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<?php /** * Critical CSS job enqueue logic. */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } class autoptimizeCriticalCSSEnqueue { public function __construct() { $this->criticalcss = autoptimize()->criticalcss(); } public function ao_ccss_enqueue( $hash = '', $path = '', $type = 'is_page' ) { // Get key status. $key = $this->criticalcss->key_status( false ); // Queue is available to anyone... $enqueue = true; // ... which are not the ones below. if ( true === autoptimizeUtils::is_local_server() ) { $enqueue = false; $this->criticalcss->log('cant enqueue as local/ private', 3 ); } elseif ( 'nokey' == $key['status'] || 'invalid' == $key['status'] ) { $enqueue = false; $this->criticalcss->log( 'Job queuing is not available: no valid API key found.', 3 ); } elseif ( ! empty( $hash ) && ( is_user_logged_in() || is_feed() || is_404() || ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) || $this->ao_ccss_ua() || false === apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_enqueue_should_enqueue', true ) ) ) { $enqueue = false; $this->criticalcss->log( 'Job queuing is not available for WordPress\'s logged in users, feeds, error pages, ajax calls or calls from itself.', 3 ); } elseif ( empty( $hash ) && empty( $path ) || ( ( 'is_single' !== $type ) && ( 'is_page' !== $type ) ) ) { $enqueue = false; $this->criticalcss->log( 'Forced job queuing failed, no path or not right type', 3 ); } if ( ! $enqueue ) { return; } // Continue if queue is available // Attach required arrays/ vars. $rules = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'rules' ); $queue_raw = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'queue_raw' ); $queue = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'queue' ); $forcepath = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'forcepath' ); // Get request path and page type, and initialize the queue update flag. if ( ! empty( $hash ) ) { $req_orig = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $req_type = $this->ao_ccss_get_type(); } elseif ( ! empty( $path ) ) { $req_orig = $path; if ( '/' === $path ) { $req_type = 'is_front_page'; } else { $req_type = $type; } } $req_path = strtok( $req_orig, '?' ); // Check if we have a lang param. we need to keep as WPML can switch languages based on that // and that includes RTL -> LTR so diff. structure, so rules would be RTL vs LTR // but this needs changes in the structur of the rule object so off by default for now // as now this will simply result in conditional rules being overwritten. if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_coreenqueue_honor_lang', false ) && strpos( $req_orig, 'lang=' ) !== false ) { $req_params = strtok( '?' ); parse_str( $req_params, $req_params_arr ); if ( array_key_exists( 'lang', $req_params_arr ) && ! empty( $req_params_arr['lang'] ) ) { $req_path .= '?lang=' . $req_params_arr['lang']; } } $job_qualify = false; $target_rule = false; $rule_properties = false; $queue_update = false; // Match for paths in rules. foreach ( $rules['paths'] as $path => $props ) { // Prepare rule target and log. $target_rule = 'paths|' . $path; $this->criticalcss->log( 'Qualifying path <' . $req_path . '> for job submission by rule <' . $target_rule . '>', 3 ); // Path match // -> exact match needed for AUTO rules // -> partial match OK for MANUAL rules (which have empty hash and a file with CCSS). if ( $path === $req_path || ( false == $props['hash'] && false != $props['file'] && preg_match( '|' . $path . '|', $req_path ) ) ) { // There's a path match in the rule, so job QUALIFIES with a path rule match. $job_qualify = true; $rule_properties = $props; $this->criticalcss->log( 'Path <' . $req_path . '> QUALIFIED for job submission by rule <' . $target_rule . '>', 3 ); // Stop processing other path rules. break; } } // Match for types in rules if no path rule matches and if we're not enforcing paths. if ( '' !== $hash && ! $job_qualify && ( ! $forcepath || ! in_array( $req_type, apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_coreenqueue_forcepathfortype', array( 'is_page' ) ) ) || ! apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_coreenqueue_ignorealltypes', false ) ) ) { foreach ( $rules['types'] as $type => $props ) { // Prepare rule target and log. $target_rule = 'types|' . $type; $this->criticalcss->log( 'Qualifying page type <' . $req_type . '> on path <' . $req_path . '> for job submission by rule <' . $target_rule . '>', 3 ); if ( $req_type == $type ) { // Type match. // There's a type match in the rule, so job QUALIFIES with a type rule match. $job_qualify = true; $rule_properties = $props; $this->criticalcss->log( 'Page type <' . $req_type . '> on path <' . $req_path . '> QUALIFIED for job submission by rule <' . $target_rule . '>', 3 ); // Stop processing other type rules. break; } } } if ( $job_qualify && ( ( false == $rule_properties['hash'] && false != $rule_properties['file'] ) || strpos( $req_type, 'template_' ) !== false ) ) { // If job qualifies but rule hash is false and file isn't false (MANUAL rule) or if template, job does not qualify despite what previous evaluations says. $job_qualify = false; $this->criticalcss->log( 'Job submission DISQUALIFIED by MANUAL rule <' . $target_rule . '> with hash <' . $rule_properties['hash'] . '> and file <' . $rule_properties['file'] . '>', 3 ); } elseif ( ! $job_qualify && empty( $rule_properties ) ) { // But if job does not qualify and rule properties are set, job qualifies as there is no matching rule for it yet // Fill-in the new target rule. $job_qualify = true; // Should we switch to path-base AUTO-rules? Conditions: // 1. forcepath option has to be enabled (off by default) // 2. request type should be (by default, but filterable) one of is_page (removed for now: woo_is_product or woo_is_product_category). if ( ( $forcepath && in_array( $req_type, apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_coreenqueue_forcepathfortype', array( 'is_page' ) ) ) ) || apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_coreenqueue_ignorealltypes', false ) || empty( $hash ) ) { if ( '/' !== $req_path ) { $target_rule = 'paths|' . $req_path; } else { // Exception; we don't want a path-based rule for "/" as that messes things up, hard-switch this to a type-based is_front_page rule. $target_rule = 'types|' . 'is_front_page'; } } else { $target_rule = 'types|' . $req_type; } $this->criticalcss->log( 'Job submission QUALIFIED by MISSING rule for page type <' . $req_type . '> on path <' . $req_path . '>, new rule target is <' . $target_rule . '>', 3 ); } else { // Or just log a job qualified by a matching rule. $this->criticalcss->log( 'Job submission QUALIFIED by AUTO rule <' . $target_rule . '> with hash <' . $rule_properties['hash'] . '> and file <' . $rule_properties['file'] . '>', 3 ); } // Submit job. if ( $job_qualify ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $req_path, $queue ) ) { // This is a NEW job // Merge job into the queue. $queue[ $req_path ] = $this->ao_ccss_define_job( $req_path, $target_rule, $req_type, $hash, null, null, null, null, true ); // Set update flag. $queue_update = true; } else { // This is an existing job // The job is still NEW, most likely this is extra CSS file for the same page that needs a hash. if ( 'NEW' == $queue[ $req_path ]['jqstat'] ) { // Add hash if it's not already in the job. if ( ! in_array( $hash, $queue[ $req_path ]['hashes'] ) ) { // Push new hash to its array and update flag. $queue_update = array_push( $queue[ $req_path ]['hashes'], $hash ); // Log job update. $this->criticalcss->log( 'Hashes UPDATED on local job id <' . $queue[ $req_path ]['ljid'] . '>, job status NEW, target rule <' . $queue[ $req_path ]['rtarget'] . '>, hash added: ' . $hash, 3 ); // Return from here as the hash array is already updated. return true; } } elseif ( 'NEW' != $queue[ $req_path ]['jqstat'] && 'JOB_QUEUED' != $queue[ $req_path ]['jqstat'] && 'JOB_ONGOING' != $queue[ $req_path ]['jqstat'] ) { // Allow requeuing jobs that are not NEW, JOB_QUEUED or JOB_ONGOING // Merge new job keeping some previous job values. $queue[ $req_path ] = $this->ao_ccss_define_job( $req_path, $target_rule, $req_type, $hash, $queue[ $req_path ]['file'], $queue[ $req_path ]['jid'], $queue[ $req_path ]['jrstat'], $queue[ $req_path ]['jvstat'], false ); // Set update flag. $queue_update = true; } } if ( $queue_update ) { // Persist the job to the queue and return. $queue_raw = json_encode( $queue ); update_option( 'autoptimize_ccss_queue', $queue_raw, false ); $this->criticalcss->flush_options(); return true; } else { // Or just return false if no job was added. $this->criticalcss->log( 'A job for path <' . $req_path . '> already exist with NEW or PENDING status, skipping job creation', 3 ); return false; } } } public function ao_ccss_get_type() { // Get the type of a page // Attach the conditional tags array. $types = $this->criticalcss->get_types(); $forcepath = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'forcepath' ); // By default, a page type is false. $page_type = false; // Iterates over the array to match a type. foreach ( $types as $type ) { if ( is_404() ) { $page_type = 'is_404'; break; } elseif ( is_front_page() ) { // identify frontpage immediately to avoid it also matching a CPT or template. $page_type = 'is_front_page'; break; } elseif ( strpos( $type, 'custom_post_' ) !== false && ( ! $forcepath || ! is_page() ) && is_singular() ) { // Match custom post types and not page or page not forced to path-based. if ( get_post_type( get_the_ID() ) === substr( $type, 12 ) ) { $page_type = $type; break; } } elseif ( strpos( $type, 'template_' ) !== false && ( ! $forcepath || ! is_page() ) ) { // Match templates if not page or if page is not forced to path-based. if ( is_page_template( substr( $type, 9 ) ) ) { $page_type = $type; break; } } else { // Match all other existing types // but remove prefix to be able to check if the function exists & returns true. $_type = str_replace( array( 'woo_', 'bp_', 'bbp_', 'edd_' ), '', $type ); if ( function_exists( $_type ) && call_user_func( $_type ) ) { // Make sure we only return for one page, not for the "paged pages" (/page/2 ..). if ( ! is_page() || ! is_paged() ) { $page_type = $type; break; } } } } // Return the page type. return $page_type; } public function ao_ccss_define_job( $path, $target, $type, $hash, $file, $jid, $jrstat, $jvstat, $create ) { // Define a job entry to be created or updated // Define commom job properties. $path = array(); $path['ljid'] = $this->ao_ccss_job_id(); $path['rtarget'] = $target; $path['ptype'] = $type; $path['hashes'] = array( $hash ); $path['hash'] = $hash; $path['file'] = $file; $path['jid'] = $jid; $path['jqstat'] = 'NEW'; $path['jrstat'] = $jrstat; $path['jvstat'] = $jvstat; $path['jctime'] = microtime( true ); $path['jftime'] = null; // Set operation requested. if ( $create ) { $operation = 'CREATED'; } else { $operation = 'UPDATED'; } // Log job creation. $this->criticalcss->log( 'Job ' . $operation . ' with local job id <' . $path['ljid'] . '> for target rule <' . $target . '>', 3 ); return $path; } public function ao_ccss_job_id( $length = 6 ) { // Generate random strings for the local job ID // Based on . $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $characters_length = strlen( $characters ); $random_string = 'j-'; for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) { $random_string .= $characters[ rand( 0, $characters_length - 1 ) ]; } return $random_string; } public function ao_ccss_ua() { // Check for user agent. $agent = ''; if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) { $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } // Check for UA and return TRUE when is the detected UA, false when not. $rtn = strpos( $agent, AO_CCSS_URL ); if ( 0 === $rtn ) { $rtn = true; } else { $rtn = false; } return ( $rtn ); } }
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