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var ET_PageBuilder = ET_PageBuilder || {}; window.wp = window.wp || {}; window.et_builder_version = '3.0.51'; ( function($) { var et_error_modal_shown = window.et_error_modal_shown, et_is_loading_missing_modules = false, et_pb_bulder_loading_attempts = 0, et_pb_hovered_item_buffer = {}, et_pb_all_unsynced_options = {}, et_pb_all_legacy_synced_options = [], et_pb_key_pressed = { 's' : false, 'r' : false, 'c' : false }; function et_builder_load_backbone_templates( reload_template ) { // run et_pb_append_templates as many times as needed var et_pb_templates_count = 0, date_now = new Date(), today_date = date_now.getYear() + '_' + date_now.getMonth() + '_' + date_now.getDate(), et_ls_prefix = 'et_pb_templates_', et_ls_all_modules = ( et_pb_options['et_builder_module_parent_shortcodes'] + '|' + et_pb_options['et_builder_module_child_shortcodes'] ).split( '|' ), product_version = et_pb_options.product_version, local_storage_buffer = '', processed_modules_count = 0, reload_template = _.isUndefined( reload_template ) ? false : reload_template, missing_modules = { missing_modules_array: [] }, et_pb_templates_interval; if ( ! reload_template ) { if ( ! $( 'script[src="' + et_pb_options.builder_js_src + '"]' ).length ) { $( '.et-pb-cache-update' ).show(); } $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_builder_increase_memory', function() { var $this_button = $(this); $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: 'json', url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_increase_memory_limit', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce }, success: function( data ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( data.success ) ) { $this_button.addClass( 'et_builder_modal_action_button_success' ).text( et_pb_options.memory_limit_increased ); } else { $this_button.addClass( 'et_builder_modal_action_button_fail' ).prop( 'disabled', true ).text( et_pb_options.memory_limit_not_increased ); } } }); return false; } ); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_pb_reload_builder', function() { location.reload(); return false; } ); } if ( et_should_load_from_local_storage() ) { for ( et_ls_module_index in et_ls_all_modules ) { var et_ls_module_slug = et_ls_all_modules[ et_ls_module_index ], et_ls_template_slug = et_ls_prefix + et_ls_module_slug, et_ls_template_content = localStorage.getItem( et_ls_template_slug ); // count the processed modules processed_modules_count++; if ( _.isUndefined( et_ls_template_content ) || _.isNull( et_ls_template_content ) ) { missing_modules['missing_modules_array'].push( et_ls_module_slug ); } else { local_storage_buffer += localStorage.getItem( et_ls_template_slug ); } // perform ajax request if missing_modules_array length equals to the templates amount setting or if all the modules processed and we need to retrieve something if ( ! et_is_loading_missing_modules && ( ( missing_modules['missing_modules_array'].length === parseInt( et_pb_options.et_builder_templates_amount ) ) || ( missing_modules['missing_modules_array'].length && ( et_ls_all_modules.length === processed_modules_count ) ) ) ) { et_is_loading_missing_modules = true; $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: 'json', url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_get_backbone_template', et_post_type : et_pb_options.post_type, et_modules_slugs : JSON.stringify( missing_modules ), et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce }, success: function( data ) { et_is_loading_missing_modules = false; try { localStorage.setItem( et_ls_prefix + data['slug'], data['template'] ); } catch(e) { // do not use localStorage if it full or any other error occurs } $( 'body' ).append( data.template ); if ( data.length ) { _.each( data, function( single_module ) { try { localStorage.setItem( et_ls_prefix + single_module['slug'], single_module['template'] ); } catch(e) { // do not use localStorage if it full or any other error occurs } $( 'body' ).append( single_module['template'] ); } ); } } }); // reset the array of missing modules missing_modules['missing_modules_array'] = []; } } $( 'body' ).append( local_storage_buffer ); } else { // run et_pb_append_templates as many times as needed et_pb_templates_interval = setInterval( function() { if ( et_pb_templates_count === Math.ceil( et_pb_options.et_builder_modules_count/et_pb_options.et_builder_templates_amount ) ) { clearInterval( et_pb_templates_interval ); return false; } et_pb_append_templates( et_pb_templates_count * et_pb_options.et_builder_templates_amount ); et_pb_templates_count++; }, 800); et_ls_set_transient(); } function et_builder_has_storage_support() { try { return 'localStorage' in window && window.localStorage !== null; } catch (e) { return false; } } function et_ls_set_transient() { if ( ! et_builder_has_storage_support() ) { return false; } try { localStorage.setItem( et_ls_prefix + 'settings_date', today_date ); localStorage.setItem( et_ls_prefix + 'settings_product_version', product_version ); } catch(e) { // do not use localStorage if it full or any other error occurs } } function et_should_load_from_local_storage() { if ( ! et_builder_has_storage_support() ) { return false; } if ( ! _.isUndefined( et_pb_options.force_cache_purge ) && 'true' === et_pb_options.force_cache_purge ) { return false; } var et_ls_settings_date = localStorage.getItem( et_ls_prefix + 'settings_date' ), et_ls_settings_product_version = localStorage.getItem( et_ls_prefix + 'settings_product_version' ); if ( _.isUndefined( et_ls_settings_date ) || _.isNull( et_ls_settings_date ) ) { return false; } if ( _.isUndefined( et_ls_settings_product_version ) || _.isNull( et_ls_settings_product_version ) ) { return false; } if ( today_date != et_ls_settings_date || product_version != et_ls_settings_product_version ) { et_remove_ls_templates(); return false; } return true; } function et_remove_ls_templates() { if ( ! et_builder_has_storage_support() ) { return false; } var templates_prefix_re = /et_pb_templates_*/i for ( var prop in localStorage ) { if ( found = prop.match( templates_prefix_re ) ) { localStorage.removeItem( prop ); } } } function et_pb_append_templates( start_from ) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: 'json', url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_get_backbone_templates', et_post_type : et_pb_options.post_type, et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_templates_start_from : start_from }, error: function() { var $failure_notice_template = $( '#et-builder-failure-notice-template' ); if ( et_error_modal_shown ) { return; } if ( ! $failure_notice_template.length ) { return; } if ( $( '.et_pb_failure_notification_modal' ).length ) { return; } if ( et_builder_has_storage_support() ) { localStorage.removeItem( et_ls_prefix + 'settings_date' ); localStorage.removeItem( et_ls_prefix + 'settings_product_version' ); } $( 'body' ).addClass( 'et_pb_stop_scroll' ).append( $failure_notice_template.html() ); }, success: function( data ) { //append retrieved templates to body for ( var name in data.templates ) { if ( et_builder_has_storage_support() ) { try { localStorage.setItem( 'et_pb_templates_' + name, data.templates[name] ); } catch(e) { // do not use localStorage if it full or any other error occurs } } $( 'body' ).append( data.templates[name] ); } } }); } } et_builder_load_backbone_templates(); $( document ).ready( function() { // Explicitly define ERB-style template delimiters to prevent // template delimiters being overwritten by 3rd party plugin _.templateSettings = { evaluate : /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, escape : /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g }; // Models ET_PageBuilder.Module = Backbone.Model.extend( { defaults: { type : 'element', _builder_version : et_pb_options.product_version } } ); ET_PageBuilder.SavedTemplate = Backbone.Model.extend( { defaults: { title : 'template', ID : 0, shortcode : '', is_global : 'false', layout_type : '', module_type : '', categories : [] } } ); ET_PageBuilder.History = Backbone.Model.extend( { defaults : { timestamp :, shortcode : '', current_active_history : false, verb : 'did', noun : 'something' }, max_history_limit : 100, validate : function( attributes, options ) { var histories_count = options.collection.length, active_history_model = options.collection.findWhere({ current_active_history : true }), shortcode = attributes.shortcode, last_model = _.isUndefined( active_history_model ) ? ( options.collection.length - 1 ) ) : active_history_model, last_shortcode = _.isUndefined( last_model ) ? false : last_model.get( 'shortcode' ), previous_active_histories; if ( shortcode === last_shortcode ) { return 'duplicate'; } // Turn history tracking off ET_PageBuilder_App.enable_history = false; // Limit number of history limit var histories_count = options.collection.models.length, remove_limit = histories_count - ( this.max_history_limit - 1 ), ranges, deleted_model; // Some models are need to be removed if ( remove_limit > 0 ) { // Loop and shift (remove first model in collection) n-times for (var i = 1; i <= remove_limit; i++) { options.collection.shift(); }; } } } ); // helper module ET_PageBuilder.Layout = Backbone.Model.extend( { defaults: { moduleNumber : 0, forceRemove : false, modules : $.parseJSON( et_pb_options.et_builder_modules ), views : [ ] }, initialize : function() { // Single and double quotes are replaced with %% in et_builder_modules // to avoid js conflicts. // Replace them with appropriate signs. _.each( this.get( 'modules' ), function( module ) { module['title'] = module['title'].replace( /%%/g, '"' ); module['title'] = module['title'].replace( /\|\|/g, "'" ); } ); }, addView : function( module_cid, view ) { var views = this.get( 'views' ); views[module_cid] = view; this.set( { 'views' : views } ); }, getView : function( cid ) { return this.get( 'views' )[cid]; }, getChildViews : function( parent_id ) { var views = this.get( 'views' ), child_views = {}; _.each( views, function( view, key ) { if ( typeof view !== 'undefined' && view['model']['attributes']['parent'] === parent_id ) child_views[key] = view; } ); return child_views; }, getChildrenViews : function( parent_id ) { var this_el = this, views = this_el.get( 'views' ), child_views = {}, grand_children; _.each( views, function( view, key ) { if ( typeof view !== 'undefined' && view['model']['attributes']['parent'] === parent_id ) { grand_children = this_el.getChildrenViews( view['model']['attributes']['cid'] ); if ( ! _.isEmpty( grand_children ) ) { _.extend( child_views, grand_children ); } child_views[key] = view; } } ); return child_views; }, getParentViews : function( parent_cid ) { var parent_view = this.getView( parent_cid ), parent_views = {}; while( ! _.isUndefined( parent_view ) ) { parent_views[parent_view['model']['attributes']['cid']] = parent_view; parent_view = this.getView( parent_view['model']['attributes']['parent'] ); } return parent_views; }, getSectionView : function( parent_cid ) { var views = this.getParentViews( parent_cid ), section_view; section_view = _.filter( views, function( item ) { if ( item.model.attributes.type === "section" ) { return true; } else { return false; } } ); if ( _.isUndefined( section_view[0] ) ) { return false; } else { return section_view[0]; } }, setNewParentID : function( cid, new_parent_id ) { var views = this.get( 'views' ); views[cid]['model']['attributes']['parent'] = new_parent_id; this.set( { 'views' : views } ); }, removeView : function( cid ) { var views = this.get( 'views' ), new_views = {}; _.each( views, function( value, key ) { if ( key != cid ) new_views[key] = value; } ); this.set( { 'views' : new_views } ); }, generateNewId : function() { var moduleNumber = this.get( 'moduleNumber' ) + 1; this.set( { 'moduleNumber' : moduleNumber } ); return moduleNumber; }, generateTemplateName : function( name ) { var default_elements = [ 'row', 'row_inner', 'section', 'column', 'column_inner']; if ( -1 !== $.inArray( name, default_elements ) ) { name = 'et_pb_' + name; } return '#et-builder-' + name + '-module-template'; }, getModuleOptionsNames : function( module_type ) { var modules = this.get('modules'); return this.addAdminLabel( _.findWhere( modules, { label : module_type } )['options'] ); }, getNumberOf : function( element_name, module_cid ) { var views = this.get( 'views' ), num = 0; _.each( views, function( view ) { if ( typeof view !== 'undefined' ) { var type = view['model']['attributes']['type']; if ( view['model']['attributes']['parent'] === module_cid && ( type === element_name || type === ( element_name + '_inner' ) ) ) num++; } } ); return num; }, getNumberOfModules : function( module_name ) { var views = this.get( 'views' ), num = 0; _.each( views, function( view ) { if ( typeof view !== 'undefined' ) { if ( view['model']['attributes']['type'] === module_name ) num++; } } ); return num; }, getTitleByShortcodeTag : function ( tag ) { var modules = this.get('modules'); return _.findWhere( modules, { label : tag } )['title']; }, isModuleFullwidth : function ( module_type ) { var modules = this.get('modules'); return 'on' === _.findWhere( modules, { label : module_type } )['fullwidth_only'] ? true : false; }, isChildrenLocked : function ( module_cid ) { var children_views = this.getChildrenViews( module_cid ), children_locked = false; _.each( children_views, function( child ) { if ( child.model.get( 'et_pb_locked' ) === 'on' || child.model.get( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ) === 'on' ) { children_locked = true; } } ); return children_locked; }, addAdminLabel : function ( optionsNames ) { return _.union( optionsNames, ['admin_label'] ); }, removeGlobalAttributes : function ( view, keep_attributes ) { var this_class = this, keep_attributes = _.isUndefined( keep_attributes ) ? false : keep_attributes, global_item_cid = _.isUndefined( view.model.attributes.global_parent_cid ) ? view.model.attributes.cid : view.model.attributes.global_parent_cid, global_item_view = this.getView( global_item_cid ); global_item_children_views = this.getChildrenViews( global_item_cid ); // Modify global item's attributes if ( this.is_global( global_item_view.model ) ) { if ( keep_attributes ) { global_item_view.model.set( 'et_pb_temp_global_module', global_item_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ); } global_item_view.model.unset( 'et_pb_global_module' ); } // Modify global item children's attributes _.each( global_item_children_views, function( global_item_children_view ) { if ( this_class.is_global_children( global_item_children_view.model ) ) { if ( keep_attributes ) { global_item_children_view.model.set( 'et_pb_temp_global_parent', global_item_children_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) ); } global_item_children_view.model.unset( 'et_pb_global_parent' ); } if ( this_class.has_global_parent_cid( global_item_children_view.model ) ) { if ( keep_attributes ) { global_item_children_view.model.set( 'et_pb_temp_global_parent_cid', global_item_children_view.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) ); } global_item_children_view.model.unset( 'global_parent_cid' ); } }); }, removeTemporaryGlobalAttributes : function ( view, restore_attributes ) { var this_class = this, restore_attributes = _.isUndefined( restore_attributes ) ? false : restore_attributes, global_item_model = _.isUndefined( view.model.attributes.et_pb_temp_global_module ) ? ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere({ et_pb_temp_global_module : view.model.attributes.et_pb_temp_global_parent }) : view.model, global_item_cid = global_item_model.attributes.cid, global_item_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( global_item_cid ); global_item_children_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildrenViews( global_item_cid ); if ( this.is_temp_global( global_item_view.model ) ) { if ( restore_attributes ) { global_item_view.model.set( 'et_pb_global_module', global_item_view.model.get( 'et_pb_temp_global_module' ) ); } global_item_view.model.unset( 'et_pb_temp_global_module' ); } _.each( global_item_children_views, function( global_item_children_view ) { if ( this_class.is_temp_global_children( global_item_children_view.model ) ) { if ( restore_attributes ) { global_item_children_view.model.set( 'et_pb_global_parent', global_item_children_view.model.get( 'et_pb_temp_global_parent' ) ); } global_item_children_view.model.unset( 'et_pb_temp_global_parent' ); } if ( this_class.has_temp_global_parent_cid( global_item_children_view.model ) ) { if ( restore_attributes ) { global_item_children_view.model.set( 'global_parent_cid', global_item_children_view.model.get( 'et_pb_temp_global_parent_cid' ) ); } global_item_children_view.model.unset( 'et_pb_temp_global_parent_cid' ); } }); if ( restore_attributes ) { // Update global template et_pb_update_global_template( global_item_cid ); } }, is_app : function( model ) { if ( model.attributes.type === 'app' ) { return true; } return false; }, is_global : function( model ) { // App cannot be global module. Its model.get() returns error if ( this.is_app( model ) ) { return false; } return model.has( 'et_pb_global_module' ) && model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== '' ? true : false; }, is_global_children : function( model ) { // App cannot be global module. Its model.get() returns error if ( this.is_app( model ) ) { return false; } return model.has( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) && model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) !== '' ? true : false; }, has_global_parent_cid : function( model ) { return model.has( 'global_parent_cid' ) && model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) !== '' ? true : false; }, is_temp_global : function( model ) { return model.has( 'et_pb_temp_global_module' ) && model.get( 'et_pb_temp_global_module' ) !== '' ? true : false; }, is_temp_global_children : function( model ) { return model.has( 'et_pb_temp_global_parent' ) && model.get( 'et_pb_temp_global_parent' ) !== '' ? true : false; }, has_temp_global_parent_cid : function( model ) { return model.has( 'et_pb_temp_global_parent_cid' ) && model.get( 'et_pb_temp_global_parent_cid' ) !== '' ? true : false; }, changeColumnStructure: function( that, options, skip_reinit, skip_history ) { var layout = options.layout.split(','), specialty_columns = options.specialty_columns, layout_specialty = options.layout_specialty, layout_elements_num = _.size( layout ), this_view = that.options.view; global_module_cid = et_pb_get_global_parent_cid( that ); if ( options.is_structure_change ) { var row_columns = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildViews( that.model.get( 'cid' ) ), columns_structure_old = [], index_count = 0; _.each( row_columns, function( row_column ) { columns_structure_old[index_count] = row_column.model.get( 'cid' ); index_count = index_count + 1; } ); } _.each( layout, function( element, index ) { var update_content = layout_elements_num == ( index + 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false', column_attributes = { type : 'column', cid : ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), parent : that.model.get( 'cid' ), layout : element, view : this_view }; if ( typeof that.model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== that.model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) ) { column_attributes.et_pb_global_parent = that.model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ); column_attributes.global_parent_cid = that.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ); } if ( typeof layout_specialty[index] !== 'undefined' && layout_specialty[index] === '1' ) { column_attributes.layout_specialty = layout_specialty[index]; column_attributes.specialty_columns = parseInt( specialty_columns ); } if ( typeof that.model.get( 'specialty_row' ) !== 'undefined' ) { that.model.set( 'module_type', 'row_inner', { silent : true } ); that.model.set( 'type', 'row_inner', { silent : true } ); } that.collection.add( [ column_attributes ], { update_shortcodes : update_content } ); } ); if ( options.is_structure_change ) { var columns_structure_new = []; row_columns = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildViews( that.model.get( 'cid' ) ); index_count = 0; _.each( row_columns, function( row_column ) { columns_structure_new[index_count] = row_column.model.get( 'cid' ); index_count = index_count + 1; } ); // delete old columns IDs columns_structure_new.splice( 0, columns_structure_old.length ); for ( index = 0; index < columns_structure_old.length; index++ ) { var is_extra_column = ( columns_structure_old.length > columns_structure_new.length ) && ( index > ( columns_structure_new.length - 1 ) ) ? true : false, old_column_cid = columns_structure_old[index], new_column_cid = is_extra_column ? columns_structure_new[columns_structure_new.length-1] : columns_structure_new[index], column_html = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( old_column_cid ).$el.html(), modules = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildViews( old_column_cid ), $updated_column, column_html_old = ''; ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( old_column_cid ).model.destroy(); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( old_column_cid ).remove(); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeView( old_column_cid ); $updated_column = $('.et-pb-column[data-cid="' + new_column_cid + '"]'); if ( ! is_extra_column ) { $updated_column.html( column_html ); } else { $updated_column.find( '.et-pb-insert-module' ).remove(); column_html_old = $updated_column.html(); $updated_column.html( column_html_old + column_html ); } _.each( modules, function( module ) { module.model.set( 'parent', new_column_cid, { silent : true } ); } ); } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'edited', 'column' ); if ( ! skip_reinit ) { et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } } if ( typeof that.model.get( 'template_type' ) !== 'undefined' && 'section' === that.model.get( 'template_type' ) && 'on' === that.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) ) { et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } if ( typeof that.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) !== 'undefined' && 'row' === that.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) ) { et_add_template_meta( '_et_pb_row_layout', options.layout ); } if ( typeof global_module_cid !== 'undefined' && '' !== global_module_cid ) { et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); } if ( ! skip_history ) { // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'added', 'column' ); } ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-add:columns' ); }, } ); // Collections ET_PageBuilder.Modules = Backbone.Collection.extend( { model : ET_PageBuilder.Module } ); ET_PageBuilder.SavedTemplates = Backbone.Collection.extend( { model : ET_PageBuilder.SavedTemplate } ); ET_PageBuilder.Histories = Backbone.Collection.extend( { model : ET_PageBuilder.History } ); //Views ET_PageBuilder.TemplatesView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : 'et_pb_saved_layouts_list', tagName : 'ul', render: function() { var global_class = '', layout_category = typeof this.options.category === 'undefined' ? 'all' : this.options.category; this.collection.each( function( single_template ) { if ( 'all' === layout_category || ( -1 !== $.inArray( layout_category, single_template.get( 'categories' ) ) ) ) { var single_template_view = new ET_PageBuilder.SingleTemplateView( { model: single_template } ); this.$el.append( single_template_view.el ); global_class = typeof single_template_view.model.get( 'is_global' ) !== 'undefined' && 'global' === single_template_view.model.get( 'is_global' ) ? 'global' : ''; } }, this ); if ( 'global' === global_class ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_global' ); } return this; } } ); ET_PageBuilder.SingleTemplateView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { tagName : 'li', template: _.template( $( '#et-builder-saved-entry' ).html() ), events: { 'click' : 'insertSection', }, initialize: function(){ this.render(); }, render: function() { this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) ); if ( typeof this.model.get( 'module_type' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== this.model.get( 'module_type' ) && 'module' === this.model.get( 'layout_type' ) ) { this.$el.addClass( this.model.get( 'module_type' ) ); } }, insertSection : function( event ) { var clicked_button = $( ), parent_id = typeof clicked_button.closest( '.et_pb_modal_settings' ).data( 'parent_cid' ) !== 'undefined' ? clicked_button.closest( '.et_pb_modal_settings' ).data( 'parent_cid' ) : '', current_row = typeof $( '.et-pb-settings-heading' ).data( 'current_row' ) !== 'undefined' ? $( '.et-pb-settings-heading' ).data( 'current_row' ) : '', global_id = 'global' === this.model.get( 'is_global' ) ? this.model.get( 'ID' ) : '', specialty_row = typeof $( '.et-pb-saved-modules-switcher' ).data( 'specialty_columns' ) !== 'undefined' ? 'on' : 'off', shortcode = this.model.get( 'shortcode' ), update_global = false, global_holder_id = 'row' === this.model.get( 'layout_type' ) ? current_row : parent_id, global_holder_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( global_holder_id ), history_noun = this.options.model.get( 'layout_type' ) === 'row_inner' ? 'saved_row' : 'saved_' + this.options.model.get( 'layout_type' ), $modal_container = clicked_button.closest( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ); if ( 'on' === specialty_row ) { global_holder_id = global_holder_view.model.get( 'parent' ); global_holder_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( global_holder_id ); } if ( 'section' !== this.model.get( 'layout_type' ) && ( ( typeof global_holder_view.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== global_holder_view.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) ) || ( typeof global_holder_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== global_holder_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ) ) ) { update_global = true; } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'added', history_noun ); event.preventDefault(); ET_PageBuilder_App.createLayoutFromContent( shortcode , parent_id, '', { ignore_template_tag : 'ignore_template', current_row_cid : current_row, global_id : global_id, after_section : parent_id, is_reinit : 'reinit' } ); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); if ( true === update_global ) { global_module_cid = typeof global_holder_view.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) !== 'undefined' ? global_holder_view.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) : global_holder_id; et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); } if ( $modal_container.length ) { $modal_container.find( '.et-pb-modal-close' ).click(); } } } ); ET_PageBuilder.TemplatesModal = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : 'et_pb_modal_settings', template : _.template( $( '#et-builder-load_layout-template' ).html() ), events : { 'click .et-pb-options-tabs-links li a' : 'switchTab' }, render: function() { this.$el.html( this.template( { "display_switcher" : "off" } ) ); this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_modal_no_tabs' ); return this; }, switchTab: function( event ) { var $this_el = $( event.currentTarget ).parent(); event.preventDefault(); et_handle_templates_switching( $this_el, 'section', '' ); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.SectionView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : 'et_pb_section', template : _.template( $('#et-builder-section-template').html() ), events: { 'click .et-pb-settings-section' : 'showSettings', 'click .et-pb-clone-section' : 'cloneSection', 'click .et-pb-remove-section' : 'removeSection', 'click .et-pb-section-add-main' : 'addSection', 'click .et-pb-section-add-fullwidth' : 'addFullwidthSection', 'click .et-pb-section-add-specialty' : 'addSpecialtySection', 'click .et-pb-section-add-saved' : 'addSavedSection', 'click .et-pb-expand' : 'expandSection', 'click .et-pb-insert-row' : 'addFirstRow', 'contextmenu .et-pb-section-add' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'click.et_pb_section > .et-pb-controls .et-pb-unlock' : 'unlockSection', 'contextmenu.et_pb_section > .et-pb-controls' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'contextmenu.et_pb_row > .et-pb-right-click-trigger-overlay' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'click.et_pb_section > .et-pb-controls' : 'hideRightClickOptions', 'click.et_pb_row > .et-pb-right-click-trigger-overlay' : 'hideRightClickOptions', 'click > .et-pb-locked-overlay' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'contextmenu > .et-pb-locked-overlay' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'click' : 'setABTesting', }, initialize : function() { this.child_views = []; this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:admin_label', this.renameModule ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:et_pb_disabled', this.toggleDisabledClass ); }, render : function() { this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) ); if ( this.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) === 'on' ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_section_specialty' ); if ( this.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty_placeholder' ) === 'true' ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_section_placeholder' ); } } if ( this.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) === 'on' || this.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) === 'on' ) { this.$el.find( '.et-pb-insert-row' ).remove(); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' || ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) !== 'undefined' && 'section' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) && 'global' === et_pb_options.is_global_template ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_global' ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_disabled' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_disabled' ) === 'on' ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_disabled' ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_locked' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_locked' ) === 'on' ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_locked' ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_collapsed' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_collapsed' ) === 'on' ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_collapsed' ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'pasted_module' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'pasted_module' ) ) { et_pb_handle_clone_class( this.$el ); } if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.model.get( 'et_pb_temp_global_module' ) ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_global_temp' ); } // Split Testing related class if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_subject( this.model ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ); // Apply subject rank coloring ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.set_subject_rank_coloring( this ); } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_goal( this.model ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ); } // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'section' ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_no_permission' ); } } this.makeRowsSortable(); return this; }, showSettings : function( event ) { var that = this, $current_target = typeof event !== 'undefined' ? $( event.currentTarget ) : '', modal_view, view_settings = { model : this.model, collection : this.collection, attributes : { 'data-open_view' : 'module_settings' }, triggered_by_right_click : this.triggered_by_right_click, do_preview : this.do_preview }; if ( typeof event !== 'undefined' ) { event.preventDefault(); } if ( this.isSectionLocked() ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'section' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } } if ( '' !== $current_target && $current_target.closest( '.et_pb_section_specialty' ).length ) { var $specialty_section_columns = $current_target.closest( '.et_pb_section_specialty' ).find( '.et-pb-section-content > .et-pb-column' ), columns_layout = ''; if ( $specialty_section_columns.length ) { $specialty_section_columns.each( function() { columns_layout += '' === columns_layout ? '1_1' : ',1_1'; }); } view_settings.model.attributes.columns_layout = columns_layout; } modal_view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( view_settings ); et_modal_view_rendered = modal_view.render(); if ( false === et_modal_view_rendered ) { et_builder_load_backbone_templates( true ); setTimeout( function() { that.showSettings(); }, 500 ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); return; } ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); $('body').append( et_modal_view_rendered.el ); if ( ( typeof modal_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== modal_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ) || ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) !== 'undefined' && 'section' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) && 'global' === et_pb_options.is_global_template ) ) { $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_saved_global_modal' ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) !== 'undefined' && 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) ) { $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_specialty_section_settings' ); } et_pb_open_current_tab(); }, addSection : function( event ) { var module_id = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(); event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'added', 'section' ); this.collection.add( [ { type : 'section', module_type : 'section', et_pb_fullwidth : 'off', et_pb_specialty : 'off', cid : module_id, view : this, created : 'auto', admin_label : et_pb_options.noun['section'] } ] ); }, addFullwidthSection : function( event ) { var module_id = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(); event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'added', 'fullwidth_section' ); this.collection.add( [ { type : 'section', module_type : 'section', et_pb_fullwidth : 'on', et_pb_specialty : 'off', cid : module_id, view : this, created : 'auto', admin_label : et_pb_options.noun['section'] } ] ); }, addSpecialtySection : function( event ) { var module_id = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), $event_target = $(, template_type = typeof $event_target !== 'undefined' && typeof $ 'is_template' ) !== 'undefined' ? 'section' : ''; event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'added', 'specialty_section' ); this.collection.add( [ { type : 'section', module_type : 'section', et_pb_fullwidth : 'off', et_pb_specialty : 'on', cid : module_id, template_type : template_type, view : this, created : 'auto', admin_label : et_pb_options.noun['section'] } ] ); }, addSavedSection : function( event ) { var parent_cid = this.model.get( 'cid' ), view_settings = { attributes : { 'data-open_view' : 'saved_templates', 'data-parent_cid' : parent_cid }, view : this }, main_view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( view_settings ); et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } $( 'body' ).append( main_view.render().el ); generate_templates_view( 'include_global', '', 'section', $( '.et-pb-saved-modules-tab' ), 'regular', 0, 'all' ); event.preventDefault(); }, expandSection : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $parent = this.$el.closest('.et_pb_section'); $parent.removeClass('et_pb_collapsed'); // Add attribute to shortcode this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_collapsed = 'off'; // Carousel effect for split testing subject if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() && this.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) === 'on' ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.subject_carousel( this.model.get( 'cid' ) ); } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'expanded', 'section' ); // Rebuild shortcodes ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); }, unlockSection : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } var this_el = this, $parent = this_el.$el.closest('.et_pb_section'), request = et_pb_user_lock_permissions(), children_views; request.done( function ( response ) { if ( true === response ) { $parent.removeClass('et_pb_locked'); // Add attribute to shortcode this_el.options.model.attributes.et_pb_locked = 'off'; children_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildrenViews( this_el.model.get('cid') ); _.each( children_views, function( view, key ) { view.$el.removeClass('et_pb_parent_locked'); view.model.set( 'et_pb_parent_locked', 'off', { silent : true } ); } ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'unlocked', 'section' ); // Rebuild shortcodes ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); } else { alert( et_pb_options.locked_section_permission_alert ); } }); }, addFirstRow: function() { if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } var module_id = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), global_parent = typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ? this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) : '', global_parent_cid = '' !== global_parent ? this.model.get( 'cid' ) : '', new_row_view; this.collection.add( [ { type : 'row', module_type : 'row', cid : module_id, parent : this.model.get( 'cid' ), view : this, et_pb_global_parent : global_parent, global_parent_cid : global_parent_cid, admin_label : et_pb_options.noun['row'] } ] ); new_row_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module_id ); new_row_view.displayColumnsOptions(); }, addRow : function( appendAfter ) { if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } var module_id = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), global_parent = typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ? this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) : '', global_parent_cid = '' !== global_parent ? this.model.get( 'cid' ) : '', new_row_view; this.collection.add( [ { type : 'row', module_type : 'row', cid : module_id, parent : this.model.get( 'cid' ), view : this, appendAfter : appendAfter, et_pb_global_parent : global_parent, global_parent_cid : global_parent_cid, admin_label : et_pb_options.noun['row'] } ] ); new_row_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module_id ); new_row_view.displayColumnsOptions(); }, cloneSection : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( this.isSectionLocked() ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'section' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.has_goal( this.model ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_subject( this.model ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_clone_section_has_goal' ); return; } } var $cloned_element = this.$el.clone(), content, clone_section, view_settings = { model : this.model, view : this.$el, view_event : event }; clone_section = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings, true ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'cloned', 'section' ); clone_section.copy( event ); clone_section.pasteAfter( event ); }, makeRowsSortable : function() { var this_el = this, sortable_el = this_el.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) !== 'on' ? '.et-pb-section-content' : '.et_pb_fullwidth_sortable_area', connectWith = ':not(.et_pb_locked) > ' + sortable_el; if ( this_el.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) === 'on' ) { return; } // Split Testing adjustment if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Disable sortable of Split testing item for user with no ab_testing permission if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'section' ) ) { return; } } this_el.$el.find( sortable_el ).sortable( { connectWith: connectWith, delay: 100, cancel : '.et-pb-settings, .et-pb-clone, .et-pb-remove, .et-pb-row-add, .et-pb-insert-module, .et-pb-insert-column, .et-pb-insert-row, .et_pb_locked, .et-pb-disable-sort', update : function( event, ui ) { var $sortable_el = this_el.$el.find( sortable_el ); // Loading process occurs. Dragging is temporarily disabled if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { $sortable_el.sortable('cancel'); return; } // Split Testing adjustment if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for permission user first if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( $( ui.item ).children('.et-pb-row-content').attr( 'data-cid' ), 'row' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); $sortable_el.sortable('cancel'); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); return; } else { // User has proper permission. Verify whether the action is permissible or not // IMPORTANT: update event is fired twice, once when the module is moved from its origin and once when the // module is landed on its destination. This causes two different way in deciding $sender and $target var $item = $( ui.item ), $sender = _.isEmpty( $( ui.sender ) ) ? $( ).parents('.et_pb_section') : $( ui.sender ).parents('.et_pb_section'), $target = _.isEmpty( $( ui.sender ) ) ? $( event.toElement ).parents('.et_pb_section') : $( ).parents('.et_pb_section'), is_subject = $item.hasClass('et_pb_ab_subject'), is_goal = $item.hasClass('et_pb_ab_goal'), has_subject = $item.find('.et_pb_ab_subject').length, has_goal = $item.find('.et_pb_ab_goal').length, is_sender_inside_subject = $sender.closest('.et_pb_ab_subject').length, is_target_inside_subject = $target.closest('.et_pb_ab_subject').length, is_target_inside_goal = $target.closest('.et_pb_ab_goal').length; // Row is goal, being moved to subject-section if ( is_goal && ! is_subject && is_target_inside_subject ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_move_goal_into_subject'); $sortable_el.sortable('cancel'); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); return; } // Row has goal, being moved to subject-section if ( has_goal && is_target_inside_subject ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_move_goal_into_subject' ); $sortable_el.sortable('cancel'); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); return; } // Row is subject, being moved to goal-section if ( is_subject && ! is_goal && is_target_inside_goal ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_move_subject_into_goal'); $sortable_el.sortable('cancel'); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); return; } // Row has subject, being moved to goal-section if ( has_subject && is_target_inside_goal ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_move_subject_into_goal'); $sortable_el.sortable('cancel'); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); return; } // Row is a goal inside subject, being moved to anywhere if ( is_goal && is_sender_inside_subject ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_move_row_goal_out_from_subject'); $sortable_el.sortable('cancel'); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } } } if ( ! $( ui.item ).closest( ).length ) { // don't allow to move the row to another section if the section has only one row if ( ! $( ).find( '.et_pb_row' ).length ) { $(this).sortable( 'cancel' ); alert( et_pb_options.section_only_row_dragged_away ); } // do not allow to drag rows into sections where sorting is disabled if ( $( ui.item ).closest( '.et-pb-disable-sort').length ) { $( ).sortable( 'cancel' ); } // makes sure the code runs one time, if row is dragged into another section return; } if ( $( ui.item ).closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ).length && $( ui.item ).hasClass( 'et_pb_global' ) ) { $( ui.sender ).sortable( 'cancel' ); alert( et_pb_options.global_row_alert ); } else if ( ( $( ui.item ).closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ).length || $( ui.sender ).closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ).length ) && '' === et_pb_options.template_post_id ) { var module_cid = 'cid' ), model, global_module_cid, $moving_from, $moving_to; $moving_from = $( ui.sender ).closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ); $moving_to = $( ui.item ).closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ); if ( $moving_from === $moving_to ) { model = this_el.collection.find( function( model ) { return model.get('cid') == module_cid; } ); global_module_cid = model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ); et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } else { var $global_element = $moving_from; for ( var i = 1; i <= 2; i++ ) { global_module_cid = $global_element.find( '.et-pb-section-content' ).data( 'cid' ); if ( typeof global_module_cid !== 'undefined' && '' !== global_module_cid ) { et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } $global_element = $moving_to; } } } ET_PageBuilder_Layout.setNewParentID( ui.item.find( '.et-pb-row-content' ).data( 'cid' ), this_el.model.attributes.cid ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'moved', 'row' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-sortable:update' ); // Prepare collection sorting based on layout position var section_cid = parseInt( $(this).attr( 'data-cid') ), sibling_row_index = 0; // Loop row block based on DOM position to ensure its index order $(this).find('.et-pb-row-content').each(function(){ sibling_row_index++; var sibling_row_cid = parseInt( $(this).data('cid') ), layout_index = section_cid + sibling_row_index, sibling_model = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere({ cid : sibling_row_cid }); // Set layout_index sibling_model.set({ layout_index : layout_index }); }); // Sort collection based on layout_index ET_PageBuilder_Modules.comparator = 'layout_index'; ET_PageBuilder_Modules.sort(); }, start : function( event, ui ) { et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); // copy row if Alt key pressed if ( event.altKey ) { var movedRow = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( $( ui.item ).children('.et-pb-row-content').data( 'cid' ) ); var view_settings = { model : movedRow.model, view : movedRow.$el, view_event : event }; var clone_row = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings, true ); clone_row.copy( event, true ); clone_row.pasteAfter( event, undefined, undefined, undefined, true, true ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'cloned', 'row' ); } } } ); }, addChildView : function( view ) { this.child_views.push( view ); }, removeChildViews : function() { var child_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildViews( this.model.attributes.cid ); _.each( child_views, function( view ) { if ( typeof view.model !== 'undefined' ) view.model.destroy(); view.remove(); } ); }, removeSection : function( event, remove_all ) { var rows, remove_last_specialty_section = false; if ( event ) event.preventDefault(); if ( this.isSectionLocked() || ET_PageBuilder_Layout.isChildrenLocked( this.model.get( 'cid' ) ) ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading && _.isUndefined( remove_all ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() && _.isUndefined( remove_all ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'section' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_unremovable_subject( this.model ) && _.isUndefined( remove_all ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.has_goal( this.model ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_subject( this.model ) && _.isUndefined( remove_all ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_remove_section_has_goal' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.has_unremovable_subject( this.model ) && _.isUndefined( remove_all ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_remove_section_has_unremovable_subject' ); return; } } if ( this.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) === 'on' ) { this.removeChildViews(); } else { rows = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildViews( this.model.get('cid') ); _.each( rows, function( row ) { if ( row.model.get( 'type' ) === 'column' ) { // remove column in specialty section row.removeColumn(); } else { row.removeRow( false, true ); } } ); } // the only section left is specialty or fullwidth section if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) && ( this.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) === 'on' || this.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) === 'on' ) && ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getNumberOfModules( 'section' ) === 1 ) { remove_last_specialty_section = true; } // if there is only one section, don't remove it // allow to remove all sections if removeSection function is called directly // remove the specialty section even if it's the last one on the page if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) || remove_last_specialty_section || ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getNumberOfModules( 'section' ) > 1 ) { this.model.destroy(); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeView( this.model.get('cid') ); this.remove(); } // start with the clean layout if the user removed the last specialty section on the page if ( remove_last_specialty_section ) { ET_PageBuilder_App.removeAllSections( true ); return; } // Enable history saving and set meta for history if ( _.isUndefined( remove_all ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'removed', 'section' ); } else { ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'cleared', 'layout' ); } // trigger remove event if the row was removed manually ( using a button ) if ( event ) { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-module:removed' ); } // Run Split Testing updater ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.update(); }, isSectionLocked : function() { if ( 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_locked' ) ) { return true; } return false; }, showRightClickOptions : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var et_right_click_options_view, view_settings = { model : this.model, view : this.$el, view_event : event }; et_right_click_options_view = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings ); }, hideRightClickOptions : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); }, renameModule : function() { this.$( '.et-pb-section-title' ).html( this.model.get( 'admin_label' ) ); }, toggleDisabledClass : function() { if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_disabled' ) !== 'undefined' && 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_disabled' ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_disabled' ); } else { this.$el.removeClass( 'et_pb_disabled' ); } }, setABTesting : function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.set( this, event ); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.RowView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : 'et_pb_row', template : _.template( $('#et-builder-row-template').html() ), events : { 'click .et-pb-settings-row' : 'showSettings', 'click .et-pb-insert-column' : 'displayColumnsOptions', 'click .et-pb-clone-row' : 'cloneRow', 'click .et-pb-row-add' : 'addNewRow', 'click .et-pb-remove-row' : 'removeRow', 'click .et-pb-change-structure' : 'changeStructure', 'click .et-pb-expand' : 'expandRow', 'contextmenu .et-pb-row-add' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'click.et_pb_row > .et-pb-controls .et-pb-unlock' : 'unlockRow', 'contextmenu.et_pb_row > .et-pb-controls' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'contextmenu.et_pb_row > .et-pb-right-click-trigger-overlay' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'contextmenu .et-pb-column' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'click.et_pb_row > .et-pb-controls' : 'hideRightClickOptions', 'click.et_pb_row > .et-pb-right-click-trigger-overlay' : 'hideRightClickOptions', 'click > .et-pb-locked-overlay' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'contextmenu > .et-pb-locked-overlay' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'click' : 'setABTesting', }, initialize : function() { this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-add:columns', this.toggleInsertColumnButton ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:admin_label', this.renameModule ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:et_pb_disabled', this.toggleDisabledClass ); }, render : function() { var parent_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getParentViews( this.model.get( 'parent' ) ); if ( typeof this.model.get( 'view' ) !== 'undefined' && typeof this.model.get( 'view' ).model.get( 'layout_specialty' ) !== 'undefined' ) { this.model.set( 'specialty_row', '1', { silent : true } ); } this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) ); if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' || ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) !== 'undefined' && 'row' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) && 'global' === et_pb_options.is_global_template ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_global' ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_disabled' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_disabled' ) === 'on' ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_disabled' ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_locked' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_locked' ) === 'on' ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_locked' ); _.each( parent_views, function( parent ) { parent.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_children_locked' ); } ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ) === 'on' ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_collapsed' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_collapsed' ) === 'on' ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_collapsed' ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'pasted_module' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'pasted_module' ) ) { et_pb_handle_clone_class( this.$el ); } if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_temp_global( this.model ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_global_temp' ); } // Split Testing related class if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_subject( this.model ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ); // Apply subject rank coloring ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.set_subject_rank_coloring( this ); } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_goal( this.model ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ); } if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'row' ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_no_permission' ); } } return this; }, showSettings : function( event ) { var that = this, modal_view, view_settings = { model : this.model, collection : this.collection, attributes : { 'data-open_view' : 'module_settings' }, triggered_by_right_click : this.triggered_by_right_click, do_preview : this.do_preview }; if ( typeof event !== 'undefined' ) { event.preventDefault(); } if ( this.isRowLocked() ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'row' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } } modal_view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( view_settings ); et_modal_view_rendered = modal_view.render(); if ( false === et_modal_view_rendered ) { et_builder_load_backbone_templates( true ); setTimeout( function() { that.showSettings(); }, 500 ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); return; } ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); $('body').append( et_modal_view_rendered.el ); if ( ( typeof modal_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== modal_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ) || ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( modal_view.model.get('cid') ).$el.closest( '.et_pb_global' ).length ) || ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) !== 'undefined' && 'row' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) && 'global' === et_pb_options.is_global_template ) ) { $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_saved_global_modal' ); } }, displayColumnsOptions : function( event ) { if ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); } if ( this.isRowLocked() ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } var view, this_view = this; this.model.set( 'open_view', 'column_settings', { silent : true } ); view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( { model : this.model, collection : this.collection, attributes : { 'data-open_view' : 'column_settings' }, view : this_view } ); $('body').append( view.render().el ); this.toggleInsertColumnButton(); }, changeStructure : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var view, this_view = this; if ( this.isRowLocked() ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'row' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } } this.model.set( 'change_structure', 'true', { silent : true } ); this.model.set( 'open_view', 'column_settings', { silent : true } ); ET_PageBuilder.Events = ET_PageBuilder_Events; view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( { model : this.model, collection : this.collection, attributes : { 'data-open_view' : 'column_settings' }, view : this_view } ); $('body').append( view.render().el ); }, expandRow : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $parent = this.$el.closest('.et_pb_row'); $parent.removeClass('et_pb_collapsed'); // Add attribute to shortcode this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_collapsed = 'off'; // Carousel effect for split testing subject if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() && this.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) === 'on' ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.subject_carousel( this.model.get( 'cid' ) ); } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'expanded', 'row' ); // Rebuild shortcodes ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); }, unlockRow : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } var this_el = this, $parent = this_el.$el.closest('.et_pb_row'), request = et_pb_user_lock_permissions(), children_views, parent_views; request.done( function ( response ) { if ( true === response ) { $parent.removeClass('et_pb_locked'); // Add attribute to shortcode this_el.options.model.attributes.et_pb_locked = 'off'; children_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildrenViews( this_el.model.get('cid') ); _.each( children_views, function( view, key ) { view.$el.removeClass('et_pb_parent_locked'); view.model.set( 'et_pb_parent_locked', 'off', { silent : true } ); } ); parent_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getParentViews( this_el.model.get('parent') ); _.each( parent_views, function( view, key ) { if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.isChildrenLocked( view.model.get( 'cid' ) ) ) { view.$el.removeClass('et_pb_children_locked'); } } ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'unlocked', 'row' ); // Rebuild shortcodes ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); } else { alert( et_pb_options.locked_row_permission_alert ); } }); }, toggleInsertColumnButton : function() { // Manually added row inner (ie empty specialty section's specialty column) has no model if (typeof this.model === 'undefined') { return; } var model_id = this.model.get( 'cid' ), columnsInRow; // check if the current row has at least one column columnsInRow = this.collection.find( function( model ) { return ( model.get( 'type' ) === 'column' || model.get( 'type' ) === 'column_inner' ) && model.get( 'parent' ) === model_id; } ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( columnsInRow ) ) { this.$( '.et-pb-insert-column' ).hide(); // show "change columns structure" icon, if current row's column layout is set this.$( '.et-pb-change-structure' ).show(); } }, addNewRow : function( event ) { var $parent_section = this.$el.closest( '.et-pb-section-content' ), $current_target = $( event.currentTarget ), parent_view_cid = $current_target.closest( '.et-pb-column-specialty' ).length ? $current_target.closest( '.et-pb-column-specialty' ).data( 'cid' ) : $ 'cid' ), parent_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( parent_view_cid ), global_module_cid = ''; event.preventDefault(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); if ( 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ) ) { return; } if ( this.$el.closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ).length && typeof parent_view.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) === 'undefined' ) { global_module_cid = et_pb_get_global_parent_cid( this ); } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'add_row' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'added', 'row' ); parent_view.addRow( this.$el ); if ( '' !== global_module_cid ) { et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); } }, cloneRow : function( event ) { var global_module_cid = '', parent_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.get( 'parent' ) ), clone_row, view_settings = { model : this.model, view : this.$el, view_event : event }; event.preventDefault(); if ( this.isRowLocked() ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ) ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } // Row with goal (unless the row is subject) cannot be cloned if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.has_goal( this.model ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_subject( this.model ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_clone_row_has_goal' ); return; } } if ( this.$el.closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ).length && typeof parent_view.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) === 'undefined' ) { global_module_cid = et_pb_get_global_parent_cid( this ); } clone_row = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings, true ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'cloned', 'row' ); clone_row.copy( event ); clone_row.pasteAfter( event ); if ( '' !== global_module_cid ) { et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); } }, removeRow : function( event, force ) { var columns, global_module_cid = '', parent_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.get( 'parent' ) ); if ( this.isRowLocked() || ET_PageBuilder_Layout.isChildrenLocked( this.model.get( 'cid' ) ) ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() && _.isUndefined( force ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ) ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_unremovable_subject( this.model ) && _.isUndefined( force ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.has_goal( this.model ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_subject( this.model ) && _.isUndefined( force ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_remove_row_has_goal' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.has_unremovable_subject( this.model ) && _.isUndefined( force ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_remove_row_has_unremovable_subject' ); return; } } if ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // don't allow to remove a specialty section, even if there is only one row in it if ( this.$el.closest( '.et-pb-column-specialty' ).length ) { event.stopPropagation(); } if ( this.$el.closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ).length && typeof parent_view.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) === 'undefined' ) { global_module_cid = et_pb_get_global_parent_cid( this ); } } columns = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildViews( this.model.get('cid') ); _.each( columns, function( column ) { column.removeColumn(); } ); // if there is only one row in the section, don't remove it if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) || ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getNumberOf( 'row', this.model.get('parent') ) > 1 ) { this.model.destroy(); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeView( this.model.get('cid') ); this.remove(); } else { this.$( '.et-pb-insert-column' ).show(); // hide "change columns structure" icon, column layout can be re-applied using "Insert column(s)" button this.$( '.et-pb-change-structure' ).hide(); } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'removed', 'row' ); // trigger remove event if the row was removed manually ( using a button ) if ( event ) { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-module:removed' ); } if ( '' !== global_module_cid ) { et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); } // Run Split Testing updater ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.update(); }, isRowLocked : function() { if ( 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_locked' ) || 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ) ) { return true; } return false; }, showRightClickOptions : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $event_target = $( ), et_right_click_options_view, view_settings; // Do nothing if Module or "Insert Module" clicked if ( $event_target.closest( '.et-pb-insert-module' ).length || $event_target.closest('.et-pb-insert-row').length || $event_target.hasClass( 'et_pb_module_block' ) || $event_target.closest( '.et_pb_module_block' ).length ) { return; } et_right_click_options_view, view_settings = { model : this.model, view : this.$el, view_event : event }; et_right_click_options_view = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings ); }, hideRightClickOptions : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); }, renameModule : function() { this.$( '.et-pb-row-title' ).html( this.model.get( 'admin_label' ) ); }, toggleDisabledClass : function() { if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_disabled' ) !== 'undefined' && 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_disabled' ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_disabled' ); } else { this.$el.removeClass( 'et_pb_disabled' ); } }, setABTesting : function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.set( this, event ); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.ModalView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : 'et_pb_modal_settings_container', template : _.template( $('#et-builder-modal-template').html() ), events : { 'click .et-pb-modal-save' : 'saveSettings', 'click .et-pb-modal-preview-template' : 'preview', 'click .et-pb-preview-mobile' : 'resizePreviewScreen', 'click .et-pb-preview-tablet' : 'resizePreviewScreen', 'click .et-pb-preview-desktop' : 'resizePreviewScreen', 'click .et-pb-modal-close' : 'closeModal', 'click .et-pb-modal-save-template' : 'saveTemplate', 'change #et_pb_select_category' : 'applyFilter' }, initialize : function( attributes ) { this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-add:columns', this.removeView ); // listen to module settings box that is created after the user selects new module to add this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-new_module:show_settings', this.removeView ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-saved_layout:loaded', this.removeView ); this.options = attributes; }, render : function() { var view, view_settings = { model : this.model, collection : this.collection, view : this.options.view }, fake_value = false; this.$el.attr( 'tabindex', 0 ); // set tabindex to make the div focusable // update the row view if it has been dragged into another column if ( typeof this.model !== 'undefined' && typeof this.model.get( 'view' ) !== 'undefined' && ( this.model.get( 'module_type' ) === 'row_inner' || this.model.get( 'module_type' ) === 'row' ) && this.model.get( 'parent' ) !== this.model.get( 'view' ).$ 'cid' ) ) { this.model.set( 'view', ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.get( 'parent' ) ), { silent : true } ); } if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'all_modules' && this.model.get( 'module_type' ) === 'section' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) === 'on' ) { this.model.set( 'type', 'column', { silent : true } ); fake_value = true; } if ( typeof this.model !== 'undefined' ) { var this_parent_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.get( 'parent' ) ); if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'column_specialty_settings' ) { this.model.set( 'open_view', 'column_specialty_settings', { silent : true } ); } this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) ); if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'column_specialty_settings' ) { this.model.unset( 'open_view', 'column_specialty_settings', { silent : true } ); } } else this.$el.html( this.template() ); if ( fake_value ) this.model.set( 'type', 'section', { silent : true } ); this.container = this.$('.et-pb-modal-container'); if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'column_settings' ) { view = new ET_PageBuilder.ColumnSettingsView( view_settings ); } else if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'all_modules' ) { view_settings['attributes'] = { 'data-parent_cid' : this.model.get( 'cid' ) } view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModulesView( view_settings ); } else if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'module_settings' ) { view_settings['attributes'] = { 'data-module_type' : this.model.get( 'module_type' ) } view_settings['view'] = this; view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModuleSettingsView( view_settings ); } else if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'save_layout' ) { view = new ET_PageBuilder.SaveLayoutSettingsView( view_settings ); } else if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'column_specialty_settings' ) { view = new ET_PageBuilder.ColumnSettingsView( view_settings ); } else if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'saved_templates' ) { view = new ET_PageBuilder.TemplatesModal( { attributes: { 'data-parent_cid' : this.attributes['data-parent_cid'] } } ); } else if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'help' ) { view = new ET_PageBuilder.HelpView(); } // do not proceed and return false if no template for this module exist yet if ( typeof view.attributes !== 'undefined' && 'no_template' === view.attributes['data-no_template'] ) { return false; } this.container.append( view.render().el ); if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'column_settings' ) { // if column settings layout was generated, remove open_view attribute from a row // the row module modal window shouldn't have this attribute attached this.model.unset( 'open_view', { silent : true } ); } // show only modules that the current element can contain if ( this.attributes['data-open_view'] === 'all_modules' ) { if ( this.model.get( 'module_type' ) === 'section' && typeof( this.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) !== 'undefined' ) && this.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) === 'on' ) { $( view.render().el ).find( '.et-pb-all-modules li:not(.et_pb_fullwidth_only_module)' ).remove(); } else { $( view.render().el ).find( 'li.et_pb_fullwidth_only_module' ).remove(); } } if ( $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ).length ) { $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ).remove(); $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_stop_scroll' ); } if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_modal_fade_in' ) ) { $( 'body' ).append( '<div class="et_pb_modal_overlay et_pb_no_animation"></div>' ); } else { $( 'body' ).append( '<div class="et_pb_modal_overlay"></div>' ); } $( 'body' ).addClass( 'et_pb_stop_scroll' ); return this; }, closeModal : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( $( '.et_modal_on_top' ).length ) { $( '.et_modal_on_top' ).remove(); } else { if ( typeof this.model !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'type' ) === 'module' && this.$( '#et_pb_content_new' ).length ) et_pb_tinymce_remove_control( 'et_pb_content_new' ); et_pb_hide_active_color_picker( this ); et_pb_close_modal_view( this, 'trigger_event' ); } }, removeView : function() { if ( typeof this.model === 'undefined' || ( this.model.get( 'type' ) === 'row' || this.model.get( 'type' ) === 'column' || this.model.get( 'type' ) === 'row_inner' || this.model.get( 'type' ) === 'column_inner' || ( this.model.get( 'type' ) === 'section' && ( this.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) === 'on' || this.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) === 'on' ) ) ) ) { if ( typeof this.model !== 'undefined' && typeof this.model.get( 'type' ) !== 'undefined' && ( this.model.get( 'type' ) === 'column' || this.model.get( 'type' ) === 'column_inner' || ( this.model.get( 'type' ) === 'section' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) === 'on' ) ) ) { var that = this, $opened_tab = $( that.el ).find( '' ); // if we're adding module from library, then close everything. Otherwise leave overlay in place and add specific classes if ( $opened_tab.hasClass( 'et-pb-saved-modules-tab' ) ) { et_pb_close_modal_view( that ); } else { that.remove(); $( 'body' ).addClass( 'et_pb_modal_fade_in' ); $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ).addClass( 'et_pb_no_animation' ); setTimeout( function() { $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_no_animation' ); $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_modal_fade_in' ); }, 500); } } else { et_pb_close_modal_view( this ); } } else { this.removeOverlay(); } }, saveSettings : function( event, close_modal ) { var that = this, global_module_cid = '', this_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( that.model.get( 'cid' ) ), this_parent_view = ! _.isUndefined( that.model.get( 'parent' ) ) ? ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( that.model.get( 'parent' ) ) : '', global_holder_view = this_view, update_template_only = false, close_modal = _.isUndefined( close_modal ) ? true : close_modal, is_disabled = 'not-allowed' === $( ).css( 'cursor' ); // get the global module ID if exists. if ( ! _.isUndefined( global_holder_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ) ) { // if the module is global global_module_cid = global_holder_view.model.get( 'cid' ); } else { // check all parents to find the global parent if exists while ( ! _.isUndefined( global_holder_view.model.get( 'parent' ) ) && '' === global_module_cid ) { // Refresh global holder for new loop global_holder_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( global_holder_view.model.get( 'parent' ) ); global_module_cid = '' === global_module_cid && ! _.isUndefined( global_holder_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ) ? global_holder_view.model.get( 'cid' ) : global_module_cid; } } event.preventDefault(); if ( is_disabled ) { return; } // Disabling state and mark it. It takes a while for generating shortcode, // so ensure that user doesn't update the page before shortcode generation has completed $('#publish').addClass( 'disabled' ); ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish = true; if ( ( typeof global_holder_view.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== global_holder_view.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) ) || ( typeof global_holder_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== global_holder_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ) ) { global_module_cid = typeof global_holder_view.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) !== 'undefined' ? global_holder_view.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) : global_holder_view.model.get( 'cid' ); } that.performSaving(); if ( '' !== global_module_cid ) { et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'edited', that.model.get( 'type' ), that.model.get( 'admin_label' ) ); // In some contexts, closing modal view isn't needed & only settings saving needed if ( ! close_modal ) { return; } et_pb_tinymce_remove_control( 'et_pb_content_new' ); et_pb_hide_active_color_picker( that ); et_pb_close_modal_view( that, 'trigger_event' ); if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Update subject rank coloring and subject ID ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.set_subject_rank_coloring( this_view ); } }, preview : function( event ) { var cid = this.model.get( 'cid' ) , shortcode, $button = $( ).is( 'a' ) ? $( ) : $( ).parent( 'a' ), $container = $( ).parents( '.et-pb-modal-container' ), request_data, section_view, msie = document.documentMode; event.preventDefault(); // Save modified settings, if it is necesarry. Direct preview from right click doesn't need to be saved if ( _.isUndefined( this.options.triggered_by_right_click ) ) { this.saveSettings( event, false ); } else { // Triggered by right click is one time thing. Remove it as soon as it has been used delete this.options.triggered_by_right_click; } if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.options.do_preview ) ) { // Do preview is one time thing. Remove it as soon as it has been used delete this.options.do_preview; } if ( et_pb_options.is_divi_library === "1" && $.inArray( et_pb_options.layout_type, [ "row", "module" ] ) > -1 ) { // Divi Library's layout editor auto generates section and row in module and row layout type // The auto generates item cause cause an issue during shortcode generation // Removing its cid will force ET_PageBuilder_App.generateCompleteShortcode to generate the whole page's layout shortcode which solves the preview issue cid = undefined; } else if ( this.model.get( 'type' ) !== 'section' ) { // Module's layout depends on the column it belongs. Hence, always preview the item in context of section section_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getSectionView( this.model.get( 'parent' ) ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( section_view ) ) { cid = section_view.model.attributes.cid; } } // Get shortcode based on section's cid shortcode = ET_PageBuilder_App.generateCompleteShortcode( cid ); request_data = { et_pb_preview_nonce : et_pb_options.et_pb_preview_nonce, shortcode : shortcode, post_title : $('#title').val() }; // Toggle button state $button.toggleClass( 'active' ); // Toggle container state $container.toggleClass( 'et-pb-item-previewing' ); if ( $button.hasClass( 'active' ) ) { // Create the iFrame on the fly. This will speed up modalView init var $iframe = $('<iframe />', { id : 'et-pb-preview-screen', src : et_pb_options.preview_url + '&et_pb_preview_nonce=' + et_pb_options.et_pb_preview_nonce } ), has_render_page = false; // Add the iframe into preview tab $('.et-pb-preview-tab' ).html( $iframe ); // Pass the item's setup to the screen $('#et-pb-preview-screen').load( function(){ if ( has_render_page ) { return; } // Get iFrame preview = document.getElementById( 'et-pb-preview-screen' ); // IE9 below fix. They have postMessage, but it has to be in string if ( ! _.isUndefined( msie ) && msie < 10 ) { request_data = JSON.stringify( request_data ); } // Pass shortcode structure to iFrame to be displayed preview.contentWindow.postMessage( request_data, et_pb_options.preview_url ); has_render_page = true; }); } else { $( '.et-pb-preview-tab' ).empty(); // Reset active state $('.et-pb-preview-screensize-switcher a').removeClass( 'active' ); // Set desktop as active $('.et-pb-preview-desktop').addClass( 'active' ); } }, resizePreviewScreen : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $link = $( ), width = _.isUndefined( $ 'width' ) ) ? '100%' : $ 'width' ); // Reset active state $('.et-pb-preview-screensize-switcher a').removeClass( 'active' ); // Set current as active $link.addClass( 'active' ); // Set iFrame width $('#et-pb-preview-screen').animate({ 'width' : width }); }, getAttr: function( object, name ) { return _.isUndefined( object[ name ] ) ? '' : object[ name ]; }, performSaving : function( option_tabs_selector ) { var thisClass = this, attributes = {}, defaults = {}, options_selector = typeof option_tabs_selector !== 'undefined' && '' !== option_tabs_selector ? option_tabs_selector : 'input, select, textarea, #et_pb_content_main'; var $et_form_validation; $et_form_validation = $(this)[0].$el.find('form.validate'); if ( $et_form_validation.length ) { validator = $et_form_validation.validate(); if ( !validator.form() ) { et_builder_debug_message('failed form validation'); et_builder_debug_message('failed elements: '); et_builder_debug_message( validator.errorList ); validator.focusInvalid(); return; } et_builder_debug_message('passed form validation'); } var global_module_id = 'global' === et_pb_options.is_global_template ? et_pb_options.template_post_id : this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ); // update the unsynced options for the module if ( $( '.et_pb_global_sync_switcher' ).length > 0 && typeof global_module_id !== 'undefined' && '' !== global_module_id ) { var unsynced_options_array = []; if ( $( '.et_pb_global_unsynced' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.et_pb_global_unsynced' ).each( function() { var $this_el = $( this ); var this_option_name = $ 'option_name' ); unsynced_options_array.push( this_option_name ); // unsync mobile options if exist if ( ! _.isUndefined( $ 'additional_options' ) ) && 'mobile' === $ 'additional_options' ) ) { unsynced_options_array.push( this_option_name + '_tablet' ); unsynced_options_array.push( this_option_name + '_phone' ); } }); } et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ global_module_id ] = unsynced_options_array; // update the value in hidden option so unsynced options will be saved on post Update. if ( 'global' === et_pb_options.is_global_template && $( '#et_pb_unsynced_global_attrs' ).length !== 0 ) { $( '#et_pb_unsynced_global_attrs' ).val( JSON.stringify( unsynced_options_array ) ); } } ET_PageBuilder.Events.trigger( 'et-modal-settings:save', this ); this.$( options_selector ).each( function() { var $this_el = $(this), setting_value, checked_values = [], name = $'#et_pb_content_main') ? 'et_pb_content_new' : $this_el.attr('id'), default_value = $'default') || '', custom_css_option_value; // convert default value to string to make sure current and default values have the same type default_value = default_value + ''; // name attribute is used in normal html checkboxes, use it instead of ID if ( $ ':checkbox' ) ) { name = $this_el.attr('name'); } if ( typeof name === 'undefined' || ( -1 !== name.indexOf( 'qt_' ) && 'button' === $this_el.attr( 'type' ) ) ) { // settings should have an ID and shouldn't be a Quick Tag button from the tinyMCE in order to be saved return true; } if ( $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-helper-field' ) ) { // don't process helper fields return true; } // All checkbox values are saved at once on the next step, so if the attribute name // already exists, do nothing if ( $ ':checkbox' ) && typeof attributes[name] !== 'undefined' ) { return true; } // Validate colorpicker - if invalid color given, return to default color if ( $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-color-picker-hex' ) && new Color( $this_el.val() ).error && ! $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-is-cleared' ) ) { $this_el.val( $ 'selected-value') ); } // Process all checkboxex for the current setting at once if ( $ ':checkbox' ) && typeof attributes[name] === 'undefined' ) { $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ).find( '[name="' + name + '"]:checked' ).each( function() { checked_values.push( $(this).val() ); } ); setting_value = checked_values.join( "," ); } else if ( $ '#et_pb_content_main' ) ) { // Process main content setting_value = $this_el.html(); // Replace temporary ^^ signs with double quotes setting_value = setting_value.replace( /\^\^/g, '%22' ); } else if ( $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-custom-css-option' ).length ) { // Custom CSS settings content should be modified before it is added to the shortcode attribute custom_css_option_value = $this_el.val(); // replace new lines with || and backlash \ with %92 in Custom CSS settings setting_value = '' !== custom_css_option_value ? custom_css_option_value.replace( /(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '\|\|' ).replace( /\\/g, '%92' ) : ''; } else if ( $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-range-input' ) ) { // Get range input value setting_value = et_pb_get_range_input_value( $this_el ); if ( $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-validate-unit' ) ) { setting_value = et_pb_sanitize_input_unit_value( setting_value.toString(), false, 'no_default_unit' ); } } else if ( $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-validate-unit' ) ) { // Process validated unit setting_value = et_pb_sanitize_input_unit_value( $this_el.val(), false, '' ); } else if ( ! $ ':checkbox' ) ) { // Process all other settings: inputs, textarea#et_pb_content_new, range sliders etc. setting_value = $'textarea#et_pb_content_new') ? et_pb_get_content( 'et_pb_content_new' ) : $this_el.val(); if ( $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-range-input' ) && setting_value === 'px' ) { setting_value = ''; } } // if default value is set, add it to the defaults object if ( default_value !== '' ) { defaults[ name ] = default_value; } // save the attribute value attributes[name] = setting_value; } ); // add defaults object attributes['module_defaults'] = defaults; // remove padding_mobile based on last_edited value to remove dependency to padding_mobile and rely on responsive padding var module_attributes = this.model.attributes, module_previous_attributes = this.model._previousAttributes, module_type = module_attributes.type, custom_padding_last_edited = _.isUndefined(attributes.et_pb_custom_padding_last_edited) ? [] : attributes.et_pb_custom_padding_last_edited.split('|'), responsive_padding_active = typeof custom_padding_last_edited === 'object' && custom_padding_last_edited[0] === 'on', is_custom_padding_updated = thisClass.getAttr( attributes, 'et_pb_custom_padding' ) !== thisClass.getAttr( module_previous_attributes, 'et_pb_custom_padding' ), is_custom_padding_tablet_updated = responsive_padding_active && thisClass.getAttr( attributes, 'et_pb_custom_padding_tablet' ) !== thisClass.getAttr( module_previous_attributes, 'et_pb_custom_padding_tablet' ), is_custom_padding_phone_updated = responsive_padding_active && thisClass.getAttr( attributes, 'et_pb_custom_padding_phone' ) !== thisClass.getAttr( module_previous_attributes, 'et_pb_custom_padding_phone' ), is_custom_padding_field_updated = is_custom_padding_updated || is_custom_padding_tablet_updated || is_custom_padding_phone_updated; // remove padding_mobile on section if responsive padding is active if ( module_type === 'section' && ( responsive_padding_active || is_custom_padding_field_updated ) ) { attributes.et_pb_padding_mobile = ''; } if ( module_type === 'row' || module_type === 'row_inner' ) { // remove padding_mobile on row if responsive padding is active if ( ( responsive_padding_active || is_custom_padding_field_updated ) ) { attributes.et_pb_padding_mobile = ''; } // remove column_padding var column_count = typeof module_attributes.columns_layout === 'undefined' ? 0 : module_attributes.columns_layout.split(',').length; for (var column_index = 1; column_index <= column_count; column_index++) { var column_padding_last_edited_value = attributes['et_pb_padding_' + column_index + '_last_edited'], column_padding_last_edited = typeof column_padding_last_edited_value === 'undefined' ? [] : column_padding_last_edited_value.split('|'), column_responsive_padding_active = typeof column_padding_last_edited === 'object' && column_padding_last_edited[0] === 'on', is_column_padding_top_updated = thisClass.getAttr( attributes, 'et_pb_padding_top_' + column_index ) !== thisClass.getAttr( module_previous_attributes, 'et_pb_padding_top_' + column_index ), is_column_padding_right_updated = thisClass.getAttr( attributes, 'et_pb_padding_right_' + column_index ) !== thisClass.getAttr( module_previous_attributes, 'et_pb_padding_right_' + column_index ), is_column_padding_bottom_updated = thisClass.getAttr( attributes, 'et_pb_padding_bottom_' + column_index ) !== thisClass.getAttr( module_previous_attributes, 'et_pb_padding_bottom_' + column_index ), is_column_padding_left_updated = thisClass.getAttr( attributes, 'et_pb_padding_left_' + column_index ) !== thisClass.getAttr( module_previous_attributes, 'et_pb_padding_left_' + column_index ), is_column_padding_updated = is_column_padding_top_updated || is_column_padding_right_updated || is_column_padding_bottom_updated || is_column_padding_left_updated, is_column_padding_tablet_updated = column_responsive_padding_active && thisClass.getAttr( attributes, 'et_pb_padding_' + column_index + '_tablet' ) !== thisClass.getAttr( module_previous_attributes, 'et_pb_padding_' + column_index + '_tablet' ), is_column_padding_phone_updated = column_responsive_padding_active && thisClass.getAttr( attributes, 'et_pb_padding_' + column_index + '_phone' ) !== thisClass.getAttr( module_previous_attributes, 'et_pb_padding_' + column_index + '_phone'), is_column_padding_field_updated = is_column_padding_updated || is_column_padding_tablet_updated || is_column_padding_phone_updated; if ( column_responsive_padding_active || is_column_padding_field_updated ) { attributes.et_pb_column_padding_mobile = ''; break; } } } // set model attributes this.model.set( attributes ); }, saveTemplate : function( event ) { var module_width = -1 !== this.model.get( 'module_type' ).indexOf( 'fullwidth' ) ? 'fullwidth' : 'regular', columns_layout = typeof this.model.get( 'columns_layout' ) !== 'undefined' ? this.model.get( 'columns_layout' ) : '0', is_disabled = 'not-allowed' === $( ).css( 'cursor' ); event.preventDefault(); if ( is_disabled ) { return; } et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'save_template', this, module_width, columns_layout ); }, removeOverlay : function() { var $overlay = $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ); if ( $overlay.length ) { $overlay.addClass( 'et_pb_overlay_closing' ); setTimeout( function() { $overlay.remove(); $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_stop_scroll' ); }, 600 ); } // Check for existence of disable_publish element, don't do auto enable publish // if not necesarry. Example: opening Modal View, then close it without further action if ( ! _.isUndefined( ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish ) ) { var auto_enable_publishing = setTimeout( function() { // Check for disable_publish state, auto enable after three seconds // This means no et_pb_set_content triggered if ( ! _.isUndefined( ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish ) ) { $('#publish').removeClass( 'disabled' ); delete ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish; } }, 3000 ); } }, applyFilter : function() { var $event_target = $(, all_data = $ 'attr' ), selected_category = $event_target.val(); all_data.append_to.html( '' ); generate_templates_view( all_data.include_global, '', all_data.layout_type, all_data.append_to, all_data.module_width, all_data.specialty_cols, selected_category ); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.ColumnView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { template : _.template( $('#et-builder-column-template').html() ), templateAddRow : _.template( $('#et-builder-specialty-column-template').html() ), events : { 'click .et-pb-insert-module' : 'addModule', 'click .et-pb-insert-row' : 'addModule', 'contextmenu > .et-pb-insert-module' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'click' : 'hideRightClickOptions' }, initialize : function() { this.$el.attr( 'data-cid', this.model.get( 'cid' ) ); }, render : function() { var this_el = this, is_fullwidth_section = this.model.get( 'module_type' ) === 'section' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) === 'on', connect_with = ( ! is_fullwidth_section ? ".et-pb-column:not(.et-pb-column-specialty, .et_pb_parent_locked)" : ".et_pb_fullwidth_sortable_area" ); this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) ); // Specialty section's column button displays add row instead of add module if (typeof this.model.attributes.specialty_columns !== 'undefined' ) { this.$el.html( this.templateAddRow( this.model.toJSON() ) ); } if ( is_fullwidth_section ) this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_fullwidth_sortable_area' ); if ( this.model.get( 'layout_specialty' ) === '1' ) { connect_with = '.et-pb-column-specialty:not(.et_pb_parent_locked)'; } if ( this.model.get( 'created' ) === 'manually' && ! _.isUndefined( this.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty_columns' ) ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et-pb-column-specialty' ); } if ( this.isColumnParentLocked( this.model.get( 'parent' ) ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ); this.model.set( 'et_pb_parent_locked', 'on', { silent : true } ); } // Split Testing adjustment if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Disable sortable of Split testing item for user with no ab_testing permission if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'column' ) ) { return this; } } this.$el.sortable( { cancel : '.et-pb-settings, .et-pb-clone, .et-pb-remove, .et-pb-insert-module, .et-pb-insert-column, .et-pb-insert-row, .et_pb_locked, .et-pb-disable-sort', connectWith: connect_with, delay: 100, items : ( this.model.get( 'layout_specialty' ) !== '1' ? '.et_pb_module_block' : '.et_pb_row' ), receive: function(event, ui) { var $this = $(this), columns_number, cancel_action = false; if ( $this.hasClass( 'et-pb-column-specialty' ) ) { // revert if the last row is being dragged out of the specialty section // or the module block is placed directly into the section // or 3-column row is placed into the row that can't handle it if ( ! $( ui.sender ).find( '.et_pb_row' ).length || $( ui.item ).is( '.et_pb_module_block' ) ) { alert( et_pb_options.section_only_row_dragged_away ); cancel_action = true; } else { columns_number = $(ui.item).find( '.et-pb-row-container > .et-pb-column' ).length; if ( columns_number === 3 && parseInt( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( $ 'cid' ) ).model.get( 'specialty_columns' ) ) !== 3 ) { alert( et_pb_options.stop_dropping_3_col_row ); cancel_action = true; } } } // do not allow to drag modules into sections and rows where sorting is disabled if ( $( ui.item ).closest( '.et-pb-disable-sort').length ) { cancel_action = true; } if ( ( $( ui.item ).closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ).length || $( ui.item ).closest( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_global' ).length ) && $( ui.item ).hasClass( 'et_pb_global' ) ) { alert( et_pb_options.global_module_alert ); cancel_action = true; } if ( cancel_action ) { $(ui.sender).sortable('cancel'); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } // Remove insert row button if a row is pasted into specialty's column if ($'.et-pb-column-specialty') && $this.find('.et_pb_row').length <= 1 && $this.find('.et-pb-insert-row').length) { $this.find('.et-pb-insert-row').remove(); } }, update : function( event, ui ) { // Loading process occurs. Dragging is temporarily disabled if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { this_el.$el.sortable( 'cancel' ); return; } // Split Testing adjustment :: module as subject / goal if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { var is_row_inner = $( ui.item ).hasClass( 'et_pb_row' ), cid = is_row_inner ? $( ui.item ).children( '.et-pb-row-content' ).attr( 'data-cid' ) : $( ui.item ).attr( 'data-cid' ); // Check for permission user first if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( cid ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); this_el.$el.sortable('cancel'); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); return; } else { // User has proper permission. Verify whether the action is permissible or not // IMPORTANT: update event is fired twice, once when the module is moved from its origin and once when the // module is landed on its destination. This causes two different way in deciding $sender and $target var $item = $( ui.item ), $sender = _.isEmpty( $( ui.sender ) ) ? $( ) : $( ui.sender ), $target = _.isEmpty( $( ui.sender ) ) ? $( event.toElement ).parent() : $( ), is_subject = $item.hasClass('et_pb_ab_subject'), is_goal = $item.hasClass('et_pb_ab_goal'), is_sender_inside_subject = $sender.closest('.et_pb_ab_subject').length, is_target_inside_subject = $target.closest('.et_pb_ab_subject').length, is_target_inside_goal = $target.closest('.et_pb_ab_goal').length; // Goal inside subject cannot be moved outside subject if ( is_goal && ! is_subject && is_sender_inside_subject ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_move_module_goal_out_from_subject' ); $( this_el.$el ).sortable('cancel'); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); return; } // Goal outside subject cannot be moved inside subject if ( is_goal && ! is_subject && ! is_sender_inside_subject && is_target_inside_subject ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_move_goal_into_subject' ); $( this_el.$el ).sortable('cancel'); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); return; } // Subject cannot be moved into goal (assuming goal is row or section) if ( is_subject && ! is_goal && is_target_inside_goal ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_move_subject_into_goal' ); $( this_el.$el ).sortable('cancel'); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); return; } } } var model, $module_block, module_cid = 'cid' ); $module_block = $( ui.item ); if ( typeof module_cid === 'undefined' && $('.et-pb-column-specialty') ) { $module_block = $( ui.item ).closest( '.et_pb_row' ).find( '.et-pb-row-content' ); module_cid = $ 'cid' ); } // if the column doesn't have modules, add the dragged module before 'Insert Module' button or append to column if ( ! $('.et-pb-column-specialty') && $( ui.item ).closest( ).length && $( ).find( '.et_pb_module_block' ).length === 1 ) { // if .et-pb-insert-module button exists, then add the module before that button. Otherwise append to column if ( $( ).find( '.et-pb-insert-module' ).length ) { $module_block.insertBefore( $( ).find( '.et-pb-insert-module' ) ); } else { $( ).append( $module_block ); } } model = this_el.collection.find( function( model ) { return model.get('cid') == module_cid; } ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'moved', 'module', model.get( 'admin_label' ) ); if ( model.get( 'parent' ) === this_el.model.attributes.cid && $( ui.item ).closest( ).length ) { // order of items have been changed within the same row ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-model-changed-position-within-column' ); } else { model.set( 'parent', this_el.model.attributes.cid ); } // Prepare collection sorting based on layout position var column_cid = parseInt( $(this).attr( 'data-cid') ), sibling_module_index = 0; // Loop module block based on DOM position to ensure its index order $(this).find('.et_pb_module_block').each(function(){ sibling_module_index++; var sibling_module_cid = parseInt( $(this).data('cid') ), layout_index = column_cid + sibling_module_index, sibling_model = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere({ cid : sibling_module_cid }); // Set layout_index sibling_model.set({ layout_index : layout_index }); }); // Sort collection based on layout_index ET_PageBuilder_Modules.comparator = 'layout_index'; ET_PageBuilder_Modules.sort(); if ( ( $( ui.item ).closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ).length || $( ui.item ).closest( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_global' ).length || $( ui.sender ).closest( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_global' ).length || $( ui.sender ).closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ).length ) && '' === et_pb_options.template_post_id ) { var module_cid = 'cid' ), $from_global_row = $( ui.sender ).closest( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_global' ), $to_global_row = $( ui.item ).closest( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_global' ), global_module_cid, $moving_from, $moving_to; $moving_from = $from_global_row.length > 0 ? $from_global_row : $( ui.sender ).closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ); $moving_to = $to_global_row.length > 0 ? $to_global_row : $( ui.item ).closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ); if ( $moving_from === $moving_to ) { var global_module_cid = $from_global_row.length > 0 ? $( ui.sender ).closest( '.et-pb-row-content' ).data( 'cid' ) : $( ui.sender ).closest( '.et-pb-section-content' ).data( 'cid' ); et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } else { var $global_element = $moving_from; for ( var i = 1; i <= 2; i++ ) { global_module_cid = typeof $global_element.find( '.et-pb-section-content' ).data( 'cid' ) !== 'undefined' ? $global_element.find( '.et-pb-section-content' ).data( 'cid' ) : $global_element.find( '.et-pb-row-content' ).data( 'cid' ); if ( typeof global_module_cid !== 'undefined' && '' !== global_module_cid ) { et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } $global_element = $moving_to; } } } }, start : function( event, ui ) { et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); // copy module if Alt key pressed if ( event.altKey ) { var is_row_inner = $( ui.item ).hasClass( 'et_pb_row' ); var cid = is_row_inner ? $( ui.item ).children( '.et-pb-row-content' ).attr( 'data-cid' ) : $( ui.item ).attr( 'data-cid' ); var movedModule = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( cid ); var view_settings = { model : movedModule.model, view : movedModule.$el, view_event : event }; var clone_module = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings, true ); clone_module.copy( event, true ); clone_module.pasteAfter( event, undefined, undefined, undefined, true, true ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'cloned', 'module', movedModule.model.get( 'admin_label' ) ); } } } ); return this; }, addModule : function( event ) { var $event_target = $(, $add_module_button = $ 'span' ) ? $event_target.parent('.et-pb-insert-module') : $event_target; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if ( this.isColumnLocked() ) return; if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'add_module' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } } if ( ! $add_module_button.parent().is( event.delegateTarget ) ) { return; } et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); if ($('.et-pb-insert-row')) { this.addRow(); } else { var view; view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( { model : this.model, collection : this.collection, attributes : { 'data-open_view' : 'all_modules' }, view : this } ); $('body').append( view.render().el ); } }, // Add New Row functionality for the specialty section column addRow : function( appendAfter ) { var module_id = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), global_parent = typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) ? this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) : '', global_parent_cid = '' !== global_parent ? this.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) : '', new_row_view; if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( this.isColumnLocked() ) { return; } this.collection.add( [ { type : 'row', module_type : 'row', cid : module_id, parent : this.model.get( 'cid' ), view : this, appendAfter : appendAfter, et_pb_global_parent : global_parent, global_parent_cid : global_parent_cid, admin_label : et_pb_options.noun['row'] } ] ); new_row_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module_id ); new_row_view.displayColumnsOptions(); }, removeColumn : function() { var modules; modules = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildViews( this.model.get('cid') ); _.each( modules, function( module ) { if ( module.model.get( 'type' ) === 'row' || module.model.get( 'type' ) === 'row_inner' ) { module.removeRow(); } else { module.removeModule(); } } ); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeView( this.model.get('cid') ); this.model.destroy(); this.remove(); }, isColumnLocked : function() { if ( 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_locked' ) || 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ) ) { return true; } return false; }, isColumnParentLocked : function( cid ) { var parent_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( cid ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( parent_view ) && ( 'on' === parent_view.model.get('et_pb_locked' ) || 'on' === parent_view.model.get('et_pb_parent_locked' ) ) ) { return true; } return false; }, showRightClickOptions : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var et_right_click_options_view, view_settings = { model : this.model, view : this.$el, view_event : event }; // Fullwidth and regular section uses different type for column ( section vs column ) // Add marker so it can be identified view_settings.model.attributes.is_insert_module = true; et_right_click_options_view = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings ); return; }, hideRightClickOptions : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.ColumnSettingsView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : 'et_pb_modal_settings', template : _.template( $('#et-builder-column-settings-template').html() ), events : { 'click .et-pb-column-layouts li' : 'addColumns', 'click .et-pb-options-tabs-links li a' : 'switchTab' }, initialize : function( attributes ) { this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-add:columns', this.removeView ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-modal-view-removed', this.removeViewAndEmptySection ); this.options = attributes; }, render : function() { this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) ); if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.get('cid') ).$el.closest( '.et_pb_global' ).length ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_no_global' ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) !== 'undefined' && 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) || typeof this.model.get( 'change_structure' ) !== 'undefined' && 'true' === this.model.get( 'change_structure' ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_modal_no_tabs' ); } return this; }, addColumns : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var that = this, $layout_el = $( 'li' ) ? $( : $( 'li' ), layout = $'layout'), layout_specialty = 'section' === that.model.get( 'type' ) && 'on' === that.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) ? $'specialty').split(',') : '', column_settings = { 'layout' : layout, 'layout_specialty' : layout_specialty, 'is_structure_change' : typeof that.model.get( 'change_structure' ) !== 'undefined' && 'true' === that.model.get( 'change_structure' ), 'specialty_columns' : $'specialty_columns') }; ET_PageBuilder_Layout.changeColumnStructure( that, column_settings ); }, removeView : function() { var that = this; // remove it with some delay to make sure animation applied to modal before removal setTimeout( function() { that.remove(); }, 300 ); }, switchTab : function( event ) { var $this_el = $( event.currentTarget ).parent(); event.preventDefault(); et_handle_templates_switching( $this_el, 'row', '' ); }, /** * Remove modal view and empty specialty section, if the user hasn't selected a section layout * and closed a modal window */ removeViewAndEmptySection : function() { if ( this.model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) === 'on' ) { this.options.view.model.destroy(); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeView( this.options.view.model.get('cid') ); this.options.view.remove(); } this.remove(); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.SaveLayoutSettingsView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : 'et_pb_modal_settings', template : _.template( $('#et-builder-load_layout-template').html() ), events : { 'click .et_pb_layout_button_load' : 'loadLayout', 'click .et_pb_layout_button_delete' : 'deleteLayout', 'click .et-pb-options-tabs-links li a' : 'switchTab' }, initialize : function( attributes ) { this.options = attributes; this.layoutIsLoading = false; this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-modal-view-removed', this.remove ); }, render : function() { var $this_el = this.$el, post_type = $('#post_type').val(); $this_el.html( this.template( { "display_switcher" : "on" } ) ); et_load_saved_layouts( 'predefined', 'et-pb-all-modules-tab', $this_el, post_type ); et_load_saved_layouts( 'not_predefined', 'et-pb-saved-modules-tab', $this_el, post_type ); return this; }, deleteLayout : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $layout = $( event.currentTarget ).closest( 'li' ); if ( $layout.hasClass( 'et_pb_deleting_layout' ) ) return; else $layout.addClass( 'et_pb_deleting_layout' ); $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_delete_layout', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_layout_id : $ 'layout_id' ) }, beforeSend : function() { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); $layout.css( 'opacity', '0.5' ); }, complete : function() { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); }, success: function( data ){ if ( $layout.closest( 'ul' ).find( '> li' ).length == 1 ) $layout.closest( 'ul' ).prev( 'h3' ).hide(); $layout.remove(); } } ); }, loadLayout : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( this.layoutIsLoading ) { return; } else { this.layoutIsLoading = true; this.$el.find( '.et-pb-main-settings' ).css( { 'opacity' : '0.5' } ); } var $layout = $( event.currentTarget ).closest( 'li' ), replace_content = $layout.closest( '.et-pb-main-settings' ).find( '#et_pb_load_layout_replace' ).is( ':checked' ), content = et_pb_get_content( 'content' ), this_el = this; $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_load_layout', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_layout_id : $ 'layout_id' ), et_replace_content : ( replace_content ? 'on' : 'off' ) }, beforeSend : function() { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); }, complete : function() { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-saved_layout:loaded' ); }, success: function( data ){ content = replace_content ? data : data + content; ET_PageBuilder_App.removeAllSections(); if ( content !== '' ) { ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'loaded', 'layout' ); } ET_PageBuilder_App.createNewLayout( content, 'load_layout' ); } } ); }, switchTab: function( event ) { var $this_el = $( event.currentTarget ).parent(); event.preventDefault(); et_handle_templates_switching( $this_el, 'layout', '' ); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.ModulesView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : 'et_pb_modal_settings', template : _.template( $('#et-builder-modules-template').html() ), events : { 'click .et-pb-all-modules li' : 'addModule', 'click .et-pb-options-tabs-links li a' : 'switchTab' }, initialize : function( attributes ) { this.options = attributes; this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-modal-view-removed', this.remove ); }, render : function() { var template_type_holder = typeof ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.get('parent') ) !== 'undefined' ? ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.get('parent') ) : this; this.$el.html( this.template( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.toJSON() ) ); if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.get('cid') ).$el.closest( '.et_pb_global' ).length || typeof template_type_holder.model.get('et_pb_template_type') !== 'undefined' && 'module' === template_type_holder.model.get('et_pb_template_type') ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_no_global' ); } return this; }, addModule : function( event ) { var $this_el = $( event.currentTarget ), label = $this_el.find( '.et_module_title' ).text(), type = $this_el.attr( 'class' ).replace( ' et_pb_fullwidth_only_module', '' ), global_module_cid = '', parent_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.get('parent') ), template_type_holder = typeof parent_view !== 'undefined' ? parent_view : this event.preventDefault(); if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) !== 'undefined' && typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) !== '' ) { global_module_cid = this.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ); } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'added', 'module', label ); this.collection.add( [ { type : 'module', cid : ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), module_type : type, admin_label : label, parent : this.attributes['data-parent_cid'], view : this.options.view, global_parent_cid : global_module_cid } ] ); this.remove(); if ( '' !== global_module_cid ) { et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); } if ( typeof template_type_holder.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) !== 'undefined' && 'module' === template_type_holder.model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ) ) { et_add_template_meta( '_et_pb_module_type', type ); } et_pb_open_current_tab(); }, switchTab : function( event ) { var $this_el = $( event.currentTarget ).parent(), module_width = typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) && 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) ? 'fullwidth' : 'regular'; event.preventDefault(); et_handle_templates_switching( $this_el, 'module', module_width ); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.ModuleSettingsView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : 'et_pb_module_settings', initialize : function() { if ( ! $( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateTemplateName( this.attributes['data-module_type'] ) ).length ) { this.attributes['data-no_template'] = 'no_template'; return; } this.template = _.template( $( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateTemplateName( this.attributes['data-module_type'] ) ).html() ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-modal-view-removed', this.removeModule ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-advanced-module:saved', this.renderMap ); }, events : { }, render : function() { var thisClass = this, $this_el = this.$el, content = '', this_module_cid = this.model.attributes.cid, $content_textarea, $content_textarea_container, $content_textarea_option, advanced_mode = false, view, $color_picker, $upload_button, $video_image_button, $gallery_button, $icon_font_list, $et_affect_fields, $et_form_validation, $icon_font_options = [ "et_pb_font_icon", "et_pb_button_one_icon", "et_pb_button_two_icon", "et_pb_button_icon" ], $add_email_account_buttons, $preview_panel, $previewable_upload_button_add, $previewable_upload_button_edit, $previewable_upload_button_delete; // Update module's _builder_version to current builder's version thisClass.model.set( 'et_pb__builder_version', et_pb_options.product_version ); // Replace encoded double quotes with normal quotes, // escaping is applied in modules templates _.each( this.model.attributes, function( value, key, list ) { if ( typeof value === 'string' && key !== 'et_pb_content_new' && -1 === $.inArray( key, $icon_font_options ) && ! /^\%\%\d+\%\%$/.test( $.trim( value ) ) ) { return list[ key ] = value.replace( /%22/g, '"' ); } } ); this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.attributes ) ); $content_textarea = this.$el.find( '#et_pb_content_new' ); $color_picker = this.$el.find('.et-pb-color-picker-hex'); $color_picker_alpha = this.$el.find('.et-builder-color-picker-alpha'); $upload_button = this.$el.find('.et-pb-upload-button'); $preview_panel = this.$el.find('.et-pb-option-container--upload .et-pb-option-preview'); $previewable_upload_button_add = this.$el.find('.et-pb-option-container--upload .et-pb-option-preview-button--add'); $previewable_upload_button_edit = this.$el.find('.et-pb-option-container--upload .et-pb-option-preview-button--edit'); $previewable_upload_button_delete = this.$el.find('.et-pb-option-container--upload .et-pb-option-preview-button--delete'); $video_image_button = this.$el.find('.et-pb-video-image-button'); $gallery_button = this.$el.find('.et-pb-gallery-button'); $time_picker = this.$el.find('.et-pb-date-time-picker'); $icon_font_list = this.$el.find('.et_font_icon'); $validation_element = $this_el.find('.et-validate-number'); $et_form_validation = $this_el.find('form.validate'); $warning = $this_el.find('.et-pb-option--warning'); $add_email_account_buttons = $this_el.find('.et_pb_email_add_account'); // validation if ( $et_form_validation.length ) { et_builder_debug_message('validation enabled'); $et_form_validation.validate({ debug: true }); } if ( $color_picker.length ) { var draggingID, changeID; $color_picker.each( function() { var $this = $(this); $this.wpColorPicker({ defaultColor : $'default-color'), palettes : '' !== et_pb_options.page_color_palette ? et_pb_options.page_color_palette.split( '|' ) : et_pb_options.default_color_palette.split( '|' ), change : function( event, ui ) { var $this_el = $(this), $option_container = $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ), $reset_button = $option_container.find( '.et-pb-reset-setting' ), $custom_color_container = $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-custom-color-container' ), $preview = $option_container.find( '.et-pb-option-preview' ), has_preview = $this_el.hasClass('et-pb-color-picker-hex-has-preview'), is_gradient_colorpicker = $this_el.closest('.et_pb_background-tab--gradient').length > 0, current_value = $this_el.val(), default_value; if ( $custom_color_container.length ) { $custom_color_container.find( '.et-pb-custom-color-picker' ).val( ui.color.toString() ); } default_value = et_pb_get_default_setting_value( $this_el ); if ( current_value !== default_value ) { if ( $reset_button.length ) { $reset_button.addClass( 'et-pb-reset-icon-visible' ); } if ( has_preview ) { $preview.removeClass('et-pb-option-preview--empty'); } } else { if ( $reset_button.length ) { $reset_button.removeClass( 'et-pb-reset-icon-visible' ); } if ( has_preview ) { $preview.addClass('et-pb-option-preview--empty'); } } if ( has_preview) { $preview.css( { backgroundColor: current_value } ); } if ( is_gradient_colorpicker ) { et_pb_update_gradient_preview( $this_el ); } if ( _.has( event, 'originalEvent' ) && _.has( event.originalEvent, 'type' ) && event.originalEvent.type === 'square' ) { $option_container.find( '.button-confirm' ).css( 'backgroundColor', current_value + ' !important' ); if ( ! $option_container.hasClass( 'is-dragging' ) ) { $option_container.addClass( 'is-dragging' ); } clearTimeout( draggingID ); draggingID = setTimeout( function() { et_pb_reposition_colorpicker_element( $this_el ); $option_container.find( '.button-confirm' ).css( 'backgroundColor', '' ); $option_container.removeClass( 'is-dragging' ); }, 300 ); } // Set focus back to clearpicker input after color change so enter could close the colorpicker clearTimeout( changeID ); changeID = setTimeout( function() { $this_el.focus(); }, 300 ); // Remove clear marker class name to make color validation works again if ( $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-is-cleared' ) ) { $this_el.removeClass( 'et-pb-is-cleared' ) } }, clear: function() { $(this).val( et_pb_options.invalid_color ); $(this).closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ).find( '.et-pb-main-setting' ).val( '' ); }, width : $this.closest( '.et-pb-option--background' ).length ? 660 : 300, height : 190, diviColorpicker : $this.closest( '.et-pb-option--background' ).length ? true : false }); var default_color = $'default-color') || '', $reset_button = $this.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ).find( '.et-pb-reset-setting' ); if ( $this.hasClass('et-pb-color-picker-hex-has-preview') ) { var $option_container = $this.closest('.et-pb-option-container'); $option_container.find('.et-pb-option-preview-button--add, .et-pb-option-preview-button--edit, .et-pb-option-preview').click( function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); $this.wpColorPicker('open'); }); $option_container.find('.et-pb-option-preview-button--delete').click( function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); // Clear color value on DOM and colorpicker then add cleared class name to bypass color validation $this.wpColorPicker( 'color', '' ).val( '' ).addClass( 'et-pb-is-cleared' ); $option_container.find('.et-pb-option-preview').removeAttr('style').addClass('et-pb-option-preview--empty'); }); } if ( ! $reset_button.length ) { return true; } if ( default_color !== $this.val() ) { $reset_button.addClass( 'et-pb-reset-icon-visible' ); } } ); } if ( $color_picker_alpha.length ) { $color_picker_alpha.each(function(){ var $this_color_picker_alpha = $(this), color_picker_alpha_val = $'value').split('|'), color_picker_alpha_hex = color_picker_alpha_val[0] || '#444444', color_picker_alpha_opacity = color_picker_alpha_val[2] || 1.0; $this_color_picker_alpha.attr('data-opacity', color_picker_alpha_opacity ); $this_color_picker_alpha.val( color_picker_alpha_hex ); $this_color_picker_alpha.minicolors({ control: 'hue', defaultValue: $(this).data('default-color') || '', opacity: true, changeDelay: 200, show: function() { $this_color_picker_alpha.minicolors('opacity', $'opacity') ); }, change: function(hex, opacity) { if( !hex ) { return; } var rgba_object = $this_color_picker_alpha.minicolors('rgbObject'), $field = $( $'field') ), values = [], values_string; values.push( hex ); values.push( rgba_object.r + ', ' + rgba_object.g + ', ' + rgba_object.b ); values.push( opacity ); values_string = values.join('|'); if ( $field.length ) { $field.val( values_string ); } }, theme: 'bootstrap' }); }); } if ( $upload_button.length ) { et_pb_activate_upload( $upload_button ); } if ( $previewable_upload_button_add.length || $previewable_upload_button_edit.length || $preview_panel ) { function et_pb_trigger_upload_button( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if ( $(this).hasClass( 'et-pb-option-preview' ) && ! $(this).hasClass( 'et-pb-option-preview--empty' ) && $(this).siblings( '.button' ).attr( 'data-type' ) === 'video' ) { return; } $(this).closest( '.et-pb-option' ).find( '.et-pb-upload-button' ).trigger( 'click' ); } $ et_pb_trigger_upload_button ); $ et_pb_trigger_upload_button ); $ et_pb_trigger_upload_button ); } if ( $previewable_upload_button_delete.length ) { $ function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var $option = $( this ).closest( '.et-pb-option' ), $input = $option.find( '.et-pb-upload-field' ), $preview = $option.find( '.et-pb-option-preview' ); $input.val( '' ); $preview.addClass( 'et-pb-option-preview--empty' ).find('.et-pb-preview-content').remove(); } ); } if ( $video_image_button.length ) { et_pb_generate_video_image( $video_image_button ); } if ( $gallery_button.length ) { et_pb_activate_gallery( $gallery_button ); } if ( $add_email_account_buttons.length ) { et_pb_email_lists_buttons_setup( $add_email_account_buttons, this ); } if ( $time_picker.length ) { $time_picker.datetimepicker(); } if( $validation_element.length ){ $validation_element.keyup( function() { var $this_el = $( this ); if ( $this_el.val() < 0 || ( !$.isNumeric( $this_el.val() ) && $this_el.val() !== '' ) ) { $this_el.val( 0 ); } if ( $this_el.val() > 100 ) { $this_el.val( 100 ); } if ( $this_el.val() !=='' ) { $this_el.val( Math.round( $this_el.val() ) ); } }); } if ( $icon_font_list.length ) { var that = this; $icon_font_list.each( function() { var $this_icon_list = $( this ), $icon_font_field = $this_icon_list.siblings('.et-pb-font-icon'), current_symbol_val = $.trim( $icon_font_field.val() ), $icon_font_symbols = $this_icon_list.find( 'li' ), active_symbol_class = 'et_active', $current_symbol, top_offset, icon_index_number; function et_pb_icon_font_init() { if ( current_symbol_val !== '' ) { // font icon index is used now in the following format: %%index_number%% if ( /^%%/ ) !== -1 ) { icon_index_number = parseInt( current_symbol_val.replace( /%/g, '' ) ); $current_symbol = $this_icon_list.find( 'li' ).eq( icon_index_number ); } else { // set the 1st icon as active if wrong value saved for current_symbol_val if ( '"' === current_symbol_val ) { $current_symbol = $this_icon_list.find( 'li' ).eq( 0 ); } else { $current_symbol = $this_icon_list.find( 'li[data-icon="' + current_symbol_val + '"]' ); } } $current_symbol.addClass( active_symbol_class ); if ( $ ':visible' ) ) { setTimeout( function() { top_offset = $current_symbol.offset().top - $this_icon_list.offset().top; if ( top_offset > 0 ) { $this_icon_list.animate( { scrollTop : top_offset }, 0 ); } }, 110 ); } } } et_pb_icon_font_init(); that.$el.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links' ).on( 'et_pb_main_tab:changed', et_pb_icon_font_init ); $ function() { var $this_element = $(this), this_symbol = $this_element.index(); if ( $this_element.hasClass( active_symbol_class ) ) { return false; } $this_element.siblings( '.' + active_symbol_class ).removeClass( active_symbol_class ).end().addClass( active_symbol_class ); this_symbol = '%%' + this_symbol + '%%'; $icon_font_field.val( this_symbol ); } ); }); } if ( $content_textarea.length ) { $content_textarea_option = $content_textarea.closest( '.et-pb-option' ); if ( $content_textarea_option.hasClass( 'et-pb-option-advanced-module' ) ) advanced_mode = true; if ( ! advanced_mode ) { $content_textarea_container = $content_textarea.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ); content = $content_textarea.html(); $content_textarea.remove(); $content_textarea_container.prepend( et_pb_content_html ); setTimeout( function() { if ( typeof window.switchEditors !== 'undefined' ) { window.switchEditors.go( 'et_pb_content_new', et_get_editor_mode() ); } et_pb_set_content( 'et_pb_content_new', content ); window.wpActiveEditor = 'et_pb_content_new'; }, 100 ); } else { var view_cid = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(); this.view_cid = view_cid; $content_textarea_option.hide(); $content_textarea.attr( 'id', 'et_pb_content_main' ); view = new ET_PageBuilder.AdvancedModuleSettingsView( { model : this, el : this.$el.find( '.et-pb-option-advanced-module-settings' ), attributes : { cid : view_cid } } ); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.addView( view_cid, view ); $content_textarea_option.before( view.render() ); if ( $content_textarea.html() !== '' ) { view.generateAdvancedSortableItems( $content_textarea.html(), this.$el.find( '.et-pb-option-advanced-module-settings' ).data( 'module_type' ) ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:updated_order', this.$el ); } } } if ( $warning.length ) { $warning.each(function() { var $warning_option = $(this); var $warning_field = $warning_option.find('.et-pb-option-warning'); var display_if = $warning_field.attr('data-display_if'); var name = $warning_field.attr('data-name'); if ( et_pb_options[name] === display_if ) { $warning_option.addClass('et-pb-option--warning-active'); } }); } this.renderMap(); et_pb_init_main_settings( this.$el, this_module_cid ); if ( ! advanced_mode ) { setTimeout( function() { $this_el.find('select, input, textarea, radio').filter(':eq(0)').focus(); }, 1 ); } return this; }, removeModule : function() { // remove Module settings, when modal window is closed or saved this.remove(); }, is_latlng : function( address ) { var latlng = address.split( ',' ), lat = ! _.isUndefined( latlng[0] ) ? parseFloat( latlng[0] ) : false, lng = ! _.isUndefined( latlng[1] ) ? parseFloat( latlng[1] ) : false; if ( typeof google !== 'undefined' && lat && ! _.isNaN( lat ) && lng && ! _.isNaN( lng ) ) { return new google.maps.LatLng( lat, lng ); } return false; }, renderMap: function() { this_el = this, $map = this.$el.find('.et-pb-map'); if ( typeof google !== 'undefined' && $map.length ) { view_cid = this.view_cid; var $address = this.$el.find('.et_pb_address'), $address_lat = this.$el.find('.et_pb_address_lat'), $address_lng = this.$el.find('.et_pb_address_lng'), $find_address = this.$el.find('.et_pb_find_address'), $zoom_level = this.$el.find('.et_pb_zoom_level'), geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(), markers = {}; var geocode_address = function() { var address = $address.val(); if ( address.length <= 0 ) { return; } geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { var result = results[0], location = result.geometry.location, address_is_latlng = this_el.is_latlng( address ); // If user passes valid lat lng instead of address, override geocode with given lat & lng if ( address_is_latlng ) { location = address_is_latlng; } if ( ! isNaN( ) && ! isNaN( location.lng() ) ) { $address.val( result.formatted_address); $address_lat.val(; $address_lng.val(location.lng()); update_center( location ); } else { alert( et_pb_options.map_pin_address_invalid ); } } else { alert( et_pb_options.geocode_error + ': ' + status); } }); } var update_center = function( LatLng ) { $ LatLng ); } var update_zoom = function () { $ parseInt( $zoom_level.val() ) ); } $address.on('blur', geocode_address ); $find_address.on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); $zoom_level.on('blur', update_zoom ); setTimeout( function() { $ = new google.maps.Map( $map[0], { zoom: parseInt( $zoom_level.val() ), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }); if ( '' != $address_lat.val() && '' != $address_lng.val() ) { update_center( new google.maps.LatLng( $address_lat.val(), $address_lng.val() ) ); } if ( '' != $zoom_level ) { update_zoom(); } setTimeout( function() { var map_pins = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildViews( view_cid ); if ( _.size( map_pins ) ) { _.each( map_pins, function( map_pin, key ) { // Skip current map pin if it has no lat or lng, as it will trigger maximum call stack exceeded if ( _.isUndefined( map_pin.model.get('et_pb_pin_address_lat') ) || _.isUndefined( map_pin.model.get('et_pb_pin_address_lng') ) ) { return; } markers[key] = new google.maps.Marker({ map: $, position: new google.maps.LatLng( parseFloat( map_pin.model.get('et_pb_pin_address_lat') ) , parseFloat( map_pin.model.get('et_pb_pin_address_lng') ) ), title: map_pin.model.get('et_pb_title'), icon: { url: et_pb_options.images_uri + '/marker.png', size: new google.maps.Size( 46, 43 ), anchor: new google.maps.Point( 16, 43 ) }, shape: { coord: [1, 1, 46, 43], type: 'rect' } }); }); } }, 500 ); google.maps.event.addListener( $, 'center_changed', function() { var center = $; $address_lat.val( ); $address_lng.val( center.lng() ); }); google.maps.event.addListener( $, 'zoom_changed', function() { var zoom_level = $; $zoom_level.val( zoom_level ); }); }, 200 ); } } } ); ET_PageBuilder.AdvancedModuleSettingsView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { initialize : function() { this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-advanced-module:updated', this.generateContent ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-modal-view-removed', this.removeModule ); this.module_type = this.$ 'module_type' ); ET_PageBuilder.Events = ET_PageBuilder_Events; this.child_views = []; this.$el.attr( 'data-cid', this.attributes['cid'] ); this.$sortable_options = this.$el.find('.et-pb-sortable-options'); this.$content_textarea = this.$el.siblings('.et-pb-option-main-content').find('#et_pb_content_main'); this.$sortable_options.sortable( { axis : 'y', cancel : '.et-pb-advanced-setting-remove, .et-pb-advanced-setting-options', update : function( event, ui ) { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:updated' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:updated_order' ); } } ); this.$add_sortable_item = this.$el.find( '.et-pb-add-sortable-option' ).addClass( 'et-pb-add-sortable-initial' ); }, events : { 'click .et-pb-add-sortable-option' : 'addModule', 'click .et-pb-advanced-setting-clone' : 'cloneModule' }, render : function() { return this; }, addModule : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); this.model.collection.add( [ { type : 'module', module_type : this.module_type, cid : ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), view : this, created : 'manually', mode : 'advanced', parent : this.attributes['cid'], parent_cid : this.model.model.attributes['cid'] } ], { update_shortcodes : 'false' } ); this.$add_sortable_item.removeClass( 'et-pb-add-sortable-initial' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:updated_order' ); }, cloneModule : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var cloned_cid = $( ).closest( 'li' ).data( 'cid' ), cloned_model = ET_PageBuilder_App.collection.find( function( model ) { return model.get('cid') == cloned_cid; } ), module_attributes = _.clone( cloned_model.attributes ); module_attributes.created = 'manually'; module_attributes.cloned_cid = cloned_cid; module_attributes.cid = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(); this.model.collection.add( module_attributes ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:updated' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:saved' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:updated_order' ); }, generateContent : function() { var content = ''; this.$sortable_options.find( 'li' ).each( function() { var $this_el = $(this); content += ET_PageBuilder_App.generateModuleShortcode( $this_el, false ); } ); // Replace double quotes with ^^ in temporary shortcodes content = content.replace( /%22/g, '^^' ); this.$content_textarea.html( content ); if ( ! this.$sortable_options.find( 'li' ).length ) this.$add_sortable_item.addClass( 'et-pb-add-sortable-initial' ); else this.$add_sortable_item.removeClass( 'et-pb-add-sortable-initial' ); }, generateAdvancedSortableItems : function( content, module_type ) { var this_el = this, et_pb_shortcodes_tags = ET_PageBuilder_App.getShortCodeChildTags(), reg_exp = window.wp.shortcode.regexp( et_pb_shortcodes_tags ), inner_reg_exp = ET_PageBuilder_App.wp_regexp_not_global( et_pb_shortcodes_tags ), matches = content.match( reg_exp ); if ( content !== '' ) this.$add_sortable_item.removeClass( 'et-pb-add-sortable-initial' ); _.each( matches, function ( shortcode ) { var shortcode_element = shortcode.match( inner_reg_exp ), shortcode_name = shortcode_element[2], shortcode_attributes = shortcode_element[3] !== '' ? window.wp.shortcode.attrs( shortcode_element[3] ) : '', shortcode_content = shortcode_element[5], module_cid = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), module_settings, prefixed_attributes = {}, found_inner_shortcodes = typeof shortcode_content !== 'undefined' && shortcode_content !== '' && shortcode_content.match( reg_exp ); module_settings = { type : 'module', module_type : module_type, cid : ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), view : this_el, created : 'auto', mode : 'advanced', parent : this_el.attributes['cid'], parent_cid : this_el.model.model.attributes['cid'] }; if ( _.isObject( shortcode_attributes['named'] ) ) { for ( var key in shortcode_attributes['named'] ) { var prefixed_key = key !== 'admin_label' ? 'et_pb_' + key : key, setting_value; if ( shortcode_name === 'column' && prefixed_key === 'et_pb_type' ) prefixed_key = 'layout'; setting_value = shortcode_attributes['named'][key]; // Replace temporary ^^ signs with double quotes setting_value = setting_value.replace( /\^\^/g, '"' ); prefixed_attributes[prefixed_key] = setting_value; } module_settings['et_pb_content_new'] = shortcode_content; module_settings = _.extend( module_settings, prefixed_attributes ); } if ( ! found_inner_shortcodes ) { module_settings['et_pb_content_new'] = shortcode_content; } this_el.model.collection.add( [ module_settings ], { update_shortcodes : 'false' } ); } ); }, removeModule : function() { // remove Module settings, when modal window is closed or saved _.each( this.child_views, function( view ) { view.removeView(); } ); this.remove(); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.AdvancedModuleSettingView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { tagName : 'li', initialize : function() { this.template = _.template( $( '#et-builder-advanced-setting' ).html() ); }, events : { 'click .et-pb-advanced-setting-options' : 'showSettings', 'click .et-pb-advanced-setting-remove' : 'removeView' }, render : function() { var view; this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.attributes ) ); view = new ET_PageBuilder.AdvancedModuleSettingTitleView( { model : this.model, view : this } ); this.$el.prepend( view.render().el ); this.child_view = view; if ( typeof this.model.get( 'cloned_cid' ) === 'undefined' || '' === this.model.get( 'cloned_cid' ) ) { this.showSettings(); } return this; }, showSettings : function( event ) { var view; if ( event ) event.preventDefault(); view = new ET_PageBuilder.AdvancedModuleSettingEditViewContainer( { view : this, attributes : { show_settings_clicked : ( event ? true : false ) } } ); $('.et_pb_modal_settings_container').after( view.render().el ); }, removeView : function( event ) { if ( event ) event.preventDefault(); this.child_view.remove(); this.remove(); this.model.destroy(); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:updated' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:updated_order' ); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.AdvancedModuleSettingTitleView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { tagName : 'span', className : 'et-sortable-title', initialize : function() { template_name = '#et-builder-advanced-setting-' + this.model.get( 'module_type' ) + '-title'; this.template = _.template( $( template_name ).html() ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-advanced-module:updated', this.render ); }, render : function() { var view; // If admin label is empty, delete it so builder will use heading value instead if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.model.attributes.et_pb_admin_title ) && this.model.attributes.et_pb_admin_title === '' ) { delete this.model.attributes.et_pb_admin_title; } this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.attributes ) ); return this; } } ); ET_PageBuilder.AdvancedModuleSettingEditViewContainer = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : 'et_pb_modal_settings_container', initialize : function() { this.template = _.template( $( '#et-builder-advanced-setting-edit' ).html() ); this.model = this.options.view.model; this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-modal-view-removed', this.removeView ); }, events : { 'click .et-pb-modal-save' : 'saveSettings', 'click .et-pb-modal-close' : 'removeView' }, is_latlng : function( address ) { var latlng = address.split( ',' ), lat = ! _.isUndefined( latlng[0] ) ? parseFloat( latlng[0] ) : false, lng = ! _.isUndefined( latlng[1] ) ? parseFloat( latlng[1] ) : false; if ( lat && ! _.isNaN( lat ) && lng && ! _.isNaN( lng ) ) { return new google.maps.LatLng( lat, lng ); } return false; }, render : function() { var this_module_cid = this.model.attributes.cid, view, $color_picker, $upload_button, $video_image_button, $map, $social_network_picker, $icon_font_list, this_el = this, $preview_panel, $previewable_upload_button_add, $previewable_upload_button_edit, $previewable_upload_button_delete; this.$el.html( this.template() ); this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_modal_settings_container_step2' ); this.$el.attr( 'data-parent-cid', this_module_cid ); if ( this.model.get( 'created' ) !== 'auto' || this.attributes['show_settings_clicked'] ) { view = new ET_PageBuilder.AdvancedModuleSettingEditView( { view : this } ); this.$el.append( view.render().el ); this.child_view = view; } ET_PageBuilder.Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module-settings:render', this ); $color_picker = this.$el.find('.et-pb-color-picker-hex'); $color_picker_alpha = this.$el.find('.et-builder-color-picker-alpha'); if ( $color_picker.length ) { var draggingID, changeID; $color_picker.each( function() { var $this = $(this); $this.wpColorPicker({ defaultColor : $'default-color'), palettes : '' !== et_pb_options.page_color_palette ? et_pb_options.page_color_palette.split( '|' ) : et_pb_options.default_color_palette.split( '|' ), change : function( event, ui ) { var $this_el = $(this), $option_container = $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ), $reset_button = $option_container.find( '.et-pb-reset-setting' ), $custom_color_container = $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-custom-color-container' ), $preview = $option_container.find( '.et-pb-option-preview' ), has_preview = $this_el.hasClass('et-pb-color-picker-hex-has-preview'), is_gradient_colorpicker = $this_el.closest('.et_pb_background-tab--gradient').length > 0, current_value = $this_el.val(), default_value; if ( $custom_color_container.length ) { $custom_color_container.find( '.et-pb-custom-color-picker' ).val( ui.color.toString() ); } if ( ! $reset_button.length && ( ! has_preview && ! is_gradient_colorpicker ) ) { return; } default_value = et_pb_get_default_setting_value( $this_el ); if ( current_value !== default_value ) { $reset_button.addClass( 'et-pb-reset-icon-visible' ); if ( has_preview ) { $preview.removeClass('et-pb-option-preview--empty'); } } else { $reset_button.removeClass( 'et-pb-reset-icon-visible' ); if ( has_preview ) { $preview.addClass('et-pb-option-preview--empty'); } } if ( has_preview) { $preview.css( { backgroundColor: current_value } ); } if ( is_gradient_colorpicker ) { et_pb_update_gradient_preview( $this_el ); } if ( has_preview || is_gradient_colorpicker ) { if ( _.has( event, 'originalEvent' ) && _.has( event.originalEvent, 'type' ) && event.originalEvent.type === 'square' ) { $option_container.find( '.button-confirm' ).css( 'backgroundColor', current_value + ' !important' ); if ( ! $option_container.hasClass( 'is-dragging' ) ) { $option_container.addClass( 'is-dragging' ); } clearTimeout( draggingID ); draggingID = setTimeout( function() { et_pb_reposition_colorpicker_element( $this_el ); $option_container.find( '.button-confirm' ).css( 'backgroundColor', '' ); $option_container.removeClass( 'is-dragging' ); }, 300 ); } // Set focus back to clearpicker input after color change so enter could close the colorpicker clearTimeout( changeID ); changeID = setTimeout( function() { $this_el.focus(); }, 300 ); } // Remove clear marker class name to make color validation works again if ( $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-is-cleared' ) ) { $this_el.removeClass( 'et-pb-is-cleared' ) } }, width : $this.closest( '.et-pb-option--background' ).length ? 660 : 300, height : 190, diviColorpicker : $this.closest( '.et-pb-option--background' ).length ? true : false }); if ( $this.hasClass('et-pb-color-picker-hex-has-preview') ) { var $option_container = $this.closest('.et-pb-option-container'); $option_container.find('.et-pb-option-preview-button--add, .et-pb-option-preview-button--edit, .et-pb-option-preview').click( function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); $this.wpColorPicker('open'); }); $option_container.find('.et-pb-option-preview-button--delete').click( function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); // Remove clear marker class name to make color validation works again $this.wpColorPicker( 'color', '' ).val( '' ).addClass( 'et-pb-is-cleared' ); $option_container.find('.et-pb-option-preview').removeAttr('style').addClass('et-pb-option-preview--empty'); }); } } ); } if ( $color_picker_alpha.length ) { $color_picker_alpha.each(function(){ var $this_color_picker_alpha = $(this), color_picker_alpha_val = $'value').split('|'), color_picker_alpha_hex = color_picker_alpha_val[0] || '#444444', color_picker_alpha_opacity = color_picker_alpha_val[2] || 1.0; $this_color_picker_alpha.attr('data-opacity', color_picker_alpha_opacity ); $this_color_picker_alpha.val( color_picker_alpha_hex ); $this_color_picker_alpha.minicolors({ control: 'hue', defaultValue: $(this).data('default-color') || '', opacity: true, changeDelay: 200, show: function() { $this_color_picker_alpha.minicolors('opacity', $'opacity') ); }, change: function(hex, opacity) { if( !hex ) { return; } var rgba_object = $this_color_picker_alpha.minicolors('rgbObject'), $field = $( $'field') ), values = [], values_string; values.push( hex ); values.push( rgba_object.r + ', ' + rgba_object.g + ', ' + rgba_object.b ); values.push( opacity ); values_string = values.join('|'); if ( $field.length ) { $field.val( values_string ); } }, theme: 'bootstrap' }); }); } $upload_button = this.$el.find('.et-pb-upload-button'); $preview_panel = this.$el.find('.et-pb-option-container--upload .et-pb-option-preview'); $previewable_upload_button_add = this.$el.find('.et-pb-option-container--upload .et-pb-option-preview-button--add'); $previewable_upload_button_edit = this.$el.find('.et-pb-option-container--upload .et-pb-option-preview-button--edit'); $previewable_upload_button_delete = this.$el.find('.et-pb-option-container--upload .et-pb-option-preview-button--delete'); if ( $upload_button.length ) { et_pb_activate_upload( $upload_button ); } if ( $previewable_upload_button_add.length || $previewable_upload_button_edit.length || $preview_panel.length ) { function et_pb_trigger_upload_button( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if ( $(this).hasClass( 'et-pb-option-preview' ) && ! $(this).hasClass( 'et-pb-option-preview--empty' ) ) { return; } $(this).closest( '.et-pb-option' ).find( '.et-pb-upload-button' ).trigger( 'click' ); } $ et_pb_trigger_upload_button ); $ et_pb_trigger_upload_button ); $ et_pb_trigger_upload_button ); } if ( $previewable_upload_button_delete.length ) { $ function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var $option = $( this ).closest( '.et-pb-option' ), $input = $option.find( '.et-pb-upload-field' ), $preview = $option.find( '.et-pb-option-preview' ); $input.val( '' ); $preview.addClass( 'et-pb-option-preview--empty' ).find('.et-pb-preview-content').remove(); } ); } $video_image_button = this.$el.find('.et-pb-video-image-button'); if ( $video_image_button.length ) { et_pb_generate_video_image( $video_image_button ); } $map = this.$el.find('.et-pb-map'); if ( typeof google !== 'undefined' && $map.length ) { var map, marker, $address = this.$el.find('.et_pb_pin_address'), $address_lat = this.$el.find('.et_pb_pin_address_lat'), $address_lng = this.$el.find('.et_pb_pin_address_lng'), $find_address = this.$el.find('.et_pb_find_address'), $zoom_level = this.$el.find('.et_pb_zoom_level'), geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var geocode_address = function() { var address = $address.val().trim(); if ( address.length <= 0 ) { return; } geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { var result = results[0], location = result.geometry.location, address_is_latlng = this_el.is_latlng( address ); // If user passes valid lat lng instead of address, override geocode with given lat & lng if ( address_is_latlng ) { location = address_is_latlng; } if ( ! isNaN( ) && ! isNaN( location.lng() ) ) { $address.val( result.formatted_address); $address_lat.val(; $address_lng.val(location.lng()); update_map( location ); } else { alert( et_pb_options.map_pin_address_invalid ); } } else { alert( et_pb_options.geocode_error + ': ' + status); } }); } var update_map = function( LatLng ) { marker.setPosition( LatLng ); map.setCenter( LatLng ); } $address.on('change', geocode_address ); $find_address.on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); setTimeout( function() { map = new google.maps.Map( $map[0], { zoom: parseInt( $zoom_level.val() ), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }); marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, draggable: true, icon: { url: et_pb_options.images_uri + '/marker.png', size: new google.maps.Size( 46, 43 ), anchor: new google.maps.Point( 16, 43 ) }, shape: { coord: [1, 1, 46, 43], type: 'rect' }, }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend', function() { var drag_position = marker.getPosition(); $address_lat.val(; $address_lng.val(drag_position.lng()); update_map(drag_position); latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(, drag_position.lng() ); geocoder.geocode({'latLng': latlng }, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { if ( results[0] ) { $address.val( results[0].formatted_address ); } else { alert( et_pb_options.no_results ); } } else { alert( et_pb_options.geocode_error_2 + ': ' + status); } }); }); if ( '' != $address_lat.val() && '' != $address_lng.val() ) { update_map( new google.maps.LatLng( $address_lat.val(), $address_lng.val() ) ); } }, 200 ); } $gallery_button = this.$el.find('.et-pb-gallery-button'); if ( $gallery_button.length ) { et_pb_activate_gallery( $gallery_button ); } $social_network_picker = this.$el.find('.et-pb-social-network'); if ( $social_network_picker.length ) { var $color_reset = this.$el.find('.reset-default-color'), $social_network_icon_color = this.$el.find('#et_pb_bg_color'); if ( $color_reset.length ){ ${ $main_settings = $color_reset.parents('.et-pb-main-settings'); $social_network_picker = $main_settings.find('.et-pb-social-network'); $social_network_icon_color = $main_settings.find('#et_pb_bg_color'); if ( $social_network_icon_color.length ) { $social_network_icon_color.wpColorPicker('color', $social_network_picker.find( 'option:selected' ).data('color') ); $color_reset.css( 'display', 'none' ); } }); } $social_network_picker.change(function(){ $main_settings = $social_network_picker.parents('.et-pb-main-settings'); if ( $social_network_picker.val().length ) { var $social_network_title = $main_settings.find('#et_pb_content_new'), $social_network_icon_color = $main_settings.find('#et_pb_bg_color'); if ( $social_network_title.length ) { $social_network_title.val( $social_network_picker.find( 'option:selected' ).text() ); } if ( $social_network_icon_color.length ) { $social_network_icon_color.wpColorPicker('color', $social_network_picker.find( 'option:selected' ).data('color') ); } } }); if ( $social_network_icon_color.val() !== $social_network_picker.find( 'option:selected' ).data('color') ) { $color_reset.css( 'display', 'inline' ); } } $icon_font_list = this.$el.find('.et_font_icon'); if ( $icon_font_list.length ) { var that = this; $icon_font_list.each( function() { var $this_icon_list = $( this ), $icon_font_field = $this_icon_list.siblings('.et-pb-font-icon'), current_symbol_val = $.trim( $icon_font_field.val() ), $icon_font_symbols = $this_icon_list.find( 'li' ), active_symbol_class = 'et_active', $current_symbol, top_offset, icon_index_number; function et_pb_icon_font_init() { if ( current_symbol_val !== '' ) { // font icon index is used now in the following format: %%index_number%% if ( /^%%/ ) !== -1 ) { icon_index_number = parseInt( current_symbol_val.replace( /%/g, '' ) ); $current_symbol = $this_icon_list.find( 'li' ).eq( icon_index_number ); } else { $current_symbol = $this_icon_list.find( 'li[data-icon="' + current_symbol_val + '"]' ); } $current_symbol.addClass( active_symbol_class ); if ( $ ':visible' ) ) { setTimeout( function() { top_offset = $current_symbol.offset().top - $this_icon_list.offset().top; if ( top_offset > 0 ) { $this_icon_list.animate( { scrollTop : top_offset }, 0 ); } }, 110 ); } } } et_pb_icon_font_init(); that.$el.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links' ).on( 'et_pb_main_tab:changed', et_pb_icon_font_init ); $ function() { var $this_element = $(this), this_symbol = $this_element.index(); if ( $this_element.hasClass( active_symbol_class ) ) { return false; } $this_element.siblings( '.' + active_symbol_class ).removeClass( active_symbol_class ).end().addClass( active_symbol_class ); this_symbol = '%%' + this_symbol + '%%'; $icon_font_field.val( this_symbol ); } ); }); } et_pb_set_child_defaults( this.$el, this_module_cid ); et_pb_init_main_settings( this.$el, this_module_cid ); return this; }, removeView : function( event ) { if ( event ) event.preventDefault(); // remove advanced tab WYSIWYG, only if the close button is clicked if ( this.$el.find( '#et_pb_content_new' ) && event ) et_pb_tinymce_remove_control( 'et_pb_content_new' ); et_pb_hide_active_color_picker( this ); if ( this.child_view ) this.child_view.remove(); this.remove(); }, saveSettings : function( event ) { var this_view = this, attributes = {}, this_model_defaults = this.model.get( 'module_defaults' ) || ''; event.preventDefault(); this.$( 'input, select, textarea' ).each( function() { var $this_el = $(this), id = $this_el.attr('id'), setting_value; /*checked_values = [], name = $'#et_pb_content_main') ? 'et_pb_content_new' : $this_el.attr('id');*/ if ( typeof id === 'undefined' || ( -1 !== id.indexOf( 'qt_' ) && 'button' === $this_el.attr( 'type' ) ) ) { // settings should have an ID and shouldn't be a Quick Tag button from the tinyMCE in order to be saved return true; } id = $this_el.attr('id').replace( 'data.', '' ); setting_value = $'#et_pb_content_new') ? et_pb_get_content( 'et_pb_content_new' ) : $this_el.val(); // do not save the default values into module attributes if ( '' !== this_model_defaults && typeof this_model_defaults[id] !== 'undefined' && this_model_defaults[id] === setting_value ) { this_view.model.unset( id ); return true; } if ( $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-custom-css-option' ).length ) { // Custom CSS settings content should be modified before it is added to the shortcode attribute // replace new lines with || in Custom CSS settings setting_value = '' !== setting_value ? setting_value.replace( /(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '\|\|' ) : ''; } attributes[ id ] = setting_value; } ); // Check if this is map module's pin view if ( ! _.isUndefined( attributes.et_pb_pin_address ) && ! _.isUndefined( attributes.et_pb_pin_address_lat ) && ! _.isUndefined( attributes.et_pb_pin_address_lng ) ) { // None of et_pb_pin_address, et_pb_pin_address_lat, and et_pb_pin_address_lng fields can be empty // If one of them is empty, it'll trigger Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded message if ( attributes.et_pb_pin_address === '' || attributes.et_pb_pin_address_lat === '' || attributes.et_pb_pin_address_lng === '' ) { alert( et_pb_options.map_pin_address_error ); return; } } this.model.set( attributes, { silent : true } ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:updated' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:saved' ); et_pb_tinymce_remove_control( 'et_pb_content_new' ); this.removeView(); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.AdvancedModuleSettingEditView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : 'et_pb_module_settings', initialize : function() { this.model = this.options.view.options.view.model; this.template = _.template( $( '#et-builder-advanced-setting-' + this.model.get( 'module_type' ) ).html() ); }, events : { }, render : function() { var $this_el = this.$el, $content_textarea, $content_textarea_container; this.$el.html( this.template( { data : this.model.toJSON() } ) ); this.$el.find( '.et-pb-main-settings' ).addClass( 'et-pb-main-settings-advanced' ); $content_textarea = this.$el.find( 'div#et_pb_content_new' ); if ( $content_textarea.length ) { $content_textarea_container = $content_textarea.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ); content = $content_textarea.html(); $content_textarea.remove(); $content_textarea_container.prepend( et_pb_content_html ); setTimeout( function() { if ( typeof window.switchEditors !== 'undefined' ) window.switchEditors.go( 'et_pb_content_new', et_get_editor_mode() ); et_pb_set_content( 'et_pb_content_new', content ); window.wpActiveEditor = 'et_pb_content_new'; }, 300 ); } setTimeout( function() { $this_el.find('select, input, textarea, radio').filter(':eq(0)').focus(); }, 1 ); return this; } } ); ET_PageBuilder.BlockModuleView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { className : function() { var className = 'et_pb_module_block'; if ( typeof this.model.attributes.className !== 'undefined' ) { className += this.model.attributes.className; } return className; }, template : _.template( $( '#et-builder-block-module-template' ).html() ), initialize : function() { this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:admin_label', this.renameModule ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:et_pb_disabled', this.toggleDisabledClass ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:et_pb_global_module', this.removeGlobal ); }, events : { 'click .et-pb-settings' : 'showSettings', 'click .et-pb-clone-module' : 'cloneModule', 'click .et-pb-remove-module' : 'removeModule', 'click .et-pb-unlock' : 'unlockModule', 'contextmenu' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'click' : 'hideRightClickOptions', 'click' : 'setABTesting', }, render : function() { var parent_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getParentViews( this.model.get( 'parent' ) ); this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.attributes ) ); if ( typeof this.model.attributes.et_pb_global_module !== 'undefined' || ( typeof this.model.attributes.et_pb_template_type !== 'undefined' && 'module' === this.model.attributes.et_pb_template_type && 'global' === et_pb_options.is_global_template ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_global' ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_locked' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_locked' ) === 'on' ) { _.each( parent_views, function( parent ) { parent.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_children_locked' ); } ); } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ) === 'on' ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ); } if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.isModuleFullwidth( this.model.get( 'module_type' ) ) ) this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_fullwidth_module' ); if ( typeof this.model.get( 'pasted_module' ) !== 'undefined' && this.model.get( 'pasted_module' ) ) { et_pb_handle_clone_class( this.$el ); } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_subject( this.model ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ); // Apply subject rank coloring ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.set_subject_rank_coloring( this ); } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_goal( this.model ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ); } if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'module', this.model ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_no_permission' ) } } return this; }, cloneModule : function( event ) { var global_module_cid = '', clone_module, view_settings = { model : this.model, view : this.$el, view_event : event }; event.preventDefault(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } if ( this.isModuleLocked() ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'module' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } } if ( ( this.$el.closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ).length || this.$el.closest( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_global' ).length ) && '' === et_pb_options.template_post_id ) { global_module_cid = et_pb_get_global_parent_cid( this ); } clone_module = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings, true ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'cloned', 'module', this.model.get( 'admin_label' ) ); clone_module.copy( event ); clone_module.pasteAfter( event ); if ( '' !== global_module_cid ) { et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); } }, renameModule : function() { this.$( '.et-pb-module-title' ).html( this.model.get( 'admin_label' ) ); }, removeGlobal : function() { if ( this.isModuleLocked() ) { return; } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) === 'undefined' ) { this.$el.removeClass( 'et_pb_global' ); } }, toggleDisabledClass : function() { if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_disabled' ) !== 'undefined' && 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_disabled' ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_disabled' ); } else { this.$el.removeClass( 'et_pb_disabled' ); } }, showSettings : function( event ) { var that = this, modal_view, view_settings = { model : this.model, collection : this.collection, attributes : { 'data-open_view' : 'module_settings' }, triggered_by_right_click : this.triggered_by_right_click, do_preview : this.do_preview }; if ( typeof event !== 'undefined' ) { event.preventDefault(); } et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); if ( this.isModuleLocked() ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'module' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } } if ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ) { et_builder_get_global_module( view_settings ); // Set marker variable to undefined after being used to prevent unwanted preview this.triggered_by_right_click = undefined; this.do_preview = undefined; } else { modal_view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( view_settings ); et_modal_view_rendered = modal_view.render(); if ( false === et_modal_view_rendered ) { et_builder_load_backbone_templates( true ); setTimeout( function() { that.showSettings(); }, 500 ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); return; } ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); $('body').append( et_modal_view_rendered.el ); } // set initial active tab for partially saved module templates. et_pb_open_current_tab(); if ( ( typeof this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== this.model.get( 'et_pb_global_parent' ) ) || ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.get('cid') ).$el.closest( '.et_pb_global' ).length ) ) { $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_saved_global_modal' ); if ( 'module' === et_pb_options.global_module_type ) { et_pb_add_selective_sync_buttons( $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ), et_pb_options.template_post_id ); $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_modal_selective_sync' ); } } }, removeModule : function( event ) { var global_module_cid = ''; if ( this.isModuleLocked() ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( this.model.get( 'cid' ), 'module' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } // Check for unremovable subject status if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_unremovable_subject( this.model ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.get( 'forceRemove' ) ) { return; } } if ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( ( this.$el.closest( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_global' ).length || this.$el.closest( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_global' ).length ) && '' === et_pb_options.template_post_id ) { global_module_cid = et_pb_get_global_parent_cid( this ); } } this.model.destroy(); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'removed', 'module', this.model.get( 'admin_label' ) ); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeView( this.model.get('cid') ); this.remove(); // if single module is removed from the builder if ( event ) { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-module:removed' ); } if ( '' !== global_module_cid ) { et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); } // Run Split Testing updater ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.update(); }, unlockModule : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } var this_el = this, $parent = this_el.$el.closest('.et_pb_module_block'), request = et_pb_user_lock_permissions(), parent_views; request.done( function ( response ) { if ( true === response ) { $parent.removeClass('et_pb_locked'); // Add attribute to shortcode this_el.options.model.attributes.et_pb_locked = 'off'; parent_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getParentViews( this_el.model.get('parent') ); _.each( parent_views, function( view, key ) { if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.isChildrenLocked( view.model.get( 'cid' ) ) ) { view.$el.removeClass('et_pb_children_locked'); } } ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'unlocked', 'module', this_el.options.model.get( 'admin_label' ) ); // Rebuild shortcodes ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); } else { alert( et_pb_options.locked_module_permission_alert ); } }); }, isModuleLocked : function() { if ( 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_locked' ) || 'on' === this.model.get( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ) ) { return true; } return false; }, showRightClickOptions : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var et_right_click_options_view, view_settings = { model : this.model, view : this.$el, view_event : event }; et_right_click_options_view = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings ); }, hideRightClickOptions : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); }, setABTesting : function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.set( this, event ); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.HelpView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', id: 'et-builder-help', className: 'et_pb_modal_settings', template : _.template( $( '#et-builder-help-template' ).html() ), isOSX: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac OS X') != -1, renderKbd: function(kbd) { var key = kbd; if (key === 'super') { if (this.isOSX) { key = 'cmd'; } else { key = 'ctrl'; } } return $('<kbd />', { class: 'key-' + key, }).html(key); }, render: function() { var thisClass = this; var $thisModal = this.$el; et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); $thisModal.html( this.template() ); var $shortcutTab = $thisModal.find('.et-pb-shortcuts-tab'); _.each(et_pb_help_options.shortcuts, function(shortcutSets){ _.each(shortcutSets, function(shortcutSet) { if (_.isUndefined(shortcutSet.title)) { // Define item var $shortcutItem = $('<p />', { class: 'et-pb-shortcut-item' }); // Build shortcut keys var $shortcutKeys = $('<span />', { class: 'et-pb-shortcut-keys' }); _.each(shortcutSet.kbd, function(shortcutKey, shortcutKeyIndex) { // Append + divider if (shortcutKeyIndex > 0) { $shortcutKeys.append(' + '); } if (_.isArray(shortcutKey)) { _.each(shortcutKey, function(shortcutOption, shortcutOptionIndex) { if (shortcutOptionIndex > 0) { $shortcutKeys.append(' / '); } $shortcutKeys.append( $('<kbd />').html(shortcutOption) ); }); } else { $shortcutKeys.append( // $('<kbd />').html(shortcutKey) thisClass.renderKbd(shortcutKey) ); } }); // Append shortcut keys $shortcutItem.append($shortcutKeys); // Append description $shortcutItem.append( $('<span />', { class: 'et-pb-shortcut-desc' }).html(shortcutSet.desc) ); // Append Item $shortcutTab.append($shortcutItem); } else { $shortcutTab.append( $('<h2 />', {class: 'et-pb-shortcut-subtitle'}).html(shortcutSet.title) ); } }); }); return this; } }); ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { tagName : 'div', id : 'et-builder-right-click-controls', template : _.template( $('#et-builder-right-click-controls-template').html() ), events : { 'click .et-pb-right-click-rename' : 'rename', 'click .et-pb-right-click-start-ab-testing' : 'startABTesting', 'click .et-pb-right-click-end-ab-testing' : 'endABTesting', 'click .et-pb-right-click-save-to-library' : 'saveToLibrary', 'click .et-pb-right-click-undo' : 'undo', 'click .et-pb-right-click-redo' : 'redo', 'click .et-pb-right-click-disable' : 'disable', 'click .et_pb_disable_on_option' : 'disable_device', 'click .et-pb-right-click-lock' : 'lock', 'click .et-pb-right-click-collapse' : 'collapse', 'click .et-pb-right-click-copy' : 'copy', 'click .et-pb-right-click-paste-after' : 'pasteAfter', 'click .et-pb-right-click-paste-app' : 'pasteApp', 'click .et-pb-right-click-paste-column' : 'pasteColumn', 'click .et-pb-right-click-preview' : 'preview', 'click .et-pb-right-click-disable-global' : 'disableGlobal' }, initialize : function( attributes, skip_render ) { var skip_render = _.isUndefined( skip_render ) ? false : skip_render, allowed_library_clipboard_content; this.type = this.options.model.attributes.type; this.et_pb_has_storage_support = et_pb_has_storage_support(); this.has_compatible_clipboard_content = ET_PB_Clipboard.get( this.getClipboardType() ); this.history_noun = this.type === 'row_inner' ? 'row' : this.type; if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting() ) { return; } // Divi Library adjustment if ( et_pb_options.is_divi_library === '1' && this.has_compatible_clipboard_content !== false ) { // There are four recognized layout type: layout, section, row, module switch( et_pb_options.layout_type ) { case 'module' : allowed_library_clipboard_content = []; break; case 'row' : allowed_library_clipboard_content = ['module']; break; case 'section' : allowed_library_clipboard_content = ['module', 'row']; break; default : allowed_library_clipboard_content = ['module', 'row', 'section']; break; } // If current clipboard type isn't allowed, disable pasteAfter if ( $.inArray( this.type, allowed_library_clipboard_content ) == -1 ) { this.has_compatible_clipboard_content = false; } } // Enable right options control rendering to be skipped if ( skip_render === false ) { this.render(); } }, render : function() { var $parent = $( this.options.view ), $options_wrap = this.$el.html( this.template() ), view_offset = this.options.view.offset(), parent_offset_x = this.options.view_event.pageX - view_offset.left - 100, parent_offset_y = this.options.view_event.pageY -; // close other options, if there's any this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); // Prevent recursive right click options if ( $( this.options.view_event.toElement ).is('#et-builder-right-click-controls a') ) { return; } // Don't display empty right click options if ( $options_wrap.find('li').length < 1 ) { return; } // Append options to the page $parent.append( $options_wrap ); // Fixing options' position and animating it $options_wrap.find('.options').css({ 'top' : parent_offset_y, 'left' : parent_offset_x, 'margin-top': ( 0 - $options_wrap.find('.options').height() - 40 ), }).animate({ 'margin-top': ( 0 - $options_wrap.find('.options').height() - 10 ), 'opacity' : 1 }, 300 ); // Add full screen page overlay (right/left click anywhere outside builder to close options) $('#et_pb_layout').prepend('<div id="et_pb_layout_right_click_overlay" />'); }, closeAllRightClickOptions : function() { et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); return false; }, rename : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $parent = this.$el.parent(), cid = this.options.model.attributes.cid; et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'rename_admin_label', cid ); // close the click right options this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); }, startABTesting : function ( event ) { // Close right click options UI this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); // Turn on Split Testing state ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.toggle_status( true ); // Disable publish button ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish = true; $( '#publish' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); // Check DB existence ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.check_create_db(); // Turn on Split testing subject selection mode ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_subject = true; // Adding nescesarry class for Split testing subject selection mode's UI $( '#et_pb_layout' ).addClass( 'et_pb_select_ab_testing_subject' ); }, endABTesting : function ( event ) { // Close right click options UI this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); // Set split test to off ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.toggle_status( false ); // Turn off Split testing subject selection mode ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_subject = false; // Check against "on to off" or "off to off" state if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.count_subjects() > 0 ) { et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'turn_off_ab_testing' ); } }, disableGlobal : function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Close right click options UI this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); // Remove global attributes from the module ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeGlobalAttributes( this ); // Update content and reinit layout et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); }, saveToLibrary : function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var model = this.options.model, type = model.attributes.type, view_settings = { model : model, collection : ET_PageBuilder_Modules, attributes : { 'data-open_view' : 'module_settings' } }; // Close right click options UI this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() && ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_split_test_item( model ) || type === 'app' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_save_' + type + '_layout_has_ab_testing' ); return; } if ( this.type === 'app' ) { // Init save current page to library modal view et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'save_layout' ); } else { // Init modal view modal_view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( view_settings ); // Append modal view $('body').append( modal_view.render().el ); // set initial active tab for partially saved module templates. et_pb_open_current_tab(); // Init save template modal view modal_view.saveTemplate( event ); } }, undo : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Undoing... ET_PageBuilder_App.undo( event ); // Close right click options UI this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); }, redo : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Redoing... ET_PageBuilder_App.redo( event ); // Close right click options UI this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); }, disable : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $this_button = $( ).hasClass( 'et-pb-right-click-disable' ) ? $( ) : $( ).closest( 'a' ), this_options_container = $this_button.closest( 'li' ).find( 'span.et_pb_disable_on_options' ), single_options = this_options_container.find( 'span.et_pb_disable_on_option' ), is_all_disabled = typeof this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled !== 'undefined' && 'on' === this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled ? true : false, disabled_on = typeof this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled_on !== 'undefined' ? this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled_on : '', disabled_on_array, i, device; $this_button.addClass( 'et_pb_right_click_hidden' ); this_options_container.addClass( 'et_pb_right_click_visible' ); // backward compatibility with old option if ( is_all_disabled ) { single_options.addClass( 'et_pb_disable_on_active' ); } else if ( '' !== disabled_on ) { disabled_on_array = disabled_on.split('|'); i = 0, device = 'phone'; single_options.each( function() { var this_option = $( this ); if ( this_option.hasClass( 'et_pb_disable_on_' + device ) && 'on' === disabled_on_array[ i ] ) { this_option.addClass( 'et_pb_disable_on_active' ); } i++; device = 1 === i ? 'tablet' : 'desktop'; } ); } return false; }, disable_device : function( event ) { var $this_button = $( ), this_option = $( this ), new_option_state = $this_button.hasClass( 'et_pb_disable_on_active' ) ? 'off' : 'on', disabled_on = typeof this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled_on !== 'undefined' ? this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled_on : '', $parent = this.$el.parent(), history_verb, disabled_on_array, option_index, history_addition; // determine which option should be updated, Phone, Tablet or Desktop. if ( $this_button.hasClass( 'et_pb_disable_on_phone' ) ) { option_index = 0; history_addition = 'phone'; } else if ( $this_button.hasClass( 'et_pb_disable_on_tablet' ) ) { option_index = 1; history_addition = 'tablet'; } else { option_index = 2; history_addition = 'desktop'; } if ( '' !== disabled_on ) { disabled_on_array = disabled_on.split('|'); } else { disabled_on_array = ['','','']; } disabled_on_array[ option_index ] = new_option_state; this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled_on = disabled_on_array[0] + '|' + disabled_on_array[1] + '|' + disabled_on_array[2]; if ( 'on' === disabled_on_array[0] && 'on' === disabled_on_array[1] && 'on' === disabled_on_array[2] ) { parent_background_color = $parent.css('backgroundColor'); $parent.addClass('et_pb_disabled'); // Add attribute to shortcode this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled = 'on'; history_verb = 'disabled'; } else { // toggle et_pb_disabled class $parent.removeClass( 'et_pb_disabled' ); // Remove attribute to shortcode this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled = 'off'; history_verb = 'off' === new_option_state ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'; } $this_button.toggleClass( 'et_pb_disable_on_active' ); // Update global module this.updateGlobalModule(); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( history_verb, this.history_noun, undefined, history_addition ); // Rebuild shortcodes ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); return false; }, lock : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $parent = this.$el.parent(); // toggle et_pb_locked class if ( $parent.hasClass('et_pb_locked') ) { this.unlockItem(); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'unlocked', this.history_noun ); } else { this.lockItem(); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'locked', this.history_noun ); } // close the click right options this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); // Rebuild shortcodes ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); }, unlockItem : function() { var this_el = this, $parent = this_el.$el.parent(), request = et_pb_user_lock_permissions(), children_views, parent_views; request.done( function ( response ) { if ( true === response ) { $parent.removeClass('et_pb_locked'); // Add attribute to shortcode this_el.options.model.attributes.et_pb_locked = 'off'; if ( 'module' !== this_el.options.model.get( 'type' ) ) { children_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildrenViews( this_el.model.get('cid') ); _.each( children_views, function( view, key ) { view.$el.removeClass('et_pb_parent_locked'); view.model.set( 'et_pb_parent_locked', 'off', { silent : true } ); } ); } if ( 'section' !== this_el.options.model.get( 'type' ) ) { parent_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getParentViews( this_el.model.get( 'parent' ) ); _.each( parent_views, function( view, key ) { if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.isChildrenLocked( view.model.get( 'cid' ) ) ) { view.$el.removeClass('et_pb_children_locked'); } } ); } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'unlocked', this_el.history_noun ); // Rebuild shortcodes ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); // Update global module this_el.updateGlobalModule(); } else { alert( et_pb_options.locked_item_permission_alert ); } }); }, lockItem : function() { var this_el = this, $parent = this_el.$el.parent(), request = et_pb_user_lock_permissions(), children_views, parent_views; request.done( function ( response ) { if ( true === response ) { $parent.addClass('et_pb_locked'); // Add attribute to shortcode this_el.options.model.attributes.et_pb_locked = 'on'; if ( 'module' !== this_el.options.model.get( 'type' ) ) { children_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildrenViews( this_el.model.get('cid') ); _.each( children_views, function( view, key ) { view.$el.addClass('et_pb_parent_locked'); view.model.set( 'et_pb_parent_locked', 'on', { silent : true } ); } ); } if ( 'section' !== this_el.options.model.get( 'type' ) ) { parent_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getParentViews( this_el.model.get( 'parent' ) ); _.each( parent_views, function( view, key ) { view.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_children_locked' ); } ); } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'locked', this_el.history_noun ); // Rebuild shortcodes ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); // Update global module this_el.updateGlobalModule(); } else { alert( et_pb_options.locked_item_permission_alert ); } }); }, collapse : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $parent = this.$el.parent(), cid = this.options.model.attributes.cid, history_verb; $parent.toggleClass('et_pb_collapsed'); if ( $parent.hasClass('et_pb_collapsed') ) { // Add attribute to shortcode this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_collapsed = 'on'; history_verb = 'collapsed'; } else { // Add attribute to shortcode this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_collapsed = 'off'; history_verb = 'expanded'; } // Carousel effect for split testing subject if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() && this.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) === 'on' ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.subject_carousel( cid ); } // Update global module this.updateGlobalModule(); // close the click right options this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( history_verb, this.history_noun ); // Rebuild shortcodes ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); }, copy : function( event, keepEvent ) { if ( ! keepEvent ) { event.preventDefault(); } var module_attributes = _.clone( this.model.attributes ), type = module_attributes.type, clipboard_content; // Normalize row_inner as row. Specialty's section row is detected as row_inner // but selector-wise, there's no .et_pb_row_inner. It uses the same .et_pb_row if ( type === 'row_inner' ) { type = 'row'; } // Delete circular structure element carried by default by specialty section's row inner if ( ! _.isUndefined( module_attributes.view ) ) { delete module_attributes.view; } // Delete appendAfter element, its leftover can cause misunderstanding on rendering UI if ( ! _.isUndefined( module_attributes.appendAfter ) ) { delete module_attributes.appendAfter; } // append childview's data to mobile_attributes for row and section if ( type === 'row' || type === 'section' ) { module_attributes.childviews = this.getChildViews( module_attributes.cid ); } delete module_attributes.className; delete module_attributes.et_pb_locked; // Set clipboard content clipboard_content = JSON.stringify( module_attributes ); // Save content to clipboard ET_PB_Clipboard.set( this.getClipboardType(), clipboard_content ); // close the click right options this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); }, pasteAfter : function( event, parent, clipboard_type, has_cloned_cid, keepEvent, noHistory ) { if ( ! keepEvent ) { event.preventDefault(); } var parent = _.isUndefined( parent ) ? this.model.get( 'parent' ) : parent, clipboard_type = _.isUndefined( clipboard_type ) ? this.getClipboardType() : clipboard_type, clipboard_content, has_cloned_cid = _.isUndefined( has_cloned_cid ) ? true : has_cloned_cid; // Get clipboard content clipboard_content = ET_PB_Clipboard.get( clipboard_type ); clipboard_content = JSON.parse( clipboard_content ); // If current clipboard content is Split testing subject, assign new subject ID if ( ! _.isUndefined( clipboard_content.et_pb_ab_subject ) || 'on' === clipboard_content.et_pb_ab_subject ) { clipboard_content.et_pb_ab_subject_id = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.get_subject_id(); } if ( has_cloned_cid ) { clipboard_content.cloned_cid = this.model.get( 'cid' ); } // Paste views recursively this.setPasteViews( clipboard_content, parent, 'main_parent' ); // Carousel effect for split testing subject if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() && ( clipboard_content.type === 'row' || clipboard_content.type === 'row_inner' || clipboard_content.type === 'section' ) && clipboard_content.et_pb_ab_subject === 'on' ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.subject_carousel( clipboard_content.cid ); } // Trigger events ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:updated' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-advanced-module:saved' ); // Update global module this.updateGlobalModule(); // close the click right options this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); // Enable history saving and set meta for history // pasteAfter can be used for clone, so only use copied if history verb being used is default if ( ET_PageBuilder_Visualize_Histories.verb === 'did' && ! noHistory ) { ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'copied', this.history_noun ); } if ( ! keepEvent ) { // Rebuild shortcodes ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); } }, pasteApp : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Get last' section model var sections = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.where({ 'type' : 'section' }), last_section = _.last( sections ); // Set last section as this.model and this.options.model so setPasteViews() can parse the clipboard correctly this.model = last_section; this.options.model = last_section; // Paste Item this.pasteAfter( event, undefined, 'et_pb_clipboard_section', false ); }, pasteColumn : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var parent = this.model.get( 'cid' ), clipboard_type = this.model.get('type') === 'section' ? 'et_pb_clipboard_module_fullwidth' : 'et_pb_clipboard_module'; // Paste item this.pasteAfter( event, parent, clipboard_type, false ); }, getClipboardType : function() { var type = this.model.attributes.type, module_type = _.isUndefined( this.model.attributes.module_type ) ? this.model.attributes.type : this.model.attributes.module_type, clipboard_key = 'et_pb_clipboard_' + type, fullwidth_prefix = 'et_pb_fullwidth'; // Added fullwidth prefix if ( module_type.substr( 0, fullwidth_prefix.length ) === fullwidth_prefix ) { clipboard_key += '_fullwidth'; } return clipboard_key; }, getChildViews : function( parent ) { var this_el = this, views = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.models, child_attributes, child_views = []; _.each( views, function( view, key ) { if ( view.attributes.parent === parent ) { child_attributes = view.attributes; // Delete circular structure element carried by default by specialty section's row inner if ( ! _.isUndefined( child_attributes.view ) ) { delete child_attributes.view; } // Delete appendAfter element, its leftover can cause misunderstanding on rendering UI if ( ! _.isUndefined( child_attributes.appendAfter ) ) { delete child_attributes.appendAfter; } child_attributes.created = 'manually'; // Append grand child views, if there's any child_attributes.childviews = this_el.getChildViews( view.attributes.cid ); child_views.push( child_attributes ); } } ); return child_views; }, setPasteViews : function( view, parent, is_main_parent ) { var this_el = this, cid = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), view_index = this.model.collection.indexOf( this.model ), childviews = ( ! _.isUndefined( view.childviews ) && _.isArray( view.childviews ) ) ? view.childviews : false, global_module_elements = [ 'et_pb_global_parent', 'global_parent_cid' ]; // Add newly generated cid and parent to the pasted view view.cid = cid; view.parent = parent; if ( typeof is_main_parent !== 'undefined' && 'main_parent' === is_main_parent ) { view.pasted_module = true; } else { view.pasted_module = false; } // Set new global_parent_cid for pasted element if ( ! _.isUndefined( view.et_pb_global_module ) && _.isUndefined( view.global_parent_cid ) && _.isUndefined( this.set_global_parent_cid ) ) { this.global_parent_cid = cid; this.set_global_parent_cid = true; } if ( ! _.isUndefined( view.global_parent_cid ) ) { view.global_parent_cid = this.global_parent_cid; } // If the view is pasted inside global module, inherit its global module child attributes _.each( global_module_elements, function( global_module_element ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( this_el.options.model.get( global_module_element ) ) && _.isUndefined( view[ global_module_element ] ) ) { view[ global_module_element ] = this_el.options.model.get( global_module_element ); } } ); // Remove template type leftover. Template type is used by Divi Library to remove item's settings and clone button if ( ! _.isUndefined( view.et_pb_template_type ) ) { delete view.et_pb_template_type; } // If current view is Split testing subject, assign new subject ID if ( ! _.isUndefined( view.et_pb_ab_subject ) || 'on' === view.et_pb_ab_subject ) { view.et_pb_ab_subject_id = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.get_subject_id(); } // Delete unused childviews delete view.childviews; // Add view to collections this.model.collection.add( view, { at : view_index } ); // If current view has childviews (row & module), repeat the process above recursively if ( childviews ) { _.each( childviews, function( childview ){ this_el.setPasteViews( childview, cid ); }); }; }, updateGlobalModule : function () { var global_module_cid; if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_global( this.model ) ) { global_module_cid = this.options.model.get( 'cid' ); } else if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_global_children( this.model ) ) { global_module_cid = this.options.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ); } if ( ! _.isUndefined( global_module_cid ) ) { et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ); } }, hasOption : function( option_name ) { var cid = typeof this.model.get === 'function' ? this.model.get( 'cid' ) : false, has_option = false, type = this.options.model.attributes.type, is_ab_active = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active(), is_ab_goal = is_ab_active ? ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_goal( this.model ) : false, is_ab_goal_children = is_ab_active ? ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_goal_children( this.model ) : false, has_ab_goal = is_ab_active ? ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.has_goal( this.model ) : false, is_ab_subject= is_ab_active ? ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_subject( this.model ) : false, is_ab_subject_children = is_ab_active ? ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_subject_children( this.model ) : false, is_ab_allowed_change = is_ab_active ? ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( cid, 'right_click_change' ) : true, is_ab_allowed_copy = is_ab_active ? ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( cid, 'copy' ) : true, is_ab_allowed_paste = is_ab_active ? ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( cid, 'paste' ) : true; switch( option_name ) { case "rename" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "module", "section", "row_inner", "row" ] ) && this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_locked !== "on" && is_ab_allowed_change ) { has_option = true; } break; case "save-to-library" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "app", "section", "row_inner", "row", "module" ] ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_global( this.options.model ) && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_global_children( this.options.model ) && this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_locked !== "on" && ! ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() && ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_split_test_item( this.options.model ) || type === 'app' ) ) && et_pb_options.is_divi_library !== "1" ) { has_option = true; } break; case "start-ab-testing" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "section", "row_inner", "row", "module" ] ) && ! is_ab_active ) { has_option = true; } break; case "end-ab-testing" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "section", "row_inner", "row", "module" ] ) && ( is_ab_subject || is_ab_goal || is_ab_subject_children || is_ab_goal_children ) && is_ab_active ) { has_option = true; } break; case "disable-global" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "section", "row_inner", "row", "module" ] ) && ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_global( this.options.model ) || ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_global_children( this.options.model) ) ) { has_option = true; } break; case "undo" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "app", "section", "row_inner", "row", "column", "column_inner", "module" ] ) && this.hasUndo() ) { has_option = true; } break; case "redo" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "app", "section", "row_inner", "row", "column", "column_inner", "module" ] ) && this.hasRedo() ) { has_option = true; } break; case "disable" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "section", "row_inner", "row", "module" ] ) && this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_locked !== "on" && this.hasDisabledParent() === false && _.isUndefined( this.model.attributes.et_pb_skip_module ) && is_ab_allowed_change ) { has_option = true; } break; case "lock" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "section", "row_inner", "row", "module" ] ) && _.isUndefined( this.model.attributes.et_pb_skip_module ) && is_ab_allowed_change ) { has_option = true; } break; case "collapse" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "section", "row_inner", "row" ] ) && this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_locked !== "on" && ! ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() && this.options.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) === "on" && ( this.options.model.get( 'et_pb_collapsed' ) === "off" || _.isUndefined( this.options.model.get( 'et_pb_collapsed' ) ) ) ) && _.isUndefined( this.model.attributes.et_pb_skip_module ) ) { has_option = true; } break; case "copy" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "section", "row_inner", "row", "module" ] ) && this.et_pb_has_storage_support && _.isUndefined( this.model.attributes.et_pb_skip_module ) && is_ab_allowed_copy && ! is_ab_goal && ! has_ab_goal ) { has_option = true; } break; case "paste-after" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "section", "row_inner", "row", "module" ] ) && this.et_pb_has_storage_support && this.has_compatible_clipboard_content && is_ab_allowed_paste ) { has_option = true; } break; case "paste-app" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "app" ] ) && this.et_pb_has_storage_support && ET_PB_Clipboard.get( "et_pb_clipboard_section" ) ) { has_option = true; } break; case "paste-column" : if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.model.attributes.is_insert_module ) && ( ( ( this.type === "column" || this.type == "column_inner" ) && ET_PB_Clipboard.get( "et_pb_clipboard_module" ) ) || ( this.type === "section" && ET_PB_Clipboard.get( "et_pb_clipboard_module_fullwidth" ) ) ) && this.et_pb_has_storage_support ) { has_option = true; } break; case "preview" : if ( this.hasOptionSupport( [ "section", "row_inner", "row", "module" ] ) && this.options.model.attributes.et_pb_locked !== "on" ) { has_option = true; } break; } return has_option; }, hasOptionSupport : function( whitelisted_types ) { if ( _.isUndefined( _.findWhere( whitelisted_types, this.type ) ) ) { return false; } return true; }, hasUndo : function() { return ET_PageBuilder_App.hasUndo(); }, hasRedo : function() { return ET_PageBuilder_App.hasRedo(); }, hasDisabledParent : function() { var parent_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.attributes.parent ), parent_views = {}, has_disabled_parents = false; // Loop until parent_view is undefined (reaches section) while ( ! _.isUndefined( parent_view ) ) { // Check whether current parent is disabled or not if ( ! _.isUndefined( parent_view.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled ) && parent_view.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled === "on" ) { has_disabled_parents = true; } // Append views to object parent_views[parent_view.model.attributes.cid] = parent_view; // Refresh parent_view for new loop parent_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( parent_view.model.attributes.parent ); } return has_disabled_parents; }, preview : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Get item's view var view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( this.model.get( 'cid' ) ); // Close all right click options this.closeAllRightClickOptions(); // Tell view that it is initiated from right click options so it can tell modalView view.triggered_by_right_click = true; // Tell modal view that this instance is intended for previewing // This is specifically needed for global module view.do_preview = true; // Display ModalView view.showSettings( event ); // Emulate preview clicking $('.et-pb-modal-preview-template').trigger( 'click' ); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.visualizeHistoriesView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { el : '#et-pb-histories-visualizer', template : _.template( $('#et-builder-histories-visualizer-item-template').html() ), events : { 'click li' : 'rollback' }, verb : 'did', noun : 'module', noun_alias : undefined, addition : '', getItemID : function( model ) { return '#et-pb-history-' + model.get( 'timestamp' ); }, getVerb : function() { var verb = this.verb; if ( ! _.isUndefined( et_pb_options.verb[verb] ) ) { verb = et_pb_options.verb[verb]; } return verb; }, getNoun : function() { var noun = this.noun; if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.noun_alias ) ) { noun = this.noun_alias; } else if ( ! _.isUndefined( et_pb_options.noun[noun] ) ) { noun = et_pb_options.noun[noun]; } return noun; }, getAddition : function() { var addition = this.addition; if ( ! _.isUndefined( et_pb_options.addition[addition] ) ) { addition = et_pb_options.addition[addition]; } return addition; }, addItem : function( model ) { // Setting the passed model as class' options so the template can be rendered correctly this.options = model; // Prepend history item to container this.$el.prepend( this.template() ); // Fix max-height for history visualizer this.setHistoriesHeight(); }, changeItem : function( model ) { var item_id = this.getItemID( model ), $item = $( item_id ), active_model = model.collection.findWhere({ current_active_history : true }), active_index = model.collection.indexOf( active_model ), item_index = model.collection.indexOf( model ); // Setting the passed model as class' options so the template can be rendered correctly this.options = model; // Remove all class related to changed item this.$el.find('li').removeClass( 'undo redo active' ); // Update currently item class, relative to current index // Use class change instead of redraw the whole index using template() because verb+noun changing is too tricky if ( active_index === item_index ) { $item.addClass( 'active' ); this.$el.find('li:lt('+ $item.index() +')').addClass( 'redo' ); this.$el.find('li:gt('+ $item.index() +')').addClass( 'undo' ); } else { // Change upon history is tricky because there is no active model found. Assume that everything is undo action this.$el.find('li:not( .active, .redo )').addClass( 'undo' ); } // Fix max-height for history visualizer this.setHistoriesHeight(); }, removeItem : function( model ) { var item_id = this.getItemID( model ); // Remove model's item from UI this.$el.find( item_id ).remove(); // Fix max-height for history visualizer this.setHistoriesHeight(); }, setHistoryMeta : function( verb, noun, noun_alias, addition ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( verb ) ) { this.verb = verb; } if ( ! _.isUndefined( noun ) ) { this.noun = noun; } if ( ! _.isUndefined( noun_alias ) ) { this.noun_alias = noun_alias; } else { this.noun_alias = undefined; } if ( ! _.isUndefined( addition ) ) { this.addition = addition; } }, setHistoriesHeight : function() { var this_el = this; // Wait for 200 ms before making change to ensure that $layout has been changed setTimeout( function(){ var $layout = $( '#et_pb_layout' ), $layout_header = $layout.find( '.hndle' ), $layout_controls = $( '#et_pb_layout_controls' ), visualizer_height = $layout.outerHeight() - $layout_header.outerHeight() - $layout_controls.outerHeight(); this_el.$el.css({ 'max-height' : visualizer_height }); }, 200 ); }, rollback : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var this_el = this, $clicked_el = $( ), $this_el = $ 'li' ) ? $clicked_el : $clicked_el.parent('li'), timestamp = $ 'timestamp' ), model = this.options.collection.findWhere({ timestamp : timestamp }), shortcode = model.get( 'shortcode' ); // Turn off other current_active_history ET_PageBuilder_App.resetCurrentActiveHistoryMarker(); // Update undo model's current_active_history model.set( { current_active_history : true }); // add loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); // Set shortcode to editor et_pb_set_content( 'content', shortcode, 'saving_to_content' ); // Rebuild the builder setTimeout( function(){ var $builder_container = $( '#et_pb_layout' ), builder_height = $builder_container.innerHeight(); $builder_container.css( { 'height' : builder_height } ); ET_PageBuilder_App.removeAllSections(); ET_PageBuilder_App.$el.find( '.et_pb_section' ).remove(); // Ensure that no history is added for rollback ET_PageBuilder_App.enable_history = false; ET_PageBuilder_App.createLayoutFromContent( et_prepare_template_content( shortcode ), '', '', { is_reinit : 'reinit' } ); // Auto turn on Split Testing if the history has Split testing data if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active_based_on_models() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.toggle_status( true ); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } else { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.toggle_status( false ); } $builder_container.css( { 'height' : 'auto' } ); // remove loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); // Update undo button state ET_PageBuilder_App.updateHistoriesButtonState(); }, 600 ); } } ); ET_PageBuilder.AppView = window.wp.Backbone.View.extend( { el : $('#et_pb_main_container'), template : _.template( $('#et-builder-app-template').html() ), template_button : _.template( $('#et-builder-add-specialty-section-button').html() ), events: { 'click .et-pb-layout-buttons-save' : 'saveLayout', 'click .et-pb-layout-buttons-load' : 'loadLayout', 'click .et-pb-layout-buttons-clear' : 'clearLayout', 'click .et-pb-layout-buttons-history' : 'toggleHistory', 'click #et-pb-histories-visualizer-overlay' : 'closeHistory', 'contextmenu #et-pb-histories-visualizer-overlay' : 'closeHistory', 'click .et-pb-layout-buttons-redo' : 'redo', 'click .et-pb-layout-buttons-undo' : 'undo', 'click .et-pb-layout-buttons-view-ab-stats' : 'viewABStats', 'click .et-pb-layout-buttons-settings' : 'settings', 'contextmenu .et-pb-layout-buttons-save' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'contextmenu .et-pb-layout-buttons-load' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'contextmenu .et-pb-layout-buttons-clear' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'contextmenu .et-pb-layout-buttons-redo' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'contextmenu .et-pb-layout-buttons-undo' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'contextmenu #et_pb_main_container_right_click_overlay' : 'showRightClickOptions', 'click #et_pb_main_container_right_click_overlay' : 'hideRightClickOptions' }, initialize : function() { this.listenTo( this.collection, 'add', this.addModule ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Histories, 'add', this.addVisualizeHistoryItem ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Histories, 'change', this.changeVisualizeHistoryItem ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Histories, 'remove', this.removeVisualizeHistoryItem ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-sortable:update', _.debounce( this.saveAsShortcode, 128 ) ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-model-changed-position-within-column', _.debounce( this.saveAsShortcode, 128 ) ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-module:removed', _.debounce( this.saveAsShortcode, 128 ) ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-pb-loading:started', this.startLoadingAnimation ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-pb-loading:ended', this.endLoadingAnimation ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-pb-content-updated', this.recalculateModulesOrder ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-advanced-module:updated_order', this.updateAdvancedModulesOrder ); this.listenTo( ET_PageBuilder_Events, 'et-pb-content-updated', this.updateYoastContent ); this.$builder_toggle_button = $( 'body' ).find( '#et_pb_toggle_builder' ); this.$builder_toggle_button_wrapper = $( 'body' ).find( '.et_pb_toggle_builder_wrapper' ); this.render(); this.maybeGenerateInitialLayout(); }, render : function() { this.$el.html( this.template() ); this.makeSectionsSortable(); this.addLoadingAnimation(); $( '#et_pb_main_container_right_click_overlay' ).remove(); this.$el.prepend('<div id="et_pb_main_container_right_click_overlay" />'); this.updateHistoriesButtonState(); return this; }, addLoadingAnimation : function() { $( 'body' ).append( '<div id="et_pb_loading_animation"></div>' ); this.$loading_animation = $( '#et_pb_loading_animation' ).hide(); }, startLoadingAnimation : function() { if ( this.pageBuilderIsActive() ) { // place the loading animation container before the closing body tag if ( this.$ ) { $( 'body' ).append( this.$loading_animation ); this.$loading_animation = $( '#et_pb_loading_animation' ); } this.$; this.isLoading = true; }; }, endLoadingAnimation : function() { this.$loading_animation.hide(); this.isLoading = false; }, pageBuilderIsActive : function() { // check the button wrapper class as well because button may not be added in some cases return this.$builder_toggle_button.hasClass( 'et_pb_builder_is_used' ) || this.$builder_toggle_button_wrapper.hasClass( 'et_pb_builder_is_used' ); }, saveLayout : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_save_app_layout_has_ab_testing' ); return; } et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'save_layout' ); }, loadLayout : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var view; et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_load_layout_has_ab_testing' ); return; } view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( { attributes : { 'data-open_view' : 'save_layout' }, view : this } ); $('body').append( view.render().el ); }, clearLayout : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_clear_layout_has_ab_testing' ); return; } et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'clear_layout' ); }, getHistoriesCount : function() { return this.options.history.length; }, getHistoriesIndex : function() { var active_model = this.options.history.findWhere({ current_active_history : true }), active_model_index = _.isUndefined( active_model ) ? ( this.options.history.models.length - 1 ) : this.options.history.indexOf( active_model ); return active_model_index; }, isDoingCombination : function() { if ( _.isUndefined( this.is_doing_combination ) ) { return false; } else { return this.is_doing_combination; } }, enableHistory : function() { if ( _.isUndefined( this.enable_history ) ) { return false; } else { return this.enable_history; } }, allowHistorySaving : function( verb, noun, noun_alias, addition ) { this.enable_history = true; // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_Visualize_Histories.setHistoryMeta( verb, noun, noun_alias, addition ); }, reviseHistories : function() { var model, this_el = this; if ( this.hasRedo() ) { // Prepare reversed index (deleting unused model using ascending index changes the order of collection) var history_index = _.range( ( this.getHistoriesIndex() + 1 ), this.getHistoriesCount() ).reverse(); // Loop the reversed index then delete the matched models _.each( history_index, function( index ) { model = index ); this_el.options.history.remove( model ); } ); } // Update undo button state this.updateHistoriesButtonState(); }, resetCurrentActiveHistoryMarker : function() { var current_active_histories = this.options.history.where({ current_active_history : true }); if ( ! _.isEmpty( current_active_histories ) ) { _.each( current_active_histories, function( current_active_history ) { current_active_history.set({ current_active_history : false }); } ); } }, hasUndo : function() { return this.getHistoriesIndex() > 0 ? true : false; }, hasRedo : function() { return ( this.getHistoriesCount() - this.getHistoriesIndex() ) > 1 ? true : false; }, hasOverlayRendered : function() { if ( $('.et_pb_modal_overlay').length ) { return true; } return false; }, updateHistoriesButtonState : function() { if ( this.hasUndo() ) { $( '.et-pb-layout-buttons-undo' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } else { $( '.et-pb-layout-buttons-undo' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } if ( this.hasRedo() ) { $( '.et-pb-layout-buttons-redo' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } else { $( '.et-pb-layout-buttons-redo' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } if ( this.hasUndo() || this.hasRedo() ) { $( '.et-pb-layout-buttons-history' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } else { $( '.et-pb-layout-buttons-history' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } }, getUndoModel : function() { var model = this.getHistoriesIndex() - 1 ); if ( _.isUndefined( model ) ) { return false; } else { return model; } }, undo : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var this_el = this, undo_model = this.getUndoModel(), undo_content, current_active_histories; // Bail if there's no undo histories to be used if ( ! this.hasUndo() ) { return; } // Bail if no undo model found if ( _.isUndefined( undo_model ) ) { return; } // Bail if there is overlay rendered (usually via hotkeys) if ( this.hasOverlayRendered() ) { return; } // Get undo content undo_content = undo_model.get( 'shortcode' ); // Turn off other current_active_history this.resetCurrentActiveHistoryMarker(); // Update undo model's current_active_history undo_model.set( { current_active_history : true }); // add loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); // Set last history's content into main editor et_pb_set_content( 'content', undo_content, 'saving_to_content' ); // Rebuild the builder setTimeout( function(){ var $builder_container = $( '#et_pb_layout' ), builder_height = $builder_container.innerHeight(); $builder_container.css( { 'height' : builder_height } ); ET_PageBuilder_App.removeAllSections(); ET_PageBuilder_App.$el.find( '.et_pb_section' ).remove(); // Temporarily disable history until new layout has been generated this_el.enable_history = false; ET_PageBuilder_App.createLayoutFromContent( et_prepare_template_content( undo_content ), '', '', { is_reinit : 'reinit' } ); $builder_container.css( { 'height' : 'auto' } ); // remove loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); // Update undo button state this_el.updateHistoriesButtonState(); }, 600 ); }, viewABStats : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // View Split Testing stats is disabled on Divi Library if ( et_pb_options.is_divi_library === "1" ) { return; } et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'view_ab_stats' ); }, settings : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Builder settings is disabled on Divi Library if ( et_pb_options.is_divi_library === "1" ) { return; } et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'open_settings' ); }, getRedoModel : function() { var model = this.getHistoriesIndex() + 1 ); if ( _.isUndefined( model ) ) { return false; } else { return model; } }, toggleHistory : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $et_pb_history_visualizer = $('#et-pb-histories-visualizer'); if ( $et_pb_history_visualizer.hasClass( 'active' ) ) { $et_pb_history_visualizer.addClass( 'fadeout' ); // Remove class after being animated setTimeout( function() { $et_pb_history_visualizer.removeClass( 'fadeout' ); }, 500 ); } $( '.et-pb-layout-buttons-history, #et-pb-histories-visualizer, #et-pb-histories-visualizer-overlay' ).toggleClass( 'active' ); }, closeHistory : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); this.toggleHistory( event ); }, redo : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var this_el = this, redo_model = this.getRedoModel(), redo_model_index, redo_content, current_active_histories; // Bail if there's no redo histories to be used if ( ! this.hasRedo() ) { return; } // Bail if no redo model found if ( _.isUndefined( redo_model ) || ! redo_model ) { return; } // Bail if there is overlay rendered (usually via hotkeys) if ( this.hasOverlayRendered() ) { return; } redo_model_index = this.options.history.indexOf( redo_model ); redo_content = redo_model.get( 'shortcode' ); // Turn off other current_active_history this.resetCurrentActiveHistoryMarker(); // Update redo model's current_active_history redo_model.set( { current_active_history : true }); // add loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); // Set last history's content into main editor et_pb_set_content( 'content', redo_content, 'saving_to_content' ); // Rebuild the builder setTimeout( function(){ var $builder_container = $( '#et_pb_layout' ), builder_height = $builder_container.innerHeight(); $builder_container.css( { 'height' : builder_height } ); ET_PageBuilder_App.removeAllSections(); ET_PageBuilder_App.$el.find( '.et_pb_section' ).remove(); // Temporarily disable history until new layout has been generated this_el.enable_history = false; ET_PageBuilder_App.createLayoutFromContent( et_prepare_template_content( redo_content ), '', '', { is_reinit : 'reinit' } ); $builder_container.css( { 'height' : 'auto' } ); // remove loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); // Update redo button state this_el.updateHistoriesButtonState(); }, 600 ); }, addHistory : function( content ) { if ( this.enableHistory() && ! this.isDoingCombination() ) { var date = new Date(), hour = date.getHours() > 12 ? date.getHours() - 12 : date.getHours(), minute = date.getMinutes(), datetime_suffix = date.getHours() > 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; // If there's a redo, remove models after active model if ( this.hasRedo() ) { this.reviseHistories(); } this.resetCurrentActiveHistoryMarker(); // Save content to builder history for undo/redo this.options.history.add({ timestamp :, datetime : ( "0" + hour).slice(-2) + ":" + ( "0" + minute ).slice(-2) + " " + datetime_suffix, shortcode : content, current_active_history : true, verb : ET_PageBuilder_Visualize_Histories.verb, noun : ET_PageBuilder_Visualize_Histories.noun }, { validate : true }); // Return history meta to default. Prevent confusion and for debugging ET_PageBuilder_Visualize_Histories.setHistoryMeta( 'did', 'something' ); } // Update undo button state this.updateHistoriesButtonState(); }, addVisualizeHistoryItem : function( model ) { ET_PageBuilder_Visualize_Histories.addItem( model ); }, changeVisualizeHistoryItem : function( model ) { ET_PageBuilder_Visualize_Histories.changeItem( model ); }, removeVisualizeHistoryItem : function( model ) { ET_PageBuilder_Visualize_Histories.removeItem( model ); }, maybeGenerateInitialLayout : function() { var module_id = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), this_el = this; ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); setTimeout( function() { var fix_shortcodes = true, content = ''; // check whether the tinyMCE container is loaded already if not - try again. if ( typeof window.tinyMCE !== 'undefined' && window.tinyMCE.get( 'content' ) && ! window.tinyMCE.get( 'content' ).isHidden() && ! $( 'iframe#content_ifr' ).length ) { et_pb_bulder_loading_attempts++; //show failure modal after 30 unsuccessful attempts if ( 30 < et_pb_bulder_loading_attempts ) { var $failure_notice_template = $( '#et-builder-failure-notice-template' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); $( '#et_pb_main_container' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_loading_animation' ); $( 'body' ).addClass( 'et_pb_stop_scroll' ).append( $failure_notice_template.html() ); return; } this_el.maybeGenerateInitialLayout(); return; } /* * Visual editor adds paragraph tags around shortcodes, * it causes to be inserted into a module content area */ content = et_pb_get_content( 'content', fix_shortcodes ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history if ( content !== '' ) { this_el.allowHistorySaving( 'loaded', 'page' ); } // Save page loaded this_el.addHistory( content ); if ( this_el.pageBuilderIsActive() ) { if ( -1 === content.indexOf( '[et_pb_') ) { ET_PageBuilder_App.reInitialize(); } else if ( -1 !== content.indexOf( 'specialty_placeholder') ) { this_el.createLayoutFromContent( et_prepare_template_content( content ) ); $( '.et_pb_section_specialty' ).append( this_el.template_button() ); } else { this_el.createLayoutFromContent( et_prepare_template_content( content ) ); } } else { this_el.createLayoutFromContent( content ); } et_pb_maybe_apply_wpautop_to_models( et_get_editor_mode(), 'initial_load' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-content-updated' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); $( '#et_pb_main_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_loading_animation' ); setTimeout( function() { $( '#et_pb_main_container' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_loading_animation' ); }, 500 ); // start listening to any collection events after all modules have been generated this_el.listenTo( this_el.collection, 'change reset add', _.debounce( this_el.saveAsShortcode, 128 ) ); ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.update(); }, 500 ); }, wp_regexp_not_global : _.memoize( function( tag ) { return new RegExp( '\\[(\\[?)(' + tag + ')(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*)*)(\\[\\/\\2\\]))?)(\\]?)' ); }), getShortCodeParentTags : function () { var shortcodes = 'et_pb_section|et_pb_row|et_pb_column|et_pb_column_inner|et_pb_row_inner'.split('|'); shortcodes = shortcodes.concat( et_pb_options.et_builder_module_parent_shortcodes.split('|') ); shortcodes = shortcodes.join('|'); return shortcodes; }, getShortCodeChildTags : function () { return et_pb_options.et_builder_module_child_shortcodes; }, getShortCodeRawContentTags : function () { var raw_content_shortcodes = et_pb_options.et_builder_module_raw_content_shortcodes, raw_content_shortcodes_array; raw_content_shortcodes_array = raw_content_shortcodes.split( '|' ); return raw_content_shortcodes_array; }, //ignore_template_tag, current_row_cid, global_id, is_reinit, after_section, global_parent createLayoutFromContent : function( content, parent_cid, inner_shortcodes, additional_options, parent_address ) { var this_el = this, et_pb_shortcodes_tags = typeof inner_shortcodes === 'undefined' || '' === inner_shortcodes ? this.getShortCodeParentTags() : this.getShortCodeChildTags(), reg_exp = window.wp.shortcode.regexp( et_pb_shortcodes_tags ), inner_reg_exp = this.wp_regexp_not_global( et_pb_shortcodes_tags ), matches = content.match( reg_exp ), et_pb_raw_shortcodes = this.getShortCodeRawContentTags(), additional_options_received = typeof additional_options === 'undefined' ? {} : additional_options; var migrations = _.isUndefined( et_pb_options.et_pb_module_settings_migrations ) ? false : et_pb_options.et_pb_module_settings_migrations; var name_changes = _.isUndefined( migrations.name_changes ) ? false : migrations.name_changes; var value_changes = _.isUndefined( migrations.value_changes ) ? false : migrations.value_changes; _.each( matches, function ( shortcode, index ) { var shortcode_element = shortcode.match( inner_reg_exp ), shortcode_name = shortcode_element[2], shortcode_attributes = shortcode_element[3] !== '' ? window.wp.shortcode.attrs( shortcode_element[3] ) : '', shortcode_content = shortcode_element[5], module_cid = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), module_settings, prefixed_attributes = {}, found_inner_shortcodes = typeof shortcode_content !== 'undefined' && shortcode_content !== '' && shortcode_content.match( reg_exp ), global_module_id = '', is_structure_element = $.inArray( shortcode_name, [ 'et_pb_section', 'et_pb_row', 'et_pb_column', 'et_pb_row_inner', 'et_pb_column_inner' ] ) > -1 ; if ( is_structure_element ) { shortcode_name = shortcode_name.replace( 'et_pb_', '' ); } module_settings = { type : shortcode_name, cid : module_cid, created : 'manually', module_type : shortcode_name }; if ( typeof additional_options_received.current_row_cid !== 'undefined' && '' !== additional_options_received.current_row_cid ) { module_settings['current_row'] = additional_options_received.current_row_cid; } if ( typeof additional_options_received.global_parent !== 'undefined' && '' !== additional_options_received.global_parent ) { module_settings['et_pb_global_parent'] = additional_options_received.global_parent; module_settings['global_parent_cid'] = additional_options_received.global_parent_cid; } if ( shortcode_name === 'section' && ( typeof additional_options_received.after_section !== 'undefined' && '' !== additional_options_received.after_section ) ) { module_settings['after_section'] = additional_options_received.after_section; } if ( shortcode_name !== 'section' ) { module_settings['parent'] = parent_cid; } if ( shortcode_name.indexOf( 'et_pb_' ) !== -1 ) { module_settings['type'] = 'module'; module_settings['admin_label'] = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getTitleByShortcodeTag( shortcode_name ); } else { module_settings['admin_label'] = shortcode_name; } module_settings._address = index.toString(); if ( ! _.isUndefined( parent_address ) ) { module_settings._address = parent_address + '.' + module_settings._address; } if ( _.isObject( shortcode_attributes['named'] ) ) { var fill_legacy_global_options = false; // prepare global module selective sync attributes if ( 'global' === et_pb_options.is_global_template && ! is_structure_element && typeof shortcode_attributes['named']['template_type'] !== 'undefined' && 'module' === shortcode_attributes['named']['template_type'] ) { if ( 'updated' === et_pb_options.selective_sync_status ) { et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ et_pb_options.template_post_id ] = et_pb_options.excluded_global_options; } else { fill_legacy_global_options = true; et_pb_all_legacy_synced_options[ et_pb_options.template_post_id ] = []; } } global_module_id = typeof shortcode_attributes['named']['global_module'] !== 'undefined' && '' === global_module_id ? shortcode_attributes['named']['global_module'] : global_module_id; // BEGIN Settings Migrations if ( name_changes && ! _.isUndefined( name_changes[shortcode_name] ) ) { _.forEach( name_changes[shortcode_name], function( new_name, old_name ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( shortcode_attributes['named'][old_name] ) && _.isUndefined( shortcode_attributes['named'][new_name] ) ) { shortcode_attributes['named'][new_name] = shortcode_attributes['named'][old_name]; } } ); } if ( value_changes && ! _.isUndefined( value_changes[module_settings._address] ) ) { _.forEach( value_changes[module_settings._address], function( new_value, setting_name ) { shortcode_attributes['named'][setting_name] = new_value; } ); } // END Settings Migrations for ( var key in shortcode_attributes['named'] ) { if ( typeof additional_options_received.ignore_template_tag === 'undefined' || '' === additional_options_received.ignore_template_tag || ( 'ignore_template' === additional_options_received.ignore_template_tag && 'template_type' !== key ) ) { var prefixed_key = key !== 'admin_label' && key !== 'specialty_columns' ? 'et_pb_' + key : key; // fill the array of legacy global synced options for module if ( fill_legacy_global_options ) { et_pb_all_legacy_synced_options[ et_pb_options.template_post_id ].push( key ); } if ( ( shortcode_name === 'column' || shortcode_name === 'column_inner' ) && prefixed_key === 'et_pb_type' ) prefixed_key = 'layout'; prefixed_attributes[prefixed_key] = shortcode_attributes['named'][key]; } } module_settings = _.extend( module_settings, prefixed_attributes ); } if ( typeof module_settings['specialty_columns'] !== 'undefined' ) { module_settings['layout_specialty'] = '1'; module_settings['specialty_columns'] = parseInt( module_settings['specialty_columns'] ); } if ( ! found_inner_shortcodes ) { if ( $.inArray( shortcode_name, et_pb_raw_shortcodes ) > -1 ) { module_settings['et_pb_raw_content'] = _.unescape( shortcode_content ); // replace line-break placeholders with real line-breaks module_settings['et_pb_raw_content'] = module_settings['et_pb_raw_content'].replace( /<!-- \[et_pb_line_break_holder\] -->/g, '\n' ); } else { module_settings['et_pb_content_new'] = shortcode_content; } } // convert line break placeholders into real line-breaks for the message pattern option in Contact Form module if ( 'et_pb_contact_form' === shortcode_name && typeof module_settings['et_pb_custom_message'] !== 'undefined' ) { module_settings['et_pb_custom_message'] = module_settings['et_pb_custom_message'].replace( /\|\|et_pb_line_break_holder\|\|/g, '\r\n' ); } if ( ! module_settings['et_pb_disabled'] !== 'undefined' && module_settings['et_pb_disabled'] === 'on' ) { module_settings.className = ' et_pb_disabled'; } if ( ! module_settings['et_pb_locked'] !== 'undefined' && module_settings['et_pb_locked'] === 'on' ) { module_settings.className = ' et_pb_locked'; } if ( typeof additional_options_received.global_id !== 'undefined' && '' !== additional_options_received.global_id ) { module_settings['et_pb_global_module'] = additional_options_received.global_id; } this_el.collection.add( [ module_settings ] ); if ( 'reinit' === additional_options_received.is_reinit || ( global_module_id === '' || ( global_module_id !== '' && 'row' !== shortcode_name && 'row_inner' !== shortcode_name && 'section' !== shortcode_name ) ) ) { if ( found_inner_shortcodes ) { var global_parent_id = typeof additional_options_received.global_parent === 'undefined' || '' === additional_options_received.global_parent ? global_module_id : additional_options_received.global_parent, global_parent_cid_new = typeof additional_options_received.global_parent_cid === 'undefined' || '' === additional_options_received.global_parent_cid ? typeof global_module_id !== 'undefined' && '' !== global_module_id ? module_cid : '' : additional_options_received.global_parent_cid; this_el.createLayoutFromContent( shortcode_content, module_cid, '', { is_reinit : additional_options_received.is_reinit, global_parent : global_parent_id, global_parent_cid : global_parent_cid_new }, module_settings._address ); } } else { //calculate how many global modules we requested on page et_pb_globals_requested++; et_pb_load_global_row( global_module_id, module_cid, shortcode ); this_el.createLayoutFromContent( shortcode_content, module_cid, '', { is_reinit : 'reinit' }, module_settings._address ); } } ); }, addModule : function( module ) { var view, modal_view, row_parent_view, row_layout, view_settings = { model : module, collection : ET_PageBuilder_Modules }, cloned_cid = typeof module.get('cloned_cid') !== 'undefined' ? module.get('cloned_cid') : false; switch ( module.get( 'type' ) ) { case 'section' : view = new ET_PageBuilder.SectionView( view_settings ); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.addView( module.get('cid'), view ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( module.get( 'view' ) ) ){ module.get( 'view' ).$el.after( view.render().el ); } else if ( typeof module.get( 'after_section' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== module.get( 'after_section' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'after_section' ) ).$el.after( view.render().el ); } else if ( typeof module.get( 'current_row' ) !== 'undefined' ) { this.replaceElement( module.get( 'current_row' ), view ); } else if ( cloned_cid ) { this.$el.find( 'div[data-cid="' + cloned_cid + '"]' ).closest('.et_pb_section').after( view.render().el ); } else { this.$el.append( view.render().el ); } if ( 'on' === module.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) ) { $( view.render().el ).addClass( 'et_pb_section_fullwidth' ); var sub_view = new ET_PageBuilder.ColumnView( view_settings ); view.addChildView( sub_view ); $( view.render().el ).find( '.et-pb-section-content' ).append( sub_view.render().el ); } if ( 'on' === module.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) && 'auto' === module.get( 'created' ) ) { $( view.render().el ).addClass( 'et_pb_section_specialty' ); var et_view; et_view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( { model : view_settings.model, collection : view_settings.collection, attributes : { 'data-open_view' : 'column_specialty_settings' }, et_view : view, view : view } ); $('body').append( et_view.render().el ); } // add Rows layout once the section has been created in "auto" mode if ( 'manually' !== module.get( 'created' ) && 'on' !== module.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) && 'on' !== module.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) ) { view.addRow(); } break; case 'row' : case 'row_inner' : view = new ET_PageBuilder.RowView( view_settings ); if ( module.get( 'parent' ) !== '' ) { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find( '.et-pb-insert-row' ).hide(); } ET_PageBuilder_Layout.addView( module.get('cid'), view ); /*this.$("[data-cid=" + module.get('parent') + "]").append( view.render().el );*/ if ( ! _.isUndefined( module.get( 'current_row' ) ) ) { this.replaceElement( module.get( 'current_row' ), view ); } else if ( ! _.isUndefined( module.get( 'appendAfter' ) ) ) { module.get( 'appendAfter' ).after( view.render().el ); } else if ( cloned_cid ) { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find( 'div[data-cid="' + cloned_cid + '"]' ).parent().after( view.render().el ); } else { if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find( '.et-pb-section-content' ).length ) { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find( '.et-pb-section-content' ).append( view.render().el ); } else { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find( '> .et-pb-insert-module, > .et-pb-insert-row' ).hide().end().append( view.render().el ); } } // unset the columns_layout so it'll be calculated properly when columns added module.unset( 'columns_layout' ); // add parent view to inner rows that have been converted from shortcodes if ( module.get('created') === 'manually' && module.get('module_type') === 'row_inner' ) { module.set( 'view', ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ), { silent : true } ); } /*module.get( 'view' ).$el.find( '.et-pb-section-content' ).append( view.render().el );*/ break; case 'column' : case 'column_inner' : view_settings['className'] = 'et-pb-column et-pb-column-' + module.get( 'layout' ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( module.get( 'layout_specialty' ) ) && '1' === module.get( 'layout_specialty' ) ) { view_settings['className'] += ' et-pb-column-specialty'; } view = new ET_PageBuilder.ColumnView( view_settings ); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.addView( module.get('cid'), view ); if ( _.isUndefined( module.get( 'layout_specialty' ) ) ) { /* Need to pass the columns layout into the parent row model to save the row template properly */ row_parent_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ); row_layout = typeof row_parent_view.model.get( 'columns_layout' ) !== 'undefined' ? row_parent_view.model.get( 'columns_layout' ) + ',' + module.get( 'layout' ) : module.get( 'layout' ); row_parent_view.model.set( 'columns_layout', row_layout ); if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) !== 'on' ) { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find( '.et-pb-row-container' ).append( view.render().el ); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).toggleInsertColumnButton(); } else { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find( '.et-pb-section-content' ).append( view.render().el ); } } else { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find( '.et-pb-section-content' ).append( view.render().el ); if ( '1' === module.get( 'layout_specialty' ) ) { if ( 'manually' !== module.get( 'created' ) ) { this.collection.add( [ { type : 'row', module_type : 'row', cid : ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), parent : module.get( 'cid' ), view : view, admin_label : et_pb_options.noun['row'] } ] ); } ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).model.set( 'specialty_columns', parseInt( module.get( 'specialty_columns' ) ) ); } } /*module.get( 'view' ).$el.find( '.et-pb-row-container' ).append( view.render().el );*/ /*this.$("[data-cid=" + module.get('parent') + "] .et-pb-row-container").append( view.render().el );*/ break; case 'module' : view_settings['attributes'] = { 'data-cid' : module.get( 'cid' ) } if ( module.get( 'mode' ) !== 'advanced' && module.get( 'created' ) === 'manually' && ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).model.get( 'module_type' ) === 'column_inner' ) { var inner_column_parent_row = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).model.get( 'parent' ); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( inner_column_parent_row ).$el.find( '.et-pb-insert-column' ).hide(); } if ( typeof module.get( 'mode' ) !== 'undefined' && module.get( 'mode' ) === 'advanced' ) { // create sortable tab view = new ET_PageBuilder.AdvancedModuleSettingView( view_settings ); module.attributes.view.child_views.push( view ); if ( typeof module.get( 'cloned_cid' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== module.get( 'cloned_cid' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'cloned_cid' ) ).$el.after( view.render().el ); } else { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find('.et-pb-sortable-options').append( view.render().el ); } ET_PageBuilder_Layout.addView( module.get('cid'), view ); } else { var template_type = ''; ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-new_module:show_settings' ); view = new ET_PageBuilder.BlockModuleView( view_settings ); if ( typeof module.attributes.view !== 'undefined' && module.attributes.view.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) === 'on' ) { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).addChildView( view ); template_type = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ); } else if ( typeof module.attributes.view !== 'undefined' ) { template_type = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).model.get( 'parent' ) ).model.get( 'et_pb_template_type' ); } // Append new module in proper position. Clone shouldn't be appended. It should be added after the cloned item if ( cloned_cid ) { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find( 'div[data-cid="' + cloned_cid + '"]' ).after( view.render().el ); } else { // if .et-pb-insert-module button exists, then add the module before that button. Otherwise append module to the parent if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find( '.et-pb-insert-module' ).length ) { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ).$el.find( '.et-pb-insert-module' ).before( view.render().el ); } else { var parent_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module.get( 'parent' ) ); // append module to appropriate div if it's a fullwidth section if ( typeof parent_view.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) !== 'undefined' && 'on' === parent_view.model.get( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) ) { parent_view.$el.find( '.et_pb_fullwidth_sortable_area' ).append( view.render().el ); } else { parent_view.$el.append( view.render().el ); } } } ET_PageBuilder_Layout.addView( module.get('cid'), view ); if ( typeof template_type !== 'undefined' && 'module' === template_type ) { module.set( 'template_type', 'module', { silent : true } ); } if ( 'manually' !== module.get( 'created' ) ) { view_settings['attributes'] = { 'data-open_view' : 'module_settings' } this.openModuleSettings( view_settings ); } } break; } // Always unset cloned_cid attribute after adding module. // It prevents module mishandling for module which is cloned multiple time module.unset('cloned_cid'); }, openModuleSettings : function( view_settings ) { var modal_view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( view_settings ), that = this; et_modal_view_rendered = modal_view.render(); if ( false === et_modal_view_rendered ) { setTimeout( function() { that.openModuleSettings( view_settings ); }, 500 ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); return; } ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); $('body').append( et_modal_view_rendered.el ); }, saveAsShortcode : function( et_model, et_collection, et_options ) { var this_el = this, action_setting = arguments.length > 0 && typeof arguments[0] === 'object' && arguments[0]['et_action'] || ''; // set that the bb is in use, which is looked for by fb if the user switches to new tab set_this_editor_in_use(); if ( et_options && et_options['update_shortcodes'] == 'false' ) { return; } shortcode = this_el.generateCompleteShortcode(); this.addHistory( shortcode ); ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.update(); setTimeout( function(){ // Save to content is performed each time, except when a layout is being loaded var action = action_setting || ''; et_pb_set_content( 'content', shortcode, action ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-content-updated' ); }, 500 ); }, generateCompleteShortcode : function( cid, layout_type, ignore_global_tag, ignore_global_tabs, is_saving_global ) { var shortcode = '', this_el = this, all_sections = typeof cid === 'undefined' ? true : false, layout_type = typeof layout_type === 'undefined' ? '' : layout_type; this.$el.find( '.et_pb_section' ).each( function() { var $this_section = $(this).find( '.et-pb-section-content' ), include_whole_section = false, skip_section = typeof $ 'skip' ) === 'undefined' ? false : $ 'skip' ); if ( ( ( false === all_sections && cid === $ 'cid' ) ) || true === all_sections ) && true !== skip_section ) { shortcode += this_el.generateModuleShortcode( $(this), true, layout_type, ignore_global_tag ); include_whole_section = true; } if ( $this_section.closest( '.et_pb_section' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_section_fullwidth' ) ) { $this_section.find( '.et_pb_module_block' ).each( function() { var fullwidth_module_cid = $( this ).data( 'cid' ); if ( ( false === all_sections && ( cid === fullwidth_module_cid || true === include_whole_section ) ) || true === all_sections ) { shortcode += this_el.generateModuleShortcode( $(this), false, layout_type, ignore_global_tag, '', ignore_global_tabs ); } } ); } else if ( $this_section.closest( '.et_pb_section' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_section_specialty' ) && ( ( true === include_whole_section || true === all_sections || 'module' === layout_type || 'row' === layout_type ) && true !== skip_section ) ) { $this_section.find( '> .et-pb-column' ).each( function() { var $this_column = $(this), column_cid = $ 'cid' ), module = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : column_cid } ), specialty_columns = module.get( 'layout_specialty' ) === '1' ? ' specialty_columns="' + module.get( 'specialty_columns' ) + '"' : '', specialty_column_layout = module.get('layout'); if ( true === include_whole_section || true === all_sections ) { shortcode += '[et_pb_column type="' + specialty_column_layout + '"' + specialty_columns +']'; } if ( $this_column.hasClass( 'et-pb-column-specialty' ) ) { // choose each row $this_column.find( '.et_pb_row' ).each( function() { var $this_row = $(this), row_cid = $this_row.find( '.et-pb-row-content' ).data( 'cid' ), module = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : row_cid } ), include_whole_inner_row = false; if ( true === include_whole_section || true === all_sections || ( 'row' === layout_type && row_cid === cid ) ) { include_whole_inner_row = true; shortcode += this_el.generateModuleShortcode( $(this), true, layout_type, ignore_global_tag, 'row_inner' ); } $this_row.find( '.et-pb-column' ).each( function() { var $this_column_inner = $(this), column_cid = $ 'cid' ), module = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : column_cid } ); if ( true === include_whole_inner_row ) { shortcode += '[et_pb_column_inner type="' + module.get('layout') + '" saved_specialty_column_type="' + specialty_column_layout + '"]'; } $this_column_inner.find( '.et_pb_module_block' ).each( function() { var inner_module_cid = $( this ).data( 'cid' ); if ( ( false === all_sections && ( cid === inner_module_cid || true === include_whole_section || true === include_whole_inner_row ) ) || true === all_sections ) { shortcode += this_el.generateModuleShortcode( $(this), false, layout_type, ignore_global_tag, '', ignore_global_tabs ); } } ); if ( true === include_whole_inner_row ) { shortcode += '[/et_pb_column_inner]'; } } ); if ( true === include_whole_section || true === all_sections || ( 'row' === layout_type && row_cid === cid ) ) { shortcode += '[/et_pb_row_inner]'; } } ); } else { // choose each module $this_column.find( '.et_pb_module_block' ).each( function() { var specialty_module_cid = $( this ).data( 'cid' ); if ( ( false === all_sections && ( cid === specialty_module_cid || true === include_whole_section ) ) || true === all_sections ) { shortcode += this_el.generateModuleShortcode( $(this), false, layout_type, ignore_global_tag, '', ignore_global_tabs, is_saving_global ); } } ); } if ( true === include_whole_section || true === all_sections ) { shortcode += '[/et_pb_column]'; } } ); } else { $this_section.find( '.et_pb_row' ).each( function() { var $this_row = $(this), $this_row_content = $this_row.find( '.et-pb-row-content' ), row_cid = $ 'cid' ), include_whole_row = false, skip_row = typeof $ 'skip' ) === 'undefined' ? false : $ 'skip' ); if ( ( ( false === all_sections && ( cid === row_cid || true === include_whole_section ) ) || true === all_sections ) && true !== skip_row ) { shortcode += this_el.generateModuleShortcode( $(this), true, layout_type, ignore_global_tag ); include_whole_row = true; } $this_row.find( '.et-pb-column' ).each( function() { var $this_column = $(this), column_cid = $ 'cid' ), module = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : column_cid } ); if ( ( ( false === all_sections && ( true === include_whole_section || true === include_whole_row ) ) || true === all_sections ) && true !== skip_row ) { shortcode += '[et_pb_column type="' + module.get('layout') + '"]'; } $this_column.find( '.et_pb_module_block' ).each( function() { var module_cid = $( this ).data( 'cid' ); if ( ( false === all_sections && ( cid === module_cid || true === include_whole_section || true === include_whole_row ) ) || true === all_sections ) { shortcode += this_el.generateModuleShortcode( $(this), false, layout_type, ignore_global_tag, '', ignore_global_tabs, is_saving_global ); } } ); if ( ( ( false === all_sections && ( true === include_whole_section || true === include_whole_row ) ) || true === all_sections ) && true !== skip_row ) { shortcode += '[/et_pb_column]'; } } ); if ( ( ( false === all_sections && ( cid === row_cid || true === include_whole_section ) ) || true === all_sections ) && true !== skip_row ) { shortcode += '[/et_pb_row]'; } } ); } if ( ( ( false === all_sections && cid === $ 'cid' ) ) || true === all_sections ) && true !== skip_section ) { shortcode += '[/et_pb_section]'; } } ); return shortcode; }, generateModuleShortcode : function( $module, open_tag_only, layout_type, ignore_global_tag, defined_module_type, ignore_global_tabs, is_saving_global ) { var attributes = '', content = '', $this_module = $module, is_module_type = ! $ '.et_pb_section' ) && ! $ '.et_pb_row' ) && ! $ '.et_pb_row_inner' ) && ! $ '.et_pb_column' ) && ! $ '.et_pb_column_inner' ), prefix = $ '.et_pb_section' ) || $ '.et_pb_row' ) || $ '.et_pb_row_inner' ) ? 'et_pb_' : '', module_cid = typeof $ 'cid' ) === 'undefined' ? $this_module.find( '.et-pb-data-cid' ).data( 'cid' ) : $ 'cid' ), module = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.find( function( model ) { return model.get('cid') == module_cid; } ), module_type = typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.get( 'module_type' ) : 'undefined', module_settings, shortcode, template_module_type, unsynced_options = []; if ( typeof defined_module_type !== 'undefined' && '' !== defined_module_type ) { module_type = defined_module_type; } if ( typeof module === 'undefined' ) { return; } module_settings = module.attributes; // save only synced options for the global modules if ( is_saving_global && is_module_type && typeof module_settings['et_pb_global_module'] !== 'undefined' ) { unsynced_options = ! _.isEmpty( et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ module_settings['et_pb_global_module'] ] ) ? et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ module_settings['et_pb_global_module'] ] : []; } for ( var key in module_settings ) { if ( ! _.isEmpty( unsynced_options ) ) { var global_option_name = $.inArray( key, ['et_pb_content_new', 'et_pb_raw_content'] ) !== -1 ? 'et_pb_content_field' : key.replace( 'et_pb_', '' ); // skip unsynced options if ( $.inArray( global_option_name, unsynced_options ) !== -1 ) { continue; } } if ( typeof ignore_global_tag === 'undefined' || 'ignore_global' !== ignore_global_tag || ( typeof ignore_global_tag !== 'undefined' && 'ignore_global' === ignore_global_tag && 'et_pb_global_module' !== key && 'et_pb_global_parent' !== key ) ) { if ( typeof ignore_global_tabs === 'undefined' || 'ignore_global_tabs' !== ignore_global_tabs || ( typeof ignore_global_tabs !== 'undefined' && 'ignore_global_tabs' === ignore_global_tabs && 'et_pb_saved_tabs' !== key ) ) { var setting_name = key, setting_value; // remove previous instance of these flags, the bb_built will be added again below as needed if ( _.includes( ['et_pb_fb_built', 'et_pb_bb_built', '_address'], setting_name ) ) { continue; } if ( setting_name.indexOf( 'et_pb_' ) === -1 && setting_name !== 'admin_label' ) continue; setting_value = typeof( module.get( setting_name ) ) !== 'undefined' ? module.get( setting_name ) : ''; if ( setting_name === 'et_pb_content_new' || setting_name === 'et_pb_raw_content' ) { content = setting_value; if ( setting_name === 'et_pb_raw_content' ) { // replace the line-breaks with placeholders, so they won't be removed/replaced by WP content = content.replace( /\r?\n|\r/g, '<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->' ); content = _.escape( content ); } content = $.trim( content ); if ( '' !== content && setting_name === 'et_pb_content_new' ) { content = "\n\n" + content + "\n\n"; } } else if ( setting_value !== '' ) { // check if there is a default value for a setting if ( typeof module_settings['module_defaults'] !== 'undefined' && typeof module_settings['module_defaults'][ setting_name ] !== 'undefined' ) { var module_setting_default = module_settings['module_defaults'][ setting_name ], string_setting_value = setting_value + ''; // cast setting value to string to properly compare it with the module_setting_default // don't add an attribute to a shortcode, if default value is equal to the current value if ( module_setting_default === string_setting_value ) { delete module.attributes[ setting_name ]; continue; } } setting_name = setting_name.replace( 'et_pb_', '' ); if ( 'et_pb_contact_form' === module_type && setting_name === 'custom_message' ) { // save the line breaks in contact message pattern correctly setting_value = setting_value.replace( /\r?\n|\r/g, '||et_pb_line_break_holder||' ); } if ( typeof setting_value === 'string' ) { // Make sure double quotes are encoded, before adding values to shortcode setting_value = setting_value.replace( /\"/g, '%22' ).replace( /\\/g, '%92' ); setting_value = setting_value.replace( /\[/g, '%91' ).replace( /\]/g, '%93' ); } // make sure admin label is always on the same position to correctly save the shortcode into library if ( 'admin_label' === setting_name ) { attributes = ' ' + setting_name + '="' + setting_value + '"' + attributes; } else { attributes += ' ' + setting_name + '="' + setting_value + '"'; } } } } } template_module_type = 'section' !== module_type && 'row' !== module_type ? 'module' : module_type; template_module_type = 'row_inner' === module_type ? 'row' : template_module_type; if ( typeof layout_type !== 'undefined' && ( layout_type === template_module_type ) ) { attributes += ' template_type="' + layout_type + '"'; } if ( typeof module_settings['template_type'] !== 'undefined' ) { attributes += ' template_type="' + module_settings['template_type'] + '"'; } // prefix sections with a bb_built attr flag if ( 'section' === module_type ) { attributes = ' bb_built="1"' + attributes; } shortcode = '[' + prefix + module_type + attributes; if ( content === '' && ( typeof module_settings['type'] !== 'undefined' && module_settings['type'] === 'module' ) ) { open_tag_only = true; shortcode += ' /]'; } else { shortcode += ']'; } if ( ! open_tag_only ) shortcode += content + '[/' + prefix + module_type + ']'; return shortcode; }, makeSectionsSortable : function() { var this_el = this; this.$el.sortable( { items : '> *:not(#et_pb_layout_controls, #et_pb_main_container_right_click_overlay, #et-pb-histories-visualizer, #et-pb-histories-visualizer-overlay)', cancel : '.et-pb-settings, .et-pb-clone, .et-pb-remove, .et-pb-section-add, .et-pb-row-add, .et-pb-insert-module, .et-pb-insert-column, .et_pb_locked, .et-pb-disable-sort', delay: 100, update : function( event, ui ) { // Loading process occurs. Dragging is temporarily disabled if ( ET_PageBuilder_App.isLoading ) { this_el.$el.sortable( 'cancel' ); return; } // Split Testing adjustment :: section as/has subject/goal if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { var section_cid = $( ui.item ).children( '.et-pb-section-content' ).attr( 'data-cid' ); // Check user permission if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( section_cid, 'section' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); this_el.$el.sortable( 'cancel' ); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); return; } } // Enable history saving and set meta for history this_el.allowHistorySaving( 'moved', 'section' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-sortable:update' ); }, start : function( event, ui ) { et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); // copy section if Alt key pressed if ( event.altKey ) { var movedSection = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( $( ui.item ).children('.et-pb-section-content').data( 'cid' ) ); var view_settings = { model : movedSection.model, view : movedSection.$el, view_event : event }; var clone_section = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings, true ); clone_section.copy( event, true ); clone_section.pasteAfter( event, undefined, undefined, undefined, true, true ); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'cloned', 'section' ); } } } ); }, reInitialize : function() { var content = et_pb_get_content( 'content' ), contentIsEmpty = content == '', default_initial_column_type = et_pb_options.default_initial_column_type, default_initial_text_module = et_pb_options.default_initial_text_module; ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); this.removeAllSections(); if ( content.indexOf( '[et_pb_section' ) === -1 ) { if ( ! contentIsEmpty ) { content = '[et_pb_column type="' + default_initial_column_type + '"][' + default_initial_text_module + ']' + content + '[/' + default_initial_text_module + '][/et_pb_column]'; } content = '[et_pb_section][et_pb_row]' + content + '[/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]'; } this.createNewLayout( content ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); }, removeAllSections : function( create_initial_layout ) { var content; // force removal of all the sections and rows ET_PageBuilder_Layout.set( 'forceRemove', true ); this.$el.find( '.et-pb-section-content' ).each( function() { var $this_el = $(this), this_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( $ 'cid' ) ); // don't remove cloned sections if ( typeof this_view !== 'undefined' ) { // Remove sections. Use remove_all flag so it can differ "remove section" and "clear layout" this_view.removeSection( false, true ); } } ); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.set( 'forceRemove', false ); if ( create_initial_layout ) { content = '[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]'; this.createNewLayout( content ); } }, // creates new layout from any content and saves new shortcodes once createNewLayout : function( content, action ) { var action = action || ''; this.stopListening( this.collection, 'change reset add', this.saveAsShortcode ); if ( action === 'load_layout' && typeof window.switchEditors !== 'undefined' ) { content = window.switchEditors.wpautop( content ); content = content.replace( /<p>\[/g, '[' ); content = content.replace( /\]<\/p>/g, ']' ); content = content.replace( /\]<br \/>/g, ']' ); content = content.replace( /<br \/>\n\[/g, '[' ); } this.createLayoutFromContent( content ); this.saveAsShortcode( { et_action : action } ); this.listenTo( this.collection, 'change reset add', _.debounce( this.saveAsShortcode, 128 ) ); }, //replaces the Original element with Replacement element in builder replaceElement : function ( original_cid, replacement_view ) { var original_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( original_cid ); original_view.$el.after( replacement_view.render().el ); original_view.model.destroy(); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeView( original_cid ); original_view.remove(); }, showRightClickOptions : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var et_right_click_options_view, view_settings = { model : { attributes : { type : 'app', module_type : 'app' } }, view : this.$el, view_event : event }; et_right_click_options_view = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings ); }, hideRightClickOptions : function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); }, // calculates the order for each module in the builder recalculateModulesOrder : function() { var all_modules = this.collection; this.order_modules_array = []; this.order_modules_array['children_count'] = []; // go through all the modules in the builder content and set the module_order attribute for each. this.$el.find( '.et_pb_section' ).each( function( index ) { var $this_section = $(this).find( '.et-pb-section-content' ), section_cid = $ 'cid' ); ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleOrder( section_cid ); ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleAddresses( section_cid, index ); if ( $this_section.closest( '.et_pb_section' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_section_fullwidth' ) ) { $this_section.find( '.et_pb_module_block' ).each( function() { var fullwidth_module_cid = $( this ).data( 'cid' ); ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleOrder( fullwidth_module_cid ); } ); } else if ( $this_section.closest( '.et_pb_section' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_section_specialty' ) ) { $this_section.find( '> .et-pb-column' ).each( function() { var $this_column = $(this), column_cid = $ 'cid' ); ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleOrder( column_cid ); if ( $this_column.hasClass( 'et-pb-column-specialty' ) ) { // choose each row $this_column.find( '.et_pb_row' ).each( function() { var $this_row = $(this), row_cid = $this_row.find( '.et-pb-row-content' ).data( 'cid' ); ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleOrder( row_cid ); $this_row.find( '.et-pb-column' ).each( function() { var $this_column_inner = $(this), column_cid = $ 'cid' ); ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleOrder( column_cid ); $this_column_inner.find( '.et_pb_module_block' ).each( function() { var inner_module_cid = $( this ).data( 'cid' ); ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleOrder( inner_module_cid ); }); }); }); } else { // choose each module $this_column.find( '.et_pb_module_block' ).each( function() { var specialty_module_cid = $( this ).data( 'cid' ); ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleOrder( specialty_module_cid, 'specialty' ); }); } }); } else { $this_section.find( '.et_pb_row' ).each( function() { var $this_row = $(this), $this_row_content = $this_row.find( '.et-pb-row-content' ), row_cid = $ 'cid' ); ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleOrder( row_cid ); $this_row.find( '.et-pb-column' ).each( function() { var $this_column = $(this), column_cid = $ 'cid' ); ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleOrder( column_cid ); $this_column.find( '.et_pb_module_block' ).each( function() { var module_cid = $( this ).data( 'cid' ); ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleOrder( module_cid ); }); }); }); } }); }, // reload content for the Yoast after it was changed in builder updateYoastContent : function() { if ( ! et_pb_is_yoast_seo_active() ) { return; } var content = et_pb_get_content( 'content', true ); // perform the do_shortcode for the current content from builder and force Yoast to reload $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_execute_content_shortcodes', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_pb_unprocessed_data : content }, success: function( data ) { et_pb_processed_yoast_content = data; 'ET_PB_Yoast_Content' ); } } ); }, // calculate and add the module_order attribute for the module. setModuleOrder: function( cid, is_specialty ) { var modules_with_child = $.parseJSON( et_pb_options.et_builder_modules_with_children ), current_model, module_order, parent_row, module_type, start_from, child_slug; current_model = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : cid } ); if ( typeof current_model === 'undefined' ) { return; } module_type = typeof current_model.attributes.module_type !== 'undefined' ? current_model.attributes.module_type : current_model.attributes.type; // determine the column type. Check the parent, if parent == row_inner, then column type = column_inner if ( 'column' === module_type || 'column_inner' === module_type || 'specialty' === is_specialty ) { parent_row = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : current_model.attributes.parent } ); // inner columns may have column module_type, so check the parent row to determine the column_inner type if ( 'column' === module_type && 'row_inner' === parent_row.attributes.module_type ) { module_type = 'column_inner'; } } // check whether the module order exist for current module_type otherwise set to 0 module_order = typeof this.order_modules_array[ module_type ] !== 'undefined' ? this.order_modules_array[ module_type ] : 0; current_model.attributes.module_order = module_order; // reset columns_order attribute to recalculate it properly if ( ( 'row' === module_type || 'row_inner' === module_type || 'section' === module_type ) && typeof current_model.attributes.columns_order !== 'undefined' ) { current_model.attributes.columns_order = []; } // columns order should be stored in the Row/Specialty section as well if ( 'column' === module_type || 'column_inner' === module_type || 'specialty' === is_specialty ) { if ( typeof parent_row.attributes.columns_order !== 'undefined' ) { parent_row.attributes.columns_order.push( module_order ); } else { parent_row.attributes.columns_order = [ module_order ]; } } // calculate child items for modules which support them and update count in module attributes if ( typeof modules_with_child[ module_type ] !== 'undefined' ) { child_slug = modules_with_child[ module_type ]; start_from = typeof this.order_modules_array['children_count'][ child_slug ] !== 'undefined' ? this.order_modules_array['children_count'][ child_slug ] : 0; current_model.attributes.child_start_from = start_from; // this attributed used as a start point for calculation of child modules order if ( typeof current_model.attributes.et_pb_content_new !== 'undefined' && '' !== current_model.attributes.et_pb_content_new ) { var et_pb_shortcodes_tags = ET_PageBuilder_App.getShortCodeChildTags(); var reg_exp = window.wp.shortcode.regexp( et_pb_shortcodes_tags ); var matches = current_model.attributes.et_pb_content_new.match( reg_exp ); start_from += null !== matches ? matches.length : 0; } this.order_modules_array['children_count'][ child_slug ] = start_from; } // increment the module order for current module_type this.order_modules_array[ module_type ] = module_order + 1; }, setModuleAddresses: function( cid, index, parent_address ) { var module = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : cid } ); var children = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.where( { parent : cid } ); if ( _.isUndefined( module ) ) { return; } var module_type = _.isUndefined( module.attributes.module_type ) ? module.attributes.type : module.attributes.module_type; var current_address = module.get( '_address' ); var new_address = 'section' === module_type ? index.toString() : parent_address + '.' + index.toString(); var path = _.isUndefined( current_address ) ? false : 'et_pb_module_settings_migrations.value_changes.' + current_address; var has_migrations = path ? has( et_pb_options, path ) : false; if ( has_migrations && new_address !== current_address ) { // Update module settings migration data et_pb_options.et_pb_module_settings_migrations.value_changes[new_address] = _.clone( et_pb_options.et_pb_module_settings_migrations.value_changes[current_address] ); delete et_pb_options.et_pb_module_settings_migrations.value_changes[current_address]; } module.set( { _address: new_address } ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( children ) && children.length > 0 ) { _.forEach( children, function( child_module, child_index ) { ET_PageBuilder_App.setModuleAddresses( child_module.attributes.cid, child_index, new_address ); } ); } }, updateAdvancedModulesOrder: function( $this_el ) { var $modules_container = typeof $this_el !== 'undefined' ? $this_el.find( '.et-pb-option-advanced-module-settings' ) : $( '.et-pb-option-advanced-module-settings' ), modules_count = 0, $modules_list; if ( $modules_container.length ) { $modules_list = $modules_container.find( '.et-pb-sortable-options > li' ); if ( $modules_list.length ) { $modules_list.each( function() { var $this_item = $( this ), this_cid = $ 'cid' ), current_model, current_parent, start_from; current_model = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : this_cid } ); current_parent = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : current_model.attributes.parent_cid } ); start_from = typeof current_parent.attributes.child_start_from !== 'undefined' ? current_parent.attributes.child_start_from : 0; current_model.attributes.module_order = modules_count + start_from; modules_count++; }); } } } } ); // Close and remove right click options function et_pb_close_all_right_click_options() { // Remove right click options UI $('#et-builder-right-click-controls').remove(); // Remove builder overlay (right/left click anywhere outside builder to close right click options UI) $('#et_pb_layout_right_click_overlay').remove(); } $('body').on( 'click contextmenu', '#et_pb_layout_right_click_overlay', function( event ){ event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); }); function et_pb_is_builder_used() { return $('#et_pb_use_builder').val() === 'on'; } function et_pb_activate_upload( $upload_button ) { $ function( event ) { var $this_el = $(this); event.preventDefault(); et_pb_file_frame = ={ title: $ 'choose' ), library: { type: $ 'type' ) }, button: { text: $ 'update' ), }, multiple: false }); et_pb_file_frame.on( 'select', function() { var attachment = et_pb_file_frame.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(); var $upload_field = $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-upload-field' ); $upload_field.val( attachment.url ); $upload_field.trigger( 'change' ); et_pb_generate_preview_content( $this_el ); });; } ); $upload_button.siblings( '.et-pb-upload-field' ).on( 'input', function() { et_pb_generate_preview_content( $(this).siblings( '.et-pb-upload-button' ) ); } ); $upload_button.siblings( '.et-pb-upload-field' ).each( function() { et_pb_generate_preview_content( $(this).siblings( '.et-pb-upload-button' ) ); } ); } function et_pb_activate_gallery( $gallery_button ) { $ function( event ) { var $this_el = $(this), $gallery_ids = $gallery_button.closest( '.et-pb-options-tab' ).find( '.et-pb-option-gallery_ids .et-pb-gallery-ids-field' ), $gallery_orderby = $gallery_button.closest( '.et-pb-options-tab' ).find( '.et-pb-option-gallery_orderby .et-pb-gallery-ids-field' ); event.preventDefault(); // Check if the `` API exists. if ( typeof wp === 'undefined' || ! || ! ) return; var gallery_ids = $gallery_ids.val().length ? ' ids="' + $gallery_ids.val() + '"' : '', gallery_orderby = $gallery_orderby.val().length ? ' orderby="' + $gallery_orderby.val() + '"' : '', gallery_shortcode = '[gallery' + gallery_ids + gallery_orderby + ']'; et_pb_file_frame = = gallery_shortcode ); if ( !gallery_ids ) { et_pb_file_frame.setState('gallery-library'); } // Remove the 'Columns' and 'Link To' unneeded settings function remove_unneeded_gallery_settings( $el ) { setTimeout(function(){ $el.find( '.gallery-settings' ).find( 'label.setting' ).each(function() { if ( $(this).find( '.link-to, .columns, .size' ).length ) { $(this).remove(); } else { if ( $(this).has( 'input[type=checkbox]' ).length ) { $(this).children( 'input[type=checkbox]' ).css( 'margin', '11px 5px' ); } } }); }, 10 ); } // Remove initial unneeded settings remove_unneeded_gallery_settings( et_pb_file_frame.$el ); // Remove unneeded settings upon re-viewing edit view et_pb_file_frame.on( 'content:render:browse', function( browser ){ remove_unneeded_gallery_settings( browser.$el ); }); et_pb_file_frame.state( 'gallery-edit' ).on( 'update', function( selection ) { var shortcode_atts = selection ).attrs.named; if ( shortcode_atts.ids ) { $gallery_ids.val( shortcode_atts.ids ); } if ( shortcode_atts.orderby ) { $gallery_orderby.val( shortcode_atts.orderby ); } else { $gallery_orderby.val( '' ); } }); }); } function et_pb_email_lists_select_get_provider( $select ) { return $select .siblings( 'input' ) .attr( 'id' ) .replace( 'et_pb_', '' ) .replace( '_list', '' ); } function et_pb_email_lists_add_new_account( $accounts_select, settingsView ) { var provider = et_pb_email_lists_select_get_provider( $accounts_select ); var $container = $accounts_select.closest( '.et-pb-option--select_with_option_groups' ); var $account_name = $container.parent().find('.et_pb_account_name:visible'); var account_name = $account_name.val(); var $api_key = $container.parent().find('.et_pb_api_key:visible'); var api_key = $api_key.val(); function complete( data ) { $accounts_select .val( $ 'previous_value' ) ) .trigger( 'change' ); $account_name.val( '' ); $api_key.val( '' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); if ( 'error' in data && data.error ) { alert( data.message ); } } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'et_builder_email_add_account', et_builder_email_add_account_nonce: et_pb_options.et_builder_email_add_account_nonce, et_provider: provider, et_account: account_name, et_api_key: api_key, et_bb: true } }).done( function( data, status, response ) { data = JSON.parse( data ); $accounts_select.html( _.template( data.accounts_list )( settingsView.model.attributes ) ); complete( data ); }).fail( complete ); } function et_pb_email_fetch_lists( $accounts_select, $button, settingsView ) { var provider = et_pb_email_lists_select_get_provider( $accounts_select ); var account_name = $ 'selected_account' ); function complete( data ) { $accounts_select .val( $ 'previous_value' ) ) .trigger( 'change' ); $button.removeClass( 'fetch_lists_in_progress' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); if ( 'error' in data && data.error ) { alert( data.message ); } } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'et_builder_email_get_lists', et_builder_email_fetch_lists_nonce: et_pb_options.et_builder_email_fetch_lists_nonce, et_provider: provider, et_account: account_name, et_bb: true } }).done( function( data, status, response ) { data = JSON.parse( data ); $accounts_select.html( _.template( data.accounts_list )( settingsView.model.attributes ) ); complete( data ); }).fail( complete ); } function et_pb_email_remove_account( $accounts_select, settingsView ) { var provider = et_pb_email_lists_select_get_provider( $accounts_select ); var account_name = $ 'selected_account' ); function complete( data ) { $accounts_select .val( 'none' ) .trigger( 'change' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); if ( 'error' in data && data.error ) { alert( data.message ); } } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'et_builder_email_remove_account', et_builder_email_remove_account_nonce: et_pb_options.et_builder_email_remove_account_nonce, et_provider: provider, et_account: account_name, et_bb: true } }).done( function( data, status, response ) { data = JSON.parse( data ); $accounts_select.html( _.template( data.accounts_list )( settingsView.model.attributes ) ); complete( data ); }).fail( complete ); } function et_pb_email_setup_submit_cancel_buttons( $buttons, $accounts_select, settingsView ) { $buttons.on( 'click', function() { if ( $(this).hasClass( 'et_pb_email_submit' ) ) { // Submit button ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); et_pb_email_lists_add_new_account( $accounts_select, settingsView ); } else { // Cancel button $accounts_select .val( $ 'previous_value' ) ) .trigger( 'change' ); } }); $buttons.appendTo( $buttons.parent() ); } function et_pb_email_lists_buttons_setup( $add_account_buttons, settingsView ) { $add_account_buttons.each( function() { var $add_account_button = $(this); var $accounts_select = $add_account_button.siblings( 'select' ); var $fetch_lists_button = $add_account_button.siblings( '.et_pb_email_force_fetch_lists' ); var $remove_account_button = $add_account_button.siblings( '.et_pb_email_remove_account' ); var $value_field = $(this).siblings( 'input' ); var affects = $ 'affects' ).split(', '); var $affects; affects = affects, function( affect ) { return '#et_pb_' + affect; } ).join( ', ' ); $affects = $(this).closest( '.et-pb-options-tab' ).find( affects ); $ 'et-pb-option-field-shown', function() { var $buttons = $(this).siblings( 'button' ); et_pb_email_setup_submit_cancel_buttons( $buttons, $accounts_select, settingsView ); }); $ 'original_text', $fetch_lists_button.text() ); $ 'original_text', $remove_account_button.text() ); $accounts_select.on( 'change', function() { var value = $(this).val(); if ( 'add_new_account' === value && ! $accounts_select.parent().hasClass( 'new_account_in_progress' ) ) { $accounts_select.parent().addClass( 'new_account_in_progress' ); $('<span>') .text( $ 'adding_new_account_text' ) ) .insertAfter( $accounts_select ) .addClass( 'et_pb_email_account_message' ); $add_account_button .hide() .siblings() .not( 'span' ) .hide(); if ( $accounts_select.siblings( '#et_pb_aweber_list' ).length > 0 ) { '' ); } } else if ( 'fetch_lists' === value && ! $accounts_select.parent().hasClass( 'fetch_lists_in_progress' ) ) { $accounts_select.parent().addClass( 'fetch_lists_in_progress' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); et_pb_email_fetch_lists( $accounts_select, $add_account_button, settingsView ); } else if ( 'remove_account' === value && ! $accounts_select.parent().hasClass( 'remove_account_in_progress' )) { $accounts_select.parent().addClass( 'remove_account_in_progress' ); $add_account_button .hide() .siblings('p') .hide(); $remove_account_button.text( $ 'confirm_text' ) ); $fetch_lists_button.text( $ 'cancel_text' ) ); var msg = $ 'confirm_remove_text' ) + ' ' + $ 'selected_account' ); $('<span>') .text( msg ) .insertAfter( $accounts_select ) .addClass( 'et_pb_email_account_message' ); $accounts_select.hide(); } else { $accounts_select.parent().removeClass( 'new_account_in_progress remove_account_in_progress fetch_lists_in_progress' ); var $modal_save_buttons = settingsView.$el.prev().find( '.et-pb-modal-save, .et-pb-modal-save-template' ); $modal_save_buttons.css( 'cursor', '' ); if ( 'none' === value ) { $accounts_select.parent().addClass( 'no_account_selected' ); } else { $accounts_select.parent().removeClass( 'no_account_selected' ); } $; $remove_account_button.text( $ 'original_text' ) ); $fetch_lists_button.text( $ 'original_text' ) ); if ( ! value || 'none' === value ) { $remove_account_button.hide(); $fetch_lists_button.hide(); } else { $; $; } $add_account_button.siblings('span').remove(); $add_account_button.siblings('p').show(); $; } }); $ function() { var $modal_save_buttons = settingsView.$el.prev().find( '.et-pb-modal-save, .et-pb-modal-save-template' ); $modal_save_buttons.css( 'cursor', 'not-allowed' ); $accounts_select .data( 'previous_value', $accounts_select.val() ) .val( 'add_new_account' ) .trigger( 'change' ); }); $ function() { if ( $accounts_select.parent().hasClass( 'remove_account_in_progress' ) ) { // Cancel button clicked $accounts_select .val( $ 'previous_value' ) ) .trigger( 'change' ); return; } var account = $accounts_select .find(':selected') .parent() .attr('label'); $ 'selected_account', account ); $accounts_select .data( 'previous_value', $accounts_select.val() ) .val( 'fetch_lists' ) .trigger( 'change' ); }); $ function() { if ( $accounts_select.parent().hasClass( 'remove_account_in_progress' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); et_pb_email_remove_account( $accounts_select, settingsView ); return; } var account = $accounts_select .find(':selected') .parent() .attr('label'); if ( ! account ) { return; } $ 'selected_account', account ); $accounts_select .data( 'previous_value', $accounts_select.val() ) .val( 'remove_account' ) .trigger( 'change' ); }); }); } function et_pb_generate_video_image( $video_image_button ) { $ function( event ) { var $this_el = $(this), $upload_field = $( '' ), video_url = $upload_field.val().trim(); event.preventDefault(); $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_video_get_oembed_thumbnail', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_video_url : video_url }, success: function( response ) { if ( response.length ) { $('#et_pb_image_src').val( response ).trigger('input'); } else { $this_el.after( '<div class="et-pb-error">' + et_pb_options.video_module_image_error + '</div>' ); $this_el.siblings('.et-pb-error').delay(5000).fadeOut(800); } } } ); } ); } function et_pb_generate_preview_content( $upload_button ){ if ( $upload_button.length < 1 ) { return; } var $upload_field = $upload_button.siblings( '.et-pb-upload-field' ), $preview = $upload_field.siblings( '.et-pb-upload-preview' ), $background_preview = $upload_field.closest( '.et-pb-option' ).find( '.et-pb-option-preview' ), has_preview = $background_preview.length, image_url = $upload_field.val().trim(), type = $ 'type' ); if ( type !== 'image' && ! ( type === 'video' && has_preview ) ) return; if ( image_url === '' ) { if ( has_preview ) { $background_preview.addClass( 'et-pb-option-preview--empty' ).find('.et-pb-preview-content').remove(); return; } else if ( $preview.length ) { $preview.remove(); } return; } if ( has_preview ) { $background_preview.find('.et-pb-preview-content').remove(); var $background_container = $upload_button.closest( '.et-pb-option-container--background' ), $background_settings_fields = $background_container.find('input, select'), column_index = $background_container.attr('data-column-index'), background_images = [ 'url(' + image_url + ')' ], gradient_backround = et_pb_get_gradient( $background_container.find( '.et_pb_background-tab--gradient' ) ), module_type = $upload_button.closest( '.et_pb_module_settings' ).attr( 'data-module_type' ), background_settings = {}, preview_content = '', has_background_gradient = false, has_background_image = false; if ( gradient_backround ) { has_background_gradient = true; background_images.push( gradient_backround ); } $background_settings_fields.each(function() { if ( typeof $(this).attr('id') !== 'undefined' ) { var name = $(this).attr( 'id' ).replace( 'et_pb_', '' ), value = $(this).val(), default_value = typeof $(this).attr( 'data-default' ) !== 'undefined' ? $(this).attr( 'data-default' ) : '', has_value = value !== '' && typeof value !== 'undefined'; // Column adjustment if ( typeof column_index !== 'undefined' ) { name = name.replace( '_' + column_index, '' ); } background_settings[ name ] = has_value ? value : default_value; } }); if ( type === 'image' ) { var is_parallax = module_type === 'et_pb_post_title' ? background_settings.parallax_effect === 'on' : background_settings.parallax === 'on', imageStyle = { position: 'absolute', top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, }; if ( is_parallax ) { imageStyle.backgroundImage = 'url(' + image_url + ')'; imageStyle.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat'; imageStyle.backgroundSize = 'cover'; imageStyle.backgroundPosition = 'center'; } else { has_background_image = true; imageStyle.backgroundImage = background_images.join(', '); imageStyle.backgroundSize = background_settings.background_size; imageStyle.backgroundPosition = background_settings.background_position.replace( '_', ' ' ); imageStyle.backgroundRepeat = background_settings.background_repeat; imageStyle.backgroundBlendMode = background_settings.background_blend; if ( has_background_gradient && has_background_image ) { imageStyle.backgroundColor = 'initial'; } else { imageStyle.backgroundColor = background_settings.background_color; } } preview_content = $('<div />', { class: 'et-pb-preview-content' }).css( imageStyle ); } else if ( type === 'video' ) { preview_content = $('<video />', { class: 'et-pb-preview-content', src: image_url, loop: true, controls: true, height: 190 } ); } $background_preview.removeClass( 'et-pb-option-preview--empty' ).prepend( preview_content ); } else if ( ! $preview.length ) { $upload_button.siblings('.description').before( '<div class="et-pb-upload-preview">' + '<strong class="et-pb-upload-preview-title">' + et_pb_options.preview_image + '</strong>' + '<img src="" width="408" /></div>' ); $preview = $upload_field.siblings( '.et-pb-upload-preview' ); } $preview.find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', image_url ); } function et_pb_reposition_colorpicker_element( $colorpicker ) { var $colorpicker_container = $colorpicker.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ), handle_width = parseInt( $colorpicker_container.find( '.iris-square-value.ui-draggable' ).width() ), handle_left = parseInt( $colorpicker_container.find( '.iris-square-value.ui-draggable' ).css( 'left' ) ) + ( handle_width / 2 ), container_width = parseInt( $colorpicker_container.width() ), iris_strip_right_max = 50; if ( $colorpicker !== '' && handle_left > ( container_width - iris_strip_right_max ) ) { $colorpicker_container.addClass( 'on-right-corner' ); } else { $colorpicker_container.removeClass( 'on-right-corner' ); } } var ET_PageBuilder_Events = _.extend( {}, Backbone.Events ), ET_PageBuilder_Layout = new ET_PageBuilder.Layout, ET_PageBuilder_Modules = new ET_PageBuilder.Modules, ET_PageBuilder_Histories = new ET_PageBuilder.Histories, ET_PageBuilder_App = new ET_PageBuilder.AppView( { model : ET_PageBuilder.Module, collection : ET_PageBuilder_Modules, history : ET_PageBuilder_Histories } ), ET_PageBuilder_Visualize_Histories = new ET_PageBuilder.visualizeHistoriesView, $et_pb_content = $( '#et_pb_hidden_editor' ), et_pb_content_html = $et_pb_content.html(), et_pb_file_frame, $toggle_builder_button = $('#et_pb_toggle_builder'), $toggle_builder_button_wrapper = $('.et_pb_toggle_builder_wrapper'), $builder = $( '#et_pb_layout' ), $et_pb_old_content = $('#et_pb_old_content'), $post_format_wrapper = $('#formatdiv'), $use_builder_custom_field = $( '#et_pb_use_builder' ), $main_editor_wrapper = $( '#et_pb_main_editor_wrap' ), $et_pb_setting = $( '.et_pb_page_setting' ), $et_pb_layout_settings = $( '.et_pb_page_layout_settings' ), $et_pb_templates_cache = [], et_pb_globals_requested = 0, et_pb_globals_loaded = 0, et_pb_processed_yoast_content = false, et_pb_quick_tags_init_done = {}; ET_PageBuilder.Events = ET_PageBuilder_Events; var ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing = { is_active : function () { return $( '#et_pb_use_ab_testing' ).length && 'on' === $( '#et_pb_use_ab_testing' ).val() ? true : false; }, toggle_status : function( status ) { var $input = $( '#et_pb_use_ab_testing' ), inputValue = $input.val(), status = _.isUndefined( status ) ? false : status; if ( ( inputValue === 'on' && ! status ) || ( ( inputValue === 'off' || inputValue === '' ) && status ) ) { $input.addClass( 'et_pb_value_updated' ); } set_this_editor_in_use(); if ( status ) { $input.val( 'on' ); this.toggle_portability( false ); } else { $input.val( 'off' ); } }, toggle_portability : function( status ) { var $portability_button = $( '.et-pb-app-portability-button' ), disable_class = 'et-core-disabled', is_currently_disabled = $portability_button.hasClass( disable_class ); // If no explicit status passed, do toggling if ( _.isUndefined( status ) ) { status = is_currently_disabled ? true : false; } // false === disabling if ( status ) { $portability_button.removeClass( disable_class ); } else { $portability_button.addClass( disable_class ); } }, get_stats_refresh_interval : function () { return $( '#et_pb_ab_stats_refresh_interval' ).length ? $( '#et_pb_ab_stats_refresh_interval' ).val() : 'hourly'; }, get_shortcode_tracking_status : function() { return $( '#et_pb_enable_shortcode_tracking' ).length && '' !== $( '#et_pb_enable_shortcode_tracking' ).val() ? $( '#et_pb_enable_shortcode_tracking' ).val() : 'off'; }, is_active_based_on_models : function () { var subjects = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.where({ et_pb_ab_subject : 'on' }), goal = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.where({ et_pb_ab_goal : 'on'}); return ( subjects.length > 1 && goal.length > 0 ); }, has_permission : function () { if ( et_pb_ab_js_options.has_permission === '1' ) { return true; } else { return false; } }, check_create_db : function () { if ( 'exists' !== et_pb_options.ab_db_status ) { $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_create_ab_tables', et_pb_ab_nonce : et_pb_options.ab_testing_builder_nonce, }, success: function( response ) { if ( ! response.length || 'success' !== response ) { return false; } et_pb_options.ab_db_status = 'exists'; } } ); } return true; }, is_selecting_subject : function() { if ( ! _.isUndefined( ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_subject ) && ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_subject === true ) { return true; } else { return false; } }, is_selecting_goal : function() { if ( ! _.isUndefined( ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_goal ) && ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_goal === true ) { return true; } else { return false; } }, is_selecting_winner : function() { if ( ! _.isUndefined( ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_winner ) && ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_winner === true ) { return true; } else { return false; } }, is_selecting : function() { if ( this.is_selecting_subject() || this.is_selecting_goal() || this.is_selecting_winner() ) { return true; } else { return false; } }, is_subject : function( model ) { if ( this.is_active() && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_app( model ) && model.has( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) && model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) === 'on' ) { return true; } return false; }, is_subject_children : function( model ) { var parent_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getParentViews( model.attributes.parent ), result = false; if ( ! _.isEmpty( parent_views ) ) { _.each( parent_views, function( parent_view ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( parent_view.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) ) && parent_view.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) === 'on' ) { result = true; } } ); } return result; }, is_unremovable_subject : function( model ) { if ( this.is_active() && this.is_subject( model ) && this.subjects().length < 3 ) { return true; } else { return false; } }, is_goal : function( model ) { if ( this.is_active() && ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_app( model ) && model.has( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ) && model.get( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ) === 'on' ) { return true; } return false; }, is_goal_children : function ( model ) { var parent_views = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getParentViews( model.attributes.parent ), result = false; if ( ! _.isEmpty( parent_views ) ) { _.each( parent_views, function( parent_view ) { if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_app( model ) && parent_view.model.has( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ) && parent_view.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ) === 'on' ) { result = true; } } ); } return result; }, is_user_has_permission : function( cid, context, model ) { if ( ! cid ) { return false; } // Get view var view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( cid ), model = _.isUndefined( model ) ? view.model : model, has_permission = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.has_permission(), is_subject = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_subject( model ), is_subject_children = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_subject_children( model ), has_subject = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.has_subject( model ), is_goal = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_goal( model ), is_goal_children = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_goal_children( model ), has_goal = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.has_goal( model ), status; if ( context === 'section' ) { status = is_subject || has_subject || is_goal || has_goal; } else if ( context === 'module' ) { status = is_subject || is_subject_children || is_goal || is_goal_children; } else if ( context === 'add_module' ) { status = is_subject || is_subject_children || is_goal || is_goal_children; } else if ( context === 'add_row' ) { status = is_subject_children || is_goal_children; } else if ( context === 'paste' ) { status = is_subject_children || is_goal_children; } else if ( context === 'copy' ) { status = is_subject || has_subject || is_goal || has_goal; } else { status = is_subject || is_subject_children || has_subject || is_goal || is_goal_children || has_goal; } // User with no ab_testing permisson cannot modify Split testing-related item if ( ! has_permission && status ) { return false; } return true; }, is_split_test_item : function( model ) { if ( this.is_subject( model ) || this.is_subject_children( model ) || this.has_subject( model ) || this.is_goal( model ) || this.is_goal_children( model ) || this.has_goal( model ) ) { return true; } return false; }, filter_goals : function( models ) { var goals = _.filter( models, function( model ) { if ( model.has( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ) && model.get( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ) === 'on' ) { return true; } return false; }); return goals; }, filter_subjects : function( models ) { var subjects = _.filter( models, function( model ) { if ( model.has( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) && model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) === 'on' ) { return true; } return false; }); return subjects; }, filter_models_by_cids : function( cids, models ) { var filtered_models; models = _.isUndefined( models ) ? ET_PageBuilder_Modules.models : models; filtered_models = _.filter( models, function( model ) { if ( $.inArray( model.get( 'parent' ), cids ) !== -1 ) { return true; } return false; }); return filtered_models; }, pluck_cids_from_models : function( models ) { var cids = []; _.each( models, function( model ){ cids.push( model.get( 'cid' ) ); }); return cids; }, has_goal : function ( model ) { var cid = typeof model.get === 'function' ? model.get( 'cid' ) : false, has_goal = false; if ( this.is_active() && cid !== false ) { _.each( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildrenViews( cid ), function( child_view ) { if ( child_view.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ) === 'on' ) { has_goal = true; } }); } return has_goal; }, has_subject : function( model ) { var cid = typeof model.get === 'function' ? model.get( 'cid' ) : false, has_subject = false; if ( this.is_active() ) { _.each( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getChildrenViews( cid ), function( child_view ) { if ( child_view.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) === 'on' ) { has_subject = true; } }); } return has_subject; }, has_unremovable_subject : function( model ) { var cid = model.get( 'cid' ), type = model.get( 'type' ), rows, row_is_subject, rows_cid = [], row_inner, row_inner_is_goal, columns, columns_cid = [], modules, module_is_subject; if ( this.is_active() ) { if ( type === 'section' ) { // Get row's models rows = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.where({ parent : cid } ); // Look for row as subjects row_is_subject = this.filter_subjects( rows ); // Return true if this section gets deleted, remaining subject will be less than two if ( ( this.count_subjects() - row_is_subject.length ) < 2 ) { return true; } // Get row's cids rows_cid = this.pluck_cids_from_models( rows ); // Specialty Section's adjustment :: it has one level deep tp get into rows_cid if ( ! _.isUndefined( model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) ) && model.get( 'et_pb_specialty' ) === 'on' ) { // Look for row_inner models row_inner = this.filter_models_by_cids( rows_cid ); // Look for row_inner as subject row_inner_is_subject = this.filter_subjects( row_inner ); // Return true if this row_inner gets deleted, remaining subject will be less than two if ( ( this.count_subjects() - row_inner_is_subject.length ) < 2 ) { return true; } // Passes row_inner cids as row cids rows_cid = this.pluck_cids_from_models( row_inner ); } } if ( type === 'row' || type === 'row_inner' ) { // Set cid as row cids rows_cid = [cid]; } if ( type === 'section' || type === 'row_inner' || type === 'row' ) { // Get column's models columns = this.filter_models_by_cids( rows_cid ); // Get column's cids columns_cid = this.pluck_cids_from_models( columns ); // Get module's models modules = this.filter_models_by_cids( columns_cid ); // Look for module as subject module_is_subject = this.filter_subjects( modules ); // Return true if this row gets deleted, remaining subject will be less than two if ( ( this.count_subjects() - module_is_subject.length ) < 2 ) { return true; } } } return false; }, subjects : function () { var subjects = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.where({ et_pb_ab_subject : 'on' }) return subjects; }, subject_ids : function () { var subjects = this.subjects(), subject_ids = []; if ( subjects.length > 0 ) { _.each( subjects, function( subject ) { if ( subject.has( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id' ) ) { subject_ids.push( subject.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id' ) ); } } ); } return subject_ids; }, count_subjects : function() { return this.subjects().length; }, get_subject_id : function() { if ( 0 === this.count_subjects() ) { return 0; } var all_subjects = this.subjects(), subject_ids = []; _.each( all_subjects, function( subject ) { if ( subject.has( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id' ) ) { subject_ids.push( parseInt( subject.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id' ) ) ); } else { subject_ids.push( 0 ); } } ); return ( Math.max.apply( Math, subject_ids ) + 1 ).toString(); }, set_subject : function( view, waiting ) { var that = this; // make sure ab testing database tables created otherwise wait until creating process is finished if ( 'exists' !== et_pb_options.ab_db_status ) { setTimeout( function() { that.set_subject( view, 'waiting' ); }, 500 ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); return; } // finish the loading gif if it was started if ( typeof waiting !== 'undefined' && 'waiting' === waiting ) { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); } // Assign attribute view.model.set( 'et_pb_ab_subject', 'on' ); view.model.set( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id', that.get_subject_id() ); // Mark as selected view.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ); // Turn off subject selecting mode ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_subject = false; $( '#et_pb_layout' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_select_ab_testing_subject' ); // Turn on goal selecting mode if needed if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.count_subjects() < 2 ) { ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_goal = true; $( '#et_pb_layout' ).addClass( 'et_pb_select_ab_testing_goal' ); ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'select_ab_testing_goal' ); } // Update shortcode layout ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); }, set_subject_rank_coloring : function( view ) { var subjects_rank = et_pb_ab_js_options.subjects_rank, subject_id = view.model.has( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id' ) ? 'subject_' + view.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id' ) : false, type = view.model.get( 'type' ), title_selector = '.et-pb-module-title'; // Adjust title selector switch( type ) { case 'section' : title_selector = '.et-pb-section-title'; break; case 'row_inner' : title_selector = '.et-pb-row-title'; break; case 'row' : title_selector = '.et-pb-row-title'; break; } if ( subject_id && ! _.isUndefined( subjects_rank[subject_id] ) && ! _.isUndefined( subjects_rank[subject_id]['rank'] ) && ! _.isUndefined( subjects_rank[subject_id]['percentage'] ) ) { view.$el.addClass( 'rank-' + subjects_rank[subject_id]['rank'] ); view.$el.find(title_selector).append( " (" + subjects_rank[subject_id]['percentage'] + ")" ); } // Add subject ID marker if ( view.model.has( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id' ) ) { if ( type === 'module' ) { view.$el.find('.et-pb-ab-subject-id').remove(); view.$el.find('.et-pb-remove').after( $('<span />', { class : 'et-pb-ab-subject-id' } ).text( view.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id' ) ) ); } else { view.$el.find('.et-pb-ab-subject-id').remove(); view.$el.find(title_selector).append( $('<span />', { class : 'et-pb-ab-subject-id' } ).text( view.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id' ) ) ); } } }, set : function ( view, event ) { if ( this.is_selecting_subject() ) { // Disguiese all global-item related attributes into while being used as Split test if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_global( view.model ) || ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_global_children( view.model ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeGlobalAttributes( view, true ); } this.set_subject( view ); setTimeout( function() { ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish = true; $( '#publish' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); }, 750 ); return; } else if ( this.is_selecting_goal() ) { // Prevent row / section of selected subject to be set as subject if ( this.has_subject( view.model ) ) { this.alert( 'cannot_select_subject_parent_as_goal' ); return; } // Mark as doing combination. This force disables enable_history ET_PageBuilder_App.is_doing_combination = true; // Disguise all global-item related attributes while being used as Split test goal // global item behaviour removes Split testing goal attributes when its setting modal // saves modified configuration if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_global( view.model ) || ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_global_children( view.model ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeGlobalAttributes( view, true ); } // Assign attribute view.model.set( 'et_pb_ab_goal', 'on' ); // Mark as selected view.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ); // Turn off goal selecting mode ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_goal = false; $( '#et_pb_layout' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_select_ab_testing_goal' ); // update post meta with the Goal Module slug $( '#et_pb_ab_goal_module' ).val( view.options.model.attributes.module_type ); // Duplicate subject var subject_model = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere({ et_pb_ab_subject : 'on' }), subject_view = _.isUndefined( subject_model.cid ) ? false : ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( subject_model.get( 'cid' ) ); if ( subject_view ) { var clone_subject, view_settings = { model : subject_view.model, view : subject_view.$el, view_event : event }; clone_subject = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings, true ); clone_subject.copy( event ); clone_subject.pasteAfter( event ); ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'configure_ab_testing_alternative' ); // Update Split Testing Status this.update(); } // Update shortcode layout & rebuild the UI et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); // Wait until et_reinitialize_builder_layout() sequences have been finished // to disable is_doing_combination status setTimeout( function() { ET_PageBuilder_App.is_doing_combination = false; ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'turnon', 'abtesting' ); // Display view stats icon $( '#et_pb_layout .et-pb-app-view-ab-stats-button' ).addClass( 'active' ); delete ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish; $( '#publish' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); }, 650 ); return; } else if ( this.is_selecting_winner() ) { if ( view.options.model.has( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) && view.options.model.get( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) === 'on' ) { // Find other blocks model then remove it var ab_testing_subjects = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.where({ et_pb_ab_subject : 'on' }), view_type, view; // Mark as doing combination. This force disables enable_history ET_PageBuilder_App.is_doing_combination = true; // Turn off Split testing's winner selecting mode ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_winner = false; // Loop subjects _.each( ab_testing_subjects, function( subject ) { // Remove unselected subject if ( view.model.attributes.cid !== subject.attributes.cid ) { subject_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( subject.attributes.cid ); view_type = subject_view.model.get( 'type' ); if ( view_type === 'section' ) { subject_view.removeSection(); } else if ( view_type === 'row' || view_type === 'row_inner' ) { subject_view.removeRow(); } else if ( view_type === 'module' ) { subject_view.removeModule(); } } }); // Remove Split testing related data view.model.unset( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ); view.model.unset( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id' ); // Auto expand collapsed winner if ( view.model.has( 'et_pb_collapsed' ) && view.model.get( 'et_pb_collapsed' ) === 'on' ) { view.model.unset( 'et_pb_collapsed' ); } // Return all disguised global item into actual global item if ( ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_temp_global( view.model ) || ET_PageBuilder_Layout.is_temp_global_children( view.model ) ) { et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'set_global_subject_winner', undefined, undefined, undefined, { view : view } ); return; } // Turn off Split testing sequence this.turn_off_ab_testing_sequence(); return; } else { // Prompt modal box to select winner ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'select_ab_testing_winner_first' ); return; } } }, turn_off_ab_testing_sequence : function () { // Reset subjects_rank data et_pb_ab_js_options.subjects_rank = {}; // Save as shortcode & rebuild builder et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); // Wait until et_reinitialize_builder_layout() sequences have been finished // to disable is_doing_combination status setTimeout( function() { ET_PageBuilder_App.is_doing_combination = false; ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'turnoff', 'abtesting' ); delete ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish; $( '#publish' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); }, 650 ); // Remove nescesarry class for Split testing winner selection mode's UI $( '#et_pb_layout' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_select_ab_testing_winner' ); // Hide view stats icon $( '#et_pb_layout .et-pb-app-view-ab-stats-button' ).removeClass( 'active' ); // Re-enable portability this.toggle_portability( true ); // clear stats for disabled test $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data : { action : 'et_pb_ab_clear_stats', et_pb_ab_nonce : et_pb_options.ab_testing_builder_nonce, et_pb_test_id : et_pb_ab_js_options.test_id }, success : function( response ) { // Reset report data et_pb_ab_js_options.has_report = false; ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats = {}; } }); }, update_saved_subject_ids : function () { var subject_ids = this.subject_ids(), formatted_subject_ids = subject_ids.join(); if ( $( '#et_pb_ab_subjects' ).val() !== formatted_subject_ids ) { $( '#et_pb_ab_subjects' ).val( formatted_subject_ids ).addClass('et_pb_value_updated'); } set_this_editor_in_use(); }, update_layout : function () { if ( this.is_active() ) { /* Layout adjustment */ setTimeout( function() { // Add disable subject removal class var $et_pb_layout = $( '#et_pb_layout' ); if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.count_subjects() < 3 ) { $et_pb_layout.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_disable_subject_removal' ); } else { $et_pb_layout.removeClass( 'et_pb_ab_disable_subject_removal' ); } }, 100 ); /* Individual subject adjustment */ // Section if ( $( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_ab_subject' ).length ) { $( '.et_pb_ab_subject_first' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_first' ); $( '.et_pb_ab_subject_last' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_last' ); $( '.et_pb_section' ).each(function(){ var $section = $(this); $section.find( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_ab_subject:first' ).addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_first' ); $section.find( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_ab_subject:last' ).addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_last' ); }); // Loop sections, adjust section class $( '.et_pb_section.et_pb_ab_subject' ).each(function() { var $section = $(this); if ( ! $section.prev().hasClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) ) { $section.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_first' ); } if ( ! $ 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) ) { $section.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_last' ); } }); } // Row if ( $( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_ab_subject' ).length ) { $( '.et_pb_ab_subject_first' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_first' ); $( '.et_pb_ab_subject_last' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_last' ); $( '.et_pb_section' ).each(function(){ var $section = $(this); $section.find( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_ab_subject:first' ).addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_first' ); $section.find( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_ab_subject:last' ).addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_last' ); }); // Loop rows, adjust row class $( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_ab_subject' ).each(function() { var $row = $(this); if ( ! $row.prev().hasClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) ) { $row.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_first' ); } if ( ! $ 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) ) { $row.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_last' ); } }); } if ( $( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_ab_subject.et_pb_ab_no_permission' ).length || $( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_ab_goal.et_pb_ab_no_permission' ).length ) { $( '.et_pb_row.et_pb_ab_subject.et_pb_ab_no_permission, .et_pb_row.et_pb_ab_goal.et_pb_ab_no_permission' ).each( function() { var $row = $(this); $row.closest( '.et_pb_section' ).addClass( 'et_pb_ab_no_permission_parent' ); }); } // Module if ( $( '.et_pb_module_block.et_pb_ab_subject' ).length ) { $( '.et_pb_ab_subject_first' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_first' ); $( '.et_pb_ab_subject_last' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_last' ); // Loop columns, adjust module class $( '.et-pb-column' ).each(function(){ var $column = $(this); $column.find( '.et_pb_module_block.et_pb_ab_subject:first' ).addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_first' ); $column.find( '.et_pb_module_block.et_pb_ab_subject:last' ).addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_last' ); }); // Loop subjects, adjust module class $( '.et_pb_module_block.et_pb_ab_subject' ).each(function(){ var $module = $(this); if ( ! $module.prev().hasClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) ) { $module.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_first' ); } if ( ! $ 'et_pb_ab_subject' ) ) { $module.addClass( 'et_pb_ab_subject_last' ); } }); } if ( $( '.et_pb_module_block.et_pb_ab_subject.et_pb_ab_no_permission' ).length || $( '.et_pb_module_block.et_pb_ab_goal.et_pb_ab_no_permission' ).length ) { $( '.et_pb_module_block.et_pb_ab_subject.et_pb_ab_no_permission, .et_pb_module_block.et_pb_ab_goal.et_pb_ab_no_permission' ).each( function() { var $module_block = $(this); $module_block.closest( '.et_pb_row' ).addClass( 'et_pb_ab_no_permission_parent' ); $module_block.closest( '.et_pb_section' ).addClass( 'et_pb_ab_no_permission_parent' ); }); } // Make sure that there is at least one expanded subject for carousel effect var expand_first_subject = true, $first_subject, first_subject_cid, first_subject_view; _.each( this.subjects(), function( subject ){ if ( ! subject.has( 'et_pb_collapsed' ) || subject.get( 'et_pb_collapsed' ) === 'off' ) { expand_first_subject = false; } }); if ( expand_first_subject ) { $first_subject = $('.et_pb_ab_subject:first'); first_subject_cid = $first_subject.children( '.et-pb-data-cid' ).attr( 'data-cid' ); first_subject_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( first_subject_cid ); if ( $first_subject.length && ! _.isUndefined( first_subject_view ) ) { $first_subject.removeClass( 'et_pb_collapsed' ); first_subject_view.model.set( 'et_pb_collapsed', 'off' ); } } } }, update : function () { this.update_saved_subject_ids(); this.update_layout(); }, is_alert_valid : function( alert_id ) { // Prevent similar alert to be toggled twice if ( ! _.isUndefined( ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_last_visible_alert ) && ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_last_visible_alert === alert_id ) { return false; } // Log last visible alert ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_last_visible_alert = alert_id; return true; }, alert : function( alert_id ) { // Prevent similar alert to be toggled twice if ( ! this.is_alert_valid( alert_id ) ) { return; } // Display alert et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'ab_testing_alert', undefined, undefined, undefined, { id : alert_id } ); }, alert_yes_no : function( alert_id ) { // Prevent similar alert to be toggled twice if ( ! this.is_alert_valid( alert_id ) ) { return; } // Display alert et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'ab_testing_alert_yes_no', undefined, undefined, undefined, { id : alert_id } ); }, get_all_subjects_stats_settings : function( analysis ) { var $tab = $( '.view-stats-tab[data-analysis="' + analysis + '"]' ), $subjects_filter = $tab.find( '.et-pb-ab-view-stats-subjects-filter' ), $durations_filter = $tab.find( '.et-pb-ab-view-stats-time-filter' ), $analysis_tab_nav = $tab.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links' ), table_column_key = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth'], settings = { subject_statuses : [], subject_ids : [], table : { thead : [], tbody : {}, tfoot : [] } }, data; if ( ! $durations_filter.find( '.active' ).length ) { $durations_filter.find('a[data-duration="' + et_pb_ab_js_options.refresh_interval_duration + '"]').addClass('active'); } data = ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats[ $durations_filter.find( '.active' ).attr( 'data-duration' ) ]; // Get active subjects $subjects_filter.find( 'a' ).each(function(){ var $filter = $(this), subject_status = ! $filter.hasClass( 'inactive' ), subject_has_data = ! $filter.parent( 'li' ).hasClass( 'et-pb-no-data' ), subject_id = $filter.attr( 'data-subject-id' ); if ( subject_has_data ) { settings.subject_statuses.push( subject_status ); } if ( subject_status && subject_has_data ) { settings.subject_ids.push( parseInt( subject_id ) ); } }); // Push table's heading data for ( var thead_tr_index = 0; thead_tr_index < 5; thead_tr_index++ ) { settings.table.thead[ table_column_key[ thead_tr_index ] ] = et_pb_ab_js_options['view_stats_thead_titles'][ analysis ][ thead_tr_index ]; } // Push table's body data if ( ! _.isUndefined( data ) ) { _.each( data.subjects_id, function( subject_id ) { var subject_key = 'subject_' + subject_id, subject_model = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere({ et_pb_ab_subject_id : subject_id }), subject_name = _.isUndefined( subject_model ) || ! subject_model.has( 'admin_label' ) ? false : subject_model.get( 'admin_label' ); if ( ! subject_name || $.inArray( parseInt( subject_id ), settings.subject_ids ) === -1 ) { return; } settings.table.tbody[ subject_key ] = { first : subject_id, second : subject_name, third : data['subjects_totals'][ subject_key ][ et_pb_ab_js_options['analysis_formula'][ analysis ]['denominator'] ], fourth : data['subjects_totals'][ subject_key ][ et_pb_ab_js_options['analysis_formula'][ analysis ]['numerator'] ], fifth : data['subjects_totals'][ subject_key ][ analysis ]+ '%' }; }); settings.table.tfoot = { first : et_pb_ab_js_options.total_title, second : null, third : data['events_totals'][ et_pb_ab_js_options['analysis_formula'][ analysis ]['denominator'] ], fourth : data['events_totals'][ et_pb_ab_js_options['analysis_formula'][ analysis ]['numerator'] ], fifth : data['events_totals'][ analysis ] + '%' }; } return settings; }, switch_view_stats_tab : function() { var $tab_nav = $( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links' ), $tabs_wrapper = $( '.et-pb-ab-view-stats-content.has-data' ), active_analysis = $tab_nav.find( '' ).attr( 'data-analysis' ); $tabs_wrapper.find( '.view-stats-tab' ).removeClass( 'active' ); $tabs_wrapper.find( '.view-stats-tab[data-analysis="' + active_analysis + '"]' ).addClass( 'active' ); }, display_stats_tabs : function( data ) { var this_el = this, thead_template = _.template("<tr><th><%= first %></th><th><%= second %></th><th><%= third %></th><th><%= fourth %></th><th><%= fifth %></th></tr>"), tbody_row_template = _.template("<tr><td><%= first %></td><td><%= second %></td><td><%= third %></td><td><%= fourth %></td><td><%= fifth %></td></tr>"), tfoot_template = _.template("<tr><td colspan='2'><%= first %></td></td><td><%= third %></td><td><%= fourth %></td><td><%= fifth %></td></tr>"), $prompt_modal = $( '.et_pb_prompt_modal.et_pb_ab_view_stats' ), goal_model = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere({ et_pb_ab_goal : "on"}), goal_module_type = goal_model.get( 'module_type' ), subject_ids = $('#et_pb_ab_subjects').val().split(","); if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.subjects_totals ) || et_pb_ab_js_options.has_report ) { // Hide conversions tabs, adjust conversion copy if ( $.inArray( goal_module_type, et_pb_ab_js_options.have_conversions ) === -1 ) { $( '.et_pb_options_tab_ab_stat_conversion,' ).remove(); $( '.et_pb_options_tab_ab_stat_clicks' ).addClass( 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active' ); } else if ( goal_module_type === 'et_pb_shop' ) { $( '.et_pb_options_tab_ab_stat_conversion a' ).text( et_pb_ab_js_options.sales_title ); } // remove the shortcode tracking tab if this option disabled if ( 'on' !== ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.get_shortcode_tracking_status() ) { $( '.et_pb_options_tab_ab_stat_shortcode_conversions' ).remove(); } // Initiate on each tab $prompt_modal.find( '.view-stats-tab' ).each(function() { var $tab = $(this), analysis = $tab.attr( 'data-analysis' ), $line_chart = $( '#ab-testing-stats-' + analysis ), $pie_chart = $( '#ab-testing-stats-pie-' + analysis ), $ab_testing_table = $( '#view-stats-table-' + analysis ), $ab_testing_table_thead = $ab_testing_table.find( 'thead' ), $ab_testing_table_tbody = $ab_testing_table.find( 'tbody' ), $ab_testing_table_tfoot = $ab_testing_table.find( 'tfoot' ), $subjects_filter = $tab.find( '.et-pb-ab-view-stats-subjects-filter' ), $durations_filter = $tab.find( '.et-pb-ab-view-stats-time-filter' ), $pie_chart_legends = $tab.find( '.ab-testing-stats-pie-legends' ), $analysis_tab_nav = $( '.et_pb_ab_view_stats .et-pb-options-tabs-links' ), line_chart_data = { labels: data.dates, datasets: [] }, pie_chart_data = [], line_chart, line_chart_datasets, pie_chart, pie_chart_segments, stats_settings; // Append line and pie graph legends _.each( subject_ids, function( subject_id ){ var subject_key = 'subject_' + subject_id, subject_model = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere({ et_pb_ab_subject_id : subject_id }), subject_name = _.isUndefined( subject_model ) || ! subject_model.has( 'admin_label' ) ? false : subject_model.get( 'admin_label' ); if ( ! subject_name ) { return; } // Generate subject toggle button $toggle_subject = $( '<li />' ).append( $( '<a />', { href : '#', 'data-subject-id' : subject_id } ).text( subject_name ) ); $legend_subject = $( '<li />', { 'data-subject-id' : subject_id } ).append( $( '<a />', { href : '#' } ).text( subject_name ) ).prepend( $( '<span />' ) ); $subjects_filter.append( $toggle_subject ); $pie_chart_legends.append( $legend_subject ); }); // Loop each subject data and insert needed UI if ( ! _.isEmpty( data ) && ! _.isUndefined( data ) && data ) { // Draw graph draw_graphs = this_el.draw_graphs( analysis, data, line_chart, pie_chart, $line_chart, $pie_chart, $ab_testing_table, $ab_testing_table_thead, $ab_testing_table_tbody, $ab_testing_table_tfoot, thead_template, tbody_row_template, tfoot_template, true ); // Update tab's variables line_chart = draw_graphs.line_chart; pie_chart = draw_graphs.pie_chart; line_chart_data = draw_graphs.line_chart_data; pie_chart_data = draw_graphs.pie_chart_data; line_chart_datasets = draw_graphs.line_chart_datasets; pie_chart_segments = draw_graphs.pie_chart_segments; } else { var $active_durations_filter = $durations_filter.find( 'a[data-duration="' + et_pb_ab_js_options.refresh_interval_duration + '"]' ); $active_durations_filter.addClass( 'active' ); $tab.addClass( 'no-tab-data' ); } // Toggle subject stats and graph $subjects_filter.on( 'click', 'a', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $link = $(this), subject_id = $link.attr( 'data-subject-id' ); // Toggle subject nav $(this).toggleClass( 'inactive' ); $pie_chart_legends.find( 'li[data-subject-id="'+ subject_id +'"]' ).toggleClass( 'inactive' ); // Filter by subject filter_subject = this_el.filter_stats_subject( analysis, line_chart, pie_chart, line_chart_datasets, pie_chart_segments, $ab_testing_table, $ab_testing_table_thead, $ab_testing_table_tbody, $ab_testing_table_tfoot, thead_template, tbody_row_template, tfoot_template ); line_chart = filter_subject.line_chart; pie_chart = filter_subject.pie_chart; }); // Toggle legend $pie_chart_legends.on( 'click', 'a', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $link = $(this), li = $link.parent( 'li' ), subject_id = li.attr( 'data-subject-id' ); $subjects_filter.find( 'a[data-subject-id="' + subject_id + '"]' ).trigger( 'click' ); }); // Switch between tabs $analysis_tab_nav.on( 'click', 'a', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // skip the refresh button if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'et-pb-ab-refresh-stats' ) ) { return; } $analysis_tab_nav.find( 'li' ).removeClass( 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active' ); $(this).parent( 'li' ).addClass( 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active' ); this_el.switch_view_stats_tab(); }); // Change time context of the graph $durations_filter.on( 'click', 'a', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $filter = $(this), duration = $filter.attr( 'data-duration' ), $prompt_modal = $( '.et_pb_prompt_modal.et_pb_ab_view_stats' ); $durations_filter.find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'active' ); $filter.addClass( 'active' ); if ( _.isUndefined( ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats[ duration ] ) || ! ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats[ duration ] ) { // Start loading bar ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); // Get Split statistics data $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data : { action : 'et_pb_ab_builder_data', et_pb_ab_nonce : et_pb_options.ab_testing_builder_nonce, et_pb_ab_test_id : et_pb_ab_js_options.test_id, et_pb_ab_duration : duration }, success : function( data ) { // Remove no tab data state $tab.removeClass( 'no-tab-data' ); // Stop loading bar ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); if ( 'false' === data ) { // Display no-data notification $tab.addClass( 'no-tab-data' ); return; } data = $.parseJSON( data ); // Save graph data for quick retrieval if there are data found ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats[ duration ] = data; // Update graph draw_graphs = this_el.draw_graphs( analysis, data, line_chart, pie_chart, $line_chart, $pie_chart, $ab_testing_table, $ab_testing_table_thead, $ab_testing_table_tbody, $ab_testing_table_tfoot, thead_template, tbody_row_template, tfoot_template ); // Update tab's variables line_chart = draw_graphs.line_chart; pie_chart = draw_graphs.pie_chart; line_chart_data = draw_graphs.line_chart_data; pie_chart_data = draw_graphs.pie_chart_data; line_chart_datasets = draw_graphs.line_chart_datasets; pie_chart_segments = draw_graphs.pie_chart_segments; } }); } else { // Remove no tab data state $tab.removeClass( 'no-tab-data' ); // Get appropriate data based on duration data = ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats[ duration ]; // Update graph draw_graphs = this_el.draw_graphs( analysis, data, line_chart, pie_chart, $line_chart, $pie_chart, $ab_testing_table, $ab_testing_table_thead, $ab_testing_table_tbody, $ab_testing_table_tfoot, thead_template, tbody_row_template, tfoot_template ); // Update tab's variables line_chart = draw_graphs.line_chart; pie_chart = draw_graphs.pie_chart; line_chart_data = draw_graphs.line_chart_data; pie_chart_data = draw_graphs.pie_chart_data; line_chart_datasets = draw_graphs.line_chart_datasets; pie_chart_segments = draw_graphs.pie_chart_segments; } }); }) // Refresh split test $prompt_modal.on( 'click', '.et-pb-ab-refresh-stats', function() { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data : { action : 'et_pb_ab_clear_cache', et_pb_ab_nonce : et_pb_options.ab_testing_builder_nonce, et_pb_test_id : et_pb_ab_js_options.test_id }, success : function( data ) { ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats = {}; // emulate click on the current filter link to re-draw the current graph $( '.et-pb-ab-view-stats-time-filter' ).find( '' ).click(); } }); } ); // Display UI $prompt_modal.addClass( 'et-pb-loaded' ).find( '.et-pb-ab-view-stats-content.has-data, .et-pb-options-tabs-links' ).css({ 'opacity' : 1 }); this_el.switch_view_stats_tab(); } else { // Display no-data notification $prompt_modal.find( '.et-pb-ab-view-stats-content.has-data, .et-pb-options-tabs-links' ).hide(); $prompt_modal.find( '' ).css({ 'opacity' : 1, 'display' : 'block' }); return; } }, draw_graphs : function( analysis, data, line_chart, pie_chart, $line_chart, $pie_chart, $ab_testing_table, $ab_testing_table_thead, $ab_testing_table_tbody, $ab_testing_table_tfoot, thead_template, tbody_row_template, tfoot_template, skip_subject_filtering ) { var line_chart_data = { labels: $.merge( [""], data.dates ), datasets: [] }, pie_chart_data = [], $tab = $line_chart.closest( '.view-stats-tab' ), $toggle_subject = $tab.find( '.et-pb-ab-view-stats-subjects-filter' ), $legend_subject = $tab.find( '.ab-testing-stats-pie-legends' ); _.each( data.subjects_id, function( subject_id ){ var subject_key = 'subject_' + subject_id, subject_model = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere({ et_pb_ab_subject_id : subject_id }), subject_name = _.isUndefined( subject_model ) || _.isUndefined( subject_model.attributes.admin_label ) ? false : subject_model.attributes.admin_label, $toggle_subject_item = $toggle_subject.find( 'a[data-subject-id="' + subject_id + '"]' ), $legend_subject_item = $legend_subject.find( 'li[data-subject-id="' + subject_id + '"] span' ); if ( ! subject_name ) { return; } // Update toggle and legend item if needed if ( _.isUndefined( $toggle_subject_item.attr( 'style' ) ) ) { $toggle_subject_item.css({ 'backgroundColor' : data['subjects_totals'][ subject_key ]['color'] } ); } if ( _.isUndefined( $legend_subject_item.attr( 'style' ) ) ) { $legend_subject_item.css({ 'backgroundColor' : data['subjects_totals'][ subject_key ]['color'] } ); } // Generate line chart data line_chart_data.datasets.push({ subject_id : subject_id, label: subject_name, fillColor: "transparent", strokeColor: data['subjects_totals'][ subject_key ]['color'], pointColor: data['subjects_totals'][ subject_key ]['color'], pointStrokeColor: "#fff", data: $.merge( [ null ], _.values( data['subjects_analysis'][ subject_key ][ analysis ] ) ) }); // Generate pie chart data pie_chart_data.push({ value : ( data['subjects_totals'][ subject_key ][ analysis ] ), color : data['subjects_totals'][ subject_key ]['color'], label : '#' + subject_id + ': ' + subject_name }); }); // Reset hide/show state of toggle subject and pie chart legend $toggle_subject.find('li').removeClass( 'et-pb-no-data' ); $legend_subject.find('li').removeClass( 'et-pb-no-data' ); // Hide/show toggle and legend _.each( $( '#et_pb_ab_subjects' ).val().split( ',' ), function( subject_id ) { if ( $.inArray( subject_id, data.subjects_id ) === -1 ) { $toggle_subject.find( 'a[data-subject-id="' + subject_id + '"]' ).parent( 'li' ).addClass( 'et-pb-no-data' ); $legend_subject.find( 'li[data-subject-id="' + subject_id + '"]' ).addClass( 'et-pb-no-data' ); } } ) // Define stats settings stats_settings = this.get_all_subjects_stats_settings( analysis ); // Draw Table $ab_testing_table_thead.empty().html( $( thead_template( stats_settings.table.thead ) ) ); $ab_testing_table_tbody.empty(); _.each( stats_settings.table.tbody, function( row ){ $ab_testing_table_tbody.append( $( tbody_row_template( row ) ) ); }); $ab_testing_table_tfoot.empty().html( $( tfoot_template( stats_settings.table.tfoot ) ) ); if ( _.size( stats_settings.table.tbody ) > 1 ) { // Make table sortable $ab_testing_table.tablesorter(); var $ab_testing_table_first_head_column = $ab_testing_table.find( 'thead th:first' ); if ( ! $ab_testing_table_first_head_column.hasClass( '.headerSortDown' ) ) { setTimeout( function(){ $ab_testing_table_first_head_column.trigger( 'click' ); }, 500 ); } } // Draw Line Chart if ( ! _.isUndefined( line_chart ) ) { line_chart.destroy(); } // make the tab's content visible to draw the graphs $line_chart.closest( '.view-stats-tab' ).addClass( 'et_pb_ab_visible_tab' ); line_chart = new Chart( $line_chart.get(0).getContext("2d") ).Line( line_chart_data, { scaleFontSize : 13, scaleFontColor : "#a1a9b1", scaleLabel: "<%=value%>%", scaleGridLineWidth : 2, scaleLineWidth: 2, tooltipTemplate: "<%if (label){%><%=label%>: <%}%><%= value %>%", multiTooltipTemplate: "<%= value %>%", datasetStrokeWidth : 4, pointDotStrokeWidth : 2, pointDotRadius : 7 } ); // Save datasets line_chart_datasets = line_chart.datasets; // Draw Pie chart if ( ! _.isUndefined( pie_chart ) ) { pie_chart.destroy(); } // initialize the pie chart only if canvas visible to avoid js errors if ( $ ':visible' ) ) { pie_chart = new Chart( $pie_chart.get(0).getContext("2d") ).Pie( pie_chart_data, { animationEasing : 'easeInCubic', animationSteps : 50, tooltipTemplate: "<%if (label){%><%=label%><%}%>" } ); // Save segments pie_chart_segments = pie_chart.segments; } // Filter by subject if ( _.isUndefined( skip_subject_filtering ) ) { filter_subject = this.filter_stats_subject( analysis, line_chart, pie_chart, line_chart_datasets, pie_chart_segments, $ab_testing_table, $ab_testing_table_thead, $ab_testing_table_tbody, $ab_testing_table_tfoot, thead_template, tbody_row_template, tfoot_template ); line_chart = filter_subject.line_chart; pie_chart = filter_subject.pie_chart; } // remove visible class after graphs were generated $line_chart.closest( '.view-stats-tab' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_ab_visible_tab' ); return { line_chart : line_chart, pie_chart : pie_chart, line_chart_data : line_chart_data, pie_chart_data : pie_chart_data, line_chart_datasets : line_chart_datasets, pie_chart_segments : pie_chart_segments } }, filter_stats_subject : function( analysis, line_chart, pie_chart, line_chart_datasets, pie_chart_segments, $ab_testing_table, $ab_testing_table_thead, $ab_testing_table_tbody, $ab_testing_table_tfoot, thead_template, tbody_row_template, tfoot_template ) { // Get settings and modify chart data var stats_settings = this.get_all_subjects_stats_settings( analysis ), updated_line_chart_data = _.compact( line_chart_datasets, function( item, key ) { return stats_settings.subject_statuses[ key ] ? item : false } ) ), updated_pie_chart_data = _.compact( pie_chart_segments, function( item, key ) { return stats_settings.subject_statuses[ key ] ? item : false } ) ), table_row_size; // Update line chart line_chart.datasets = updated_line_chart_data; line_chart.update(); // Emptying table $ab_testing_table_thead.empty(); $ab_testing_table_tbody.empty(); $ab_testing_table_tfoot.empty(); // Update table's head $ab_testing_table_thead.html( $( thead_template( stats_settings.table.thead ) ) ); _.each( stats_settings.table.tbody, function( row ){ $ab_testing_table_tbody.append( $( tbody_row_template( row ) ) ); }); // Update table row size table_row_size = _.size( stats_settings.table.tbody ); // Initiate table sorter and manually sorting table by triggering click if there is a body table if ( table_row_size > 1 ) { // Make table sortable $ab_testing_table.tablesorter(); var $ab_testing_table_first_head_column = $ab_testing_table.find( 'thead th:first' ); if ( ! $ab_testing_table_first_head_column.hasClass( '.headerSortDown' ) ) { setTimeout( function(){ $ab_testing_table_first_head_column.trigger( 'click' ); }, 500 ); } } // Update table footer calculation if ( table_row_size > 0 ) { tfoot_third_data = _.pluck( stats_settings.table.tbody, 'third' ); tfoot_fourth_data = _.pluck( stats_settings.table.tbody, 'fourth' ); tfoot_fifth_data = _.pluck( stats_settings.table.tbody, 'fifth' ), function( num ) { return parseFloat( num ) }); tfoot_third = _.reduce( tfoot_third_data, function( a, b ) { return a + b; }, 0 ); tfoot_fourth = _.reduce( tfoot_fourth_data, function( a, b ) { return a + b; }, 0 ); tfoot_fifth = ( _.reduce( tfoot_fifth_data, function( a, b ) { return a + b; }, 0 ) / _.size( tfoot_fifth_data ) ).toFixed(2) + '%'; $ab_testing_table_tfoot.html( $( tfoot_template( { first : et_pb_ab_js_options.total_title, second : null, third : tfoot_third, fourth : tfoot_fourth, fifth : tfoot_fifth } ) ) ); } // Update pie chart pie_chart.segments = updated_pie_chart_data; pie_chart.update(); return { line_chart : line_chart, pie_chart : pie_chart } }, delete_post_meta : function(){ // Update all Split testing related hidden post meta data so it will be removed when the page is updated this.toggle_status( false ); $( '#et_pb_ab_subjects' ).val( '' ); set_this_editor_in_use(); }, subject_carousel : function( cid ) { var current_subject_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( cid ), subject_models = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.where({ 'et_pb_ab_subject' : 'on' }), collapse_status = current_subject_view.model.get( 'et_pb_collapsed' ), collapse_status_others = collapse_status === 'on' ? 'off' : 'on'; _.each( subject_models, function( subject_model ){ var subject_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( subject_model.attributes.cid ); if ( subject_view.model.get( 'cid' ) === current_subject_view.model.get( 'cid' ) ) { if ( collapse_status === 'on' ) { subject_view.model.set( 'et_pb_collapsed', 'off' ); } } else { if ( collapse_status === 'on' ) { subject_view.model.set( 'et_pb_collapsed', 'on' ); } else { subject_view.model.set( 'et_pb_collapsed', collapse_status_others ); } } if ( subject_view.model.get( 'et_pb_collapsed' ) === 'on' ) { subject_view.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_collapsed' ); } else { subject_view.$el.removeClass( 'et_pb_collapsed' ); } }); } }; $et_pb_content.remove(); // button can be disabled, therefore use the button wrapper to determine whether to display builder or not if ( $toggle_builder_button_wrapper.hasClass( 'et_pb_builder_is_used' ) ) { $; et_pb_hide_layout_settings(); } $ function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $this_el = $(this), is_builder_used = $this_el.hasClass( 'et_pb_builder_is_used' ), $et_pb_fb_cta = $( '#et_pb_fb_cta' ), content; if ( is_builder_used ) { et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'deactivate_builder' ); } else { content = et_pb_get_content( 'content' ); $et_pb_old_content.val( content ); ET_PageBuilder_App.reInitialize(); $use_builder_custom_field.val( 'on' ); $; $this_el.text( $ 'editor' ) ); $main_editor_wrapper.toggleClass( 'et_pb_hidden' ); $this_el.toggleClass( 'et_pb_builder_is_used' ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-activate-builder' ); et_pb_hide_layout_settings(); $; } } ); $( '#et_pb_fb_cta' ).click( function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // Fade wrap. $( 'html' ).fadeOut(); // Set redirect. $( 'form#post' ).append( '<input type="hidden" name="et-fb-builder-redirect" value="' + $( this ).attr('href') + '" />' ); // Set builder. if ( ! $toggle_builder_button.hasClass( 'et_pb_builder_is_used' ) ) { $et_pb_old_content.val( et_pb_get_content( 'content' ) ); ET_PageBuilder_App.reInitialize(); $use_builder_custom_field.val( 'on' ); } // Prevent reload box and queue save to allow builder to create empty section if necessary. $( window ) .off( 'beforeunload' ) .delay( 500 ) .queue( function() { var trigger = $( '#save-action #save-post' ); // Publish if save draft isn't present. if ( trigger.length === 0 ){ trigger = $( '#publishing-action #publish' ); } trigger.trigger( 'click' ); } ); } ).contextmenu( function() { $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: $( '#post' ).attr( 'action' ), data: $('#post').serializeArray(), } ); } ); function et_pb_deactivate_builder() { var $body = $( 'body' ), page_position = 0; $et_pb_fb_cta = $( '#et_pb_fb_cta' ); $et_pb_fb_cta.hide(); et_pb_set_content( 'content', $et_pb_old_content.val() ); window.wpActiveEditor = 'content'; $use_builder_custom_field.val( 'off' ); $builder.hide(); $toggle_builder_button.text( $ 'builder' ) ).toggleClass( 'et_pb_builder_is_used' ); $main_editor_wrapper.toggleClass( 'et_pb_hidden' ); et_pb_show_layout_settings(); page_position = $body.scrollTop(); $body.scrollTop( page_position + 1 ); ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-deactivate-builder' ); // If Split testing is active, remove all Split testing related post meta if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.delete_post_meta(); } //trigger window resize event to trigger tinyMCE editor toolbar sizes recalculation. $( window ).trigger( 'resize' ); } function et_pb_create_prompt_modal( action, cid_or_element, module_width, columns_layout, template_settings ) { var on_top_class = -1 !== $.inArray( action, [ 'save_template', 'reset_advanced_settings' ] ) ? ' et_modal_on_top' : '', on_top_both_actions_class = 'reset_advanced_settings' === action ? ' et_modal_on_top_both_actions' : '', $modal = $( '<div class="et_pb_modal_overlay' + on_top_class + on_top_both_actions_class + '" data-action="' + action + '"></div>' ), modal_interface = $( '#et-builder-prompt-modal-' + action ).length ? $( '#et-builder-prompt-modal-' + action ).html() : $( '#et-builder-prompt-modal' ).html(), modal_content = _.template( $( '#et-builder-prompt-modal-' + action + '-text' ).html() ), modal_attributes = {}, $yes_no_button_wrapper, $yes_no_button, $yes_no_select; et_pb_close_all_right_click_options(); // Lock body scroll $('body').addClass('et_pb_stop_scroll'); if ( 'save_template' === action ) { var current_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( cid_or_element.model.get( 'cid' ) ), parent_view = typeof current_view.model.get( 'parent' ) !== 'undefined' ? ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( current_view.model.get( 'parent' ) ) : '', $global_children = current_view.$el.find( '.et_pb_global' ), is_global = current_view.$ '.et_pb_global' ), has_global = $global_children.length ? 'has_global' : 'no_globals'; modal_attributes.is_global = typeof current_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== current_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ? 'global' : 'regular'; modal_attributes.is_global_child = '' !== parent_view && ( ( typeof parent_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== parent_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ) || ( typeof parent_view.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== parent_view.model.get( 'global_parent_cid' ) ) ) ? 'global' : 'regular'; modal_attributes.module_type = current_view.model.get( 'type' ); } if ( ! _.isUndefined( template_settings ) ) { $.extend( modal_attributes, template_settings ); } $modal.append( modal_interface ); $modal.find( '.et_pb_prompt_modal' ).prepend( modal_content( modal_attributes ) ); if ( 'open_settings' === action ) { var $et_pb_enable_ab_testing = $modal.find( '#et_pb_enable_ab_testing' ), $et_pb_stats_refresh_option = $modal.find( '#et_pb_ab_refresh_interval' ), $et_pb_shortcode_tracking_option = $modal.find( '#et_pb_enable_shortcode_tracking' ), $et_pb_shortcode_tracking_val = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.get_shortcode_tracking_status(), $et_pb_enable_ab_value = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ? 'on' : 'off', $et_pb_stats_refresh_value = ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.get_stats_refresh_interval(); $modal.addClass( 'et_pb_builder_settings' ); $et_pb_enable_ab_testing.children( 'option' ).removeAttr( 'selected' ); $et_pb_enable_ab_testing.children( 'option[value="' + $et_pb_enable_ab_value + '"]' ).attr( 'selected', 'selected' ); $et_pb_shortcode_tracking_option.children( 'option[value="' + $et_pb_shortcode_tracking_val + '"]' ).attr( 'selected', 'selected' ); $et_pb_stats_refresh_option.children( 'option[value="' + $et_pb_stats_refresh_value + '"]' ).attr( 'selected', 'selected' ); // update the shortcode et_pb_update_tracking_shortcode(); $modal.find( '.et_pb_prompt_field_list' ).each(function() { var $field_list = $(this); id = $field_list.attr( 'data-id' ), type = $field_list.attr( 'data-type' ), autoload = $field_list.attr( 'data-autoload' ), $saving_input = $( '#' + id ), saved_value = $saving_input.val(); switch ( type ) { case ( 'yes_no_button' ) : var $yn_wrapper = $field_list.find( '.et_pb_yes_no_button_wrapper' ), $yn_button = $field_list.find( '.et_pb_yes_no_button' ), $yn_select = $field_list.find( 'select' ), yn_value = $yn_select.val(); // Determine Y/N button state on load if ( yn_value === 'on' ) { $yn_button.removeClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ).addClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); } else { $yn_button.removeClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ).addClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ); } // On button click $ function() { var $yn_button = $(this); if ( $yn_button.hasClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ) ) { $yn_button.removeClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ).addClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); $yn_select.val( 'on' ); } else { $yn_button.removeClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ).addClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ); $yn_select.val( 'off' ); } $yn_select.trigger( 'change' ); }); // On select change $yn_select.change( function() { var $yn_select = $(this), value = $yn_select.val(); if ( value === 'on' ) { $yn_button.removeClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ).addClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); } else { $yn_button.removeClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ).addClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ); } // Updated affected ids if ( $ 'affects' ) !== '' ) { var affects = $field_list.attr( 'data-affects' ), affected_ids = affects.split( '|' ); _.each( affected_ids, function( affected_id ){ var $selector = $modal.find( '.et_pb_prompt_field_list[data-id="' + affected_id + '"]' ), visibility_dependency = $selector.attr( 'data-visibility-dependency' ); if ( value === visibility_dependency && $field_list.hasClass( 'et-pb-visible' ) ) { $selector.addClass( 'et-pb-visible' ); $selector.find( 'select' ).trigger( 'change' ); } else { $selector.removeClass( 'et-pb-visible' ); // hide all dependant options if hidden option affects someting if ( $ 'affects' ) !== '' ) { var affected_ids = $ 'affects' ).split( '|' ); _.each( affected_ids, function( affected_id ) { var $selector = $modal.find( '.et_pb_prompt_field_list[data-id="' + affected_id + '"]' ); $selector.removeClass( 'et-pb-visible' ); } ); } } }); } }); // Trigger select on load to initiate necesarry change $yn_select.trigger( 'change' ); break; case ( 'color-alpha' ) : var $input_colorpicker = $field_list.find( '.input-colorpicker' ); $input_colorpicker.val( saved_value ).wpColorPicker({ width: 313 }); break; case ( 'colorpalette' ) : var $palette_wrapper = $(this), $colorpalette_colorpickers = $palette_wrapper.find( '.input-colorpalette-colorpicker' ), colorpalette_colorpicker_index = 0, saved_palette = saved_value.split( '|' ); $colorpalette_colorpickers.each(function(){ var $colorpalette_colorpicker = $(this), colorpalette_colorpicker_color = saved_palette[ colorpalette_colorpicker_index ]; $colorpalette_colorpicker.val( colorpalette_colorpicker_color ).wpColorPicker({ hide : false, default : $(this).data( 'default-color' ), width: 313, palettes : false, change : function( event, ui ) { var $input = $(this), data_index = $input.attr( 'data-index'), $preview = $modal.find( '.colorpalette-item-' + data_index ), color = ui.color.toString(); $input.val( color ); $preview.css({ 'backgroundColor' : color }); set_this_editor_in_use(); } }); $colorpalette_colorpicker.trigger( 'change' ); $colorpalette_colorpicker.siblings('.wp-picker-clear').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $colorpalette_colorpicker.wpColorPicker( 'color', colorpalette_colorpicker_color ) }); $colorpalette_colorpicker.closest( '.wp-picker-container' ).find( '.wp-color-result' ).attr( 'title', et_pb_options.select_text ); $colorpalette_colorpicker.closest( '.wp-picker-container' ).on( 'click', '.wp-color-result', function( event ) { // Hide active colorpalette colorpicker when "Select" button clicked $palette_wrapper.find( '.colorpalette-colorpicker' ).removeClass( 'active' ); }); colorpalette_colorpicker_index++; }); $palette_wrapper.on( 'click', '.colorpalette-item', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var $colorpalette_item = $(this), data_index = $colorpalette_item.attr( 'data-index' ); // Hide other colorpalette colorpicker $palette_wrapper.find( '.colorpalette-colorpicker').removeClass( 'active' ); // Display selected colorpalette colorpicker $palette_wrapper.find( '.colorpalette-colorpicker[data-index="' + data_index + '"]').addClass( 'active' ); }); break; case ( 'range' ) : var $input_range = $field_list.find( 'input[type="range"]' ), value = $input_range.val(), input_min = $input_range.attr('min'), input_max = $input_range.attr('max'), $input_wrapper = $input_range.parent( 'div' ), $input_number_template = $( '<input />', { type : 'number', step : 1, class : 'et-pb-range-input', min : input_min, max : input_max, value : value }), $input_number; // Assign saved value $input_range.val( saved_value ); // Append number input $input_wrapper.append( $input_number_template ); $input_number = $input_wrapper.find( '.et-pb-range-input' ); $input_range.on( 'change input', function() { var value = $(this).val(); $input_number.val( value ); }); $input_number.on( 'change keydown', function(){ var value = $(this).val(); $input_range.val( value ); }); $input_range.trigger( 'change' ); break; case( 'textarea' ) : var $textarea = $(this).find( 'textarea' ); $textarea.val( saved_value ); break; } }); } if ( 'view_ab_stats' === action ) { if ( $( '.et-pb-ab-view-stats-content' ).length ) { return; } // Start loading bar ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); // Prevent cannot read undefined value if ( _.isUndefined( ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats = {}; } if ( _.isUndefined( ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats[ et_pb_ab_js_options.refresh_interval_duration ] ) ) { // Get Split statistics data $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data : { action : 'et_pb_ab_builder_data', et_pb_ab_nonce : et_pb_options.ab_testing_builder_nonce, et_pb_ab_test_id : et_pb_ab_js_options.test_id, et_pb_ab_duration : et_pb_ab_js_options.refresh_interval_duration }, success : function( data ) { // Stop loading bar ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); data = $.parseJSON( data ); // Save graph data for quick retrieval if there are data found ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats[ et_pb_ab_js_options.refresh_interval_duration ] = data; // Display all subjects graph ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.display_stats_tabs( data ); } }); } else { // Display all subjects graph setTimeout( function() { // Stop loading bar ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.display_stats_tabs( ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_stats[ et_pb_ab_js_options.refresh_interval_duration ] ); }, 500 ); } } if ( 'ab_testing_alert_yes_no' === action && ! _.isUndefined( ) ) { $modal.attr({ 'data-action' : action + '_' + }); } $( 'body' ).append( $modal ); if ( $('.et_pb_prompt_modal').css('bottom') === 'auto' ) { window.et_pb_align_vertical_modal( $modal.find('.et_pb_prompt_modal'), '.et_pb_prompt_buttons' ); } setTimeout( function() { $modal.find('select, input, textarea, radio').filter(':eq(0)').focus(); }, 1 ); if ( 'rename_admin_label' === action ) { var admin_label = $modal.find( 'input#et_pb_new_admin_label' ), current_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( cid_or_element ), current_admin_label = current_view.model.get( 'admin_label' ).trim(); if ( current_admin_label !== '' ) { admin_label.val( current_admin_label ); } } $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay .et_pb_prompt_proceed' ).click( function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $prompt_modal = $(this).closest( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ); switch( $ 'action' ).trim() ){ case 'deactivate_builder' : et_pb_deactivate_builder(); break; case 'clear_layout' : ET_PageBuilder_App.removeAllSections( true ); break; case 'rename_admin_label' : var admin_label = $prompt_modal.find( '#et_pb_new_admin_label' ).val().trim(), current_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( cid_or_element ); // TODO: Decide if we want to allow blank admin labels if ( admin_label == '' ) { $prompt_modal.find( '#et_pb_new_admin_label' ).focus() return; } current_view.model.set( 'admin_label', admin_label, { silent : true } ); current_view.renameModule(); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'renamed', 'module', admin_label ); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); break; case 'reset_advanced_settings' : cid_or_element.each( function() { et_pb_reset_element_settings( $(this) ); } ); break; case 'save_layout' : var layout_name = $prompt_modal.find( '#et_pb_new_layout_name' ).val().trim(); if ( layout_name == '' ) { $prompt_modal.find( '#et_pb_new_layout_name' ).focus() return; } $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_save_layout', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_layout_name : layout_name, et_layout_content : et_pb_get_content( 'content' ), et_layout_type : 'layout', et_post_type : et_pb_options.post_type }, success: function( data ) { // update the list of saved layouts after new one was added et_load_saved_layouts( 'not_predefined', '', '', et_pb_options.post_type, true ); } } ); break; case 'save_template' : var template_name = $prompt_modal.find( '#et_pb_new_template_name' ).val().trim(), layout_scope = $prompt_modal.find( $( '#et_pb_template_global' ) ).is( ':checked' ) ? 'global' : 'not_global', $module_settings_container = $( '.et_pb_module_settings' ), module_type = $ 'module_type' ), layout_type = ( 'section' === module_type || 'row' === module_type ) ? module_type : 'module', module_width_upd = typeof module_width !== 'undefined' ? module_width : 'regular', module_cid = cid_or_element.model.get( 'cid' ), template_shortcode = '', selected_cats = '', new_cat = $prompt_modal.find( '#et_pb_new_cat_name' ).val(), ignore_global = is_global || ( typeof has_global !== 'undefined' && 'has_global' === has_global && 'global' === layout_scope ) ? 'ignore_global' : 'include_global', ignore_saved_tabs = 'ignore_global' === ignore_global ? 'ignore_global_tabs' : '', $modal_settings_container = $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ), $modal_overlay = $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ); layout_type = 'row_inner' === module_type ? 'row' : layout_type; if ( template_name == '' ) { $prompt_modal.find( '#et_pb_new_template_name' ).focus(); return; } if ( $( '.layout_cats_container input' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $( '.layout_cats_container input' ).each( function() { var this_input = $( this ); if ( ':checked' ) ) { selected_cats += '' !== selected_cats ? ',' + this_input.val() : this_input.val(); } }); } if ( 'module' === layout_type ) { cid_or_element.model.set( 'et_pb_saved_tabs', 'all', { silent : true } ); } cid_or_element.performSaving(); template_shortcode = ET_PageBuilder_App.generateCompleteShortcode( module_cid, layout_type, ignore_global, ignore_saved_tabs ); if ( 'row_inner' === module_type ) { template_shortcode = template_shortcode.replace( /et_pb_row_inner/g, 'et_pb_row' ); template_shortcode = template_shortcode.replace( /et_pb_column_inner/g, 'et_pb_column' ); } $modal_settings_container.addClass( 'et_pb_modal_closing' ); $modal_overlay.addClass( 'et_pb_overlay_closing' ); setTimeout( function() { if ( 'module' === layout_type ) { et_pb_tinymce_remove_control( 'et_pb_content_new' ); } $modal_settings_container.remove(); $modal_overlay.remove(); $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_stop_scroll' ); }, 600 ); $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', data: { action : 'et_pb_save_layout', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_layout_name : template_name, et_layout_content : template_shortcode, et_layout_scope : layout_scope, et_layout_type : layout_type, et_module_width : module_width_upd, et_columns_layout : columns_layout, et_selected_tabs : 'all', et_module_type : module_type, et_layout_cats : selected_cats, et_layout_new_cat : new_cat, et_post_type : et_pb_options.post_type, }, beforeSend: function( data ) { //show overlay which blocks the entire screen to avoid js errors if user starts editing the module immediately after saving if ( 'global' === layout_scope ) { if ( ! $( 'body' ).find( '.et_pb_global_loading_overlay' ).length ) { $( 'body' ).append( '<div class="et_pb_global_loading_overlay"></div>' ); } } }, success : function( data ) { if ( 'global' === layout_scope ) { var model = ET_PageBuilder_App.collection.find( function( model ) { return model.get( 'cid' ) == module_cid; } ); model.set( 'et_pb_global_module', data.post_id ); if ( 'ignore_global' === ignore_global ) { if ( $global_children.length ) { $global_children.each( function() { var child_cid = $( this ).data( 'cid' ); if ( typeof child_cid !== 'undefined' && '' !== child_cid ) { var child_model = ET_PageBuilder_App.collection.find( function( model ) { return model.get( 'cid' ) == child_cid; } ); child_model.unset( 'et_pb_global_module' ); child_model.unset( 'et_pb_saved_tabs' ); } }); } } et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); setTimeout( function(){ $( 'body' ).find( '.et_pb_global_loading_overlay' ).remove(); }, 650 ); } // clear the library cache to update the library modules list $et_pb_templates_cache = {}; } } ); break; case 'open_settings' : var $enable_ab_testing_select = $modal.find( '#et_pb_enable_ab_testing' ), refresh_ab_stats_interval_value = $modal.find( '#et_pb_ab_refresh_interval' ).val(), enable_ab_testing_select_value = $enable_ab_testing_select.val() === 'on' ? true : false, shortcode_tracking_value = $modal.find( '#et_pb_enable_shortcode_tracking' ).val(), $refresh_ab_stats_interval_meta = $( '#et_pb_ab_stats_refresh_interval' ), $shortcode_tracking_value_meta = $( '#et_pb_enable_shortcode_tracking' ); // Passes settings data to hidden inputs $modal.find( '.et_pb_prompt_field_list' ).each(function(){ var $item = $( this ), id = $item.attr( 'data-id' ), autoload = $item.attr( 'data-autoload' ) === '1' ? true : false, $saving_input = $( '#' + id ), saving_palette = [], initial_value = $saving_input.val() // Only pass autoload item if ( ! autoload ) { return; } if ( $item.hasClass( 'colorpalette' ) ) { $item.find( '.input-colorpalette-colorpicker' ).each(function() { saving_palette.push( $(this).val() ); }); $saving_input.val( saving_palette.join('|') ); if ( initial_value !== saving_palette.join('|') ) { $saving_input.addClass( 'et_pb_value_updated' ); set_this_editor_in_use(); } // update option so updated color palette will be applied immediately et_pb_options.page_color_palette = saving_palette.join('|'); } else { $saving_input.val( $item.find( '#' + id ).val() ); if ( initial_value !== $item.find( '#' + id ).val() ) { $saving_input.addClass( 'et_pb_value_updated' ); set_this_editor_in_use(); } if ( 'et_pb_section_background_color' === $saving_input.attr( 'id' ) ) { et_pb_options.page_section_bg_color = $item.find( '#' + id ).val(); } if ( 'et_pb_page_gutter_width' === $saving_input.attr( 'id' ) ) { et_pb_options.page_gutter_width = $item.find( '#' + id ).val(); } } }); // Update Split testing status meta data ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.toggle_status( enable_ab_testing_select_value ); // Update Refresh stats interval meta data $refresh_ab_stats_interval_meta.val( refresh_ab_stats_interval_value ); $shortcode_tracking_value_meta.val( shortcode_tracking_value ); et_pb_ab_js_options.refresh_interval_duration = _.isUndefined( et_pb_ab_js_options.refresh_interval_durations[ refresh_ab_stats_interval_value ] ) ? 'day' : et_pb_ab_js_options.refresh_interval_durations[ refresh_ab_stats_interval_value ]; if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Look for subject 1 of AB testing. If there isn't any, prompt subject selector mode if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.count_subjects() < 2 ) { ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish = true; $( '#publish' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.check_create_db(); // Prompt select subject modal box ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert_yes_no( 'select_ab_testing_subject' ); // Turn on Split testing subject selection mode ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_subject = true; // Adding nescesarry class for Split testing subject selection mode's UI $( '#et_pb_layout' ).addClass( 'et_pb_select_ab_testing_subject' ); } } else { // Turn off Split testing subject selection mode ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_subject = false; // Check against "on to off" or "off to off" state if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.count_subjects() > 0 ) { et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'turn_off_ab_testing' ); } } break; case 'turn_off_ab_testing' : // Remove goal var ab_goals = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.where({ et_pb_ab_goal : 'on' }), ab_goal_view; _.each( ab_goals, function( ab_goal ){ delete ab_goal.attributes.et_pb_ab_goal; if ( ! _.isUndefined( ab_goal.attributes.et_pb_temp_global_module ) || ! _.isUndefined( ab_goal.attributes.et_pb_temp_global_parent ) ) { ab_goal_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( ab_goal.attributes.cid ); ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeTemporaryGlobalAttributes( ab_goal_view, true ); } }); // Disable publish button ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish = true; $( '#publish' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); // Turn on Split Testing selecting winner mode ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_winner = true; // Adding nescesarry class for Split testing winner selection mode's UI $( '#et_pb_layout' ).addClass( 'et_pb_select_ab_testing_winner' ); break; case 'set_global_subject_winner' : // Remove Temporary global attributes ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeTemporaryGlobalAttributes( template_settings.view ); // Turn off Split testing sequence ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.turn_off_ab_testing_sequence(); break; case 'ab_testing_alert' : if ( ! _.isUndefined( ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_last_visible_alert ) ) { delete ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_last_visible_alert; } break; case 'view_ab_stats' : // Set split test to off ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.toggle_status( false ); // Turn off Split testing subject selection mode ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_subject = false; // Check against "on to off" or "off to off" state if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.count_subjects() > 0 ) { et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'turn_off_ab_testing' ); } break; } et_pb_close_modal( $( this ) ); } ); $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay .et_pb_prompt_proceed_alternative' ).click( function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $prompt_modal = $(this).closest( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ); switch( $ 'action' ).trim() ){ case 'set_global_subject_winner' : // Revive global attributes ET_PageBuilder_Layout.removeTemporaryGlobalAttributes( template_settings.view, true ); // Turn off Split testing sequence ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.turn_off_ab_testing_sequence(); break; case 'ab_testing_alert_yes_no_select_ab_testing_subject' : ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.toggle_status( false ); ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.toggle_portability( true ); // Re-enable publish ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish = false; $( '#publish' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); // Turn off Split testing subject selection mode ET_PageBuilder_App.is_selecting_ab_testing_subject = false; // Adding nescesarry class for Split testing subject selection mode's UI $( '#et_pb_layout' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_select_ab_testing_subject' ); delete ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_last_visible_alert; break; } et_pb_close_modal( $( this ) ); }); $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay .et_pb_prompt_dont_proceed' ).click( function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $prompt_modal = $(this).closest( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ); switch( $ 'action' ).trim() ) { case 'ab_testing_alert' : if ( ! _.isUndefined( ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_last_visible_alert ) ) { delete ET_PageBuilder_App.ab_last_visible_alert; } break; } et_pb_close_modal( $( this ) ); } ); } function et_pb_update_tracking_shortcode() { var shortcode = '[et_pb_split_track id="' + et_pb_ab_js_options.test_id + '" /]'; setTimeout( function(){ $( '#et_pb_ab_current_shortcode' ).val( shortcode ); }, 100 ); } function et_pb_handle_clone_class( $element ) { $element.addClass( 'et_pb_animate_clone' ); setTimeout( function() { if ( $element.length ) { $element.removeClass( 'et_pb_animate_clone' ); } }, 500 ); } function et_pb_close_modal( $this_button ) { var $modal_overlay = $this_button.closest( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ); // Unlock body scroll $('body').removeClass('et_pb_stop_scroll'); $modal_overlay.addClass( 'et_pb_modal_closing' ); setTimeout( function() { $modal_overlay.remove(); }, 600 ); } function et_pb_close_modal_view( that, trigger_event ) { that.removeOverlay(); $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_modal_closing' ); setTimeout( function() { that.remove(); if ( 'trigger_event' === trigger_event ) { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-modal-view-removed' ); } }, 600 ); } function et_pb_hide_layout_settings(){ if ( $et_pb_setting.filter( ':visible' ).length > 1 ){ $et_pb_layout_settings.find('.et_pb_page_layout_settings').hide(); $et_pb_layout_settings.find('.et_pb_side_nav_settings').show(); } else{ if ( 'post' !== et_pb_options.post_type ) { $et_pb_layout_settings.closest( '#et_settings_meta_box' ).find('.et_pb_page_layout_settings').hide(); } $et_pb_layout_settings.closest( '#et_settings_meta_box' ).find('.et_pb_side_nav_settings').show(); $et_pb_layout_settings.closest( '#et_settings_meta_box' ).find('.et_pb_single_title').show(); } // On post, hide post format UI and layout settings if pagebuilder is activated if ( $post_format_wrapper.length ) { $post_format_wrapper.hide(); var active_post_format = $post_format_wrapper.find( 'input[type="radio"]:checked').val(); $( '.et_divi_format_setting.et_divi_' + active_post_format + '_settings' ).hide(); } // Show project navigation option when builder enabled if ( 'project' === et_pb_options.post_type ) { $et_pb_layout_settings.closest( '#et_settings_meta_box' ).find( '.et_pb_project_nav' ).show(); } } function et_pb_show_layout_settings(){ $ '#et_settings_meta_box' ).show(); $et_pb_layout_settings.closest( '#et_settings_meta_box' ).find('.et_pb_side_nav_settings').hide(); $et_pb_layout_settings.closest( '#et_settings_meta_box' ).find('.et_pb_single_title').hide(); // On post, show post format UI and layout settings if pagebuilder is deactivated if ( $post_format_wrapper.length ) { $; var active_post_format = $post_format_wrapper.find( 'input[type="radio"]:checked').val(); $( '.et_divi_format_setting.et_divi_' + active_post_format + '_settings' ).show(); } // Hide project navigation option when builder disabled if ( 'project' === et_pb_options.post_type ) { $et_pb_layout_settings.closest( '#et_settings_meta_box' ).find( '.et_pb_project_nav' ).hide(); } } function et_pb_get_content( textarea_id, fix_shortcodes ) { var content, fix_shortcodes = typeof fix_shortcodes !== 'undefined' ? fix_shortcodes : false; if ( typeof window.tinyMCE !== 'undefined' && window.tinyMCE.get( textarea_id ) && ! window.tinyMCE.get( textarea_id ).isHidden() ) { content = window.tinyMCE.get( textarea_id ).getContent(); } else { content = $( '#' + textarea_id ).val(); } if ( fix_shortcodes && typeof window.tinyMCE !== 'undefined' ) { content = content.replace( /<p>\[/g, '[' ); content = content.replace( /\]<\/p>/g, ']' ); } return content.trim(); } function et_get_editor_mode() { var et_editor_mode = 'tinymce'; if ( 'html' === getUserSetting( 'editor' ) ) { et_editor_mode = 'html'; } return et_editor_mode; } function et_pb_is_editor_in_visual_mode( id ) { var is_editor_in_visual_mode = !! ( typeof window.tinyMCE !== 'undefined' && window.tinyMCE.get( id ) && ! window.tinyMCE.get( id ).isHidden() ); return is_editor_in_visual_mode; } function set_this_editor_in_use() { var post_id = $('#post_ID').val(); var secure = ( 'https:' === window.location.protocol ); var cookie_expires = 5 * 60; // 5 mins (in secs) wpCookies.set( 'et-editor-available-post-' + post_id + '-bb', 'bb', cookie_expires * 6, et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); wpCookies.set( 'et-editing-post-' + post_id + '-bb', 'bb', cookie_expires, et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); wpCookies.remove( 'et-saving-post-' + post_id + '-bb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); wpCookies.remove( 'et-saved-post-' + post_id + '-bb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); } function et_pb_set_content( textarea_id, content, current_action ) { var current_action = current_action || '', main_editor_in_visual_mode = et_pb_is_editor_in_visual_mode( 'content' ), current_editor_in_visual_mode = et_pb_is_editor_in_visual_mode( textarea_id ), trimmed_content = $.trim( content ); if ( typeof window.tinyMCE !== 'undefined' && window.tinyMCE.get( textarea_id ) && current_editor_in_visual_mode ) { var editor = window.tinyMCE.get( textarea_id ); editor.setContent( trimmed_content, { format : 'html' } ); } // Always set this content as well, since WP autosave uses, for example, // uses `$( '#content' ).val()` to fetch current post content if ( $( '#' + textarea_id ).length ) { $( '#' + textarea_id ).val( trimmed_content ); } // initiate quicktags only once to avoid issue with duplication of tags if ( ! et_pb_quick_tags_init_done[textarea_id] && 'content' !== textarea_id ) { // generate quick tag buttons for the editor in Text mode ( typeof tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[textarea_id] !== "undefined" ) ? quicktags( { id : textarea_id } ) : quicktags( tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit[textarea_id] ); QTags._buttonsInit(); et_pb_quick_tags_init_done[textarea_id] = true; } // Enabling publish button + removes disable_publish mark if ( ! wp.heartbeat || ! wp.heartbeat.hasConnectionError() ) { $('#publish').removeClass( 'disabled' ); delete ET_PageBuilder_App.disable_publish; } } function et_pb_tinymce_remove_control( textarea_id ) { if ( typeof window.tinyMCE !== 'undefined' ) { window.tinyMCE.execCommand( 'mceRemoveEditor', false, textarea_id ); if ( typeof window.tinyMCE.get( textarea_id ) !== 'undefined' ) { window.tinyMCE.remove( '#' + textarea_id ); } // set the quick tags init variable to false for current textarea so quicktags be initiated properly next time et_pb_quick_tags_init_done[textarea_id] = false; } } function et_pb_update_affected_fields( $affected_fields ) { if ( $affected_fields.length ) { $affected_fields.each( function() { $(this).trigger( 'change' ); } ); } } function et_pb_hide_empty_toggles( $option_el ) { if ( $option_el.lenght === 0 ) { return; } var $toggle_container = $option_el.closest( '.et-pb-options-toggle-container' ); if ( $toggle_container.length === 0 ) { return; } var has_visible_options = false; // check if toggle has visible options by checking the `display` property of each option inside the toggle if ( $toggle_container.find( '.et-pb-option' ).length > 0 ) { $toggle_container.find( '.et-pb-option' ).each(function() { if ( 'none' !== $( this ).css( 'display' ) ) { has_visible_options = true; } }); } // add/remove empty toggle class depending of visibility of options inside if ( has_visible_options ) { $toggle_container.removeClass( 'et-pb-options-toggle-empty' ); } else { $toggle_container.addClass( 'et-pb-options-toggle-empty' ); } } function et_pb_custom_color_remove( $element ) { var $this_el = $element, $color_picker_container = $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-custom-color-container' ), $color_choose_button = $color_picker_container.siblings( '.et-pb-choose-custom-color-button' ), $hidden_color_input = $color_picker_container.find( '.et-pb-custom-color-picker' ), hidden_class = 'et_pb_hidden'; $color_choose_button.removeClass( hidden_class ); $color_picker_container.addClass( hidden_class ); $hidden_color_input.val( '' ); return false; } // set default values for the responsive options. // Tablet default inherits Desktop value, Phone default inherits the Tablet value. function et_pb_update_mobile_defaults( $this_el, range_input_value ) { var this_device = typeof $ 'device' ) === 'undefined' ? 'all' : $ 'device' ); if ( 'all' === this_device || 'phone' === this_device ) { return; } var this_value = typeof range_input_value !== 'undefined' ? range_input_value : $this_el.val(), is_range_field = $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-range-input' ) || $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-range' ), is_margin_field = $this_el.hasClass( 'et_custom_margin_main' ), field_class = is_range_field ? '.et-pb-range-input' : '.et-pb-main-setting', $tablet_field = $this_el.siblings( field_class + '.et_pb_setting_mobile_tablet' ), $phone_field = $this_el.siblings( field_class + '.et_pb_setting_mobile_phone' ), tablet_default = typeof $ 'default' ) === 'undefined' ? '' : $ 'default' ), phone_default = typeof $ 'default' ) === 'undefined' ? '' : $ 'default' ), range_value = _.isNaN( parseFloat( this_value ) ) ? 0 : parseFloat( this_value ), check_phone_default = false, $tablet_range, $phone_range; if ( is_range_field ) { $tablet_range = $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range.et_pb_setting_mobile_tablet' ); $phone_range = $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range.et_pb_setting_mobile_phone' ); } else if ( ! $this_el.hasClass( 'et_custom_margin_main' ) ) { this_value = et_pb_sanitize_input_unit_value( this_value, false, '' ); } if ( 'desktop' === this_device ) { if ( 'no' === $ 'has_saved_value' ) && $tablet_field.val() === tablet_default ) { $tablet_field.val( this_value ).change(); check_phone_default = true; // update range value if needed if ( is_range_field ) { $tablet_range.val( range_value ); } } $ 'default', this_value ); // update range value if needed if ( is_range_field ) { $ 'default', range_value ); } if ( is_margin_field ) { et_pb_process_custom_margin_field( $tablet_field ); } } else { check_phone_default = true; } // adjust default settings for the phone if ( check_phone_default ) { if ( 'no' === $ 'has_saved_value' ) && $phone_field.val() === phone_default ) { $phone_field.val( this_value ).change(); // update range value if needed if ( is_range_field ) { $phone_range.val( range_value ); } if ( is_margin_field ) { et_pb_process_custom_margin_field( $phone_field ); } } $ 'default', this_value ); // update range value if needed if ( is_range_field ) { $ 'default', range_value ); } } } function et_pb_update_reset_button( $option_container ) { var current_option = $option_container.find( '.et-pb-main-setting.et_pb_setting_mobile_active' ), option_value = current_option.val() + '', is_range_option = current_option.hasClass( 'et-pb-range' ), option_default = typeof 'default' ) === 'undefined' ? '' : 'default' ) + '', $reset_button = $option_container.find( '.et-pb-reset-setting' ), option_default_processed = is_range_option && '' !== option_default ? parseFloat( option_default ) + '' : option_default; if ( option_value !== option_default_processed ) { $reset_button.addClass( 'et-pb-reset-icon-visible' ); } else { $reset_button.removeClass( 'et-pb-reset-icon-visible' ); } } function et_pb_open_responsive_tab( $option_container, selected_tab ) { $option_container.find( '.et_pb_setting_mobile' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_setting_mobile_active' ); $option_container.find( '.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + selected_tab ).addClass( 'et_pb_setting_mobile_active' ); $option_container.find( '.et_pb_mobile_settings_tab' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_mobile_settings_active_tab' ); $option_container.find( '.et_pb_mobile_settings_tab[data-settings_tab="' + selected_tab + '"]' ).addClass( 'et_pb_mobile_settings_active_tab' ); et_pb_update_reset_button( $option_container ); } // check the advanced settings and update defaults based on the current settings of the parent module function et_pb_set_child_defaults( $container, module_cid ) { var $advanced_tab = $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tab-advanced' ), $advanced_tab_settings = $advanced_tab.find( '.et-pb-main-setting' ), $parent_container = $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container:not(.et_pb_modal_settings_container_step2)'), $parent_container_adv = $parent_container.find( '.et-pb-options-tab-advanced' ), current_module = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : module_cid } ); if ( $advanced_tab.length ) { $advanced_tab_settings.each( function() { var $this_option = $( this ), $option_main_input, option_id; // process only range options if ( $this_option.hasClass( 'et-pb-range' ) ) { $option_main_input = $this_option.siblings( '.et-pb-range-input' ); $option_main_input.each( function() { var $current_option = $( this ), option_id = $current_option.attr( 'id' ), current_device = typeof $ 'device' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'device' ) : 'all', option_parent = $( '#' + option_id ); if ( option_parent.length ) { // check whether module already has module_defaults, otherwise set it to empty array current_module.attributes['module_defaults'] = current_module.attributes['module_defaults'] || []; // update 'module_defaults' to avoid saving the default values into database current_module.attributes['module_defaults'][ option_id ] = option_parent.val(); // update default attribute in the option settings to display the correct value in builder if ( 'all' !== current_device ) { var $mobile_option = $current_option.siblings( '.et-pb-main-setting.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + current_device ); $ 'default_inherited', option_parent.val() ); $ 'default', option_parent.val() ); } $ 'default_inherited', option_parent.val() ); $ 'default', option_parent.val() ); } } ); } } ); } } function et_pb_init_main_settings( $container, this_module_cid ) { var module = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : this_module_cid } ); var $main_tabs = $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links' ); var $settings_tab = $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tab' ); var $et_affect_fields = $container.find( '.et-pb-affects' ); var $main_custom_margin_field = $container.find( '.et_custom_margin_main' ); var $custom_margin_fields = $container.find( '.et_custom_margin' ); var $font_select = $container.find( '' ); var $font_style_fields = $container.find( '.et_builder_font_style' ); var $range_field = $container.find( '.et-pb-range' ); var $range_input = $container.find( '.et-pb-range-input' ); var $advanced_tab = $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tab-advanced' ); var $advanced_tab_settings = $advanced_tab.find( '.et-pb-main-setting' ); var $custom_color_picker = $container.find( '.et-pb-custom-color-picker' ); var $custom_color_choose_button = $container.find( '.et-pb-choose-custom-color-button' ); var $select_with_option_groups = $container.find( '.et-pb-option-container--select_with_option_groups select' ); var $yes_no_button_wrapper = $container.find( '.et_pb_yes_no_button_wrapper' ); var $yes_no_button = $container.find( '.et_pb_yes_no_button' ); var $yes_no_select = $container.find( '.et_pb_yes_no_button_wrapper select' ); var $validate_unit_field = $container.find( '.et-pb-validate-unit' ); var $transparent_bg_option = $container.find( '#et_pb_transparent_background' ); var $options_wrapper = $container.find( '.et_options_list:not(.et_conditional_logic)' ); var $conditional_logic = $container.find( '.et_conditional_logic' ); var $background_fields = $container.find( '.et-pb-option--background' ); var $regular_input = $container.find( 'input.regular-text.et_pb_setting_mobile' ); var hidden_class = 'et_pb_hidden'; var $custom_css_option = $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tab-custom_css .et-pb-option' ); var $mobile_settings_toggle = $container.find( '.et-pb-mobile-settings-toggle' ); var $mobile_settings_tabs = $container.find( '.et_pb_mobile_settings_tabs' ); var $checkboxes_set = $container.find( '.et_pb_checkboxes_wrapper' ); var $checkbox = $checkboxes_set.find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ); var $section_bg_color_option = 'section' === $ 'module_type' ) ? $container.find( '#et_pb_background_color' ) : ''; var $gutter_width_option = $container.find( '#et_pb_gutter_width' ); var $google_maps_api_option = $container.find( '#et_pb_google_api_key' ); var $google_maps_api_button = $container.find( '.et_pb_update_google_key' ); var $id_field = $container.find('#et_pb_field_id'); if ( $google_maps_api_option.length ) { $google_maps_api_button.attr( 'href', et_pb_options.options_page_url ); if ( '' === et_pb_options.google_api_key ) { $google_maps_api_option.addClass( 'et_pb_hidden_field' ); $google_maps_api_button.text( $ 'empty_text' ) ).addClass( 'et_pb_no_field_visible' ); } else { $google_maps_api_option.val( et_pb_options.google_api_key ); } } if ( '' !== $section_bg_color_option && '' !== et_pb_options.page_section_bg_color ) { if ( '' === $section_bg_color_option.val() ) { $section_bg_color_option.val( et_pb_options.page_section_bg_color ); $section_bg_color_option.change(); } $ 'default', et_pb_options.page_section_bg_color ); } if ( $gutter_width_option && '' !== et_pb_options.page_gutter_width ) { // update default gutters $gutter_width_option.siblings( '.et-pb-main-setting' ).data( 'default', et_pb_options.page_gutter_width ); $ 'default', et_pb_options.page_gutter_width ); } if ( $mobile_settings_tabs.length ) { $mobile_settings_tabs.each( function() { var $this_tabs = $( this ), $this_option_container = $this_tabs.closest( '.et-pb-option' ), last_edited_field = $this_option_container.find( '.et_pb_mobile_last_edited_field' ).val(), $mobile_fields = $this_option_container.find( '.et_pb_setting_mobile' ); // update defaults for the mobile settings if ( $mobile_fields.length ) { $mobile_fields.each( function() { var $this_field = $( this ), this_device = $ 'device' ), has_saved_value = 'desktop' !== this_device && typeof $ 'has_saved_value' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'has_saved_value' ) : 'no', input_type = $this_field.attr( 'type' ), new_default = 'tablet' === this_device ? $this_field.siblings( 'input[type="' + input_type + '"].et_pb_setting_mobile_desktop' ).val() : $this_field.siblings( 'input[type="' + input_type + '"].et_pb_setting_mobile_tablet' ).val(); // no need to update anything for desktop if ( 'desktop' === this_device ) { return; } if ( 'no' === has_saved_value ) { $this_field.val( new_default ); } $ 'default', new_default ); }); } if ( typeof last_edited_field !== 'undefined' && '' !== last_edited_field ) { last_edited_options = last_edited_field.split( '|' ); if ( typeof last_edited_options[0] === 'undefined' || 'on' !== last_edited_options[0] ) { return; } $this_option_container.find( '.et-pb-mobile-settings-toggle' ).addClass( 'et-pb-mobile-icon-visible et-pb-mobile-settings-active' ); $this_option_container.toggleClass( 'et_pb_has_mobile_settings' ); if ( typeof last_edited_options[1] !== 'undefined' && '' !== last_edited_options[1] ) { et_pb_open_responsive_tab( $this_option_container, last_edited_options[1] ); } } }); } $ function() { var $this_toggle = $( this ), $this_option_container = $this_toggle.closest( '.et-pb-option' ), $last_edited_field = $this_option_container.find( '.et_pb_mobile_last_edited_field' ), last_edited_field_val = $last_edited_field.val(), last_edited_options = '' !== last_edited_field_val ? last_edited_field_val.split( '|' ) : [], active_tab = typeof last_edited_options[1] !== 'undefined' && '' !== last_edited_options[1] ? last_edited_options[1] : 'desktop', $reset_button = $this_option_container.find( '.et-pb-reset-setting' ); $this_toggle.toggleClass( 'et-pb-mobile-settings-active' ); $this_option_container.toggleClass( 'et_pb_has_mobile_settings' ); // Set the last edited tab or desktop tab et_pb_open_responsive_tab( $this_option_container, active_tab ); // Add et_pb_animate_options class to apply css animation and remove it after 500ms $this_option_container.addClass( 'et_pb_animate_options' ); setTimeout( function() { $this_option_container.removeClass( 'et_pb_animate_options' ); }, 500 ); if ( $this_option_container.hasClass( 'et_pb_has_mobile_settings' ) ) { $ 'device', active_tab ); last_edited_options[0] = 'on'; } else { $ 'device', 'all' ); last_edited_options[0] = 'off'; et_pb_open_responsive_tab( $this_option_container, 'desktop' ); } last_edited_options[1] = typeof last_edited_options[1] !== 'undefined' ? last_edited_options[1] : ''; $last_edited_field.val( last_edited_options[0] + '|' + last_edited_options[1] ); return false; }); $mobile_settings_tabs.find( 'a' ).click( function() { var $this_button = $( this ), $option_container = $this_button.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ), selected_tab = $ 'settings_tab' ), $last_edited_field = $option_container.find( '.et_pb_mobile_last_edited_field' ); $this_button.closest( '.et_pb_mobile_settings_tabs' ).find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_mobile_settings_active_tab' ); $this_button.addClass( 'et_pb_mobile_settings_active_tab' ); $option_container.find( '.et_pb_setting_mobile' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_setting_mobile_active' ); $option_container.find( '.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + selected_tab ).addClass( 'et_pb_setting_mobile_active' ); $option_container.find( '.et-pb-reset-setting' ).data( 'device', selected_tab ); $last_edited_field.val( 'on|' + selected_tab ); et_pb_update_reset_button( $option_container ); return false; }); if ( $checkboxes_set.length ) { $checkboxes_set.each( function() { var $this_container = $( this ), value = $this_container.find( '' ).val(), checkboxes = $this_container.find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ), values_array, i; if ( '' !== value ) { values_array = value.split( '|' ); i = 0; checkboxes.each( function() { if ( 'on' === values_array[ i ] ) { var $this_checkbox = $( this ); $this_checkbox.prop( 'checked', true ); } i++; }); } }); } $ function() { var $this_checkbox = $( this ), current_checkbox_class = $( this ).attr( 'class' ), $this_container = $this_checkbox.closest( '.et_pb_checkboxes_wrapper' ), $disabled_option_field = $this_container.find( '.et_pb_disabled_option' ), $all_checkboxes = $this_container.find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ), $value_field = $this_container.find( '' ), new_value = true === $this_checkbox.prop( 'checked' ) ? 'on' : 'off', i = 0, empty_values_array = [], checkbox_order, values_array; $all_checkboxes.each( function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( current_checkbox_class ) ) { checkbox_order = i; } i++; empty_values_array.push( '' ); }); if ( '' !== $value_field.val() ) { values_array = $value_field.val().split( '|' ); } else { values_array = empty_values_array; } values_array[ checkbox_order ] = new_value; $value_field.val( values_array.join( '|' ) ); // need to check additional option for 'disable_on' if ( $disabled_option_field.length ) { if ( 'on' === values_array[0] && 'on' === values_array[1] && 'on' === values_array[2] ) { $disabled_option_field.val( 'on' ); } else { $disabled_option_field.val( 'off' ); } } }); if ( typeof window.switchEditors !== 'undefined' ) { $container.find( '.wp-switch-editor' ).click( function() { var $this_el = $(this), editor_mode; editor_mode = $this_el.hasClass( 'switch-tmce' ) ? 'tinymce' : 'html'; et_pb_maybe_apply_wpautop_to_models( editor_mode ); window.switchEditors.go( 'content', editor_mode ); } ); } // fix the issue with disapperaing line breaks in visual editor $regular_input.on( 'input change' , function() { et_pb_update_mobile_defaults( $( this ) ); }); $custom_color_picker.each( function() { var $this_color_picker = $(this), this_color_picker_value = $this_color_picker.val(), $container = $this_color_picker.closest( '.et-pb-custom-color-container' ), $options_container = $this_color_picker.closest( '.et-pb-options-tab' ), $choose_color_button = $container.siblings( '.et-pb-choose-custom-color-button' ), old_color_option = typeof $ 'old-option-ref' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== $ 'old-option-ref' ) ? $ 'old-option-ref' ) : '', $old_color_el = '' !== old_color_option ? $options_container.find( '.et-pb-option-' + old_color_option ) : '', $old_color_input = '' !== $old_color_el && $old_color_el.length ? $old_color_el.find( 'input' ) : '', $main_color_picker = $container.find( '.et-pb-color-picker-hex' ); // process the value from old option if exists if ( '' !== $old_color_input ) { // get the value from old option only if new option is not set if ( '' === this_color_picker_value && '' !== $old_color_input.val() ) { this_color_picker_value = $old_color_input.val(); } // always reset the old option to remove it from shortcode $old_color_input.val( '' ); } if ( '' === this_color_picker_value ) { return true; } $container.removeClass( hidden_class ); $choose_color_button.addClass( hidden_class ); $main_color_picker.wpColorPicker( 'color', this_color_picker_value ); } ); $ function() { var $this_el = $(this), $color_picker_container = $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-custom-color-container' ), $color_picker = $color_picker_container.find( '.et-pb-color-picker-hex' ), $hidden_color_input = $color_picker_container.find( '.et-pb-custom-color-picker' ); $this_el.addClass( hidden_class ); $color_picker_container.removeClass( hidden_class ); $color_picker_container.find( '.wp-color-result' ).click(); $hidden_color_input.val( $color_picker.wpColorPicker( 'color' ) ); return false; } ); // calculate the value for transparent bg option if plugin activated if ( $transparent_bg_option.length && et_pb_options.is_plugin_used ) { var is_default_value = typeof $ 'default' ) !== 'undefined' && 'default' === $ 'default' ) ? true : false, bg_color_option_value = $container.find( '#et_pb_background_color' ).val(), module_transparent_background = module.attributes.et_pb_transparent_background, module_transparent_background_fb = module.attributes.et_pb_transparent_background_fb, is_transparent_background_fb = typeof module_transparent_background === 'undefined' && typeof module_transparent_background_fb !== 'undefined' && module_transparent_background_fb !== 'off'; // default value for the option should be yes if custom color is not defined if ( ( is_default_value && '' === bg_color_option_value ) || is_transparent_background_fb ) { $transparent_bg_option.val( 'on' ); $transparent_bg_option.trigger( 'change' ); } } $select_with_option_groups.each( function() { var $value_field = $(this).siblings( '' ), values = $value_field.val().split( '|' ), group = values.length > 1 ? values[0] : '', value = values.length > 1 ? values[1] : values[0]; if ( '' === group ) { group = $(this).find(':selected').parent().attr('label'); $value_field .val( group + '|' + value ) .trigger( 'change' ); } $(this).val( value ); $(this).change( function() { var group = $(this).find(':selected').parent().attr('label') || ''; $value_field .val( group + '|' + $(this).val() ) .trigger( 'change' ); }); }); $yes_no_button_wrapper.each( function() { var $this_el = $( this ), $this_switcher = $this_el.find( '.et_pb_yes_no_button' ), selected_value = $this_el.find( 'select' ).val(); if ( 'on' === selected_value ) { $this_switcher.removeClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ); $this_switcher.addClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); } else { $this_switcher.removeClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); $this_switcher.addClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ); } }); $options_wrapper.each( function() { var $current_wrapper = $(this), $options_list = $current_wrapper.find( 'textarea' ), options_value = $options_list.val(), debounce; $current_wrapper.on( 'keyup', 'input[type=text]', function() { clearTimeout( debounce ); debounce = setTimeout( function() { update_options_list( $current_wrapper, $options_list ); }, 500 ); } ); $current_wrapper.on( 'click', '.et-pb-add-sortable-option', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Target the clicked row var $parentRow = $(this).parent().find( '.et_options_list_row:last' ); // Create a clone of the clicked row var $newRow = $parentRow.clone(); // Remove the checked status for the new row to avoid multiple checked options $newRow.find( '.et_options_list_checked' ).removeClass( 'et_options_list_checked' ); // Remove the option value for the new row $newRow.find( 'input[type=text]' ).val(''); // Append the new row $newRow.insertAfter( $parentRow ).hide().fadeIn( 200, function() { $newRow.find( 'input[type=text]' ).focus(); } ); } ); $current_wrapper.on( 'click', '.et_options_list_copy', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Target the clicked row var $parentRow = $(this).parents( '.et_options_list_row' ); // Create a clone of the clicked row var $newRow = $parentRow.clone(); // Remove the checked status for the new row to avoid multiple checked options $newRow.find( '.et_options_list_checked' ).removeClass( 'et_options_list_checked' ); // Append the new row $newRow.insertAfter( $parentRow ).hide().fadeIn( 200, function() { $newRow.find( 'input[type=text]' ).focus(); } ); } ); $current_wrapper.on( 'click', '.et_options_list_remove', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( $current_wrapper.find( '.et_options_list_row' ).length === 1 ) { $current_wrapper.find( '.et_options_list_row:first input[type=text]' ).val( '' ); update_options_list( $current_wrapper, $options_list ); return; } var $parentRow = $(this).parents( '.et_options_list_row' ); $parentRow.remove(); update_options_list( $current_wrapper, $options_list ); } ); $current_wrapper.on( 'click', '.et_options_list_check', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $check = $(this); $current_wrapper.find( '.et_options_list_check' ).not( $check ).removeClass( 'et_options_list_checked' ); $check.toggleClass( 'et_options_list_checked' ); update_options_list( $current_wrapper, $options_list ); } ); init_options_list( $current_wrapper, $options_list, options_value ); $current_wrapper.children( '.et_options_rows' ).sortable({ axis : 'y', containment: 'parent', update: function() { update_options_list( $current_wrapper, $options_list ); setTimeout( function() { $('.et_options_rows').children().css({ position: '', top: '', left: '' }); }, 700); } }); } ); function init_options_list( $wrapper, $options_list, options_value ) { if ( '' === options_value || _.isUndefined( options_value ) ) { return; } var $row = $wrapper.find( '.et_options_list_row:first' ); var $rows = $('<div>').addClass('et_options_rows'); options_value = JSON.parse( options_value ); for ( var i = 0; i < options_value.length; i++ ) { var option = options_value[i]; var isChecked = 1 === option.checked; var $newRow = $row.clone(); $newRow.find( 'input[type=text]' ).val( option.value ); $newRow.find( '.et_options_list_check' ).toggleClass( 'et_options_list_checked', isChecked ); $newRow.appendTo( $rows ); } $rows.insertAfter( $row ); $row.remove(); } function update_options_list( $wrapper, $options_list ) { var options = []; $options_list.val( '' ); $wrapper.find( 'input[type=text]' ).each( function() { var $input = $(this); var isChecked = $input.prev( '.et_options_list_checked' ).length > 0; var option_object = { value: $input.val(), checked: 0 }; if ( '' === option_object.value ) { return; } if ( isChecked ) { option_object.checked = 1; } options.push( option_object ); } ); $options_list.val( JSON.stringify( options ) ); } $conditional_logic.each( function() { /* Parse the conditional logic settings */ var $logicSet = $(this); var logicData = $logicSet.find('textarea').val(); logicData = '' !== logicData ? logicData : '[]'; logicData = JSON.parse( logicData ); /* Create an entry for each setting's row */ var $row = $(this).find('.et_options_list_row'); if ( 1 < logicData.length ) { for ( var i = 1; i < logicData.length; i++ ) { var $cloned_row = $row.clone(); $logicSet.find('.et_options_list_row:last').after( $cloned_row ); } } /* Wait for the Backbone templates to render */ setTimeout( function() { /* Setup datastore */ var datastore = {}; var $wrapper = $logicSet.parents( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container_step2' ); var parentID = $'parent-cid'); var $parent = $wrapper.prev( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ); var $siblings = $parent.find( ' li:not([data-cid="' + parentID + '"])' ); var $field = $logicSet.find('.et_conditional_logic_field'); $siblings.each( function() { var $sibling = $(this); var siblingCID = $'cid'); var siblingData = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : siblingCID } ); var siblingAttrs = siblingData.attributes; var fieldID = siblingAttrs.et_pb_field_id; if ( '' === fieldID ) { return; } fieldID = fieldID.toLowerCase(); var fieldType = ! _.isUndefined( siblingAttrs.et_pb_field_type ) ? siblingAttrs.et_pb_field_type : 'input'; var $option = $('<option data-type="' + fieldType + '" value="' + fieldID + '">' + siblingAttrs.et_pb_field_title + '</option>'); $field.append( $option ); datastore[fieldID] = siblingAttrs; }); var firstKey = ''; for (var prop in datastore) { if ( datastore.hasOwnProperty(prop) ) { firstKey = prop; break; } } var firstID = datastore[firstKey].et_pb_field_id.toLowerCase(); if ( 0 === logicData.length && 0 !== datastore.length ) { logicData.push({ field : firstID, condition: 'is', value : '' }); } for ( var i = 0; i < logicData.length; i++ ) { var row = logicData[i]; var $row = $logicSet.find('.et_options_list_row').eq(i); var $field = $row.find('.et_conditional_logic_field'); var $condition = $'.et_conditional_logic_condition'); var fieldData = datastore[firstID]; var fieldType = 'input'; var fieldValue = ''; var fieldID = _.isUndefined( row.field ) || _.isUndefined( datastore[row.field] ) ? firstID : row.field; var fieldCondition = _.isUndefined( row.condition ) ? 'is' : row.condition; if ( ! _.isUndefined( datastore[row.field] ) ) { fieldData = datastore[row.field]; fieldValue = row.value; fieldType = _.isUndefined( fieldData.et_pb_field_type ) ? 'input' : fieldData.et_pb_field_type; } $row.find('.et_conditional_logic_value').remove(); var $value = et_pb_create_conditional_logic_value_field( fieldType, fieldValue, fieldData, $logicSet ); $value.insertAfter( $condition ); $field.val( fieldID ); $condition.val( fieldCondition ); } et_pb_update_conditional_logic( $logicSet ); $logicSet.on('change', '.et_conditional_logic_field', function() { var $field = $(this); var field = $field.val(); var $condition = $'.et_conditional_logic_condition'); var $row = $field.parents('.et_options_list_row'); var fieldData = datastore[field]; var fieldValue = ''; var fieldType = _.isUndefined( fieldData.et_pb_field_type ) ? 'input' : fieldData.et_pb_field_type; var selectedValue = $row.attr('data-selected-value'); if ( selectedValue && ! _.includes(['radio', 'select', 'checkbox'], fieldType) ) { fieldValue = selectedValue; } $row.find('.et_conditional_logic_value').remove(); var $value = et_pb_create_conditional_logic_value_field( fieldType, fieldValue, fieldData, $logicSet ); $value.insertAfter( $condition ); et_pb_update_conditional_logic( $logicSet ); }); $logicSet.on('change', '.et_conditional_logic_condition, .et_conditional_logic_value', function() { et_pb_update_conditional_logic( $logicSet ); }); $logicSet.on('click', '.et-pb-add-sortable-option', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); et_pb_add_conditional_logic_row( $(this), datastore ); }); $logicSet.on('click', '.et_options_list_remove', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); et_pb_remove_conditional_logic_row( $(this) ); }); }, 0); } ); // Replace any spaces in field ID with underscores $id_field.on('focusout', function() { var sanitizedID = $(this).val().replace(/\s+/g, '_'); var $wrapper = $id_field.parents( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container_step2' ); var $parent = $wrapper.prev( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ); var parentID = $'parent-cid'); var $siblings = $parent.find( ' li:not([data-cid="' + parentID + '"])' ); var siblings = []; $siblings.each( function() { var $sibling = $(this); var siblingCID = $'cid'); var siblingData = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : siblingCID } ); var siblingAttrs = siblingData.attributes; siblings.push( siblingAttrs ); }); // Assign a starting placeholder ID if it is blank if ( '' === sanitizedID ) { var currentData = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : parentID } ); var module_order = parseInt( currentData.attributes.module_order ); sanitizedID = 'Field_' + ( module_order + 1 ); } // Check siblings for duplicate IDs while(true) { var hasDuplicates = false; for ( var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++ ) { var sibling = siblings[i]; // Unlike VB we don't need to check if the sibling is the same // as the current module in BB, since we already exlude it // when generating the siblings data array var siblingID = sibling.et_pb_field_id; if ( siblingID.toLowerCase() === sanitizedID.toLowerCase() ) { sanitizedID = sanitizedID + '_2'; hasDuplicates = true; break; } } if ( false === hasDuplicates ) { break; } } $(this).val( sanitizedID ); }); function et_pb_create_conditional_logic_value_field( fieldType, fieldValue, fieldData, $wrapper ) { var $value = null; switch( fieldType ) { case 'radio': case 'select': var optionsString = 'radio' === fieldType ? fieldData.et_pb_radio_options : fieldData.et_pb_select_options; options = et_pb_jsonify( optionsString ); $value = $('<select></select>'); $.each( options, function( optionIndex, optionData ) { var $option = $('<option value="' + optionData.value + '">' + optionData.value + '</option>'); $value.append( $option ); if ( '' === fieldValue ) { return; } $value.val( fieldValue ); }); break; case 'checkbox': $value = $('<select></select>'); var checked = $'checked'); var unchecked = $'unchecked'); $value.append( '<option value="Checked">' + checked + '</option>' ); $value.append( '<option value="Not Checked">' + unchecked + '</option>' ); if ( ! _.includes(['Checked', 'Not Checked'], fieldValue) ) { fieldValue = 'Checked'; } $value.val( fieldValue ); break; default: $value = $('<input type="text" value="' + fieldValue + '" />'); break; } $value.addClass('et_conditional_logic_value'); return $value; } function et_pb_add_conditional_logic_row( $button, datastore ) { if ( 0 === datastore.length ) { return; } var $wrapper = $button.parents('.et_conditional_logic'); var $row = $wrapper.find('.et_options_list_row:last'); var $newRow = $row.clone(); var $condition = $newRow.find('.et_conditional_logic_condition'); var firstKey = ''; for (var prop in datastore) { if ( datastore.hasOwnProperty(prop) ) { firstKey = prop; break; } } var fieldData = datastore[firstKey]; var fieldValue = ''; var fieldType = _.isUndefined( fieldData.et_pb_field_type ) ? 'input' : fieldData.et_pb_field_type; $newRow.find('.et_conditional_logic_value').remove(); var $value = et_pb_create_conditional_logic_value_field( fieldType, fieldValue, fieldData, $wrapper ); $value.insertAfter( $condition ); $condition.val( 'is' ); $newRow.insertAfter($row); et_pb_update_conditional_logic( $wrapper ); } function et_pb_remove_conditional_logic_row( $button ) { var $row = $button.parent('.et_options_list_row'); var $wrapper = $row.parent('.et_conditional_logic'); if ( 1 === $wrapper.find('.et_options_list_row').length ) { return; } $row.remove(); et_pb_update_conditional_logic( $wrapper ); } function et_pb_update_conditional_logic( $wrapper ) { var $textarea = $wrapper.find('textarea'); var logic = []; $wrapper.find('.et_options_list_row').each(function() { var $row = $(this); var field = $row.find('.et_conditional_logic_field').val(); var condition = $row.find('.et_conditional_logic_condition').val(); var $value = $row.find('.et_conditional_logic_value'); var value = $value.val(); var fieldType = $row.find('.et_conditional_logic_field').find('option:selected').data('type'); var selectedValue = _.includes(['radio', 'select', 'checkbox'], fieldType) ? false : value; var logicSet = { field : field, condition: condition, value : value }; if ( false !== selectedValue ) { $row.attr('data-selected-value', selectedValue); } logic.push( logicSet ); $value.prop('disabled', false); if ( _.includes(['is empty', 'is not empty'], condition) ) { $value.prop('disabled', true); } }); $textarea.val( JSON.stringify( logic ) ); } function et_pb_jsonify( escapedString ) { if ( '' === escapedString ) { escapedString = '[]'; } var unescapedString; unescapedString = escapedString.replace( /%22/g, "\"" ); unescapedString = unescapedString.replace( /%91/g, "[" ); unescapedString = unescapedString.replace( /%92/g, "\\" ); unescapedString = unescapedString.replace( /%93/g, "]" ); var string_json = JSON.parse( unescapedString ); return string_json; } $ function() { var $this_el = $( this ), $this_select = $this_el.closest( '.et_pb_yes_no_button_wrapper' ).find( 'select' ); if ( $this_el.hasClass( 'et_pb_off_state') ) { $this_el.removeClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ); $this_el.addClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); $this_select.val( 'on' ); } else { $this_el.removeClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); $this_el.addClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ); $this_select.val( 'off' ); } $this_select.trigger( 'change' ); }); $yes_no_select.change( function() { var $this_el = $( this ), $this_switcher = $this_el.closest( '.et_pb_yes_no_button_wrapper' ).find( '.et_pb_yes_no_button' ), new_value = $this_el.val(); if ( 'on' === new_value ) { $this_switcher.removeClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ); $this_switcher.addClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); } else { $this_switcher.removeClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); $this_switcher.addClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ); } }); if ( $background_fields.length ) { $background_fields.each(function() { var $background_fields_ui = $(this); $background_fields_ui.find('.et_pb_background-tab:first').show(); $background_fields_ui.find('.et_pb_background-tab-navs li:first a').addClass('active'); // Background field tab navigation $background_fields_ui.find('.et_pb_background-tab-navs').on( 'click', 'a', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $clicked_tab = $(this), clicked_tab = $clicked_tab.attr('data-tab'), $wrapper = $clicked_tab.closest('.et-pb-option--background'); $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-tab-navs a').removeClass('active'); $clicked_tab.addClass('active'); $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-tab:visible').hide(); $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-tab[data-tab="' + clicked_tab + '"]').fadeIn(); $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-tab[data-tab="' + clicked_tab + '"]').find( '.et-pb-affects' ).trigger( 'change' ); et_pb_update_background_tab_filled_status( $clicked_tab.closest( '.et-pb-option--background' ), false ); }); // Gradient preview var $gradient_preview_tab = $background_fields_ui.find('.et_pb_background-tab--gradient'), $gradient_preview = $gradient_preview_tab.find('.et-pb-option-preview'), $gradient_preview_add = $gradient_preview.find('.et-pb-option-preview-button--add'), $gradient_preview_swap = $gradient_preview.find('.et-pb-option-preview-button--swap'), $gradient_preview_delete = $gradient_preview.find('.et-pb-option-preview-button--delete'), $use_gradient_ui = $gradient_preview_tab.find('.et_pb_background-option--use_background_color_gradient .et_pb_yes_no_button'), $use_gradient_input = $gradient_preview_tab.find('.et_pb_background-option--use_background_color_gradient select'), $gradient_start_input = $gradient_preview_tab.find( '.et_pb_background-option--background_color_gradient_start .wp-color-picker' ), gradient = et_pb_get_gradient( $gradient_preview_tab ); // Has gradient color if ( gradient ) { $gradient_preview.css({ backgroundImage: gradient }); $gradient_preview.removeClass( 'et-pb-option-preview--empty' ); } $ { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if ( ! $gradient_preview.hasClass('et-pb-option-preview--empty') ) { $gradient_start_input.wpColorPicker('open', true); return; } $use_gradient_ui.removeClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ).addClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); $use_gradient_input.val( 'on' ).trigger( 'change' ); $gradient_preview.removeClass( 'et-pb-option-preview--empty' ); }); $ { e.stopPropagation(); $use_gradient_ui.removeClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ).addClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); $use_gradient_input.val( 'on' ).trigger( 'change' ); $gradient_preview.removeClass( 'et-pb-option-preview--empty' ); }); $ { e.stopPropagation(); $use_gradient_ui.removeClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ).addClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ); $use_gradient_input.val( 'off' ).trigger( 'change' ); $gradient_preview.addClass( 'et-pb-option-preview--empty' ); }); $ { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var $background = $(this).closest( '.et-pb-option--background' ), $start = $background.find( '.et_pb_background-option--background_color_gradient_start .et-pb-color-picker-hex' ), $end = $background.find( '.et_pb_background-option--background_color_gradient_end .et-pb-color-picker-hex' ), startValue = $start.val(), endValue = $end.val(); // Swap color $start.val( endValue ).trigger( 'change' ); $end.val( startValue ).trigger( 'change' ); }); $gradient_preview_tab.on( 'change input keyup', 'select, input[type="text"], input[type="range"]', function() { et_pb_update_gradient_preview( $(this) ); }); // Determine filled tab state function et_pb_update_background_tab_filled_status( $background_fields_ui, activate_filled_tab ) { $background_fields_ui.find( '.et_pb_background-tab' ).each(function() { var $background_tab = $(this), tab_status = false, background_tab_name = $background_tab.attr( 'data-tab' ), $background_tab_nav = $background_fields_ui.find( '.et_pb_background-tab-nav[data-tab="' + background_tab_name + '"]' ); switch( background_tab_name ) { case( 'color' ) : var $use_background_color = $background_tab.find( '.et_pb_background-option--use_background_color' ), $background_color = $background_tab.find( '.et_pb_background-option--background_color' ), $module_bg_color = $background_tab.find( '.et_pb_background-option--module_bg_color' ); if ( $use_background_color.length && $background_color.length ) { tab_status = 'on' === $use_background_color.find( 'select option:selected' ).val() && '' !== $background_color.find( '.et-pb-color-picker-hex' ).val(); } else if ( ! $use_background_color.length && $background_color.length ) { tab_status = '' !== $background_color.find( '.et-pb-color-picker-hex' ).val(); } else if ( $module_bg_color.length ) { tab_status = '' !== $module_bg_color.find( '.et-pb-color-picker-hex' ).val(); } break; case( 'gradient' ) : var use_background_color_gradient = $background_tab.find( '.et_pb_background-option--use_background_color_gradient select option:selected' ).val(); if ( 'on' === use_background_color_gradient ) { tab_status = true; } break; case( 'image' ) : var background_image = $background_tab.find( '.et_pb_background-option--background_image .et-pb-upload-field' ).val() || $background_tab.find( '.et_pb_background-option--background_url .et-pb-upload-field' ).val(); if ( ! _.isUndefined( background_image ) && '' !== background_image ) { tab_status = true; } break; case( 'video' ) : var background_video_mp4 = $background_tab.find( '.et_pb_background-option--background_video_mp4 .et-pb-upload-field' ).val() || $background_tab.find( '.et_pb_background-option--video_bg_mp4 .et-pb-upload-field' ).val(), background_video_webm = $background_tab.find( '.et_pb_background-option--background_video_webm .et-pb-upload-field' ).val() || $background_tab.find( '.et_pb_background-option--video_bg_webm .et-pb-upload-field' ).val(); if ( ( ! _.isUndefined( background_video_mp4 ) && '' !== background_video_mp4 ) || ( ! _.isUndefined( background_video_webm ) && '' !== background_video_webm ) ) { tab_status = true; } break; } if ( tab_status ) { $background_tab_nav.addClass( 'et-pb-filled' ); if ( activate_filled_tab ) { $background_fields_ui.find( '.et_pb_background-tab' ).removeAttr( 'style' ); $background_tab_nav.trigger( 'click' ); } } else { $background_tab_nav.removeClass( 'et-pb-filled' ); } }); } et_pb_update_background_tab_filled_status( $background_fields_ui, true ); // Update image preview panel whenever these fields are changed var column_index = $background_fields_ui.find( '.et-pb-option-container--background' ).attr( 'data-column-index' ), field_suffix = typeof column_index === 'undefined' ? '' : '_' + column_index, image_preview_affecting_fields = [ '#et_pb_background_color' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_module_bg_color', // Post Title '#et_pb_use_background_color', // Call to Action '#et_pb_background_color_gradient_start' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_background_color_gradient_end' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_use_background_color_gradient' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_background_color_gradient_type' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_background_color_gradient_direction' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_background_color_gradient_direction_radial' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_background_color_gradient_start_position' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_background_color_gradient_end_position' + field_suffix, typeof column_index === 'undefined' ? '#et_pb_bg_img' + field_suffix : '#et_pb_background_image', '#et_pb_background_url', // Fullwidth Header '#et_pb_parallax' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_parallax_effect', // Post Title '#et_pb_parallax_method' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_background_size' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_background_position' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_background_repeat' + field_suffix, '#et_pb_background_blend' + field_suffix, '.et-pb-range' ]; $background_fields_ui.find( image_preview_affecting_fields.join( ', ' ) ).change( function() { et_pb_generate_preview_content( $background_fields_ui.find( '.et_pb_background-tab--image .et-pb-upload-button' ) ); } ); }); } $main_tabs.find( 'li a' ).click( function() { var $this_el = $(this), tab_index = $this_el.closest( 'li' ).index(), $links_container = $this_el.closest( 'ul' ), $tabs = $links_container.siblings( '.et-pb-options-tabs' ), active_link_class = 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active', $active_tab_link = $links_container.find( '.' + active_link_class ), active_tab_link_index = $active_tab_link.index(), $current_tab = $tabs.find( '.et-pb-options-tab' ).eq( active_tab_link_index ), $next_tab = $tabs.find( '.et-pb-options-tab' ).eq( tab_index ), fade_speed = 300; if ( active_tab_link_index !== tab_index ) { $next_tab.css( { 'display' : 'none', opacity : 0 } ); $current_tab.css( { 'display' : 'block', 'opacity' : 1 } ).stop( true, true ).animate( { opacity : 0 }, fade_speed, function(){ $(this).css( 'display', 'none' ); $next_tab.css( { 'display' : 'block', 'opacity' : 0 } ).stop( true, true ).animate( { opacity : 1 }, fade_speed, function() { var $this = $(this); //et_pb_update_affected_fields( $et_affect_fields ); if ( ! $this.find( '.et-pb-option:visible' ).length && ! $next_tab.hasClass( 'et-pb-options-tab-view_stats' ) ) { $this.append( '<p class="et-pb-all-options-hidden">' + et_pb_options.all_tab_options_hidden + '<p>' ); } else { $('.et-pb-all-options-hidden').remove(); } $main_tabs.trigger( 'et_pb_main_tab:changed' ); } ); } ); $active_tab_link.removeClass( active_link_class ); $links_container.find( 'li' ).eq( tab_index ).addClass( active_link_class ); // always scroll to the top when tab opened $( '.et-pb-options-tabs' ).animate( { scrollTop : 0 }, 400, 'swing' ); } return false; } ); $settings_tab.each( function() { var $this_tab = $(this), $toggles = $this_tab.find( '.et-pb-options-toggle-enabled' ), open_class = 'et-pb-option-toggle-content-open', closed_class = 'et-pb-option-toggle-content-closed', content_area_class = 'et-pb-option-toggle-content', animation_speed = 300; $toggles.find( 'h3' ).click( function() { var $this_el = $(this), $content_area = $this_el.siblings( '.' + content_area_class ), $container = $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-options-toggle-container' ), $open_toggle = $toggles.filter( '.' + open_class ), $open_toggle_content_area = $open_toggle.find( '.' + content_area_class ); if ( $container.hasClass( open_class ) ) { return; } $open_toggle.removeClass( open_class ).addClass( closed_class ); $open_toggle_content_area.slideToggle( animation_speed ); $container.removeClass( closed_class ).addClass( open_class ); $content_area.slideToggle( animation_speed, function() { et_pb_update_affected_fields( $et_affect_fields ); } ); } ); } ); if ( $main_custom_margin_field.length ) { $main_custom_margin_field.each( function() { et_pb_process_custom_margin_field( $( this ) ); }); $main_custom_margin_field.on( 'et_main_custom_margin:change', function() { et_pb_process_custom_margin_field( $(this) ); } ); } $custom_margin_fields.change( function() { var $this_el = $(this), this_device = typeof $ 'device' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'device' ) : 'all', $container = $this_el.closest( '.et_custom_margin_padding' ), $main_container = $container.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ), $mobile_toggle = $main_container.find( '.et-pb-mobile-settings-toggle' ), $main_field = 'all' === this_device ? $container.find( '.et_custom_margin_main' ) : $container.find( '.et_custom_margin_main.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + this_device ), fields_selector = 'all' === this_device ? '.et_custom_margin' : '.et_custom_margin.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + this_device, margin = ''; $container.find( fields_selector ).each( function() { margin += $.trim( et_pb_sanitize_input_unit_value( $(this).val(), $(this).hasClass( 'auto_important' ) ) ) + '|'; } ); margin = margin.slice( 0, -1 ); if ( '|||' === margin ) { margin = ''; } else { $mobile_toggle.addClass( 'et-pb-mobile-icon-visible' ); } $main_field.val( margin ).trigger( 'et_pb_setting:change' ); et_pb_update_mobile_defaults( $main_field ); } ); $ function() { var $this_el = $(this); $this_el.toggleClass( 'et_font_style_active' ); $font_select.trigger( 'change' ); return false; } ); $font_select.change( function() { var $this_el = $(this), $main_option = $this_el.siblings( '' ), $style_options = $this_el.siblings( '.et_builder_font_styles' ), $bold_option = $style_options.find( '.et_builder_bold_font' ), $italic_option = $style_options.find( '.et_builder_italic_font' ), $uppercase_option = $style_options.find( '.et_builder_uppercase_font' ), $underline_option = $style_options.find( '.et_builder_underline_font' ), style_active_class = 'et_font_style_active', font_name = $this_el.val(), result = ''; result += font_name !== 'default' ? $.trim( font_name ) : ''; result += '|'; if ( $bold_option.hasClass( style_active_class ) ) { result += 'on'; } result += '|'; if ( $italic_option.hasClass( style_active_class ) ) { result += 'on'; } result += '|'; if ( $uppercase_option.hasClass( style_active_class ) ) { result += 'on'; } result += '|'; if ( $underline_option.hasClass( style_active_class ) ) { result += 'on'; } $main_option.val( result ).trigger( 'change' ); } ); $font_select.each( function() { et_pb_setup_font_setting( $(this), false ); } ); $range_field.on( 'input change', function() { var $this_el = $(this), this_device = typeof $ 'device' ) === 'undefined' ? 'all' : $ 'device' ), range_value = $this_el.val(), $range_input = 'all' === this_device ? $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range-input' ) : $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range-input.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + this_device ), initial_value_set = $ 'initial_value_set' ) || false, range_input_value = et_pb_sanitize_input_unit_value( $.trim( $range_input.val() ), false, 'no_default_unit' ), number, length; if ( range_input_value === '' && ! initial_value_set ) { $this_el.val( 0 ); $ 'initial_value_set', true ); return; } number = parseFloat( range_input_value ); range_input_value += ''; length = $.trim( range_input_value.replace( number, '' ) ); if ( length !== '' ) { range_value += length; } $range_input.val( range_value ); et_pb_update_mobile_defaults( $this_el, range_value ); } ); if ( $range_field.length ) { $range_field.each( function() { var $this_el = $(this), this_device = typeof $ 'device' ) === 'undefined' ? 'all' : $ 'device' ), default_value = typeof $ 'default_inherited' ) !== 'undefined' ? $.trim( $ 'default_inherited' ) ) : $.trim( $ 'default' ) ), $range_input = 'all' === this_device ? $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range-input' ) : $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range-input.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + this_device ), range_input_value = $.trim( $range_input.val() ); if ( range_input_value === '' ) { if ( default_value !== '' ) { $range_input.val( default_value ); default_value = parseFloat( default_value ) || 0; } $this_el.val( default_value ); range_input_value = default_value; } // Define defaults for tablet and phone settings on load if ( 'tablet' === this_device ) { var $desktop_field = $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range-input.et_pb_setting_mobile_desktop' ), new_tablet_default = $desktop_field.val(); $ 'default', parseFloat( new_tablet_default ) ); $ 'default', new_tablet_default ); } else if ( 'phone' === this_device ) { var $tablet_field = $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range-input.et_pb_setting_mobile_tablet' ), new_phone_default = $tablet_field.val(); $ 'default', parseFloat( new_phone_default ) ); $ 'default', new_phone_default ); } et_pb_check_range_boundaries( $this_el, range_input_value ); } ); } $range_input.on( 'keyup change', function() { var $this_el = $(this), this_device = typeof $ 'device' ) === 'undefined' ? 'all' : $ 'device' ), this_value = et_pb_get_range_input_value( $this_el, true ), $range_slider = 'all' === this_device ? $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range' ) : $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + this_device ), slider_value; slider_value = parseFloat( this_value ) || 0; et_pb_check_range_boundaries( $range_slider, slider_value ); $range_slider.val( slider_value ).trigger( 'et_pb_setting:change' ); et_pb_update_mobile_defaults( $this_el ); } ); if ( $validate_unit_field.length ) { $validate_unit_field.each( function() { var $this_el = $(this), value = et_pb_sanitize_input_unit_value( $.trim( $this_el.val() ) ); $this_el.val( value ); } ); } if ( $advanced_tab_settings.length ) { $advanced_tab_settings.on( 'change et_pb_setting:change et_main_custom_margin:change', function() { var $this_el = $(this), this_device = typeof $ 'device' ) === 'undefined' ? 'all' : $ 'device' ), $option_container = $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ), $reset_button = $option_container.find( '.et-pb-reset-setting' ), is_range_option = $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-range' ), $current_element = is_range_option && 'all' === this_device ? $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range-input' ) : $this_el, $current_element = is_range_option && 'all' !== this_device ? $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range-input.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + this_device ) : $current_element, default_value = et_pb_get_default_setting_value( $current_element ), current_value = $current_element.val(), $mobile_toggle = $option_container.find( '.et-pb-mobile-settings-toggle' ); if ( $current_element.hasClass( 'et_pb_setting_mobile' ) && ! $current_element.hasClass( 'et_pb_setting_mobile_active' ) ) { // make the mobile toggle icon visible if any option is not default if ( ( current_value !== default_value && ! is_range_option ) || ( is_range_option && current_value !== default_value + 'px' && current_value !== default_value ) ) { $mobile_toggle.addClass( 'et-pb-mobile-icon-visible' ); } // do not proceed if mobile settings are not opened and we're processing mobile field return; } if ( $ 'select' ) && default_value === '' && $current_element.prop( 'selectedIndex' ) === 0 ) { $reset_button.removeClass( 'et-pb-reset-icon-visible' ); return; } // range option default value can be defined without units, so compare current value with default and default + 'px' for range option if ( ( current_value !== default_value && ! is_range_option ) || ( is_range_option && current_value !== default_value + 'px' && current_value !== default_value ) ) { setTimeout( function() { $reset_button.addClass( 'et-pb-reset-icon-visible' ); }, 50 ); $mobile_toggle.addClass( 'et-pb-mobile-icon-visible' ); } else { $reset_button.removeClass( 'et-pb-reset-icon-visible' ); if ( ! $mobile_toggle.hasClass( 'et-pb-mobile-settings-active' ) ) { $mobile_toggle.removeClass( 'et-pb-mobile-icon-visible' ); } } } ); $advanced_tab_settings.trigger( 'change' ); $container.find( '.et-pb-main-settings .et_pb_options_tab_advanced a' ).append( '<span class="et-pb-reset-settings"></span>' ); $container.find( '.et-pb-reset-settings' ).on( 'click', function() { et_pb_create_prompt_modal( 'reset_advanced_settings', $advanced_tab_settings ); } ); } $container.find( '.et-pb-reset-setting' ).on( 'click', function() { et_pb_reset_element_settings( $(this) ); } ); if ( $et_affect_fields.length ) { $et_affect_fields.change( function() { var $this_field = $(this), // this field value affects another field visibility new_field_value = $this_field.val(), new_field_value_number = parseInt( new_field_value ), data_affects_obj = $ 'affects' ).split(', '), function( affect ) { var is_selector = ( 'image' !== affect ) && $( affect ).length; return is_selector ? affect : '#et_pb_' + affect; } ), data_affects = data_affects_obj.join(', '), $affected_fields = $container.find( data_affects ), this_field_tab_index = $this_field.closest( '.et-pb-options-tab' ).index(); $affected_fields.each( function() { var $affected_field = $(this), $affected_container = $affected_field.closest( '.et-pb-option' ), is_text_trigger = 'text' === $this_field.attr( 'type' ) && typeof show_if_not === 'undefined' && typeof show_if === 'undefined', // need to know if trigger is text field show_if = $ 'depends_show_if' ) || 'on', show_if_not = is_text_trigger ? '' : $ 'depends_show_if_not' ), show = show_if === new_field_value || ( typeof show_if_not !== 'undefined' && show_if_not !== new_field_value ), affected_field_tab_index = $affected_field.closest( '.et-pb-options-tab' ).index(), $dependant_fields = $affected_container.find( '.et-pb-affects' ), // affected field might affect some other fields as well is_use_background_color_gradient = $this_field.closest( '.et_pb_background-option--use_background_color_gradient' ).length; // make sure hidden text fields do not break the visibility of option if ( is_text_trigger && ! $ ':visible' ) ) { return; } // if the affected field should be displayed, but the field that affects it is not visible, don't show the affected field ( it only can happen on settings page load ) if ( this_field_tab_index === affected_field_tab_index && show && ! $ ':visible' ) && ! $ '[type="hidden"]' ) && ! is_use_background_color_gradient ) { show = false; } // shows or hides the affected field container $affected_container.toggle( show ).addClass( 'et_pb_animate_affected' ); var event = $ ':visible' ) ? 'et-pb-option-field-shown' : 'et-pb-option-field-hidden'; $affected_field.trigger( event ); setTimeout( function() { $affected_container.removeClass( 'et_pb_animate_affected' ); et_pb_hide_empty_toggles( $affected_field ); }, 500 ); // if the affected field affects other fields, find out if we need to hide/show them if ( $dependant_fields.length ) { var data_inner_affects_obj = $ 'affects' ).split(', '), function( affect ) { var is_selector = ( 'image' !== affect ) && $( affect ).length; return is_selector ? affect : '#et_pb_' + affect; } ); var data_inner_affects = data_inner_affects_obj.join(', '); var $inner_affected_elements = $( data_inner_affects ); if ( ! $ ':visible' ) ) { // if the main affected field is hidden, hide all fields it affects $inner_affected_elements.each( function() { $(this).closest( '.et-pb-option' ).hide(); et_pb_hide_empty_toggles( $(this) ); } ); } else { // if the main affected field is displayed, trigger the change event for all fields it affects $affected_field.trigger( 'change' ); } } } ); } ); // trigger change event for all dependant ( affected ) fields to show on settings page load setTimeout( function() { // make all settings visible to properly enable all affected fields $settings_tab.css( { 'display' : 'block' } ); et_pb_update_affected_fields( $et_affect_fields ); // After all affected fields is being processed return all tabs to the initial state $settings_tab.css( { 'display' : 'none' } ); et_pb_open_current_tab(); // Remove all empty toggles which may appear in Section settings if ( $( '.et-pb-option-toggle-content' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.et-pb-option-toggle-content' ).each( function() { if ( '' === $.trim( $( this ).text() ) ) { $( this ).closest( '.et-pb-options-toggle-container' ).remove(); } }); } }, 100 ); } // update the unique class for opened module when custom css tab opened $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links' ).on( 'et_pb_main_tab:changed', function() { var $custom_css_tab = $( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links' ).find( '.et_pb_options_tab_custom_css' ), $module_order_placeholder = $( '.et-pb-options-tab-custom_css' ).find( '.et_pb_module_order_placeholder' ), opened_module, module_order; if ( $custom_css_tab.hasClass( 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active' ) ) { var opened_module = ET_PageBuilder_Modules.findWhere( { cid : this_module_cid } ); module_order = typeof opened_module.attributes.module_order !== 'undefined' ? opened_module.attributes.module_order : ''; // replace empty placeholders with module order value if any if ( $module_order_placeholder.length ) { $module_order_placeholder.replaceWith( module_order ); } } }); // show/hide css selector field for the custom css options on focus if ( $custom_css_option.length ) { $custom_css_option.focusin( function() { var $this = $( this ), $this_main_container = $this.closest( '.et-pb-option' ), $css_selector_holder = $this_main_container.find( 'label > span' ), $other_inputs_selectors = $this_main_container.siblings().find( 'label > span' ); // show the css selector span for option with focus if ( $css_selector_holder.length ) { $css_selector_holder.removeClass( 'et_pb_hidden_css_selector' ); $css_selector_holder.css( { 'display' : 'inline-block' } ); $css_selector_holder.addClass( 'et_pb_visible_css_selector' ); } // hide the css selector span for other options if ( $other_inputs_selectors.length ) { $other_inputs_selectors.removeClass( 'et_pb_visible_css_selector' ); $other_inputs_selectors.addClass( 'et_pb_hidden_css_selector' ); setTimeout( function() { $other_inputs_selectors.css( { 'display' : 'none' } ); $other_inputs_selectors.removeClass( 'et_pb_hidden_css_selector' ); }, 200 ); } }); } // handle global module options sync button clicks $container.on( 'click', '.et_pb_global_sync_switcher', function() { var $clicked_button = $( this ); var option_unsynced = $clicked_button.hasClass( 'et_pb_global_unsynced' ); if ( option_unsynced ) { $clicked_button.removeClass( 'et_pb_global_unsynced' ); } else { $clicked_button.addClass( 'et_pb_global_unsynced' ); } }); } // check the range slider boundaries against the provided value and extend min or max boundary if needed function et_pb_check_range_boundaries( $range_slider, slider_value ) { var slider_max = parseFloat( $range_slider.attr( 'max' ) ), slider_min = parseFloat( $range_slider.attr( 'min' ) ); if ( $range_slider.hasClass( 'et-pb-fixed-range' ) ) { return; } slider_value = '' !== slider_value ? parseFloat( slider_value ) : 0; // extend max boundary of the slider if needed if ( slider_value > slider_max ) { $range_slider.attr( 'max', slider_value ); $range_slider.val(slider_value); } // extend min boundary of the slider if needed if ( slider_value < slider_min ) { $range_slider.attr( 'min', slider_value ); $range_slider.val(slider_value); } } function et_pb_get_range_input_value( $range_input, update_element_value ) { var $range_field = $range_input.parent().find( '.et-pb-range' ), range_value = $range_input.val(), range_processed = typeof range_value === 'string' ? range_value.trim() : range_value, range_digit = parseFloat( range_processed ), range_string = range_processed.toString().replace( range_digit, '' ), result; // no need to use Number.isNaN there. parseFloat guarantees that we have a number or `NaN` value at this point. if ( isNaN( range_digit ) ) { range_digit = ''; } if ( $range_field.hasClass( 'et-pb-fixed-range' ) ) { var range_field_max = parseFloat( $range_field.attr( 'max' ) ), range_field_min = parseFloat( $range_field.attr( 'min' ) ), is_too_high = range_digit > range_field_max, is_too_low = range_digit < range_field_min; if ( is_too_high ) { range_digit = range_field_max; } else if ( is_too_low ) { range_digit = range_field_min; } } result = range_digit.toString() + range_string; if ( update_element_value && result !== range_value ) { $range_input.val( result ); } return result; } function et_pb_get_default_setting_value( $element ) { var default_data_name = $element.hasClass( 'et-pb-color-picker-hex' ) ? 'default-color' : 'default', default_value; // need to check for 'undefined' type instead of $ default_data_name ) || '' because default value maybe 0 default_value = typeof $ default_data_name ) !== 'undefined' ? $ default_data_name ) : ''; // convert any type to string default_value = default_value + ''; return default_value; } function et_pb_update_gradient_preview( $this ) { var $wrapper = $this.closest('.et_pb_background-tab--gradient'), gradient = et_pb_get_gradient( $wrapper ), $preview = $wrapper.find('.et-pb-option-preview'); if ( gradient ) { $preview.css({ backgroundImage: gradient }); } else { $preview.removeAttr( 'style' ); } } function et_pb_get_gradient( $wrapper ) { var $use_gradient_input = $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-option--use_background_color_gradient select'), $start_input = $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-option--background_color_gradient_start .et-pb-color-picker-hex'), $end_input = $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-option--background_color_gradient_end .et-pb-color-picker-hex'), $type_input = $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-option--background_color_gradient_type select'), $linear_direction_input = $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-option--background_color_gradient_direction .et-pb-range-input'), $radial_direction_input = $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-option--background_color_gradient_direction_radial select'), $start_position_input = $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-option--background_color_gradient_start_position .et-pb-range-input'), $end_position_input = $wrapper.find('.et_pb_background-option--background_color_gradient_end_position .et-pb-range-input'); if ( 'on' !== $use_gradient_input.val() ) { return false; } var args = { type: 'linear', direction: '180deg', radialDirection: 'center', colorStart: '#2b87da', colorEnd: '#29c4a9', startPosition: '0%', endPosition: '100%' }; _.each({ type: $type_input.val(), direction: $linear_direction_input.val(), radialDirection: $radial_direction_input.val(), colorStart: $start_input.val(), colorEnd: $end_input.val(), startPosition: $start_position_input.val(), endPosition: $end_position_input.val() }, function(value, key) { if ('' !== value && ! _.isUndefined(value)) { args[key] = value; } }) var direction = args.type === 'linear' ? args.direction : ( 'circle at ' + args.radialDirection ), startPosition = et_pb_sanitize_input_unit_value(args.startPosition, undefined, '%'), endPosition = et_pb_sanitize_input_unit_value(args.endPosition, undefined, '%'); return args.type + '-gradient( ' + direction + ', ' + args.colorStart + ' ' + startPosition + ', ' + args.colorEnd + ' ' + endPosition + ' )'; } /* * Reset icon or a setting field can be used as $element */ function et_pb_reset_element_settings( $element ) { var $this_el = $element, $option_container = $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ), $main_container = $option_container.closest( '.et-pb-option' ), this_device = typeof $ 'device' ) === 'undefined' || ! $main_container.hasClass( 'et_pb_has_mobile_settings' ) ? 'all' : $ 'device' ), $main_setting = 'all' === this_device ? $option_container.find( '.et-pb-main-setting' ) : $option_container.find( '.et-pb-main-setting.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + this_device ), default_value = et_pb_get_default_setting_value( $main_setting ); if ( $ 'select' ) && default_value === '' ) { $main_setting.prop( 'selectedIndex', 0 ).trigger( 'change' ); return; } if ( $main_setting.hasClass( 'et-pb-custom-color-picker' ) ) { et_pb_custom_color_remove( $this_el ); return; } if ( $main_setting.hasClass( 'et-pb-color-picker-hex' ) ) { $main_setting.wpColorPicker( 'color', default_value ); if ( default_value === '' ) { $main_setting.siblings('.wp-picker-clear').trigger('click'); } if ( ! $this_el.hasClass( 'et-pb-reset-setting' ) ) { $this_el = $option_container.find( '.et-pb-reset-setting' ); } $this_el.hide(); return; } if ( $main_setting.hasClass( 'et-pb-font-select' ) ) { et_pb_setup_font_setting( $main_setting, true ); } if ( $main_setting.hasClass( 'et-pb-range' ) ) { $main_setting = 'all' === this_device ? $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range-input' ) : $this_el.siblings( '.et-pb-range-input.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + this_device ); default_value = et_pb_get_default_setting_value( $main_setting ); } $main_setting.val( default_value ); $ 'has_saved_value', 'no' ); if ( $main_setting.hasClass( 'et_custom_margin_main' ) ) { $main_setting.trigger( 'et_main_custom_margin:change' ); } else { $main_setting.trigger( 'change' ); } } function et_pb_sanitize_input_unit_value( value, auto_important, default_unit ) { var value = typeof value === 'undefined' ? '' : value, valid_one_char_units = [ "%" ], valid_two_chars_units = [ "em", "px", "cm", "mm", "in", "pt", "pc", "ex", "vh", "vw" ], valid_three_chars_units = [ "deg" ], important = "!important", important_length = important.length, has_important = false, value_length = value.length, auto_important = _.isUndefined( auto_important ) ? false : auto_important, unit_value, result; if ( value === '' ) { return ''; } // check for !important if ( value.substr( ( 0 - important_length ), important_length ) === important ) { has_important = true; value_length = value_length - important_length; value = value.substr( 0, value_length ).trim(); } if ( $.inArray( value.substr( -1, 1 ), valid_one_char_units ) !== -1 ) { unit_value = parseFloat( value ) + "%"; // Re-add !important tag if ( has_important && ! auto_important ) { unit_value = unit_value + ' ' + important; } return unit_value; } if ( $.inArray( value.substr( -2, 2 ), valid_two_chars_units ) !== -1 ) { var unit_value = parseFloat( value ) + value.substr( -2, 2 ); // Re-add !important tag if ( has_important && ! auto_important ) { unit_value = unit_value + ' ' + important; } return unit_value; } if ( $.inArray( value.substr( -3, 3 ), valid_three_chars_units ) !== -1 ) { var unit_value = parseFloat( value ) + value.substr( -3, 3 ); // Re-add !important tag if ( has_important && ! auto_important ) { unit_value = unit_value + ' ' + important; } return unit_value; } if( isNaN( parseFloat( value ) ) ) { return ''; } result = parseFloat( value ); if ( _.isUndefined( default_unit ) || 'no_default_unit' !== default_unit ) { result += 'px'; } // Return and automatically append px (default value) return result; } function et_pb_process_custom_margin_field( $element ) { var $this_field = $element, this_device = typeof $ 'device' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'device' ) : 'all', this_field_value = $this_field.val(), $container = $this_field.closest( '.et_custom_margin_padding' ), $main_container = $container.closest( '.et-pb-option-container' ), $mobile_toggle = $main_container.find( '.et-pb-mobile-settings-toggle' ), $margin_fields = 'all' === this_device ? $container.find( '.et_custom_margin' ) : $container.find( '.et_custom_margin.et_pb_setting_mobile_' + this_device ), show_mobile = false, i = 0, margins; et_pb_update_mobile_defaults( $element ); if ( this_field_value !== '' ) { margins = this_field_value.split( '|' ); // if we have more fields than saved values, then add missing ones considering that saved values are top and bottom padding/margin if ( $margin_fields.length > margins.length ) { // fill the 2nd and 4th positions with empty values margins.splice( 1, 0, '' ); margins.push( '' ); } $margin_fields.each( function() { var $this_field = $(this), field_index = $margin_fields.index( $this_field ), auto_important = $this_field.hasClass( 'auto_important' ), corner_value = et_pb_sanitize_input_unit_value( margins[ field_index ], auto_important ); $this_field.val( corner_value ); if ( '' !== corner_value ) { show_mobile = true; } } ); if ( show_mobile ) { $mobile_toggle.addClass( 'et-pb-mobile-icon-visible' ); } } else { $margin_fields.each( function() { $(this).val( '' ); } ); } } function et_pb_setup_font_setting( $element, reset ) { var $this_el = $element, $container = $this_el.parent('.et-pb-option-container'), $options_container = $this_el.closest( '.et-pb-options-tab' ), $main_option = $container.find( '' ), $select_option = $container.find( '' ), $style_options = $container.find( '.et_builder_font_styles' ), $bold_option = $style_options.find( '.et_builder_bold_font' ), $italic_option = $style_options.find( '.et_builder_italic_font' ), $uppercase_option = $style_options.find( '.et_builder_uppercase_font' ), $underline_option = $style_options.find( '.et_builder_underline_font' ), style_active_class = 'et_font_style_active', font_value = $.trim( $main_option.val() ), all_caps_option = typeof $ 'old-option-ref' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== $ 'old-option-ref' ) ? $ 'old-option-ref' ) : '', $all_caps_el = '' !== all_caps_option ? $options_container.find( '.et-pb-option-' + all_caps_option ) : '', $all_caps_input = '' !== $all_caps_el && $all_caps_el.length ? $all_caps_el.find( 'input' ) : '', font_values; if ( reset ) { font_value = $.trim( $main_option.attr('data-default') ); } if ( font_value !== '' ) { font_values = font_value.split( '|' ); if ( font_values[0] !== '' ) { $select_option.val( font_values[0] ); } else { $select_option.prop( 'selectedIndex', 0 ); } if ( font_values[1] === 'on' ) { $bold_option.addClass( style_active_class ); } else { $bold_option.removeClass( style_active_class ); } if ( font_values[2] === 'on' ) { $italic_option.addClass( style_active_class ); } else { $italic_option.removeClass( style_active_class ); } if ( font_values[3] === 'on' ) { $uppercase_option.addClass( style_active_class ); } else { $uppercase_option.removeClass( style_active_class ); } if ( font_values[4] === 'on' ) { $underline_option.addClass( style_active_class ); } else { $underline_option.removeClass( style_active_class ); } } else { $select_option.prop( 'selectedIndex', 0 ); $bold_option.removeClass( style_active_class ); $italic_option.removeClass( style_active_class ); $uppercase_option.removeClass( style_active_class ); $underline_option.removeClass( style_active_class ); } // backward compatibility for obsolete "all caps" option if ( $all_caps_input.length && '' !== $all_caps_input.val() ) { // turn on uppercase option if it's off, but "All Caps" is on if ( font_values[3] !== 'on' && 'on' === $all_caps_input.val() ) { $uppercase_option.addClass( style_active_class ); font_values[3] = 'on'; // update the value of font option if Uppercase value was changed $main_option.val( font_values.join( '|' ) ).trigger( 'change' ); } // reset the value for obsolete "all caps" option to remove it from shortcode $all_caps_input.val( '' ); } } function et_pb_hide_active_color_picker( container ) { container.$( '.et-pb-color-picker-hex:visible' ).each( function(){ $(this).closest( '.wp-picker-container' ).find( '.wp-color-result' ).trigger( 'click' ); } ); } function et_builder_debug_message() { if ( et_pb_options.debug && window.console ) { if ( 2 === arguments.length ) { console.log( arguments[0], arguments[1] ); } else { console.log( arguments[0] ); } } } function et_reinitialize_builder_layout( update_global_modules ) { ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); setTimeout( function(){ var $builder_container = $( '#et_pb_layout' ), builder_height = $builder_container.innerHeight(); $builder_container.css( { 'height' : builder_height } ); content = et_pb_get_content( 'content', true ); ET_PageBuilder_App.removeAllSections(); ET_PageBuilder_App.$el.find( '.et_pb_section' ).remove(); ET_PageBuilder_App.createLayoutFromContent( et_prepare_template_content( content ), '', '', { is_reinit : 'reinit' } ); $builder_container.css( { 'height' : 'auto' } ); ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.update(); // in some cases we may need to update the content of global Rows and Section right after the layout reinit if ( ! update_global_modules ) { return; } // get array of global Rows and Sections on the page var global_modules = _.filter( ET_PageBuilder_Modules.models, function( model ) { return 'module' !== model.attributes.type && typeof model.attributes.et_pb_global_module !== 'undefined' && model.attributes.et_pb_global_module !== ''; } ); // update saved global template for each Section and Row if ( 0 !== global_modules.length ) { _.each( global_modules, function( model ) { et_pb_update_global_template( model.attributes.cid ); }); } }, 600 ); } // TODO, need to put WP credits here, there is code in this function thats is based on/from WP core heartbeat.js // wp-includes/js/heartbeat.js function et_builder_check_for_frontend_builder_updates(){ var $last_post_modified = $('#et_pb_last_post_modified'); var last_post_modified = $last_post_modified.val(); var post_id = $('#post_ID').val(); var blog_id = typeof window.autosaveL10n !== 'undefined' && window.autosaveL10n.blog_id; var force_check = false; var latest_post_content; var is_builder_used; var hidden; var visibilityState; var visibilitychange; var blurred; var focused; var checkFocusTimer; var checkFocus; var hasFocus = true; var force_autosave = false; var secure = ( 'https:' === window.location.protocol ); var wp_saved_cookie = wpCookies.get( 'wp-saving-post' ); var hasStorage; var autosaving_in_progress_cookie; var cookie_expires = 5 * 60; // 5 minutes var is_reloading = false; // Check if the browser supports sessionStorage and it's not disabled var checkStorage = function() { var test = Math.random().toString(), result = false; try { window.sessionStorage.setItem( 'wp-test', test ); result = window.sessionStorage.getItem( 'wp-test' ) === test; window.sessionStorage.removeItem( 'wp-test' ); } catch(e) {} hasStorage = result; return result; }; checkStorage(); /** * Initialize the local storage * * @return mixed False if no sessionStorage in the browser or an Object containing all postData for this blog */ var getStorage = function(key_prefix) { var stored_obj = false; key_prefix = key_prefix || 'wp'; // Separate local storage containers for each blog_id if ( hasStorage && blog_id ) { stored_obj = sessionStorage.getItem( key_prefix + '-autosave-' + blog_id ); if ( stored_obj ) { stored_obj = JSON.parse( stored_obj ); } else { stored_obj = {}; } } return stored_obj; }; /** * Set the storage for this blog * * Confirms that the data was saved successfully. * * @return bool */ var setStorage = function( stored_obj, key_prefix ) { var key; key_prefix = key_prefix || 'wp'; if ( hasStorage && blog_id ) { key = key_prefix + '-autosave-' + blog_id; sessionStorage.setItem( key, JSON.stringify( stored_obj ) ); return sessionStorage.getItem( key ) !== null; } return false; }; /** * Set (save or delete) post data in the storage. * * If stored_data evaluates to 'false' the storage key for the current post will be removed * * $param stored_data The post data to store or null/false/empty to delete the key * @return bool */ var setData = function( stored_data, key_prefix ) { var stored = getStorage(key_prefix); if ( ! stored || ! post_id ) { return false; } if ( stored_data ) { stored[ 'post_' + post_id ] = stored_data; } else if ( stored.hasOwnProperty( 'post_' + post_id ) ) { delete stored[ 'post_' + post_id ]; } else { return false; } return setStorage( stored, key_prefix ); }; if ( wp_saved_cookie === post_id + '-saved' ) { // The post was saved properly, set cookie to remove old fb autosave data (if present) // FB will pick this up and clear its autosave wpCookies.set( 'et-saved-post-' + post_id + '-bb', 'bb', cookie_expires, et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); wpCookies.set( 'et-recommend-sync-post-' + post_id + '-bb', 'bb', 30, et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); } wpCookies.set( 'et-editor-available-post-' + post_id + '-bb', 'bb', cookie_expires * 6, et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); function check_fb_saved() { var fb_saved_cookie = wpCookies.get( 'et-saved-post-' + post_id + '-fb' ); if ( fb_saved_cookie ) { // The post was saved properly in FB, set cookie to remove old fb autosave data (if present) // FB will pick this up and clear its autosave setData(false, 'wp'); var fb_editing_cookie = wpCookies.get( 'et-editing-post-' + post_id + '-fb' ); if ( ! fb_editing_cookie ) { wpCookies.remove( 'et-saved-post-' + post_id + '-fb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); } } } check_fb_saved(); is_builder_used = function(){ return $( '#et_pb_use_builder' ).val() === 'on'; }; autosaving_in_progress_cookie = function(in_progress) { if ( in_progress ) { wpCookies.remove( 'et-saved-post-' + post_id + '-bb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); wpCookies.set( 'et-saving-post-' + post_id + '-bb', 'bb', cookie_expires, et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); } else { // remove "saving" and set "saved", both are looked for in FB wpCookies.remove( 'et-saving-post-' + post_id + '-bb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); wpCookies.set( 'et-saved-post-' + post_id + '-bb', 'bb', cookie_expires, et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); } }; // Used to check if content has changed, to be used before forcing a autosave heartbeat var initialCompareString = _.isUndefined( wp.autosave ) ? '' : wp.autosave.getCompareString(); var lastCompareString; var hasContentChanged = function() { if ( _.isUndefined( wp.heartbeat ) || _.isUndefined( wp.autosave ) ) { return false; } var postData = wp.autosave.getPostData('local'); var compareString = wp.autosave.getCompareString( postData ); if ( typeof lastCompareString === 'undefined' ) { lastCompareString = initialCompareString; } // If the content, title and excerpt did not change since the last save, don't save again if ( compareString === lastCompareString ) { return false; } lastCompareString = compareString; return true; }; blurred = function(){ if ( !is_builder_used() ) { return; } hasFocus = false; var cookie = wpCookies.get( 'et-editing-post-' + post_id + '-bb' ); if ( cookie ) { // if content has not changed, no need to force an autosave heartbeat if ( !hasContentChanged() ) { return false; } // fire after next js event loop tick, so that during reload this will not even fire setTimeout(function(){ // this flag is set, adding redundency to preventing autosave during reload if ( !is_reloading ) { force_autosave = true; autosaving_in_progress_cookie(true); if ( ! _.isUndefined( wp.heartbeat ) && ! _.isUndefined( wp.autosave ) ) { wp.autosave.server.triggerSave(); } } }, 0); } }; focused = function(){ if ( !is_builder_used() ) { return false; } var post_id = $('#post_ID').val(); var secure = ( 'https:' === window.location.protocol ); var cookie_expires = 5 * 60; // 5 mins (in secs) hasFocus = true; var cookie = wpCookies.get( 'et-editing-post-' + post_id + '-fb' ); if ( !cookie ) { return false; } if ( _.isUndefined( wp.heartbeat ) || _.isUndefined( wp.autosave ) ) { return false; } var syncMaxChecks = 5; var syncChecks = 0; var syncCheck = function(){ var syncingCookieFB = wpCookies.get( 'et-syncing-post-' + post_id + '-fb' ); var syncingCookieBB = wpCookies.get( 'et-syncing-post-' + post_id + '-bb' ); var syncCheckedMax = syncChecks >= syncMaxChecks; if ( !syncCheckedMax && ( syncingCookieFB || syncingCookieBB ) ) { // bump loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); } else { // remove loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); return false; } syncChecks++; // check again in 1 sec (recursive) setTimeout(syncCheck, 1000); return true; }; if (syncCheck()) { return; } wpCookies.set( 'et-syncing-post-' + post_id + '-bb', 'bb', 30, et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); // external editor was in use! et_builder_debug_message('external editor was in use!'); et_builder_debug_message('trigger preloader'); // add loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); // temp block autosave wp.autosave.server.tempBlockSave(); var FBDoneFoundSavingCookie = false; var FBDoneReCheckTimeout = 500; var FBDoneMaxWaitTime = 15000; var FBDoneMaxChecks = FBDoneMaxWaitTime / FBDoneReCheckTimeout; var FBDoneChecks = 0; var checkFBDoneAutosaving = function() { var FBsaved = false; // see if saved has happened var savedCookie = wpCookies.get( 'et-saved-post-' + post_id + '-fb' ); if ( savedCookie ) { FBsaved = true; } if ( FBDoneChecks > FBDoneMaxChecks ) { FBsaved = true; } FBDoneChecks++; if ( _.isUndefined( wp.heartbeat ) || _.isUndefined( wp.autosave ) ) { return; } // bump temp block autosave wp.autosave.server.tempBlockSave(); // bump loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); if ( FBsaved ) { et_builder_debug_message('calling wp.heartbeat.connectNow()'); force_check = true; // check if FB saved, and if it did, clear our local autosave data check_fb_saved(); // wait .5 sec so autosave has time to settle...? setTimeout(function(){ wp.heartbeat.connectNow(); }, 500); // clean these up, since we have consumed them wpCookies.remove( 'et-saving-post-' + post_id + '-fb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); wpCookies.remove( 'et-saved-post-' + post_id + '-fb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); wpCookies.remove( 'et-syncing-post-' + post_id + '-bb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); // delete the fb-editing cookie, since the baton is in BB's hand now wpCookies.remove( 'et-editing-post-' + post_id + '-fb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); return true; } // check again in .5 sec (recursive) setTimeout(checkFBDoneAutosaving, FBDoneReCheckTimeout); } // kick it off checkFBDoneAutosaving(); }; checkFocus = function() { if ( hasFocus && ! document.hasFocus() ) { blurred(); } else if ( ! hasFocus && document.hasFocus() ) { focused(); } }; if ( typeof document.hidden !== 'undefined' ) { hidden = 'hidden'; visibilitychange = 'visibilitychange'; visibilityState = 'visibilityState'; } else if ( typeof document.msHidden !== 'undefined' ) { // IE10 hidden = 'msHidden'; visibilitychange = 'msvisibilitychange'; visibilityState = 'msVisibilityState'; } else if ( typeof document.webkitHidden !== 'undefined' ) { // Android hidden = 'webkitHidden'; visibilitychange = 'webkitvisibilitychange'; visibilityState = 'webkitVisibilityState'; } window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function( event ) { is_reloading = true; wpCookies.remove( 'et-editing-post-' + post_id + '-bb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); wpCookies.remove( 'et-syncing-post-' + post_id + '-bb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); wpCookies.remove( 'et-saving-post-' + post_id + '-bb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); wpCookies.remove( 'et-editor-available-post-' + post_id + '-bb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); }); if ( hidden ) { $(document).on( visibilitychange + '.fb-heartbeat', function(e) { if ( !is_builder_used() ) { return; } if ( document[visibilityState] === 'hidden' ) { blurred(); window.clearInterval( checkFocusTimer ); } else { focused(); if ( document.hasFocus ) { checkFocusTimer = window.setInterval( checkFocus, 1000 ); } } }); } // Use document.hasFocus() if available. if ( document.hasFocus ) { checkFocusTimer = window.setInterval( checkFocus, 1000 ); } // fire it right away focused(); // check for save from FB, even if it refreshes right after saving setInterval( function(){ var fb_recommend_sync_cookie = wpCookies.get( 'et-recommend-sync-post-' + post_id + '-fb' ); var fb_saved_cookie = wpCookies.get( 'et-saved-post-' + post_id + '-fb' ); if ( fb_recommend_sync_cookie && fb_saved_cookie ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( wp.heartbeat ) ) { wp.heartbeat.connectNow(); } wpCookies.remove( 'et-recommend-sync-post-' + post_id + '-fb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); } }, 3000 ); // send last_post_modified with the heartbeatData sent to server // php et_pb_heartbeat_post_modified() hook is looking for this key $(document).on('', function(event, heartbeatData ){ if ( !is_builder_used() ) { return; } = { last_post_modified: last_post_modified, built_by: 'bb', post_id: post_id, force_check: force_check, force_autosave: force_check ? false : force_autosave // if force_check, dont let it be force_autosave at same time }; // reset force check after its used force_check = false; // set the autosave payload if its not there, since we are trying to force_autosave now if ( force_autosave && 'undefined' === typeof heartbeatData.wp_autosave ) { heartbeatData.wp_autosave = wp.autosave.getPostData(); // Overwriting autosave's post data with the newest content change heartbeatData.wp_autosave.content = et_pb_get_content( 'content' ); heartbeatData.wp_autosave._wpnonce = $( '#_wpnonce' ).val() || ''; } if ( typeof heartbeatData.wp_autosave === 'object' ) { heartbeatData.wp_autosave.builder_settings = _.mapObject( _.indexBy( $( '.et_pb_page_settings input.et_pb_value_updated' ).serializeArray(), 'name' ), function( setting, name ) { return setting.value; } ); heartbeatData.wp_autosave.et_fb_autosave_nonce = et_pb_options.et_fb_autosave_nonce; // Remove updated marker $( '.et_pb_page_settings input.et_pb_value_updated' ).removeClass('et_pb_value_updated'); } // reset this flag after its used on the autosave heartbeat if ( force_autosave && 'undefined' !== typeof heartbeatData.wp_autosave ) { force_autosave = false; } }); // check recieved heartbeat response, to see if et_pb_heartbeat_post_modified() determined // the post has been modified externally of this editor $(document).on('', function(event, response ){ if ( !is_builder_used() ) { return; } if ( ! _.isEmpty( ) && ! _.isEmpty( ) ) { var is_builder_settings_popup_opened = $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay.et_pb_builder_settings' ).length; _.each(, function( value, name ) { $('#' + name).val( value ); if ( 'et_pb_section_background_color' === name ) { et_pb_options.page_section_bg_color = value; } if ( 'et_pb_page_gutter_width' === name ) { et_pb_options.page_gutter_width = value; } if ( 'et_pb_color_palette' === name ) { et_pb_options.page_color_palette = value; } // Live refresh for currently opened builder settings if ( is_builder_settings_popup_opened ) { var $field = $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay.et_pb_builder_settings div[data-id="'+ name +'"]' ); var dataType = $field.attr( 'data-type'); switch( dataType ) { case 'range': $field.find( '.range, .et-pb-range-input' ).val( value ); break; case 'color-alpha': $field.find( '.input-colorpicker' ).wpColorPicker( 'color', value ); break; case 'textarea': $field.find( 'textarea' ).val( value ); break case 'colorpalette': var paletteColors = value.split('|'); $field.find( '.input-colorpalette-colorpicker' ).each(function( index, palette ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( paletteColors[index] ) ) { var paletteColor = paletteColors[index]; $(palette).val( paletteColor ).wpColorPicker( 'color', paletteColor ); $field.find( '.colorpalette-item-' + ( index + 1) ).css({ 'backgroundColor' : paletteColor }); } }); break; case 'yes_no_button': var $yn_wrapper = $field.find( '.et_pb_yes_no_button_wrapper' ), $yn_button = $field.find( '.et_pb_yes_no_button' ), $yn_select = $field.find( 'select' ); $yn_select.find('option[value="'+value+'"]').prop('selected', true); if ( value === 'on' ) { $yn_button.removeClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ).addClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ); } else { $yn_button.removeClass( 'et_pb_on_state' ).addClass( 'et_pb_off_state' ); } break; default : $field.find( 'input' ).val( value ); break; } } } ); } // if this was a completed autosave, update our saving/saved cookie state if ( response.wp_autosave ) { autosaving_in_progress_cookie(false); } if ( 'undefined' === typeof ) { return false; } if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ) { last_post_modified =; } if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ) { et_builder_debug_message('ext changes occured'); latest_post_content =; // Close currently opened settings modal var $modalSettingsContainer = $('.et_pb_modal_settings_container'); if ( $modalSettingsContainer.length && $modalSettingsContainer.attr('data-open_view') === 'module_settings' ) { $modalSettingsContainer.find('.et-pb-modal-close').trigger('click'); } update_builder_content(); } else { // remove loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); } }); var update_builder_content = function(){ $last_post_modified.val(last_post_modified); if ( !is_builder_used() ) { return; } // If this is a fresh new post/page, the first attempt will be to update with blank content from db (since its not saved yet in db) // so this check will skip that initial attempt if ( '' == latest_post_content ) { return; } // add loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); // Set shortcode to editor var shortcode = latest_post_content; et_pb_set_content( 'content', shortcode, 'updating_to_latest_fb_content' ); // Rebuild the builder setTimeout( function(){ var $builder_container = $( '#et_pb_layout' ), builder_height = $builder_container.innerHeight(); $builder_container.css( { 'height' : builder_height } ); ET_PageBuilder_App.removeAllSections(); ET_PageBuilder_App.$el.find( '.et_pb_section' ).remove(); // Ensure that no history is added for rollback ET_PageBuilder_App.enable_history = false; ET_PageBuilder_App.createLayoutFromContent( et_prepare_template_content( shortcode ), '', '', { is_reinit : 'reinit' } ); // Auto turn on Split Testing if the history has Split testing data if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active_based_on_models() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.toggle_status( true ); et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } else { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.toggle_status( false ); } $builder_container.css( { 'height' : 'auto' } ); // remove loading state ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); // delete the editing cookie since the above doesnt count as dirty'ing the content setTimeout(function(){ wpCookies.remove( 'et-editing-post-' + post_id + '-bb', et_pb_options.cookie_path, false, secure ); }, 500 ); }, 500 ); }; } et_builder_check_for_frontend_builder_updates(); $( document ).on( 'tinymce-editor-init.autosave', function( event, editor ) { if ( 'content' === ) { $( document ).off( 'tinymce-editor-init.autosave' ); } }); function et_prepare_template_content( content ) { if ( -1 !== content.indexOf( '[et_pb_' ) ) { if ( -1 === content.indexOf( 'et_pb_row' ) && -1 === content.indexOf( 'et_pb_section' ) ) { if ( -1 === content.indexOf( 'et_pb_fullwidth' ) ) { content = '[et_pb_section template_type="module" skip_module="true"][et_pb_row template_type="module" skip_module="true"][et_pb_column type="4_4"]' + content + '[/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]'; } else { content = '[et_pb_section fullwidth="on" template_type="module" skip_module="true"]' + content + '[/et_pb_section]'; } } else if ( -1 === content.indexOf( 'et_pb_section' ) ) { content = '[et_pb_section template_type="row" skip_module="true"]' + content + '[/et_pb_section]'; } } return content; } function generate_templates_view( include_global, is_global, layout_type, append_to, module_width, specialty_cols, selected_category, previous_result ) { var is_global = '' === is_global ? 'not_global' : is_global; if ( typeof $et_pb_templates_cache[layout_type + '_' + is_global + '_' + module_width + '_' + specialty_cols] !== 'undefined' ) { var templates_collection = new ET_PageBuilder.SavedTemplates( $et_pb_templates_cache[layout_type + '_' + is_global + '_' + module_width + '_' + specialty_cols] ), templates_view = new ET_PageBuilder.TemplatesView( { collection: templates_collection, category: selected_category } ); append_to.append( templates_view.render().el ); if ( 'include_global' === include_global && 'not_global' === is_global ) { generate_templates_view( 'include_global', 'global', layout_type, append_to, module_width, specialty_cols, selected_category ); } else { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); append_to.prepend( et_pb_generate_layouts_filter( selected_category ) ); $( '#et_pb_select_category' ).data( 'attr', { include_global : include_global, is_global : '', layout_type : layout_type, append_to : append_to, module_width : module_width, specialty_cols : specialty_cols } ); } } else { $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', data: { action : 'et_pb_get_saved_templates', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_is_global : is_global, et_post_type : et_pb_options.post_type, et_layout_type : layout_type, et_module_width : module_width, et_specialty_columns : specialty_cols }, beforeSend : function() { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); }, complete : function() { if ( 'include_global' !== include_global || ( 'include_global' === include_global && 'global' === is_global ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); append_to.prepend( et_pb_generate_layouts_filter( selected_category ) ); $( '#et_pb_select_category' ).data( 'attr', { include_global : include_global, is_global : '', layout_type : layout_type, append_to : append_to, module_width : module_width, specialty_cols : specialty_cols } ); } }, success: function( data ) { var request_result = ''; if ( typeof data.error !== 'undefined' ) { //show error message only for global section or when global section wasn't included if ( ( 'include_global' === include_global && 'global' === is_global && 'success' !== previous_result ) || 'include_global' !== include_global ) { append_to.append( '<ul><li>' + data.error + '</li></ul>'); request_result = 'fail'; } } else { var templates_collection = new ET_PageBuilder.SavedTemplates( data ), templates_view = new ET_PageBuilder.TemplatesView( { collection: templates_collection } ); $et_pb_templates_cache[layout_type + '_' + is_global + '_' + module_width + '_' + specialty_cols] = data; append_to.append( templates_view.render().el ); request_result = 'success'; } if ( 'include_global' === include_global && 'not_global' === is_global ) { generate_templates_view( 'include_global', 'global', layout_type, append_to, module_width, specialty_cols, selected_category, request_result ); } } } ); } } function et_pb_generate_layouts_filter( selected_category ) { var all_cats = $.parseJSON( et_pb_options.layout_categories ), $cats_selector = '<select id="et_pb_select_category">', selected_option = 'all' === selected_category || '' === selected_category ? ' selected' : ''; $cats_selector += '<option value="all"' + selected_option + '>' + et_pb_options.all_cat_text + '</option>'; if( ! $.isEmptyObject( all_cats ) ) { $.each( all_cats, function( i, single_cat ) { if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( single_cat ) ) { selected_option = selected_category === single_cat.slug ? ' selected' : ''; $cats_selector += '<option value="' + single_cat.slug + '"' + selected_option + '>' + + '</option>'; } }); } $cats_selector += '</select>'; return $cats_selector; } // function to load saved layouts, it works differently than loading saved rows, sections and modules, so we need a separate function function et_load_saved_layouts( layout_type, container_class, $this_el, post_type, update_cache ) { if ( typeof $et_pb_templates_cache[layout_type + '_layouts'] !== 'undefined' && ! update_cache ) { $this_el.find( '.et-pb-main-settings.' + container_class ).append( $et_pb_templates_cache[layout_type + '_layouts'] ); } else { $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_show_all_layouts', et_layouts_built_for_post_type: post_type, et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_load_layouts_type : layout_type //'predefined' or not predefined }, beforeSend : function() { if ( ! update_cache ) { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); } }, complete : function() { if ( ! update_cache ) { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); } }, success: function( data ){ if ( ! update_cache ) { $this_el.find( '.et-pb-main-settings.' + container_class ).append( data ); } $et_pb_templates_cache[layout_type + '_layouts'] = data; } } ); } } function et_handle_templates_switching( $clicked_button, module_type, module_width ) { if ( ! $clicked_button.hasClass( 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active' ) ) { var specialty_columns = typeof $clicked_button.closest( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links' ).data( 'specialty_columns' ) !== 'undefined' ? $clicked_button.closest( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links' ).data( 'specialty_columns' ) : 0; $( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links li' ).removeClass( 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active' ); $clicked_button.addClass( 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active' ); $( '' ).css( { 'display' : 'block', 'opacity' : 1 } ).stop( true, true ).animate( { opacity : 0 }, 300, function(){ $( this ).css( 'display', 'none' ); $( this ).removeClass( 'active-container' ); $( '.' + $ 'open_tab' ) ).addClass( 'active-container' ).css( { 'display' : 'block', 'opacity' : 0 } ).stop( true, true ).animate( { opacity : 1 }, 300 ); }); if ( typeof $ 'content_loaded' ) === 'undefined' && ! $clicked_button.hasClass( 'et-pb-new-module' ) && 'layout' !== module_type ) { var include_global = $clicked_button.closest( '.et_pb_modal_settings' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_no_global' ) ? 'no_global' : 'include_global'; generate_templates_view( include_global, '', module_type, $( '.' + $ 'open_tab' ) ), module_width, specialty_columns, 'all' ); $ 'content_loaded', 'true' ); } } } function et_pb_maybe_apply_wpautop_to_models( editor_mode, load ) { if ( typeof window.switchEditors === 'undefined' ) { return; } var tinymce_advanced_noautop = tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit.et_pb_content_new.tadv_noautop; // get the noautop option from tinyMCE advanced plugin _.each( ET_PageBuilder_App.collection.models, function( model ) { var model_content = model.get( 'et_pb_content_new' ); if ( typeof model_content !== 'undefined' ) { if ( editor_mode === 'tinymce' ) { model_content = window.switchEditors.wpautop( model_content.replace( /<p>Â <\/p>/g, "<p> </p>" ) ); } else { // do not remove the <p> and <br /> tags in the Text editor, if such option is enabled in TinyMCE Advanced Plugin if ( typeof tinymce_advanced_noautop !== 'undefined' && tinymce_advanced_noautop === true ) { return; } // do not remove <br /> tags on initial page load if ( ! _.isUndefined( load ) && load === 'initial_load' ) { return; } model_content = window.switchEditors.pre_wpautop( model_content ); } model.set( 'et_pb_content_new', model_content, { silent : true } ); } } ); } function et_add_template_meta( custom_field_name, value ) { var current_post_id = et_pb_options.template_post_id; $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_add_template_meta', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_meta_value : value, et_custom_field : custom_field_name, et_post_id : current_post_id } } ); } function et_builder_get_global_module( view_settings ) { var modal_view, shortcode_atts, global_module_id = view_settings.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ); $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', data: { action : 'et_pb_get_global_module', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_global_id : global_module_id }, beforeSend : function() { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); }, complete : function() { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); }, success: function( data ) { if ( data.error ) { // if global template not found, then make module not global. view_settings.model.unset( 'et_pb_global_module' ); view_settings.model.unset( 'et_pb_saved_tabs' ); } else { var et_pb_shortcodes_tags = ET_PageBuilder_App.getShortCodeParentTags(), reg_exp = window.wp.shortcode.regexp( et_pb_shortcodes_tags ), inner_reg_exp = ET_PageBuilder_App.wp_regexp_not_global( et_pb_shortcodes_tags ), matches = data.shortcode.match( reg_exp ), selective_sync_method = data.sync_status, unsynced_options = 'updated' === selective_sync_method ? JSON.parse( data.excluded_options ) : []; if ( 'updated' === selective_sync_method ) { et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ global_module_id ] = 0 < unsynced_options.length ? unsynced_options : []; } else { et_pb_all_legacy_synced_options[ global_module_id ] = []; } _.each( matches, function ( shortcode ) { var shortcode_element = shortcode.match( inner_reg_exp ), shortcode_name = shortcode_element[2], shortcode_attributes = shortcode_element[3] !== '' ? window.wp.shortcode.attrs( shortcode_element[3] ) : '', shortcode_content = shortcode_element[5], module_settings, found_inner_shortcodes = typeof shortcode_content !== 'undefined' && shortcode_content !== '' && shortcode_content.match( reg_exp ), saved_tabs = shortcode_attributes['named']['saved_tabs'] || view_settings.model.get('et_pb_saved_tabs'), ignore_admin_label = 'updated' !== selective_sync_method && 'all' !== saved_tabs && -1 === saved_tabs.indexOf( 'general' ), // we should load Admin Label only if General tab is synced sync_content = 'updated' === selective_sync_method ? -1 === et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ global_module_id ].indexOf( 'et_pb_content_field' ) : ( '' !== saved_tabs && ( -1 !== saved_tabs.indexOf( 'general' ) || 'all' === saved_tabs ) ); // no need to perform specific actions if module is fully global, so process it as updated module. if ( 'all' === saved_tabs && 'updated' !== selective_sync_method ) { et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ global_module_id ] = []; selective_sync_method = 'updated'; } if ( _.isObject( shortcode_attributes['named'] ) ) { for ( var key in shortcode_attributes['named'] ) { if ( 'template_type' !== key && ( 'admin_label' !== key || ( 'admin_label' === key && ! ignore_admin_label ) ) ) { // skip unsynced options if ( 'updated' === selective_sync_method && -1 !== et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ global_module_id ].indexOf( key ) ) { return; } var prefixed_key = 'admin_label' !== key ? ( 'et_pb_' + key ) : key; if ( '' !== key ) { view_settings.model.set( prefixed_key, shortcode_attributes['named'][key], { silent : true } ); } // fill in array of synced legacy optoins to determine which options are not synced if ( 'updated' !== selective_sync_method ) { et_pb_all_legacy_synced_options[ global_module_id ].push( key ); } } } } if ( sync_content ) { view_settings.model.set( 'et_pb_content_new', shortcode_content, { silent : true } ); if ( 'updated' !== selective_sync_method ) { et_pb_all_legacy_synced_options[ global_module_id ].push( 'et_pb_content_field' ); } } if ( 'updated' !== selective_sync_method ) { view_settings.model.set( 'legacy_synced_options', et_pb_all_legacy_synced_options[ global_module_id ], { silent : true } ); } } ); } modal_view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( view_settings ); $( 'body' ).append( modal_view.render().el ); // Emulate preview clicking if this is triggered via right click if ( view_settings.triggered_by_right_click === true && view_settings.do_preview === true ) { $('.et-pb-modal-preview-template').trigger( 'click' ); } $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_saved_global_modal et_pb_modal_selective_sync' ); et_pb_add_selective_sync_buttons( $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ), global_module_id ) } } ); } function et_pb_load_global_row( post_id, module_cid, current_content ) { if ( ! $( 'body' ).find( '.et_pb_global_loading_overlay' ).length ) { $( 'body' ).append( '<div class="et_pb_global_loading_overlay"></div>' ); } $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', data: { action : 'et_pb_get_global_module', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_global_id : post_id }, success: function( data ){ var global_content_is_different = false; if ( data.error ) { // if global template not found, then make module and all child modules not global. var this_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module_cid ), $child_elements = this_view.$el.find( '[data-cid]' ); this_view.model.unset( 'et_pb_global_module' ); if ( $child_elements.length ) { $child_elements.each( function() { var $this_child = $( this ), child_cid = $ 'cid' ); if ( typeof child_cid !== 'undefined' && '' !== child_cid ) { var child_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( child_cid ); if ( typeof child_view !== 'undefined' ) { child_view.model.unset( 'et_pb_global_parent' ); } } }); } } else { var processed_content = current_content.replace( / global_parent="\S+"/g, '' ); var processed_shortcode = data.shortcode.replace( /template_type="\S+"/, 'global_module="' + post_id + '"' ); // remove all the unwanted spaces and line-breaks to make sure shortcode comparison performed correctly. processed_shortcode = processed_shortcode.replace( /]\s?\n\s?\n\s?/g, '] ' ).replace( /\s?\n\s?\n\s?\[/g, ' [' ); processed_shortcode = processed_shortcode.replace( /]\s+/g, ']' ).replace( /\s+\[/g, '[' ); processed_content = processed_content.replace( /]\s+/g, ']' ).replace( /\s+\[/g, '[' ); // remove line-breaks from the shortcode before comparison if editor is in Visual mode if ( et_pb_is_editor_in_visual_mode() ) { processed_shortcode = processed_shortcode.replace( /\r?\n|\r/g, '' ); } if ( processed_shortcode !== processed_content ) { global_content_is_different = true; // call createLayoutFromContent only if current_shortcode is different than received shortcode ET_PageBuilder_App.createLayoutFromContent( data.shortcode, '', '', { ignore_template_tag : 'ignore_template', current_row_cid : module_cid, global_id : post_id, is_reinit : 'reinit' } ); } } et_pb_globals_loaded++; //make sure all global modules have been processed and reinitialize the layout if ( et_pb_globals_requested === et_pb_globals_loaded ) { // Reinitialize the layout only if global module content is different than content on page. if ( global_content_is_different ) { // reinitialize the layout and update global template in DB to make sure all the attributes saved the same way as on the page. et_reinitialize_builder_layout( true ); } setTimeout( function(){ $( 'body' ).find( '.et_pb_global_loading_overlay' ).remove(); }, 650 ); } } } ); } function et_pb_update_global_template( global_module_cid ) { var global_module_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( global_module_cid ), post_id = global_module_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ), layout_type = global_module_view.model.get( 'type' ); layout_type_updated = 'row_inner' === layout_type ? 'row' : layout_type, template_shortcode = ET_PageBuilder_App.generateCompleteShortcode( global_module_cid, layout_type_updated, 'ignore_global', false, true ); unsynced_global_options = ! _.isEmpty( et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ post_id ] ) ? et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ post_id ] : []; // do not proceed if global post ID is not defined or empty. if ( typeof post_id === 'undefined' || '' === post_id ) { return; } if ( 'row_inner' === layout_type ) { template_shortcode = template_shortcode.replace( /et_pb_row_inner/g, 'et_pb_row' ); template_shortcode = template_shortcode.replace( /et_pb_column_inner/g, 'et_pb_column' ); } $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'et_pb_update_layout', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce, et_layout_content : template_shortcode, et_template_post_id : post_id, et_layout_type : layout_type, et_unsynced_options : JSON.stringify( unsynced_global_options ) } } ); } function et_pb_get_global_parent_cid( module ) { var global_holder_view = module; var global_module_cid = ''; // check the module parents tree to find the closest global parent if exists while ( ! _.isUndefined( global_holder_view.model.get( 'parent' ) ) && '' === global_module_cid ) { // Refresh global holder for new loop global_holder_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( global_holder_view.model.get( 'parent' ) ); global_module_cid = '' === global_module_cid && ! _.isUndefined( global_holder_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ) ? global_holder_view.model.get( 'cid' ) : global_module_cid; } return global_module_cid; } function et_pb_open_current_tab() { var $container = $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ); if ( $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_hide_general_tab' ) ) { $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links li' ).removeClass( 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active' ); $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs .et-pb-options-tab' ).css( { 'display' : 'none', opacity : 0 } ); if ( $container.hasClass( 'et_pb_hide_advanced_tab' ) ) { $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links li.et_pb_options_tab_custom_css' ).addClass( 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active' ); $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs' ).css( { 'display' : 'block', opacity : 1 } ); } else { $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links li.et_pb_options_tab_advanced' ).addClass( 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active' ); $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs' ).css( { 'display' : 'block', opacity : 1 } ); } } else { $container.find( '.et-pb-options-tabs' ).css( { 'display' : 'block', opacity : 1 } ); } } /** * Check if current user has permission to lock/unlock content */ function et_pb_user_lock_permissions() { var permissions = $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: et_pb_options.ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', data: { action : 'et_pb_current_user_can_lock', et_admin_load_nonce : et_pb_options.et_admin_load_nonce }, beforeSend : function() { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:started' ); }, complete : function() { ET_PageBuilder_Events.trigger( 'et-pb-loading:ended' ); }, } ); return permissions; } /** * Check for localStorage support */ function et_pb_has_storage_support() { try { return 'localStorage' in window && window.localStorage !== null; } catch (e) { return false; } } /** * Check whether the Yoast SEO plugin is active */ function et_pb_is_yoast_seo_active() { return ( 'object' === typeof YoastSEO && YoastSEO.hasOwnProperty( 'app' ) ) } function et_pb_is_modal_opened() { return 0 < $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay,' ).length; } /** * Prepare an object from hovered module for Shortcuts */ function et_pb_get_hovered_module_view( hoveredObject ) { if ( _.isEmpty( hoveredObject ) || et_pb_is_modal_opened() ) { return false; } var view_settings = { model : hoveredObject.model, view : hoveredObject.$el, view_event : event }; var prepared_item = new ET_PageBuilder.RightClickOptionsView( view_settings, true ); return prepared_item; } function et_pb_add_selective_sync_buttons( $options_container, global_id ) { if ( $options_container.length === 0 ) { return; } var $options_array = $options_container.find( '.et-pb-option' ); if ( $options_container.find( '.et-pb-option-advanced-module-settings' ).length > 0 ) { var disabled_class = et_pb_is_option_unsynced( 'et_pb_content_field', global_id ) ? ' et_pb_global_unsynced' : ''; $options_container.find( '.et-pb-option-advanced-module-settings' ).append( '<span class="et_pb_global_sync_switcher' + disabled_class + '" data-option_name="et_pb_content_field" data-additional_options="none"></span>' ); } if ( $options_array.length === 0 ) { return; } _.each( $options_array, function( $single_option ) { var option_name = 'content_new' === $( $single_option ).data( 'option_name' ) ? 'et_pb_content_field' : $( $single_option ).data( 'option_name' ); var disabled_class = et_pb_is_option_unsynced( option_name, global_id ) ? ' et_pb_global_unsynced' : ''; var additional_options = $( $single_option ).find( '.et_pb_mobile_settings_tabs' ).length !== 0 ? 'mobile' : 'none'; $( $single_option ).append( '<span class="et_pb_global_sync_switcher' + disabled_class + '" data-option_name="' + option_name + '" data-additional_options="' + additional_options + '"></span>' ); } ); } function et_pb_is_option_unsynced( option_name, global_id ) { var sync_method = ! _.isUndefined( et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ global_id ] ) ? 'updated' : 'legacy'; if ( 'legacy' === sync_method ) { return ( -1 === et_pb_all_legacy_synced_options[ global_id ].indexOf( option_name ) ); } else { return ( -1 !== et_pb_all_unsynced_options[ global_id ].indexOf( option_name ) ); } } /** * Check if path exists in object. * * @see * * @param obj * @param path * @return {boolean} */ function has( obj, path ) { if( ! path ) { return true; } var path_parts = path.split( '.' ); var first_part = _.first( path_parts ); return _.has( obj, first_part ) && has( obj[first_part], path_parts ).join( '.' ) ); } /** * Clipboard mechanism. Clipboard is only capable of handling one copied content at the onetime * @todo add fallback support */ ET_PB_Clipboard = { key : 'et_pb_clipboard_', set : function( type, content ) { if ( et_pb_has_storage_support() ) { // Save the type of copied content localStorage.setItem( this.key + 'type', type ); // Save the copied content localStorage.setItem( this.key + 'content', content ); } else { alert( et_pb_options.localstorage_unavailability_alert ); } }, get : function( type ) { if ( et_pb_has_storage_support() ) { // Get saved type and content var saved_type = localStorage.getItem( this.key + 'type' ), saved_content = localStorage.getItem( this.key + 'content' ); // Check for the compatibility of saved data and paste destination // Return value if the supplied type equal with saved value, or if the getter doesn't care about the content's type if ( typeof type === 'undefined' || type === saved_type ) { return saved_content; } else { return false; } } else { alert( et_pb_options.localstorage_unavailability_alert ); } } }; var et_pb_reinit_layout_throttled = _.debounce( et_reinitialize_builder_layout, 2000 ); /** * Builder hotkeys */ $(window).keydown( function( event ){ if ( ! et_pb_is_builder_used() ) { return; } function et_pb_close_opened_modal() { var $close_button = $( '.et-pb-modal-close' ); var $core_close_button = $('.et-core-modal-close'); if ( $close_button.length ) { // it's possible that there are 2 Modals appear on top of each other, close the one which is on top if ( typeof $close_button[1] !== 'undefined' ) { $close_button[1].click(); } else { $; } } if ($core_close_button.length) { $; } $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'et-core-nbfc' ); } // Hotkeys that should work regardless current focus state // Handle Esc and Enter only if Modal is opened if ( et_pb_is_modal_opened() || $( '.et_pb_prompt_modal' ).is( ':visible' ) ) { var $save_button = $( '.et-pb-modal-save' ), $proceed_button = $( '.et_pb_prompt_proceed' ), $builder_buttons = $( '#et_pb_main_container a, #et_pb_toggle_builder' ); switch( event.which ) { // Enter button handling case 13 : // do nothing if focus is in the textarea or in the map address field so enter will work as expected if ( $( '.et-pb-option-container textarea, #et_pb_address, #et_pb_pin_address, .et-pb-color-picker-hex-has-preview' ).is( ':focus' ) ) { // Close currently focused colorpicker $( '.et-pb-color-picker-hex-has-preview:focus' ).wpColorPicker( 'close' ); return; } //remove focus from the builder buttons to avoid unexpected behavior $builder_buttons.blur(); if ( $save_button.length || $proceed_button.length ) { // it's possible that proceed button displayed above the save, we need to click only proceed button in that case if ( $proceed_button.length ) { $; } else { // it's possible that there are 2 Modals appear on top of each other, save the one which is on top if ( typeof $save_button[1] !== 'undefined' ) { $save_button[1].click(); } else { $; } } } break; // Escape button handling case 27 : // close the modal on Esc et_pb_close_opened_modal(); break; } } if ((event.keyCode === 83 && event.metaKey && event.shiftKey && !event.altKey) || (event.keyCode === 83 && event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey && !event.altKey)) { // Save as draft event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_opened_modal(); // Triggers save by draft by triggering DOM to initiate necessary animation $('#save-post').trigger('click'); return; } else if ( (event.keyCode === 83 && event.metaKey && !event.altKey) || (event.keyCode === 83 && event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey) ) { // Save / Publish event.preventDefault(); et_pb_close_opened_modal(); // Triggers publish by triggering DOM to initiate necessary animation jQuery('#publish').trigger('click'); return; } // do not override default hotkeys inside input fields if ( typeof !== 'undefined' && $( ).is( 'input, textarea' ) ) { return; } if ( event.keyCode === 90 && event.metaKey && event.shiftKey && ! event.altKey || event.keyCode === 90 && event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey && ! event.altKey ) { // Redo event.preventDefault(); ET_PageBuilder_App.redo( event ); return false; } else if ( event.keyCode === 90 && event.metaKey && ! event.altKey || event.keyCode === 90 && event.ctrlKey && ! event.altKey ) { // Undo event.preventDefault(); ET_PageBuilder_App.undo( event ); return false; } else if ( event.keyCode === 79 ) { // do not proceed if any modal is opened if ( et_pb_is_modal_opened() ) { return; } // Open Page Settings Modal: `o` event.preventDefault(); if (!$('.et_pb_builder_settings').length) { $('#et_pb_layout .et-pb-app-settings-button').trigger('click'); } } else if (event.keyCode === 80 ) { event.preventDefault(); // Open preview on super + `p` if ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey ) { if ( $( '.et-pb-modal-preview-template' ).length ) { $( '.et-pb-modal-preview-template' ).trigger( 'click' ); } return false; } // do not proceed if any modal is opened if ( et_pb_is_modal_opened() ) { return; } // Open Portability Tooltip: `p` if (!$('div[data-et-core-portability]').hasClass('et-core-active')) { $('#et_pb_layout .et-pb-app-portability-button').trigger('click'); } } else if (event.keyCode === 72) { // do not proceed if any modal is opened if ( et_pb_is_modal_opened() ) { return; } // Open History Modal: `h` event.preventDefault(); $('#et_pb_layout .et-pb-layout-buttons-history').trigger('click'); } else if (event.keyCode === 9 && event.shiftKey) { // Switch modal tabs on `Tab` key if ( $( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links' ).length || $( '.et-pb-preview-screensize-switcher' ).length ) { var isPreviewActive = $( '.et-pb-modal-preview-template' ).length && $( '.et-pb-modal-preview-template' ).hasClass( 'active' ) ? true : false; var $tabsContainer = ! isPreviewActive ? $( '.et-pb-options-tabs-links' ) : $( '.et-pb-preview-screensize-switcher' ); var $tabLinks = $tabsContainer.find( 'li' ); var tabsCount = $tabLinks.length; var nextTab = $tabLinks[0]; var counter = 0; $tabLinks.each( function( index ) { var activeClassHolder = isPreviewActive ? $( this ).find( 'a' ) : $( this ); var activeClass = isPreviewActive ? 'active' : 'et-pb-options-tabs-links-active'; // if we're not on the last tab if ( activeClassHolder.hasClass( activeClass ) && index !== tabsCount - 1 ) { nextTab = $tabLinks[ index + 1 ]; } }); if ( $( nextTab ).length ) { $( nextTab ).find( 'a' ).trigger( 'click' ); } } } else if (event.keyCode === 67 && ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey )) { // Copy hovered module on super + `c` var prepared_item = et_pb_get_hovered_module_view( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer ); if ( prepared_item ) { // do not copy empty columns if ( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el.hasClass( 'et-pb-column' ) ) { return; } prepared_item.copy( event ); } } else if (event.keyCode === 86 && ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey )) { // Paste after hovered module on super + `v` var prepared_item = et_pb_get_hovered_module_view( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer ); if ( prepared_item ) { var $hoveredElement = et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el; if ( $hoveredElement.hasClass( 'et-pb-column' ) || ( $hoveredElement.hasClass( 'et_pb_section_fullwidth' ) && ! ET_PB_Clipboard.get( 'et_pb_clipboard_section' ) && ! $hoveredElement.find( '.et_pb_module_block' ).length ) ) { prepared_item.pasteColumn( event ); } else { prepared_item.pasteAfter( event ); } } } else if (event.keyCode === 88 && ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey )) { // Cut hovered module on super + `x` var prepared_item = et_pb_get_hovered_module_view( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer ); if ( prepared_item ) { // do not copy empty columns if ( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el.hasClass( 'et-pb-column' ) ) { return; } prepared_item.copy( event ); var $remove_button = et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el.hasClass( 'et_pb_module_block' ) ? et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el.find( '.et-pb-remove' ) : et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el.find( '> .et-pb-controls .et-pb-remove' ); // remove element after it was copied if ( $remove_button.length ) { $remove_button.trigger( 'click' ); et_pb_hovered_item_buffer = {}; et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } } } else if (event.keyCode === 68 ) { //Disable module `d` var prepared_item = et_pb_get_hovered_module_view( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer ); if ( prepared_item ) { // do not proceed if empty column hovered if ( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el.hasClass( 'et-pb-column' ) ) { return; } var history_verb = 'disabled'; if ( typeof prepared_item.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled === 'undefined' || 'on' !== prepared_item.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled ) { prepared_item.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled = 'on'; et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el.addClass( 'et_pb_disabled' ); } else { prepared_item.model.attributes.et_pb_disabled = 'off'; et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el.removeClass( 'et_pb_disabled' ); history_verb = 'enabled' } // Update global module prepared_item.updateGlobalModule(); // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( history_verb, prepared_item.history_noun ); ET_PageBuilder_App.saveAsShortcode(); } } else if (event.keyCode === 76 ) { //Lock module `l` var prepared_item = et_pb_get_hovered_module_view( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer ); if ( prepared_item ) { // do not proceed if empty column hovered if ( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el.hasClass( 'et-pb-column' ) ) { return; } if ( typeof prepared_item.model.attributes.et_pb_locked === 'undefined' || 'on' !== prepared_item.model.attributes.et_pb_locked ) { prepared_item.lock( event ); } else { prepared_item.unlockItem( event ); } et_reinitialize_builder_layout(); } } else if (event.keyCode === 83) { event.preventDefault(); if ( ! _.isEmpty( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer ) && ! $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ).length ) { // save the `s` key pressed flag et_pb_key_pressed.s = true; } } else if ( ( event.keyCode === 49 || event.keyCode === 50 || event.keyCode === 51 ) && et_pb_key_pressed.s ) { if ( $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ).length ) { return; } var $hoveredElement = et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el; var $hoveredSection = $hoveredElement.closest( '.et_pb_section' ); if ( $hoveredSection.length ) { switch( event.keyCode ) { case 49: // add regular section $hoveredSection.find( '.et-pb-section-add-main' ).trigger( 'click' ); break; case 50: //add specialty section $hoveredSection.find( '.et-pb-section-add-specialty' ).trigger( 'click' ); break; case 51: //add fullwidth section $hoveredSection.find( '.et-pb-section-add-fullwidth' ).trigger( 'click' ); break; } } } else if (event.keyCode === 82) { if ( ! _.isEmpty( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer ) && ! $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ).length ) { // save the `r` key pressed flag et_pb_key_pressed.r = true; } } else if (event.keyCode === 67 && ! event.metaKey && ! event.ctrlKey ) { if ( ! _.isEmpty( et_pb_hovered_item_buffer ) && ! $( '.et_pb_modal_overlay' ).length ) { // save the `c` key pressed flag et_pb_key_pressed.c = true; } } else if ( ( event.keyCode === 49 || event.keyCode === 50 || event.keyCode === 51 || event.keyCode === 52 || event.keyCode === 53 || event.keyCode === 54 || event.keyCode === 55 || event.keyCode === 56 || event.keyCode === 57 || event.keyCode === 48 || event.keyCode === 189 ) && ( et_pb_key_pressed.r || et_pb_key_pressed.c ) ) { // Add Row / Change Row Structure shortcuts var $hoveredElement = et_pb_hovered_item_buffer.$el; var $hoveredRow = $hoveredElement.closest( '.et_pb_row' ); if ( $hoveredRow.length ) { var selectedLayout = '4_4'; switch( event.keyCode ) { case 49: selectedLayout = '4_4'; break; case 50: selectedLayout = '1_2,1_2'; break; case 51: selectedLayout = '1_3,1_3,1_3'; break; case 52: selectedLayout = '1_4,1_4,1_4,1_4'; break; case 53: selectedLayout = '2_3,1_3'; break; case 54: selectedLayout = '1_3,2_3'; break; case 55: selectedLayout = '1_4,3_4'; break; case 56: selectedLayout = '3_4,1_4'; break; case 57: selectedLayout = '1_2,1_4,1_4'; break; case 48: selectedLayout = '1_4,1_4,1_2'; break; case 189: selectedLayout = '1_4,1_2,1_4'; break; } var row_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( $hoveredRow.find( '.et-pb-row-content' ).data( 'cid' ) ); if ( typeof row_view !== 'undefined' ) { var is_structure_change = false; var skip_column_history = false; var row_parent = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( row_view.model.attributes.parent ); if ( typeof row_parent !== 'undefined' && 'column' === row_parent.model.attributes.type ) { var allowed_columns = 3 === row_parent.model.attributes.specialty_columns ? [ 49, 50, 51 ] : [ 49, 50 ]; // do not insert unsupported column type into the specialty section if ( -1 === $.inArray( event.keyCode, allowed_columns ) ) { return; } } var processed_row_view = {}; if ( et_pb_key_pressed.r ) { if ( 'on' === row_view.model.get( 'et_pb_parent_locked' ) ) { return; } // Split Testing-related action if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { // Check for user permission and module status if ( ! ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_user_has_permission( row_view.model.get( 'cid' ), 'add_row' ) ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'has_no_permission' ); return; } } // Enable history saving and set meta for history ET_PageBuilder_App.allowHistorySaving( 'added', 'row' ); skip_column_history = true; // creating new Row var module_id = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.generateNewId(), global_parent = typeof row_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== row_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) ? row_view.model.get( 'et_pb_global_module' ) : '', global_parent_cid = '' !== global_parent ? row_view.model.get( 'cid' ) : ''; row_parent.collection.add( [ { type : 'row', module_type : 'row', cid : module_id, parent : row_parent.model.get( 'cid' ), view : row_view, appendAfter : row_view.$el, et_pb_global_parent : global_parent, global_parent_cid : global_parent_cid, admin_label : et_pb_options.noun['row'] } ] ); processed_row_view = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( module_id ); } else { // structure edit is not allowed for global Rows if ( ( typeof row_view.model.attributes.et_pb_global_module !== 'undefined' && '' !== row_view.model.attributes.et_pb_global_module ) || ( 'row' === et_pb_options.layout_type && 'global' === et_pb_options.is_global_template ) ) { return; } // changing structure of exisitng Row processed_row_view = row_view; is_structure_change = true; } var column_options = { 'layout' : selectedLayout, 'is_structure_change' : is_structure_change, 'layout_specialty' : '', }; // reset the columns layout ET_PageBuilder_Layout.changeColumnStructure( processed_row_view, column_options, true, skip_column_history ); } } } else if ( ( event.keyCode === 49 || event.keyCode === 50 || event.keyCode === 51 || event.keyCode === 52 || event.keyCode === 53 || event.keyCode === 54 || event.keyCode === 55 || event.keyCode === 56 || event.keyCode === 57 || event.keyCode === 48 || event.keyCode === 189 ) ) { if ( ! $( '' ).length ) { return; } var layoutsList = $( ' li' ); var selectedLayout = 0; switch( event.keyCode ) { case 49: selectedLayout = 0; break; case 50: selectedLayout = 1; break; case 51: selectedLayout = 2; break; case 52: selectedLayout = 3; break; case 53: selectedLayout = 4; break; case 54: selectedLayout = 5; break; case 55: selectedLayout = 6; break; case 56: selectedLayout = 7; break; case 57: selectedLayout = 8; break; case 48: selectedLayout = 9; break; case 189: selectedLayout = 10; break; } if ( layoutsList.length && layoutsList[ selectedLayout ] ) { $( layoutsList[ selectedLayout ] ).trigger( 'click' ); } } else if (event.key === '?' || event.keyCode === 191) { var isHelpModal = $('.et_pb_modal_settings_container').attr('data-open_view') === 'help'; // Help : `?` if ( $('.et-pb-modal-close').length ) { $('.et-pb-modal-close').click(); } if (isHelpModal) { return; } et_pb_close_opened_modal(); view = new ET_PageBuilder.ModalView( { attributes : { 'data-open_view' : 'help' }, view : this } ); $('body').append( view.render().el ); } }); $(window).keyup( function( event ) { if (event.keyCode === 83) { // reset the `s` key pressed flag et_pb_key_pressed.s = false; } else if ( event.keyCode === 82 ) { // reset the `r` key pressed flag et_pb_key_pressed.r = false; } else if ( event.keyCode === 67 && et_pb_key_pressed.c ) { // reset the `c` key pressed flag et_pb_key_pressed.c = false; et_pb_reinit_layout_throttled(); } }); $( 'body' ).on( 'mouseover', '.et-pb-right-click-trigger-overlay, .et-pb-controls, .et_pb_module_block, .et-pb-insert-module, .et-pb-row-add', function( event ) { var $hoveredItem = $( ); var $hoveredElement = $hoveredItem.closest( '.et_pb_module_block' ); if ( ! $hoveredElement.length ) { // if empty Column or Row hovered if ( $hoveredItem.closest( '.et-pb-insert-module' ).length || $hoveredItem.closest( '.et-pb-row-add' ).length ) { $hoveredElement = $hoveredItem.closest( 'div' ); if ( $hoveredItem.closest( '.et-pb-row-add' ).length ) { $hoveredElement = $hoveredElement.find( '.et-pb-row-content' ); } } else { var $hoveredRightClickArea = $hoveredItem.closest( '.et-pb-right-click-trigger-overlay' ).length ? $hoveredItem.closest( '.et-pb-right-click-trigger-overlay' ) : $hoveredItem.closest( '.et-pb-controls' ); // do not proceed if no Divi Module hovered and reset hovered element if ( ! $hoveredRightClickArea.length ) { et_pb_hovered_item_buffer = {}; return; } var $hoveredRow = $hoveredRightClickArea.closest( '.et_pb_row' ); if ( $hoveredRow.length ) { $hoveredElement = $hoveredRow.find( '.et-pb-row-content' ); } else { var $hoveredSection = $hoveredRightClickArea.closest( '.et_pb_section' ); $hoveredElement = $hoveredSection.find( '.et-pb-section-content' ); } } } if ( $hoveredElement.length ) { var hoveredElementObject = ET_PageBuilder_Layout.getView( $ 'cid' ) ); et_pb_hovered_item_buffer = hoveredElementObject; } } ); // open module settings on double click $( 'body' ).on( 'dblclick', '.et-pb-right-click-trigger-overlay, .et-pb-controls, .et_pb_module_block', function( event) { var $clickedItem = $( ); // do not proceed if clicked on buttons if ( $clickedItem.closest( 'a' ).length ) { return; } var $clickedModule = $clickedItem.closest( '.et_pb_module_block' ); if ( $clickedModule.length ) { // Open module settings $clickedModule.find( '.et-pb-settings' ).trigger( 'click' ); return; } if ( $clickedItem.closest( '.et-pb-controls' ).length ) { // Open settings of Row or Section if clicked inside the controls panel $clickedItem.closest( '.et-pb-controls' ).find( '.et-pb-settings' ).trigger( 'click' ); } var $clickedRightClickArea = $clickedItem.closest( '.et-pb-right-click-trigger-overlay' ); if ( ! $clickedRightClickArea.length ) { return; } var $clickedRow = $clickedRightClickArea.closest( '.et_pb_row' ); if ( $clickedRow.length ) { // Open Row Settings $clickedRow.find( '> .et-pb-controls .et-pb-settings' ).trigger( 'click' ); } else { var $clickedSection = $clickedRightClickArea.closest( '.et_pb_section' ); // Open Section Settings $clickedSection.find( '> .et-pb-controls .et-pb-settings' ).trigger( 'click' ); } } ); /** * Add app settings button and link it to actual settings button * Hide settings button on Divi Library */ if ( et_pb_options.is_divi_library === "0" ) { var $app_settings_button = $( '#et-builder-app-settings-button-template' ).html(); $( '#et_pb_layout' ).prepend( $app_settings_button ); $( '#et_pb_layout' ).on( 'click', '.et-pb-app-view-ab-stats-button', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting_subject() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'select_ab_testing_subject_first' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting_goal() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'select_ab_testing_goal_first' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting_winner() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'select_ab_testing_winner_first' ); return; } $( '#et_pb_layout_controls .et-pb-layout-buttons-view-ab-stats' ).trigger( 'click' ); } ); $( '#et_pb_layout' ).on( 'click', '', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting_subject() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'select_ab_testing_subject_first' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting_goal() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'select_ab_testing_goal_first' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting_winner() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'select_ab_testing_winner_first' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_active() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'cannot_import_export_layout_has_ab_testing' ); return; } } ); $( '#et_pb_layout' ).on( 'click', '.et-pb-app-settings-button', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting_subject() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'select_ab_testing_subject_first' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting_goal() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'select_ab_testing_goal_first' ); return; } if ( ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.is_selecting_winner() ) { ET_PageBuilder_AB_Testing.alert( 'select_ab_testing_winner_first' ); return; } $( '#et_pb_layout_controls .et-pb-layout-buttons-settings' ).trigger( 'click' ); } ); } // set the correct content for Yoast SEO plugin if it's activated if ( et_pb_is_yoast_seo_active() ) { var ET_PB_Yoast_Content = function() { 'ET_PB_Yoast_Content', { status: 'ready' } ); /** * @param modification {string} The name of the filter * @param callable {function} The callable * @param pluginName {string} The plugin that is registering the modification. * @param priority {number} (optional) Used to specify the order in which the callables * associated with a particular filter are called. Lower numbers * correspond with earlier execution. */ 'content', this.et_pb_update_content, 'ET_PB_Yoast_Content', 5 ); } /** * Return the content processed by do_shortcode() */ ET_PB_Yoast_Content.prototype.et_pb_update_content = function( data ) { var final_content = et_pb_processed_yoast_content || et_pb_options.yoast_content; return final_content; }; new ET_PB_Yoast_Content(); } $( window ).resize( function() { var $et_pb_prompt_modal = $('.et_pb_prompt_modal.et_pb_auto_centerize_modal'); if ( $et_pb_prompt_modal.length ) { $et_pb_prompt_modal.removeAttr( 'style' ); window.et_pb_align_vertical_modal( $et_pb_prompt_modal, '.et_pb_prompt_buttons' ); } } ); } ); } )(jQuery); ( function($) { window.et_builder = window.et_builder || {}; /* Override the Yoast function to fix the typing lag caused by Yoast seo plugin * By default Yoast parses shortcodes from all the content on every keypress inside tinyMCE * and it causes the lag during the typing if content of page is huge * Basically just remove the following part from original function: * e.editor.on('keydown', function() { * that.loadShortcodes.bind( that, that.declareReloaded.bind( that ) )(); * }); */ if ( typeof window.YoastShortcodePlugin !== 'undefined' ) { window.YoastShortcodePlugin.prototype.bindElementEvents = function() { var contentElement = document.getElementById( 'content' ) || false; var that = this; if (contentElement) { contentElement.addEventListener( 'keydown', this.loadShortcodes.bind( this, this.declareReloaded.bind( this ) ) ); contentElement.addEventListener( 'change', this.loadShortcodes.bind( this, this.declareReloaded.bind( this ) ) ); } if( typeof tinyMCE !== 'undefined' && typeof tinyMCE.on === 'function' ) { tinyMCE.on( 'addEditor', function( e ) { e.editor.on( 'change', function() { that.loadShortcodes.bind( that, that.declareReloaded.bind( that ) )(); }); }); } } } $( document ).ready( function() { var et_builder = {}, et_builder_template_options = { tabs: {}, padding: {}, yes_no_button: {}, font_buttons: {} }, $et_toggle_builder_button = $('#et_pb_toggle_builder'), $et_pb_fb_cta = $( '#et_pb_fb_cta' ); if ( $et_toggle_builder_button.hasClass( 'et_pb_builder_is_used' ) ) { $; } window.et_builder_template_options = et_builder_template_options; // hook for necessary adv form field logic for tabbed posts module function adv_setting_form_category_select_update_hidden( that ) { $select_field = that.$el.find('#et_pb_category_id'); $hidden_name_field = that.$el.find('#et_pb_category_name'); if ( $select_field.length && $hidden_name_field.length ) { category_name = $select_field.find('option:selected').text().trim(); $hidden_name_field.val( category_name ); $select_field.on('change', function() { category_name = $(this).find('option:selected').text().trim(); $hidden_name_field.val( category_name ); }); } } ET_PageBuilder.Events.on('et-advanced-module-settings:render', adv_setting_form_category_select_update_hidden ); et_builder = { fonts_template: function() { var template = $('#et-builder-google-fonts-options-items').html(); return template; }, font_icon_list_template: function(){ var template = $('#et-builder-font-icon-list-items').html(); return template; }, font_down_icon_list_template: function(){ var template = $('#et-builder-font-down-icon-list-items').html(); return template; }, preview_tabs_output: function(){ var template = $('#et-builder-preview-icons-template').html(); return template; }, options_tabs_output: function( options ){ var template = _.template( $('#et-builder-options-tabs-links-template').html() ), options_filtered = {}, options_filtered_index = 1, template_processed; window.et_builder_template_options['tabs']['options'] = $.extend( {}, options ); template_processed = template( window.et_builder_template_options.tabs ); return template_processed; }, mobile_tabs_output: function(){ var template = $('#et-builder-mobile-options-tabs-template').html(); return template; }, options_padding_output: function( options ){ var template = _.template( $('#et-builder-padding-inputs-template').html() ), template_processed; window.et_builder_template_options['padding']['options'] = $.extend( {}, options ); template_processed = template( window.et_builder_template_options.padding ); return template_processed; }, options_yes_no_button_output: function( options ){ var template = _.template( $('#et-builder-yes-no-button-template').html() ), template_processed; window.et_builder_template_options['yes_no_button']['options'] = $.extend( {}, options ); template_processed = template( window.et_builder_template_options.yes_no_button ); return template_processed; }, options_font_buttons_output: function( options ){ var template = _.template( $('#et-builder-font-buttons-option-template').html() ), template_processed; window.et_builder_template_options['font_buttons']['options'] = $.extend( {}, options ); template_processed = template( window.et_builder_template_options.font_buttons ); return template_processed; } }; $.extend( window.et_builder, et_builder ); // Adjust the height of tinymce iframe when fullscreen mode enabled from the Divi builder function et_pb_adjust_fullscreen_mode() { var $modal_container = $( '.et_pb_modal_settings_container' ); // if fullscreen mode enabled then calculate and apply correct height if ( $modal_container.find( 'div.mce-fullscreen' ).length ) { setTimeout( function() { var modal_height = $modal_container.innerHeight(), toolbar_height = $modal_container.find( '.mce-toolbar-grp' ).innerHeight(); $modal_container.find( 'iframe' ).height( modal_height - toolbar_height ); }, 100 ); } } // recalculate sizes of tinymce iframe when Fullscreen button clicked $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_pb_module_settings .mce-i-fullscreen', function() { et_pb_adjust_fullscreen_mode(); }); // recalculate sizes of tinymce iframe when window resized $( window ).resize( function() { et_pb_adjust_fullscreen_mode(); }); // Fixing fullscreen editor inside builder ModalView height in Firefox. Firefox is too fast in calculating modal weight // Its height calculation ends up incorrect. Performing delayed resize trigger fixes the issue $('body.wp-admin').on( 'click', '.et-pb-modal-container .mce-widget.mce-btn[aria-label="Fullscreen"] button', function() { setTimeout( function() { $(window).trigger( 'resize' ); }, 50 ); } ); }); } )(jQuery);
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