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jQuery(document).ready(function($) { "use strict"; $('.peony-section-slider .slide').each(function() { $(this).css({ 'min-height': $(window).height() }); }); // fixed header var adminbarHeight = function(){ var stickyTop; if ($("body.admin-bar").length) { if ($(window).width() < 765) { stickyTop = 46; } else { stickyTop = 32; } } else { stickyTop = 0; } return stickyTop; } var h = 0; if($('.top-wrap').length) h += $('.top-wrap').outerHeight(); if($('.page-title-bar').length) h += $('.page-title-bar').outerHeight(); if($('footer').length) h += $('footer').outerHeight(); $('.post-wrap').css({'min-height':($(window).height()-h-adminbarHeight())}); /* sticky header */ var peony_sticky_header = function() { var stickyHeight; stickyHeight = adminbarHeight(); var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); //var show_after_scrolling = $('#header').height()+stickyHeight; var show_after_scrolling = $('#header').height()/2; if (scrollTop >= show_after_scrolling) { $('.fxd-header').css({ 'top': stickyHeight, 'position': 'fixed','visibility':'visible' }); 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// tool tip $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); // back to top button $('.scroll-to-top').click(function() { var peony_main = $('#peony-home-sections #peony-main'); var previousDestTop = 0; var $window = $(window); var windowsHeight = $window.height(); if (peony_main.length) { var elemPosition = peony_main.position(); var position =; var isScrollingDown = > previousDestTop; var sectionBottom = position - windowsHeight + peony_main.outerHeight(); if (peony_main.outerHeight() > windowsHeight) { if (!isScrollingDown) { position = sectionBottom; } } else if (isScrollingDown || (isResizing &&':last-child'))) { position = sectionBottom; } /* var translate3d = 'translate3d(0px, -' + position + 'px, 0px)'; peony_main.css({ '-webkit-transform': translate3d, '-moz-transform': translate3d, '-ms-transform': translate3d, 'transform': translate3d });*/ } $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 1000); return false; }); // side menu $('.site-nav > ul').find('').addClass('parent'); $('.site-nav ul > a').after('<span class="menu-item-toggle"></span>'); 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} }); // Bind to scroll $(window).scroll(function() { // Get container scroll position var fromTop = $(this).scrollTop() + topMenuHeight; // Get id of current scroll item var cur = { if ($(this).offset().top < fromTop) return this; }); // Get the id of the current element cur = cur[cur.length - 1]; var id = cur && cur.length ? cur[0].id : ""; // Set/remove active class if (id !== '') { menuItems .parent().removeClass("active current") .end().filter("[href='#" + id + "']").parent().addClass("active current"); } else { menuItems.parent().removeClass("active current"); } if ($(document).scrollTop() >= $(document).height() - $(window).height()) { menuItems.parent().removeClass("active current"); menuItems.find(">li:last a[href^='#']").parent('li').addClass("active current"); } }); //woocommerce $(document).on('click', '.peony-quantity .minus', function() { var qtyWrap = $(this).parent('.quantity'); var quantity = parseInt(qtyWrap.find('.qty').val(), 10); var min_num = parseInt(qtyWrap.find('.qty').attr('min'), 10); var max_num = parseInt(qtyWrap.find('.qty').attr('max'), 10); var step = parseInt(qtyWrap.find('.qty').attr('step'), 10); $('input[name="update_cart"]').removeAttr("disabled"); if (quantity > min_num) { quantity = quantity - step; if (quantity > 0) qtyWrap.find('.qty').val(quantity); } }); $(document).on('click', '.peony-quantity .plus', function() { var qtyWrap = $(this).parent('.quantity'); var quantity = parseInt(qtyWrap.find('.qty').val(), 10); var min_num = parseInt(qtyWrap.find('.qty').attr('min'), 10); var max_num = parseInt(qtyWrap.find('.qty').attr('max'), 10); var step = parseInt(qtyWrap.find('.qty').attr('step'), 10); $('input[name="update_cart"]').removeAttr("disabled"); if (max_num) { if (quantity < max_num) { quantity = quantity + step; qtyWrap.find('.qty').val(quantity); } } else { quantity = quantity + step; qtyWrap.find('.qty').val(quantity); } }); var scrollifyCall = function(){ var stickyHeight; var fullheight = $(window).height(); stickyHeight = adminbarHeight(); $('body').css({'margin-top':stickyHeight-1}); 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