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<?php if (! defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } $site_url = trailingslashit(get_site_url()); $aj_gtmetrix_username = get_option('aj_gtmetrix_username', ''); $aj_gtmetrix_api_key = get_option('aj_gtmetrix_api_key', ''); $aj_gtmetrix_server = get_option('aj_gtmetrix_server', ''); if ($aj_gtmetrix_username != '' && $aj_gtmetrix_api_key != '') { $test = new Services_WTF_Test(); $test->api_username($aj_gtmetrix_username); $test->api_password($aj_gtmetrix_api_key); $test->user_agent(AJ_UA); $status = $test->status(); if ( is_array( $status ) ) { $credits = $status['api_credits']; } else { $credits = 'unknown'; } } else { $credits = 'N/A'; } $aj_enabled = (get_option('aj_enabled', 0) == 1) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'; $aj_method = (get_option('aj_method', 'async') == 'async') ? 'Async' : 'Defer'; $aj_jquery = get_option('aj_jquery', 'async'); $aj_jquery = ($aj_jquery == 'same ') ? get_option('aj_method', 'async') : $aj_jquery; $aj_jquery = ( $aj_jquery == 'async' ) ? 'Async' : ( ( $aj_jquery == 'defer' ) ? 'Defer' : 'Excluded' ); $aj_async = get_option('aj_async', ''); $aj_defer = get_option('aj_defer', ''); $aj_exclusions = get_option('aj_exclusions', ''); $aj_plugin_exclusions = (is_array(get_option('aj_plugin_exclusions', array())) && !is_null(get_option('aj_plugin_exclusions', array())) ? get_option('aj_plugin_exclusions', array()) : explode(',', get_option('aj_plugin_exclusions', ''))); $aj_theme_exclusions = (is_array(get_option('aj_theme_exclusions', array())) && !is_null(get_option('aj_theme_exclusions', array())) ? get_option('aj_theme_exclusions', array()) : explode(',', get_option('aj_theme_exclusions', ''))); $aj_autoptimize_enabled = (get_option('aj_autoptimize_enabled', 0) == 1) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'; $aj_autoptimize_method = (get_option('aj_autoptimize_method', 'async') == 'async') ? 'Async' : 'Defer'; ?> <div class="asItemDetail"> <h3><?php echo AJ_TITLE; ?></h3> <ul> <li><strong><?php _e('Status', 'async-javascript'); ?>:</strong> <?php echo $aj_enabled; ?></li> <?php if ($aj_enabled == 'Enabled') { ?> <li><strong><?php _e('Method', 'async-javascript'); ?>:</strong> <?php echo $aj_method; ?></li> <li><strong><?php _e('jQuery', 'async-javascript'); ?>:</strong> <?php echo $aj_jquery; ?></li> <li><strong><?php _e('Async Scripts', 'async-javascript'); ?>:</strong> <?php echo $aj_async; ?></li> <li><strong><?php _e('Defer Scripts', 'async-javascript'); ?>:</strong> <?php echo $aj_defer; ?></li> <li><strong><?php _e('Exclusions', 'async-javascript'); ?>:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><?php _e('Scripts', 'async-javascript'); ?>:</strong> <?php echo $aj_exclusions; ?></li> <li><strong><?php _e('Plugins', 'async-javascript'); ?>:</strong> <?php echo implode(',', $aj_plugin_exclusions); ?></li> <li><strong><?php _e('Themes', 'async-javascript'); ?>:</strong> <?php echo implode(',', $aj_theme_exclusions); ?></li> </ul> </li> <?php if (is_plugin_active('autoptimize/autoptimize.php')) { ?> <li><strong><?php _e('Autoptimize Status', 'async-javascript'); ?>:</strong> <?php echo $aj_autoptimize_enabled; ?></li> <?php if ($aj_autoptimize_enabled == 'Enabled') { ?> <li><strong><?php _e('Autoptimize Method', 'async-javascript'); ?>:</strong> <?php echo $aj_autoptimize_method; ?></li> <?php } } else { ?> <li><?php _e('Autoptimize not installed or activated.', 'async-javascript'); ?></li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div> <div class="asItemDetail"> <h3><?php _e('Latest GTmetrix Results', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <?php $aj_gtmetrix_results = get_option('aj_gtmetrix_results', array()); if (isset($aj_gtmetrix_results['latest'])) { $latest = $aj_gtmetrix_results['latest']; $screenshot = $latest['screenshot']; $pagespeed = $latest['results']['pagespeed_score']; $yslow = $latest['results']['yslow_score']; $pr = round(255 * (1 - ($pagespeed / 100)), 0); $yr = round(255 * (1 - ($yslow / 100)), 0); $pg = round(255 * ($pagespeed / 100), 0); $yg = round(255 * ($yslow / 100), 0); $pagespeed_style = ' style="color: rgb(' . $pr . ',' . $pg . ',0 )"'; $yslow_style = ' style="color: rgb(' . $yr . ',' . $yg . ',0 )"'; $flt = number_format(( float )$latest['results']['fully_loaded_time'] / 1000, 2, '.', ''); $tps = number_format(( float )$latest['results']['page_bytes'] / 1024, 0, '.', ''); $tps = ($tps > 1024) ? number_format(( float )$tps / 1024, 2, '.', '') . 'MB' : $tps . 'KB'; $requests = $latest['results']['page_elements']; $report = $latest['results']['report_url']; $report_url = '<a href="' . $report . '" target="_blank">' . $report . '</a>'; ?> <div id="aj_latest_please_wait"><div class="aj_loader"><h3 class="aj_loader_loading_text"><?php _e('Please Wait', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3></div></div> <table id="aj_latest_gtmetrix_results" class="form-table aj-steps-table" width="100%" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td scope="row" align="center"><img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,<?php echo $screenshot; ?>" class="aj_latest_screenshot aj_gtmetrix_screenshot"> <td scope="row" align="center"> <h3><?php _e('PageSpeed Score', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <span class="aj_latest_pagespeed aj_gtmetrix_result"<?php echo $pagespeed_style; ?>><?php echo $pagespeed; ?>%</span> </td> <td scope="row" align="center"> <h3><?php _e('YSlow Score', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <span class="aj_latest_yslow aj_gtmetrix_result"<?php echo $yslow_style; ?>><?php echo $yslow; ?>%</span> </td> <td scope="row" align="center"> <h3><?php _e('Fully Loaded Time', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <span class="aj_latest_flt aj_gtmetrix_result"><?php echo $flt; ?>s</span> </td> <td scope="row" align="center"> <h3><?php _e('Total Page Size', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <span class="aj_latest_tps aj_gtmetrix_result"><?php echo $tps; ?></span> </td> <td scope="row" align="center"> <h3><?php _e('Requests', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <span class="aj_latest_requests aj_gtmetrix_result"><?php echo $requests; ?></span> </td> </tr> <tr><td scope="row" align="left" colspan="6"><?php _e('See full report:', 'async-javascript'); ?> <span class="aj_latest_report"><?php echo $report_url; ?></span></td></tr> </table> </div> <?php } else { ?> <table id="aj_latest_gtmetrix_results" class="form-table aj-steps-table" width="100%" cellpadding="10" style="display: none;"> <tr> <td scope="row" align="center"><img src="" class="aj_latest_screenshot aj_gtmetrix_screenshot"> <td scope="row" align="center"> <h3><?php _e('PageSpeed Score', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <span class="aj_latest_pagespeed aj_gtmetrix_result"></span> </td> <td scope="row" align="center"> <h3><?php _e('YSlow Score', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <span class="aj_latest_yslow aj_gtmetrix_result"></span> </td> <td scope="row" align="center"> <h3><?php _e('Fully Loaded Time', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <span class="aj_latest_flt aj_gtmetrix_result"></span> </td> <td scope="row" align="center"> <h3><?php _e('Total Page Size', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <span class="aj_latest_tps aj_gtmetrix_result"></span> </td> <td scope="row" align="center"> <h3><?php _e('Requests', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <span class="aj_latest_requests aj_gtmetrix_result"></span> </td> </tr> <tr><td scope="row" align="center" colspan="6"><?php _e('See full report:', 'async-javascript'); ?> <span class="aj_latest_report"></span></td></tr> </table> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="asItemDetail"> <h3><?php _e('Generate New Report', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <p><?php _e('Please click on the button below to generate a new GTmetrix Report.', 'async-javascript'); ?></p> <p><?php _e('<strong>Please Note:</strong> By clicking the button below you acknowledge that you understand that one (1) GTmetrix API credit will be used.', 'async-javascript'); ?></p> <p><button data-id="aj_gtmetrix_test" class="aj_steps_button button"><?php _e('Run GTmetrix Test', 'async-javascript'); ?></button></p> </div> <div class="asItemDetail"> <h3><?php _e('GTmetrix API Key', 'async-javascript'); ?></h3> <p><?php _e("If you haven't already done so, grab an API Key from GTmetrix so that Async JavaScript can obtain your PageSpeed / YSlow results. Here's how:", 'async-javascript'); ?></p> <ol> <li><?php _e('Navigate to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (link opens in a new tab)', 'async-javascript'); ?></li> <li><?php _e("If you do not already have an account with GTmetrix, go ahead and sign up (it's FREE!).", 'async-javascript'); ?></li> <li><?php _e('Log in to your GTmetrix account.', 'async-javascript'); ?></li> <li><?php _e("If you haven't yet generated your API Key, click on <strong>Generate API Key</strong>", 'async-javascript'); ?></li> <li><?php _e('Copy your Username and API Key into the fields below:', 'async-javascript'); ?><br /><input type="text" id="aj_gtmetrix_username" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $aj_gtmetrix_username ); ?>" placeholder="GTmetrix Username"><input type="text" id="aj_gtmetrix_api_key" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $aj_gtmetrix_api_key ); ?>" placeholder="GTmetrix API Key"></li> <li><?php _e('Select the desired server.', 'async-javascript'); ?><br /> <select id="aj_gtmetrix_server"> <?php $gtmetrix_locations = array( 'Vancouver, Canada' => 1, 'London, United Kingdom' => 2, 'Sydney, Australia' => 3, 'Dallas, United States' => 4, 'Mumbai, India' => 5 ); foreach ($gtmetrix_locations as $location => $value) { $selected = ($aj_gtmetrix_server == $value) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $value . '"' . $selected . '>' . $location . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </li> <li><?php _e('GTmetrix Credits Available:', 'async-javascript'); ?> <span class="aj_gtmetrix_credits"><?php echo $credits; ?></span></li> </ol> </div> <?php
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