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<?php /** * Rules exception base class. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @package OMAPI * @author Justin Sternberg */ // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Rules exception base class. * * @since 1.5.0 */ class OMAPI_Rules_Exception extends Exception { protected $bool = null; protected $exceptions = array(); public function __construct( $message = null, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null ) { if ( is_bool( $message ) ) { $this->bool = $message; $message = null; } parent::__construct( $message, $code, $previous ); } public function get_bool() { return $this->bool; } public function add_exceptions( array $exceptions ) { $this->exceptions = $exceptions; } public function get_exceptions() { return (array) $this->exceptions; } } class OMAPI_Rules_False extends OMAPI_Rules_Exception { protected $bool = false; } class OMAPI_Rules_True extends OMAPI_Rules_Exception { protected $bool = true; } /** * Rules class. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @package OMAPI * @author Justin Sternberg */ class OMAPI_Rules { /** * Holds the meta fields used for checking output statuses. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @var array */ protected $fields = array( 'enabled', 'automatic', 'users', 'never', 'only', 'categories', 'taxonomies', 'show', 'type', 'test', 'show_on_woocommerce', 'is_wc_shop', 'is_wc_product', 'is_wc_cart', 'is_wc_checkout', 'is_wc_account', 'is_wc_endpoint', 'is_wc_endpoint_order_pay', 'is_wc_endpoint_order_received', 'is_wc_endpoint_view_order', 'is_wc_endpoint_edit_account', 'is_wc_endpoint_edit_address', 'is_wc_endpoint_lost_password', 'is_wc_endpoint_customer_logout', 'is_wc_endpoint_add_payment_method', 'is_wc_product_category', 'is_wc_product_tag', ); /** * Holds the meta field values for optin. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @var array */ protected $field_values = array(); /** * Whether we're checking for inline display. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @var boolean */ protected $is_inline_check = false; /** * The advanced settings for the campaign that should override inline. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @var array */ protected $advanced_settings = array(); /** * The current post id. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @var int */ protected $post_id = 0; /** * The campaign post object. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @var object */ protected $optin = null; /** * The OMAPI_Rules_Exception if applicable. * * @var OMAPI_Rules_Exception */ protected $caught = null; /** * Whether campaign in loop should be output globally. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @var bool */ protected $global_override = true; /** * The last instance called of this class. * * @var OMAPI_Rules */ public static $last_instance = null; /** * Exceptions which were not caught/were ignored and may be the reason for the final exclusion. * * @var array */ public $reasons = array(); /** * Primary class constructor. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param null|object $optin The campaign post object. * @param int $post_id The current post id. * @param bool $is_inline_check Whether we're checking for inline display. */ public function __construct( $optin = null, $post_id = 0, $is_inline_check = false ) { $this->fields = apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_output_fields', $this->fields ); // Default to allowing global override if not an inline check. $this->optin = $optin; $this->post_id = $post_id; $this->is_inline_check = $is_inline_check; $this->global_override = ! $is_inline_check; self::$last_instance = $this; } /** * Determines if given campaign should show inline. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $post_id The current post id. * @param object $optin The campaign post object. * * @return boolean|array */ public static function check_inline( $optin, $post_id = 0 ) { return self::check( $optin, $post_id, true ); } /** * Determines if given campaign should show for a shortcode. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $post_id The current post id. * @param object $optin The campaign post object. * * @return boolean|array */ public static function check_shortcode( $optin, $post_id = 0 ) { return self::check( $optin, $post_id, 'shortcode' ); } /** * Determines if given campaign should show. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $post_id The current post id. * @param object $optin The campaign post object. * @param bool $is_inline_check Whether we're checking for inline display. * * @return boolean|array */ public static function check( $optin, $post_id = 0, $is_inline_check = false ) { $rules = new self( $optin, $post_id, $is_inline_check ); return $rules->should_output(); } public function get_field_value( $field ) { return isset( $this->field_values[ $field ] ) ? $this->field_values[ $field ] : null; } public function field_empty( $field ) { return empty( $this->field_values[ $field ] ); } public function field_not_empty_array( $field ) { return OMAPI_Utils::field_not_empty_array( $this->field_values, $field ); } public function item_in_field( $item, $field ) { return OMAPI_Utils::item_in_field( $item, $this->field_values, $field ); } public function field_is( $field, $value ) { return isset( $this->field_values[ $field ] ) && $value === $this->field_values[ $field ]; } public function is_inline_type() { return OMAPI_Utils::is_inline_type( $this->get_field_value( 'type' ) ); } /** * Checks if current campaign is a non-shortcode inline type on a post. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @return bool */ public function is_inline_post_type() { return $this->is_inline_check && 'shortcode' !== $this->is_inline_check && is_singular( 'post' ); } /** * Determines if given campaign should show. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @return boolean|array */ public function should_output() { // Collect all the fields to check against. $this->collect_optin_fields(); $should_output = $this->check_should_output(); return apply_filters( 'optinmonster_pre_campaign_should_output', $should_output, $this ); } /** * Runs all checks to determine if given campaign should show. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @return boolean|array */ protected function check_should_output() { try { $this->exclude_if_not_enabled(); $this->exclude_on_campaign_types(); $this->exclude_on_user_logged_in_checks(); $this->exclude_if_inline_and_not_automatic(); $this->default_checks(); $this->woocommerce_checks(); $this->include_if_inline_and_automatic_and_no_advanced_settings(); $this->output_if_global_override(); $e = new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'default no show' ); if ( ! empty( $this->reasons ) ) { $e->add_exceptions( $this->reasons ); } throw $e; } catch ( OMAPI_Rules_Exception $e ) { $this->caught = $e; $should_output = $e instanceof OMAPI_Rules_True; } // If query var is set and user can manage OM, output debug data. if ( OMAPI_Debug::can_output_debug() ) { $this->output_rules_debug(); } return $should_output; } /** * Collect all the field values for an optin. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @return OMAPI_Rules */ public function collect_optin_fields() { foreach ( $this->fields as $field ) { $this->field_values[ $field ] = get_post_meta( $this->optin->ID, '_omapi_' . $field, true ); } return $this; } /** * Excludes campaign from showing if its 'enabled' field is falsey or missing. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @throws OMAPI_Rules_False * @return void */ public function exclude_if_not_enabled() { if ( // Ensure the optin is enabled and should output. $this->field_empty( 'enabled' ) // Unless it's a shortcode, in which case, we don't want to check // if the campaign in the shortcode is "enabled". // This is for legacy reasons. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ && 'shortcode' !== $this->is_inline_check ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'not enabled' ); } } /** * Excludes campaign from showing if its 'type' field is not an inline type * and it's an inline request, or if it IS an inline type but NOT an inline request. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @throws OMAPI_Rules_False * @return void */ public function exclude_on_campaign_types() { // If inline check if ( $this->is_inline_check ) { // And if the type is not an inline type... if ( ! $this->is_inline_type() ) { // exclude it from outputting. throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'only inline for inline check' ); } } else { // Ok, it's not an inline check // So check if the type is an inline or sidebar type if ( $this->field_is( 'type', 'sidebar' ) || $this->is_inline_type() ) { // and exclude it from outputting. throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'no inline for global check' ); } } } /** * Checks if campaign should be shown based on its field and if user is logged in. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @throws OMAPI_Rules_False * @return void */ public function exclude_on_user_logged_in_checks() { $is_logged_in = is_user_logged_in(); // If in legacy test mode but not logged in, skip over the optin. if ( ! $this->field_empty( 'test' ) && ! $is_logged_in ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'test mode' ); } // If the optin is to be shown only to logged in users but is not logged in, pass over it. if ( $this->field_is( 'users', 'in' ) && ! $is_logged_in ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'exclude for logged out' ); } // If the optin is to be shown only to visitors but is logged in, pass over it. if ( $this->field_is( 'users', 'out' ) && $is_logged_in ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'exclude for logged in' ); } } /** * The default checks to see if given campaign should show. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @throws OMAPI_Rules_False * @return void */ public function default_checks() { // Check for global disable. if ( get_post_meta( $this->post_id, 'om_disable_all_campaigns', true ) ) { $this->global_override = false; throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( "all campaigns disabled for this post ($this->post_id)" ); } // Exclude posts/pages from optin display // Set flag for possibly not loading globally. if ( $this->field_not_empty_array( 'only' ) ) { $this->global_override = false; $this->advanced_settings['show'] = $this->get_field_value( 'only' ); // If the optin is only to be shown on specific post IDs... if ( $this->item_in_field( $this->post_id, 'only' ) ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( "include on only $this->post_id" ); } } // Exclude posts/pages from optin display if ( $this->item_in_field( $this->post_id, 'never' ) ) { // No global check on purpose. Global is still true if only this setting is populated. throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( "exclude on never $this->post_id" ); } try { // If the optin is only to be shown on particular categories... $this->check_categories_field(); } catch ( OMAPI_Rules_Exception $e ) { if ( $e instanceof OMAPI_Rules_True ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( 'include on categories', 0, $e ); } $this->reasons[] = $e; } try { // If the optin is only to be shown on particular taxonomies... $this->check_taxonomies_field(); } catch ( OMAPI_Rules_Exception $e ) { if ( $e instanceof OMAPI_Rules_True ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( 'include on taxonomies', 0, $e ); } $this->reasons[] = $e; } if ( $this->field_not_empty_array( 'show' ) ) { // Set flag for not loading globally. $this->global_override = false; $this->advanced_settings['show'] = $this->get_field_value( 'show' ); } if ( ! $this->is_inline_check && $this->item_in_field( 'index', 'show' ) && OMAPI_Utils::is_front_or_search() ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( 'is front or search and show on index' ); } // Check if we should show on a selected post type. if ( $this->item_in_field( get_post_type(), 'show' ) && ! OMAPI_Utils::is_front_or_search() ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( 'include on post type but not front/search' ); } // Check if we should show on a selected singular post type. if ( $this->field_not_empty_array( 'show' ) ) { foreach ( $this->get_field_value( 'show' ) as $show_value ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $show_value, 'singular___' ) ) { $post_type = str_replace( 'singular___', '', $show_value ); if ( is_singular( $post_type ) ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( 'include on singular post type: ' . $post_type ); } } } } } /** * Check for woocommerce rules. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @throws OMAPI_Rules_False * @return void */ public function woocommerce_checks() { // If WooCommerce is enabled we can look for WooCommerce specific settings. if ( OMAPI::is_woocommerce_active() ) { if ( ! $this->is_inline_check // Separate never checks for WooCommerce pages that don't ID match // No global check on purpose. Global is still true if only this setting is populated. && $this->item_in_field( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ), 'never' ) && is_shop() ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'never on wc is_shop' ); } try { $this->check_woocommerce_field(); } catch ( OMAPI_Rules_Exception $e ) { if ( $e instanceof OMAPI_Rules_True ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( 'include woocommerce', 0, $e ); } $this->reasons[] = $e; } } } /** * Disable campaign from showing if it is being checked inline and is NOT set to automatic. * * @since 1.5.3 * * @throws OMAPI_Rules_False * @return void */ public function exclude_if_inline_and_not_automatic() { if ( $this->is_inline_post_type() && $this->field_empty( 'automatic' ) ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'exclude inline if not automatic on singular post' ); } } /** * Enable campaign to show if it is being checked inline and is set to automatic. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @throws OMAPI_Rules_True * @return void */ public function include_if_inline_and_automatic_and_no_advanced_settings() { if ( empty( $this->advanced_settings ) && $this->is_inline_post_type() && ! $this->field_empty( 'automatic' ) ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( 'include inline automatic on singular post' ); } } /** * Enable campaign to show if it's global override to show is still true.' * * @since 1.5.0 * * @throws OMAPI_Rules_False * @return void */ public function output_if_global_override() { if ( $this->global_override ) { // TODO: Track how often this occurs to determine the importance // of the $this->global_override logic. throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( 'include with global override' ); } } protected function check_categories_field() { $categories = $this->get_field_value( 'categories' ); if ( empty( $categories ) ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'no categories' ); } if ( $this->field_not_empty_array( 'categories' ) ) { // Set flag for possibly not loading globally. $this->global_override = false; $this->advanced_settings['categories'] = $categories; } // If this is the home page, check to see if they have decided to load on certain archive pages. // Run a check for archive-type pages. // If showing on home and we are on an index page, show the optin. // TODO: this originally checked is_front_page() || is_home() || is_archive() || is_search() // but only is_home() would work originally ( // Maybe reintroduce other conditions? $this->check_is_home_and_show_on_index(); // TODO: Add check for: "Check if we should show on a selected post type." // This was in the old logic ( // But has not worked for 3+ years as the is_home() condition was precluding it. // Also applies to logic in check_taxonomies_field // if ( in_array( 'post', (array) $fields['show'] ) && ! ( is_front_page() || is_home() || is_archive() || is_search() ) ) { // $omapi_output->set_slug( $optin ); // return $html; // } if ( $this->post_id ) { $all_cats = get_the_category( $this->post_id ); if ( ! empty( $all_cats ) ) { foreach ( $all_cats as $term ) { $has_term = in_array( $term->term_id, $categories ); if ( ! $has_term ) { continue; } if ( ! $this->is_inline_check ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( "post has category $term->name" ); } if ( ! is_archive() ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( "post has category $term->name & is not archive" ); } } } } if ( ! $this->is_inline_check && is_category( $categories ) ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( 'post on category' ); } throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'no category matches found' ); } protected function check_taxonomies_field() { $taxonomies = $this->get_field_value( 'taxonomies' ); if ( empty( $taxonomies ) ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'no taxonomies' ); } $values = $this->field_not_empty_array( 'taxonomies' ); if ( $values ) { foreach ( $values as $i => $value ) { if ( OMAPI_Utils::field_not_empty_array( $values, $i ) ) { $this->global_override = false; $this->advanced_settings['taxonomies'] = $values; break; } } } // If the optin is only to be shown on particular taxonomies... if ( $this->is_inline_check && ! is_singular() ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'not singular template' ); } // If this is the home page, check to see if they have decided to load on certain archive pages. // Run a check for archive-type pages. // If showing on index pages and we are on an index page, show the optin. // TODO: potentially move this above check_taxonomies_field && check_categories_field $this->check_is_home_and_show_on_index(); foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy => $ids_to_check ) { // Tags are saved differently. // if ( ! empty( $ids_to_check[0] ) && false !== strpos( $ids_to_check[0], ',' ) ) { $ids_to_check = explode( ',', (string) $ids_to_check[0] ); } $ids_to_check = (array) $ids_to_check; if ( $this->post_id ) { $all_terms = get_the_terms( $this->post_id, $taxonomy ); if ( ! empty( $all_terms ) ) { foreach ( $all_terms as $term ) { // TODO: determine why this logic is different than in check_categories_field. if ( in_array( $term->term_id, $ids_to_check ) ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( "post has $taxonomy $term->name" ); } } } } if ( ! $this->is_inline_check ) { foreach ( $ids_to_check as $tax_id ) { if ( OMAPI_Utils::is_term_archive( $tax_id, $taxonomy ) ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( "not inline and is on $taxonomy archive" ); } } } } throw new OMAPI_Rules_False( 'no taxonomy matches found' ); } protected function check_is_home_and_show_on_index() { if ( is_home() && $this->item_in_field( 'index', 'show' ) ) { throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( 'is_home and show on index' ); } } protected function check_woocommerce_field() { $wc_checks = array( 'show_on_woocommerce' => array( 'is_woocommerce' ), // is woocommerce anything 'is_wc_shop' => array( 'is_shop' ), 'is_wc_product' => array( 'is_product' ), 'is_wc_cart' => array( 'is_cart' ), 'is_wc_checkout' => array( 'is_checkout' ), 'is_wc_account' => array( 'is_account_page' ), 'is_wc_endpoint' => array( 'is_wc_endpoint_url' ), 'is_wc_endpoint_order_pay' => array( 'is_wc_endpoint_url', 'order-pay' ), 'is_wc_endpoint_order_received' => array( 'is_wc_endpoint_url', 'order-received' ), 'is_wc_endpoint_view_order' => array( 'is_wc_endpoint_url', 'view-order' ), 'is_wc_endpoint_edit_account' => array( 'is_wc_endpoint_url', 'edit-account' ), 'is_wc_endpoint_edit_address' => array( 'is_wc_endpoint_url', 'edit-address' ), 'is_wc_endpoint_lost_password' => array( 'is_wc_endpoint_url', 'lost-password' ), 'is_wc_endpoint_customer_logout' => array( 'is_wc_endpoint_url', 'customer-logout' ), 'is_wc_endpoint_add_payment_method' => array( 'is_wc_endpoint_url', 'add-payment-method' ), ); foreach ( $wc_checks as $field => $callback ) { if ( $this->field_empty( $field ) ) { continue; } $this->global_override = false; $this->advanced_settings[ $field ] = $this->get_field_value( $field ); if ( call_user_func_array( array_shift( $callback ), $callback ) ) { // If it passes, send it back. throw new OMAPI_Rules_True( $field ); } } } /** * Magic getter for our object. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string $property * @throws Exception Throws an exception if the field is invalid. * * @return mixed */ public function __get( $property ) { switch ( $property ) { case 'is_inline_check': case 'post_id': case 'optin': case 'fields': case 'field_values': case 'caught': case 'global_override': case 'advanced_settings': return $this->$property; default: break; } throw new Exception( sprintf( esc_html__( 'Invalid %1$s property: %2$s', 'optin-monster-api' ), __CLASS__, $property ) ); } /** * Outputs some debug data for the current campaign object. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @return void */ protected function output_rules_debug() { $show = $this->caught instanceof OMAPI_Rules_True; echo '<xmp class="_om-campaign-sep">' . str_repeat( '-', 10 ) . $this->optin->post_name . str_repeat( '-', 10 ) . '</xmp>'; echo '<xmp class="_om-post-id">$post_id: ' . print_r( $this->post_id, true ) . '</xmp>'; echo '<xmp class="_om-post-id">$debug_setting_enabled: ' . print_r( OMAPI::get_instance()->get_option( 'api', 'omwpdebug' ), true ) . '</xmp>'; echo '<xmp class="_om-campaign-status" style="color: ' . ( $show ? 'green' : 'red' ) . ';">' . $this->optin->post_name . ":\n" . print_r( $this->caught->getMessage(), true ); $reasons = $this->caught->get_exceptions(); if ( ! empty( $reasons ) ) { $messages = array(); foreach ( $reasons as $e ) { $messages[] = $e->getMessage(); } echo ":\n\t- " . implode( "\n\t- ", $messages ); } echo '</xmp>'; if ( ! empty( $this->advanced_settings ) ) { echo '<xmp class="_om-advanced-settings">$advanced_settings: ' . print_r( $this->advanced_settings, true ) . '</xmp>'; } if ( ! empty( $this->field_values ) ) { echo '<xmp class="_om-field-values" style="display:none;">$field_values: ' . print_r( $this->field_values, true ) . '</xmp>'; } echo '<xmp class="_om-is-inline-check" style="display:none;">$is_inline_check?: ' . print_r( $this->is_inline_check, true ) . '</xmp>'; echo '<xmp class="_om-global-override" style="display:none;">$global_override?: ' . print_r( $this->global_override, true ) . '</xmp>'; echo '<xmp class="_om-optin" style="display:none;">$optin: ' . print_r( $this->optin, true ) . '</xmp>'; } }
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