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<?php /** * Wraps base plugin logic/hooks and handles activation/deactivation/uninstall. */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } class autoptimizeMain { const INIT_EARLIER_PRIORITY = -1; const DEFAULT_HOOK_PRIORITY = 2; /** * Version string. * * @var string */ protected $version = null; /** * Main plugin filepath. * Used for activation/deactivation/uninstall hooks. * * @var string */ protected $filepath = null; /** * Critical CSS base object * * @var object */ protected $_criticalcss = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param string $version Version. * @param string $filepath Filepath. Needed for activation/deactivation/uninstall hooks. */ public function __construct( $version, $filepath ) { $this->version = $version; $this->filepath = $filepath; } public function run() { $this->add_hooks(); // Runs cache size checker. $checker = new autoptimizeCacheChecker(); $checker->run(); } protected function add_hooks() { if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_SETUP_INITHOOK' ) ) { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_SETUP_INITHOOK', 'plugins_loaded' ); } add_action( AUTOPTIMIZE_SETUP_INITHOOK, array( $this, 'setup' ) ); add_action( AUTOPTIMIZE_SETUP_INITHOOK, array( $this, 'hook_page_cache_purge' ) ); add_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done', array( $this, 'version_upgrades_check' ) ); add_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done', array( $this, 'check_cache_and_run' ) ); add_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done', array( $this, 'maybe_run_ao_compat' ), 10 ); add_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done', array( $this, 'maybe_run_ao_extra' ), 15 ); add_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done', array( $this, 'maybe_run_admin_only_trinkets' ), 20 ); add_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done', array( $this, 'maybe_run_criticalcss' ), 11 ); add_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done', array( $this, 'maybe_run_notfound_fallback' ), 10 ); add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'load_textdomain' ) ); if ( is_multisite() && is_admin() ) { // Only if multisite and if in admin we want to check if we need to save options on network level. add_action( 'init', 'autoptimizeOptionWrapper::check_multisite_on_saving_options' ); } // register uninstall & deactivation hooks. register_uninstall_hook( $this->filepath, 'autoptimizeMain::on_uninstall' ); register_deactivation_hook( $this->filepath, 'autoptimizeMain::on_deactivation' ); } public function load_textdomain() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'autoptimize' ); } public function setup() { // Do we gzip in php when caching or is the webserver doing it? define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_NOGZIP', (bool) autoptimizeOptionWrapper::get_option( 'autoptimize_cache_nogzip' ) ); // These can be overridden by specifying them in wp-config.php or such. if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME' ) ) { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME', '/' . wp_basename( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) ); } if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_CHILD_DIR' ) ) { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_CHILD_DIR', '/cache/autoptimize/' ); } if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHEFILE_PREFIX' ) ) { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHEFILE_PREFIX', 'autoptimize_' ); } // Note: trailing slash is not optional! if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_DIR' ) ) { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_DIR', autoptimizeCache::get_pathname() ); } define( 'WP_ROOT_DIR', substr( WP_CONTENT_DIR, 0, strlen( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) - strlen( AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME ) ) ); if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL' ) ) { if ( function_exists( 'domain_mapping_siteurl' ) ) { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL', domain_mapping_siteurl( get_current_blog_id() ) ); } else { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL', site_url() ); } } if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_URL' ) ) { if ( function_exists( 'get_original_url' ) ) { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_URL', str_replace( get_original_url( AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL ), AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL, content_url() ) ); } else { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_URL', content_url() ); } } if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_URL' ) ) { if ( is_multisite() && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_separate_blog_caches', true ) ) { $blog_id = get_current_blog_id(); define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_URL', AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_URL . AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_CHILD_DIR . $blog_id . '/' ); } else { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_URL', AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_URL . AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_CHILD_DIR ); } } if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_ROOT_URL' ) ) { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_ROOT_URL', str_replace( AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME, '', AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_URL ) ); } if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_HASH' ) ) { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_HASH', wp_hash( AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_URL ) ); } if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_SITE_DOMAIN' ) ) { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_SITE_DOMAIN', parse_url( AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL, PHP_URL_HOST ) ); } // Multibyte-capable string replacements are available with a filter. // Also requires 'mbstring' extension. $with_mbstring = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_use_mbstring', false ); if ( $with_mbstring ) { autoptimizeUtils::mbstring_available( \extension_loaded( 'mbstring' ) ); } else { autoptimizeUtils::mbstring_available( false ); } do_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done' ); } /** * Checks if there's a need to upgrade/update options and whatnot, * in which case we might need to do stuff and flush the cache * to avoid old versions of aggregated files lingering around. */ public function version_upgrades_check() { autoptimizeVersionUpdatesHandler::check_installed_and_update( $this->version ); } public function check_cache_and_run() { if ( autoptimizeCache::cacheavail() ) { $conf = autoptimizeConfig::instance(); if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_html' ) || $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js' ) || $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css' ) || autoptimizeImages::imgopt_active() || autoptimizeImages::should_lazyload_wrapper() ) { if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_NOBUFFER_OPTIMIZE' ) ) { // Hook into WordPress frontend. if ( defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_INIT_EARLIER' ) ) { add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'start_buffering' ), self::INIT_EARLIER_PRIORITY ); } else { if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_HOOK_INTO' ) ) { define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_HOOK_INTO', 'template_redirect' ); } add_action( constant( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_HOOK_INTO' ), array( $this, 'start_buffering' ), self::DEFAULT_HOOK_PRIORITY ); } } // And disable Jetpack's site accelerator if JS or CSS opt. are active. if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack' ) && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_disable_jetpack_cdn', true ) && ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js' ) || $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css' ) || autoptimizeImages::imgopt_active() ) ) { add_filter( 'jetpack_force_disable_site_accelerator', '__return_true' ); // this does not seemt to work any more? if ( true === autoptimizeImages::imgopt_active() ) { // only disable photon if AO is optimizing images. add_filter( 'jetpack_photon_skip_for_url', '__return_true' ); } } // Add "no cache found" notice. add_action( 'admin_notices', 'autoptimizeMain::notice_nopagecache', 99 ); add_action( 'admin_notices', 'autoptimizeMain::notice_potential_conflict', 99 ); } } else { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'autoptimizeMain::notice_cache_unavailable' ); } } public function maybe_run_ao_extra() { if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_extra_activate', true ) ) { $ao_imgopt = new autoptimizeImages(); $ao_imgopt->run(); $ao_extra = new autoptimizeExtra(); $ao_extra->run(); // And show the imgopt notice. add_action( 'admin_notices', 'autoptimizeMain::notice_plug_imgopt' ); add_action( 'admin_notices', 'autoptimizeMain::notice_imgopt_issue' ); } } public function maybe_run_admin_only_trinkets() { // Loads partners tab and exit survey code if in admin (and not in admin-ajax.php)! if ( autoptimizeConfig::is_admin_and_not_ajax() ) { new autoptimizePartners(); new autoptimizeExitSurvey(); new autoptimizeProTab(); } } public function criticalcss() { if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_criticalcss_active', true ) && ! autoptimizeUtils::is_plugin_active( 'autoptimize-criticalcss/ao_criticss_aas.php' ) ) { return $this->_criticalcss; } else { return false; } } public function maybe_run_criticalcss() { // Loads criticalcss if the filter returns true & old power-up is not active. if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_criticalcss_active', true ) && ! autoptimizeUtils::is_plugin_active( 'autoptimize-criticalcss/ao_criticss_aas.php' ) ) { $this->_criticalcss = new autoptimizeCriticalCSSBase(); $this->_criticalcss->setup(); $this->_criticalcss->load_requires(); } } public function maybe_run_notfound_fallback() { if ( autoptimizeCache::do_fallback() ) { add_action( 'template_redirect', array( 'autoptimizeCache', 'wordpress_notfound_fallback' ) ); } } public function maybe_run_ao_compat() { $conf = autoptimizeConfig::instance(); // Condtionally loads the compatibility-class to ensure more out-of-the-box compatibility with big players. $_run_compat = true; if ( 'on' === $conf->get( 'autoptimize_installed_before_compatibility' ) ) { // If AO was already running before Compatibility logic was added, don't run compat by default // because it can be assumed everything works and we want to avoid (perf) regressions that // could occur due to compatibility code. $_run_compat = false; } if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_init_compatibility', $_run_compat ) ) { new autoptimizeCompatibility(); } } public function hook_page_cache_purge() { // hook into a collection of page cache purge actions if filter allows. if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_hookpagecachepurge', true ) ) { $page_cache_purge_actions = array( 'after_rocket_clean_domain', // exists. 'hyper_cache_purged', // Stefano confirmed this will be added. 'w3tc_flush_posts', // exits. 'w3tc_flush_all', // exists. 'ce_action_cache_cleared', // Sven confirmed this will be added. 'aoce_action_cache_cleared', // Some other cache enabler. 'comet_cache_wipe_cache', // still to be confirmed by Raam. 'wp_cache_cleared', // cfr. 'wpfc_delete_cache', // Emre confirmed this will be added this. 'swift_performance_after_clear_all_cache', // swift perf. yeah! 'wpo_cache_flush', // wp-optimize. 'rt_nginx_helper_after_fastcgi_purge_all', // nginx helper. ); $page_cache_purge_actions = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_pagecachepurgeactions', $page_cache_purge_actions ); foreach ( $page_cache_purge_actions as $purge_action ) { add_action( $purge_action, 'autoptimizeCache::clearall_actionless' ); } } } /** * Setup output buffering if needed. * * @return void */ public function start_buffering() { if ( $this->should_buffer() ) { // Load speedupper conditionally (true by default). if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_speedupper', true ) ) { $ao_speedupper = new autoptimizeSpeedupper(); } $conf = autoptimizeConfig::instance(); if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js' ) ) { if ( ! defined( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS' ) ) { define( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false ); } if ( ! defined( 'COMPRESS_SCRIPTS' ) ) { define( 'COMPRESS_SCRIPTS', false ); } } if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css' ) ) { if ( ! defined( 'COMPRESS_CSS' ) ) { define( 'COMPRESS_CSS', false ); } } if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_obkiller', false ) ) { while ( ob_get_level() > 0 ) { ob_end_clean(); } } // Now, start the real thing! ob_start( array( $this, 'end_buffering' ) ); } } /** * Returns true if all the conditions to start output buffering are satisfied. * * @param bool $doing_tests Allows overriding the optimization of only * deciding once per request (for use in tests). * @return bool */ public static function should_buffer( $doing_tests = false ) { static $do_buffering = null; // Only check once in case we're called multiple times by others but // still allows multiple calls when doing tests. if ( null === $do_buffering || $doing_tests ) { $ao_noptimize = false; // Checking for DONOTMINIFY constant as used by e.g. WooCommerce POS. if ( defined( 'DONOTMINIFY' ) && ( constant( 'DONOTMINIFY' ) === true || constant( 'DONOTMINIFY' ) === 'true' ) ) { $ao_noptimize = true; } // Skip checking query strings if they're disabled. if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_honor_qs_noptimize', true ) ) { // Check for `ao_noptimize` (and other) keys in the query string // to get non-optimized page for debugging. $keys = array( 'ao_noptimize', 'ao_noptirocket', ); foreach ( $keys as $key ) { if ( array_key_exists( $key, $_GET ) && '1' === $_GET[ $key ] ) { $ao_noptimize = true; break; } } } // If setting says not to optimize logged in user and user is logged in... if ( false === $ao_noptimize && 'on' !== autoptimizeOptionWrapper::get_option( 'autoptimize_optimize_logged', 'on' ) && is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) { $ao_noptimize = true; } // If setting says not to optimize cart/checkout. if ( false === $ao_noptimize && 'on' !== autoptimizeOptionWrapper::get_option( 'autoptimize_optimize_checkout', 'off' ) ) { // Checking for woocommerce, easy digital downloads and wp ecommerce... foreach ( array( 'is_checkout', 'is_cart', 'is_account_page', 'edd_is_checkout', 'wpsc_is_cart', 'wpsc_is_checkout' ) as $func ) { if ( function_exists( $func ) && $func() ) { $ao_noptimize = true; break; } } } // Misc. querystring paramaters that will stop AO from doing optimizations (pagebuilders + // 2 generic parameters that could/ should become standard between optimization plugins?). if ( false === $ao_noptimize ) { $_qs_showstoppers = array( 'no_cache', 'no_optimize', 'tve', 'elementor-preview', 'fl_builder', 'vc_action', 'et_fb', 'bt-beaverbuildertheme', 'ct_builder', 'fb-edit', 'siteorigin_panels_live_editor', 'preview', 'td_action' ); // doing Jonathan a quick favor to allow correct unused CSS generation ;-) . if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_showstoppers_do_wp_rocket_a_favor', true ) ) { $_qs_showstoppers[] = 'nowprocket'; } foreach ( $_qs_showstoppers as $_showstopper ) { if ( array_key_exists( $_showstopper, $_GET ) ) { $ao_noptimize = true; break; } } } // Also honor PageSpeed=off parameter as used by mod_pagespeed, in use by some pagebuilders, // see for info on that. if ( false === $ao_noptimize && array_key_exists( 'PageSpeed', $_GET ) && 'off' === $_GET['PageSpeed'] ) { $ao_noptimize = true; } // If page/ post check post_meta to see if optimize is off. if ( false === autoptimizeConfig::get_post_meta_ao_settings( 'ao_post_optimize' ) ) { $ao_noptimize = true; } // And finally allows blocking of autoptimization on your own terms regardless of above decisions. $ao_noptimize = (bool) apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_noptimize', $ao_noptimize ); // Check for site being previewed in the Customizer (available since WP 4.0). $is_customize_preview = false; if ( function_exists( 'is_customize_preview' ) && is_customize_preview() ) { $is_customize_preview = is_customize_preview(); } // explicitly disable when is_login exists and is true but don't use it direclty because older versions of WordPress don't have that yet. $is_login = false; if ( function_exists( 'is_login' ) && true === is_login() ) { $is_login = true; } /** * We only buffer the frontend requests (and then only if not a feed * and not turned off explicitly and not when being previewed in Customizer)! * NOTE: Tests throw a notice here due to is_feed() being called * while the main query hasn't been ran yet. Thats why we use * AUTOPTIMIZE_INIT_EARLIER in tests. */ $do_buffering = ( ! is_admin() && ! is_feed() && ! is_embed() && ! $is_login && ! $is_customize_preview && ! $ao_noptimize ); } return $do_buffering; } /** * Returns true if given markup is considered valid/processable/optimizable. * * @param string $content Markup. * * @return bool */ public function is_valid_buffer( $content ) { // Defaults to true. $valid = true; $has_no_html_tag = ( false === stripos( $content, '<html' ) ); $has_xsl_stylesheet = ( false !== stripos( $content, '<xsl:stylesheet' ) || false !== stripos( $content, '<?xml-stylesheet' ) ); $has_html5_doctype = ( preg_match( '/^<!DOCTYPE.+html>/i', ltrim( $content ) ) > 0 ); $has_noptimize_page = ( false !== stripos( $content, '<!-- noptimize-page -->' ) ); if ( $has_no_html_tag ) { // Can't be valid amp markup without an html tag preceding it. $is_amp_markup = false; } else { $is_amp_markup = self::is_amp_markup( $content ); } // If it's not html, or if it's amp or contains xsl stylesheets we don't touch it. if ( $has_no_html_tag && ! $has_html5_doctype || $is_amp_markup || $has_xsl_stylesheet || $has_noptimize_page ) { $valid = false; } return $valid; } /** * Returns true if given $content is considered to be AMP markup. * This is far from actual validation against AMP spec, but it'll do for now. * * @param string $content Markup to check. * * @return bool */ public static function is_amp_markup( $content ) { // Short-circuit if the page is already AMP from the start. if ( preg_match( sprintf( '#^(?:<!.*?>|\s+)*+<html(?=\s)[^>]*?\s(%1$s|%2$s|%3$s)(\s|=|>)#is', 'amp', "\xE2\x9A\xA1", // From \AmpProject\Attribute::AMP_EMOJI. "\xE2\x9A\xA1\xEF\xB8\x8F" // From \AmpProject\Attribute::AMP_EMOJI_ALT, per ), $content ) ) { return true; } // Or else short-circuit if the AMP plugin will be processing the output to be an AMP page. if ( function_exists( 'amp_is_request' ) ) { return amp_is_request(); // For AMP plugin v2.0+. } elseif ( function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) ) { return is_amp_endpoint(); // For older/other AMP plugins (still supported in 2.0 as an alias). } return false; } /** * Processes/optimizes the output-buffered content and returns it. * If the content is not processable, it is returned unmodified. * * @param string $content Buffered content. * * @return string */ public function end_buffering( $content ) { // Bail early without modifying anything if we can't handle the content. if ( ! $this->is_valid_buffer( $content ) ) { return $content; } $conf = autoptimizeConfig::instance(); // Determine what needs to be ran. $classes = array(); if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js' ) ) { $classes[] = 'autoptimizeScripts'; } if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css' ) ) { $classes[] = 'autoptimizeStyles'; } if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_html' ) ) { $classes[] = 'autoptimizeHTML'; } $classoptions = array( 'autoptimizeScripts' => array( 'aggregate' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_aggregate' ), 'defer_not_aggregate' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_defer_not_aggregate' ), 'defer_inline' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_defer_inline' ), 'justhead' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_justhead' ), 'forcehead' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_forcehead' ), 'trycatch' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_trycatch' ), 'js_exclude' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_exclude' ), 'cdn_url' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_cdn_url' ), 'include_inline' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_include_inline' ), 'minify_excluded' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_minify_excluded' ), ), 'autoptimizeStyles' => array( 'aggregate' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_aggregate' ), 'justhead' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_justhead' ), 'datauris' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_datauris' ), 'defer' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_defer' ), 'defer_inline' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_defer_inline' ), 'inline' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_inline' ), 'css_exclude' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_exclude' ), 'cdn_url' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_cdn_url' ), 'include_inline' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_include_inline' ), 'nogooglefont' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_nogooglefont' ), 'minify_excluded' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_minify_excluded' ), ), 'autoptimizeHTML' => array( 'keepcomments' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_html_keepcomments' ), 'minify_inline' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_html_minify_inline' ), ), ); $content = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_html_before_minify', $content ); // Run the classes! foreach ( $classes as $name ) { $instance = new $name( $content ); if ( $instance->read( $classoptions[ $name ] ) ) { $instance->minify(); $instance->cache(); $content = $instance->getcontent(); } unset( $instance ); } $content = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_html_after_minify', $content ); return $content; } public static function autoptimize_nobuffer_optimize( $html_in ) { $html_out = $html_in; if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_speedupper', true ) ) { $ao_speedupper = new autoptimizeSpeedupper(); } $self = new self( AUTOPTIMIZE_PLUGIN_VERSION, AUTOPTIMIZE_PLUGIN_FILE ); if ( $self->should_buffer() ) { $html_out = $self->end_buffering( $html_in ); } return $html_out; } public static function on_uninstall() { // clear the cache. autoptimizeCache::clearall(); // remove postmeta if active. if ( autoptimizeConfig::is_ao_meta_settings_active() ) { delete_post_meta_by_key( 'ao_post_optimize' ); } // remove all options. $delete_options = array( 'autoptimize_cache_clean', 'autoptimize_cache_nogzip', 'autoptimize_css', 'autoptimize_css_aggregate', 'autoptimize_css_datauris', 'autoptimize_css_justhead', 'autoptimize_css_defer', 'autoptimize_css_defer_inline', 'autoptimize_css_inline', 'autoptimize_css_exclude', 'autoptimize_html', 'autoptimize_html_keepcomments', 'autoptimize_html_minify_inline', 'autoptimize_enable_site_config', 'autoptimize_enable_meta_ao_settings', 'autoptimize_js', 'autoptimize_js_aggregate', 'autoptimize_js_defer_not_aggregate', 'autoptimize_js_defer_inline', 'autoptimize_js_exclude', 'autoptimize_js_forcehead', 'autoptimize_js_justhead', 'autoptimize_js_trycatch', 'autoptimize_version', 'autoptimize_show_adv', 'autoptimize_cdn_url', 'autoptimize_cachesize_notice', 'autoptimize_css_include_inline', 'autoptimize_js_include_inline', 'autoptimize_optimize_logged', 'autoptimize_optimize_checkout', 'autoptimize_extra_settings', 'autoptimize_service_availablity', 'autoptimize_imgopt_provider_stat', 'autoptimize_imgopt_launched', 'autoptimize_imgopt_settings', 'autoptimize_minify_excluded', 'autoptimize_cache_fallback', 'autoptimize_ccss_rules', 'autoptimize_ccss_additional', 'autoptimize_ccss_queue', 'autoptimize_ccss_viewport', 'autoptimize_ccss_finclude', 'autoptimize_ccss_rlimit', 'autoptimize_ccss_rtimelimit', 'autoptimize_ccss_noptimize', 'autoptimize_ccss_debug', 'autoptimize_ccss_key', 'autoptimize_ccss_keyst', 'autoptimize_ccss_version', 'autoptimize_ccss_loggedin', 'autoptimize_ccss_forcepath', 'autoptimize_ccss_deferjquery', 'autoptimize_ccss_domain', 'autoptimize_ccss_unloadccss', 'autoptimize_installed_before_compatibility', ); if ( ! is_multisite() ) { foreach ( $delete_options as $del_opt ) { delete_option( $del_opt ); } autoptimizeMain::remove_cronjobs(); } else { global $wpdb; $blog_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs" ); $original_blog_id = get_current_blog_id(); foreach ( $blog_ids as $blog_id ) { switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); foreach ( $delete_options as $del_opt ) { delete_option( $del_opt ); } autoptimizeMain::remove_cronjobs(); } switch_to_blog( $original_blog_id ); } // Remove AO CCSS cached files and directory. $ao_ccss_dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/uploads/ao_ccss/'; if ( file_exists( $ao_ccss_dir ) && is_dir( $ao_ccss_dir ) && defined( 'GLOB_BRACE' ) ) { // fixme: should check for subdirs when in multisite and remove contents of those as well. // fixme: if GLOB_BRACE is not avaible we need to remove AO_CCSS_DIR differently? array_map( 'unlink', glob( $ao_ccss_dir . '*.{css,html,json,log,zip,lock}', GLOB_BRACE ) ); rmdir( $ao_ccss_dir ); } // Remove 404-handler (although that should have been removed in clearall already). $_fallback_php = trailingslashit( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) . 'autoptimize_404_handler.php'; if ( file_exists( $_fallback_php ) ) { unlink( $_fallback_php ); } } public static function on_deactivation() { if ( is_multisite() && is_network_admin() ) { global $wpdb; $blog_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs" ); $original_blog_id = get_current_blog_id(); foreach ( $blog_ids as $blog_id ) { switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); autoptimizeMain::remove_cronjobs(); } switch_to_blog( $original_blog_id ); } else { autoptimizeMain::remove_cronjobs(); } autoptimizeCache::clearall(); } public static function remove_cronjobs() { // Remove scheduled events. foreach ( array( 'ao_cachechecker', 'ao_ccss_queue', 'ao_ccss_maintenance', 'ao_ccss_keychecker' ) as $_event ) { if ( wp_get_schedule( $_event ) ) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( $_event ); } } } public static function notice_cache_unavailable() { echo '<div class="error"><p>'; // Translators: %s is the cache directory location. printf( esc_html__( 'Autoptimize cannot write to the cache directory (%s), please fix to enable CSS/ JS optimization!', 'autoptimize' ), AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_DIR ); echo '</p></div>'; } public static function notice_installed() { echo '<div class="updated"><p>'; // translators: the variables contain opening and closing <a> tags to link to the settings page. printf( esc_html__( 'Thank you for installing and activating Autoptimize. Your site is being optimized immediately, please test the frontend to ensure everything still works as expected. If needed you can change JavaScript or CSS optimization settings under %1$sSettings -> Autoptimize%2$s .', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="options-general.php?page=autoptimize">', '</a>' ); echo '</p></div>'; } public static function notice_updated() { echo '<div class="updated"><p>'; printf( esc_html_e( 'Autoptimize has just been updated. Please %1$stest your site now%2$s and adapt Autoptimize config if needed.', 'autoptimize' ), '<strong>', '</strong>' ); echo '</p></div>'; } public static function notice_plug_imgopt() { // Translators: the URL added points to the Autopmize Extra settings. $_ao_imgopt_plug_notice = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Did you know that Autoptimize offers on-the-fly image optimization (with support for WebP and AVIF) and CDN via ShortPixel? Check out the %1$sAutoptimize Image settings%2$s to enable this option.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="options-general.php?page=autoptimize_imgopt">', '</a>' ); $_ao_imgopt_plug_notice = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_imgopt_plug_notice', $_ao_imgopt_plug_notice ); $_ao_imgopt_launch_ok = autoptimizeImages::launch_ok_wrapper(); $_ao_imgopt_plug_dismissible = 'ao-img-opt-plug-123'; $_ao_imgopt_active = autoptimizeImages::imgopt_active(); $_is_ao_settings_page = autoptimizeUtils::is_ao_settings(); if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && ! defined( 'AO_PRO_VERSION' ) && $_is_ao_settings_page && '' !== $_ao_imgopt_plug_notice && ! $_ao_imgopt_active && $_ao_imgopt_launch_ok && PAnD::is_admin_notice_active( $_ao_imgopt_plug_dismissible ) ) { echo '<div class="notice notice-info is-dismissible" data-dismissible="' . $_ao_imgopt_plug_dismissible . '"><p>'; echo $_ao_imgopt_plug_notice; echo '</p></div>'; } } public static function notice_imgopt_issue() { // Translators: the URL added points to the Autopmize Extra settings. $_ao_imgopt_issue_notice = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Shortpixel reports it cannot always reach your site, which might mean some images are not optimized. You can %1$sread more about why this happens and how you can fix that problem here%2$s.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">', '</a>' ); $_ao_imgopt_issue_notice = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_imgopt_issue_notice', $_ao_imgopt_issue_notice ); $_ao_imgopt_issue_dismissible = 'ao-img-opt-issue-14'; $_ao_imgopt_active = autoptimizeImages::imgopt_active(); $_ao_imgopt_status = autoptimizeOptionWrapper::get_option( 'autoptimize_imgopt_provider_stat', '' ); if ( is_array( $_ao_imgopt_status ) && array_key_exists( 'TemporaryRedirectOrigin', $_ao_imgopt_status ) && ( $_ao_imgopt_status['TemporaryRedirectOrigin'] === "true" || $_ao_imgopt_status['TemporaryRedirectOrigin'] === true ) ) { $_ao_imgopt_status_redirect_warning = true; } else { $_ao_imgopt_status_redirect_warning = false; } if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && $_ao_imgopt_active && $_ao_imgopt_status_redirect_warning && '' !== $_ao_imgopt_issue_notice && PAnD::is_admin_notice_active( $_ao_imgopt_issue_dismissible ) ) { echo '<div class="notice notice-info is-dismissible" data-dismissible="' . $_ao_imgopt_issue_dismissible . '"><p>'; echo $_ao_imgopt_issue_notice; echo '</p></div>'; } } public static function notice_nopagecache() { /* * Autoptimize does not do page caching (yet) but not everyone knows, so below logic tries to find out if page caching is available and if not show a notice on the AO Settings pages. * * uses helper function in autoptimizeUtils.php */ // translators: strong tags and a break. $_ao_nopagecache_notice = sprintf( esc_html__( 'It looks like your site might not have %1$spage caching%2$s which is a %1$smust-have for performance%2$s. If you are sure you have a page cache, you can close this notice.%3$sWhen in doubt check with your host if they offer this or install a free page caching plugin like for example KeyCDN Cache Enabler', 'autoptimize' ), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<br />' ); // translators: strong tags. $_ao_nopagecache_notice .= ' ' . esc_html__('or consider ', 'autoptimize') . '<strong><a href="">Autoptimize Pro</a></strong>' . sprintf( esc_html__( ' which not only has page caching but also image optimization, critical CSS and advanced booster options %1$sto make your site significantly faster%2$s!', 'autoptimize' ), '<strong>', '</strong>' ); $_ao_nopagecache_dismissible = 'ao-nopagecache-forever'; // the notice is only shown once and will not re-appear when dismissed. $_is_ao_settings_page = autoptimizeUtils::is_ao_settings(); if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && $_is_ao_settings_page && PAnD::is_admin_notice_active( $_ao_nopagecache_dismissible ) && true === apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_show_pagecache_notice', true ) ) { if ( false === autoptimizeUtils::find_pagecache() ) { echo '<div class="notice notice-info is-dismissible" data-dismissible="' . $_ao_nopagecache_dismissible . '"><p>'; echo $_ao_nopagecache_notice; echo '</p></div>'; } } } public static function notice_potential_conflict() { /* * Using other plugins to do CSS/ JS optimization can cause unexpected and hard to troubleshoot issues, warn users who seem to be in that situation. */ // Translators: some strong tags + the sentence will be finished with the name of the offending plugin and a final stop. $_ao_potential_conflict_notice = sprintf( esc_html__( 'It looks like you have %1$sanother plugin also doing CSS and/ or JS optimization%2$s, which can result in hard to troubleshoot %1$sconflicts%2$s. For this reason it is recommended to disable this functionality in', 'autoptimize' ), '<strong>', '</strong>' ) . ' '; $_ao_potential_conflict_dismissible = 'ao-potential-conflict-forever'; // the notice is only shown once and will not re-appear when dismissed. $_is_ao_settings_page = autoptimizeUtils::is_ao_settings(); if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && $_is_ao_settings_page && PAnD::is_admin_notice_active( $_ao_potential_conflict_dismissible ) && true === apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_show_potential_conclict_notice', true ) ) { $_potential_conflicts = autoptimizeUtils::find_potential_conflicts(); if ( false !== $_potential_conflicts ) { $_ao_potential_conflict_notice .= '<strong>' . $_potential_conflicts . '</strong>.'; echo '<div class="notice notice-info is-dismissible" data-dismissible="' . $_ao_potential_conflict_dismissible . '"><p>'; echo $_ao_potential_conflict_notice; echo '</p></div>'; } } } }
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