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<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die( 'You are not allowed to call this page directly.' ); } /** @phpstan-consistent-constructor */ class FrmAddon { public $store_url = ''; public $download_id; public $plugin_file; public $plugin_folder; public $plugin_name; public $plugin_slug; public $option_name; public $version; public $author = 'Strategy11'; public $is_parent_licence = false; public $needs_license = true; private $is_expired_addon = false; public $license; protected $get_beta = false; protected $save_status; /** * This is used to decide whether the license checks should continue. * The point is to avoid license issues when a site url changes. * * @since 6.8.3 * * @var array */ private $save_response = array(); /** * This is used to flag other add ons not to send a request. * We only want to send a single API request per page load. * * @since 6.8.3 * * @var string */ private $transient_lock_key = 'frm_activate_request_lock'; /** * @since 6.8.3 * * @var bool */ protected $should_clear_cache = true; public function __construct() { if ( empty( $this->plugin_slug ) ) { $this->plugin_slug = preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\s]/', '', str_replace( ' ', '_', strtolower( $this->plugin_name ) ) ); } if ( empty( $this->option_name ) ) { $this->option_name = 'edd_' . $this->plugin_slug . '_license_'; } $this->plugin_folder = plugin_basename( $this->plugin_file ); $this->license = $this->get_license(); add_filter( 'frm_installed_addons', array( &$this, 'insert_installed_addon' ) ); $this->edd_plugin_updater(); } public static function load_hooks() { add_filter( 'frm_include_addon_page', '__return_true' ); new static(); } public function insert_installed_addon( $plugins ) { $plugins[ $this->plugin_slug ] = $this; return $plugins; } public static function get_addon( $plugin_slug ) { $plugins = apply_filters( 'frm_installed_addons', array() ); $plugin = false; if ( isset( $plugins[ $plugin_slug ] ) ) { $plugin = $plugins[ $plugin_slug ]; } return $plugin; } public function edd_plugin_updater() { $this->is_license_revoked(); $license = $this->license; add_action( 'after_plugin_row_' . plugin_basename( $this->plugin_file ), array( $this, 'maybe_show_license_message' ), 10, 2 ); if ( ! empty( $license ) ) { if ( 'formidable/formidable.php' !== $this->plugin_folder ) { add_filter( 'plugins_api', array( &$this, 'plugins_api_filter' ), 10, 3 ); } add_filter( 'site_transient_update_plugins', array( &$this, 'clear_expired_download' ) ); } } /** * Updates information on the "View version 6.15 details" page with custom data. * * @uses api_request() * * @param mixed $_data * @param string $_action * @param object $_args * * @return object $_data */ public function plugins_api_filter( $_data, $_action = '', $_args = null ) { if ( $_action != 'plugin_information' ) { return $_data; } $slug = basename( $this->plugin_file, '.php' ); $slug2 = str_replace( '/' . $slug . '.php', '', $this->plugin_folder ); if ( empty( $_args->slug ) || ( $_args->slug != $slug && $_args->slug !== $slug2 ) ) { return $_data; } $item_id = $this->download_id; if ( empty( $item_id ) ) { $_data = array( 'name' => $this->plugin_name, 'excerpt' => '', 'changelog' => 'See the full changelog at <a href="' . esc_url( $this->store_url . '/changelog/' ) . '"></a>', 'banners' => array( 'high' => '', 'low' => '', ), ); } else { $api = new FrmFormApi( $this->license ); $plugins = $api->get_api_info(); $_data = $plugins[ $item_id ]; } $_data['sections'] = array( 'description' => $_data['excerpt'], 'changelog' => $_data['changelog'], ); $_data['author'] = '<a href="' . esc_url( $this->store_url ) . '">' . esc_html( $this->author ) . '</a>'; $_data['homepage'] = $this->store_url; return (object) $_data; } public function get_license() { $license = $this->maybe_get_pro_license(); if ( ! empty( $license ) ) { return $license; } $license = trim( get_option( $this->option_name . 'key' ) ); if ( empty( $license ) ) { $license = $this->activate_defined_license(); } return $license; } /** * @since 3.04.03 */ protected function maybe_get_pro_license() { // prevent a loop if $this is the pro plugin $get_license = FrmAppHelper::pro_is_installed() && is_callable( 'FrmProAppHelper::get_updater' ) && $this->plugin_name != 'Formidable Pro'; if ( ! $get_license ) { return false; } $api = new FrmFormApi(); $api->get_pro_updater(); $license = $api->get_license(); if ( empty( $license ) ) { return false; } $this->get_api_info( $license ); if ( ! $this->is_parent_licence ) { $license = false; } return $license; } /** * Activate the license in wp-config.php * * @since 2.04 */ public function activate_defined_license() { $license = $this->get_defined_license(); if ( ! empty( $license ) && ! $this->is_active() && ! $this->checked_recently( '1 day' ) ) { $response = $this->activate_license( $license ); if ( ! $response['success'] ) { $license = ''; } } return $license; } /** * Check the wp-config.php for the license key * * @since 2.04 */ public function get_defined_license() { $consant_name = 'FRM_' . strtoupper( $this->plugin_slug ) . '_LICENSE'; return defined( $consant_name ) ? constant( $consant_name ) : false; } public function set_license( $license ) { update_option( $this->option_name . 'key', $license ); } public function is_active() { return get_option( $this->option_name . 'active' ); } /** * @since 3.04.03 * * @param array|string $error */ public function maybe_clear_license( $error ) { if ( is_array( $error ) && $error['code'] === 'disabled' && $error['license'] === $this->license ) { $this->clear_license(); } } public function clear_license() { delete_option( $this->option_name . 'active' ); delete_option( $this->option_name . 'key' ); if ( $this->should_clear_cache ) { delete_site_option( $this->transient_key() ); delete_option( $this->transient_key() ); $this->delete_cache(); $this->should_clear_cache = true; } } /** * Don't save an invalid license. * * @since 6.8.3 * * @param bool $is_valid If license activation was successful. * * @return void */ protected function maybe_set_active( $is_valid ) { update_option( $this->option_name . 'active', $is_valid ); if ( $is_valid ) { $this->set_active( $is_valid ); return; } // Don't save the license if it's invalid. $this->should_clear_cache = false; $this->clear_license(); delete_option( $this->option_name . 'key' ); $this->license = ''; } public function set_active( $is_active ) { $this->delete_cache(); FrmAppHelper::save_combined_js(); $this->update_pro_capabilities(); } /** * Updates roles capabilities after pro license is active. * * @since 5.0 */ protected function update_pro_capabilities() { global $wp_roles; if ( ! function_exists( 'get_editable_roles' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/user.php'; } $caps = FrmAppHelper::frm_capabilities( 'pro_only' ); $roles = get_editable_roles(); $settings = new FrmSettings(); foreach ( $caps as $cap => $cap_desc ) { $cap_roles = (array) ( isset( $settings->$cap ) ? $settings->$cap : 'administrator' ); // Make sure administrators always have permissions. if ( ! in_array( 'administrator', $cap_roles, true ) ) { array_push( $cap_roles, 'administrator' ); } foreach ( $roles as $role => $details ) { if ( in_array( $role, $cap_roles ) ) { $wp_roles->add_cap( $role, $cap ); } else { $wp_roles->remove_cap( $role, $cap ); } } } } /** * @since 3.04.03 */ protected function delete_cache() { delete_transient( 'frm_api_licence' ); // Cleanup option that has been removed. delete_option( $this->option_name . 'last_activate' ); $api = new FrmFormApi( $this->license ); $api->reset_cached(); $api = new FrmFormTemplateApi( $this->license ); $api->reset_cached(); $api = new FrmApplicationApi( $this->license ); $api->reset_cached(); } /** * The Pro version includes the show_license_message function. * We need an extra check before we allow it to show a message. * * @since 3.04.03 */ public function maybe_show_license_message( $file, $plugin ) { if ( $this->is_expired_addon || isset( $plugin['package'] ) ) { // let's not show a ton of duplicate messages return; } $this->show_license_message( $file, $plugin ); } public function show_license_message( $file, $plugin ) { $message = ''; if ( empty( $this->license ) ) { /* translators: %1$s: Plugin name, %2$s: Start link HTML, %3$s: end link HTML */ $message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Your %1$s license key is missing. Please add it on the %2$slicenses page%3$s.', 'formidable' ), esc_html( $this->plugin_name ), '<a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=formidable-settings' ) ) . '">', '</a>' ); } else { $api = new FrmFormApi( $this->license ); $errors = $api->error_for_license(); if ( ! empty( $errors ) ) { $message = reset( $errors ); } } if ( empty( $message ) ) { return; } $wp_list_table = _get_list_table( 'WP_Plugins_List_Table' ); $id = sanitize_title( $plugin['Name'] ) . '-next'; echo '<tr class="plugin-update-tr active" id="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '"><td colspan="' . esc_attr( $wp_list_table->get_column_count() ) . '" class="plugin-update colspanchange"><div class="update-message notice error inline notice-error notice-alt"><p>'; echo FrmAppHelper::kses( $message, 'a' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped echo '<script type="text/javascript">var d = document.getElementById("' . esc_attr( $id ) . '").previousSibling;if ( d !== null ){ d.className = d.className + " update"; }</script>'; echo '</p></div></td></tr>'; } public function clear_expired_download( $transient ) { if ( ! is_object( $transient ) ) { return $transient; } if ( $this->is_current_version( $transient ) ) { // Make sure it doesn't show there is an update if plugin is up-to-date. if ( isset( $transient->response[ $this->plugin_folder ] ) ) { unset( $transient->response[ $this->plugin_folder ] ); } } elseif ( isset( $transient->response ) && isset( $transient->response[ $this->plugin_folder ] ) ) { $this->prepare_update_details( $transient->response[ $this->plugin_folder ] ); // if the transient has expired, clear the update and trigger it again if ( $transient->response[ $this->plugin_folder ] === false ) { if ( ! $this->has_been_cleared() ) { $this->cleared_plugins(); $this->manually_queue_update(); } unset( $transient->response[ $this->plugin_folder ] ); } } return $transient; } /** * Check if the plugin information is correct to allow an update * * @since 3.04.03 * * @param object $transient The current plugin info saved for update. */ private function prepare_update_details( &$transient ) { $version_info = $transient; $has_beta_url = ! empty( $version_info->beta ); if ( $this->get_beta && ! $has_beta_url ) { $version_info = (object) $this->get_api_info( $this->license ); } if ( ! empty( $version_info->new_version ) ) { $this->clear_old_plugin_version( $version_info ); if ( $version_info === false ) { // Was cleared with timeout. $transient = false; } else { $this->maybe_use_beta_url( $version_info ); if ( version_compare( $version_info->new_version, $this->version, '>' ) ) { $transient = $version_info; } } } } /** * Get the API info for this plugin * * @since 3.04.03 */ protected function get_api_info( $license ) { $api = new FrmFormApi( $license ); $addon = $api->get_addon_for_license( $this ); // if there is no download url, this license does not apply to the addon if ( isset( $addon['package'] ) ) { $this->is_parent_licence = true; } elseif ( isset( $addon['error'] ) ) { // if the license is expired, we must assume all add-ons were packaged $this->is_parent_licence = true; $this->is_expired_addon = true; } return $addon; } /** * Make sure transients don't stick around on sites that * don't save the transient expiration * * @since 2.05.05 */ private function clear_old_plugin_version( &$version_info ) { $timeout = ! empty( $version_info->timeout ) ? $version_info->timeout : 0; if ( ! empty( $timeout ) && time() > $timeout ) { // Cache is expired. $version_info = false; $api = new FrmFormApi( $this->license ); $api->reset_cached(); } } /** * The beta url is always included if the download has a beta. * Check if the beta should be downloaded. * * @since 3.04.03 */ private function maybe_use_beta_url( &$version_info ) { if ( $this->get_beta && ! empty( $version_info->beta ) ) { $version_info->new_version = $version_info->beta['version']; $version_info->package = $version_info->beta['package']; if ( ! empty( $version_info->plugin ) ) { $version_info->plugin = $version_info->beta['plugin']; } } } private function is_current_version( $transient ) { if ( empty( $transient->checked ) || ! isset( $transient->checked[ $this->plugin_folder ] ) ) { return false; } $response = empty( $transient->response ); if ( $response ) { return true; } return isset( $transient->response ) && isset( $transient->response[ $this->plugin_folder ] ) && $transient->checked[ $this->plugin_folder ] === $transient->response[ $this->plugin_folder ]->new_version; } /** * @return bool */ private function has_been_cleared() { $last_cleared = get_option( 'frm_last_cleared' ); return $last_cleared && $last_cleared > gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( '-5 minutes' ) ); } private function cleared_plugins() { update_option( 'frm_last_cleared', gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ); } private function is_license_revoked() { if ( empty( $this->license ) || empty( $this->plugin_slug ) || isset( $_POST['license'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing return; } if ( $this->get_defined_license() ) { // Don't check if the license is defined in wp-config.php since we can't remove it. return; } // Only check weekly. if ( $this->checked_recently( '7 days', 'valid' ) || $this->is_running() ) { return; } $response = $this->get_license_status(); if ( 'revoked' === $response['status'] || 'blocked' === $response['status'] || 'disabled' === $response['status'] || 'missing' === $response['status'] ) { $this->clear_license(); } } /** * Has this been checked too recently? * * @param string $time ie. '1 day'. * @param string $required_status Return false if the last check does not match. ie 'valid'. * * @return bool */ private function checked_recently( $time, $required_status = '' ) { $last_checked = $this->last_checked(); $is_429 = isset( $last_checked['response_code'] ) && 429 === $last_checked['response_code']; if ( $is_429 ) { // If the last check was a a rate limit, we'll need to check again sooner. $time = '5 minutes'; $required_status = ''; } if ( $required_status && ( ! isset( $last_checked['status'] ) || $last_checked['status'] !== $required_status ) ) { // If the last check was invalid, we don't need to check again. return true; } $checked_time = isset( $last_checked['time'] ) ? $last_checked['time'] : false; $time_ago = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( '-' . $time ) ); return $checked_time && $checked_time > $time_ago; } /** * @since 6.8.3 Switched to an array to store extra response info. * * @return array */ private function last_checked() { if ( is_multisite() ) { $last_checked = get_site_option( $this->transient_key() ); } else { $last_checked = get_option( $this->transient_key() ); } if ( $last_checked && ! is_array( $last_checked ) ) { // Get string into array for existing values. $last_checked = array( 'time' => $last_checked ); } return $last_checked ? (array) $last_checked : array(); } /** * @return void */ private function update_last_checked() { $this->save_response['time'] = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); if ( is_multisite() ) { update_site_option( $this->transient_key(), $this->save_response ); } else { update_option( $this->transient_key(), $this->save_response ); } } /** * Use a new cache after the license is changed, or Formidable is updated. */ private function transient_key() { return 'frm_' . md5( sanitize_key( $this->license . '_' . $this->plugin_slug ) ); } public static function activate() { FrmAppHelper::permission_check( 'frm_change_settings' ); check_ajax_referer( 'frm_ajax', 'nonce' ); $license = stripslashes( FrmAppHelper::get_param( 'license', '', 'post', 'sanitize_text_field' ) ); if ( empty( $license ) ) { wp_send_json( array( 'message' => __( 'Oops! You forgot to enter your license number.', 'formidable' ), 'success' => false, ) ); } $plugin_slug = FrmAppHelper::get_param( 'plugin', '', 'post', 'sanitize_text_field' ); $response = self::activate_license_for_plugin( $license, $plugin_slug ); wp_send_json( $response ); } /** * @since 4.08 */ public static function activate_license_for_plugin( $license, $plugin_slug ) { $this_plugin = self::get_addon( $plugin_slug ); return $this_plugin->activate_license( $license ); } private function activate_license( $license ) { $this->set_license( $license ); $this->license = $license; $this->die_if_not_allowed(); $response = $this->get_license_status(); $response['message'] = ''; $response['success'] = false; if ( $response['error'] ) { $response['message'] = $response['status']; } else { $messages = $this->get_messages(); if ( is_string( $response['status'] ) && isset( $messages[ $response['status'] ] ) ) { $response['message'] = $messages[ $response['status'] ]; } else { $response['message'] = FrmAppHelper::kses( $response['status'], array( 'a' ) ); } $is_valid = false; if ( 'valid' === $response['status'] ) { $is_valid = 'valid'; $response['success'] = true; } $this->maybe_set_active( $is_valid ); } $this->update_last_checked(); return $response; } /** * Prevent this check from happening more than once per minute with the same license. * * @return void */ private function die_if_not_allowed() { if ( ! $this->checked_recently( '2 minutes' ) ) { return; } // Don't check more than once per minute. wp_send_json( array( 'message' => __( 'Please wait two minutes before trying again.', 'formidable' ), 'success' => false, ) ); } private function get_license_status() { $this->set_running(); $response = array( 'status' => 'missing', 'error' => true, ); if ( empty( $this->license ) ) { $response['error'] = false; return $response; } try { $response['error'] = false; $license_data = $this->send_mothership_request( 'activate_license' ); // $license_data->license will be either "valid" or "invalid" if ( is_array( $license_data ) ) { if ( ! empty( $license_data['license'] ) && in_array( $license_data['license'], array( 'valid', 'invalid' ), true ) ) { $response['status'] = $license_data['license']; $this->save_status['status'] = $license_data['license']; } } else { $response['status'] = $license_data; } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $response['status'] = $e->getMessage(); } $this->update_last_checked(); $this->done_running(); return $response; } private function get_messages() { return array( 'valid' => __( 'Your license has been activated. Enjoy!', 'formidable' ), 'invalid' => __( 'That license key is invalid', 'formidable' ), 'expired' => __( 'That license is expired', 'formidable' ), 'revoked' => __( 'That license has been refunded', 'formidable' ), 'no_activations_left' => __( 'That license has been used on too many sites', 'formidable' ), 'invalid_item_id' => __( 'Oops! That is the wrong license key for this plugin.', 'formidable' ), 'missing' => __( 'That license key is invalid', 'formidable' ), ); } /** * @since 4.03 */ public static function reset_cache() { FrmAppHelper::permission_check( 'frm_change_settings' ); check_ajax_referer( 'frm_ajax', 'nonce' ); $this_plugin = self::set_license_from_post(); $this_plugin->delete_cache(); $response = array( 'success' => true, 'message' => __( 'Cache cleared', 'formidable' ), ); wp_send_json( $response ); } public static function deactivate() { FrmAppHelper::permission_check( 'frm_change_settings' ); check_ajax_referer( 'frm_ajax', 'nonce' ); $this_plugin = self::set_license_from_post(); $response = array( 'success' => false, 'message' => '', ); try { // $license_data->license will be either "deactivated" or "failed" $license_data = $this_plugin->send_mothership_request( 'deactivate_license' ); if ( is_array( $license_data ) && 'deactivated' === $license_data['license'] ) { $response['success'] = true; $response['message'] = __( 'That license was removed successfully', 'formidable' ); } else { $response['message'] = __( 'There was an error deactivating your license.', 'formidable' ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $response['message'] = $e->getMessage(); } $this_plugin->clear_license(); wp_send_json( $response ); } /** * @since 4.03 */ private static function set_license_from_post() { $plugin_slug = FrmAppHelper::get_param( 'plugin', '', 'post', 'sanitize_text_field' ); $this_plugin = self::get_addon( $plugin_slug ); $license = $this_plugin->get_license(); $this_plugin->license = $license; return $this_plugin; } /** * @return string */ public function send_mothership_request( $action ) { $api_params = array( 'edd_action' => $action, 'license' => $this->license, 'url' => home_url(), ); if ( is_numeric( $this->download_id ) ) { $api_params['item_id'] = absint( $this->download_id ); } else { $api_params['item_name'] = rawurlencode( $this->plugin_name ); } $arg_array = array( 'body' => $api_params, 'timeout' => 25, 'user-agent' => $this->plugin_slug . '/' . $this->version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ), ); $resp = wp_remote_post( $this->store_url . '?l=' . urlencode( base64_encode( $this->license ) ), $arg_array ); $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $resp ); $this->save_status = array( 'response_code' => wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $resp ) ); $message = __( 'Your License Key was invalid', 'formidable' ); if ( is_wp_error( $resp ) ) { $link = FrmAppHelper::admin_upgrade_link( 'api', 'knowledgebase/why-cant-i-activate-formidable-pro/' ); /* translators: %1$s: Start link HTML, %2$s: End link HTML */ $message = sprintf( __( 'You had an error communicating with the Formidable API. %1$sClick here%2$s for more information.', 'formidable' ), '<a href="' . esc_url( $link ) . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' ); $message .= ' ' . $resp->get_error_message(); } elseif ( 'error' === $body || is_wp_error( $body ) ) { $message = __( 'You had an HTTP error connecting to the Formidable API', 'formidable' ); } else { $json_res = json_decode( $body, true ); if ( null !== $json_res ) { if ( is_array( $json_res ) && isset( $json_res['error'] ) ) { $message = $json_res['error']; } else { $message = $json_res; } } elseif ( ! empty( $resp['response'] ) && ! empty( $resp['response']['code'] ) ) { $resp['body'] = wp_strip_all_tags( $resp['body'] ); $message = sprintf( /* translators: %1$s: Error code, %2$s: Error message */ esc_html__( 'There was a %1$s error: %2$s', 'formidable' ), esc_html( $resp['response']['code'] ), $resp['response']['message'] . ' ' . $resp['body'] ); } }//end if return $message; } public function manually_queue_update() { $updates = new stdClass(); $updates->last_checked = 0; $updates->response = array(); $updates->translations = array(); $updates->no_update = array(); $updates->checked = array(); set_site_transient( 'update_plugins', $updates ); } /** * Set the transient key for the lock. It should be unique to the license. * * @since 6.8.3 * * @return bool */ protected function lock_key() { return $this->transient_lock_key . '_' . $this->license; } /** * Prevent multiple requests from running at the same time. * * @since 6.8.3 * * @return bool */ protected function is_running() { return get_transient( $this->lock_key() ); } /** * @since 6.8.3 * * @return void */ protected function set_running() { set_transient( $this->lock_key(), true, 2 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); } /** * @since 6.8.3 * * @return void */ protected function done_running() { delete_transient( $this->lock_key() ); } }
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