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Edit File: setup-wizard.js
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { var wizardId = '#hestiawizard'; $(wizardId).smartWizard({ autoAdjustHeight: false, transition: { animation: 'fade', speed: '400', }, keyboard: { keyNavigation: false, }, anchor: { enableNavigation: false, enableNavigationAlways: false, }, }); var handleSubStep = function( ref ) { var targetElement = $( '.step-progress-bar:visible' ); if ( ':first-child' ) ) { ref.addClass( 'active' ).removeClass( 'done' ); targetElement.find( 'li' ).not(ref).removeClass( 'done' ).removeClass( 'active' ); return; } if ( ref.hasClass( 'trigger-next' ) ) { ref.prev( 'li' ).addClass( 'done' ).removeClass( 'active' ); ref.addClass( 'active' ); } else { '' ).removeClass( 'done' ).removeClass( 'active' ); ref.removeClass( 'done' ).addClass( 'active' ); } ref.removeClass( 'trigger-next trigger-prev' ); }; /** * Reset step */ var resetSubStep = function() { $( '.step-progress-bar:visible li:first-child' ).trigger( 'click' ); }; /** * Next step. */ var nextStep = function() { var nextStepElement = $( '.step-progress-bar:visible' ).next( 'li' ); if ( nextStepElement.length === 0 ) { $(wizardId).smartWizard( 'next' ); return; } nextStepElement.addClass( 'trigger-next' ).click(); }; /** * Prev step. */ var prevStep = function() { var prevStepElement = $( '.step-progress-bar:visible' ).prev( 'li' ); if ( prevStepElement.length === 0 ) { $(wizardId).smartWizard( 'prev' ); return; } prevStepElement.addClass( 'trigger-prev' ).click(); }; /** * Preview image. */ var previewImage = function( imgSource, image_id ) { var parentElement = $( '.tab-pane:visible .hestia-card-box:visible' ); if ( imgSource !== '' ) { var attachmentMediaView = parentElement.find( '.attachment-media-view' ); if ( attachmentMediaView.hasClass( 'hestia-preview-icon' ) ) { attachmentMediaView.find( '.favicon img, .app-icon-preview' ).attr( 'src', imgSource ); } else { attachmentMediaView.find( '.attachment-thumb' ).attr( 'src', imgSource ); attachmentMediaView.removeClass( 'hidden' ); '.hestia-drag-drop-area' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); parentElement.find( '.hestia-drag-drop-area.hidden' ).next( 'p' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } } parentElement.find( '.hestia-btn.disabled' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); if ( image_id > 0 ) { parentElement.find( 'input:hidden' ).val( image_id ); } }; /** * Hide footer action. */ var hideFooterAction = function( hide ) { if ( hide ) { $( '.hestia-wizard__footer .left, .hestia-wizard__footer .right' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } else { $( '.hestia-wizard__footer .left, .hestia-wizard__footer .right' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } }; /** * Leave step and show step. */ $(wizardId).on( 'leaveStep showStep', function( e, anchorObject, stepIndex, stepDirection, stepPosition ) { $( '.hestia-hide-skip-btn .hestia-wizard__footer .right' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); $( '.step-progress-bar li' ).removeClass( 'trigger-next trigger-prev' ); if ( window.location.hash && ( '#step-1' === window.location.hash || '#step-7' === window.location.hash ) ) { $( '.hestia-dashboard-link' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); if ( '#step-7' === window.location.hash ) { $( '.gif-animation' ).addClass( 'show' ); setTimeout( function() { $( '.gif-animation' ).removeClass( 'show' ); }, 6000 ); } } else { $( '.hestia-dashboard-link' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); resetSubStep(); } } ); $('.prev-wizard').on('click', function () { // Navigate previous prevStep(); return true; }); $('.next-wizard').on('click', function () { // Navigate next. nextStep(); return true; }); $('.hestia-accordion .hestia-accordion-item .hestia-accordion-item__button').on('click', function () { var current_item = $(this).parents(); $('.hestia-accordion .hestia-accordion-item .hestia-accordion-item__content').each( function (i, el) { if ($(el).parent().is(current_item)) { $(el).prev().toggleClass('is-active'); $(el).slideToggle(); $(this).toggleClass('is-active'); } else { $(el).prev().removeClass('is-active'); $(el).slideUp(); $(this).removeClass('is-active'); } } ); } ); // Click on sub tab. $( document ).on( 'click', '[data-sub_tab]', function() { var subNextTab = $( this ).data( 'sub_tab' ); $( this ).parents( '.tab-pane' ).find( '.hestia-card-box:not(.hidden)' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); $( '.hestia-' + subNextTab ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); if ( ! $( this ).is( ':first-child' ) ) { $( '.hestia-wizard__footer .right' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } handleSubStep( $(this) ); } ); // Click to next step. $( document ).on( 'click', '.hestia-card-box button:not(.hestia-btn,.add-new,.add-btn,.hestia-accordion-item__button)', function() { nextStep(); } ); // Remove disabled class from send me access button. $( document ).on( 'input', 'input[name="wizard[email]"]', function() { if ( $( this ).val() !== '' ) { $( this ).parents( '.hestia-card-box' ).find( '.hestia-btn' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } else { $( this ).parents( '.hestia-card-box' ).find( '.hestia-btn' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } } ); // Save and Continue. $( document ).on( 'click', '.hestia-card-box .form-footer button', function() { var _currentButton = $(this); var currentStep = _currentButton.parents( '' ); var actionId = 'action' ); // Validation for email field. if ( 'hestia_newsletter_subscribe' === actionId ) { var emailElement = $( 'input[name="wizard[email]"]' );".hestia-field-error").remove(); var subscribeEmail = emailElement.val(); var EmailTest = /^[\w\-\.\+]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\.[a-zA-z0-9]{2,4}$/; var errorMessage = ""; if ( '' === subscribeEmail ) { errorMessage = hestiaSetupWizardData.errorMessages.requiredEmail; } else if ( ! EmailTest.test( subscribeEmail ) ) { errorMessage = hestiaSetupWizardData.errorMessages.invalidEmail; } if ("" !== errorMessage) { $('<span class="hestia-field-error">' + errorMessage + "</span>").insertAfter(emailElement); return; } } var data = 'action=hestia_wizard_step_process&security=' + + '&_action=' + actionId + '&' + jQuery( 'input, select' ).serialize(); currentStep.find( '.spinner' ).addClass( 'is-active' ); currentStep.find( '.hestia-card-box .hestia-error-notice' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); _currentButton.addClass( 'disabled' ); hideFooterAction( true ); $.post( hestiaSetupWizardData.ajax.url, data, function( res ) { hideFooterAction( false ); currentStep.find( '.spinner' ).removeClass( 'is-active' ); _currentButton.removeClass( 'disabled' ); if ( res.status === 1 ) { nextStep(); } else if( res.status === 0 && res.message !== '' ) { currentStep.find( '.hestia-card-box .hestia-error-notice' ).html( '<p>' + res.message + '</p>' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } }, 'json' ) .fail( function( response ) { hideFooterAction( false ); currentStep.find( '.spinner' ).removeClass( 'is-active' ); currentStep.find( 'button.hestia-btn' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } ); } ); /** * Reset media upload. */ $( document ).on( 'click', '.hestia-reset-media', function() { var parentElement = $( '.tab-pane:visible .hestia-card-box:visible' ); parentElement.find( '.attachment-media-view' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); parentElement.find( '.hestia-drag-drop-area.hidden' ).next( 'p' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); parentElement.find( '.attachment-media-view' ).next( '.hestia-drag-drop-area' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); parentElement.find( '.form-footer .hestia-btn' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); parentElement.find( 'input:hidden' ).val(0); } ); // Init plupload. if ( 'object' === typeof hestiaSetupWizardData.pluploadData ) { var uploader = new plupload.Uploader( hestiaSetupWizardData.pluploadData ); // checks if browser supports drag and drop upload, makes some css adjustments if necessary uploader.bind('Init', function(up) { var uploaddiv = $( '.hestia-upload-ui' ); if( up.features.dragdrop ) { uploaddiv.addClass('drag-drop'); $('#drag-drop-area, #icon-drag-drop-area') .bind('dragover.wp-uploader', function() { uploaddiv.addClass('drag-over'); }) .bind('dragleave.wp-uploader, drop.wp-uploader', function() { uploaddiv.removeClass('drag-over'); }); } else { uploaddiv.removeClass('drag-drop'); $('#drag-drop-area, #icon-drag-drop-area').unbind('.wp-uploader'); } }); uploader.init(); // a file was added in the queue uploader.bind('FilesAdded', function(up, files) { if ( 'undefined' === typeof files.url ) { up.refresh(); up.start(); } }); // a file was uploaded uploader.bind('FileUploaded', function(up, file, response) { if ( 'undefined' === typeof file.url ) { var mediaResponse = $.parseJSON( response.response ); if ( mediaResponse.status === 1 ) { previewImage( mediaResponse.attachment_url, mediaResponse.attachment_id ); } else { $( '.tab-pane:visible' ) .find( '.hestia-card-box:visible' ) .find( '.hestia-error-notice' ) .html( '<p>' + mediaResponse.message + '</p>' ) .removeClass( 'hidden' ); } } else { previewImage( file.url, ); } hideFooterAction( false ); $( '.tab-pane:visible' ) .find( '.hestia-card-box:visible' ) .find( 'span.spinner' ) .removeClass( 'is-active' ); }); // Error handler. uploader.bind('Error', function(up, args) { hideFooterAction( false ); $( '.tab-pane:visible' ) .find( '.hestia-card-box:visible' ) .find( '.hestia-error-notice' ) .html( '<p>' + args.message + '</p>' ) .removeClass( 'hidden' ); $( '.tab-pane:visible' ) .find( '.hestia-card-box:visible' ) .find( 'span.spinner' ) .removeClass( 'is-active' ); }); // Progress status. uploader.bind('UploadProgress', function(up, file) { hideFooterAction( true ); $( '.tab-pane:visible' ) .find( '.hestia-card-box:visible' ) .find( '.hestia-error-notice' ) .addClass( 'hidden' ); $( '.tab-pane:visible' ) .find( '.hestia-card-box:visible' ) .find( 'span.spinner' ) .addClass( 'is-active' ); }); /** * Open media iframe */ var openWPMedia = function() { // Create state var hestiaMediaState ={ defaults : _.defaults({ id: 'hestia-media-state', allowLocalEdits: true, displaySettings: true, displayUserSettings: true, multiple : false, library:{ type: 'image' }) }, ) }); var frame; // Click to open $( document ).on( 'click', '.hestia-choose-media', function( event ) { var _ = $( this ); event.preventDefault(); // If the media frame already exists, reopen it. if ( frame ) {; return; } // Create a new media frame frame ={ multiple: false, state: 'hestia-media-state', // set the custom state as default state states: [ new hestiaMediaState() ] } ); // When an image is selected in the media frame... frame.on( 'select', function() { var attachment = frame.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(); // Create the mock file: window.EditImageData = { url: attachment.url, id: }; uploader.trigger("FileUploaded", window.EditImageData); });; }); }; openWPMedia(); /** * Set default */ $( document ).on( 'click', '[data-default_img]', function() { var defaultURL = $( this ).data( 'default_img' ); var ajaxNonce = $( this ).data( 'ajax_nonce' ); if ( defaultURL === '' ) { return; } // show ajax loader. uploader.trigger( 'UploadProgress', {} ); $.post( hestiaSetupWizardData.ajax.url, { action: 'hestia_set_logo_and_icon', _ajax_nonce: ajaxNonce, default_img: defaultURL, }, function( res ) { if ( res.status === 1 ) { uploader.trigger( 'FileUploaded', { url: res.attachment_url, id: res.attachment_id } ); } else { uploader.trigger( 'Error', { message: res.message } ); } }, 'json' ) .fail( function( res ) { uploader.trigger( 'Error', { message: res.statusText } ); } ); } ); } // HomePage setting. $( document ).on( 'change', 'input[name="wizard[show_on_front]"]', function() { if ( $( this ).val() === 'page' ) { $( '.select-page-option' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); $( '#page_on_front' ).trigger( 'change' ); } else { $( '.select-page-option' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); $( this ).parents( '.hestia-card-box' ).find( '.hestia-btn' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } } ); // Add new page. $( document ).on( 'click', '.add-new', function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) { $( this ).parent( '.add-new-page' ).prev( '.add-new-option-box' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); $( this ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } else { $( this ).parent( '.add-new-page' ).prev( '.add-new-option-box' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); $( this ).addClass( 'disabled' ); $( this ).parents( '.hestia-card-box' ).find( '.hestia-btn' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); $( 'input[name="hestia_page_title"]' ).val(''); } return false; } ); // Select HomePage. $( document ).on( 'change', '#page_on_front', function() { var saveButton = $( this ).parents( '.hestia-card-box' ).find( '.hestia-btn' ); if ( $( this ).val() === '0' ) { saveButton.addClass( 'disabled' ); } else { saveButton.removeClass( 'disabled' ); } $( '.add-new.disabled' ).trigger( 'click' ); } ); // Hide save button. $( document ).on( 'change', 'input[name="wizard[install_plugin][]"]', function() { var checkedOption = $( 'input[name="wizard[install_plugin][]"]' ).filter( ':checked' ); var saveButton = $( this ).parents( '.hestia-card-box' ).find( '.hestia-btn' ); if ( checkedOption.length > 0 ) { saveButton.removeClass( 'disabled' ); } else { saveButton.addClass( 'disabled' ); } } ); // Create new page. $( document ).on( 'click', '.hestia-card-box .add-btn', function() { var addButtonElement = $( this ); var pageTitle = $( 'input[name="hestia_page_title"]' ).val(); var currentStep = addButtonElement.parents( '' ); if ( pageTitle === '' || addButtonElement.hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) { return; } currentStep.find( '.spinner' ).addClass( 'is-active' ); addButtonElement.addClass( 'disabled' ); hideFooterAction( true ); $.post( hestiaSetupWizardData.ajax.url, { action: 'hestia_add_new_page', nonce:, page_title: pageTitle }, function( res ) { hideFooterAction( false ); if ( res.status === 1 ) { $( '#page_on_front' ).append( res.option ).trigger( 'change' ); } else if( res.status === 2 && res.page_id > 0 ) { $( '#page_on_front' ).val( res.page_id ).trigger( 'change' ); } else if( res.message !== '' ) { currentStep.find( '.hestia-card-box .hestia-error-notice' ).html( '<p>' + res.message + '</p>' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } currentStep.find( '.spinner' ).removeClass( 'is-active' ); addButtonElement.removeClass( 'disabled' ); $( 'input[name="hestia_page_title"]' ).val(''); }, 'json' ).fail( function() { hideFooterAction( false ); currentStep.find( '.spinner' ).removeClass( 'is-active' ); addButtonElement.removeClass( 'disabled' ); } ); } ); // Update browser title. $( document ).on( 'input', 'input[name="wizard[site_title]"]', function() { $( 'span.browser-title' ).text( $( this ).val() ); } ); // WP init color picker. $( '.hestia-color-picker' ).wpColorPicker(); });
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