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( function() { /** globals ajaxurl, wp, frmDom */ if ( 'undefined' === typeof ajaxurl || 'undefined' === typeof wp || 'undefined' === typeof frmDom ) { return; } const { __, sprintf } = wp.i18n; const { div, tag, svg } = frmDom; const { maybeCreateModal, footerButton } = frmDom.modal; let autoId = 0; let modal; const state = { type: 'form', objectId: 0, objectKey: '' }; initEmbedModal(); function initEmbedModal() { document.addEventListener( 'click', listenForEmbedClick ); } function listenForEmbedClick( event ) { let clicked = false; const element =; const tag = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); switch ( tag ) { case 'a': clicked = 'frm-embed-action' === || element.classList.contains( 'frm-embed-form' ); if ( clicked ) { state.type = 'form'; } else { clicked = element.classList.contains( 'frm-embed-view' ); if ( clicked ) { state.type = 'view'; } } break; case 'svg': case 'use': clicked = null !== element.closest( '.frm-embed-form' ); if ( clicked ) { state.type = 'form'; } break; } if ( clicked ) { event.preventDefault(); const hookName = 'frm_before_embed_modal'; const initialIds = [ 0, 0 ]; const hookArgs = { element, type: state.type }; const [ objectId, objectKey ] = wp.hooks.applyFilters( hookName, initialIds, hookArgs ); if ( objectId && objectKey ) { state.objectId = objectId; state.objectKey = objectKey; openEmbedModal(); } } } function openEmbedModal() { /* translators: %s type: ie form, view. */ const title = sprintf( __( 'Embed %s', 'formidable' ), getTypeDescription() ); modal = maybeCreateModal( 'frm_embed_modal', { title, content: getModalOptions(), footer: getModalFooter() } ); modal.classList.add( 'frm_common_modal' ); modal.classList.remove( 'frm-on-page-2' ); const $modal = jQuery( modal ); offsetModalY( $modal, '50px' ); $modal.parent().addClass( 'frm-embed-modal-wrapper' ); } function getModalFooter() { const doneButton = footerButton({ text: __( 'Done', 'formidable' ), buttonType: 'primary' }); const cancelButton = footerButton({ text: __( 'Back', 'formidable' ), buttonType: 'cancel' }); cancelButton.addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); openEmbedModal(); } ); return div({ children: [ doneButton, cancelButton ] }); } function offsetModalY( $modal, amount ) { const position = { my: 'top', at: 'top+' + amount, of: window }; $modal.dialog( 'option', 'position', position ); } function getModalOptions() { const content = div({ className: 'frm-embed-modal-content frm_wrap' }); const typeDescription = getTypeDescription(); /* translators: %s type: ie form, view. */ const existingPageDescription = sprintf( __( 'Embed your %s into an existing page.', 'formidable' ), typeDescription ); /* translators: %s type: ie form, view. */ const newPageDescription = sprintf( __( 'Put your %s on a newly created page.', 'formidable' ), typeDescription ); /* translators: %s type: ie form, view. */ const insertManuallyDescription = sprintf( __( 'Use shortcodes or PHP code to put the %s anywhere.', 'formidable' ), typeDescription ); const options = [ { icon: '#frm_file_icon', label: __( 'Select existing page', 'formidable' ), description: existingPageDescription, callback: () => { content.innerHTML = ''; const spinner = tag( 'span' ); spinner.className = 'frm-wait frm_spinner'; = 'visible'; content.appendChild( spinner ); const gap = div(); = '20px'; content.appendChild( gap ); content.classList.add( 'frm-loading-page-options' ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'get_page_dropdown', nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, dataType: 'json', success: addExistingPageDropdown }); function addExistingPageDropdown( response ) { if ( 'object' !== typeof response || 'string' !== typeof response.html ) { return; } content.classList.remove( 'frm-loading-page-options' ); content.innerHTML = ''; const typeDescription = getTypeDescription(); /* translators: %s: type (ie. view, form). */ const titleText = sprintf( __( 'Select the page you want to embed your %s into.', 'formidable' ), typeDescription ); const title = getLabel( titleText ); title.setAttribute( 'for', 'frm_page_dropdown' ); content.appendChild( title ); let editPageUrl; doneButton = modal.querySelector( '.frm_modal_footer .button-primary' ); doneButton.classList.remove( 'dismiss' ); /* translators: %s: type (ie. view, form). */ doneButton.textContent = sprintf( __( 'Insert %s', 'formidable' ), typeDescription ); doneButton.addEventListener( 'click', redirectToExistingPageWithInjectedShortcode ); const dropdownWrapper = div(); dropdownWrapper.innerHTML = response.html; content.appendChild( dropdownWrapper ); if ( 'form' === state.type ) { editPageUrl = response.edit_page_url + '&frmForm=' + state.objectId; } else { const hookName = 'frm_embed_edit_page_url'; const hookArgs = { objectId: state.objectId, type: state.type }; editPageUrl = wp.hooks.applyFilters( hookName, response.edit_page_url, hookArgs ); } frmDom.autocomplete.initAutocomplete( 'page', dropdownWrapper ); // Prevent cutoff issue with the autocomplete dropdown. // This also adds visible overflow even if autocomplete is not activated, but that's fine for this page. modal.querySelector( '.postbox' ).style.overflow = 'visible'; function redirectToExistingPageWithInjectedShortcode( event ) { event.preventDefault(); const pageDropdown = modal.querySelector( '[name="frm_page_dropdown"]' ); modal.querySelectorAll( '.frm_error_style' ).forEach( error => error.remove() ); const pageId = pageDropdown.value; if ( '0' === pageId || '' === pageId ) { const error = div({ className: 'frm_error_style' }); error.setAttribute( 'role', 'alert' ); error.textContent = __( 'Please select a page', 'formidable' ); content.insertBefore( error, title.nextElementSibling ); return; } window.location.href = editPageUrl.replace( 'post=0', 'post=' + pageId ); } } } }, { icon: '#frm_plus_icon', label: __( 'Create new page', 'formidable' ), description: newPageDescription, callback: () => { content.innerHTML = ''; const wrapper = div({ className: 'field-group' }); const form = tag( 'form' ); const createPageWithShortcode = () => { const hookName = 'frm_create_page_with_shortcode_data'; const data = wp.hooks.applyFilters( hookName, { action: 'frm_create_page_with_shortcode', object_id: state.objectId, type: state.type, name: input.value, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce } ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data, dataType: 'json', success: function( response ) { if ( 'object' === typeof response && 'string' === typeof response.redirect ) { window.location.href = response.redirect; } } }); }; form.addEventListener( 'submit', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); createPageWithShortcode(); return false; }, true ); const title = getLabel( __( 'What will you call the new page?', 'formidable' ) ); title.setAttribute( 'for', 'frm_name_your_page' ); form.appendChild( title ); const input = tag( 'input' ); = 'frm_name_your_page'; input.placeholder = __( 'Name your page', 'formidable' ); form.appendChild( input ); wrapper.appendChild( form ); content.appendChild( wrapper ); input.type = 'text'; input.focus(); doneButton = modal.querySelector( '.frm_modal_footer .button-primary' ); doneButton.textContent = __( 'Create page', 'formidable' ); doneButton.addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); createPageWithShortcode(); } ); } }, { icon: '#frm_code_icon', label: __( 'Insert manually', 'formidable' ), description: insertManuallyDescription, callback: () => { content.innerHTML = ''; if ( 'form' === state.type ) { getEmbedFormManualExamples().forEach( example => content.appendChild( getEmbedExample( example ) ) ); } else { const hookName = 'frm_embed_examples'; const hookArgs = { type: state.type, objectId: state.objectId, objectKey: state.objectKey }; wp.hooks.applyFilters( hookName, [], hookArgs ).forEach( example => content.appendChild( getEmbedExample( example ) ) ); } } } ]; options.forEach( option => content.appendChild( getModalOption( option ) ) ); return content; } function getTypeDescription() { switch ( state.type ) { case 'view': return __( 'view', 'formidable' ); case 'form': default: return __( 'form', 'formidable' ); } } function getModalOption({ icon, label, description, callback }) { const output = div(); output.appendChild( wrapModalOptionIcon( icon ) ); output.className = 'frm-embed-modal-option'; output.setAttribute( 'tabindex', 0 ); output.setAttribute( 'role', 'button' ); const textWrapper = div(); textWrapper.appendChild( getLabel( label ) ); textWrapper.appendChild( div( description ) ); output.appendChild( textWrapper ); output.appendChild( div({ className: 'caret' }) ); output.addEventListener( 'click', function() { modal.classList.add( 'frm-on-page-2' ); callback(); } ); return output; } function wrapModalOptionIcon( iconHref ) { return div({ className: 'frm-icon-wrapper', child: svg({ href: iconHref }) }); } function getEmbedFormManualExamples() { const formId = state.objectId; const formKey = state.objectKey; let examples = [ { label: __( 'WordPress shortcode', 'formidable' ), example: '[formidable id=' + formId + ']', link: '', linkLabel: __( 'How to use shortcodes in WordPress', 'formidable' ) }, { label: __( 'Use PHP code', 'formidable' ), example: '<?php echo FrmFormsController::get_form_shortcode( array( \'id\' => ' + formId + ' ) ); ?>' } ]; const filterArgs = { formId, formKey }; examples = wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'frmEmbedFormExamples', examples, filterArgs ); return examples; } function getEmbedExample({ label, example, link, linkLabel }) { let unique, element, labelElement, exampleElement, linkElement; unique = getAutoId(); element = div(); labelElement = getLabel( label ); = 'frm_embed_example_label_' + unique; element.appendChild( labelElement ); if ( example.length > 80 ) { exampleElement = tag( 'textarea' ); } else { exampleElement = tag( 'input' ); exampleElement.type = 'text'; } = 'frm_embed_example_' + unique; exampleElement.className = 'frm_embed_example'; exampleElement.value = example; exampleElement.readOnly = true; exampleElement.setAttribute( 'tabindex', -1 ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof link && 'undefined' !== typeof linkLabel ) { linkElement = tag( 'a' ); linkElement.href = link; linkElement.textContent = linkLabel; linkElement.setAttribute( 'target', '_blank' ); element.appendChild( linkElement ); } element.appendChild( exampleElement ); element.appendChild( getCopyIcon( label ) ); return element; } function getLabel( text ) { const args = { text }; return tag( 'label', args ); } function getCopyIcon( label ) { const icon = svg({ href: '#frm_clone_icon' }); = 'frm_copy_embed_' + getAutoId(); icon.setAttribute( 'tabindex', 0 ); icon.setAttribute( 'role', 'button' ); /* translators: %s: Example type (ie. WordPress shortcode, API Form script) */ icon.setAttribute( 'aria-label', sprintf( __( 'Copy %s', 'formidable' ), label ) ); icon.addEventListener( 'click', () => copyExampleToClipboard( icon.parentNode.querySelector( '.frm_embed_example' ) ) ); return icon; } function copyExampleToClipboard( example ) { if ( navigator.clipboard ) { navigator.clipboard.writeText( example.value ).then( handleCopySuccess ); return; } let copySuccess; example.focus();; example.setSelectionRange( 0, 99999 ); try { copySuccess = document.execCommand( 'copy' ); } catch ( error ) { copySuccess = false; } if ( copySuccess ) { handleCopySuccess(); } return copySuccess; } function handleCopySuccess() { speak( __( 'Successfully copied embed example', 'formidable' ) ); } function speak( message ) { const element = document.createElement( 'div' ); const id = 'speak-' + getAutoId(); element.setAttribute( 'aria-live', 'assertive' ); element.setAttribute( 'id', id ); element.className = 'frm_screen_reader frm_hidden'; element.textContent = message; document.body.appendChild( element ); setTimeout( () => document.body.removeChild( element ), 1000 ); } /** * Get a unique id that automatically increments with every function call. * Can be used for any UI that requires a unique id. * Not to be used in data. * * @returns {integer} */ function getAutoId() { return ++autoId; } }() );
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