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/** * External Dependencies */ import { put, all, select, takeEvery, call, fork, take, cancel } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { includes } from 'lodash'; /** * Wordpress dependencies */ import { select as wpSelect, dispatch as wpDispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { createBlock } from '@wordpress/blocks'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import * as constants from './constants'; import * as types from './types'; import * as actions from './actions'; import * as selectors from './selectors'; import { DEFAULT_STATE } from './reducer'; import { DEFAULT_STATE as TICKET_HEADER_IMAGE_DEFAULT_STATE, } from './reducers/header-image'; import { DEFAULT_STATE as TICKET_DEFAULT_STATE, } from './reducers/tickets/ticket'; import * as rsvpActions from '@moderntribe/tickets/data/blocks/rsvp/actions'; import { DEFAULT_STATE as RSVP_HEADER_IMAGE_DEFAULT_STATE, } from '@moderntribe/tickets/data/blocks/rsvp/reducers/header-image'; import * as utils from '@moderntribe/tickets/data/utils'; import { api, globals, moment as momentUtil, time as timeUtil, } from '@moderntribe/common/utils'; import { plugins } from '@moderntribe/common/data'; import { MOVE_TICKET_SUCCESS } from '@moderntribe/tickets/data/shared/move/types'; import * as moveSelectors from '@moderntribe/tickets/data/shared/move/selectors'; import { isTribeEventPostType, createWPEditorSavingChannel, createWPEditorNotSavingChannel, hasPostTypeChannel, createDates, } from '@moderntribe/tickets/data/shared/sagas'; const { UNLIMITED, SHARED, TICKET_TYPES, PROVIDER_CLASS_TO_PROVIDER_MAPPING, } = constants; const { restNonce, tecDateSettings, } = globals; const { wpREST } = api; export function* createMissingTicketBlocks( tickets ) { const { insertBlock } = yield call( wpDispatch, 'core/editor' ); const { getBlockCount, getBlocks } = yield call( wpSelect, 'core/editor' ); const ticketsBlocks = yield call( [ getBlocks(), 'filter' ], ( block ) => === 'tribe/tickets', ); ticketsBlocks.forEach( ( { clientId } ) => { tickets.forEach( ( ticketId ) => { const attributes = { hasBeenCreated: true, ticketId, }; const nextChildPosition = getBlockCount( clientId ); const block = createBlock( 'tribe/tickets-item', attributes ); insertBlock( block, nextChildPosition, clientId, false ); } ); } ); } export function* setTicketsInitialState( action ) { const { get } = action.payload; const header = parseInt( get( 'header', ), 10 ); const sharedCapacity = get( 'sharedCapacity' ); const ticketsList = get( 'tickets', [] ); const ticketsInBlock = yield select( selectors.getTicketsIdsInBlocks ); // Get only the IDs of the tickets that are not in the block list already const ticketsDiff = ticketsList.filter( ( item ) => ! includes( ticketsInBlock, item ) ); if ( ticketsDiff.length >= 1 ) { yield call( createMissingTicketBlocks, ticketsDiff ); } // Meta value is '0' however fields use empty string as default if ( sharedCapacity !== '0' ) { yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketsSharedCapacity( sharedCapacity ) ), put( actions.setTicketsTempSharedCapacity( sharedCapacity ) ), ] ); } if ( ! isNaN( header ) && header !== 0 ) { yield put( actions.fetchTicketsHeaderImage( header ) ); } let provider = get( 'provider', DEFAULT_STATE.provider ); if ( provider === constants.RSVP_CLASS || ! provider ) { const defaultProvider = yield select( selectors.getDefaultTicketProvider ); provider = defaultProvider === constants.RSVP_CLASS ? '' : defaultProvider; } yield put( actions.setTicketsProvider( provider ) ); } export function* resetTicketsBlock() { const hasCreatedTickets = yield select( selectors.hasCreatedTickets ); yield all( [ put( actions.removeTicketBlocks() ), put( actions.setTicketsIsSettingsOpen( false ) ), ] ); if ( ! hasCreatedTickets ) { const currentMeta = yield call( [ wpSelect( 'core/editor' ), 'getCurrentPostAttribute' ], 'meta', ); const newMeta = { ...currentMeta, [ utils.KEY_TICKET_CAPACITY ]: '', }; yield call( [ wpDispatch( 'core/editor' ), 'editPost' ], { meta: newMeta } ); yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketsSharedCapacity( '' ) ), put( actions.setTicketsTempSharedCapacity( '' ) ), ] ); } } export function* setTicketInitialState( action ) { const { clientId, get } = action.payload; const ticketId = get( 'ticketId', TICKET_DEFAULT_STATE.ticketId ); const hasBeenCreated = get( 'hasBeenCreated', TICKET_DEFAULT_STATE.hasBeenCreated ); const datePickerFormat = tecDateSettings().datepickerFormat; const publishDate = yield call( [ wpSelect( 'core/editor' ), 'getEditedPostAttribute' ], 'date' ); const startMoment = yield call( momentUtil.toMoment, publishDate ); const startDate = yield call( momentUtil.toDatabaseDate, startMoment ); const startDateInput = yield datePickerFormat ? call( momentUtil.toDate, startMoment, datePickerFormat ) : call( momentUtil.toDate, startMoment ); const startTime = yield call( momentUtil.toDatabaseTime, startMoment ); const startTimeInput = yield call( momentUtil.toTime, startMoment ); yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketStartDate( clientId, startDate ) ), put( actions.setTicketStartDateInput( clientId, startDateInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketStartDateMoment( clientId, startMoment ) ), put( actions.setTicketStartTime( clientId, startTime ) ), put( actions.setTicketStartTimeInput( clientId, startTimeInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempStartDate( clientId, startDate ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempStartDateInput( clientId, startDateInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempStartDateMoment( clientId, startMoment ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempStartTime( clientId, startTime ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempStartTimeInput( clientId, startTimeInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketHasBeenCreated( clientId, hasBeenCreated ) ), ] ); const isEvent = yield call( isTribeEventPostType ); // Only run this on events post type. if ( isEvent && ) { // This try-catch may be redundant given the above if statement. try { // NOTE: This requires TEC to be installed, if not installed, do not set an end date // Ticket purchase window should end when event starts const eventStart = yield select( ); const endMoment = yield call( momentUtil.toMoment, eventStart ); const endDate = yield call( momentUtil.toDatabaseDate, endMoment ); const endDateInput = yield datePickerFormat ? call( momentUtil.toDate, endMoment, datePickerFormat ) : call( momentUtil.toDate, endMoment ); const endTime = yield call( momentUtil.toDatabaseTime, endMoment ); const endTimeInput = yield call( momentUtil.toTime, endMoment ); yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketEndDate( clientId, endDate ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndDateInput( clientId, endDateInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndDateMoment( clientId, endMoment ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndTime( clientId, endTime ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndTimeInput( clientId, endTimeInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndDate( clientId, endDate ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndDateInput( clientId, endDateInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndDateMoment( clientId, endMoment ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndTime( clientId, endTime ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndTimeInput( clientId, endTimeInput ) ), ] ); } catch ( err ) { console.error( err ); // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ } } const hasTicketsPlus = yield select( plugins.selectors.hasPlugin, plugins.constants.TICKETS_PLUS, ); if ( hasTicketsPlus ) { yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketCapacityType( clientId, constants.TICKET_TYPES[ constants.SHARED ] ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempCapacityType( clientId, constants.TICKET_TYPES[ constants.SHARED ], ) ), ] ); } const sharedCapacity = yield select( selectors.getTicketsSharedCapacity ); if ( sharedCapacity ) { yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketCapacity( clientId, sharedCapacity ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempCapacity( clientId, sharedCapacity ) ), ] ); } if ( ticketId !== 0 ) { yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketId( clientId, ticketId ) ), call( fetchTicket, { payload: { clientId, ticketId } } ), ] ); } yield call( handleTicketDurationError, clientId ); yield fork( saveTicketWithPostSave, clientId ); } export function* setBodyDetails( clientId ) { const body = new FormData(); const props = { clientId }; const rootClientId = yield call( [ wpSelect( 'core/editor' ), 'getBlockRootClientId' ], clientId, ); const ticketProvider = yield select( selectors.getTicketProvider, props ); const ticketsProvider = yield select( selectors.getTicketsProvider ); body.append( 'post_id', yield call( [ wpSelect( 'core/editor' ), 'getCurrentPostId' ] ) ); body.append( 'provider', ticketProvider || ticketsProvider ); body.append( 'name', yield select( selectors.getTicketTempTitle, props ) ); body.append( 'description', yield select( selectors.getTicketTempDescription, props ) ); body.append( 'price', yield select( selectors.getTicketTempPrice, props ) ); body.append( 'start_date', yield select( selectors.getTicketTempStartDate, props ) ); body.append( 'start_time', yield select( selectors.getTicketTempStartTime, props ) ); body.append( 'end_date', yield select( selectors.getTicketTempEndDate, props ) ); body.append( 'end_time', yield select( selectors.getTicketTempEndTime, props ) ); body.append( 'sku', yield select( selectors.getTicketTempSku, props ) ); body.append( 'iac', yield select( selectors.getTicketTempIACSetting, props ) ); body.append( 'menu_order', yield call( [ wpSelect( 'core/editor' ), 'getBlockIndex' ], clientId, rootClientId, ) ); const capacityType = yield select( selectors.getTicketTempCapacityType, props ); const capacity = yield select( selectors.getTicketTempCapacity, props ); const isUnlimited = capacityType === TICKET_TYPES[ UNLIMITED ]; body.append( 'ticket[mode]', isUnlimited ? '' : capacityType ); body.append( 'ticket[capacity]', isUnlimited ? '' : capacity ); if ( capacityType === TICKET_TYPES[ SHARED ] ) { body.append( 'ticket[event_capacity]', yield select( selectors.getTicketsTempSharedCapacity ) ); } return body; } export function* removeTicketBlock( clientId ) { const { removeBlock } = wpDispatch( 'core/editor' ); yield all( [ put( actions.removeTicketBlock( clientId ) ), call( removeBlock, clientId ), ] ); } export function* fetchTicket( action ) { const { ticketId, clientId } = action.payload; if ( ticketId === 0 ) { return; } yield put( actions.setTicketIsLoading( clientId, true ) ); try { const { response, data: ticket } = yield call( wpREST, { path: `tickets/${ ticketId }`, namespace: 'tribe/tickets/v1', } ); const { status = '', provider } = ticket; if ( response.status === 404 || status === 'trash' || provider === constants.RSVP ) { yield call( removeTicketBlock, clientId ); return; } if ( response.ok ) { /* eslint-disable camelcase */ const { totals = {}, available_from, available_until, cost_details, title, description, sku, iac, capacity_type, capacity, supports_attendee_information, } = ticket; /* eslint-enable camelcase */ const datePickerFormat = tecDateSettings().datepickerFormat; const startMoment = yield call( momentUtil.toMoment, available_from ); const startDate = yield call( momentUtil.toDatabaseDate, startMoment ); const startDateInput = yield datePickerFormat ? call( momentUtil.toDate, startMoment, datePickerFormat ) : call( momentUtil.toDate, startMoment ); const startTime = yield call( momentUtil.toDatabaseTime, startMoment ); const startTimeInput = yield call( momentUtil.toTime, startMoment ); let endMoment = yield call( momentUtil.toMoment, '' ); let endDate = ''; let endDateInput = ''; let endTime = ''; let endTimeInput = ''; if ( available_until ) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase endMoment = yield call( momentUtil.toMoment, available_until ); endDate = yield call( momentUtil.toDatabaseDate, endMoment ); endDateInput = yield datePickerFormat ? call( momentUtil.toDate, endMoment, datePickerFormat ) : call( momentUtil.toDate, endMoment ); endTime = yield call( momentUtil.toDatabaseTime, endMoment ); endTimeInput = yield call( momentUtil.toTime, endMoment ); } const details = { title, description, price: cost_details.values[ 0 ], sku, iac, startDate, startDateInput, startDateMoment: startMoment, endDate, endDateInput, endDateMoment: endMoment, startTime, endTime, startTimeInput, endTimeInput, capacityType: capacity_type, capacity, }; yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketDetails( clientId, details ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempDetails( clientId, details ) ), put( actions.setTicketSold( clientId, totals.sold ) ), put( actions.setTicketAvailable( clientId, totals.stock ) ), put( actions.setTicketCurrencySymbol( clientId, cost_details.currency_symbol ) ), put( actions.setTicketCurrencyPosition( clientId, cost_details.currency_position ) ), put( actions.setTicketProvider( clientId, provider ) ), put( actions.setTicketHasAttendeeInfoFields( clientId, supports_attendee_information ) ), put( actions.setTicketHasBeenCreated( clientId, true ) ), ] ); } } catch ( e ) { console.error( e ); /** * @todo handle error scenario */ } yield put( actions.setTicketIsLoading( clientId, false ) ); } export function* createNewTicket( action ) { const { clientId } = action.payload; const props = { clientId }; const { add_ticket_nonce = '' } = restNonce(); // eslint-disable-line camelcase const body = yield call( setBodyDetails, clientId ); body.append( 'add_ticket_nonce', add_ticket_nonce ); try { yield put( actions.setTicketIsLoading( clientId, true ) ); const { response, data: ticket } = yield call( wpREST, { path: 'tickets/', namespace: 'tribe/tickets/v1', initParams: { method: 'POST', body, }, } ); if ( response.ok ) { const sharedCapacity = yield select( selectors.getTicketsSharedCapacity ); const tempSharedCapacity = yield select( selectors.getTicketsTempSharedCapacity ); if ( sharedCapacity === '' && ( ! isNaN( tempSharedCapacity ) && tempSharedCapacity > 0 ) ) { yield put( actions.setTicketsSharedCapacity( tempSharedCapacity ) ); } const available = ticket.capacity_details.available === -1 ? 0 : ticket.capacity_details.available; const [ title, description, price, sku, iac, startDate, startDateInput, startDateMoment, endDate, endDateInput, endDateMoment, startTime, endTime, startTimeInput, endTimeInput, capacityType, capacity, ] = yield all( [ select( selectors.getTicketTempTitle, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempDescription, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempPrice, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempSku, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempIACSetting, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempStartDate, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempStartDateInput, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempStartDateMoment, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempEndDate, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempEndDateInput, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempEndDateMoment, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempStartTime, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempEndTime, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempStartTimeInput, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempEndTimeInput, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempCapacityType, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempCapacity, props ), ] ); yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketDetails( clientId, { title, description, price, sku, iac, startDate, startDateInput, startDateMoment, endDate, endDateInput, endDateMoment, startTime, endTime, startTimeInput, endTimeInput, capacityType, capacity, } ) ), put( actions.setTicketId( clientId, ) ), put( actions.setTicketHasBeenCreated( clientId, true ) ), put( actions.setTicketAvailable( clientId, available ) ), put( actions.setTicketProvider( clientId, PROVIDER_CLASS_TO_PROVIDER_MAPPING[ ticket.provider_class ], ) ), put( actions.setTicketHasChanges( clientId, false ) ), ] ); yield fork( saveTicketWithPostSave, clientId ); } } catch ( e ) { console.error( e ); /** * @todo: handle error scenario */ } finally { yield put( actions.setTicketIsLoading( clientId, false ) ); } } export function* updateTicket( action ) { const { clientId } = action.payload; const props = { clientId }; const { edit_ticket_nonce = '' } = restNonce(); // eslint-disable-line camelcase const body = yield call( setBodyDetails, clientId ); body.append( 'edit_ticket_nonce', edit_ticket_nonce ); const ticketId = yield select( selectors.getTicketId, props ); try { const data = []; for ( const [ key, value ] of body.entries() ) { data.push( `${ encodeURIComponent( key ) }=${ encodeURIComponent( value ) }` ); } yield put( actions.setTicketIsLoading( clientId, true ) ); const { response, data: ticket } = yield call( wpREST, { path: `tickets/${ ticketId }`, namespace: 'tribe/tickets/v1', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8', }, initParams: { method: 'PUT', body: data.join( '&' ), }, } ); if ( response.ok ) { const { capacity_details } = ticket; // eslint-disable-line camelcase const available = capacity_details.available === -1 ? 0 : capacity_details.available; const [ title, description, price, sku, iac, startDate, startDateInput, startDateMoment, endDate, endDateInput, endDateMoment, startTime, endTime, startTimeInput, endTimeInput, capacityType, capacity, ] = yield all( [ select( selectors.getTicketTempTitle, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempDescription, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempPrice, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempSku, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempIACSetting, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempStartDate, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempStartDateInput, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempStartDateMoment, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempEndDate, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempEndDateInput, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempEndDateMoment, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempStartTime, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempEndTime, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempStartTimeInput, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempEndTimeInput, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempCapacityType, props ), select( selectors.getTicketTempCapacity, props ), ] ); yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketDetails( clientId, { title, description, price, sku, iac, startDate, startDateInput, startDateMoment, endDate, endDateInput, endDateMoment, startTime, endTime, startTimeInput, endTimeInput, capacityType, capacity, } ) ), put( actions.setTicketSold( clientId, capacity_details.sold ) ), put( actions.setTicketAvailable( clientId, available ) ), put( actions.setTicketHasChanges( clientId, false ) ), ] ); } } catch ( e ) { console.error( e ); /** * @todo: handle error scenario */ } finally { yield put( actions.setTicketIsLoading( clientId, false ) ); } } export function* deleteTicket( action ) { const { clientId } = action.payload; const props = { clientId }; const shouldDelete = yield call( [ window, 'confirm' ], __( 'Are you sure you want to delete this ticket? It cannot be undone.', 'event-tickets' ), ); if ( shouldDelete ) { const ticketId = yield select( selectors.getTicketId, props ); const hasBeenCreated = yield select( selectors.getTicketHasBeenCreated, props ); yield put( actions.setTicketIsSelected( clientId, false ) ); yield put( actions.removeTicketBlock( clientId ) ); yield call( [ wpDispatch( 'core/editor' ), 'clearSelectedBlock' ] ); yield call( [ wpDispatch( 'core/editor' ), 'removeBlocks' ], [ clientId ] ); if ( hasBeenCreated ) { const { remove_ticket_nonce = '' } = restNonce(); // eslint-disable-line camelcase const postId = yield call( [ wpSelect( 'core/editor' ), 'getCurrentPostId' ] ); /** * Encode params to be passed into the DELETE request as PHP doesn’t transform the request body * of a DELETE request into a super global. */ const body = [ `${ encodeURIComponent( 'post_id' ) }=${ encodeURIComponent( postId ) }`, `${ encodeURIComponent( 'remove_ticket_nonce' ) }=${ encodeURIComponent( remove_ticket_nonce ) }`, // eslint-disable-line max-len ]; try { yield call( wpREST, { path: `tickets/${ ticketId }`, namespace: 'tribe/tickets/v1', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8', }, initParams: { method: 'DELETE', body: body.join( '&' ), }, } ); } catch ( e ) { /** * @todo handle error on removal */ } } } } export function* fetchTicketsHeaderImage( action ) { const { id } = action.payload; yield put( actions.setTicketsIsSettingsLoading( true ) ); try { const { response, data: media } = yield call( wpREST, { path: `media/${ id }` } ); if ( response.ok ) { const headerImage = { id:, alt: media.alt_text, src: media.media_details.sizes.medium.source_url, }; yield put( actions.setTicketsHeaderImage( headerImage ) ); } } catch ( e ) { console.error( e ); /** * @todo: handle error scenario */ } finally { yield put( actions.setTicketsIsSettingsLoading( false ) ); } } export function* updateTicketsHeaderImage( action ) { const { image } = action.payload; const postId = yield call( [ wpSelect( 'core/editor' ), 'getCurrentPostId' ] ); const body = { meta: { [ utils.KEY_TICKET_HEADER ]: `${ }`, }, }; try { /** * @todo: until rsvp and tickets header image can be separated, they need to be linked */ yield put( actions.setTicketsIsSettingsLoading( true ) ); yield put( rsvpActions.setRSVPIsSettingsLoading( true ) ); const slug = wpSelect( 'core/editor' ).getCurrentPostType(); const postType = wpSelect( 'core' ).getPostType( slug ); const restBase = postType.rest_base; const { response } = yield call( wpREST, { path: `${ restBase }/${ postId }`, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, initParams: { method: 'PUT', body: JSON.stringify( body ), }, } ); if ( response.ok ) { const headerImage = { id:, alt: image.alt, src: image.sizes.medium.url, }; /** * @todo: until rsvp and tickets header image can be separated, they need to be linked */ yield put( actions.setTicketsHeaderImage( headerImage ) ); yield put( rsvpActions.setRSVPHeaderImage( headerImage ) ); } } catch ( e ) { /** * @todo: handle error scenario */ } finally { /** * @todo: until rsvp and tickets header image can be separated, they need to be linked */ yield put( actions.setTicketsIsSettingsLoading( false ) ); yield put( rsvpActions.setRSVPIsSettingsLoading( false ) ); } } export function* deleteTicketsHeaderImage() { const postId = yield call( [ wpSelect( 'core/editor' ), 'getCurrentPostId' ] ); const body = { meta: { [ utils.KEY_TICKET_HEADER ]: null, }, }; try { /** * @todo: until rsvp and tickets header image can be separated, they need to be linked */ yield put( actions.setTicketsIsSettingsLoading( true ) ); yield put( rsvpActions.setRSVPIsSettingsLoading( true ) ); const slug = wpSelect( 'core/editor' ).getCurrentPostType(); const postType = wpSelect( 'core' ).getPostType( slug ); const restBase = postType.rest_base; const { response } = yield call( api.wpREST, { path: `${ restBase }/${ postId }`, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, initParams: { method: 'PUT', body: JSON.stringify( body ), }, } ); if ( response.ok ) { /** * @todo: until rsvp and tickets header image can be separated, they need to be linked */ yield put( actions.setTicketsHeaderImage( TICKET_HEADER_IMAGE_DEFAULT_STATE ) ); yield put( rsvpActions.setRSVPHeaderImage( RSVP_HEADER_IMAGE_DEFAULT_STATE ) ); } } catch ( e ) { /** * @todo: handle error scenario */ } finally { /** * @todo: until rsvp and tickets header image can be separated, they need to be linked */ yield put( actions.setTicketsIsSettingsLoading( false ) ); yield put( rsvpActions.setRSVPIsSettingsLoading( false ) ); } } export function* setTicketDetails( action ) { const { clientId, details } = action.payload; const { title, description, price, sku, iac, startDate, startDateInput, startDateMoment, endDate, endDateInput, endDateMoment, startTime, endTime, startTimeInput, endTimeInput, capacityType, capacity, } = details; yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketTitle( clientId, title ) ), put( actions.setTicketDescription( clientId, description ) ), put( actions.setTicketPrice( clientId, price ) ), put( actions.setTicketSku( clientId, sku ) ), put( actions.setTicketIACSetting( clientId, iac ) ), put( actions.setTicketStartDate( clientId, startDate ) ), put( actions.setTicketStartDateInput( clientId, startDateInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketStartDateMoment( clientId, startDateMoment ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndDate( clientId, endDate ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndDateInput( clientId, endDateInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndDateMoment( clientId, endDateMoment ) ), put( actions.setTicketStartTime( clientId, startTime ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndTime( clientId, endTime ) ), put( actions.setTicketStartTimeInput( clientId, startTimeInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndTimeInput( clientId, endTimeInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketCapacityType( clientId, capacityType ) ), put( actions.setTicketCapacity( clientId, capacity ) ), ] ); } export function* setTicketTempDetails( action ) { const { clientId, tempDetails } = action.payload; const { title, description, price, sku, iac, startDate, startDateInput, startDateMoment, endDate, endDateInput, endDateMoment, startTime, endTime, startTimeInput, endTimeInput, capacityType, capacity, } = tempDetails; yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketTempTitle( clientId, title ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempDescription( clientId, description ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempPrice( clientId, price ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempSku( clientId, sku ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempIACSetting( clientId, iac ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempStartDate( clientId, startDate ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempStartDateInput( clientId, startDateInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempStartDateMoment( clientId, startDateMoment ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndDate( clientId, endDate ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndDateInput( clientId, endDateInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndDateMoment( clientId, endDateMoment ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempStartTime( clientId, startTime ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndTime( clientId, endTime ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempStartTimeInput( clientId, startTimeInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndTimeInput( clientId, endTimeInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempCapacityType( clientId, capacityType ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempCapacity( clientId, capacity ) ), ] ); } /** * Allows the Ticket to be saved at the same time a post is being saved. * Avoids the user having to open up the Ticket block, and then click update again there, * when changing the event start date. * * @param {string} clientId Client ID of ticket block * @export * @yields */ export function* saveTicketWithPostSave( clientId ) { let savingChannel, notSavingChannel; try { // Do nothing when not already created if ( yield select( selectors.getTicketHasBeenCreated, { clientId } ) ) { // Create channels for use savingChannel = yield call( createWPEditorSavingChannel ); notSavingChannel = yield call( createWPEditorNotSavingChannel ); while ( true ) { // Wait for channel to save yield take( savingChannel ); // Update when saving yield call( updateTicket, { payload: { clientId } } ); // Wait for channel to finish saving yield take( notSavingChannel ); } } } catch ( error ) { console.error( error ); } finally { // Close save channel if exists if ( savingChannel ) { yield call( [ savingChannel, 'close' ] ); } // Close not saving channel if exists if ( notSavingChannel ) { yield call( [ notSavingChannel, 'close' ] ); } } } /** * Will sync all tickets * * @param {string} prevStartDate Previous start date before latest set date time changes * @export * @yields */ export function* syncTicketsSaleEndWithEventStart( prevStartDate ) { const ticketIds = yield select( selectors.getTicketsAllClientIds ); for ( let index = 0; index < ticketIds.length; index++ ) { const clientId = ticketIds[ index ]; yield call( syncTicketSaleEndWithEventStart, prevStartDate, clientId ); } } /** * Will sync Tickets sale end to be the same as event start date and time, if field has not been manually edited * * @borrows TEC - Functionality requires TEC to be enabled * @param {string} prevStartDate Previous start date before latest set date time changes * @param {string} clientId Client ID of ticket block * @export * @yields */ export function* syncTicketSaleEndWithEventStart( prevStartDate, clientId ) { try { const tempEndMoment = yield select( selectors.getTicketTempEndDateMoment, { clientId } ); const endMoment = yield select( selectors.getTicketEndDateMoment, { clientId } ); const { moment: prevEventStartMoment } = yield call( createDates, prevStartDate ); // NOTE: Mutation // Convert to use local timezone yield all( [ call( [ tempEndMoment, 'local' ] ), call( [ endMoment, 'local' ] ), call( [ prevEventStartMoment, 'local' ] ), ] ); // If initial end and current end are the same, the RSVP has not been modified const isNotManuallyEdited = yield call( [ tempEndMoment, 'isSame' ], endMoment, 'minute' ); const isSyncedToEventStart = yield call( [ tempEndMoment, 'isSame' ], prevEventStartMoment, 'minute', ); const isEvent = yield call( isTribeEventPostType ); // This if statement may be redundant given the try-catch statement above. // Only run this on events post type. if ( isEvent && && isNotManuallyEdited && isSyncedToEventStart ) { const eventStart = yield select(, ); const { moment: endDateMoment, date: endDate, dateInput: endDateInput, time: endTime, timeInput: endTimeInput, } = yield call( createDates, eventStart ); yield all( [ put( actions.setTicketTempEndDate( clientId, endDate ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndDateInput( clientId, endDateInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndDateMoment( clientId, endDateMoment ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndTime( clientId, endTime ) ), put( actions.setTicketTempEndTimeInput( clientId, endTimeInput ) ), // Sync Ticket end items as well so as not to make state 'manually edited' put( actions.setTicketEndDate( clientId, endDate ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndDateInput( clientId, endDateInput ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndDateMoment( clientId, endDateMoment ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndTime( clientId, endTime ) ), put( actions.setTicketEndTimeInput( clientId, endTimeInput ) ), // Trigger UI button put( actions.setTicketHasChanges( clientId, true ) ), // Handle ticket duration error call( handleTicketDurationError, clientId ), ] ); } } catch ( error ) { // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ console.error( error ); } } /** * Listens for event start date and time changes after RSVP block is loaded. * * @borrows TEC - Functionality requires TEC to be enabled and post type to be event * @export * @yields */ export function* handleEventStartDateChanges() { try { // Ensure we have a postType set before proceeding const postTypeChannel = yield call( hasPostTypeChannel ); yield take( postTypeChannel ); yield call( [ postTypeChannel, 'close' ] ); const isEvent = yield call( isTribeEventPostType ); if ( isEvent && ) { const { SET_START_DATE_TIME, SET_START_TIME, } =; let syncTask; while ( true ) { // Cache current event start date for comparison const eventStart = yield select(, ); // Wait til use changes date or time on TEC datetime block yield take( [ SET_START_DATE_TIME, SET_START_TIME ] ); // Important to cancel any pre-existing forks to prevent bad data from being sent if ( syncTask ) { yield cancel( syncTask ); } syncTask = yield fork( syncTicketsSaleEndWithEventStart, eventStart ); } } } catch ( error ) { // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ console.error( error ); } } export function* handleTicketDurationError( clientId ) { let hasDurationError = false; const startDateMoment = yield select( selectors.getTicketTempStartDateMoment, { clientId }, ); const endDateMoment = yield select( selectors.getTicketTempEndDateMoment, { clientId }, ); if ( ! startDateMoment || ! endDateMoment ) { hasDurationError = true; } else { const startTime = yield select( selectors.getTicketTempStartTime, { clientId } ); const endTime = yield select( selectors.getTicketTempEndTime, { clientId } ); const startTimeSeconds = yield call( timeUtil.toSeconds, startTime, timeUtil.TIME_FORMAT_HH_MM_SS, ); const endTimeSeconds = yield call( timeUtil.toSeconds, endTime, timeUtil.TIME_FORMAT_HH_MM_SS, ); const startDateTimeMoment = yield call( momentUtil.setTimeInSeconds, startDateMoment.clone(), startTimeSeconds, ); const endDateTimeMoment = yield call( momentUtil.setTimeInSeconds, endDateMoment.clone(), endTimeSeconds, ); const durationHasError = yield call( [ startDateTimeMoment, 'isSameOrAfter' ], endDateTimeMoment, ); if ( durationHasError ) { hasDurationError = true; } } yield put( actions.setTicketHasDurationError( clientId, hasDurationError ) ); } export function* handleTicketStartDate( action ) { const { clientId, date, dayPickerInput } = action.payload; const startDateMoment = yield date ? call( momentUtil.toMoment, date ) : undefined; const startDate = yield date ? call( momentUtil.toDatabaseDate, startDateMoment ) : ''; yield put( actions.setTicketTempStartDate( clientId, startDate ) ); yield put( actions.setTicketTempStartDateInput( clientId, dayPickerInput.state.value ) ); yield put( actions.setTicketTempStartDateMoment( clientId, startDateMoment ) ); } export function* handleTicketEndDate( action ) { const { clientId, date, dayPickerInput } = action.payload; const endDateMoment = yield date ? call( momentUtil.toMoment, date ) : undefined; const endDate = yield date ? call( momentUtil.toDatabaseDate, endDateMoment ) : ''; yield put( actions.setTicketTempEndDate( clientId, endDate ) ); yield put( actions.setTicketTempEndDateInput( clientId, dayPickerInput.state.value ) ); yield put( actions.setTicketTempEndDateMoment( clientId, endDateMoment ) ); } export function* handleTicketStartTime( action ) { const { clientId, seconds } = action.payload; const startTime = yield call( timeUtil.fromSeconds, seconds, timeUtil.TIME_FORMAT_HH_MM ); yield put( actions.setTicketTempStartTime( clientId, `${ startTime }:00` ) ); } export function* handleTicketStartTimeInput( action ) { const { clientId, seconds } = action.payload; const startTime = yield call( timeUtil.fromSeconds, seconds, timeUtil.TIME_FORMAT_HH_MM ); const startTimeMoment = yield call( momentUtil.toMoment, startTime, momentUtil.TIME_FORMAT, false, ); const startTimeInput = yield call( momentUtil.toTime, startTimeMoment ); yield put( actions.setTicketTempStartTimeInput( clientId, startTimeInput ) ); } export function* handleTicketEndTime( action ) { const { clientId, seconds } = action.payload; const endTime = yield call( timeUtil.fromSeconds, seconds, timeUtil.TIME_FORMAT_HH_MM ); yield put( actions.setTicketTempEndTime( clientId, `${ endTime }:00` ) ); } export function* handleTicketEndTimeInput( action ) { const { clientId, seconds } = action.payload; const endTime = yield call( timeUtil.fromSeconds, seconds, timeUtil.TIME_FORMAT_HH_MM ); const endTimeMoment = yield call( momentUtil.toMoment, endTime, momentUtil.TIME_FORMAT, false ); const endTimeInput = yield call( momentUtil.toTime, endTimeMoment ); yield put( actions.setTicketTempEndTimeInput( clientId, endTimeInput ) ); } export function* handleTicketMove() { const ticketClientIds = yield select( selectors.getTicketsAllClientIds ); const modalClientId = yield select( moveSelectors.getModalClientId ); if ( ticketClientIds.includes( modalClientId ) ) { yield put( actions.setTicketIsSelected( modalClientId, false ) ); yield put( actions.removeTicketBlock( modalClientId ) ); yield call( [ wpDispatch( 'core/editor' ), 'removeBlocks' ], [ modalClientId ] ); } } export function* handler( action ) { switch ( action.type ) { case types.SET_TICKETS_INITIAL_STATE: yield call( setTicketsInitialState, action ); break; case types.RESET_TICKETS_BLOCK: yield call( resetTicketsBlock ); break; case types.SET_TICKET_INITIAL_STATE: yield call( setTicketInitialState, action ); break; case types.FETCH_TICKET: yield call( fetchTicket, action ); break; case types.CREATE_NEW_TICKET: yield call( createNewTicket, action ); break; case types.UPDATE_TICKET: yield call( updateTicket, action ); break; case types.DELETE_TICKET: yield call( deleteTicket, action ); break; case types.FETCH_TICKETS_HEADER_IMAGE: yield call( fetchTicketsHeaderImage, action ); break; case types.UPDATE_TICKETS_HEADER_IMAGE: yield call( updateTicketsHeaderImage, action ); break; case types.DELETE_TICKETS_HEADER_IMAGE: yield call( deleteTicketsHeaderImage ); break; case types.SET_TICKET_DETAILS: yield call( setTicketDetails, action ); break; case types.SET_TICKET_TEMP_DETAILS: yield call( setTicketTempDetails, action ); break; case types.HANDLE_TICKET_START_DATE: yield call( handleTicketStartDate, action ); yield call( handleTicketDurationError, action.payload.clientId ); yield put( actions.setTicketHasChanges( action.payload.clientId, true ) ); break; case types.HANDLE_TICKET_END_DATE: yield call( handleTicketEndDate, action ); yield call( handleTicketDurationError, action.payload.clientId ); yield put( actions.setTicketHasChanges( action.payload.clientId, true ) ); break; case types.HANDLE_TICKET_START_TIME: yield call( handleTicketStartTime, action ); yield call( handleTicketStartTimeInput, action ); yield call( handleTicketDurationError, action.payload.clientId ); yield put( actions.setTicketHasChanges( action.payload.clientId, true ) ); break; case types.HANDLE_TICKET_END_TIME: yield call( handleTicketEndTime, action ); yield call( handleTicketEndTimeInput, action ); yield call( handleTicketDurationError, action.payload.clientId ); yield put( actions.setTicketHasChanges( action.payload.clientId, true ) ); break; case MOVE_TICKET_SUCCESS: yield call( handleTicketMove ); break; default: break; } } export default function* watchers() { yield takeEvery( [ types.SET_TICKETS_INITIAL_STATE, types.RESET_TICKETS_BLOCK, types.SET_TICKET_INITIAL_STATE, types.FETCH_TICKET, types.CREATE_NEW_TICKET, types.UPDATE_TICKET, types.DELETE_TICKET, types.FETCH_TICKETS_HEADER_IMAGE, types.UPDATE_TICKETS_HEADER_IMAGE, types.DELETE_TICKETS_HEADER_IMAGE, types.SET_TICKET_DETAILS, types.SET_TICKET_TEMP_DETAILS, types.HANDLE_TICKET_START_DATE, types.HANDLE_TICKET_END_DATE, types.HANDLE_TICKET_START_TIME, types.HANDLE_TICKET_END_TIME, MOVE_TICKET_SUCCESS, ], handler ); yield fork( handleEventStartDateChanges ); }
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