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<?php /** * Class for CSS optimization. */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } class autoptimizeStyles extends autoptimizeBase { const ASSETS_REGEX = '/url\s*\(\s*(?!["\']?data:)(?![\'|\"]?[\#|\%|])([^)]+)\s*\)([^;},\s]*)/i'; /** * Font-face regex-fu from HamZa at: */ const FONT_FACE_REGEX = '~@font-face\s*(\{(?:[^{}]+|(?1))*\})~xsi'; // added `i` flag for case-insensitivity. /** * Store CSS. * * @var array */ private $css = array(); /** * To store CSS code * * @var array */ private $csscode = array(); /** * To store urls * * @var array */ private $url = array(); /** * String to store rest of content (when old setting "only in head" is used) * * @var string */ private $restofcontent = ''; /** * Setting to change small images to inline CSS * * @var bool */ private $datauris = false; /** * Array to store hashmap * * @var array */ private $hashmap = array(); /** * Flag to indicate if CSS is already minified * * @var bool */ private $alreadyminified = false; /** * Setting if CSS should be aggregated * * @var bool */ private $aggregate = true; /** * Setting if all CSS should be inlined * * @var bool */ private $inline = false; /** * Setting if CSS should be deferred * * @var bool */ private $defer = false; /** * Setting for to be inlined CSS. * * @var string */ private $defer_inline = ''; /** * Setting for allowlist of what should be aggregated. * * @var string */ private $allowlist = ''; /** * Setting (only filter) for size under which CSS should be inlined instead of linked. * * @var string */ private $cssinlinesize = ''; /** * Setting (only filter) of CSS that can be removed. * * @var array */ private $cssremovables = array(); /** * Setting: should inline CSS be aggregated. * * @var bool */ private $include_inline = false; /** * Setting (only filter) if minified CSS can be injected after minificatoin of aggregated CSS. * * @var bool */ private $inject_min_late = true; /** * Holds all exclusions. * * @var array */ private $dontmove = array(); /** * Holds all options. * * @var array */ private $options = array(); /** * Setting; should excluded CSS-files be minified. * * @var bool */ private $minify_excluded = true; /** * Setting (filter only); should all media-attributes be forced to "all". * * @var bool */ private $media_force_all = false; /** * Reads the page and collects style tags. * * @param array $options all options. */ public function read( $options ) { $noptimize_css = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_noptimize', false, $this->content ); if ( $noptimize_css || false === autoptimizeConfig::get_post_meta_ao_settings( 'ao_post_css_optimize' ) ) { return false; } $allowlist_css = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_allowlist', '', $this->content ); if ( ! empty( $allowlist_css ) ) { $this->allowlist = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $allowlist_css ) ) ); } $removable_css = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_removables', '' ); if ( ! empty( $removable_css ) ) { $this->cssremovables = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $removable_css ) ) ); } $this->cssinlinesize = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_inlinesize', 256 ); // filter to "late inject minified CSS", default to true for now (it is faster). $this->inject_min_late = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_inject_min_late', true ); // Remove everything that's not the header. if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_justhead', $options['justhead'] ) ) { $content = explode( '</head>', $this->content, 2 ); $this->content = $content[0] . '</head>'; $this->restofcontent = $content[1]; } // Determine whether we're doing CSS-files aggregation or not. if ( isset( $options['aggregate'] ) && ! $options['aggregate'] ) { $this->aggregate = false; } // Returning true for "dontaggregate" turns off aggregation. if ( $this->aggregate && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_dontaggregate', false ) ) { $this->aggregate = false; } // and the filter that should have been there to begin with. $this->aggregate = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_aggregate', $this->aggregate ); // include inline? if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_css_include_inline', $options['include_inline'] ) ) { $this->include_inline = true; } // List of CSS strings which are excluded from autoptimization. $exclude_css = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_exclude', $options['css_exclude'], $this->content ); if ( '' !== $exclude_css ) { $this->dontmove = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $exclude_css ) ) ); } else { $this->dontmove = array(); } // forcefully exclude CSS with data-noptimize attrib. $this->dontmove[] = 'data-noptimize'; // forcefully exclude inline CSS with ".wp-container-" which due to the random-ish nature busts AO's cache continuously. $this->dontmove[] = '.wp-container-'; // Should we defer css? // value: true / false. $this->defer = $options['defer']; $this->defer = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_defer', $this->defer, $this->content ); // If page/ post check post_meta to see if optimize is off. if ( $this->defer && false === autoptimizeConfig::get_post_meta_ao_settings( 'ao_post_ccss' ) ) { $this->defer = false; } // Should we inline while deferring? // value: inlined CSS. $this->defer_inline = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_defer_inline', $this->sanitize_css( $options['defer_inline'] ), $this->content ); // Should we inline? // value: true / false. $this->inline = $options['inline']; $this->inline = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_inline', $this->inline, $this->content ); // Store cdn url. $this->cdn_url = $options['cdn_url']; // Store data: URIs setting for later use. $this->datauris = $options['datauris']; // Determine whether excluded files should be minified if not yet so. if ( ! $options['minify_excluded'] && $options['aggregate'] ) { $this->minify_excluded = false; } $this->minify_excluded = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_minify_excluded', $this->minify_excluded, '' ); // should we force all media-attributes to all? $this->media_force_all = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_tagmedia_forceall', false ); // noptimize me. $this->content = $this->hide_noptimize( $this->content ); // Exclude (no)script, as those may contain CSS which should be left as is. $this->content = $this->replace_contents_with_marker_if_exists( 'SCRIPT', '<script', '#<(?:no)?script.*?<\/(?:no)?script>#is', $this->content ); // Save IE hacks. $this->content = $this->hide_iehacks( $this->content ); // Hide HTML comments. $this->content = $this->hide_comments( $this->content ); // Get <style> and <link>. if ( preg_match_all( '#(<style[^>]*>.*</style>)|(<link[^>]*stylesheet[^>]*>)#Usmi', $this->content, $matches ) ) { foreach ( $matches[0] as $tag ) { if ( $this->isremovable( $tag, $this->cssremovables ) ) { $this->content = str_replace( $tag, '', $this->content ); } elseif ( $this->ismovable( $tag ) ) { // Get the media. if ( false !== strpos( $tag, 'media=' ) ) { preg_match( '#media=(?:"|\')([^>]*)(?:"|\')#Ui', $tag, $medias ); if ( ! empty( $medias ) ) { $medias = explode( ',', $medias[1] ); $media = array(); foreach ( $medias as $elem ) { if ( empty( $elem ) ) { $elem = 'all'; } $media[] = $elem; } } else { $media = array( 'all' ); } } else { // No media specified - applies to all. $media = array( 'all' ); } // forcing media attribute to all to merge all in one file. if ( $this->media_force_all ) { $media = array( 'all' ); } $media = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_tagmedia', $media, $tag ); if ( preg_match( '#<link.*href=("|\')(.*)("|\')#Usmi', $tag, $source ) ) { // <link>. $url = current( explode( '?', $source[2], 2 ) ); $path = $this->getpath( $url ); if ( false !== $path && preg_match( '#\.css$#', $path ) ) { // Good link. $this->css[] = array( $media, $path ); } else { // Link is dynamic (.php etc). $new_tag = $this->optionally_defer_excluded( $tag, 'none' ); if ( '' !== $new_tag && $new_tag !== $tag ) { $this->content = str_replace( $tag, $new_tag, $this->content ); } $tag = ''; } } else { // Inline css in style tags can be wrapped in comment tags, so restore comments. $tag = $this->restore_comments( $tag ); preg_match( '#<style.*>(.*)</style>#Usmi', $tag, $code ); // And re-hide them to be able to to the removal based on tag. $tag = $this->hide_comments( $tag ); if ( $this->include_inline ) { $code = preg_replace( '#^.*<!\[CDATA\[(?:\s*\*/)?(.*)(?://|/\*)\s*?\]\]>.*$#sm', '$1', $code[1] ); $this->css[] = array( $media, 'INLINE;' . $code ); } else { $tag = ''; } } // Remove the original style tag. $this->content = str_replace( $tag, '', $this->content ); } else { if ( preg_match( '#<link.*href=("|\')(.*)("|\')#Usmi', $tag, $source ) ) { $exploded_url = explode( '?', $source[2], 2 ); $url = $exploded_url[0]; $path = $this->getpath( $url ); $new_tag = $tag; // Excluded CSS, minify that file: // -> if aggregate is on and exclude minify is on // -> if aggregate is off and the file is not in dontmove. if ( $path && $this->minify_excluded ) { $consider_minified_array = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_consider_minified', false ); if ( ( false === $this->aggregate && str_replace( $this->dontmove, '', $path ) === $path ) || ( true === $this->aggregate && ( false === $consider_minified_array || str_replace( $consider_minified_array, '', $path ) === $path ) ) ) { $minified_url = $this->minify_single( $path ); if ( ! empty( $minified_url ) ) { // Replace orig URL with cached minified URL. $new_tag = str_replace( $url, $minified_url, $tag ); } elseif ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccsjs_remove_empty_minified_url', false ) ) { // Remove the original style tag, because cache content is empty but only if // filter is true-ed because $minified_url is also false if file is minified already. $new_tag = ''; } } } if ( '' !== $new_tag ) { // Optionally defer (preload) non-aggregated CSS. $new_tag = $this->optionally_defer_excluded( $new_tag, $url ); // Check if we still need to CDN (esp. for already minified resources). if ( ! empty( $this->cdn_url ) || has_filter( 'autoptimize_filter_base_replace_cdn' ) ) { $new_tag = str_replace( $url, $this->url_replace_cdn( $url ), $new_tag ); } } // And replace! if ( ( '' !== $new_tag && $new_tag !== $tag ) || ( '' === $new_tag && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_remove_empty_files', false ) ) ) { $this->content = str_replace( $tag, $new_tag, $this->content ); } } } } return true; } // Really, no styles? return false; } /** * Checks if non-optimized CSS is to be preloaded and if so return * the tag with preload code. * * @param string $tag (required). * @param string $url (optional). * * @return string $new_tag */ private function optionally_defer_excluded( $tag, $url = '' ) { // Defer single CSS if "inline & defer" is ON and there is inline CSS. if ( ! empty( $tag ) && false === strpos( $tag, ' onload=' ) && $this->defer && ! empty( $this->defer_inline ) && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_defer_excluded', true, $tag ) ) { // get media attribute and based on that create onload JS attribute value. if ( false === strpos( $tag, 'media=' ) ) { $tag = str_replace( '<link', "<link media='all'", $tag ); } preg_match( '#media=(?:"|\')([^>]*)(?:"|\')#Ui', $tag, $_medias ); $_media = $_medias[1]; $_preload_onload = autoptimizeConfig::get_ao_css_preload_onload( $_media ); if ( 'print' !== $_media ) { // If not media=print, adapt original <link> element for CSS to be preloaded and add <noscript>-version for fallback. $new_tag = '<noscript>' . autoptimizeUtils::remove_id_from_node( $tag ) . '</noscript>' . str_replace( $_medias[0], "media='print' onload=\"" . $_preload_onload . '"', $tag ); // Optionally (but default false) preload the (excluded) CSS-file. if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_fitler_css_preload_and_print', false ) && 'none' !== $url ) { $new_tag = '<link rel="preload" as="stylesheet" href="' . $url . '"/>' . $new_tag; } } else { $new_tag = $tag; } return $new_tag; } // Return unchanged $tag. return $tag; } /** * Checks if the local file referenced by $path is a valid * candidate for being inlined into a data: URI * * @param string $path image path. * @return boolean */ private function is_datauri_candidate( $path ) { // Call only once since it's called from a loop. static $max_size = null; if ( null === $max_size ) { $max_size = $this->get_datauri_maxsize(); } if ( $path && preg_match( '#\.(jpe?g|png|gif|webp|bmp)$#i', $path ) && file_exists( $path ) && is_readable( $path ) && filesize( $path ) <= $max_size ) { // Seems we have a candidate. $is_candidate = true; } else { // Filter allows overriding default decision (which checks for local file existence). $is_candidate = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_is_datauri_candidate', false, $path ); } return $is_candidate; } /** * Returns the amount of bytes that shouldn't be exceeded if a file is to * be inlined into a data: URI. Defaults to 4096, passed through * `autoptimize_filter_css_datauri_maxsize` filter. * * @return mixed */ private function get_datauri_maxsize() { static $max_size = null; /** * No need to apply the filter multiple times in case the * method itself is invoked multiple times during a single request. * This prevents some wild stuff like having different maxsizes * for different files/site-sections etc. But if you're into that sort * of thing you're probably better of building assets completely * outside of WordPress anyway. */ if ( null === $max_size ) { $max_size = (int) apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_datauri_maxsize', 4096 ); } return $max_size; } private function check_datauri_exclude_list( $url ) { static $exclude_list = null; static $no_datauris = array(); // Again, skip doing certain stuff repeatedly when loop-called. if ( null === $exclude_list ) { $exclude_list = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_datauri_exclude', '' ); $no_datauris = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $exclude_list ) ) ); } $matched = false; if ( ! empty( $exclude_list ) ) { foreach ( $no_datauris as $no_datauri ) { if ( false !== strpos( $url, $no_datauri ) ) { $matched = true; break; } } } return $matched; } private function build_or_get_datauri_image( $path ) { /** * TODO/FIXME: document the required return array format, or better yet, * use a string, since we don't really need an array for this. That would, however, * require changing even more code, which is not happening right now... */ // Allows short-circuiting datauri generation for an image. $result = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_datauri_image', array(), $path ); if ( ! empty( $result ) ) { if ( is_array( $result ) && isset( $result['full'] ) && isset( $result['base64data'] ) ) { return $result; } } $hash = md5( $path ); $check = new autoptimizeCache( $hash, 'img' ); if ( $check->check() ) { // we have the base64 image in cache. $head_and_data = $check->retrieve(); $_base64data = explode( ';base64,', $head_and_data ); $base64data = $_base64data[1]; unset( $_base64data ); } else { // It's an image and we don't have it in cache, get the type by extension. $exploded_path = explode( '.', $path ); $type = end( $exploded_path ); switch ( $type ) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $dataurihead = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,'; break; case 'gif': $dataurihead = 'data:image/gif;base64,'; break; case 'png': $dataurihead = 'data:image/png;base64,'; break; case 'bmp': $dataurihead = 'data:image/bmp;base64,'; break; case 'webp': $dataurihead = 'data:image/webp;base64,'; break; default: $dataurihead = 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,'; } // Encode the data. $base64data = base64_encode( file_get_contents( $path ) ); $head_and_data = $dataurihead . $base64data; // Save in cache. $check->cache( $head_and_data, 'text/plain' ); } unset( $check ); return array( 'full' => $head_and_data, 'base64data' => $base64data, ); } /** * Given an array of key/value pairs to replace in $string, * it does so by replacing the longest-matching strings first. * * @param string $string string in which to replace. * @param array $replacements to be replaced strings and replacement. * * @return string */ protected static function replace_longest_matches_first( $string, $replacements = array() ) { if ( ! empty( $replacements ) ) { // Sort the replacements array by key length in desc order (so that the longest strings are replaced first). $keys = array_map( 'strlen', array_keys( $replacements ) ); array_multisort( $keys, SORT_DESC, $replacements ); $string = str_replace( array_keys( $replacements ), array_values( $replacements ), $string ); } return $string; } /** * Rewrites/Replaces any ASSETS_REGEX-matching urls in a string. * Removes quotes/cruft around each one and passes it through to * `autoptimizeBase::url_replace_cdn()`. * Replacements are performed in a `longest-match-replaced-first` way. * * @param string $code CSS code. * * @return string */ public function replace_urls( $code = '' ) { $replacements = array(); preg_match_all( self::ASSETS_REGEX, $code, $url_src_matches ); if ( is_array( $url_src_matches ) && ! empty( $url_src_matches ) ) { foreach ( $url_src_matches[1] as $count => $original_url ) { // Removes quotes and other cruft. $url = trim( $original_url, " \t\n\r\0\x0B\"'" ); /** * TODO/FIXME: Add a way for other code / callable to be called here * and provide it's own results for the $replacements array * for the "current" key. * If such a result is returned/provided, we sholud then avoid * calling url_replace_cdn() here for the current iteration. * * This would maybe allow the inlining logic currently present * in `autoptimizeStyles::rewrite_assets()` to be "pulled out" * and given as a callable to this method or something... and * then we could "just" call `replace_urls()` from within * `autoptimizeStyles::rewrite_assets()` and avoid some * (currently present) code/logic duplication. */ // Do CDN replacement if needed. if ( ! empty( $this->cdn_url ) ) { $replacement_url = $this->url_replace_cdn( $url ); // Prepare replacements array. $replacements[ $url_src_matches[1][ $count ] ] = str_replace( $original_url, $replacement_url, $url_src_matches[1][ $count ] ); } } } $code = self::replace_longest_matches_first( $code, $replacements ); return $code; } /** * "Hides" @font-face declarations by replacing them with `%%FONTFACE%%` markers. * Also does CDN replacement of any font-urls within those declarations if the `autoptimize_filter_css_fonts_cdn` * filter is used. * * @param string $code HTML being processed to hide fonts. * @return string */ public function hide_fontface_and_maybe_cdn( $code ) { // Proceed only if @font-face declarations exist within $code. preg_match_all( self::FONT_FACE_REGEX, $code, $fontfaces ); if ( isset( $fontfaces[0] ) ) { // Check if we need to cdn fonts or not. $do_font_cdn = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_fonts_cdn', false ); foreach ( $fontfaces[0] as $full_match ) { // Keep original match so we can search/replace it. $match_search = $full_match; // Do font cdn if needed. if ( $do_font_cdn ) { $full_match = $this->replace_urls( $full_match ); } // Replace declaration with its base64 encoded string. $replacement = self::build_marker( 'FONTFACE', $full_match ); $code = str_replace( $match_search, $replacement, $code ); } } return $code; } /** * Restores original @font-face declarations that have been "hidden" * using `hide_fontface_and_maybe_cdn()`. * * @param string $code HTML being processed to unhide fonts. * @return string */ public function restore_fontface( $code ) { return $this->restore_marked_content( 'FONTFACE', $code ); } /** * Re-write (and/or inline) referenced assets. * * @param string $code HTML being processed rewrite assets. * @return string */ public function rewrite_assets( $code ) { // Handle @font-face rules by hiding and processing them separately. $code = $this->hide_fontface_and_maybe_cdn( $code ); /** * TODO/FIXME: * Certain code parts below are kind-of repeated now in `replace_urls()`, which is not ideal. * There is maybe a way to separate/refactor things and then be able to keep * the ASSETS_REGEX rewriting/handling logic in a single place (along with removing quotes/cruft from matched urls). * See comments in `replace_urls()` regarding this. The idea is to extract the inlining * logic out (which is the only real difference between replace_urls() and the code below), but still * achieve identical results as before. */ // Re-write (and/or inline) URLs to point them to the CDN host. $url_src_matches = array(); $imgreplace = array(); // Matches and captures anything specified within the literal `url()` and excludes those containing data: URIs. preg_match_all( self::ASSETS_REGEX, $code, $url_src_matches ); if ( is_array( $url_src_matches ) && ! empty( $url_src_matches ) ) { foreach ( $url_src_matches[1] as $count => $original_url ) { // Removes quotes and other cruft. $url = trim( $original_url, " \t\n\r\0\x0B\"'" ); // If datauri inlining is turned on, do it. $inlined = false; if ( $this->datauris ) { $iurl = $url; if ( false !== strpos( $iurl, '?' ) ) { $iurl = strtok( $iurl, '?' ); } $ipath = $this->getpath( $iurl ); $excluded = $this->check_datauri_exclude_list( $ipath ); if ( ! $excluded ) { $is_datauri_candidate = $this->is_datauri_candidate( $ipath ); if ( $is_datauri_candidate ) { $datauri = $this->build_or_get_datauri_image( $ipath ); $base64data = $datauri['base64data']; // Add it to the list for replacement. $imgreplace[ $url_src_matches[1][ $count ] ] = str_replace( $original_url, $datauri['full'], $url_src_matches[1][ $count ] ); $inlined = true; } } } /** * Doing CDN URL replacement for every found match (if CDN is * specified). This way we make sure to do it even if * inlining isn't turned on, or if a resource is skipped from * being inlined for whatever reason above. */ if ( ! $inlined && ( ! empty( $this->cdn_url ) || has_filter( 'autoptimize_filter_base_replace_cdn' ) ) ) { // Just do the "simple" CDN replacement. $replacement_url = $this->url_replace_cdn( $url ); $imgreplace[ $url_src_matches[1][ $count ] ] = str_replace( $original_url, $replacement_url, $url_src_matches[1][ $count ] ); } } } $code = self::replace_longest_matches_first( $code, $imgreplace ); // Replace back font-face markers with actual font-face declarations. $code = $this->restore_fontface( $code ); return $code; } /** * Joins and optimizes CSS. */ public function minify() { foreach ( $this->css as $group ) { list( $media, $css ) = $group; if ( preg_match( '#^INLINE;#', $css ) ) { // <style>. $css = preg_replace( '#^INLINE;#', '', $css ); $css = self::fixurls( ABSPATH . 'index.php', $css ); // ABSPATH already contains a trailing slash. $tmpstyle = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_css_individual_style', $css, '' ); if ( has_filter( 'autoptimize_css_individual_style' ) && ! empty( $tmpstyle ) ) { $css = $tmpstyle; $this->alreadyminified = true; } } else { // <link> if ( false !== $css && file_exists( $css ) && is_readable( $css ) ) { $css_path = $css; $css = self::fixurls( $css_path, file_get_contents( $css_path ) ); $css = preg_replace( '/\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}/', '', $css ); $tmpstyle = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_css_individual_style', $css, $css_path ); if ( has_filter( 'autoptimize_css_individual_style' ) && ! empty( $tmpstyle ) ) { $css = $tmpstyle; $this->alreadyminified = true; } elseif ( $this->can_inject_late( $css_path, $css ) ) { $css = self::build_injectlater_marker( $css_path, md5( $css ) ); } } else { // Couldn't read CSS. Maybe getpath isn't working? $css = ''; } } foreach ( $media as $elem ) { if ( ! empty( $css ) ) { if ( ! isset( $this->csscode[ $elem ] ) ) { $this->csscode[ $elem ] = ''; } $this->csscode[ $elem ] .= "\n/*FILESTART*/" . $css; } } } // Check for duplicate code. $md5list = array(); $tmpcss = $this->csscode; foreach ( $tmpcss as $media => $code ) { $md5sum = md5( $code ); $medianame = $media; foreach ( $md5list as $med => $sum ) { // If same code. if ( $sum === $md5sum ) { // Add the merged code. $medianame = $med . ', ' . $media; $this->csscode[ $medianame ] = $code; $md5list[ $medianame ] = $md5list[ $med ]; unset( $this->csscode[ $med ], $this->csscode[ $media ], $md5list[ $med ] ); } } $md5list[ $medianame ] = $md5sum; } unset( $tmpcss ); // Manage @imports, while is for recursive import management. foreach ( $this->csscode as &$thiscss ) { // Flag to trigger import reconstitution and var to hold external imports. $fiximports = false; $external_imports = ''; // remove comments to avoid importing commented-out imports. $thiscss_nocomments = preg_replace( '#/\*.*\*/#Us', '', $thiscss ); while ( preg_match_all( '#@import +(?:url)?(?:(?:\((["\']?)(?:[^"\')]+)\1\)|(["\'])(?:[^"\']+)\2)(?:[^,;"\']+(?:,[^,;"\']+)*)?)(?:;)#mi', $thiscss_nocomments, $matches ) ) { foreach ( $matches[0] as $import ) { if ( $this->isremovable( $import, $this->cssremovables ) ) { $thiscss = str_replace( $import, '', $thiscss ); $import_ok = true; } else { $url = trim( preg_replace( '#^.*((?:https?:|ftp:)?//.*\.css).*$#', '$1', trim( $import ) ), " \t\n\r\0\x0B\"'" ); $path = $this->getpath( $url ); $import_ok = false; if ( file_exists( $path ) && is_readable( $path ) ) { $code = addcslashes( self::fixurls( $path, file_get_contents( $path ) ), '\\' ); $code = preg_replace( '/\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}/', '', $code ); $tmpstyle = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_css_individual_style', $code, '' ); if ( has_filter( 'autoptimize_css_individual_style' ) && ! empty( $tmpstyle ) ) { $code = $tmpstyle; $this->alreadyminified = true; } elseif ( $this->can_inject_late( $path, $code ) ) { $code = self::build_injectlater_marker( $path, md5( $code ) ); } if ( ! empty( $code ) ) { $tmp_thiscss = str_replace( $import, stripcslashes( $code ), $thiscss ); if ( ! empty( $tmp_thiscss ) ) { $thiscss = $tmp_thiscss; $import_ok = true; unset( $tmp_thiscss ); } } unset( $code ); } } if ( ! $import_ok ) { // External imports and general fall-back. $external_imports .= $import; $thiscss = str_replace( $import, '', $thiscss ); $fiximports = true; } } $thiscss = preg_replace( '#/\*FILESTART\*/#', '', $thiscss ); $thiscss = preg_replace( '#/\*FILESTART2\*/#', '/*FILESTART*/', $thiscss ); // and update $thiscss_nocomments before going into next iteration in while loop. $thiscss_nocomments = preg_replace( '#/\*.*\*/#Us', '', $thiscss ); } unset( $thiscss_nocomments ); // Add external imports to top of aggregated CSS. if ( $fiximports ) { $thiscss = $external_imports . $thiscss; } } unset( $thiscss ); // $this->csscode has all the uncompressed code now. foreach ( $this->csscode as &$code ) { // Check for already-minified code. $hash = md5( $code ); do_action( 'autoptimize_action_css_hash', $hash ); $ccheck = new autoptimizeCache( $hash, 'css' ); if ( $ccheck->check() ) { $code = $ccheck->retrieve(); $this->hashmap[ md5( $code ) ] = $hash; continue; } unset( $ccheck ); // Rewrite and/or inline referenced assets. $code = $this->rewrite_assets( $code ); // Minify. $code = $this->run_minifier_on( $code ); // Bring back INJECTLATER stuff. $code = $this->inject_minified( $code ); // Filter results. $tmp_code = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_css_after_minify', $code ); if ( ! empty( $tmp_code ) ) { $code = $tmp_code; unset( $tmp_code ); } $this->hashmap[ md5( $code ) ] = $hash; } unset( $code ); return true; } public function run_minifier_on( $code ) { if ( ! $this->alreadyminified ) { $do_minify = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_css_do_minify', true ); if ( $do_minify ) { $cssmin = new autoptimizeCSSmin(); $tmp_code = trim( $cssmin->run( $code ) ); if ( ! empty( $tmp_code ) ) { $code = $tmp_code; unset( $tmp_code ); } } } return $code; } /** * Caches the CSS in uncompressed, deflated and gzipped form. */ public function cache() { // CSS cache. foreach ( $this->csscode as $media => $code ) { if ( empty( $code ) ) { continue; } $md5 = $this->hashmap[ md5( $code ) ]; $cache = new autoptimizeCache( $md5, 'css' ); if ( ! $cache->check() ) { // Cache our code. $cache->cache( $code, 'text/css' ); } $this->url[ $media ] = AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_URL . $cache->getname(); } } /** * Returns the content. */ public function getcontent() { // Restore the full content (only applies when "autoptimize_filter_css_justhead" filter is true). if ( ! empty( $this->restofcontent ) ) { $this->content .= $this->restofcontent; $this->restofcontent = ''; } // type is not added by default. $type_css = ''; if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_cssjs_addtype', false ) ) { $type_css = 'type="text/css" '; } // Inject the new stylesheets, if possible after SEO stuff, but we need to // already restore script to be able to inject before ld+json instead of title // this should be safe here as all has been extracted already but behind a filter anyway. if ( $this->inline && true === apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_restore_js_early', true ) ) { $this->content = $this->restore_marked_content( 'SCRIPT', $this->content ); } $_strpos_ldjson = strpos( $this->content, '<script type="application/ld+json"' ); if ( false !== $_strpos_ldjson && $_strpos_ldjson < strpos( $this->content, '</head' ) ) { $replace_tag = array( '<script type="application/ld+json"', 'before' ); } else { $replace_tag = array( '<title', 'before' ); } $replace_tag = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_replacetag', $replace_tag, $this->content ); if ( $this->inline ) { foreach ( $this->csscode as $media => $code ) { $this->inject_in_html( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_bodyreplacementpayload', '<style ' . $type_css . 'media="' . $media . '">' . $code . '</style>' ), $replace_tag ); } } else { if ( $this->defer ) { $preload_css_block = ''; $inlined_ccss_block = ''; $noscript_css_block = '<noscript id="aonoscrcss">'; $defer_inline_code = $this->defer_inline; if ( ! empty( $defer_inline_code ) ) { if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_critcss_minify', true ) ) { $icss_hash = md5( $defer_inline_code ); $icss_cache = new autoptimizeCache( $icss_hash, 'css' ); if ( $icss_cache->check() ) { // we have the optimized inline CSS in cache. $defer_inline_code = $icss_cache->retrieve(); } else { $cssmin = new autoptimizeCSSmin(); $tmp_code = trim( $cssmin->run( $defer_inline_code ) ); if ( ! empty( $tmp_code ) ) { $defer_inline_code = $tmp_code; $icss_cache->cache( $defer_inline_code, 'text/css' ); unset( $tmp_code ); } } } // inlined critical css set here, but injected when full CSS is injected // to avoid CSS containing SVG with <title tag receiving the full CSS link. $inlined_ccss_block = '<style ' . $type_css . 'id="aoatfcss" media="all">' . $defer_inline_code . '</style>'; } } foreach ( $this->url as $media => $url ) { $url = $this->url_replace_cdn( $url ); // Add the stylesheet either deferred (import at bottom) or normal links in head. if ( $this->defer && 'print' !== $media ) { $preload_onload = autoptimizeConfig::get_ao_css_preload_onload( $media ); $preload_css_block .= apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_single_deferred_link', '<link rel="stylesheet" media="print" href="' . $url . '" onload="' . $preload_onload . '">' ); if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_fitler_css_preload_and_print', false ) ) { $preload_css_block = '<link rel="preload" as="stylesheet" href="' . $url . '"/>' . $preload_css_block; } $noscript_css_block .= '<link ' . $type_css . 'media="' . $media . '" href="' . $url . '" rel="stylesheet">'; } else { if ( strlen( $this->csscode[ $media ] ) > $this->cssinlinesize ) { $this->inject_in_html( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_bodyreplacementpayload', '<link ' . $type_css . 'media="' . $media . '" href="' . $url . '" rel="stylesheet">' ), $replace_tag ); } elseif ( strlen( $this->csscode[ $media ] ) > 0 ) { $this->inject_in_html( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_bodyreplacementpayload', '<style ' . $type_css . 'media="' . $media . '">' . $this->csscode[ $media ] . '</style>' ), $replace_tag ); } } } if ( $this->defer ) { $noscript_css_block .= '</noscript>'; // Inject inline critical CSS, the preloaded full CSS and the noscript-CSS. $this->inject_in_html( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_bodyreplacementpayload', $inlined_ccss_block . $preload_css_block . $noscript_css_block ), $replace_tag ); } } // restore comments. $this->content = $this->restore_comments( $this->content ); // restore IE hacks. $this->content = $this->restore_iehacks( $this->content ); // restore (no)script. $this->content = $this->restore_marked_content( 'SCRIPT', $this->content ); // Restore noptimize. $this->content = $this->restore_noptimize( $this->content ); // Return the modified stylesheet. return $this->content; } /** * Make sure URL's are absolute iso relative to original CSS location. * * @param string $file filename of optimized CSS-file. * @param string $code CSS-code in which to fix URL's. */ static function fixurls( $file, $code ) { // Switch all imports to the url() syntax. $code = preg_replace( '#@import ("|\')(.+?)\.css.*?("|\')#', '@import url("${2}.css")', $code ); if ( preg_match_all( self::ASSETS_REGEX, $code, $matches ) ) { $file = str_replace( WP_ROOT_DIR, '/', $file ); /** * Rollback as per * $file = str_replace( AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME, '', $file ); */ $dir = dirname( $file ); // Like /themes/expound/css. /** * $dir should not contain backslashes, since it's used to replace * urls, but it can contain them when running on Windows because * fixurls() is sometimes called with `ABSPATH . 'index.php'` */ $dir = str_replace( '\\', '/', $dir ); unset( $file ); // not used below at all. $replace = array(); foreach ( $matches[1] as $k => $url ) { // Remove quotes. $url = trim( $url, " \t\n\r\0\x0B\"'" ); $no_q_url = trim( $url, "\"'" ); if ( $url !== $no_q_url ) { $removed_quotes = true; } else { $removed_quotes = false; } if ( '' === $no_q_url ) { continue; } $url = $no_q_url; if ( '/' === $url[0] || preg_match( '#^(https?://|ftp://|data:)#i', $url ) ) { // URL is protocol-relative, host-relative or something we don't touch. continue; } else { // Relative URL. /* * rollback as per * $newurl = preg_replace( '/https?:/', '', str_replace( ' ', '%20', AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_URL . str_replace( '//', '/', $dir . '/' . $url ) ) ); */ $newurl = preg_replace( '/https?:/', '', str_replace( ' ', '%20', AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_ROOT_URL . str_replace( '//', '/', $dir . '/' . $url ) ) ); $newurl = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_fixurl_newurl', $newurl ); /** * Hash the url + whatever was behind potentially for replacement * We must do this, or different css classes referencing the same bg image (but * different parts of it, say, in sprites and such) loose their stuff... */ $hash = md5( $url . $matches[2][ $k ] ); $code = str_replace( $matches[0][ $k ], $hash, $code ); if ( $removed_quotes ) { $replace[ $hash ] = "url('" . $newurl . "')" . $matches[2][ $k ]; } else { $replace[ $hash ] = 'url(' . $newurl . ')' . $matches[2][ $k ]; } } } $code = self::replace_longest_matches_first( $code, $replace ); } return $code; } private function ismovable( $tag ) { if ( ! $this->aggregate ) { return false; } if ( ! empty( $this->allowlist ) ) { foreach ( $this->allowlist as $match ) { if ( false !== strpos( $tag, $match ) ) { return true; } } // no match with allowlist. return false; } else { if ( is_array( $this->dontmove ) && ! empty( $this->dontmove ) ) { foreach ( $this->dontmove as $match ) { if ( false !== strpos( $tag, $match ) ) { // Matched something. return false; } } } // If we're here it's safe to move. return true; } } private function can_inject_late( $css_path, $css ) { $consider_minified_array = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_consider_minified', false, $css_path ); if ( true !== $this->inject_min_late ) { // late-inject turned off. return false; } elseif ( ( false === strpos( $css_path, 'min.css' ) ) && ( str_replace( $consider_minified_array, '', $css_path ) === $css_path ) ) { // file not minified based on filename & filter. return false; } elseif ( false !== strpos( $css, '@import' ) ) { // can't late-inject files with imports as those need to be aggregated. return false; } elseif ( ( false !== strpos( $css, '@font-face' ) ) && ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_fonts_cdn', false ) === true ) && ( ! empty( $this->cdn_url ) ) ) { // don't late-inject CSS with font-src's if fonts are set to be CDN'ed. return false; } elseif ( ( ( true == $this->datauris ) || ( ! empty( $this->cdn_url ) ) ) && preg_match( '#background[^;}]*url\(#Ui', $css ) ) { // don't late-inject CSS with images if CDN is set OR if image inlining is on. return false; } else { // phew, all is safe, we can late-inject. return true; } } /** * Minifies (and cdn-replaces) a single local css file * and returns its (cached) url. * * @param string $filepath Filepath. * @param bool $cache_miss Optional. Force a cache miss. Default false. * * @return bool|string Url pointing to the minified css file or false. */ public function minify_single( $filepath, $cache_miss = false ) { $contents = $this->prepare_minify_single( $filepath ); if ( empty( $contents ) ) { // if aggregate is off and CCSS is used but all files are minified already, then we // must make sure the autoptimize_action_css_hash action still fires for CCSS's sake. $ao_ccss_key = get_option( 'autoptimize_ccss_key', '' ); if ( false === $this->aggregate && isset( $ao_ccss_key ) && ! empty( $ao_ccss_key ) ) { $hash = 'single_' . md5( file_get_contents( $filepath ) ); do_action( 'autoptimize_action_css_hash', $hash ); } return false; } // Check cache. $hash = 'single_' . md5( $contents ); $cache = new autoptimizeCache( $hash, 'css' ); do_action( 'autoptimize_action_css_hash', $hash ); // If not in cache already, minify... if ( ! $cache->check() || $cache_miss ) { // Fixurls... $contents = self::fixurls( $filepath, $contents ); // CDN-replace any referenced assets if needed... $contents = $this->hide_fontface_and_maybe_cdn( $contents ); $contents = $this->replace_urls( $contents ); $contents = $this->restore_fontface( $contents ); // Now minify... $cssmin = new autoptimizeCSSmin(); $contents = trim( $cssmin->run( $contents ) ); // Check if minified cache content is empty. if ( empty( $contents ) ) { return false; } // Filter contents of excluded minified CSS. $contents = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_css_single_after_minify', $contents ); // Store in cache. $cache->cache( $contents, 'text/css' ); } $url = $this->build_minify_single_url( $cache ); return $url; } /** * Returns whether we're doing aggregation or not. * * @return bool */ public function aggregating() { return $this->aggregate; } public function getOptions() { return $this->options; } public function replaceOptions( $options ) { $this->options = $options; } public function setOption( $name, $value ) { $this->options[ $name ] = $value; $this->$name = $value; } public function getOption( $name ) { return $this->options[ $name ]; } /** * Sanitize user-provided CSS. * * For now just strip_tags (the WordPress way) and preg_replace to escape < in certain cases but might do full CSS escaping in the future, see: * * * * * @param string $css the to be sanitized CSS. * @return string sanitized CSS. */ public static function sanitize_css( $css ) { $css = wp_strip_all_tags( $css ); if ( strpos( $css, '<' ) !== false ) { $css = preg_replace( '#<(\/?\w+)#', '\00003C$1', $css ); } return $css; } }
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