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<?php $sva_plugin_label = "Spacer - Visual Artist"; $sva_plugin_slug = "spacer_layout_aid_preview"; class spacer_layout_aid_preview { public function __construct(){ global $sva_plugin_label, $plugin_slug; $this->sva_plugin_slug = $plugin_slug; $this->sva_plugin_label = $sva_plugin_label; $checkaddspacers = get_option("motech_spacer_addspacer_id"); if(!empty($checkaddspacers)){ $this->key_array = $checkaddspacers; $this->has_addspacers = true; }else{ $this->key_array = array(0); $this->has_addspacers = false; } $this->ihmsa = 'hmsia'; //uncomment the following line to enqueue color picker //add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_color_picker') ); //uncomment following line to add extra plugin row links under plugin description //add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', array($this,'plugin_row_links'), 10, 2 ); add_filter('spacer_add_css', array($this,'spacer_add_css'),50,2); add_filter('spacer_add_to_default', array($this,'spacer_add_to_default'),50); add_filter('spacer_add_to_extras', array($this,'spacer_add_to_extras'),50,2); if(is_admin()){ //uncomment following line to add Settings link to plugin page //add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), array($this, 'add_plugin_action_links') ); //uncomment following line to add admin notices //add_action( 'admin_notices', array($this, 'admin_notices') ); //add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_plugin_page')); //add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'page_init')); //add_filter('spacer_licenses_settings', array($this,'add_layout_licenses_section'),50,2); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_motech_javascript'), 10 ); //enqueue color picker. set this to a number lower than 50, so it will load before spacer javascript. add_filter('spacer_default_settings', array($this,'add_layout_aid_section'),50,2); if($this->ihmsa == 'hmsia'){ add_filter('spacer_default_sections', array($this,'add_layout_aid_section_container'),50,2); } add_filter('spacer_add_to_admincss', array($this,'spacer_add_to_admincss'),50); if($this->ihmsa == 'hmsia'){ add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this,'load_custom_wp_admin_style'), 60 ); //set this to a number higher than 50, so it will load after spacer core } $key_array = $this->key_array; $getoption = get_option($this->sva_plugin_slug.'_title_addspacers',''); if($this->ihmsa == 'hmsia'){ foreach($key_array as $key=>$value){ add_filter('spacer_addspacer_sections'.$key, array($this,'add_layout_aid_addspacer_section_container'),50,2); } } } } function load_custom_wp_admin_style() { //wp_register_style( 'mspacerlayout_wp_admin_css', plugins_url( 'admin-style.css' , __FILE__ ), false, '1.0.0' ); //wp_enqueue_style( 'mspacerlayout_wp_admin_css' ); } function spacer_add_to_admincss($val){ ?> <style> <?php if ($this->ihmsa == 'hmsia') { ?> #motech_spacer_visualartist_license{display:none;} <?php } ?> /*css for column box - move to add on css via hook instead */ .columnbox { background: #fff; padding: 0 8px; margin-bottom: 9px; outline: 0; margin: 10px 0 0; border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.04); box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.04); float: left; width: 21%;margin-right:16px;overflow:hidden;} .columnbox h2,.postbox .inside .columnbox h2 { background: #fafafa; color: #23282d; margin: 0; padding: 15px; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; padding-left: 9px; margin-left: -10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; margin-right: -10px; font-weight:600; } .columnbox .form-table th {font-weight: normal; } .columnbox .form-table td { padding-left: 0px;} .addspacerunit .columnbox { background: #fafafa;} .addspacerunit .columnbox h2, .addspacerunit .postbox .inside .columnbox h2 {background:white;} .motech_spacer_preview_image_container {display:none;} .wp-picker-holder {position:absolute;} @media only screen and (max-width: 1370px) { .columnbox input[type="text"], .columnbox select {max-width:50%;} .columnbox {width:auto;float:none;margin-right:0px;} } @media only screen and (max-width: 1050px) { .columnbox {width:auto;float:none;margin-right:0px;} } </style> <?php } function spacer_add_to_default($return) { //return is an array like $return["checkheight"], we want to add elements to it $return["bgcolor"] = get_option('motech_spacer_default_bg_color'); $return["bgimage"] = get_option('motech_spacer_default_background_image_upload'); $return["bordertopwidth"] = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_top_width'); $return["bordertopstyle"] = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_top_style'); $return["bordertopcolor"] = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_top_color'); $return["borderbottomwidth"] = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_bottom_width'); $return["borderbottomstyle"] = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_bottom_style'); $return["borderbottomcolor"] = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_bottom_color'); $return["bottommargin"] = get_option('motech_spacer_default_bottom_margin'); $return["shadow"] = get_option('motech_spacer_default_shadow'); $return["bgimageposition"] = get_option('motech_spacer_custom_background_image_position'); //$spacer_css .= "background:red;"; return $return; } function spacer_add_to_extras($return,$key) { $get = get_option('motech_spacer_default_bg_color_addspacers'); $return["bgcolor"] = $get[$key]; $get = get_option('motech_spacer_default_background_image_upload_addspacers'); $return["bgimage"] = $get[$key]; $get = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_top_width_addspacers'); $return["bordertopwidth"] = $get[$key]; $get = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_top_style_addspacers'); $return["bordertopstyle"] = $get[$key]; $get = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_top_color_addspacers'); $return["bordertopcolor"] = $get[$key]; $get = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_bottom_width_addspacers'); $return["borderbottomwidth"] = $get[$key]; $get = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_bottom_style_addspacers'); $return["borderbottomstyle"] = $get[$key]; $get = get_option('motech_spacer_default_border_bottom_color_addspacers'); $return["borderbottomcolor"] = $get[$key]; $get = get_option('motech_spacer_default_bottom_margin_addspacers'); $return["bottommargin"] = $get[$key]; $get = get_option('motech_spacer_default_shadow_addspacers'); $return["shadow"] = $get[$key]; $get = get_option('motech_spacer_custom_background_image_position_addspacers'); $return["bgimageposition"] = $get[$key]; //$spacer_css .= "background:red;"; return $return; } function use_shadow($shadow){ if($shadow=="light"){ return "box-shadow:0px 2px 3px rgba(119, 119, 119,0.5);"; }elseif($shadow=="medium"){ return "box-shadow:0px 2px 4px #777;"; }elseif($shadow=="heavy"){ return "box-shadow:0px 2px 10px #888;"; } } function use_bgimageposition($bgimageposition){ if($bgimageposition=="repeat"){ return "background-repeat:repeat;"; }elseif($bgimageposition=="croptofit"){ return "background-size:cover;background-position:center;"; }elseif($bgimageposition=="stretch"){ return "background-size:100% 100%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center;"; }elseif($bgimageposition=="propstretch"){ return "background-size:contain;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center;"; }elseif($bgimageposition=="proprepeat"){ return "background-size:contain;background-repeat:repeat;background-position:center;"; } } function spacer_add_css($spacer_css,$activespacer) { extract($activespacer); if(!empty($bgcolor)) { $spacer_css .= "background-color:".$bgcolor.";"; } if(!empty($bgimage)) { $spacer_css .= "background-image:url(".$bgimage.");"; } if(!empty($bordertopstyle)) { $spacer_css .= "border-top-style:".$bordertopstyle.";"; } if(!empty($bordertopwidth)) { $spacer_css .= "border-top-width:".$bordertopwidth."px;"; } else{ $spacer_css .= "border-top-width:0px;"; } if(!empty($bordertopcolor)) { $spacer_css .= "border-top-color:".$bordertopcolor.";"; } if(!empty($borderbottomwidth)) { $spacer_css .= "border-bottom-width:".$borderbottomwidth."px;"; }else{ $spacer_css .= "border-bottom-width:0px;"; } if(!empty($borderbottomstyle)) { $spacer_css .= "border-bottom-style:".$borderbottomstyle.";"; } if(!empty($borderbottomcolor)) { $spacer_css .= "border-bottom-color:".$borderbottomcolor.";"; } if(!empty($bottommargin)) { $spacer_css .= "margin-bottom:".$bottommargin."px;"; } if(!empty($shadow)) { $spacer_css .= $this->use_shadow($shadow); } if(!empty($bgimageposition)) { $spacer_css .= $this->use_bgimageposition($bgimageposition); } //imaqe position return $spacer_css; } function enqueue_motech_javascript( ) { if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'motech_spacer-setting-admin') { wp_enqueue_script( $this->sva_plugin_slug.'-motech-javascript2', plugins_url('js/motech-javascript.js', __FILE__ ), array('jquery'), false, true ); } } function add_layout_aid_section_container($val,$object){ ?> <div class="motech-spacer-options section layoutaid" style="border-top: solid 1px #BFBFBF;margin-top: 3px;"> <div class="postbox closed" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:12px;"> <button type="button" class="handlediv button-link" aria-expanded="true"><span class="toggle-indicator" aria-hidden="true"></span></button> <h2 class="hndle ui-sortable-handle" style="font-size: 1.3em;font-weight: bold;padding-left: 51px;position: relative;"><img style="position: absolute;top: -1px;width: 42px;left: 7px;" src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/palette.png', __FILE__ ) ?>" /><span><?php _e('Visual Artist', 'spacer-layout-aid') ?><?php echo $object->get_premium_warning() ?></span></h2> <div class="inside"> <div class="columnbox"><h2><?php _e('Background', 'spacer-layout-aid') ?></h2><?php do_settings_sections($object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbg'); ?></div> <div class="columnbox"><h2><?php _e('Top Border', 'spacer-layout-aid') ?></h2><?php do_settings_sections($object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidtb'); ?></div> <div class="columnbox"><h2><?php _e('Bottom Border', 'spacer-layout-aid') ?></h2><?php do_settings_sections($object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbb'); ?></div> <div class="columnbox" style="margin-right:0px;"><h2><?php _e('Other', 'spacer-layout-aid') ?></h2><?php do_settings_sections($object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidother'); ?></div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } function add_layout_aid_addspacer_section_container($val,$key){ ?> <div class="motech-spacer-options section layoutaid aslayoutaid" style="border-top: solid 1px #eee;margin-top: 3px;"> <?php /*?><?php do_settings_sections('motech_spacer-setting-admin_layoutaid_addspacer'.$key); ?><?php */?> <div class="postbox closed" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:12px;background: #fafafa;"> <button type="button" class="handlediv button-link" aria-expanded="true"><span class="toggle-indicator" aria-hidden="true"></span></button> <h2 class="hndle ui-sortable-handle" style="font-size: 1.3em;font-weight: bold;padding-left: 51px;position: relative;"><img style="position: absolute;top: -1px;width: 42px;left: 7px;" src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/palette.png', __FILE__ ) ?>" /><span><?php _e('Visual Artist', 'spacer-layout-aid') ?><?php echo '<span class="motech_premium_only"> ('.__('Premium Only', 'motech-spacer').')</span>'?></span></h2> <div class="inside"> <div class="columnbox"><h2><?php _e('Background', 'spacer-layout-aid') ?></h2><?php do_settings_sections('motech_spacer-setting-admin_layoutaidbg_addspacer'.$key); ?></div> <div class="columnbox"><h2><?php _e('Top Border', 'spacer-layout-aid') ?></h2><?php do_settings_sections('motech_spacer-setting-admin_layoutaidtb_addspacer'.$key); ?></div> <div class="columnbox"><h2><?php _e('Bottom Border', 'spacer-layout-aid') ?></h2><?php do_settings_sections('motech_spacer-setting-admin_layoutaidbb_addspacer'.$key); ?></div> <div class="columnbox" style="margin-right:0px;"><h2><?php _e('Other', 'spacer-layout-aid') ?></h2><?php do_settings_sections('motech_spacer-setting-admin_layoutaidother_addspacer'.$key); ?></div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } function add_layout_licenses_section($val,$object){ //update_option('motech_spacer_visualartist_license',''); //update_option('motech_spacer_visualartist_ihmsa',''); //add text input field $field_slug = "visualartist_license"; $field_label = __('Visual Artist Key', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; //register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id); register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($this, 'license_v')); if ($this->ihmsa == 'hmsia') { $desc = "<div class='mvalid'>".__('Valid', 'spacer-layout-aid')."</div>"; } else { //$desc = "Enter your license key to unlock premium features. <a href='#' class='hms_validate_alt'>Alernative Method</a>"; $desc = __("You will find this included with your purchase email. If this doesn't work, try the <a href='#' class='motech_spacer_visualartist_validate_alt'>Alternative Method</a>", "spacer-layout-aid"); } add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_licenses', $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => __('Speed up your workflow by setting a default height to apply to your spacers. Note that you can also enter negative spacing to shift the following content upwards.', 'motech-spacer'), //description of the field (optional) //"placeholder" => __('5', 'spacer-layout-aid'), "desc" => $desc, "default" => '' //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet ) ); } function add_layout_aid_section($val,$object){ add_settings_section( $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', __('', 'spacer-layout-aid'), false, $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbg' ); add_settings_section( $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', __('', 'spacer-layout-aid'), false, $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidtb' ); add_settings_section( $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', __('', 'spacer-layout-aid'), false, $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbb' ); add_settings_section( $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', __('', 'spacer-layout-aid'), false, $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidother' ); //add color picker text input field $field_slug = "default_bg_color"; $field_label = __('Color', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbg', $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => 'Choose a background color to appear behind your custom image. If left empty, default background color will be used', //description of the field (optional) "default" => '', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "class" => "motech-color-field" //designate this as color field. remember to uncomment js enqueue in class construct ) ); //add image upload field $field_slug = "default_background_image_upload"; $field_label = "Image"; $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, // ID of the option $field_label, // Title of the option array($object, 'create_image_upload'), // Callback used to render the input field $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbg', // Page to associate this option with $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', // Section to associate this option with array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id //sends field id to callback ) ); //add an image select input field $field_slug = "custom_background_image_position"; $field_label = "Image Position"; $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; $object->back_options = array( array("label" => "Repeat", "value" => "repeat"), array("label" => "Proportional Stretch", "value" => "propstretch"), array("label" => "Proportional Repeat", "value" => "proprepeat"), array("label" => "Crop to Fit", "value" => "croptofit"), array("label" => "Stretch", "value" => "stretch") ); register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po_repeat')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_select_input'), //callback function for select input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbg', $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends select field id to callback "default" => 'repeat', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this field value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "select_options" => $object->back_options //sets select option data ) ); //add text input field $field_slug = "default_border_top_width"; $field_label = __('Width (px)', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidtb', $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => __('Speed up your workflow by setting a default height to apply to your spacers. Note that you can also enter negative spacing to shift the following content upwards.', 'motech-spacer'), //description of the field (optional) "placeholder" => __('eg: 5', 'spacer-layout-aid'), "default" => '' //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet ) ); //add a select input field $field_slug = "default_border_top_style"; $field_label = __('Style', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; $object->unit_options = array( array("label" => "Solid", "value" => "solid"), array("label" => "Dotted", "value" => "dotted"), array("label" => "Dashed", "value" => "dashed"), array("label" => "Double", "value" => "double"), array("label" => "Groove", "value" => "groove"), array("label" => "Inset", "value" => "inset"), array("label" => "Outset", "value" => "outset"), ); register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po_solid')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_select_input'), //callback function for select input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidtb', $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends select field id to callback "default" => 'solid', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this field value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "meta" => 'style="max-width:450px;"', "select_options" => $object->unit_options //sets select option data ) ); //add color picker text input field $field_slug = "default_border_top_color"; $field_label = __('Color', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidtb', $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => 'Choose a background color to appear behind your custom image. If left empty, default background color will be used', //description of the field (optional) "default" => '', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "class" => "motech-color-field" //designate this as color field. remember to uncomment js enqueue in class construct ) ); //add text input field $field_slug = "default_border_bottom_width"; $field_label = __('Width (px)', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbb', $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => __('Speed up your workflow by setting a default height to apply to your spacers. Note that you can also enter negative spacing to shift the following content upwards.', 'motech-spacer'), //description of the field (optional) "placeholder" => __('eg: 5', 'spacer-layout-aid'), "default" => '' //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet ) ); //add a select input field $field_slug = "default_border_bottom_style"; $field_label = __('Style', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; $object->unit_options = array( array("label" => "Solid", "value" => "solid"), array("label" => "Dotted", "value" => "dotted"), array("label" => "Dashed", "value" => "dashed"), array("label" => "Double", "value" => "double"), array("label" => "Groove", "value" => "groove"), array("label" => "Inset", "value" => "inset"), array("label" => "Outset", "value" => "outset"), ); register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po_solid')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_select_input'), //callback function for select input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbb', $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends select field id to callback "default" => 'solid', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this field value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "meta" => 'style="max-width:450px;"', "select_options" => $object->unit_options //sets select option data ) ); //add color picker text input field $field_slug = "default_border_bottom_color"; $field_label = __('Color', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbb', $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => 'Choose a background color to appear behind your custom image. If left empty, default background color will be used', //description of the field (optional) "default" => '', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "class" => "motech-color-field" //designate this as color field. remember to uncomment js enqueue in class construct ) ); //add text input field $field_slug = "default_bottom_margin"; $field_label = __('Bottom Margin (px)', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidother', $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => __('Speed up your workflow by setting a default height to apply to your spacers. Note that you can also enter negative spacing to shift the following content upwards.', 'motech-spacer'), //description of the field (optional) "placeholder" => __('eg: 5', 'spacer-layout-aid'), "default" => '' //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet ) ); //add a select input field $field_slug = "default_shadow"; $field_label = __('Shadow', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; $object->unit_options = array( array("label" => "None", "value" => "none"), array("label" => "Light", "value" => "light"), array("label" => "Medium", "value" => "medium"), array("label" => "Heavy", "value" => "heavy") ); register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po_none')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_select_input'), //callback function for select input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidother', $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends select field id to callback "default" => 'solid', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this field value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "meta" => 'style="max-width:450px;"', "select_options" => $object->unit_options //sets select option data ) ); //BEGIN ADD SPACER LAYOUT FIELDS $key_array = $object->key_array; foreach($key_array as $key=>$value){ add_settings_section( $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', __('', 'spacer-layout-aid'), false, $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbg_addspacer'.$key ); add_settings_section( $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', __('', 'spacer-layout-aid'), false, $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidtb_addspacer'.$key ); add_settings_section( $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', __('', 'spacer-layout-aid'), false, $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbb_addspacer'.$key ); add_settings_section( $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', __('', 'spacer-layout-aid'), false, $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidother_addspacer'.$key ); //add color picker text input field $field_slug = "default_bg_color_addspacers"; $field_label = __('Color', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input_array'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbg_addspacer'.$key, $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => 'Choose a background color to appear behind your custom image. If left empty, default background color will be used', //description of the field (optional) "default" => '', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "key" => $key, "class" => "motech-color-field" //designate this as color field. remember to uncomment js enqueue in class construct ) ); //add image upload field $field_slug = "default_background_image_upload_addspacers"; $field_label = "Image"; $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, // ID of the option $field_label, // Title of the option array($object, 'create_image_upload_array'), // Callback used to render the input field $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbg_addspacer'.$key, // Page to associate this option with $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', // Section to associate this option with array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback "key" => $key ) ); //add an image select input field $field_slug = "custom_background_image_position_addspacers"; $field_label = "Image Position"; $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; $object->back_options = array( array("label" => "Repeat", "value" => "repeat"), array("label" => "Proportional Stretch", "value" => "propstretch"), array("label" => "Proportional Repeat", "value" => "proprepeat"), array("label" => "Crop to Fit", "value" => "croptofit"), array("label" => "Stretch", "value" => "stretch") ); register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po_repeat')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_select_input_array'), //callback function for select input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbg_addspacer'.$key, $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends select field id to callback "default" => 'repeat', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this field value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "key" => $key, "select_options" => $object->back_options //sets select option data ) ); //add text input field $field_slug = "default_border_top_width_addspacers"; $field_label = __('Width (px)', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input_array'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidtb_addspacer'.$key, $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => __('Speed up your workflow by setting a default height to apply to your spacers. Note that you can also enter negative spacing to shift the following content upwards.', 'motech-spacer'), //description of the field (optional) "placeholder" => __('eg: 5', 'spacer-layout-aid'), "key" => $key, "default" => '0' //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet ) ); //add a select input field $field_slug = "default_border_top_style_addspacers"; $field_label = __('Style', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; $object->unit_options = array( array("label" => "Solid", "value" => "solid"), array("label" => "Dotted", "value" => "dotted"), array("label" => "Dashed", "value" => "dashed"), array("label" => "Double", "value" => "double"), array("label" => "Groove", "value" => "groove"), array("label" => "Inset", "value" => "inset"), array("label" => "Outset", "value" => "outset"), ); register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po_solid')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_select_input_array'), //callback function for select input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidtb_addspacer'.$key, $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends select field id to callback "default" => 'solid', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this field value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "meta" => 'style="max-width:450px;"', "key" => $key, "select_options" => $object->unit_options //sets select option data ) ); //add color picker text input field $field_slug = "default_border_top_color_addspacers"; $field_label = __('Color', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input_array'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidtb_addspacer'.$key, $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => 'Choose a background color to appear behind your custom image. If left empty, default background color will be used', //description of the field (optional) "default" => '', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "key" => $key, "class" => "motech-color-field" //designate this as color field. remember to uncomment js enqueue in class construct ) ); //add text input field $field_slug = "default_border_bottom_width_addspacers"; $field_label = __('Width (px)', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input_array'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbb_addspacer'.$key, $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => __('Speed up your workflow by setting a default height to apply to your spacers. Note that you can also enter negative spacing to shift the following content upwards.', 'motech-spacer'), //description of the field (optional) "placeholder" => __('eg: 5', 'spacer-layout-aid'), "key" => $key, "default" => '0' //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet ) ); //add a select input field $field_slug = "default_border_bottom_style_addspacers"; $field_label = __('Style', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; $object->unit_options = array( array("label" => "Solid", "value" => "solid"), array("label" => "Dotted", "value" => "dotted"), array("label" => "Dashed", "value" => "dashed"), array("label" => "Double", "value" => "double"), array("label" => "Groove", "value" => "groove"), array("label" => "Inset", "value" => "inset"), array("label" => "Outset", "value" => "outset"), ); register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po_solid')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_select_input_array'), //callback function for select input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbb_addspacer'.$key, $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends select field id to callback "default" => 'solid', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this field value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "meta" => 'style="max-width:450px;"', "key" => $key, "select_options" => $object->unit_options //sets select option data ) ); //add color picker text input field $field_slug = "default_border_bottom_color_addspacers"; $field_label = __('Color', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input_array'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidbb_addspacer'.$key, $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => 'Choose a background color to appear behind your custom image. If left empty, default background color will be used', //description of the field (optional) "default" => '', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "key" => $key, "class" => "motech-color-field" //designate this as color field. remember to uncomment js enqueue in class construct ) ); //add text input field $field_slug = "default_bottom_margin_addspacers"; $field_label = __('Bottom Margin (px)', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_text_input_array'), //callback function for text input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidother_addspacer'.$key, $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends field id to callback //"desc" => __('Speed up your workflow by setting a default height to apply to your spacers. Note that you can also enter negative spacing to shift the following content upwards.', 'motech-spacer'), //description of the field (optional) "placeholder" => __('eg: 5', 'spacer-layout-aid'), "key" => $key, "default" => '0' //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this option value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet ) ); //add a select input field $field_slug = "default_shadow_addspacers"; $field_label = __('Shadow', 'spacer-layout-aid'); $field_id = $object->plugin_slug.'_'.$field_slug; $object->unit_options = array( array("label" => "None", "value" => "none"), array("label" => "Light", "value" => "light"), array("label" => "Medium", "value" => "medium"), array("label" => "Heavy", "value" => "heavy") ); register_setting($object->plugin_slug.'_option_group', $field_id, array($object, 'po_none')); add_settings_field( $field_id, $field_label, array($object, 'create_a_select_input_array'), //callback function for select input $object->plugin_slug.'-setting-admin_layoutaidother_addspacer'.$key, $object->plugin_slug.'_setting_section', array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. "id" => $field_id, //sends select field id to callback "default" => 'solid', //sets the default field value (optional), when grabbing this field value later on remember to use get_option(option_name, default_value) so it will return default value if no value exists yet "meta" => 'style="max-width:450px;"', "key" => $key, "select_options" => $object->unit_options //sets select option data ) ); } } //add plugin action links logic function add_plugin_action_links( $links ) { return array_merge( array( 'settings' => '<a href="' . get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '/wp-admin/options-general.php?page='.$this->sva_plugin_slug.'-setting-admin">Settings</a>' ), $links ); } public function plugin_row_links($links, $file) { $plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__); if ($file == $plugin) // only for this plugin return array_merge( $links, array( '<a target="_blank" href="">' . __('Find me on LinkedIn' ) . '</a>' ), array( '<a target="_blank" href="">' . __('Follow me on Twitter') . '</a>' ) ); return $links; } } //end of plugin class $custom_plugin = new $sva_plugin_slug();
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