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<?php add_action('admin_menu', 'lp_add_admin_menu'); add_action('admin_init', 'lp_settings_init'); add_filter('the_content', 'lp_leadbox_add'); $api_url = ''; $ak = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/leadpages/api_key.php'; function set_api_key($key) { update_option('leadpages_private_api_key', $key); } function _plugin_get($i) { if (!function_exists('get_plugins')) { require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); } $plugin_folder = get_plugins('/leadpages'); return $plugin_folder['leadpages.php'][$i]; } function get_url_ver() { return '?lp-ver=' . _plugin_get('Version'); } if (file_exists($ak)) { require_once($ak); if (defined('PRIVATE_LEADPAGES_API_KEY')) { $old = get_api_key(); if ($old != PRIVATE_LEADPAGES_API_KEY) { set_api_key(PRIVATE_LEADPAGES_API_KEY); } } } $api_key = get_api_key(); if (defined('PRIVATE_LEADPAGES_API_URL')) { $api_url = PRIVATE_LEADPAGES_API_URL; $lb_api_url = str_replace('/api/', '/_ah/api', $api_url); $lb_api_url = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $lb_api_url); $lb_api_url = str_replace('', '', $lb_api_url); $lb_api_url = str_replace('', '', $lb_api_url); $api_url = $lb_api_url; } if ($api_key == false) { show_message(false, 'Missing LeadPages API key! Please deactivate and delete this plugin, re-download the plugin and install again or follow our <a href="" target="_blank">instructions</a>.'); return false; } function get_api_key() { return get_option('leadpages_private_api_key', false); } function lp_add_admin_menu() { $menu_icon = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'admin/img/leadboxes_sm.png'; add_menu_page('LeadBoxes', 'LeadBoxes', 'manage_options', 'leadboxes', 'leadboxes_options_page', $menu_icon); } function lp_settings_exist() { if (false == get_option('lp_settings')) { add_option('lp_settings'); } } /** * Check location against settings and adds LeadBox code if appropriate. * * @param $select_field * @param $lb_type * @return string */ function lb_add($select_field, $lb_type) { // Return the LB embed code if appropriate for where we are. $lb_settings = get_option('lp_settings'); $lb_id = $lb_settings[$select_field]; $content = ''; if ('x' != $lb_id) { $where = $lb_settings['leadboxes_' . $lb_type . '_display_radio']; if ('posts' == $where && !is_page(get_the_ID())) { $content .= lb_get_embed($lb_id, $lb_type); } elseif ('all' == $where) { $content .= lb_get_embed($lb_id, $lb_type); } } return $content; } /** * Get the API path for the specified LeadPages API. * * @param $api_path * @return string */ function lb_api_url($api_path) { global $api_url; $lb_api_url = str_replace('/api/', '/_ah/api', $api_url); $html_api_url = $lb_api_url . '/leadpages/v1.0/' . $api_path; return $html_api_url; } /** * Get the LeadBox HTML API path * * @return string */ function lb_html_api_url() { return lb_api_url('leadbox/html'); } /** * Get embed code for given LeadBox $lb_id of type $lb_type * * @param $lb_id * @param $lb_type * @return string */ function lb_get_embed($lb_id, $lb_type) { $args = array( 'timeout' => '5' ); if ($lb_id && $lb_id != 'x') { $timed_url = lb_html_api_url() . '?id=' . $lb_id . '&api_key=' . get_api_key() . '&lb_type=' . $lb_type; $response = wp_remote_get($timed_url, $args); $error_text = "<div class='error'>There was an issue loading your " . $lb_type . " LeadBox™. Please check plugin settings.</div>"; if (is_wp_error($response)) { return $error_text; } else { try { $lb_response = json_decode($response['body']); if (property_exists($lb_response, 'html')) { return $lb_response->html; } else { return $error_text; } } catch (Exception $ex) { return $error_text; } } } return ''; } /** * Filter added to add LeadBoxes to the page content. * * @param $content * @return string */ function lp_leadbox_add($content) { // The lines below are some ideas for future enhancement - // more flexibility in where the LBs are shown. // $lb_ignore_pages = get_option ( 'lb_ignore_pages' ); // if ( is_array( $lb_ignore_pages ) && in_array( get_the_ID(), $lb_ignore_pages ) ) // return $content; // if ( is_home() && get_option( 'lb_omit_home' ) == 1 ) // return $content; // if ( is_front_page() && get_option( 'lb_omit_front' ) == 1 ) // return $content; // if ( is_category() && get_option( 'lb_omit_cat' ) == 1 ) // return $content; // if ( is_tag() && get_option( 'lb_omit_tag' ) == 1 ) // return $content; // if ( is_date() && get_option( 'lb_omit_date' ) == 1 ) // return $content; $content .= lb_add('lp_select_field_0', 'timed'); $content .= lb_add('lp_select_field_2', 'exit'); return $content; } function lp_settings_init() { register_setting('pluginPage', 'lp_settings'); add_settings_section( 'lp_timed_section', __('Timed LeadBox™ Popup Configuration', 'wordpress'), 'lp_settings_section_callback', 'pluginPage' ); add_settings_field( 'lp_select_timed_leadbox_0', __('Choose LeadBox™', 'wordpress'), 'lp_select_field_0_render', 'pluginPage', 'lp_timed_section' ); add_settings_field( 'leadboxes_timed_display_radio', __('Show LeadBox™ On', 'wordpress'), 'lp_timed_radio_render', 'pluginPage', 'lp_timed_section' ); add_settings_section( 'lp_exit_section', __('Exit LeadBox™ Configuration', 'wordpress'), 'lp_settings_section_callback', 'pluginPage' ); add_settings_field( 'lp_select_exit_leadbox_0', __('Choose LeadBox™', 'wordpress'), 'lp_select_field_2_render', 'pluginPage', 'lp_exit_section' ); add_settings_field( 'leadboxes_exit_display_radio', __('Show LeadBox™ On', 'wordpress'), 'lp_exit_radio_render', 'pluginPage', 'lp_exit_section' ); } function lp_select_field_0_render() { ?> <select name='lp_settings[lp_select_field_0]' id='select_timed' title="Timed LeadBox"> <option value="x">None</option> </select> <?php } function lp_timed_radio_render() { $options = get_option('lp_settings'); if (!is_array($options)) { $timed_display = 'all'; } elseif (array_key_exists('leadboxes_timed_display_radio', $options)) { $timed_display = $options['leadboxes_timed_display_radio']; } else { $timed_display = 'all'; } ?> <input type='radio' id="timed_radio_all" name='lp_settings[leadboxes_timed_display_radio]' <?php checked('all', $timed_display); ?> value='all'> <label for="timed_radio_all">Every WordPress page, including homepage, 404 and posts</label> <br/> <input type='radio' id="timed_radio_posts" name='lp_settings[leadboxes_timed_display_radio]' <?php checked('posts', $timed_display); ?> value='posts'> <label for="timed_radio_posts">Only on posts</label> <?php } function lp_select_field_2_render() { ?> <select name='lp_settings[lp_select_field_2]' id='select_exit' title="Exit LeadBox"> <option value="x">None</option> </select> <?php } function lp_exit_radio_render() { $options = get_option('lp_settings'); if (!is_array($options)) { $exit_display = 'all'; } elseif (array_key_exists('leadboxes_exit_display_radio', $options)) { $exit_display = $options['leadboxes_exit_display_radio']; } else { $exit_display = 'all'; } ?> <input type='radio' id="exit_radio_all" name='lp_settings[leadboxes_exit_display_radio]' <?php checked('all', $exit_display); ?> value='all'> <label for="exit_radio_all">Every WordPress page, including homepage, 404 and posts</label> <br/> <input type='radio' id="exit_radio_posts" name='lp_settings[leadboxes_exit_display_radio]' <?php checked('posts', $exit_display); ?> value='posts'> <label for="exit_radio_posts">Only on posts</label> <?php } function lp_settings_section_callback($sec) { echo '<div id=' . $sec['id'] . '></div>'; if ($sec['id'] === 'lp_exit_section') { echo '<p>All your LeadBoxes® are listed below. Any LeadBoxes® without Exit configuration will default to display every time a user visits your page. <a href="">Go to our application</a> to use your own settings.</p>'; } else { echo '<p>All your LeadBoxes® with Timed configuration are listed below. <a href="">Go to our application</a> to save or edit Timed settings for your LeadBoxes®.</p>'; } } function leadboxes_options_page() { $v = get_url_ver(); $admin_url = LEADPAGES_ABS_URL . 'admin/'; global $api_url; $lb_api_url = str_replace('/api/', '/_ah/api', $api_url); wp_register_script('lb_options', $admin_url . 'js/leadbox-settings.js' . $v, array('leadpages_jquery')); wp_enqueue_script('lb_options'); wp_register_script('leadpages_jquery', $admin_url . 'js/jquery_leadpages.js' . $v); wp_register_script('leadpages_bootstrap', $admin_url . 'js/twitter_bootstrap_leadpages.js' . $v, array('leadpages_jquery')); wp_register_style('leadpages_bootstrap', $admin_url . 'css/twitter_bootstrap_leadpages.css' . $v); wp_register_style('leadpages_admin', $admin_url . 'css/admin_leadpages.css' . $v); wp_enqueue_script('leadpages_jquery'); wp_enqueue_script('leadpages_bootstrap'); wp_enqueue_style('leadpages_bootstrap'); wp_enqueue_style('leadpages_admin'); ?> <!--suppress HtmlUnknownTarget --> <form action='options.php' method='post'> <h2>Configure LeadBoxes®</h2> <p>Here you can setup timed and exit LeadBoxes®. If you want to place a LeadBox™ via link, button, or image to any page, you need to copy and paste the HTML code you'll find in the LeadBox™ publish interface inside the LeadPages™ application.</p> <div id="leadbox-loading" style="width: 20%">Loading <div class="spinner"></div> </div> <div id="leadbox-options"> <?php $options = get_option('lp_settings'); $selected_timed = $options['lp_select_field_0']; $selected_exit = $options['lp_select_field_2']; settings_fields('pluginPage'); do_settings_sections('pluginPage'); submit_button(); ?> </div> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> var selected_timed = "<?php echo $selected_timed ?>"; var selected_exit = "<?php echo $selected_exit ?>"; var api_key = "<?php echo get_api_key() ?>"; var API_URL = "<?php echo $lb_api_url ?>"; jQuery('#leadbox-loading').find('.spinner').show(); jQuery('#leadbox-options').hide(); </script> <?php } ?>
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