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<?php /** * TablePress Table Export Class * * @package TablePress * @subpackage Export/Import * @author Tobias Bäthge * @since 1.0.0 */ // Prohibit direct script loading. defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die( 'No direct script access allowed!' ); /** * TablePress Table Export Class * * @package TablePress * @subpackage Export/Import * @author Tobias Bäthge * @since 1.0.0 */ class TablePress_Export { /** * File/Data Formats that are available for the export. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var array<string, string> */ public array $export_formats = array(); /** * Delimiters for the CSV export. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var array<string, string> */ public array $csv_delimiters = array(); /** * Whether ZIP archive support is available in the PHP installation on the server. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public bool $zip_support_available = false; /** * Initialize the Export class. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function __construct() { // Initiate here, because function call not possible outside a class method. $this->export_formats = array( 'csv' => __( 'CSV - Character-Separated Values', 'tablepress' ), 'html' => __( 'HTML - Hypertext Markup Language', 'tablepress' ), 'json' => __( 'JSON - JavaScript Object Notation', 'tablepress' ), ); $this->csv_delimiters = array( ';' => __( '; (semicolon)', 'tablepress' ), ',' => __( ', (comma)', 'tablepress' ), 'tab' => __( '\t (tabulator)', 'tablepress' ), ); if ( class_exists( 'ZipArchive', false ) ) { $this->zip_support_available = true; } } /** * Export a table. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array<string, mixed> $table Table to be exported. * @param string $export_format Format for the export ('csv', 'html', 'json'). * @param string $csv_delimiter Delimiter for CSV export. * @return string Exported table (only data for CSV and HTML, full tables (including options) for JSON). */ public function export_table( array $table, string $export_format, string $csv_delimiter ): string { switch ( $export_format ) { case 'csv': $output = ''; if ( 'tab' === $csv_delimiter ) { $csv_delimiter = "\t"; } foreach ( $table['data'] as $row_idx => $row ) { $csv_row = array(); foreach ( $row as $column_idx => $cell_content ) { $csv_row[] = $this->csv_wrap_and_escape( $cell_content, $csv_delimiter ); } $output .= implode( $csv_delimiter, $csv_row ); $output .= "\n"; } break; case 'html': $num_rows = count( $table['data'] ); $last_row_idx = $num_rows - 1; $thead = ''; $tfoot = ''; $tbody = array(); foreach ( $table['data'] as $row_idx => $row ) { // Table head rows, but only if there's at least one additional row. if ( $row_idx < $table['options']['table_head'] && $num_rows > $table['options']['table_head'] ) { $thead = $this->html_render_row( $row, 'th' ); continue; } // Table foot rows, but only if there's at least one additional row. if ( $row_idx > $last_row_idx - $table['options']['table_foot'] && $num_rows > $table['options']['table_foot'] ) { $tfoot = $this->html_render_row( $row, 'th' ); continue; } // Neither first nor last row (with respective head/foot enabled), so render as body row. $tbody[] = $this->html_render_row( $row, 'td' ); } // <thead>, <tfoot>, and <tbody> tags. if ( ! empty( $thead ) ) { $thead = "\t<thead>\n{$thead}\t</thead>\n"; } if ( ! empty( $tfoot ) ) { $tfoot = "\t<tfoot>\n{$tfoot}\t</tfoot>\n"; } $tbody = "\t<tbody>\n" . implode( '', $tbody ) . "\t</tbody>\n"; $output = "<table>\n" . $thead . $tfoot . $tbody . "</table>\n"; break; case 'json': $output = wp_json_encode( $table, TABLEPRESS_JSON_OPTIONS ); if ( false === $output ) { $output = ''; } break; default: $output = ''; } return $output; } /** * Wrap and escape a cell for CSV export. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $cell_content Content of a cell. * @param string $delimiter CSV delimiter character. * @return string Wrapped string for CSV export. */ protected function csv_wrap_and_escape( string $cell_content, string $delimiter ): string { // Return early if the cell is empty. No escaping or wrapping is needed then. if ( '' === $cell_content ) { return $cell_content; } // Escape potentially dangerous functions that could be used for CSV injection attacks in external spreadsheet software. $active_content_triggers = array( '=', '+', '-', '@' ); if ( in_array( $cell_content[0], $active_content_triggers, true ) ) { $functions_to_escape = array( 'cmd|', 'rundll32', 'DDE(', 'IMPORTXML(', 'IMPORTFEED(', 'IMPORTHTML(', 'IMPORTRANGE(', 'IMPORTDATA(', 'IMAGE(', 'HYPERLINK(', 'WEBSERVICE(', ); foreach ( $functions_to_escape as $function ) { if ( false !== stripos( $cell_content, $function ) ) { $cell_content = "'" . $cell_content; // Prepend a ' to indicate that the cell format is a text string. break; } } } // Escape CSV delimiter for RegExp (e.g. '|'). $delimiter = preg_quote( $delimiter, '#' ); if ( 1 === preg_match( '#' . $delimiter . '|"|\n|\r#i', $cell_content ) || str_starts_with( $cell_content, ' ' ) || str_ends_with( $cell_content, ' ' ) ) { // Escape single " as double "". $cell_content = str_replace( '"', '""', $cell_content ); // Wrap string in "". $cell_content = '"' . $cell_content . '"'; } return $cell_content; } /** * Generate the HTML of a row. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string[] $row Cells of the row to be rendered. * @param string $tag HTML tag to use for the cells (td or th). * @return string HTML code for the row. */ protected function html_render_row( array $row, string $tag ): string { $output = "\t\t<tr>\n"; array_walk( $row, array( $this, 'html_wrap_and_escape' ), $tag ); $output .= implode( '', $row ); $output .= "\t\t</tr>\n"; return $output; } /** * Wrap and escape a cell for HTML export. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $cell_content Content of a cell. * @param int $column_idx Column index, or -1 if omitted. Unused, but defined to be able to use function as callback in array_walk(). * @param string $html_tag HTML tag that shall be used for the cell. */ protected function html_wrap_and_escape( string &$cell_content, int $column_idx, string $html_tag ): void { /* * Replace any & with & that is not already an encoded entity (from function htmlentities2 in WP 2.8). * A complete htmlentities2() or htmlspecialchars() would encode <HTML> tags, which we don't want. */ $cell_content = (string) preg_replace( '/&(?![A-Za-z]{0,4}\w{2,3};|#[0-9]{2,4};)/', '&', $cell_content ); $cell_content = "\t\t\t<{$html_tag}>{$cell_content}</{$html_tag}>\n"; } } // class TablePress_Export
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