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( function() { /** globals ajaxurl, wp, frmDom, frmApplicationsVars */ if ( 'undefined' === typeof ajaxurl || 'undefined' === typeof wp || 'undefined' === typeof frmDom ) { return; } const { __, sprintf } = wp.i18n; const { tag, div, span, a, svg, img } = frmDom; const { maybeCreateModal, footerButton } = frmDom.modal; const { newSearchInput } =; const { doJsonFetch } = frmDom.ajax; const { onClickPreventDefault } = frmDom.util; const container = document.getElementById( 'frm_applications_container' ); if ( ! container ) { return; } const state = { categories: false, templates: false, filteredCategory: false }; const elements = { noTemplateSearchResultsPlaceholder: false, templatesGrid: false, activeCategoryAnchor: false, viewApplicationModal: false }; wp.hooks.addFilter( 'frm_application_card', 'formidable', handleCardHook ); wp.hooks.addFilter( 'frm_application_card_item_count', 'formidable', filterItemCount ); initialize(); function initialize() { wp.hooks.addAction( 'frm_application_render_templates', 'formidable', getUrlParamsAndMaybeOpenTemplateModal ); getApplicationDataAndLoadPage(); } function getUrlParamsAndMaybeOpenTemplateModal( _, { data } = {}) { const url = new URL( window.location.href ); const urlParams = url.searchParams; if ( ! urlParams.get( 'triggerViewApplicationModal' ) ) { return; } const templateKey = urlParams.get( 'template' ); if ( ! templateKey ) { return; } const template = data.templates.find( template => templateKey === template.key ); if ( template ) { openViewApplicationModal( template ); } } function getApplicationDataAndLoadPage() { doJsonFetch( 'get_applications_data' ).then( handleApplicationsDataResponse ); } function handleApplicationsDataResponse( data ) { state.categories = data.categories; state.templates = data.templates; container.innerHTML = ''; const contentWrapper = div({ className: 'frm-applications-index-content' }); container.appendChild( contentWrapper ); const customTemplatesNav = getCustomTemplatesNav(); contentWrapper.appendChild( customTemplatesNav ); renderFormidableTemplates( contentWrapper, data.templates ); const hookName = 'frm_application_render_templates'; const args = { data, customTemplatesNav }; wp.hooks.doAction( hookName, contentWrapper, args ); if ( ! contentWrapper.querySelector( '#frm_custom_applications_grid' ) && ! contentWrapper.querySelector( '#frm_no_applications_placeholder' ) ) { addCustomApplicationsPlaceholder( customTemplatesNav ); } } function getCustomTemplatesNav() { return div({ className: 'frm-application-templates-nav wrap', children: [ tag( 'h2', { child: span( __( 'My Applications', 'formidable' ) ), className: 'frm-h2' } ) ] }); } function addCustomApplicationsPlaceholder( customTemplatesNav ) { const placeholder = div({ id: 'frm_custom_applications_placeholder', className: 'frm_placeholder_block', child: div({ child: img({ src: getUrlToApplicationsImages() + 'custom-applications.svg' }) }) }); placeholder.appendChild( div({ children: [ img({ src: getUrlToApplicationsImages() + 'folder.svg' }), tag( 'h3', __( 'Improve your workflow with applications', 'formidable' ) ), div( __( 'Applications help to organize your workspace by combining forms, Views, and pages into a full solution.', 'formidable' ) ), a({ className: 'button button-primary frm-button-primary', text: __( 'Upgrade to Pro', 'formidable' ), href: frmApplicationsVars.proUpgradeUrl }) ] }) ); customTemplatesNav.parentNode.insertBefore( placeholder, customTemplatesNav.nextElementSibling ); } function getUrlToApplicationsImages() { return frmGlobal.url + '/images/applications/'; } function renderFormidableTemplates( contentWrapper, templates ) { elements.templatesGrid = div({ id: 'frm_application_templates_grid', className: 'frm_grid_container frm-application-cards-grid' }); addTemplatesToGrid( templates ); contentWrapper.appendChild( getTemplatesNav() ); contentWrapper.appendChild( elements.templatesGrid ); } function addTemplatesToGrid( templates ) { templates.forEach( application => elements.templatesGrid.appendChild( createApplicationCard( application ) ) ); maybeTriggerSearch(); } function maybeTriggerSearch() { const searchInput = document.getElementById( 'frm-application-search' ); if ( searchInput && '' !== searchInput.value ) { const eventArgs = { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }; const event = new Event( 'input', eventArgs ); searchInput.dispatchEvent( event ); } } function getTemplatesNav() { return div({ className: 'frm-application-templates-nav wrap', children: [ tag( 'h2', { text: __( 'Application Templates', 'formidable' ), className: 'frm-h2 frm-mb-md' } ), getCategoryOptions(), getTemplateSearch() ] }); } function getCategoryOptions() { if ( state.templates.length < 8 ) { // Do not show categories filters until there are at least 8 templates. return document.createTextNode( '' ); } const categories = [ getAllItemsCategory() ].concat( state.categories ); const wrapper = div({ id: 'frm_application_category_filter', className: 'subsubsub' }); categories.forEach( addCategoryToWrapper ); function addCategoryToWrapper( category, index ) { if ( 0 !== index ) { wrapper.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '|' ) ); } const anchor = a( category ); if ( 0 === index ) { anchor.classList.add( 'current' ); elements.activeCategoryAnchor = anchor; } onClickPreventDefault( anchor, () => { if ( false !== elements.activeCategoryAnchor ) { elements.activeCategoryAnchor.classList.remove( 'current' ); } handleCategorySelect( category ); anchor.classList.add( 'current' ); elements.activeCategoryAnchor = anchor; } ); wrapper.appendChild( anchor ); } return wrapper; } function getAllItemsCategory() { /* translators: %d: Number of application templates. */ return sprintf( __( 'All Items (%d)', 'formidable' ), state.templates.length ); } function handleCategorySelect( category ) { state.filteredCategory = category; Array.from( elements.templatesGrid.children ).forEach( child => child.classList.contains( 'frm-application-card' ) && child.remove() ); if ( getAllItemsCategory() === category ) { addTemplatesToGrid( state.templates ); return; } addTemplatesToGrid( state.templates.filter( template => -1 !== template.categories.indexOf( category ) ) ); } function getTemplateSearch() { const id = 'frm-application-search'; const placeholder = __( 'Search Templates', 'formidable' ); const targetClassName = 'frm-application-template-card'; const args = { handleSearchResult: handleTemplateSearch }; const wrappedInput = newSearchInput( id, placeholder, targetClassName, args ); return wrappedInput; } function handleTemplateSearch({ foundSomething, notEmptySearchText }) { if ( false === elements.noTemplateSearchResultsPlaceholder ) { elements.noTemplateSearchResultsPlaceholder = getNoResultsPlaceholder(); elements.templatesGrid.appendChild( elements.noTemplateSearchResultsPlaceholder ); } elements.noTemplateSearchResultsPlaceholder.classList.toggle( 'frm_hidden', ! notEmptySearchText || foundSomething ); } function getNoResultsPlaceholder() { return div( __( 'No application templates match your search query.', 'formidable' ) ); } function handleCardHook( _, args ) { return createApplicationCard( ); } function createApplicationCard( data ) { const isTemplate = ! data.termId; const card = div({ className: 'frm-application-card frm-card-item', children: [ getCardHeader(), div({ className: 'frm-flex' }) ] }); if ( isTemplate ) { card.classList.add( 'frm-application-template-card' ); card.classList.add( 'frm-locked-application-template' ); card.appendChild( tag( 'hr' ) ); card.appendChild( getCardContent() ); card.addEventListener( 'click', event => 'a' !== && card.querySelector( 'a' ).click() ); } const hookName = 'frm_application_index_card'; const args = { data }; wp.hooks.doAction( hookName, card, args ); function getCardHeader() { const titleWrapper = tag( 'h3', { children: [ svg({ href: '#frm_lock_icon' }), span({ className: 'frm-inner-text', text: }) ] } ); const header = div({ children: [ titleWrapper ] }); const templateControl = getUseThisTemplateControl( data ); if ( templateControl.classList.contains('frm-delete-application-trigger' ) ) { header.appendChild( templateControl ); } else { titleWrapper.appendChild( templateControl ); } if ( data.isNew ) { titleWrapper.appendChild( span({ className: 'frm-new-pill frm-meta-tag frm-fadein', text: __( 'NEW', 'formidable' ) }) ); } const counter = getItemCounter(); if ( false !== counter ) { header.appendChild( counter ); } return header; } function getItemCounter() { const hookName = 'frm_application_card_item_count'; const args = { data }; return wp.hooks.applyFilters( hookName, false, args ); } function getCardContent() { const thumbnailFolderUrl = getUrlToApplicationsImages() + 'thumbnails/'; const filenameToUse = data.hasLiteThumbnail ? data.key + ( data.isWebp ? '.webp' : '.png' ) : 'placeholder.svg'; return div({ className: 'frm-application-card-image-wrapper', child: img({ src: thumbnailFolderUrl + filenameToUse }) }); } return card; } function filterItemCount( counter, { data }) { const hasForms = 'undefined' !== typeof data.formCount && '0' !== data.formCount; const hasViews = 'undefined' !== typeof data.viewCount && '0' !== data.viewCount; const hasPages = 'undefined' !== typeof data.pageCount && '0' !== data.pageCount; if ( ! hasForms && ! hasViews && ! hasPages ) { return counter; } counter = div({ className: 'frm-application-item-count' }); if ( hasForms ) { addCount( data.formCount, __( 'Forms', 'formidable' ), __( 'Form', 'formidable' ) ); } if ( hasViews ) { addCount( data.viewCount, __( 'Views', 'formidable' ), __( 'View', 'formidable' ) ); } if ( hasPages ) { addCount( data.pageCount, __( 'Pages', 'formidable' ), __( 'Page', 'formidable' ) ); } function addCount( countValue, pluralDescriptor, singularDescriptor ) { if ( counter.children.length ) { counter.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' | ' ) ); } const descriptor = '1' === countValue ? singularDescriptor : pluralDescriptor; counter.appendChild( span( countValue + ' ' + descriptor ) ); } return counter; } function getUseThisTemplateControl( data ) { let control = a({ className: 'button frm-button-secondary frm-button-sm frm-fadein', text: __( 'Learn More', 'formidable' ) }); control.setAttribute( 'role', 'button' ); /* translators: %s: Application Template Name */ const ariaDescription = sprintf( __( '%s Template', 'formidable' ), ); control.setAttribute( 'aria-description', ariaDescription ); control.addEventListener( 'click', event => { if ( '#' === control.getAttribute( 'href' ) ) { event.preventDefault(); openViewApplicationModal( data ); } } ); const hookName = 'frm_application_card_control'; const args = { data }; control = wp.hooks.applyFilters( hookName, control, args ); return control; } function getUpgradeNowText() { return __( 'Upgrade Now', 'formidable' ); } function openViewApplicationModal( data ) { elements.viewApplicationModal = maybeCreateModal( 'frm_view_application_modal', { content: getViewApplicationModalContent( data ), footer: getViewApplicationModalFooter( data ) } ); elements.viewApplicationModal.querySelector( '.frm-modal-title' ).textContent =; elements.viewApplicationModal.classList.add( 'frm_common_modal' ); } function getViewApplicationModalContent( data ) { const children = []; if ( data.upgradeUrl ) { children.push( div({ className: 'frm_warning_style', children: [ span( /* translators: %s: The required license type (ie. Plus, Business, or Elite) */ sprintf( __( 'Access to this application requires the %s plan.', 'formidable' ), data.requires ) ), a({ text: getUpgradeNowText(), href: data.upgradeUrl }) ] }) ); } const placeholderImage = img({ src: getUrlToApplicationsImages() + 'placeholder.png' }); if ( placeholderImage.complete ) { setTimeout( maybeCenterViewApplicationModal, 0 ); } else { placeholderImage.addEventListener( 'load', maybeCenterViewApplicationModal ); } const detailsChildren = [ div({ className: 'frm-application-modal-label', text: __( 'Description', 'formidable' ) }), div( data.description ) ]; if ( data.usedAddons && data.usedAddons.length ) { detailsChildren.push( div({ className: 'frm-application-modal-label', text: __( 'Required Add-ons', 'formidable-pro' ) }), getBasicList( data.usedAddons ) ); } children.push( div({ className: 'frm-application-image-wrapper', child: placeholderImage }), div({ className: 'frm-application-modal-details', children: detailsChildren }) ); const output = div({ children }); const hookName = 'frm_view_application_modal_content'; const args = { data }; wp.hooks.doAction( hookName, output, args ); return output; } function getBasicList( data ) { return tag( 'ul', { className: 'frm-application-item-list', children: text => tag( 'li', text ) ) } ); } function maybeCenterViewApplicationModal() { if ( false !== elements.viewApplicationModal ) { centerModal( elements.viewApplicationModal ); } } function centerModal( modal ) { const position = { my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window }; jQuery( modal ).dialog({ position }); } function getViewApplicationModalFooter( data ) { const viewDemoSiteButton = footerButton({ text: __( 'Learn More', 'formidable' ), buttonType: 'secondary' }); viewDemoSiteButton.href =; = '_blank'; let primaryActionButton = footerButton({ text: getUpgradeNowText(), buttonType: 'primary' }); if ( data.upgradeUrl ) { primaryActionButton.classList.remove( 'dismiss' ); primaryActionButton.setAttribute( 'href', data.upgradeUrl ); } const hookName = 'frm_view_application_modal_primary_action_button'; const args = { data }; primaryActionButton = wp.hooks.applyFilters( hookName, primaryActionButton, args ); return div({ children: [ viewDemoSiteButton, primaryActionButton ] }); } }() );
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