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<?php // Don't load directly use Tribe\Events\Admin\Settings; defined( 'WPINC' ) or die; class Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Tabs__New extends Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Tabs__Abstract { /** * Static Singleton Holder * * @var self|null */ private static $instance; public $priority = 10; protected $content_type; protected $content_type_plural; protected $content_type_object; protected $content_post_type; protected $messages; /** * Static Singleton Factory Method * * @return self */ public static function instance() { if ( empty( self::$instance ) ) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } public function __construct() { // Setup Abstract hooks parent::__construct(); // Configure this tab ajax calls add_action( 'wp_ajax_tribe_aggregator_save_credentials', array( $this, 'ajax_save_credentials' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_tribe_aggregator_create_import', array( $this, 'ajax_create_import' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_tribe_aggregator_fetch_import', array( $this, 'ajax_fetch_import' ) ); // We need to enqueue Media scripts like this add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_media' ) ); add_action( 'tribe_aggregator_page_request', array( $this, 'handle_submit' ) ); // hooked at priority 9 to ensure that notices are injected before notices get hooked in Tribe__Admin__Notices add_action( 'current_screen', array( $this, 'maybe_display_notices' ), 9 ); } public function maybe_display_notices() { if ( ! $this->is_active() ) { return; } $license_info = get_option( 'external_updates-event-aggregator' ); if ( isset( $license_info->update->api_expired ) && $license_info->update->api_expired ) { tribe_notice( 'tribe-expired-aggregator-license', array( $this, 'render_notice_expired_aggregator_license' ), 'type=warning' ); } } public function enqueue_media() { if ( ! $this->is_active() ) { return; } wp_enqueue_media(); } public function is_visible() { return true; } public function get_slug() { return 'new'; } public function get_label() { return esc_html__( 'New Import', 'the-events-calendar' ); } public function handle_submit() { if ( empty( $_POST['aggregator']['action'] ) || 'new' !== $_POST['aggregator']['action'] ) { return; } $submission = parent::handle_submit(); if ( empty( $submission['record'] ) || empty( $submission['post_data'] ) || empty( $submission['meta'] ) ) { return; } /** @var Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Abstract $record */ $record = $submission['record']; $post_data = $submission['post_data']; $meta = $submission['meta']; // mark the record creation as a preview record $meta['preview'] = true; if ( ! empty( $post_data['import_id'] ) ) { $this->handle_import_finalize( $post_data ); return; } // Prevents Accidents if ( 'manual' === $meta['type'] ) { $meta['frequency'] = null; } $post = $record->create( $meta['type'], array(), $meta ); if ( is_wp_error( $post ) ) { return $post; } $result = $record->queue_import(); return $result; } public function handle_import_finalize( $data ) { $this->messages = array( 'error' => array(), 'success' => array(), 'warning' => array(), ); $record = Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Records::instance()->get_by_import_id( $data['import_id'] ); if ( tribe_is_error( $record ) ) { $this->messages['error'][] = $record->get_error_message(); return $this->messages; } // Make sure we have a post status set no matter what if ( empty( $data['post_status'] ) ) { $data['post_status'] = tribe( 'events-aggregator.settings' )->default_post_status( $data['origin'] ); } // If the submitted category is null, that means the user intended to de-select the default // category if there is one, so setting it to null is ok here $record->update_meta( 'category', empty( $data['category'] ) ? null : $data['category'] ); $record->update_meta( 'post_status', $data['post_status'] ); $record->update_meta( 'ids_to_import', empty( $data['selected_rows'] ) ? 'all' : json_decode( stripslashes( $data['selected_rows'] ) ) ); /** * Allow hooking into the import record saving process. * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Abstract $record Import record. * @param array $data List of import options. */ do_action( 'tribe_events_aggregator_tabs_new_handle_import_finalize', $record, $data ); // if we get here, we're good! Set the status to pending $record->set_status_as_pending(); $record->finalize(); if ( 'schedule' === $record->meta['type'] ) { $this->messages['success'][] = __( '1 import was scheduled.', 'the-events-calendar' ); $create_schedule_result = $record->create_schedule_record(); if ( is_wp_error( $create_schedule_result ) ) { $this->messages[ 'error' ][] = $create_schedule_result->get_error_message(); tribe_notice( 'tribe-aggregator-import-failed', array( $this, 'render_notice_import_failed' ), 'type=error' ); tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( 'There was an error while creating the schedule record.', 'EA New' ); $record->set_status_as_failed( $create_schedule_result ); return $create_schedule_result; } } $record->update_meta( 'interactive', true ); if ( 'csv' === $data['origin'] ) { // here generate a global_id for the data $result = $record->process_posts( $data ); } else { // let the record fetch the data and start immediately if possible $result = $record->process_posts( array(), true ); } $result->record = $record; $this->messages = $this->get_result_messages( $result ); if ( empty( $this->messages['error'] ) || ! empty( $this->messages['success'] ) || ! empty( $this->messages['warning'] ) ) { tribe_notice( 'tribe-aggregator-import-complete', array( $this, 'render_notice_import_complete' ), 'type=success' ); } } /** * Parses the queue for errors and informations. * * @param Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Queue_Interface|WP_Error|Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Activity $queue * * @return array */ public function get_result_messages( $queue ) { $messages = array(); if ( is_wp_error( $queue ) ) { $messages[ 'error' ][] = $queue->get_error_message(); tribe_notice( 'tribe-aggregator-import-failed', array( $this, 'render_notice_import_failed' ), 'type=error' ); return $messages; } if ( $queue instanceof Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Queue_Interface && $queue->has_errors() ) { /** @var Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Queue_Interface $queue */ $messages['error'][] = $queue->get_error_message(); tribe_notice( 'tribe-aggregator-import-failed', array( $this, 'render_notice_import_failed' ), 'type=error' ); return $messages; } $is_queued = $queue->count(); $content_post_type = empty( $queue->record->meta['content_type'] ) ? Tribe__Events__Main::POSTTYPE : $queue->record->meta['content_type']; $content_type = tribe_get_event_label_singular_lowercase(); $content_type_plural = tribe_get_event_label_plural_lowercase(); if ( 'csv' === $queue->record->meta['origin'] && 'tribe_events' !== $queue->record->meta['content_type'] ) { $content_type_object = get_post_type_object( $queue->record->meta['content_type'] ); $content_type = empty( $content_type_object->labels->singular_name_lowercase ) ? $content_type_object->labels->singular_name : $content_type_object->labels->singular_name_lowercase; $content_type_plural = empty( $content_type_object->labels->plural_name_lowercase ) ? $content_type_object->labels->name : $content_type_object->labels->plural_name_lowercase; $content_post_type = $content_type_object->name; } if ( ! $is_queued ) { $item_created = $queue->activity->get( $content_post_type, 'created' ); if ( ! empty( $item_created ) ) { $content_label = 1 === $queue->activity->count( $content_post_type, 'created' ) ? $content_type : $content_type_plural; $messages['success'][] = sprintf( // add created event count _n( '%1$d new %2$s was imported.', '%1$d new %2$s were imported.', $queue->activity->count( $content_post_type, 'created' ), 'the-events-calendar' ), $queue->activity->count( $content_post_type, 'created' ), $content_label ); } $item_updated = $queue->activity->get( $content_post_type, 'updated' ); if ( ! empty( $item_updated ) ) { $content_label = 1 === $queue->activity->count( $content_post_type, 'updated' ) ? $content_type : $content_type_plural; // @todo [BTRIA-589]: Include a part of sentence like: ", including %1$d %2$signored event%3$s.", <a href="/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=tribe-ignored&post_type=tribe_events">, </a>. $messages['success'][] = sprintf( // add updated event count _n( '%1$d existing %2$s was updated.', '%1$d existing %2$s were updated.', $queue->activity->count( $content_post_type, 'updated' ), 'the-events-calendar' ), $queue->activity->count( $content_post_type, 'updated' ), $content_label ); } $item_skipped = $queue->activity->get( $content_post_type, 'skipped' ); if ( ! empty( $item_skipped ) ) { $content_label = 1 === $queue->activity->count( $content_post_type, 'skipped' ) ? $content_type : $content_type_plural; $messages['success'][] = sprintf( // add skipped event count _n( '%1$d already-imported %2$s was skipped.', '%1$d already-imported %2$s were skipped.', $queue->activity->count( $content_post_type, 'skipped' ), 'the-events-calendar' ), $queue->activity->count( $content_post_type, 'skipped' ), $content_label ); } $images_created = $queue->activity->get( 'images', 'created' ); if ( ! empty( $images_created ) ) { $messages['success'][] = sprintf( // add image import count _n( '%1$d new image was imported.', '%1$d new images were imported.', $queue->activity->count( 'images', 'created' ), 'the-events-calendar' ), $queue->activity->count( 'images', 'created' ) ); } $images_scheduled = $queue->activity->get( 'images', 'scheduled' ); if ( ! empty( $images_scheduled ) ) { $messages['success'][] = sprintf( // translators: %1$d is replaced with a number of scheduled images. _n( '%1$d new image was scheduled for import.', '%1$d new images were scheduled for import.', $queue->activity->count( 'images', 'scheduled' ), 'the-events-calendar' ), $queue->activity->count( 'images', 'scheduled' ) ); } if ( $queue && ! $messages ) { $messages['success'][] = sprintf( __( 'No %1$s were imported or updated.', 'the-events-calendar' ), $content_type_plural ); } if ( ! empty( $messages['success'] ) && ! empty( $content_type_object->show_ui ) ) { // append a URL to view all records for the given post type $url = admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=' . $content_post_type ); $link_text = sprintf( __( 'View all %s', 'the-events-calendar' ), $content_type_plural ); $messages['success'][ count( $messages['success'] ) - 1 ] .= ' <a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '" >' . esc_html( $link_text ) . '</a>'; } // if not CSV, pull counts for venues and organizers that were auto-created if ( 'csv' !== $queue->record->meta['origin'] ) { $venue_created = $queue->activity->get( 'venue', 'created' ); if ( ! empty( $venue_created ) ) { $messages['success'][] = '<br/>' . sprintf( // add activity count _n( '%1$d new venue was imported.', '%1$d new venues were imported.', $queue->activity->count( 'venue', 'created' ), 'the-events-calendar' ), $queue->activity->count( 'venue', 'created' ) ) . ' <a href="' . admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=tribe_venue' ) . '">' . __( 'View your event venues', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</a>'; } $organizer_created = $queue->activity->get( 'organizer', 'created' ); if ( ! empty( $organizer_created ) ) { $messages['success'][] = '<br/>' . sprintf( // add organizer count _n( '%1$d new organizer was imported.', '%1$d new organizers were imported.', $queue->activity->count( 'organizer', 'created' ), 'the-events-calendar' ), $queue->activity->count( 'organizer', 'created' ) ) . ' <a href="' . admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=tribe_organizer' ) . '">' . __( 'View your event organizers', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</a>'; } } $category_created = $queue->activity->get( 'category', 'created' ); if ( ! empty( $category_created ) ) { $messages['success'][] = '<br/>' . sprintf( // add category count _n( '%1$d new event category was created.', '%1$d new event categories were created.', $queue->activity->count( 'category', 'created' ), 'the-events-calendar' ), $queue->activity->count( 'category', 'created' ) ) . ' <a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=tribe_events_cat&post_type=tribe_events' ) ) . '">' . __( 'View your event categories', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</a>'; } $tags_created = $queue->activity->get( 'tag', 'created' ); if ( ! empty( $tags_created ) ) { $messages['success'][] = '<br/>' . sprintf( // add category count _n( '%1$d new event tag was created.', '%1$d new event tags were created.', $queue->activity->count( 'tag', 'created' ), 'the-events-calendar' ), $queue->activity->count( 'tag', 'created' ) ) . ' <a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=post_tag&post_type=tribe_events' ) ) . '">' . __( 'View your event tags', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</a>'; } } if ( ! empty( $messages['error'] ) || ! empty( $messages['success'] ) || ! empty( $messages['warning'] ) ) { if ( 'manual' == $queue->record->type ) { array_unshift( $messages['success'], __( 'Import complete!', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '<br/>' ); } else { array_unshift( $messages['success'], __( 'Your scheduled import was saved and the first import is complete!', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '<br/>' ); $scheduled_time = strtotime( $queue->record->post->post_modified ) + $queue->record->frequency->interval; $scheduled_time_string = date( get_option( 'date_format' ), $scheduled_time ) . _x( ' at ', 'separator between date and time', 'the-events-calendar' ) . date( get_option( 'time_format' ), $scheduled_time ); if ( 'on_demand' !== $queue->record->frequency->id ) { $messages['success'][] = '<br/>' . sprintf( // add in timing __( 'The next import is scheduled for %1$s.', 'the-events-calendar' ), esc_html( $scheduled_time_string ) ) . ' <a href="' . admin_url( 'edit.php?page=aggregator&post_type=tribe_events&tab=scheduled' ) . '">' . __( 'View your scheduled imports.', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</a>'; } } } return $messages; } public function ajax_save_credentials() { if ( empty( $_POST['tribe_credentials_which'] ) ) { $data = array( 'message' => __( 'Invalid credential save request', 'the-events-calendar' ), ); wp_send_json_error( $data ); } $which = $_POST['tribe_credentials_which']; if ( empty( $_POST['_wpnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_wpnonce'], "tribe-save-{$which}-credentials" ) ) { $data = array( 'message' => __( 'Invalid credential save nonce', 'the-events-calendar' ), ); wp_send_json_error( $data ); } if ( 'meetup' === $which ) { if ( empty( $_POST['meetup_api_key'] ) ) { $data = array( 'message' => __( 'The Meetup API key is required.', 'the-events-calendar' ), ); wp_send_json_error( $data ); } tribe_update_option( 'meetup_api_key', trim( preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $_POST['meetup_api_key'] ) ) ); $data = array( 'message' => __( 'Credentials have been saved', 'the-events-calendar' ), ); wp_send_json_success( $data ); } $data = array( 'message' => __( 'Unable to save credentials', 'the-events-calendar' ), ); wp_send_json_error( $data ); } public function ajax_create_import() { $result = $this->handle_submit(); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { /** @var Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Service $service */ $service = tribe( 'events-aggregator.service' ); $result = (object) array( 'message_code' => $result->get_error_code(), 'message' => $service->get_service_message( $result->get_error_code(), $result->get_error_data() ), ); wp_send_json_error( $result ); } wp_send_json_success( $result ); } public function ajax_fetch_import() { $import_id = $_GET['import_id']; $record = Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Records::instance()->get_by_import_id( $import_id ); if ( tribe_is_error( $record ) ) { wp_send_json_error( $record ); } $result = $record->get_import_data(); if ( isset( $result->data ) ) { $result->data->origin = $record->origin; } if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { wp_send_json_error( $result ); } // if we've received a source name, let's set that in the record as soon as possible if ( ! empty( $result->data->source_name ) ) { $record->update_meta( 'source_name', $result->data->source_name ); if ( ! empty( $record->post->post_parent ) ) { $parent_record = Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Records::instance()->get_by_post_id( $record->post->post_parent ); if ( tribe_is_error( $parent_record ) ) { $parent_record->update_meta( 'source_name', $result->data->source_name ); } } } // if there is a warning in the data let's localize it if ( ! empty( $result->warning_code ) ) { /** @var Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Service $service */ $service = tribe( 'events-aggregator.service' ); $default_warning = ! empty( $result->warning ) ? $result->warning : null; $result->warning = $service->get_service_message( $result->warning_code, array(), $default_warning ); } wp_send_json_success( $result ); } /** * Renders the "Missing Aggregator License" notice * * @return string */ public function maybe_display_aggregator_upsell() { if ( tec_should_hide_upsell() ) { return; } if ( tribe( 'events-aggregator.main' )->is_service_active() ) { return; } ob_start(); ?> <div class="notice inline notice-info tribe-dependent tribe-notice-tribe-missing-aggregator-license" data-ref="tribe-missing-aggregator-license" data-depends="#tribe-ea-field-origin" data-condition-empty> <div class="tribe-notice-tribe-missing-aggregator-license__content"> <div class="upsell-banner"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Events Aggregator', 'the-events-calendar' );?> </div> <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Import events with ease', 'the-events-calendar' ); ?></h3> <p><?php esc_html_e( 'Effortlessly fill your calendar with events from Meetup, Eventbrite, iCal, Google Calendar, and more.', 'the-events-calendar' ); ?></p> <a href="" class="tribe-license-link tribe-button tribe-button-secondary" target="_blank"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Learn More', 'the-events-calendar' ); ?> <span class="screen-reader-text"> <?php esc_html_e( 'opens in a new window', 'the-events-calendar' );?> </span> </a> </div> <div class="tribe-notice-tribe-missing-aggregator-license__image"></div> </div> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Renders the "Eventbrite Tickets" upsell * * @since 4.6.19 * * @return string */ public function maybe_display_eventbrite_upsell() { if ( tec_should_hide_upsell() ) { return; } if ( ! tribe( 'events-aggregator.main' )->is_service_active() ) { return; } if ( class_exists( 'Tribe__Events__Tickets__Eventbrite__Main' ) ) { return; } ob_start(); include_once Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->pluginPath . 'src/admin-views/aggregator/banners/eventbrite-upsell.php'; return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Renders the "Expired Aggregator License" notice * * @return string */ public function render_notice_expired_aggregator_license() { ob_start(); ?> <p> <b><?php esc_html_e( 'Your Event Aggregator license is expired.', 'the-events-calendar' ); ?></b> <?php esc_html_e( 'Renew your license in order to import events from iCalendar, Google, or Meetup.', 'the-events-calendar' ); ?> </p> <p> <a href="" class="tribe-license-link"><?php esc_html_e( 'Renew your Event Aggregator license', 'the-events-calendar' ); ?></a> </p> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); return Tribe__Admin__Notices::instance()->render( 'tribe-expired-aggregator-license', $html ); } /** * Renders any of the "import complete" messages */ public function render_notice_import_complete() { if ( empty( $this->messages['success'] ) ) { return null; } $html = '<p>' . implode( ' ', $this->messages[ 'success' ] ) . '</p>'; return Tribe__Admin__Notices::instance()->render( 'tribe-aggregator-import-complete', $html ); } /** * Renders failed import messages */ public function render_notice_import_failed() { if ( empty( $this->messages['error'] ) ) { return null; } $html = '<p>' . implode( ' ', $this->messages['error'] ) . '</p>'; return Tribe__Admin__Notices::instance()->render( 'tribe-aggregator-import-failed', $html ); } /** * @deprecated 4.6.23 */ public function handle_facebook_credentials() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.6.23', 'Importing from Facebook is no longer supported in Event Aggregator.' ); /** * Verify that we are dealing with a FB token Request */ if ( ! isset( $_GET['ea-fb-token'] ) ) { return false; } /** * @todo include a way to handle errors on the Send back URL */ $api = tribe( 'events-aggregator.service' )->api(); $response = tribe( 'events-aggregator.service' )->get_facebook_token(); $type = $_GET['ea-fb-token']; if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return false; } if ( empty( $response->data ) ) { return false; } if ( empty( $response->data->expires ) || empty( $response->data->token ) || empty( $response->data->scopes ) ) { return false; } $url_map = array( 'new' => Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Page::instance()->get_url( array( 'tab' => $this->get_slug(), 'ea-auth' => 'facebook' ) ), 'settings' => tribe( Settings::class )->get_url( array( 'tab' => 'addons', 'ea-auth' => 'facebook' ) ), ); if ( ! isset( $url_map[ $type ] ) ) { return false; } // Calculate when will this Token Expire $expires = absint( trim( preg_replace( '/[^0-9]/', '', $response->data->expires ) ) ); $expires += time(); // Save the Options tribe_update_option( 'fb_token', trim( preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $response->data->token ) ) ); tribe_update_option( 'fb_token_expires', $expires ); tribe_update_option( 'fb_token_scopes', trim( preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\,_-]/', '', $response->data->scopes ) ) ); // Send it back to the Given Url wp_redirect( $url_map[ $type ] ); exit; } }
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