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?> .frm_loading_form .frm_button_submit:hover, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_loading_form .frm_button_submit:active, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_loading_form .frm_button_submit:focus{ color: transparent <?php echo esc_html( $important ); ?>; background: <?php echo esc_html( $submit_bg_color . $important ); ?>; border-color: <?php echo esc_html( $submit_bg_color . $important ); ?>; } .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_loading_prev .frm_prev_page:before, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_loading_form .frm_button_submit:before { border-bottom-color: <?php echo esc_html( $submit_text_color . $important ); ?>; border-right-color: <?php echo esc_html( $submit_text_color . $important ); ?>; <?php if ( $submit_height !== 'auto' ) { ?> max-height:<?php echo esc_html( $submit_height ); ?>; <?php } ?> <?php if ( $submit_width !== 'auto' ) { ?> max-width:<?php echo esc_html( $submit_width ); ?>; <?php } ?> } <?php }//end if }//end if ?> .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?>.frm_inline_top .frm_submit::before, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_submit.frm_inline_submit::before { content:"before"; <?php if ( ! empty( $font ) ) { ?> font-family:<?php echo FrmAppHelper::kses( $font ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped ?>; <?php } ?> font-size:<?php echo esc_html( $font_size . $important ); ?>; color:<?php echo esc_html( $label_color . $important ); ?>; font-weight:<?php echo esc_html( $weight . $important ); ?>; margin:0; padding:<?php echo esc_html( $label_padding . $important ); ?>; width:auto; display:block; visibility:hidden; } .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?>.frm_inline_form .frm_submit input, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?>.frm_inline_form .frm_submit button, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_submit.frm_inline_submit input, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_submit.frm_inline_submit button { margin: 0 !important; } .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> #frm_field_cptch_number_container{ <?php if ( ! empty( $font ) ) { ?> font-family:<?php echo FrmAppHelper::kses( $font ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped ?>; <?php } ?> font-size:<?php echo esc_html( $font_size . $important ); ?>; color:<?php echo esc_html( $label_color . $important ); ?>; font-weight:<?php echo esc_html( $weight . $important ); ?>; clear:both; } .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field input[type=text], .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field input[type=password], .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field input[type=url], .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field input[type=tel], .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field input[type=number], .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field input[type=email], .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field textarea, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field .mce-edit-area iframe, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field select:not(.ui-datepicker-month):not(.ui-datepicker-year), .frm_form_fields_error_style, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field .frm-g-recaptcha iframe, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field .g-recaptcha iframe, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field .frm-card-element.StripeElement, <?php if ( $use_chosen_js ) { ?> .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field .chosen-container-multi .chosen-choices, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field .chosen-container-single .chosen-single, <?php } ?> .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_form_field :invalid { color:<?php echo esc_html( $text_color_error . $important ); ?>; background-color:<?php echo esc_html( $bg_color_error . $important ); ?>; border-color:<?php echo esc_html( $border_color_error . $important ); ?>; border-width:var(--border-width-error) <?php echo esc_html( $important ); ?>; border-style:<?php echo esc_html( $border_style_error . $important ); ?>; } .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_blank_field .sigWrapper{ border-color:<?php echo esc_html( $border_color_error ); ?> !important; } .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_error, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_limit_error{ font-weight:<?php echo esc_html( $weight . $important ); ?>; } .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_error, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_limit_error{ color:<?php echo esc_html( $text_color_error . $important ); ?>; } .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_error_style{ background-color:<?php echo esc_html( $error_bg . $important ); ?>; border:1px solid <?php echo esc_html( $error_border . $important ); ?>; border-radius:<?php echo esc_html( $border_radius . $important ); ?>; color: <?php echo esc_html( $error_text . $important ); ?>; font-size:<?php echo esc_html( $error_font_size . $important ); ?>; margin:0; margin-bottom:<?php echo esc_html( $field_margin ); ?>; } .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> #frm_loading .progress-striped .progress-bar{ background-image:linear-gradient(45deg, <?php echo esc_html( $border_color ); ?> 25%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 25%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 50%, <?php echo esc_html( $border_color ); ?> 50%, <?php echo esc_html( $border_color ); ?> 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); } .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> #frm_loading .progress-bar{ background-color:<?php echo esc_html( $bg_color . $important ); ?>; } .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_form_field.frm_total_big input, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_form_field.frm_total_big textarea, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_form_field.frm_total input, .<?php echo esc_html( $style_class ); ?> .frm_form_field.frm_total textarea{ color: <?php echo esc_html( $text_color . $important ); ?>; background-color:transparent<?php echo esc_html( $important ); ?>; border:none<?php echo esc_html( $important ); ?>; display:inline<?php echo esc_html( $important ); ?>; width:auto<?php echo esc_html( $important ); ?>; padding:0<?php echo esc_html( $important ); ?>; } <?php do_action( 'frm_output_single_style', $settings ); 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