pb_first_row.css({ // Ignore the extra 58px added to header height previously. 'paddingTop' : 'calc(' + (header_height - 58) + 'px + ' + $et_pb_first_row.css('paddingTop') + ')' }); } else { // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_main_content_first_row, 'paddingTop' ); // Add header height to first row content as padding top $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } } else if ( is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ){ /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Section */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module = $et_pb_first_row.children( '.et_pb_module:visible:first' ); // Quirks: If this is post with fullwidth layout + no title + fullwidth section at first row, // Remove the added height at line 2656 if ( is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title && is_pb_fullwidth_section_first && et_window_width > 980 ) { header_height = header_height - 58; } if ( $ '.et_pb_slider' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth slider */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_image = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide_image' ), $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide' ), $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide .et_pb_container' ), et_pb_slide_image_margin_top = 0 - ( parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_image.height() ) / 2 ), et_pb_slide_container_height = 0, $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slider_arrow = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et-pb-slider-arrows a'), et_pb_first_row_slider_arrow_height = $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slider_arrow.height(); // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide, 'paddingTop' ); // Adding padding top to each slide so the transparency become useful $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); // delete container's min-height $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.css({ 'min-height' : '' }); // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_image, 'marginTop' ); // Adjusting slider's image, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_image.css({ 'marginTop' : et_pb_slide_image_margin_top }); // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slider_arrow, 'marginTop' ); // Adjusting slider's arrow, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slider_arrow.css({ 'marginTop' : ( ( header_height / 2 ) - ( et_pb_first_row_slider_arrow_height / 2 ) ) }); // Looping the slide and get the highest height of slide var et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new = 0; $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide' ).each( function(){ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_item = $(this), $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container = $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_item.find( '.et_pb_container' ); // Make sure that the slide is visible to calculate correct height $; // Remove existing inline css to make sure that it calculates the height $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.css({ 'min-height' : '' }); var et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height = $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.innerHeight(); if ( et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new < et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height ){ et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new = et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height; } // Hide the slide back if it isn't active slide if ( $ ':not(".et-pb-active-slide")' ) ){ $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_item.hide(); } }); // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container, 'min-height' ); // Setting appropriate min-height, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.css({ 'min-height' : et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new }); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_header' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth header */ // Remove existing inline stylesheet to prevent looping padding $et_pb_first_row_first_module.removeAttr( 'style' ); // Get paddingTop from stylesheet var et_pb_first_row_first_module_fullwidth_header_padding_top = parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css( 'paddingTop' ) ); // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row_first_module, 'paddingTop' ); // Implement stylesheet's padding-top + header_height $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'paddingTop' : ( header_height + et_pb_first_row_first_module_fullwidth_header_padding_top ) } ); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Portfolio */ // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row_first_module, 'paddingTop' ); $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_map_container' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Map */ var $et_pb_first_row_map = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_map' ); // Remove existing inline height to prevent looping height calculation $et_pb_first_row_map.css({ 'height' : '' }); // Implement map height + header height $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find('.et_pb_map').css({ 'height' : header_height + parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_map.css( 'height' ) ) }); // Adding specific class to mark the map as first row section element $et_pb_first_row_first_module.addClass( 'et_beneath_transparent_nav' ); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_menu' ) || $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_menu' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Menu */ // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row_first_module, 'marginTop' ); $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'marginTop' : header_height }); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_code' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth code */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code = $et_pb_first_row_first_module; $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); var et_pb_first_row_first_module_code_padding_top = parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code.css( 'paddingTop' ) ); // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code, 'paddingTop' ); $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height + et_pb_first_row_first_module_code_padding_top }); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_post_title' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Post Title */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_title = $et_pb_first_row_first_module; // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_title, 'paddingTop' ); $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height + 50 }); } else if ( ! $et_pb_first_row_first_module.length ) { // Get current padding top et_pb_first_row_padding_top = parseFloat($et_pb_first_row.css('paddingTop')); // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row, 'paddingTop' ); // Keep the state of previous cycle. The padding top is reset to the first // cycle by default (padding-top: 0px) so if previous cycle didn't hide the // nav, automatically add the additional padding top if ( ! $ 'is_hide_nav' ) ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : et_pb_first_row_padding_top + header_height }); } // Use timeout to avoid flickering padding top when window is resized vertically // and hidden nav is transitioned to visible nav, vice versa. clearTimeout(window.et_fallback_transparent_adjustment_timeout); window.et_fallback_transparent_adjustment_timeout = setTimeout(function() { // Hidden nav can be decided by the existance of et_hide_nav class AND // the css transform attribute value because the visibility of nav is // modified by CSS transition var is_hide_nav = $('body').hasClass('et_hide_nav') && $('#main-header').css('transform') !== 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)'; // Add / remove additional top padding accordingly if ( is_hide_nav ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); } else { $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : et_pb_first_row_padding_top + header_height }); } // Save current nav state for next cycle assessment $ 'is_hide_nav', is_hide_nav ); }, 300) } } else if ( is_pb ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Regular section */ // Remove first row's inline padding top styling to prevent looping padding-top calculation $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); // Get saved custom padding from data-* attributes. Builder automatically adds // saved custom paddings to data-* attributes on first section var saved_custom_padding = $et_pb_first_row.attr('data-padding'), saved_custom_padding_top = et_get_saved_padding_margin_value( saved_custom_padding, 0 ), saved_custom_padding_tablet = $et_pb_first_row.attr('data-padding-tablet'), saved_custom_padding_tablet_top = et_get_saved_padding_margin_value( saved_custom_padding_tablet, 0 ), saved_custom_padding_phone = $et_pb_first_row.attr('data-padding-phone'), saved_custom_padding_phone_top = et_get_saved_padding_margin_value( saved_custom_padding_phone, 0 ), applied_saved_custom_padding; if ( saved_custom_padding_top || saved_custom_padding_tablet_top || saved_custom_padding_phone_top ) { // Applies padding top to first section to automatically convert saved unit into px if ( et_window_width > 980 && saved_custom_padding_top ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ paddingTop: saved_custom_padding_top }); } else if ( et_window_width > 767 && saved_custom_padding_tablet_top ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ paddingTop: saved_custom_padding_tablet_top }); } else if ( saved_custom_padding_phone_top ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ paddingTop: saved_custom_padding_phone_top }); } // Get converted custom padding top value applied_saved_custom_padding = parseInt( $et_pb_first_row.css( 'paddingTop' ) ); // Implemented saved & converted padding top + header height $et_pb_first_row.css({ paddingTop: ( header_height + applied_saved_custom_padding ) }); } else { // Pagebuilder ignores #main-content .container's fixed height and uses its row's padding // Anticipate the use of custom section padding. et_pb_first_row_padding_top = header_height + parseInt( $et_pb_first_row.css( 'paddingTop' ) ); // Save current styling for the next resize cycle et_save_initial_page_container_style( $et_pb_first_row, 'paddingTop' ); // Implementing padding-top + header_height $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : et_pb_first_row_padding_top }); } } else if ( is_no_pb_mobile ) { // Mobile + not pagebuilder $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } else { $('#main-content .container:first-child').css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } // Set #page-container's padding-top to zero after inline styling first row's content has been added if ( ! $('#et_fix_page_container_position').length ){ $( '<style />', { 'id' : 'et_fix_page_container_position', 'text' : '#page-container{ padding-top: 0 !important;}' }).appendTo('head'); } // If the first visible (visibility is significant for for cached split test) section/row/module has // parallax background, trigger parallax height resize so the parallax location is correctly rendered // due to addition of first section/row/module margin-top/padding-top which is needed for transparent // primary nav var $firstSection = $('.et_pb_section:visible:first'); var $firstRow = $firstSection.find('.et_pb_row:visible:first'); var $firstModule = $firstSection.find('.et_pb_module:visible:first'); var firstSectionHasParallax = $firstSection.hasClass('et_pb_section_parallax'); var firstRowHasParallax = $firstRow.hasClass('et_pb_section_parallax'); var firstModuleHasParallax = $firstModule.hasClass('et_pb_section_parallax'); if (firstSectionHasParallax || firstRowHasParallax || firstModuleHasParallax) { $(window).trigger('resize.etTrueParallaxBackground'); } } else if( et_is_fixed_nav ) { $main_container_wrapper.css( 'paddingTop', header_height ); } $mainHeaderClone.remove(); et_change_primary_nav_position( 0 ); $(document).trigger('et-pb-header-height-calculated'); } window.et_fix_page_container_position = et_fix_page_container_position; // Save container width on page load for reference $'previous-width', parseInt($et_container.width())); var update_page_container_position = et_debounce(function () { et_fix_page_container_position(); if (typeof et_fix_fullscreen_section === 'function') { et_fix_fullscreen_section(); } }, 200); $( window ).resize( function(){ var window_width = parseInt( $et_window.width() ), has_container = $et_container.length > 0, et_container_previous_width = !has_container ? 0 : parseInt( $'previous-width') ) || 0, et_container_css_width = $et_container.css( 'width' ), et_container_width_in_pixel = ( typeof et_container_css_width !== 'undefined' ) ? et_container_css_width.substr( -1, 1 ) !== '%' : '', et_container_actual_width = !has_container ? 0 : et_container_width_in_pixel ? parseInt( $et_container.width() ) : ( parseInt( (parseInt( $et_container.width() ) / 100).toFixed(0) ) * window_width ), // $et_container.width() doesn't recognize pixel or percentage unit. It's our duty to understand what it returns and convert it properly containerWidthChanged = $et_container.length && et_container_previous_width !== et_container_actual_width, $slide_menu_container = $( '.et_slide_in_menu_container' ), $adminbar = isBuilder ? top_window.jQuery('#wpadminbar') : $('#wpadminbar'), is_rtl = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ), page_container_margin; if (et_is_fixed_nav && containerWidthChanged) { update_page_container_position(); // Update container width data for future resizing reference $'previous-width', et_container_actual_width); } if ( et_hide_nav ) { et_hide_nav_transform(); } // Update header and primary adjustment when transitioning across breakpoints or inside visual builder if (($adminbar.length && et_is_fixed_nav && window_width >= 740 && window_width <= 782) || isBuilder) { et_calculate_header_values(); et_change_primary_nav_position( 0 ); } et_set_search_form_css(); if ( $slide_menu_container.length && ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_slide_menu_active' ) ) { if (is_rtl) { $slide_menu_container.css( { left: '-' + parseInt( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() ) + 'px' } ); } else { $slide_menu_container.css( { right: '-' + parseInt( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() ) + 'px' } ); } if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_boxed_layout' ) && et_is_fixed_nav ) { if (is_rtl) { page_container_margin = $main_container_wrapper.css( 'margin-right' ); $main_header.css( { right : page_container_margin } ); } else { page_container_margin = $main_container_wrapper.css( 'margin-left' ); $main_header.css( { left : page_container_margin } ); } } } if ( $slide_menu_container.length && $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_slide_menu_active' ) ) { if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_boxed_layout' ) ) { var left_position; page_container_margin = parseFloat( $main_container_wrapper.css( 'margin-left' ) ); $main_container_wrapper.css( { left: '-' + ( parseInt( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() ) - page_container_margin ) + 'px' } ); if ( et_is_fixed_nav ) { left_position = 0 > parseInt( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() ) - ( page_container_margin * 2 ) ? Math.abs( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() - ( page_container_margin * 2 ) ) : '-' + ( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() - ( page_container_margin * 2 ) ); if ( left_position < parseInt( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() ) ) { $main_header.css( { left: left_position + 'px' } ); } } } else { if (is_rtl) { $( '#page-container, .et_fixed_nav #main-header' ).css( { right: '-' + parseInt( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() ) + 'px' } ); } else { $( '#page-container, .et_fixed_nav #main-header' ).css( { left: '-' + parseInt( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() ) + 'px' } ); } } } // adjust the padding in fullscreen menu if ( $slide_menu_container.length && $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_header_style_fullscreen' ) ) { var top_bar_height = parseInt( $slide_menu_container.find( '.et_slide_menu_top' ).innerHeight() ); $slide_menu_container.css( { 'padding-top': top_bar_height + 20 } ); } et_set_right_vertical_menu(); } ); if (isBuilder && jQuery('.et_header_style_fullscreen .et_slide_in_menu_container').length > 0) { jQuery(window).resize(et_pb_resize_fullscreen_menu); } $( window ).ready( function(){ if ( $.fn.fitVids ) { $( '#main-content' ).fitVids( { customSelector: "iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^='']"} ); } } ); function et_all_elements_loaded() { if ( et_is_fixed_nav ) { et_calculate_header_values(); } // Run container position calculation with 0 timeout to make sure all elements are ready for proper calculation. setTimeout(function() { et_fix_page_container_position(); }, 0); // Minified JS is ordered differently to avoid jquery-migrate to cause js error. // This might cause hiccup on some specific configuration (ie. parallax of first module on transparent nav) // Triggerring resize, in most case, re-calculate the UI correctly if ( window.et_is_minified_js && window.et_is_transparent_nav && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ){ $( window ).trigger( 'resize' ); } if ( window.hasOwnProperty( 'et_location_hash' ) && '' !== window.et_location_hash ) { // Handle the page scroll that we prevented earlier in the <head> et_page_load_scroll_to_anchor(); } if ( et_header_style_left && !window.et_is_vertical_nav) { $logo_width = parseInt( $( '#logo' ).width() ); if ( et_is_rtl ) { $et_top_navigation.css( 'padding-right', $logo_width + 30 ); } else { $et_top_navigation.css( 'padding-left', $logo_width + 30 ); } } if ( $('p.demo_store').length && $('p.demo_store').is(':visible') ) { $('#footer-bottom').css('margin-bottom', $('p.demo_store').innerHeight()); $('.woocommerce-store-notice__dismiss-link').click(function() { $('#footer-bottom').css('margin-bottom', ''); }); } if ( $.fn.waypoint ) { var $waypoint_selector; if ( et_is_vertical_fixed_nav ) { $waypoint_selector = $('#main-content'); $waypoint_selector.waypoint( { handler : function( direction ) { et_fix_logo_transition(); if ( direction === 'down' ) { $('#main-header').addClass( 'et-fixed-header' ); } else { $('#main-header').removeClass( 'et-fixed-header' ); } } } ); } if ( et_is_fixed_nav ) { // Changing waypoint selector to first section's row / module when transparent // nav is used only valid if the first section position is on offset top = 0 // (or 32 when admin bar exist) to avoid `et-fixed-nav` classname being added // too late when the window is scrolled too way down var firstRowOffsetTop = $et_pb_first_row.length > 0 ? $et_pb_first_row.offset().top : 0; var maxFirstRowOffsetTop = $('#wpadminbar').length ? $('#wpadminbar').height() : 0; var isFirstRowOnTop = firstRowOffsetTop <= maxFirstRowOffsetTop; if (isFirstRowOnTop && window.et_is_transparent_nav && !window.et_is_vertical_nav && $et_pb_first_row.length) { // Fullscreen section at the first row requires specific adjustment if ($'.et_pb_fullwidth_section')) { $waypoint_selector = $et_pb_first_row.children('.et_pb_module:visible:first'); } else { $waypoint_selector = $et_pb_first_row.find('.et_pb_row:visible:first'); } // Fallback for a less likely but possible scenario: a) fullwidth section // has no module OR b) other section has no row. When this happened, // the safest option is look for the first visible module and use it // as waypoint selector if (! $waypoint_selector.length) { $waypoint_selector = $('body.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout .et_pb_module:visible:first'); } } else if (isFirstRowOnTop && window.et_is_transparent_nav && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav && $et_main_content_first_row.length) { $waypoint_selector = $('#content-area'); } else { $waypoint_selector = $('#main-content'); } // Disabled section/row/module can cause waypoint to trigger 'down' event during its setup even if // no scrolling happened, which would result in 'et-fixed-header' class being prematurely added. // Since this only happens when page is loaded, we add an extra check that is no longer needed // as soon as waypoint initialization is finished. var checkIfScrolled = true; setTimeout(function() { checkIfScrolled = false; }, 0); $waypoint_selector.waypoint( { offset: function() { if ( etRecalculateOffset ) { setTimeout( function() { et_calculate_header_values(); }, 200 ); etRecalculateOffset = false; } if ( et_hide_nav ) { return et_header_offset - et_header_height - 200; } else { // Transparent nav modification: #page-container's offset is set to 0. Modify et_header_offset's according to header height var waypoint_selector_offset = $waypoint_selector.offset(); if ( < et_header_offset ) { et_header_offset = 0 - ( et_header_offset - ); } return et_header_offset; } }, handler : function( direction ) { et_fix_logo_transition(); if ( direction === 'down' ) { if (checkIfScrolled && $et_window.scrollTop() === 0) { return; } $main_header.addClass( 'et-fixed-header' ); $main_container_wrapper.addClass ( 'et-animated-content' ); $top_header.addClass( 'et-fixed-header' ); if ( ! et_hide_nav && ! window.et_is_transparent_nav && ! $( '.mobile_menu_bar_toggle' ).is(':visible') ) { var secondary_nav_height = $top_header.length ? parseInt( $top_header.height() ) : 0, $clone_header, clone_header_height, fix_padding; $clone_header = $main_header.clone().addClass( 'et-fixed-header, et_header_clone' ).css( { 'transition': 'none', 'display' : 'none' } ); clone_header_height = parseInt( $clone_header.prependTo( 'body' ).height() ); // Vertical nav doesn't need #page-container margin-top adjustment if ( ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) { fix_padding = parseInt( $main_container_wrapper.css( 'padding-top' ) ) - clone_header_height - secondary_nav_height + 1 ; $main_container_wrapper.css( 'margin-top', -fix_padding ); } $( '.et_header_clone' ).remove(); } } else { $main_header.removeClass( 'et-fixed-header' ); $top_header.removeClass( 'et-fixed-header' ); $main_container_wrapper.css( 'margin-top', '-1px' ); } setTimeout( function() { et_set_search_form_css(); }, 400 ); } } ); } if ( et_hide_nav ) { et_hide_nav_transform(); } } } $( 'a[href*="#"]:not([href="#"])' ).click( function() { var $this_link = $( this ), has_closest_smooth_scroll_disabled = $this_link.closest( '.et_smooth_scroll_disabled' ).length, has_closest_woocommerce_tabs = ( $this_link.closest( '.woocommerce-tabs' ).length && $this_link.closest( '.tabs' ).length ), has_closest_timetable_tab = $this_link.closest( '.tt_tabs_navigation' ).length, has_closest_eab_cal_link = $this_link.closest( '.eab-shortcode_calendar-navigation-link' ).length, has_closest_ee_cart_link = $this_link.closest( '.view-cart-lnk' ).length, has_acomment_reply = $this_link.hasClass( 'acomment-reply' ), is_woocommerce_review_link = $this_link.hasClass( 'woocommerce-review-link' ), disable_scroll = has_closest_smooth_scroll_disabled || has_closest_ee_cart_link || has_closest_woocommerce_tabs || has_closest_eab_cal_link || has_acomment_reply || is_woocommerce_review_link || has_closest_timetable_tab; if ( ( location.pathname.replace( /^\//,'' ) == this.pathname.replace( /^\//,'' ) && location.hostname == this.hostname ) && ! disable_scroll ) { var target = $( this.hash ); target = target.length ? target : $( '[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']' ); if ( target.length ) { // automatically close fullscreen menu if clicked from there if ( $this_link.closest( '.et_pb_fullscreen_menu_opened' ).length > 0 ) { et_pb_toggle_fullscreen_menu(); } setTimeout(function() { et_pb_smooth_scroll( target, false, 800 ); }, 0); if ( ! $( '#main-header' ).hasClass( 'et-fixed-header' ) && $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_fixed_nav' ) && $( window ).width() > 980 ) { setTimeout(function(){ et_pb_smooth_scroll( target, false, 40, 'linear' ); }, 780 ); } return false; } } }); var et_pb_window_side_nav_get_sections = function() { var $inPost = $('.et-l--post .et_pb_section'); var $inTBBody = $('.et-l--body .et_pb_section').not('.et-l--post .et_pb_section'); if (0 === $inTBBody.length || $inPost.length > 1) { return $inPost; } return $inTBBody; }; window.et_pb_window_side_nav_scroll_init = function() { if ( true === window.et_calculating_scroll_position || false === window.et_side_nav_links_initialized ) { return; } var $sections = et_pb_window_side_nav_get_sections(); window.et_calculating_scroll_position = true; var is_tb_layout_used = $('.et-l--header').length || $('.et-l--body').length || ! $('#main-header').length; var add_offset_default = is_tb_layout_used ? 0 : -90; var add_offset = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_fixed_nav' ) ? 20 : add_offset_default; var top_header_height = $( '#top-header' ).length > 0 ? parseInt( $( '#top-header' ).height() ) : 0; var main_header_height = $( '#main-header' ).length > 0 ? parseInt( $( '#main-header' ).height() ) : 0; var side_offset; if ( $( '#wpadminbar' ).length > 0 && parseInt( $( window ).width() ) > 600 ) { add_offset += parseInt( $( '#wpadminbar' ).outerHeight() ); } if ( window.et_is_vertical_nav ) { side_offset = top_header_height + add_offset + 60; } else { side_offset = top_header_height + main_header_height + add_offset; } var window_height = parseInt( $( window ).height() ); var scroll_position = parseInt( $( window ).scrollTop() ); var document_height = parseInt( $( document ).height() ); var at_bottom_of_page = ( window_height + scroll_position ) === document_height; var total_links = $( '.side_nav_item a' ).length - 1; for ( var link = 0; link <= total_links; link++ ) { var $target_section = $sections.eq(link); var at_top_of_page = 'undefined' === typeof $target_section.offset(); var current_active = $( '.side_nav_item' ).parent().index(); var next_active = null; var target_offset = ( false === at_top_of_page ) ? $target_section.offset().top - side_offset : 0; if ( at_top_of_page ) { next_active = 0; } else if ( at_bottom_of_page ) { next_active = total_links; } else if ( scroll_position >= target_offset ) { next_active = link; } if ( null !== next_active && next_active !== current_active ) { $( '.side_nav_item a' ).removeClass( 'active' ); $( 'a#side_nav_item_id_' + next_active ).addClass( 'active' ); } } window.et_calculating_scroll_position = false; }; window.et_pb_side_nav_page_init = function() { var $sections = et_pb_window_side_nav_get_sections(); var total_sections = $sections.length; var side_nav_offset = parseInt( ( total_sections * 20 + 40 ) / 2 ); window.et_side_nav_links_initialized = false; window.et_calculating_scroll_position = false; if ( total_sections > 1 && $( '.et_pb_side_nav_page' ).length ) { $( '#main-content' ).append( '<ul class="et_pb_side_nav"></ul>' ); $sections.each( function( index, element ) { var active_class = ( 0 === index ) ? 'active' : ''; $( '.et_pb_side_nav' ).append( '<li class="side_nav_item"><a href="#" id="side_nav_item_id_' + index + '" class= "' + active_class + '">' + index + '</a></li>' ); if ( total_sections - 1 === index ) { window.et_side_nav_links_initialized = true; } }); $( 'ul.et_pb_side_nav' ).css( 'marginTop', '-' + side_nav_offset + 'px' ); $( '.et_pb_side_nav' ).addClass( 'et-visible' ); $( '.et_pb_side_nav a' ).click( function() { // We use the index position of the sections to locate them instead of custom classes so // that we have the same implementation for the frontend website and the Visual Builder. var index = parseInt( $( this ).text() ); var $target = $sections.eq( index ); var top_section = $(this).text() == "0" && ! $('.et-l--body').length; et_pb_smooth_scroll( $target, top_section, 800 ); if ( ! $( '#main-header' ).hasClass( 'et-fixed-header' ) && $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_fixed_nav' ) && parseInt( $( window ).width() ) > 980 ) { setTimeout( function() { et_pb_smooth_scroll( $target, top_section, 200 ); }, 500 ); } return false; }); $( window ).on( 'scroll', et_pb_window_side_nav_scroll_init ); } }; if ($('body').is('.et-fb, .et-bfb')) { // Debounce slow function window.et_pb_side_nav_page_init = et_debounce(window.et_pb_side_nav_page_init, 200); } et_pb_side_nav_page_init(); if ( $('.et_pb_scroll_top').length ) { $(window).scroll(function(){ if ($(this).scrollTop() > 800) { $('.et_pb_scroll_top').show().removeClass( 'et-hidden' ).addClass( 'et-visible' ); } else { $('.et_pb_scroll_top').removeClass( 'et-visible' ).addClass( 'et-hidden' ); } }); //Click event to scroll to top $('.et_pb_scroll_top').click(function(){ $('html, body').animate({scrollTop : 0},800); }); } if ( $( '.comment-reply-link' ).length ) { $( '.comment-reply-link' ).addClass( 'et_pb_button' ); } $( '#et_top_search' ).click( function() { var $search_container = $( '.et_search_form_container' ); if ( $search_container.hasClass('et_pb_is_animating') ) { return; } $( '.et_menu_container' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_menu_visible et_pb_no_animation' ).addClass('et_pb_menu_hidden'); $search_container.removeClass( 'et_pb_search_form_hidden et_pb_no_animation' ).addClass('et_pb_search_visible et_pb_is_animating'); setTimeout( function() { $( '.et_menu_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_no_animation' ); $search_container.addClass( 'et_pb_no_animation' ).removeClass('et_pb_is_animating'); }, 1000); $search_container.find( 'input' ).focus(); et_set_search_form_css(); }); function et_hide_search() { if ( $( '.et_search_form_container' ).hasClass('et_pb_is_animating') ) { return; } $( '.et_menu_container' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_menu_hidden et_pb_no_animation' ).addClass( 'et_pb_menu_visible' ); $( '.et_search_form_container' ).removeClass('et_pb_search_visible et_pb_no_animation' ).addClass( 'et_pb_search_form_hidden et_pb_is_animating' ); setTimeout( function() { $( '.et_menu_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_no_animation' ); $( '.et_search_form_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_no_animation' ).removeClass('et_pb_is_animating'); }, 1000); } function et_set_search_form_css() { var $search_container = $( '.et_search_form_container' ); var $body = $( 'body' ); if ( $search_container.hasClass( 'et_pb_search_visible' ) ) { var header_height = $( '#main-header' ).innerHeight(), menu_width = $( '#top-menu' ).width(), font_size = $( '#top-menu li a' ).css( 'font-size' ); $search_container.css( { 'height' : header_height + 'px' } ); $search_container.find( 'input' ).css( 'font-size', font_size ); if ( ! $body.hasClass( 'et_header_style_left' ) ) { $search_container.css( 'max-width', menu_width + 60 ); } else { $search_container.find( 'form' ).css( 'max-width', menu_width + 60 ); } } } $( '.et_close_search_field' ).click( function() { et_hide_search(); }); $( document ).mouseup( function(e) { var $header = $( '#main-header' ); if ( $( '.et_menu_container' ).hasClass('et_pb_menu_hidden') ) { if ( ! $ ) && $header.has( ).length === 0 ) { et_hide_search(); } } }); // Detect actual logo dimension, used for tricky fixed navigation transition function et_define_logo_dimension() { var $logo = $('#logo'), logo_src = $logo.attr( 'src' ), is_svg = logo_src.substr( -3, 3 ) === 'svg' ? true : false, $logo_wrap, logo_width, logo_height; // Append invisible wrapper at the bottom of the page $('body').append( $('<div />', { 'id' : 'et-define-logo-wrap', 'style' : 'position: fixed; bottom: 0; opacity: 0;' })); // Define logo wrap $logo_wrap = $('#et-define-logo-wrap'); if( is_svg ) { $logo_wrap.addClass( 'svg-logo' ); } // Clone logo to invisible wrapper $logo_wrap.html( $logo.clone().css({ 'display' : 'block' }).removeAttr( 'id' ) ); // Get dimension logo_width = $logo_wrap.find('img').width(); logo_height = $logo_wrap.find('img').height(); // Add data attribute to $logo $logo.attr({ 'data-actual-width' : logo_width, 'data-actual-height' : logo_height }); // Destroy invisible wrapper $logo_wrap.remove(); // Init logo transition onload et_fix_logo_transition( true ); } if ( $('#logo').length ) { // Wait until logo is loaded before performing logo dimension fix // This comes handy when the page is heavy due to the use of images or other assets et_preload_image( $('#logo').attr('src'), et_define_logo_dimension ); } // Set width for adsense in footer widget $('.footer-widget').each(function(){ var $footer_widget = $(this), footer_widget_width = $footer_widget.width(), $adsense_ins = $footer_widget.find( '.widget_adsensewidget ins' ); if ( $adsense_ins.length ) { $adsense_ins.width( footer_widget_width ); } }); /** * Visual Builder adjustment */ function et_fb_side_nav_page_init() { $( window ).off( 'scroll', window.et_pb_window_side_nav_scroll_init ); $( '#main-content .et_pb_side_nav' ).off( 'click', '.et_pb_side_nav a' ); $( '#main-content .et_pb_side_nav' ).remove(); et_pb_side_nav_page_init(); } if ( $('body').is('.et-fb') ) { $(window).on( 'et_fb_root_did_mount', function() { et_fb_side_nav_page_init(); et_all_elements_loaded(); } ); $(window).on( 'et_fb_section_content_change', et_fb_side_nav_page_init ); } else { $( window ).load( et_all_elements_loaded ); } } ); // Fixing logo size transition in tricky header style function et_fix_logo_transition( is_onload ) { var $body = $( 'body' ), $logo = $( '#logo' ), logo_actual_width = parseInt( $logo.attr( 'data-actual-width' ) ), logo_actual_height = parseInt( $logo.attr( 'data-actual-height' ) ), logo_height_percentage = parseInt( $logo.attr( 'data-height-percentage' ) ), $top_nav = $( '#et-top-navigation' ), top_nav_height = parseInt( $top_nav.attr( 'data-height' ) ), top_nav_fixed_height = parseInt( $top_nav.attr( 'data-fixed-height' ) ), $main_header = $('#main-header'), is_header_split = $body.hasClass( 'et_header_style_split' ), is_fixed_nav = $main_header.hasClass( 'et-fixed-header' ), is_hide_primary_logo = $body.hasClass( 'et_hide_primary_logo' ), is_hide_fixed_logo = $body.hasClass( 'et_hide_fixed_logo' ), logo_height_base = is_fixed_nav ? top_nav_height : top_nav_fixed_height, logo_wrapper_width, logo_wrapper_height; is_onload = typeof is_onload === 'undefined' ? false : is_onload; // Fix for inline centered logo in horizontal nav if ( is_header_split && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) { // On page load, logo_height_base should be top_nav_height if ( is_onload ) { logo_height_base = top_nav_height; } // Calculate logo wrapper height logo_wrapper_height = ( logo_height_base * ( logo_height_percentage / 100 ) + 22 ); // Calculate logo wrapper width logo_wrapper_width = logo_actual_width * ( logo_wrapper_height / logo_actual_height ); // Override logo wrapper width to 0 if it is hidden if ( is_hide_primary_logo && ( is_fixed_nav || is_onload ) ) { logo_wrapper_width = 0; } if ( is_hide_fixed_logo && ! is_fixed_nav && ! is_onload ) { logo_wrapper_width = 0; } // Set fixed width for logo wrapper to force correct dimension $( '.et_header_style_split .centered-inline-logo-wrap' ).css( { 'width' : logo_wrapper_width } ); } } function et_toggle_slide_menu( force_state ) { var $slide_menu_container = $( '.et_header_style_slide .et_slide_in_menu_container' ), $page_container = $( '.et_header_style_slide #page-container, .et_header_style_slide.et_fixed_nav #main-header' ), $header_container = $( '.et_header_style_slide #main-header' ), is_menu_opened = $slide_menu_container.hasClass( 'et_pb_slide_menu_opened' ), set_to = typeof force_state !== 'undefined' ? force_state : 'auto', is_boxed_layout = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_boxed_layout' ), page_container_margin = is_boxed_layout ? parseFloat( $( '#page-container' ).css( 'margin-left' ) ) : 0, slide_container_width = $slide_menu_container.innerWidth(), is_rtl = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ); if ( 'auto' !== set_to && ( ( is_menu_opened && 'open' === set_to ) || ( ! is_menu_opened && 'close' === set_to ) ) ) { return; } if ( is_menu_opened ) { if (is_rtl) { $slide_menu_container.css( { left: '-' + slide_container_width + 'px' } ); $page_container.css( { right: '0' } ); } else { $slide_menu_container.css( { right: '-' + slide_container_width + 'px' } ); $page_container.css( { left: '0' } ); } if ( is_boxed_layout && et_is_fixed_nav ) { if (is_rtl) { $header_container.css( { right : page_container_margin + 'px' } ); } else { $header_container.css( { left : page_container_margin + 'px' } ); } } // hide the menu after animation completed setTimeout( function() { $slide_menu_container.css( { 'display' : 'none' } ); }, 700 ); } else { $slide_menu_container.css( { 'display' : 'block' } ); // add some delay to make sure css animation applied correctly setTimeout( function() { if (is_rtl) { $slide_menu_container.css( { left: '0' } ); $page_container.css( { right: '-' + ( slide_container_width - page_container_margin ) + 'px' } ); } else { $slide_menu_container.css( { right: '0' } ); $page_container.css( { left: '-' + ( slide_container_width - page_container_margin ) + 'px' } ); } if ( is_boxed_layout && et_is_fixed_nav ) { var left_position = 0 > slide_container_width - ( page_container_margin * 2 ) ? Math.abs( slide_container_width - ( page_container_margin * 2 ) ) : '-' + ( slide_container_width - ( page_container_margin * 2 ) ); if ( left_position < slide_container_width ) { if (is_rtl) { $header_container.css( { right: left_position + 'px' } ); } else { $header_container.css( { left: left_position + 'px' } ); } } } }, 50 ); } $( 'body' ).toggleClass( 'et_pb_slide_menu_active' ); $slide_menu_container.toggleClass( 'et_pb_slide_menu_opened' ); } // Scrolling to the correct place on page if Fixed Nav enabled function et_adjust_woocommerce_checkout_scroll() { if ( ! et_is_fixed_nav ) { return; } var window_width = parseInt( $et_window.width() ); if ( 980 >= window_width ) { return; } var headerHeight = parseInt( $( '#main-header' ).innerHeight() ); // scroll to the top of checkout form taking into account fixed header height $( 'html, body' ).animate({ scrollTop: ( $( 'form.checkout' ).offset().top - 100 - headerHeight ) }, 1000 ); } $( '#main-header' ).on( 'click', '.et_toggle_slide_menu', function() { et_toggle_slide_menu(); }); if ( et_is_touch_device ) { // open slide menu on swipe left $et_window.on( 'swipeleft', function( event ) { var window_width = parseInt( $et_window.width() ), swipe_start = parseInt( event.swipestart.coords[0] ); // horizontal coordinates of the swipe start // if swipe started from the right edge of screen then open slide menu if ( 30 >= window_width - swipe_start ) { et_toggle_slide_menu( 'open' ); } } ); // close slide menu on swipe right $et_window.on( 'swiperight', function( event ){ if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_slide_menu_active' ) ) { et_toggle_slide_menu( 'close' ); } }); } $( '#page-container' ).on( 'click', '.et_toggle_fullscreen_menu', function() { et_pb_toggle_fullscreen_menu(); }); function et_pb_toggle_fullscreen_menu() { var $menu_container = $( '.et_header_style_fullscreen .et_slide_in_menu_container' ), top_bar_height = $menu_container.find( '.et_slide_menu_top' ).innerHeight(); $menu_container.toggleClass( 'et_pb_fullscreen_menu_opened' ); $( 'body' ).toggleClass( 'et_pb_fullscreen_menu_active' ); et_pb_resize_fullscreen_menu(); if ( $menu_container.hasClass( 'et_pb_fullscreen_menu_opened' ) ) { $menu_container.addClass( 'et_pb_fullscreen_menu_animated' ); // adjust the padding in fullscreen menu $menu_container.css( { 'padding-top': top_bar_height + 20 } ); } else { setTimeout( function() { $menu_container.removeClass( 'et_pb_fullscreen_menu_animated' ); }, 1000 ); } } function et_pb_resize_fullscreen_menu(e) { if (isBuilder) { var $menu = jQuery('.et_header_style_fullscreen .et_slide_in_menu_container.et_pb_fullscreen_menu_opened'); if ($menu.length > 0) { var height = jQuery(top_window).height(); // Account for padding height -= parseInt($menu.css('padding-top'), 10); // and AdminBar if ($menu.closest('.admin-bar').length > 0) { height -= 32; } $menu.find('.et_pb_fullscreen_nav_container').css('max-height', height); } } } $( window ).unload( function () { /** * Fix the issue with Fullscreen menu, that remains open, * when back button is clicked in Firefox */ if ( $('body').hasClass('et_pb_fullscreen_menu_active') ) { $('.et_toggle_fullscreen_menu').trigger('click'); } } ); $( '.et_pb_fullscreen_nav_container' ).on( 'click', ' > a', function() { var $this_parent = $( this ).closest( 'li' ), $this_arrow = $this_parent.find( '>a .et_mobile_menu_arrow' ), $closest_submenu = $this_parent.find( '>ul' ), is_opened_submenu = $this_arrow.hasClass( 'et_pb_submenu_opened' ), sub_menu_max_height; $this_arrow.toggleClass( 'et_pb_submenu_opened' ); if ( is_opened_submenu ) { $closest_submenu.removeClass( 'et_pb_slide_dropdown_opened' ); $closest_submenu.slideToggle( 700, 'easeInOutCubic' ); } else { $closest_submenu.slideToggle( 700, 'easeInOutCubic' ); $closest_submenu.addClass( 'et_pb_slide_dropdown_opened' ); } return false; } ); // define initial padding-top for fullscreen menu container if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_header_style_fullscreen' ) ) { var $menu_container = $( '.et_header_style_fullscreen .et_slide_in_menu_container' ); if ( $menu_container.length ) { var top_bar_height = $menu_container.find( '.et_slide_menu_top' ).innerHeight(); $menu_container.css( { 'padding-top': top_bar_height + 20 } ); } } // adjust the scrolling position on Woocommerce checkout page in case of error $( document.body ).on( 'checkout_error', function() { et_adjust_woocommerce_checkout_scroll(); } ); $( document.body ).on( 'updated_checkout', function( data ) { if ( 'failure' !== data.result ) { return; } et_adjust_woocommerce_checkout_scroll(); } ); // Override row selector in VB $et_window.on('et_fb_init', function() { var wp = top_window.wp; if (wp && wp.hooks && wp.hooks.addFilter) { var replacement = window.DIVI.row_selector; wp.hooks.addFilter('et.pb.row.css.selector', '', function(selector) { return selector.replace('%%row_selector%%', replacement); }); } }) })(jQuery);
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