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Edit File: class-header.php
<?php /** * MPL Header Class. * * @since 1.0 */ class Peony_Template_Header { public $mpl_header_options; private $is_saved; public function __construct( $mpl_header_options = array() ) { $options = get_option('mpl_top_bar_header'); $this->is_saved = false; if ( $options ){ $options = @json_decode($options,true); if ( !empty($options) && $options != null ) $this->is_saved = true; } $default_options = $this->get_default_options(); $this->mpl_header_options = $this->array_extend((array)$default_options,(array)$options); if ( $mpl_header_options != NULL ) $this->mpl_header_options = $this->array_extend((array)$this->mpl_header_options,(array)$mpl_header_options); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_scripts') ); add_filter('peony_header',array($this,'get_header'),10,2); add_filter('peony_body_class', array($this,'body_class_filter')); add_filter('mpl_top_bar_class', array($this,'top_bar_class')); add_filter('mpl_classic_nav_class', array($this,'classic_nav_class')); add_filter('mpl_menu_container_class', array($this,'menu_container_class')); add_filter('mpl_wrap_class', array($this,'wrap_class')); add_filter('mpl_side_wrap_class', array($this,'side_wrap_class')); add_filter('mpl_float_nav_class', array($this,'float_nav_class')); } /** * Get default options */ public function get_default_options(){ $options = array( 'layout' => array( 'header_layout' => 'classic', 'classic' => array( 'microwidgets' => 'no', 'top_bar_left' => array ( 'Menu' => array ( 'on_desktops' => 'show', 'tablet' => 'leave', 'style' => 'list', ), 'Cart' => array ( 'title' => '', 'caption_align' => 'left', ), ), 'top_bar_right' => array ( 'Search' => array ( 'caption' => '', 'show_icon' => '', 'on_desktops' => 'show', 'tablet' => 'leave', 'phone' => 'logo', ) ), 'near_menu' => array ( 'Social' => array ( 'on_desktops' => 'show', 'tablet' => 'leave', ), ), 'near_logo_left'=> array(), 'near_logo_right' => array ( 'Text' => array ( 'content' => '', 'on_desktops' => 'show', 'tablet' => 'leave', 'phone' => 'logo', ), ), 'area_near_menu' => '', 'area_near_logo_left' => '0px 0px 0px 0px', 'area_near_logo_right' => '0px 0px 0px 0px', 'logo_position' => 'left', 'menu_position' => 'left', 'margin_above_menu' => '', 'margin_below_menu' => '', 'header_height' => '', 'full_width_header' => 'disaled', ), "inline" => array( "microwidgets" => "no", "top_bar_left" => array( "Text" => array( "content" => "This is test", "on_desktops" => "show", "tablet" => "leave" ) ), "top_bar_right" => array( "Social" => array( "on_desktops" => "show", "tablet" => "leave" ) ), "near_menu" => array( "Cart" => array( "title" => "", "caption_align" => "left" ), "Search" => array( "caption" => "", "show_icon" => "", "on_desktops" => "show", "tablet" => "leave" ) ), "area_near_menu" => "", "menu_position" => "right", "header_height" => "100", "full_width_header" => "disaled" ), "split" => array( "microwidgets" => "yes", "near_menu_left" => array( "Search" => array( "caption" => "", "show_icon" => "", "on_desktops" => "show", "tablet" => "leave" ) ), "near_menu_right" => array( "Cart" => array( "title" => "", "caption_align" => "left" ) ), "area_near_menu_left" => "", "area_near_menu_right" => "", "header_height" => "100", "full_width_header" => "disabled", 'top_bar_left' => '', 'top_bar_right' => '', ), "side" => array( "microwidgets" => "yes", "below_menu" => array( "Social" => array( "on_desktops" => "show", "tablet" => "leave" ), "Text" => array( "content" => "", "on_desktops" => "show", "tablet" => "leave" ) ), "area_below_menu" => "", "header_position" => "right", "header_width" => "300", "width_of_header_content" => "300", "position_of_header_content" => "center", "header_content_paddings" => "", "menu_position" => "top", "logo_info_position" => "edges_of_entire_content", "menu_paddings" => "", "menu_items_alignment" => "center", "menu_itmes_link_area" => "full_width" ), "inline_three" => array( "microwidgets" => "", "top_line" => array( "Text" => array( "content" => "", "on_desktops" => "show", "tablet" => "leave" ) ), "area_in_top_line" => "", "area_below_menu" => "", "below_menu" => "", "logo_position" => "left", "height" => "", "full_width_header" => "enabled", "sliding_menu_position" => "right", "animation" => "slide", "show_header" => "above", "floating_logo" => "enabled", "header_width" => "300", "width_of_header_content" => "300", "position_of_header_content" => "center", "header_content_paddings" => "", "menu_position" => "top", "logo_info_position" => "edges_of_menu", "menu_paddings" => "", "menu_items_alignment" => "left", "menu_itmes_link_area" => "full_width", "menu_paddings_top"=>'', "menu_paddings_bottom"=>'' ), ), 'top_bar' => array ( 'top_bar_font_size' => '13', 'capitalize' => '', 'top_bar_font_color' => '', 'top_padding' => '8', 'bottom_padding' => '8', 'side_paddings' => '', 'background_or_line' => 'content_width_line', 'background_line_color' => '', 'background_line_opacity' => '1', ), 'header' => array ( 'header_settings' => array ( 'background' => array ( 'background_color' => '', 'background_opacity' => '1', 'background_image' => '', 'fullscreen' => 'yes', 'fixed_background' => 'yes', 'header_decoration' => 'line', 'line_color' => '', 'line_opacity' => 0, ), 'menu' => array ( 'open_menu_icon_color' => '', 'open_menu_background' => '', 'open_menu_background_opacity' => '100', 'close_menu_icon_color' => '', 'close_menu_background' => '', 'close_menu_background_opacity' => '100', 'menu_icon_margin' => '', 'background_border_radius' => '0', ), 'classic' => array ( 'menu_background_line' => 'backgrond', 'background_color' => '', 'background_opacity' => '', ), 'sliding' => array ( 'background_color' => '', 'background_opacity' => '100', 'background_image' => '', 'fullscreen' => 'yes', 'fixed_background' => 'yes', ), ), ), 'menu' => array ( 'menu_settings' => array ( 'font' => array ( 'font_size' => 16, 'capitalize' => '', 'subtitles_font_size' => 11, 'normal_font_color' => '', 'hover_font_color' => 'accent', 'hover_custom_color' => '', 'hover_gradient1' => '', 'hover_gradient2' => '', 'active_item_font_color' => 'accent', 'active_custom_color' => '', 'active_gradient1' => '', 'active_gradient2' => '', 'menu_icon_size' => 0, 'next_level' => 'yes', ), 'margins' => array ( 'menu_paddings' => '', 'margin' => '', 'side_margins' => 'regular', 'full_height' => 'enabled', ), 'dividers' => array ( 'dividers' => 'enabled', 'divider_height' => '100', 'height' => '42', 'first_last_dividers' => 'enabled', 'dividers_color' => '', 'dividers_opacity' => '', ), 'decoration' => array ( 'decoration' => 'none', 'underline_custom_color' => '', 'underline_gradient1' => '', 'underline_gradient2' => '', 'hover_style' => 'outline' ), ), ), 'sub_menu' => array ( 'sub_menu_settings' => array ( 'font' => array ( 'font_size' => '16', 'capitalize' => '', 'subtitles_font_size' => '11', 'normal_font_color' => '', 'hover_font_color' => 'accent', 'active_item_font_color' => 'accent', 'menu_icon_size' => 0, 'next_level' => 'yes', 'parent_menu' => 'yes', ), 'margins' => array ( 'paddings' => '8px 10px 8px 10px', 'margin' => '0px 0px 0px 0px', ), 'background' => array ( 'color' => '', 'opacity' => 0, 'width' => '', 'hover_background' => 'disabled', ), 'side' => array ( 'show' => 'sideways' ), 'navigation_panel' => array( 'floating_navigation' => 'disabled', 'effect' => 'sticky', 'scrolling' => '', 'height' => '', 'background_color' => '', 'background_opacity' => '100', 'decoration' => '', 'line_color' => '', 'line_opacity' => '', ) ), ), 'microwidgets' => array ( 'near_menu_font_size' => '13', 'near_menu_font_color' => '', 'near_logo_font_size' => '13', 'near_logo_font_color' => '', ), 'float_header' => array ( 'navigation_panel' => array ( 'floating_navigation' => 'enabled', 'effect' => 'fade', 'scrolling' => '', 'height' => '', 'background_color' => '', 'background_opacity' => 100, 'decoration' => 'disabled', 'line_color' => '', 'line_opacity' => '', ) ), 'mobile_header' => array ( 'mobile_settings' => array ( 'tablet' => array ( 'switch' => 1040, 'height' => 60, ), 'phone' => array ( 'switch' => 800, 'height' => 60, ), 'navigation' => array ( 'floating' => 'disabled' ), 'font' => array ( 'font_size' => 16, 'capitalize' => '', 'subtitles_font_size' => 11, 'normal_font_color' => '', 'hover_font_color' => 'accent', 'hover_custom_color' => '', 'hover_gradient1' => '', 'hover_gradient2' => '', 'active_item_font_color' => 'accent', 'active_custom_color' => '', 'active_gradient1' => '', 'active_gradient2' => '', ), 'background' => array ( 'color' => '', 'opacity' => '', 'maximum_width' => '', 'slides_from' => 'left' ), ) ) ); return $options ; } /** * Enqueue header js & css */ public function enqueue_scripts(){ $new_options = $this->mpl_header_options ; $header_css = ''; $default_options = $this->get_default_options(); $options = $this->array_extend((array)$default_options,(array)$new_options); if ( isset($options['layout']) && is_array($options['layout']) ){ $layout_name = $options['layout']['header_layout']; $top_bar_options = $options['top_bar']; $header_options = $options['header']; $menu_options = $options['menu']; $sub_menu_options = $options['sub_menu']; $microwidgets_options = $options['microwidgets']; $mobile_header_options = $options['mobile_header']; $float_header_options = $options['float_header']; $layout_options = $options['layout'][$layout_name]; // header layout extract($layout_options); switch ($layout_name){ case "classic": if ( $area_near_menu != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-menu{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_near_menu.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $area_near_logo_left != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-logo-left{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_near_logo_left.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $area_near_logo_right != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-logo-right{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_near_logo_right.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $margin_above_menu != '' ) $margin_above_menu = str_replace('px','',$margin_above_menu); if ( $margin_below_menu != '' ) $margin_below_menu = str_replace('px','',$margin_below_menu); if ( $margin_above_menu != '' || $margin_below_menu != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-header:not(.mpl-side-header){\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding-top: ".$margin_above_menu."px;\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding-bottom: ".$margin_below_menu."px;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $header_height != '' ){ $header_height = str_replace('px','',$header_height); $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-header:not(.mpl-side-header) .mpl-main-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "height: ".$header_height."px;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } break; case "inline": if ( $area_near_menu != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-menu{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_near_menu.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $header_height != '' ){ $header_height = str_replace('px','',$header_height); $header_css .= ".mpl-header-main .mpl-header .mpl-main-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "height: ".$header_height."px;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } break; case "split": if ( $area_near_menu_left != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-menu-left{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_near_menu_left.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $area_near_menu_right != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-menu-right{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_near_menu_right.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $header_height != '' ){ $header_height = str_replace('px','',$header_height); $header_css .= ".mpl-header-main .mpl-header .mpl-main-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "height: ".$header_height."px;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } break; case "side": if ( $area_below_menu != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-below-menu{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_below_menu.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $header_width != '' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header.mpl-side-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "width: ".$header_width.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $width_of_header_content != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-header .mpl-main-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "width: ".$width_of_header_content.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $menu_paddings_top != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-main-nav{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding-top: ".$menu_paddings_top.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $menu_paddings_bottom != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-main-nav{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding-bottom: ".$menu_paddings_bottom.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } break; case "inline_three": if ( $area_in_top_line != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .area-in-top-line{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_in_top_line.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $area_below_menu != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .area-below-menu{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_below_menu.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $height != '' ){ $height = str_replace('px','',$height); $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-mixed-header .mpl-main-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "height: ".$height."px;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $header_width != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-side-header:not(.mpl-side-header-overlay){\r\n"; $header_css .= "width: ".$header_width.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $width_of_header_content != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-side-header:not(.mpl-side-header-overlay) .mpl-main-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "width: ".$width_of_header_content.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $header_content_paddings != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-side-header .mpl-main-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$header_content_paddings.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $menu_paddings_top != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-main-nav{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding-top: ".$menu_paddings_top.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $menu_paddings_bottom != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-main-nav{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding-bottom: ".$menu_paddings_bottom.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } break; } // top bar styling extract($top_bar_options); $header_css .= ".mpl-top-bar{\r\n"; if ( is_numeric($top_padding) ){ $header_css .= "padding-top:".$top_padding."px;"; } if ( is_numeric($bottom_padding) ){ $header_css .= "padding-bottom:".$bottom_padding."px;"; } if ( is_numeric($side_paddings) ){ $header_css .= "padding-left:".$side_paddings."px;"; $header_css .= "padding-right:".$side_paddings."px;"; } $header_css .= "}\r\n"; $header_css .= ".mpl-top-bar,.mpl-top-bar a,.mpl-top-bar span,.mpl-top-bar .mpl-f-microwidget,.mpl-top-bar .mpl-search-label:before{\r\n"; if ( is_numeric($top_bar_font_size) ){ $header_css .= "font-size:".$top_bar_font_size."px !important;"; } if ( $capitalize == 'yes' ){ $header_css .= "text-transform:capitalize !important;"; } if ( $top_bar_font_color != '' ){ $header_css .= "color:".$top_bar_font_color.";"; } $header_css .= "}\r\n"; // header styling extract($header_options); if ( isset($header_settings) && is_array($header_settings) ){ // header background extract($header_settings['background']); if ( isset($header_settings['background']['background_color']) && $header_settings['background']['background_color'] != '' ){ $color = $this->hex2rgb($header_settings['background']['background_color']); $opacity = (absint($header_settings['background']['background_opacity'])/100); $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-header:not(.mpl-side-header){\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color: rgba(".$color[0].",".$color[1].",".$color[2].",".$opacity.");\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $background_image != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-header:not(.mpl-side-header){\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-image: url(".$background_image.");\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $fullscreen == 'yes' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-header:not(.mpl-side-header){\r\n"; $header_css .= "-webkit-background-size:cover;\r\n"; $header_css .= "-moz-background-size:cover;\r\n"; $header_css .= "-o-background-size:cover;\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-size:cover;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $fixed_background == 'yes' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-header:not(.mpl-side-header){\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-attachment: fixed;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( isset($line_color) && $line_color != '' ){ $color = $this->hex2rgb($line_color); $opacity = (absint($line_opacity)/100); $header_css .= ".mpl-header.border:not(.mpl-side-header):not(.mpl-mixed-header){\r\n"; $header_css .= "border-color: rgba(".$color[0].",".$color[1].",".$color[2].",".$opacity.");\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } // menu icon extract($header_settings['menu']); if ( $open_menu_icon_color != '' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-menu-toggle .mpl-line,.mpl-toggle-icon:before, .mpl-toggle-icon:after{\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color: ".$open_menu_icon_color.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $close_menu_icon_color != '' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-close-toggle .mpl-line:before, .mpl-close-toggle .mpl-line:after{\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color: ".$close_menu_icon_color.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $open_menu_background != '' ){ $color = $this->hex2rgb($open_menu_background); $opacity = (absint($open_menu_background_opacity)/100); $header_css .= ".mpl-menu-toggle .mpl-toggle-icon{\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color: rgba(".$color[0].",".$color[1].",".$color[2].",".$opacity.") ;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $close_menu_background != '' ){ $color = $this->hex2rgb($close_menu_background); $opacity = (absint($close_menu_background_opacity)/100); $header_css .= ".mpl-close-toggle{\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color: rgba(".$color[0].",".$color[1].",".$color[2].",".$opacity.") ;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $menu_icon_margin != '' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-menu-toggle{\r\n"; $header_css .= "margin: ".$menu_icon_margin." ;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( is_numeric($background_border_radius) ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-menu-toggle .mpl-toggle-icon,.mpl-close-toggle{\r\n"; $header_css .= "border-radius: ".$background_border_radius."px;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } // classic menu if ( $header_settings['classic']['background_color'] && $header_settings['classic']['background_color'] != '' ){ $color = $this->hex2rgb($header_settings['classic']['background_color']); $opacity = (absint($header_settings['classic']['background_opacity'])/100); $header_css .= ".mpl-navigation.mpl-style-solid-bg:before{\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color: rgba(".$color[0].",".$color[1].",".$color[2].",".$opacity.") ;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; $header_css .= ".mpl-navigation.mpl-style-top-line:before,\r\n"; $header_css .= ".mpl-navigation.mpl-style-top-line-full:before {\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color:rgba(".$color[0].",".$color[1].",".$color[2].",".$opacity.");\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } // Sliding Menu extract($header_settings['sliding']); if ( isset($header_settings['sliding']['background_color']) && $header_settings['sliding']['background_color'] != '' ){ $color = $this->hex2rgb($header_settings['sliding']['background_color']); $opacity = (absint($header_settings['sliding']['background_opacity'])/100); $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-side-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color: rgba(".$color[0].",".$color[1].",".$color[2].",".$opacity.");\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-side-header{\r\n"; if ( isset($header_settings['sliding']['background_image']) && $header_settings['sliding']['background_image'] != '') $header_css .= "background-image: url(".$header_settings['sliding']['background_image'].");\r\n"; if ( isset($header_settings['sliding']['fullscreen']) && $header_settings['sliding']['fullscreen'] == 'yes' ){ $header_css .= "-webkit-background-size:cover;\r\n"; $header_css .= "-moz-background-size:cover;\r\n"; $header_css .= "-o-background-size:cover;\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-size:cover;\r\n"; } $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } // menu styling extract($menu_options); if ( isset($menu_settings) && is_array($menu_settings) ){ // fonts extract($menu_settings['font']); if ( is_numeric($font_size) ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header .mpl-main-nav > li > a{\r\n"; $header_css .= "font-size: ".$font_size."px;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $capitalize == 'yes' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header .mpl-main-nav > li > a{\r\n"; $header_css .= "text-transform:capitalize;"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $normal_font_color !='' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header .mpl-main-nav > li > a{\r\n"; $header_css .= "color: ".$normal_font_color.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $hover_font_color == 'color' ){ if ( $hover_custom_color !='' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header .mpl-main-nav > li > a:hover{\r\n"; $header_css .= "color: ".$hover_custom_color.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } } if ( $hover_font_color == 'gradient' ){ if ( $hover_gradient1 !='' && $hover_gradient2 !='' 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$active_gradient1 !='' && $active_gradient2 !='' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header .mpl-main-nav > li.current-menu-item > a span{\r\n"; $header_css .= "color: ".$active_gradient1."; background: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,right top,color-stop(32%,".$active_gradient1."),color-stop(100%,".$active_gradient2.")); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,".$active_gradient1." 32%,".$active_gradient2." 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } } if ( isset($next_level) && $next_level == 'yes' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header .mpl-main-nav > > a:after{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding-left: 6px; font-family: FontAwesome;content: \"\\f105\";"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } // margin if ( isset($menu_settings['margins']['paddings']) && $menu_settings['margins']['paddings'] != '' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header .mpl-main-nav > li > a{"; $header_css .= "padding:".$menu_settings['margins']['paddings'].";"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( 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$header_css .= "font-size: ".$menu_icon_size."px;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } } if ( isset($active_item_font_color) && $active_item_font_color == 'gradient' ){ if ( $active_gradient1 !='' && $active_gradient2 !='' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header .mpl-main-nav > li li.current-menu-item > a span{\r\n"; $header_css .= " color: ".$active_gradient1."; background: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,right top,color-stop(32%,".$active_gradient1."),color-stop(100%,".$active_gradient2.")); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,".$active_gradient1." 32%,".$active_gradient2." 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } } if ( isset($next_level) && $next_level == 'yes' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header .mpl-main-nav > li > a:after{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding-left: 6px; font-family: FontAwesome;content: \"\\f105\";"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } // margin if ( isset($sub_menu_settings['margins']['paddings']) && 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top,color-stop(32%,".$hover_gradient1."),color-stop(100%,".$hover_gradient2.")); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,".$hover_gradient1." 32%,".$hover_gradient2." 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"; } } $header_css .= "}\r\n"; if ( isset($active_item_font_color) && $active_item_font_color == 'gradient' ){ if ( $active_gradient1 !='' && $active_gradient2 !='' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-mobile-side-header li.current-menu-item > a span{\r\n"; $header_css .= "color: ".$active_gradient1."; background: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,right top,color-stop(32%,".$active_gradient1."),color-stop(100%,".$active_gradient2.")); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,".$active_gradient1." 32%,".$active_gradient2." 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } } if (is_numeric($tablet_switch) && $tablet_switch>0){ $header_css .= "@media screen and (min-width: ".$tablet_switch."px) { 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flex-flow: row wrap; -webkit-justify-content: flex-end; -moz-justify-content: flex-end; -ms-flex-pack: flex-end; -ms-justify-content: flex-end; justify-content: flex-end; -ms-flex-pack: end; -webkit-order: 2; -moz-order: 2; -ms-flex-order: 2; order: 2; } .phone-logocenter-toggleright .mpl-mobile-main-header .mpl-f-microwidgets { -webkit-flex: 1 1 0%; -moz-flex: 1 1 0%; -ms-flex: 1 1 0%; flex: 1 1 0%; }}"; } } } } wp_enqueue_style( 'peony-header', get_template_directory_uri() .'/css/header.css', array('peony-style'), '', false ); wp_enqueue_style( 'peony-header-custom', get_template_directory_uri() .'/css/header-custom.css', array('peony-style'), '', false ); wp_enqueue_script( 'peony-header', get_template_directory_uri() . 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'.$return; else: return $class; endif; } /** * Get css class names of classic header nav * * @return string */ function classic_nav_class( $class ){ $options = $this->mpl_header_options; $return = ''; if ( isset($options['header']['header_settings'])): $classic_options = $options['header']['header_settings']['classic']; $menu_background_line = isset($options['header']['header_settings']['classic']['menu_background_line'])? $options['header']['header_settings']['classic']['menu_background_line']:''; switch( $menu_background_line ){ case "disabled": $return = ''; break; case "content_width_line": $return = 'mpl-style-top-line'; break; case "full_width_line": $return = 'mpl-style-top-line-full'; break; case "backgrond": $return = 'mpl-style-solid-bg'; break; } return $class.' '.$return; else: return $class; endif; } /** * Get css class names of classic header nav * * @return string */ function menu_container_class( $class ){ $options = $this->mpl_header_options; if ( isset($options['menu']['menu_settings']['decoration'])): extract($options['menu']['menu_settings']['decoration']); if ( $decoration == 'underline' ){ if ( isset($direction) ){ switch( $direction ){ case "left_right": $class .= ' hoverline-lefttoright'; break; case "from_center": $class .= ' hoverline-fromcenter'; break; case "upwards": $class .= ' hoverline-upwards'; break; case "downwards": $class .= ' hoverline-downwards'; break; } } } if ( $decoration == 'outline' ){ if ( isset($hover_style) ){ switch( $hover_style ){ case "outline": $class .= ' hoveroutline'; break; case "background": $class .= ' hoverbg'; break; } } } endif; return $class; } /** * Get header options * * @return array * @param array $args */ public function get_header_options( $args = array() ){ if ( !is_array($args) && $args !='') $args = @json_decode($args,true); $options = $this->array_extend((array)$this->mpl_header_options,(array)$args); return $options; } /** * Get header * * @return html * @param array $args header options * @param bool $echo output or return */ public function get_header( $args = array(), $echo = false ){ $options = $this->get_header_options( $args ); if ( isset($options['layout']) && is_array($options['layout']) && $this->is_saved == true && class_exists('MageewpPageLayoutPro')){ $layout_name = $options['layout']['header_layout']; $layout_options = $options['layout'][$layout_name]; if( $echo == false ) return $this->get_header_layout($layout_name,$layout_options); else echo $this->get_header_layout($layout_name,$layout_options); } else{ ob_start(); get_template_part('header-templates/header','classic'); $return = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if( $echo == false ) return $return; else echo $return; } } /** * Get header * * @return html * @param string $name header layout name * @param array $args header layout options */ public function get_header_layout($name,$args){ global $peony_post_meta; $options = $this->mpl_header_options; $peony_custom_menu = false; $default_options = $this->get_default_options(); $default_options = $default_options['layout'][$name]; $layout_options = $this->array_extend((array)$default_options, (array)$args ); $float_header = $options['float_header']['navigation_panel']; extract($layout_options); if (isset($peony_post_meta['peony_custom_menu'][0])) $peony_custom_menu = $peony_post_meta['peony_custom_menu'][0]; if ($peony_custom_menu) $theme_location = $peony_custom_menu; else $theme_location = 'primary'; $html = '' ; $wrap_class = ''; $custom_logo_id = get_theme_mod('custom_logo'); $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($custom_logo_id , 'full'); $logo = $image[0]; $logo_str = ''; $main_menu = ''; $mobile_menu = ''; $secondary_menu = ''; if ( $menu_position == 'justified' ) $menu_position = 'justify'; if ( $logo != '' ) $logo_str = '<a href="'.esc_url(home_url('/')).'"><img src="'.esc_url($logo).'" alt="'.get_bloginfo('name').'"></a>'; $display_microwidgets = ( $microwidgets == 'yes' || $microwidgets == '1' )? true:false; $menu_container_class = apply_filters( 'mpl_menu_container_class', 'mpl-main-nav' ); $float_nav_class = apply_filters( 'mpl_float_nav_class' ,''); if ( has_nav_menu($theme_location) ): $main_menu = wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => $theme_location, 'menu' => '', 'container' => 'ul', 'container_class' => '', 'container_id' => '', 'menu_class' => $menu_container_class, 'menu_id' => '', 'echo' => false, 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'items_wrap' => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>', 'depth' => 0, 'walker' => '', 'link_before' => '<span>', 'link_after' => '</span>' ) ); $mobile_menu = wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => $theme_location, 'menu' => '', 'container' => 'ul', 'container_class' => $menu_container_class, 'container_id' => '', 'menu_class' => 'mpl-mobile-main-nav', 'menu_id' => '', 'echo' => false, 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'items_wrap' => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>', 'depth' => 0, 'walker' => '', 'link_before' => '<span>', 'link_after' => '</span>', 'submenu_class' => 'sub-menu' ) ); endif; if ( has_nav_menu('secondary') ) $secondary_menu = wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'secondary', 'menu' => '', 'container' => 'ul', 'container_class' => '', 'container_id' => '', 'menu_class' => $menu_container_class, 'menu_id' => '', 'echo' => false, 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'items_wrap' => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>', 'depth' => 0, 'walker' => '', 'link_before' => '<span>', 'link_after' => '</span>', 'submenu_class' => 'sub-menu' ) ); switch($name){ case "classic": $top_bar_options['top_bar_left'] = $top_bar_left; $top_bar_options['top_bar_right'] = $top_bar_right; $wrap_class .= $menu_position; $top_bar = $this->get_top_bar( $top_bar_options, $display_microwidgets ); if ( $full_width_header != 'disaled') $wrap_class .= $float_nav_class = ' fullwidth'; $near_logo_left_html = $this->get_microwidget_items($near_logo_left, $display_microwidgets); $near_logo_right_html = $this->get_microwidget_items($near_logo_right, $display_microwidgets); $near_menu_html = $this->get_microwidget_items($near_menu, $display_microwidgets); $wrap_class = apply_filters('mpl_wrap_class', $wrap_class); $classic_nav_class = apply_filters( 'mpl_classic_nav_class', '' ); if ( $logo_position == 'center'){ $wrap_class .= ' logocenter'; $near_logo_left_html = $this->get_microwidget_items($near_logo_left, $display_microwidgets); $html .= '<div class="mpl-header mpl-header-main mpl-classic-header '.$wrap_class.'"> '.$top_bar.' <div class="mpl-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-logo-left"> '.$near_logo_left_html.' </div> '.$logo_str.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-logo-right"> '.$near_logo_right_html.' </div> </div> <nav class="mpl-navigation '.$classic_nav_class.'"> '.$main_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-menu"> '.$near_menu_html.' </div> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="mpl-mobile-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> '.$logo_str.' </div> <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-logo-right"> '.$near_menu_html.' </div> <div class="mpl-menu-toggle"> <div class="mpl-toggle-icon"> <span class="mpl-line"></span> </div> </div> </div>'; }else{ $html .= '<div class="mpl-header mpl-header-main mpl-classic-header '.$wrap_class.'"> '.$top_bar.' <div class="mpl-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-logo-left">'.$near_logo_left_html.'</div> '.$logo_str.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-logo-right"> '.$near_logo_right_html.' </div> </div> <nav class="mpl-navigation '.$classic_nav_class.'"> '.$main_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-menu"> '.$near_menu_html.' </div> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="mpl-mobile-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> '.$logo_str.' </div> <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-logo-right"> '.$near_logo_right_html.' </div> <div class="mpl-menu-toggle"> <div class="mpl-toggle-icon"> <span class="mpl-line"></span> </div> </div> </div>'; } $html .='<div class="mpl-mobile-side-header mpl-mobile-sider-header-left"> '.$mobile_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-logo-right"> '.$near_logo_right_html.' </div> <div class="mpl-close-toggle"> <div class="mpl-close-icon"> <div class="mpl-line"></div> </div> </div> </div>'; // fixed header if( $float_header['floating_navigation'] == 'enabled' ){ $html .= '<div class="mpl-fxd-header-wrap" style="visibility:hidden;"> <div class="mpl-header mpl-classic-header '.$float_nav_class.' left"> <div class="mpl-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> '.$logo_str.' </div> '.$main_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-menu"> '.$near_menu_html.' </div> </div> </div> </div>'; } break; case "inline": $top_bar_options['top_bar_left'] = $top_bar_left; $top_bar_options['top_bar_right'] = $top_bar_right; $wrap_class .= $menu_position; $top_bar = $this->get_top_bar( $top_bar_options , $display_microwidgets ); if ( $full_width_header != 'disaled') $wrap_class .= $float_nav_class = ' fullwidth'; $wrap_class = apply_filters('mpl_wrap_class', $wrap_class); $html .= '<div class="mpl-header mpl-header-main mpl-inline-header '.$wrap_class.'"> '.$top_bar.' <div class="mpl-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> '.$logo_str.' </div> '.$main_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-menu"> '.$this->get_microwidget_items($near_menu, $display_microwidgets).' </div> </div> <div class="mpl-mobile-main-header"></div> </div>'; if( $float_header['floating_navigation'] == 'enabled' ){ $html .= '<div class="mpl-fxd-header-wrap" style="visibility:hidden;"> <div class="mpl-header mpl-inline-header '.$float_nav_class.' right"> <div class="mpl-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> '.$logo_str.' </div> '.$main_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-menu"> '.$this->get_microwidget_items($near_menu, $display_microwidgets).' </div> </div> <div class="mpl-mobile-main-header"></div> </div> </div>'; } break; case "split": $top_bar_options['top_bar_left'] = $top_bar_left; $top_bar_options['top_bar_right'] = $top_bar_right; $wrap_class .= $menu_position; $top_bar = $this->get_top_bar( $top_bar_options , $display_microwidgets ); if ( $full_width_header != 'disabled') $wrap_class .= $float_nav_class = ' fullwidth'; $wrap_class = apply_filters('mpl_wrap_class', $wrap_class); $html .= '<div class="mpl-header mpl-header-main mpl-split-header '.$wrap_class.'"> '.$top_bar.' <div class="mpl-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> '.$logo_str.' </div> <nav class="mpl-navigation"> '.$main_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-menu-left"> '.$this->get_microwidget_items($near_menu_left, $display_microwidgets).' </div> </nav> <nav class="mpl-navigation"> '.$secondary_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-menu-right"> '.$this->get_microwidget_items($near_menu_right, $display_microwidgets).' </div> </nav> </div> <div class="mpl-mobile-main-header"></div> </div>'; if( $float_header['floating_navigation'] == 'enabled' ){ $html .= '<div class="mpl-fxd-header-wrap" style="visibility:hidden;"> <div class="mpl-header mpl-split-header '.$float_nav_class.' outside"> <div class="mpl-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> '.$logo_str.' </div> <nav class="mpl-navigation"> '.$main_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-menu-left"> '.$this->get_microwidget_items($near_menu_left, $display_microwidgets).' </div> </nav> <nav class="mpl-navigation"> '.$secondary_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-menu-right"> '.$this->get_microwidget_items($near_menu_right, $display_microwidgets).' </div> </nav> </div> <div class="mpl-mobile-main-header"></div> </div> </div>'; } break; case "side": $wrap_class = apply_filters('mpl_wrap_class', ''); $side_wrap_class = apply_filters('mpl_side_wrap_class', ''); $html .= '<div class="mpl-header mpl-side-header mpl-side-header-'.$header_position.' h-'.$menu_items_alignment.' c-'.$position_of_header_content.' '.$wrap_class.' '.$side_wrap_class.'"> <div class="mpl-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> '.$logo_str.' </div> '.$main_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets near-below-menu"> '.$this->get_microwidget_items($below_menu, $display_microwidgets).' </div> </div> <div class="mpl-mobile-main-header"></div> </div>'; break; case "inline_three": if ( $full_width_header != 'disabled') $wrap_class .= ' fullwidth'; if ($logo_position == 'left') $wrap_class .= ' logoleft-toggleright'; else $wrap_class .= ' logocenter-toggleright'; $wrap_class = apply_filters('mpl_wrap_class', $wrap_class); $side_wrap_class = apply_filters('mpl_side_wrap_class', ''); if ($sliding_menu_position == 'full') $sliding_menu_position = 'overlay'; $html .= '<div class="mpl-header mpl-side-header mpl-side-header-'.$sliding_menu_position.' h-'.$position_of_header_content.' '.$side_wrap_class .'" > <div class="mpl-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> '.$logo_str.' </div> '.$main_menu.' <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets area-in-top-line"> '.$this->get_microwidget_items($top_line, $display_microwidgets).' </div> </div> <div class="mpl-close-toggle"> <div class="mpl-close-icon"> <div class="mpl-line"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mpl-header mpl-header-main mpl-mixed-header '.$wrap_class.'"> <div class="mpl-main-header"> <div class="mpl-logo"> '.$logo_str.' </div> <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets area-below-menu"> '.$this->get_microwidget_items($below_menu, $display_microwidgets).' </div> <div class="mpl-menu-toggle"> <div class="mpl-toggle-icon"> <span class="mpl-line"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div>'; break; } return $html; } /** * <body> tag css class filter * * @return string */ function body_class_filter($body_class){ $options = $this->mpl_header_options; if ( isset($options['layout']) && is_array($options['layout']) ){ $layout_name = $options['layout']['header_layout']; $layout_options = $options['layout'][$layout_name]; $header_position = isset($layout_options['header_position'])?$layout_options['header_position']:'right'; $body_class .= ' mpl-header-'.$layout_name; switch($layout_name){ case "side": $body_class .= ' mpl-header-side-'.$header_position; break; } } return $body_class; } /** * Header container css class filter * * @return string */ function wrap_class($wrap_class){ $options = $this->mpl_header_options; if ( isset($options['header']) && is_array($options['header']) ){ $layout_name = isset($options['layout']['header_layout'])?$options['layout']['header_layout']:''; $header_decoration = $options['header']['header_settings']['background']['header_decoration']; $dividers = $options['menu']['menu_settings']['dividers']; switch($layout_name){ case "": $wrap_class .= ' border'; break; case "classic": case "inline": if ( $dividers['dividers'] == 'enabled' ){ $wrap_class .= ' dividers'; } if ( $dividers['first_last_dividers'] == 'enabled' ) { $wrap_class .= ' surround'; } if ( $header_decoration == 'line' ) $wrap_class .= ' border'; else $wrap_class .= ' '.$header_decoration; break; case "side": $sub_menu_style = $options['sub_menu']['sub_menu_settings']['side']['show']; if ( $sub_menu_style == 'sideways' ) $wrap_class .= ' sub-sideways'; if ( $sub_menu_style == 'downwards' ) $wrap_class .= ' sub-downwards'; break; default: if ( $header_decoration == 'line' ) $wrap_class .= ' border'; else $wrap_class .= ' '.$header_decoration; break; } } return $wrap_class; } /** * Side menu header container css class filter * * @return string */ function side_wrap_class($wrap_class){ $options = $this->mpl_header_options; if ( isset($options['header']) && is_array($options['header']) ){ $layout_name = isset($options['layout']['header_layout'])?$options['layout']['header_layout']:''; $layout_options = $options['layout'][$layout_name]; switch($layout_name){ case "side": case "inline_three": $menu_position = $layout_options['menu_position']; $logo_info_position = $layout_options['logo_info_position']; $menu_items_alignment = $layout_options['menu_items_alignment']; $menu_itmes_link_area = $layout_options['menu_itmes_link_area']; if ( $menu_position == 'center' ) $wrap_class .= ' v-center'; if ( $menu_position == 'bottom' ) $wrap_class .= ' v-bottom'; if ( $logo_info_position == 'edges_of_menu' ) $wrap_class .= ' c-inside'; if ( $menu_itmes_link_area == 'full_width' ) $wrap_class .= ' h-justify'; break; } } return $wrap_class; } /** * Float menu css class filter * * @return string */ function float_nav_class($wrap_class){ $options = $this->mpl_header_options; if ( isset($options['float_header']) && is_array($options['float_header']) ){ $decoration = $options['float_header']['navigation_panel']['decoration']; if ( $decoration != 'disabled' ){ if ( $decoration == 'line' ){ $wrap_class .= ' border'; }else{ $wrap_class .= ' '.$decoration; } } } return $wrap_class; } /** * Get top bar * * @return html * @param array $args top bar options * @param bool $display_microwidgets display microwidgets or not */ public function get_top_bar( $args = array(), $display_microwidgets=true ){ if ( $display_microwidgets == false ) return ''; $left_options = $args['top_bar_left']; $right_options = $args['top_bar_right']; $html = ''; if ($left_options !='' || $right_options !='' ){ $top_bar_left = $this->get_microwidget_items($left_options, $display_microwidgets); $top_bar_right = $this->get_microwidget_items($right_options, $display_microwidgets); $css_class = apply_filters('mpl_top_bar_class', 'mpl-top-bar'); $html = '<div class="'.$css_class .'"> <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets"> '.$top_bar_left.' </div> <div class="mpl-f-microwidgets"> '.$top_bar_right.' </div> </div>' ; } return $html; } /** * Get microwidget items * * @return html * @param array $options microwidgets options * @param bool $display_microwidgets display microwidgets or not */ public function get_microwidget_items( $options, $display_microwidgets = true ){ $html = ''; if ($display_microwidgets==true && is_array($options) ): foreach( $options as $k=>$v ){ $class = $this -> get_mini_widget_class($options[$k]); switch($k){ case "Menu": $wrap_class = ( 'list' == $options[$k]['style'] ? 'list-type-menu' : 'select-type-menu' ); $wrap_class .= ' top-bar-menu'; $html .= '<span class="mpl-microwidget mpl-micronav mpl-micronav-list mpl-top-bar-menu '.$class.'">'; if ( has_nav_menu('top_bar_menu') ) $html .= wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'top_bar_menu', 'menu' => '', 'container' => '', 'container_class' => '', 'container_id' => '', 'menu_class' => $wrap_class, 'menu_id' => '', 'echo' => false, 'fallback_cb' => '', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'items_wrap' => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>', 'depth' => 0, 'walker' => '' ) ); $html .= '</span>'; break; case "Cart": if (class_exists('WooCommerce')) { $html .= '<div class="mpl-microwidget '.$class.'">'.$this->wc_mini_cart().'</div>'; } break; case "Search": $hide = ''; $css_style = ''; $icon_html = ''; if( $options[$k]['show_icon'] == 'yes' ): $hide = 'hide'; $icon_html = '<div class="mpl-search-label"></div>'; else: $css_style = 'position:static'; endif; $html .= '<div class="mpl-microwidget mpl-search '.$class.'"> '.$icon_html.' <div class="mpl-search-wrap right-overflow '.$hide .'" style="'.$css_style .'"> <form action="'.esc_url(home_url('/')).'" class="searchform"> <label> <span class="screen-reader-text">'.__('Search for:','peony').'</span> <input type="search" class="search-field" placeholder="'.__('Search','peony').'…" value="" name="s"> </label> <input type="submit" class="search-submit" value="'.__('Search','peony').'"> </form> </div></div>'; break; case "Login": if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $caption = $options[$k]['logout_caption']; $login_link = wp_logout_url(); $icon = '<i class="fa fa-sign-out logout-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>'; } else { $caption = $options[$k]['login_caption']; $login_link = $options[$k]['link']; $icon = '<i class="fa fa-sign-in login-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>'; if ( ! $login_link ) { $login_link = wp_login_url(); } } if( $options[$k]['show_icon'] != 'yes' ) $icon = ''; $html .= '<div class="mpl-microwidget '.$class.'"><a href="'.$login_link.'">'.$icon.' '.$caption.'</a></div>'; break; case "Social": $html .= '<div class="mpl-microwidget mpl-microicons '.$class.'"> <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a> <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-weibo"></i></a> </div>'; break; case "Text": $html .= '<span class="mpl-microwidget '.$class.'">'.$options[$k]['content'].'</span>'; break; } } endif; return $html; } /** * Get microwidget wrap css class * * @return html * @param array $args microwidget options * @param array $class default classes */ public function get_mini_widget_class( $args = array(), $class = array() ) { $options = array_merge(array('on_desktops'=>'show','tablet'=>'show','phone'=>'show'),(array)$args); $classes = $class; $classes[] = $this->array_value( $options['on_desktops'], array( 'show' => 'show-on-desktop', 'hide' => 'hide-on-desktop', )); $classes[] = $this->array_value( $options['tablet'], array( 'leave' => 'in-menu-first-switch', 'show' => 'near-logo-first-switch', 'hide' => 'hide-on-first-switch', )); $classes[] = $this->array_value( $options['phone'], array( 'leave' => 'in-menu-second-switch', 'show' => 'near-logo-second-switch', 'hide' => 'hide-on-second-switch', ) ); $classes = apply_filters( 'mpl_mini_widget_class', $classes, $class ); return implode( ' ', $classes ); } /** * Get array value by key * * @return string */ public function array_value( $key, $array, $default = null ) { return isset( $array[ $key ] ) ? $array[ $key ] : $default; } /** * Array merge * * @return array */ public function parse_args( $args, $defaults = '' ) { if ( is_object( $args ) ) $r = get_object_vars( $args ); elseif ( is_array( $args ) ) $r =& $args; else wp_parse_str( $args, $r ); if ( is_array( $defaults ) ) return array_merge( $defaults, $r ); return $r; } /** * Cover hex to rgb * * @return array */ public function hex2rgb( $colour ) { if ( trim($colour) == '' ) return false; if ( $colour[0] == '#' ) { $colour = substr( $colour, 1 ); } if ( strlen( $colour ) == 6 ) { list( $r, $g, $b ) = array( $colour[0] . $colour[1], $colour[2] . $colour[3], $colour[4] . $colour[5] ); } elseif ( strlen( $colour ) == 3 ) { list( $r, $g, $b ) = array( $colour[0] . $colour[0], $colour[1] . $colour[1], $colour[2] . $colour[2] ); } else { return false; } $r = hexdec( $r ); $g = hexdec( $g ); $b = hexdec( $b ); return array( '0' => $r, '1' => $g, '2' => $b ); } /** * "Extend" recursively array $a with array $b values * * @return array */ public function array_extend($a, $b) { foreach($b as $k=>$v) { if( is_array($v) ) { if( !isset($a[$k]) ) { $a[$k] = $v; } else { $a[$k] = $this->array_extend($a[$k], $v); } } else { $a[$k] = $v; } } return $a; } public function wc_mini_cart(){ if (!class_exists('WooCommerce')) return; ob_start(); $cart_class = array(); $cart_caption = __( 'Your cart', 'peony' ); $cart_counter_bg_class = ''; $product_counter_html = ''; $products_count = esc_html(WC()->cart->cart_contents_count); // show or not cart icon $show_icon = ''; if ( ! $show_icon ) { $cart_class[] = 'icon-off'; } // change cart caption $cart_caption = ''; if ( '' == $cart_caption ) { $cart_caption .= ' '; if ( $show_icon ) { $cart_class[] = 'text-disable'; } } $show_products_counter = ''; if ( 'never' != $show_products_counter ) { $counter_class = 'counter'; if ( 'if_not_empty' == $show_products_counter ) { $counter_class .= ' hide-if-empty'; if ( $products_count <= 0 ) { $counter_class .= ' hidden'; } } $product_counter_html = "<span class=\"{$counter_class}\">{$products_count}</span>"; } $cart_class[] = 'show-sub-cart'; ?> <div class="<?php echo 'shopping-cart ' . implode( ' ', $cart_class ); ?>"> <a class="wc-ico-cart mpl-shopping-cart <?php echo implode( ' ', $cart_class ); ?>" href="<?php echo wc_get_cart_url(); ?>"><?php echo $cart_caption; echo $product_counter_html; ?></a> <div class="shopping-cart-wrap"> <div class="shopping-cart-inner"> <?php $cart_is_empty = count( WC()->cart->get_cart() ) <= 0; $list_class = array( 'cart_list', 'product_list_widget' ); if ( $cart_is_empty ) { $list_class[] = 'empty'; } ?> <ul class="<?php echo esc_attr( implode( ' ', $list_class ) ); ?>"> <?php if ( !$cart_is_empty ) : ?> <?php foreach ( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ) : $_product = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_product', $cart_item['data'], $cart_item, $cart_item_key ); $product_id = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_product_id', $cart_item['product_id'], $cart_item, $cart_item_key ); if ( $_product && $_product->exists() && $cart_item['quantity'] > 0 && apply_filters( 'woocommerce_widget_cart_item_visible', true, $cart_item, $cart_item_key ) ) { $product_name = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_name', $_product->get_title(), $cart_item, $cart_item_key ); $thumbnail = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_thumbnail', $_product->get_image(), $cart_item, $cart_item_key ); $product_price = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_price', WC()->cart->get_product_price( $_product ), $cart_item, $cart_item_key ); ?> <li> <?php echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_remove_link', sprintf( '<a href="%s" class="remove" title="%s">×</a>', esc_url( WC()->cart->get_remove_url( $cart_item_key ) ), __( 'Remove this item', 'peony' ) ), $cart_item_key ); ?> <?php if ( ! $_product->is_visible() ) : ?> <?php echo str_replace( array( 'http:', 'https:' ), '', $thumbnail ) . $product_name; ?> <?php else : ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $_product->get_permalink( $cart_item ) ); ?>"> <?php echo str_replace( array( 'http:', 'https:' ), '', $thumbnail ) . $product_name; ?> </a> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo WC()->cart->get_item_data( $cart_item ); ?> <?php echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_widget_cart_item_quantity', '<span class="quantity">' . sprintf( '%s × %s', $cart_item['quantity'], $product_price ) . '</span>', $cart_item, $cart_item_key ); ?> </li> <?php } endforeach; ?> <?php else : ?> <li><?php _e( 'No products in the cart.', 'peony' ); ?></li> <?php endif; ?> </ul><!-- end product list --> <?php if ( sizeof( WC()->cart->get_cart() ) <= 0 ) : ?> <div style="display: none;"> <?php endif; ?> <p class="total"><strong><?php _e( 'Subtotal', 'peony' ); ?>:</strong> <?php echo WC()->cart->get_cart_subtotal(); ?></p> <p class="buttons"> <a href="<?php echo wc_get_cart_url(); ?>" class="button view-cart"><?php _e( 'View Cart', 'peony' ); ?></a> <a href="<?php echo wc_get_checkout_url(); ?>" class="button checkout"><?php _e( 'Checkout', 'peony' ); ?></a> </p> <?php if ( sizeof( WC()->cart->get_cart() ) <= 0 ) : ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php $output = ob_get_clean(); return $output; } } new Peony_Template_Header;
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