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/* global wpforms_admin, jconfirm, wpCookies, Choices, List */ ;(function($) { 'use strict'; // Global settings access. var s; // Admin object. var WPFormsAdmin = { // Settings. settings: { iconActivate: '<i class="fa fa-toggle-on fa-flip-horizontal" aria-hidden="true"></i>', iconDeactivate: '<i class="fa fa-toggle-on" aria-hidden="true"></i>', iconInstall: '<i class="fa fa-cloud-download" aria-hidden="true"></i>', iconSpinner: '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" aria-hidden="true"></i>', mediaFrame: false }, /** * Start the engine. * * @since 1.3.9 */ init: function() { // Settings shortcut. s = this.settings; // Document ready. $( document ).ready( WPFormsAdmin.ready ); // Forms Overview. WPFormsAdmin.initFormOverview(); // Entries Single (Details). WPFormsAdmin.initEntriesSingle(); // Entries List. WPFormsAdmin.initEntriesList(); // Welcome activation. WPFormsAdmin.initWelcome(); // Addons List. WPFormsAdmin.initAddons(); // Settings. WPFormsAdmin.initSettings(); // Tools. WPFormsAdmin.initTools(); // Upgrades (Tools view). WPFormsAdmin.initUpgrades(); }, /** * Document ready. * * @since 1.3.9 */ ready: function() { // To prevent jumping (since WP core moves the notices with js), // they are hidden initially with CSS, then revealed below with JS, // which runs after they have been moved. $( '.notice' ).show(); // If there are screen options we have to move them. $( '#screen-meta-links, #screen-meta' ).prependTo( '#wpforms-header-temp' ).show(); // Init fancy selects via choices.js. WPFormsAdmin.initChoicesJS(); // Init checkbox multi selects columns. WPFormsAdmin.initCheckboxMultiselectColumns(); // Init color pickers via minicolors.js. $( '.wpforms-color-picker' ).minicolors(); // Init fancy File Uploads. $( '.wpforms-file-upload' ).each( function(){ var $input = $( this ).find( 'input[type=file]' ), $label = $( this ).find( 'label' ), labelVal = $label.html(); $input.on( 'change', function( event ) { var fileName = ''; if ( this.files && this.files.length > 1 ) { fileName = ( this.getAttribute( 'data-multiple-caption' ) || '' ).replace( '{count}', this.files.length ); } else if( ) { fileName = '\\' ).pop(); } if ( fileName ) { $label.find( '.fld' ).html( fileName ); } else { $label.html( labelVal ); } }); // Firefox bug fix. $input.on( 'focus', function(){ $input.addClass( 'has-focus' ); }).on( 'blur', function(){ $input.removeClass( 'has-focus' ); }); }); // jquery-confirm defaults. jconfirm.defaults = { closeIcon: true, backgroundDismiss: true, escapeKey: true, animationBounce: 1, useBootstrap: false, theme: 'modern', boxWidth: '400px', animateFromElement: false }; // Upgrade information modal for upgrade links. $( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-upgrade-modal', function() { $.alert({ title: false, content: wpforms_admin.upgrade_modal, icon: 'fa fa-info-circle', type: 'blue', boxWidth: '565px', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ] } } }); }); // Lity lightbox. WPFormsAdmin.initLity(); // Flyout Menu. WPFormsAdmin.initFlyoutMenu(); // Action available for each binding. $( document ).trigger( 'wpformsReady' ); }, /** * Initialize Choices JS elements. * * @since 1.4.2 */ initChoicesJS: function() { $( '.choicesjs-select' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ), args = { searchEnabled: false }; if ( $this.attr( 'multiple' ) ) { args.searchEnabled = true; args.removeItemButton = true; } if ( $ 'placeholder' ) ) { args.placeholderValue = $ 'placeholder' ); } if ( $ 'sorting' ) === 'off' ) { args.shouldSort = false; } if ( $ 'search' ) ) { args.searchEnabled = true; } // Translate default strings. args.loadingText = wpforms_admin.choicesjs_loading; args.noResultsText = wpforms_admin.choicesjs_no_results; args.noChoicesText = wpforms_admin.choicesjs_no_choices; args.itemSelectText = wpforms_admin.choicesjs_item_select; $ 'choicesjs', new Choices( $this[0], args ) ); }); }, /** * Initilize checkbox mulit-select columns. * * @since 1.4.2 */ initCheckboxMultiselectColumns: function() { $( document ).on( 'change', '.checkbox-multiselect-columns input', function() { var $this = $( this ), $parent = $this.parent(), $container = $this.closest( '.checkbox-multiselect-columns' ), label = $parent.text(), itemID = 'check-item-' + $this.val(), $item = $container.find( '#' + itemID ); if ( $this.prop( 'checked' ) ) { $this.parent().addClass( 'checked' ); if ( ! $item.length ) { $container.find('.second-column ul').append( '<li id="'+itemID+'">'+label+'</li>' ); } } else { $this.parent().removeClass( 'checked' ); $container.find( '#' + itemID ).remove(); } }); $( document ).on( 'click', '.checkbox-multiselect-columns .all', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).closest( '.checkbox-multiselect-columns' ).find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ).prop( 'checked', true ).trigger( 'change' ); $( this ).remove(); }); }, //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // Forms Overview //--------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Element bindings for Form Overview page. * * @since 1.3.9 */ initFormOverview: function() { // Confirm form entry deletion and duplications. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-overview .wp-list-table .delete a, #wpforms-overview .wp-list-table .duplicate a', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $( this ).attr( 'href' ), msg = $( this ).parent().hasClass( 'delete' ) ? wpforms_admin.form_delete_confirm : wpforms_admin.form_duplicate_confirm; // Trigger alert modal to confirm. $.confirm({ title: false, content: msg, backgroundDismiss: false, closeIcon: false, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], action: function(){ window.location = url; } }, cancel: { text: wpforms_admin.cancel, keys: [ 'esc' ] } } }); }); }, //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // Entry Single (Details) //--------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Element bindings for Entries Single (Details) page. * * @since 1.3.9 */ initEntriesSingle: function() { // Entry navigation hotkeys. // We only want to listen on the applicable admin page. if ( 'wpforms-entries' === WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'page' ) && 'details' === WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'view' ) ) { WPFormsAdmin.entryHotkeys(); } // Confirm entry deletion. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .submitdelete', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $( this ).attr( 'href' ); // Trigger alert modal to confirm. $.confirm({ title: false, content: wpforms_admin.entry_delete_confirm, backgroundDismiss: false, closeIcon: false, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], action: function(){ window.location = url; } }, cancel: { text: wpforms_admin.cancel, keys: [ 'esc' ] } } }); }); // Open Print preview in new window. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .wpforms-entry-print a', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).attr( 'href' ) ); }); // Toggle displaying empty fields. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .wpforms-empty-field-toggle', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Handle cookie. if ( wpCookies.get( 'wpforms_entry_hide_empty' ) === 'true' ) { // User was hiding empty fields, so now display them. wpCookies.remove( 'wpforms_entry_hide_empty' ); $( this ).text( wpforms_admin.entry_empty_fields_hide ); } else { // User was seeing empty fields, so now hide them. wpCookies.set( 'wpforms_entry_hide_empty', 'true', 2592000 ); // 1month. $( this ).text( wpforms_admin.entry_empty_fields_show ); } $( '.wpforms-entry-field.empty, .wpforms-edit-entry-field.empty' ).toggle(); }); // Display notes editor. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .wpforms-entry-notes-new .add', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).hide().next( 'form' ).slideToggle(); }); // Cancel note. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .wpforms-entry-notes-new .cancel', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).closest( 'form' ).slideToggle(); $('.wpforms-entry-notes-new .add').show(); }); // Delete note. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .wpforms-entry-notes-byline .note-delete', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $( this ).attr( 'href' ); // Trigger alert modal to confirm. $.confirm({ title: false, content: wpforms_admin.entry_note_delete_confirm, backgroundDismiss: false, closeIcon: false, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], action: function(){ window.location = url; } }, cancel: { text: wpforms_admin.cancel, keys: [ 'esc' ] } } }); }); }, /** * Hotkeys for Entries Single (Details) page. * * j triggers previous entry, k triggers next entry. * * @since 1.4.0 */ entryHotkeys: function() { $( document ).keydown( function( event ) { if ( 74 === event.keyCode && ! WPFormsAdmin.isFormTypeNode( ) ) { // j key has been pressed outside of a form element, go to // the previous entry. var prevEntry = $('#wpforms-entry-prev-link').attr( 'href' ); if ( '#' !== prevEntry ) { window.location.href = prevEntry; } } else if ( 75 === event.keyCode && ! WPFormsAdmin.isFormTypeNode( ) ) { // k key has been pressed outside of a form element, go to // the previous entry. var nextEntry = $('#wpforms-entry-next-link').attr( 'href' ); if ( '#' !== nextEntry ) { window.location.href = nextEntry; } } }); }, //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // Entry List //--------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Element bindings for Entries List table page. * * @since 1.3.9 */ initEntriesList: function() { $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-table-edit-columns', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); WPFormsAdmin.entriesListFieldColumn(); }); // Toggle form selector dropdown. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-list .form-selector .toggle', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'active' ).next( '.form-list' ).toggle(); }); // Confirm entry deletion. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-list .wp-list-table .delete', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $( this ).attr( 'href' ); // Trigger alert modal to confirm. $.confirm({ title: false, content: wpforms_admin.entry_delete_confirm, backgroundDismiss: false, closeIcon: false, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], action: function(){ window.location = url; } }, cancel: { text: wpforms_admin.cancel, keys: [ 'esc' ] } } }); }); // Toggle entry stars. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-list .wp-list-table .indicator-star', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ), task = '', total = Number( $( '#wpforms-entries-list .starred-num' ).text() ), id = $ 'id' ), formId = $ 'form-id' ); if ( $this.hasClass( 'star' ) ) { task = 'star'; total++; $this.attr( 'title', wpforms_admin.entry_unstar ); } else { task = 'unstar'; total--; $this.attr( 'title', wpforms_admin.entry_star ); } $this.toggleClass( 'star unstar' ); $( '#wpforms-entries-list .starred-num' ).text( total ); var data = { task : task, action : 'wpforms_entry_list_star', nonce : wpforms_admin.nonce, entryId : id, formId : formId, }; $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data ); }); // Toggle entry read state. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-list .wp-list-table .indicator-read', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ), task = '', total = Number( $( '#wpforms-entries-list .unread-num' ).text() ), id = $ 'id' ); if ( $this.hasClass( 'read' ) ) { task = 'read'; total--; $this.attr( 'title', wpforms_admin.entry_unread ); } else { task = 'unread'; total++; $this.attr( 'title', wpforms_admin.entry_read ); } $this.toggleClass( 'read unread' ); $( '#wpforms-entries-list .unread-num' ).text( total ); var data = { task : task, action : 'wpforms_entry_list_read', nonce : wpforms_admin.nonce, entryId : id, formId : $ 'form-id' ), }; $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data ); }); // Confirm mass entry deletion - this deletes ALL entries. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-list .form-details-actions-deleteall', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $( this ).attr( 'href' ); // Trigger alert modal to confirm. $.confirm({ title: wpforms_admin.heads_up, content: wpforms_admin.entry_delete_all_confirm, backgroundDismiss: false, closeIcon: false, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], action: function(){ window.location = url; } }, cancel: { text: wpforms_admin.cancel, keys: [ 'esc' ] } } }); }); // Check for new form entries using Heartbeat API. $( document ).on( 'heartbeat-send', function ( event, data ) { var $entriesList = $( '#wpforms-entries-list' ); // Works on entry list page only. if ( ! $entriesList.length || $entriesList.find( '.wpforms-dash-widget' ).length ) { return; } var last_entry_id = $entriesList.find( '#wpforms-entries-table' ).data( 'last-entry-id' ); // When entries list is filtered, there is no data param at all. if ( typeof last_entry_id === 'undefined' ) { return; } data.wpforms_new_entries_entry_id = last_entry_id; data.wpforms_new_entries_form_id = $entriesList.find( 'input[name=form_id]' ).val(); } ); // Display entries list notification if Heartbeat API new form entries check is successful. $( document ).on( 'heartbeat-tick', function ( event, data ) { var columnCount; var $entriesList = $( '#wpforms-entries-list' ); // Works on entry list page only. if ( ! $entriesList.length ) { return; } if ( ! data.wpforms_new_entries_notification ) { return; } columnCount = $entriesList.find( '.wp-list-table thead tr' ).first().children().length; if ( ! $entriesList.find( '.new-entries-notification' ).length ) { $entriesList.find( '.wp-list-table thead' ) .append( '<tr class="new-entries-notification"><td colspan="' + columnCount + '"><a href=""></a></td></tr>' ); } $entriesList.find( '.new-entries-notification a' ) .text( data.wpforms_new_entries_notification ) .slideDown( { duration: 500, start : function () { $( this ).css( { display: 'block' } ); } } ); } ); }, /** * Display settings to change the entry list field columns/ * * @since 1.4.0 */ entriesListFieldColumn: function() { $.alert({ title: wpforms_admin.entry_field_columns, boxWidth: '500px', content: s.iconSpinner + $( '#wpforms-field-column-select' ).html(), onContentReady: function() { var $modalContent = this.$content, $select = $modalContent.find( 'select' ), choices = new Choices( $select[0], { shouldSort: false, removeItemButton: true, placeholderValue: wpforms_admin.choicesjs_fields_select + '...', loadingText: wpforms_admin.choicesjs_loading, noResultsText: wpforms_admin.choicesjs_no_results, noChoicesText: wpforms_admin.choicesjs_no_choices, itemSelectText: wpforms_admin.choicesjs_item_select, callbackOnInit: function() { $modalContent.find( '.fa' ).remove(); $modalContent.find( 'form' ).show(); } }); $( '.jconfirm-content-pane, .jconfirm-box' ).css( 'overflow','visible' ); choices.passedElement.element.addEventListener( 'change', function() { // Without `true` parameter dropdown will be hidden together with modal window when `Enter` is pressed. choices.hideDropdown( true ); }, false ); }, buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.save_refresh, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: ['enter'], action: function() { this.$content.find( 'form' ).submit(); } }, cancel: { text: wpforms_admin.cancel, keys: [ 'esc' ] } } }); }, //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // Welcome Activation. //--------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Welcome activation page. * * @since 1.3.9 */ initWelcome: function() { // Open modal and play How To video. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-welcome .play-video', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var video = '<div class="video-container"><iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>'; $.dialog({ title: false, content: video, closeIcon: true, boxWidth: '70%' }); }); }, //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // Addons List. //--------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Element bindings for Addons List page. * * @since 1.3.9 */ initAddons: function() { // Some actions have to be delayed to document.ready. $( document ).on( 'wpformsReady', function() { // Only run on the addons page. if ( ! $( '#wpforms-admin-addons' ).length ) { return; } // Display all addon boxes as the same height. $( '.addon-item .details' ).matchHeight( { byrow: false, property: 'height' } ); // Addons searching. if ( $('#wpforms-admin-addons-list').length ) { var addonSearch = new List( 'wpforms-admin-addons-list', { valueNames: [ 'addon-name' ] } ); $( '#wpforms-admin-addons-search' ).on( 'keyup', function () { var searchTerm = $( this ).val(), $heading = $( '#addons-heading' ); if ( searchTerm ) { $heading.text( wpforms_admin.addon_search ); } else { $heading.text( $ 'text' ) ); } searchTerm ); } ); } }); // Toggle an addon state. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-admin-addons .addon-item button', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) { return false; } WPFormsAdmin.addonToggle( $( this ) ); }); }, /** * Toggle addon state. * * @since 1.3.9 */ addonToggle: function( $btn ) { var $addon = $btn.closest( '.addon-item' ), plugin = $btn.attr( 'data-plugin' ), plugin_type = $btn.attr( 'data-type' ), action, cssClass, statusText, buttonText, errorText, successText; if ( $btn.hasClass( 'status-go-to-url' ) ) { // Open url in new tab. $btn.attr('data-plugin'), '_blank' ); return; } $btn.prop( 'disabled', true ).addClass( 'loading' ); $btn.html( s.iconSpinner ); if ( $btn.hasClass( 'status-active' ) ) { // Deactivate. action = 'wpforms_deactivate_addon'; cssClass = 'status-inactive'; if ( plugin_type === 'plugin' ) { cssClass += ' button button-secondary'; } statusText = wpforms_admin.addon_inactive; buttonText = wpforms_admin.addon_activate; if ( plugin_type === 'addon' ) { buttonText = s.iconActivate + buttonText; } errorText = s.iconDeactivate + wpforms_admin.addon_deactivate; } else if ( $btn.hasClass( 'status-inactive' ) ) { // Activate. action = 'wpforms_activate_addon'; cssClass = 'status-active'; if ( plugin_type === 'plugin' ) { cssClass += ' button button-secondary disabled'; } statusText = wpforms_admin.addon_active; buttonText = wpforms_admin.addon_deactivate; if ( plugin_type === 'addon' ) { buttonText = s.iconDeactivate + buttonText; } else if ( plugin_type === 'plugin' ) { buttonText = wpforms_admin.addon_activated; } errorText = s.iconActivate + wpforms_admin.addon_activate; } else if ( $btn.hasClass( 'status-download' ) ) { // Install & Activate. action = 'wpforms_install_addon'; cssClass = 'status-active'; if ( plugin_type === 'plugin' ) { cssClass += ' button disabled'; } statusText = wpforms_admin.addon_active; buttonText = wpforms_admin.addon_activated; if ( plugin_type === 'addon' ) { buttonText = s.iconActivate + wpforms_admin.addon_deactivate; } errorText = s.iconInstall + wpforms_admin.addon_activate; } else { return; } var data = { action: action, nonce : wpforms_admin.nonce, plugin: plugin, type : plugin_type }; $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) { if ( res.success ) { if ( 'wpforms_install_addon' === action ) { $btn.attr( 'data-plugin', ); successText =; if ( ! ) { cssClass = 'status-inactive'; if ( plugin_type === 'plugin' ) { cssClass = 'button'; } statusText = wpforms_admin.addon_inactive; buttonText = s.iconActivate + wpforms_admin.addon_activate; } } else { successText =; } $addon.find( '.actions' ).append( '<div class="msg success">'+successText+'</div>' ); $addon.find( 'span.status-label' ) .removeClass( 'status-active status-inactive status-download' ) .addClass( cssClass ) .removeClass( 'button button-primary button-secondary disabled' ) .text( statusText ); $btn .removeClass( 'status-active status-inactive status-download' ) .removeClass( 'button button-primary button-secondary disabled' ) .addClass( cssClass ).html( buttonText ); } else { if ( 'download_failed' ===[0].code ) { if ( plugin_type === 'addon' ) { $addon.find( '.actions' ).append( '<div class="msg error">'+wpforms_admin.addon_error+'</div>' ); } else { $addon.find( '.actions' ).append( '<div class="msg error">'+wpforms_admin.plugin_error+'</div>' ); } } else { $addon.find( '.actions' ).append( '<div class="msg error">''</div>' ); } $btn.html( errorText ); } $btn.prop( 'disabled', false ).removeClass( 'loading' ); // Automatically clear addon messages after 3 seconds. setTimeout( function() { $( '.addon-item .msg' ).remove(); }, 3000 ); }).fail( function( xhr ) { console.log( xhr.responseText ); }); }, //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // Settings. //--------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Element bindings for Settings page. * * @since 1.3.9 */ initSettings: function() { // On ready events. $( document ).on( 'wpformsReady', function() { // Only proceed if we're on the settings page. if ( ! $( '#wpforms-settings' ).length ) { return; } // Watch for hashes and scroll to if found. // Display all addon boxes as the same height. var integrationFocus = WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'wpforms-integration' ), jumpTo = WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'jump' ); if ( integrationFocus ) { $( 'body' ).animate({ scrollTop: $( '#wpforms-integration-'+integrationFocus ).offset().top }, 1000 ); } else if ( jumpTo ) { $( 'body' ).animate({ scrollTop: $( '#'+jumpTo ).offset().top }, 1000 ); } // Settings conditional logic. $( '.wpforms-admin-settings-form' ).conditions( [ // Misc > Disable User Cookies visibility. { conditions: { element: '#wpforms-setting-gdpr', type: 'checked', operator: 'is' }, actions: { if: { element: '#wpforms-setting-row-gdpr-disable-uuid,#wpforms-setting-row-gdpr-disable-details', action: 'show' }, else : { element: '#wpforms-setting-row-gdpr-disable-uuid,#wpforms-setting-row-gdpr-disable-details', action: 'hide' } }, effect: 'appear' }, // reCAPTCHA > Score Threshold. { conditions: { element: 'input[name=recaptcha-type]:checked', type: 'value', operator: '=', condition: 'v3' }, actions: { if: { element: '#wpforms-setting-row-recaptcha-v3-threshold', action: 'show' }, else : { element: '#wpforms-setting-row-recaptcha-v3-threshold', action: 'hide' } }, effect: 'appear' } ] ); }); // Form styles plugin setting. $( document ).on( 'change', '#wpforms-setting-disable-css', function() { WPFormsAdmin.settingsFormStylesAlert( $( this ).val() ); }); // Image upload fields. $( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-setting-row-image button', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); WPFormsAdmin.imageUploadModal( $( this ) ); }); // Verify license key. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-setting-license-key-verify', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); WPFormsAdmin.licenseVerify( $( this ) ); }); // Deactivate license key. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-setting-license-key-deactivate', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); WPFormsAdmin.licenseDeactivate( $( this ) ); }); // Refresh license key. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-setting-license-key-refresh', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); WPFormsAdmin.licenseRefresh( $( this ) ); }); /** * @todo Refactor providers settings tab. Code below is legacy. */ // Integration connect. $( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-settings-provider-connect', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var button = $( this ); WPFormsAdmin.integrationConnect( button ); }); // Integration account disconnect. $( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-list a', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); WPFormsAdmin.integrationDisconnect( $( this ) ); }); // Integration individual display toggling. $( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-settings-provider:not(.focus-out) .wpforms-settings-provider-header', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).parent().find( '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts' ).slideToggle(); $( this ).parent().find( '.wpforms-settings-provider-logo i' ).toggleClass( 'fa-chevron-right fa-chevron-down' ); }); // Integration accounts display toggling. $( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-toggle a', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $connectFields = $( this ).parent().next( '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-connect' ); $connectFields.find( 'input[type=text], input[type=password]' ).val(''); $connectFields.slideToggle(); }); }, /** * Alert users if they change form styles to something that may give * unexpected results. * * @since 1.5.0 */ settingsFormStylesAlert: function( value ) { if ( '2' === value ) { var msg = wpforms_admin.settings_form_style_base; } else if ( '3' === value ) { var msg = wpforms_admin.settings_form_style_none; } else { return; } $.alert({ title: wpforms_admin.heads_up, content: msg, backgroundDismiss: false, closeIcon: false, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ] } } }); }, /** * Image upload modal window. * * @since 1.3.0 */ imageUploadModal: function( el ) { if ( s.media_frame ) {; return; } var $setting = $( el ).closest( '.wpforms-setting-field' ); s.media_frame = ={ className: 'media-frame wpforms-media-frame', frame: 'select', multiple: false, title: wpforms_admin.upload_image_title, library: { type: 'image' }, button: { text: wpforms_admin.upload_image_button } }); s.media_frame.on( 'select', function(){ // Grab our attachment selection and construct a JSON representation of the model. var media_attachment = s.media_frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(); // Send the attachment URL to our custom input field via jQuery. $setting.find( 'input[type=text]' ).val( media_attachment.url ); $setting.find( 'img' ).remove(); $setting.prepend( '<img src="'+media_attachment.url+'">' ); }); // Now that everything has been set, let's open up the frame.; }, /** * Verify a license key. * * @since 1.3.9 */ licenseVerify: function( el ) { var $this = $( el ), $row = $this.closest( '.wpforms-setting-row' ), buttonWidth = $this.outerWidth(), buttonLabel = $this.text(), data = { action: 'wpforms_verify_license', nonce: wpforms_admin.nonce, license: $('#wpforms-setting-license-key').val() }; $this.html( s.iconSpinner ).css( 'width', buttonWidth ).prop( 'disabled', true ); $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) { var icon = 'fa fa-check-circle', color = 'green', msg; if ( res.success ){ msg =; $row.find( '.type, .desc, #wpforms-setting-license-key-deactivate' ).show(); $row.find( '.type strong' ).text( ); $('.wpforms-license-notice').remove(); } else { icon = 'fa fa-exclamation-circle'; color = 'orange'; msg =; $row.find( '.type, .desc, #wpforms-setting-license-key-deactivate' ).hide(); } $.alert({ title: false, content: msg, icon: icon, type: color, buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ] } } }); $this.html( buttonLabel ).css( 'width', 'auto' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); }).fail( function( xhr ) { console.log( xhr.responseText ); }); }, /** * Verify a license key. * * @since 1.3.9 */ licenseDeactivate: function( el ) { var $this = $( el ), $row = $this.closest( '.wpforms-setting-row' ), buttonWidth = $this.outerWidth(), buttonLabel = $this.text(), data = { action: 'wpforms_deactivate_license', nonce: wpforms_admin.nonce }; $this.html( s.iconSpinner ).css( 'width', buttonWidth ).prop( 'disabled', true ); $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) { var icon = 'fa fa-info-circle', color = 'blue', msg =; if ( res.success ){ $row.find( '#wpforms-setting-license-key' ).val(''); $row.find( '.type, .desc, #wpforms-setting-license-key-deactivate' ).hide(); } else { icon = 'fa fa-exclamation-circle'; color = 'orange'; } $.alert({ title: false, content: msg, icon: icon, type: color, buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ] } } }); $this.html( buttonLabel ).css( 'width', 'auto' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); }).fail( function( xhr ) { console.log( xhr.responseText ); }); }, /** * Refresh a license key. * * @since 1.3.9 */ licenseRefresh: function( el ) { var $this = $( el ), $row = $this.closest( '.wpforms-setting-row' ), data = { action: 'wpforms_refresh_license', nonce: wpforms_admin.nonce, license: $('#wpforms-setting-license-key').val() }; $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) { var icon = 'fa fa-check-circle', color = 'green', msg; if ( res.success ){ msg =; $row.find( '.type strong' ).text( ); } else { icon = 'fa fa-exclamation-circle'; color = 'orange'; msg =; $row.find( '.type, .desc, #wpforms-setting-license-key-deactivate' ).hide(); } $.alert({ title: false, content: msg, icon: icon, type: color, buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ] } } }); }).fail( function( xhr ) { console.log( xhr.responseText ); }); }, /** * Connect integration provider account. * * @param $btn Button (.wpforms-settings-provider-connect) that was clicked to establish connection. * * @since 1.3.9 */ integrationConnect: function( $btn ) { var buttonWidth = $btn.outerWidth(), buttonLabel = $btn.text(), $provider = $btn.closest( '.wpforms-settings-provider' ), data = { action : 'wpforms_settings_provider_add_' + $ 'provider' ), data : $btn.closest( 'form' ).serialize(), provider: $ 'provider' ), nonce : wpforms_admin.nonce }; $btn.html( 'Connecting...' ).css( 'width', buttonWidth ).prop( 'disabled', true ); $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) { if ( res.success ){ $provider.find( '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-list ul' ).append( ); $provider.addClass( 'connected' ); $btn.closest( '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-connect' ).slideToggle(); } else { var msg = wpforms_admin.provider_auth_error; if ( res.hasOwnProperty( 'data' ) && 'error_msg' ) ) { msg += "\n" +; // jshint ignore:line } $.alert({ title: false, content: msg, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ] } } }); } $btn.html( buttonLabel ).css( 'width', 'auto' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); }).fail( function( xhr ) { console.log( xhr.responseText ); }); }, /** * Remove integration provider account. * * @since 1.3.9 */ integrationDisconnect: function( el ) { var $this = $( el ), $provider = $this.parents('.wpforms-settings-provider'), data = { action : 'wpforms_settings_provider_disconnect_' + $ 'provider' ), provider: $ 'provider' ), key : $ 'key'), nonce : wpforms_admin.nonce }; $.confirm({ title: wpforms_admin.heads_up, content: wpforms_admin.provider_delete_confirm, backgroundDismiss: false, closeIcon: false, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], action: function(){ $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) { if ( res.success ){ $this.parent().parent().remove(); // Hide Connected status label if no more integrations are linked. var numberOfIntegrations = $provider.find( '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-list li' ).length; if ( typeof numberOfIntegrations === 'undefined' || numberOfIntegrations === 0 ) { $provider.removeClass( 'connected' ); } } else { console.log( res ); } }).fail( function( xhr ) { console.log( xhr.responseText ); }); } }, cancel: { text: wpforms_admin.cancel, keys: [ 'esc' ] } } }); }, //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // Tools. //--------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Element bindings for Tools page. * * @since 1.4.2 */ initTools: function() { // Run import for a specific provider. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-ssl-verify', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); WPFormsAdmin.verifySSLConnection(); }); // Run import for a specific provider. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-importer-forms-submit', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Check to confirm user as selected a form. if ( $( '#wpforms-importer-forms input:checked' ).length ) { var ids = []; $( '#wpforms-importer-forms input:checked' ).each( function ( i ) { ids[i] = $( this ).val(); }); if ( ! wpforms_admin.isPro ) { // We need to analyze the forms before starting the // actual import. WPFormsAdmin.analyzeForms( ids ); } else { // Begin the import process. WPFormsAdmin.importForms( ids ); } } else { // User didn't actually select a form so alert them. $.alert({ title: false, content: wpforms_admin.importer_forms_required, icon: 'fa fa-info-circle', type: 'blue', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_admin.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ] } } }); } }); // Continue import after analyzing. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-importer-continue-submit', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); WPFormsAdmin.importForms( s.formIDs ); }); }, /** * Perform test connection to verify that the current web host * can successfully make outbound SSL connections. * * @since 1.4.5 */ verifySSLConnection: function() { var $btn = $( '#wpforms-ssl-verify' ), btnLabel = $btn.text(), btnWidth = $btn.outerWidth(), $settings = $btn.parent(), data = { action: 'wpforms_verify_ssl', nonce: wpforms_admin.nonce }; $btn.css( 'width', btnWidth ).prop( 'disabled', true ).text( wpforms_admin.testing ); // Trigger AJAX to test connection $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) { console.log( res ); // Remove any previous alerts. $settings.find( '.wpforms-alert, .wpforms-ssl-error' ).remove(); if ( res.success ){ $btn.before( '<div class="wpforms-alert wpforms-alert-success">' + + '</div>' ); } if ( ! res.success && ) { $btn.before( '<div class="wpforms-alert wpforms-alert-danger">' + + '</div>' ); } if ( ! res.success && ) { $btn.before( '<div class="wpforms-ssl-error pre-error">' + + '</div>' ); } $btn.css( 'width', btnWidth ).prop( 'disabled', false ).text( btnLabel ); }); }, /** * Begins the process of analyzing the forms. * * This runs for non-Pro installs to check if any of the forms to be * imported contain fields * not currently available. * * @since 1.4.2 */ analyzeForms: function( forms ) { var $processAnalyze = $( '#wpforms-importer-analyze' ); // Display total number of forms we have to import. $processAnalyze.find( '.form-total' ).text( forms.length ); $processAnalyze.find( '.form-current' ).text( '1' ); // Hide the form select section. $( '#wpforms-importer-forms' ).hide(); // Show Analyze status. $; // Create global analyze queue. s.analyzeQueue = forms; s.analyzed = 0; s.analyzeUpgrade = []; s.formIDs = forms; // Analyze the first form in the queue. WPFormsAdmin.analyzeForm(); }, /** * Analyze a single form from the queue. * * @since 1.4.2 */ analyzeForm: function() { var $analyzeSettings = $( '#wpforms-importer-analyze' ), formID = _.first( s.analyzeQueue ), provider = WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'provider' ), data = { action: 'wpforms_import_form_' + provider, analyze: 1, form_id: formID, nonce: wpforms_admin.nonce }; // Trigger AJAX analyze for this form. $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) { if ( res.success ){ if ( ! _.isEmpty( ) || ! _.isEmpty( ) ) { s.analyzeUpgrade.push({ name:, fields: _.union(, ) }); } // Remove this form ID from the queue. s.analyzeQueue = _.without( s.analyzeQueue, formID ); s.analyzed++; if ( _.isEmpty( s.analyzeQueue ) ) { if ( _.isEmpty( s.analyzeUpgrade ) ) { // Continue to import forms as no Pro fields were // found. WPFormsAdmin.importForms( s.formIDs ); } else { // We found Pro fields, so alert the user. var upgradeDetails = wp.template( 'wpforms-importer-upgrade' ); $analyzeSettings.find( '.upgrade' ).append( upgradeDetails( s.analyzeUpgrade ) ); $analyzeSettings.find( '.upgrade' ).show(); $analyzeSettings.find( '.process-analyze' ).hide(); } } else { // Analyze next form in the queue. $analyzeSettings.find( '.form-current' ).text( s.analyzed+1 ); WPFormsAdmin.analyzeForm(); } } }); }, /** * Begins the process of importing the forms. * * @since 1.4.2 */ importForms: function( forms ) { var $processSettings = $( '#wpforms-importer-process' ); // Display total number of forms we have to import. $processSettings.find( '.form-total' ).text( forms.length ); $processSettings.find( '.form-current' ).text( '1' ); // Hide the form select and form analyze sections. $( '#wpforms-importer-forms, #wpforms-importer-analyze' ).hide(); // Show processing status. $; // Create global import queue. s.importQueue = forms; s.imported = 0; // Import the first form in the queue. WPFormsAdmin.importForm(); }, /** * Imports a single form from the import queue. * * @since 1.4.2 */ importForm: function() { var $processSettings = $( '#wpforms-importer-process' ), formID = _.first( s.importQueue ), provider = WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'provider' ), data = { action: 'wpforms_import_form_' + provider, form_id: formID, nonce: wpforms_admin.nonce }; // Trigger AJAX import for this form. $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) { if ( res.success ){ var statusUpdate; if ( ) { statusUpdate = wp.template( 'wpforms-importer-status-error' ); } else { statusUpdate = wp.template( 'wpforms-importer-status-update' ); } $processSettings.find( '.status' ).prepend( statusUpdate( ) ); $processSettings.find( '.status' ).show(); // Remove this form ID from the queue. s.importQueue = _.without( s.importQueue, formID ); s.imported++; if ( _.isEmpty( s.importQueue ) ) { $processSettings.find( '.process-count' ).hide(); $processSettings.find( '.forms-completed' ).text( s.imported ); $processSettings.find( '.process-completed' ).show(); } else { // Import next form in the queue. $processSettings.find( '.form-current' ).text( s.imported+1 ); WPFormsAdmin.importForm(); } } }); }, //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // Upgrades (Tabs view). //--------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Element bindings for Tools page. * * @since 1.4.3 */ initUpgrades: function() { // Prepare to run the v1.4.3 upgrade routine. $( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-upgrade-143 button', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ), buttonWidth = $this.outerWidth(), $status = $( '#wpforms-upgrade-143 .status' ), data = { action: 'wpforms_upgrade_143', nonce: wpforms_admin.nonce, init: true, incomplete: $ 'incomplete' ) }; // Change the button to indicate we are doing initial processing. $this.html( s.iconSpinner ).css( 'width', buttonWidth ).prop( 'disabled', true ); // Get the total number of entries, then kick off the routine. $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) { if ( res.success ){ // Set initial values. s.upgraded = Number( ); s.upgradeTotal = Number( ); var percent = Math.round( ( Number( s.upgraded ) / Number( s.upgradeTotal ) ) * 100 ); // Show the status area. $this.remove(); $status.find( '.bar' ).css( 'width', percent + '%' ); $ '.total' ).text( s.upgradeTotal ); $status.find( '.current' ).text( s.upgraded ); $status.find( '.percent' ).text( percent + '%' ); // Begin the actual upgrade routine. WPFormsAdmin.upgrade143(); } }); }); }, /** * The v1.4.3 entry fields upgrade routine. * * @since 1.4.3 */ upgrade143: function() { var $status = $( '#wpforms-upgrade-143 .status' ), data = { action: 'wpforms_upgrade_143', nonce: wpforms_admin.nonce, upgraded: s.upgraded }; // Get the total number of entries, then kick off the routine. $.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) { if ( res.success ){ s.upgraded = Number( s.upgraded ) + Number( ); var percent = Math.round( ( Number( s.upgraded ) / Number( s.upgradeTotal ) ) * 100 ); // Update progress bar. $status.find( '.bar' ).css( 'width', percent + '%' ); if ( Number( ) < 10 ) { // This batch completed the upgrade routine. $status.find( '.progress-bar' ).addClass( 'complete' ); $status.find( '.msg' ).text( wpforms_admin.upgrade_completed ); } else { $status.find( '.current' ).text( s.upgraded ); $status.find( '.percent' ).text( percent + '%' ); // Batch the next round of entries. WPFormsAdmin.upgrade143(); } } }); }, /** * Element bindings for Flyout Menu. * * @since 1.5.7 */ initFlyoutMenu: function() { // Flyout Menu Elements. var $flyoutMenu = $( '#wpforms-flyout' ); if ( $flyoutMenu.length === 0 ) { return; } var $head = $flyoutMenu.find( '.wpforms-flyout-head' ), $sullie = $head.find( 'img' ), menu = { state: 'inactive', srcInactive: $sullie.attr( 'src' ), srcActive: $ 'active' ), }; // Click on the menu head icon. $head.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( menu.state === 'active' ) { $flyoutMenu.removeClass( 'opened' ); $sullie.attr( 'src', menu.srcInactive ); menu.state = 'inactive'; } else { $flyoutMenu.addClass( 'opened' ); $sullie.attr( 'src', menu.srcActive ); menu.state = 'active'; } } ); // Page elements and other values. var $wpfooter = $( '#wpfooter' ); if ( $wpfooter.length === 0 ) { return; } var $overlap = $( '#wpforms-overview, #wpforms-entries-list' ), wpfooterTop = $wpfooter.offset().top, wpfooterBottom = wpfooterTop + $wpfooter.height(), overlapBottom = $overlap.length > 0 ? $overlap.offset().top + $overlap.height() + 85 : 0; // Hide menu if scrolled down to the bottom of the page. $( window ).on( 'resize scroll', _.debounce( function( e ) { var viewTop = $( window ).scrollTop(), viewBottom = viewTop + $( window ).height(); if ( wpfooterBottom <= viewBottom && wpfooterTop >= viewTop && overlapBottom > viewBottom ) { $flyoutMenu.addClass( 'out' ); } else { $flyoutMenu.removeClass( 'out' ); } }, 50 ) ); $( window ).trigger( 'scroll' ); }, /** * Lity improvements. * * @since 1.5.8 */ initLity: function() { // Use `data-lity-srcset` opener's attribute for add srcset to full image in opened lightbox. $( document ).on( 'lity:ready', function( event, instance ) { var $el = instance.element(), $opener = instance.opener(), srcset = typeof $opener !== 'undefined' ? $ 'lity-srcset' ) : ''; if ( typeof srcset !== 'undefined' && srcset !== '' ) { $el.find( '.lity-content img' ).attr( 'srcset', srcset ); } } ); }, //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // Helper functions. //--------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Return if the target nodeName is a form element. * * @since 1.4.0 */ isFormTypeNode: function( name ) { name = name || false; if ( 'TEXTAREA' === name || 'INPUT' === name || 'SELECT' === name ){ return true; } return false; }, /** * Get query string in a URL. * * @since 1.3.9 */ getQueryString: function( name ) { var match = new RegExp( '[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)' ).exec( ); return match && decodeURIComponent( match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ') ); }, /** * Debug output helper. * * @since 1.4.4 * @param msg */ debug: function( msg ) { if ( WPFormsAdmin.isDebug() ) { if ( typeof msg === 'object' || msg.constructor === Array ) { console.log( 'WPForms Debug:' ); console.log( msg ); } else { console.log( 'WPForms Debug: ' + msg ); } } }, /** * Is debug mode. * * @since 1.4.4 */ isDebug: function() { return ( window.location.hash && '#wpformsdebug' === window.location.hash ); } }; WPFormsAdmin.init(); window.WPFormsAdmin = WPFormsAdmin; })( jQuery );
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