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(function($){ maybe_set_location_hash_after_oauth_redirect(); $( document ).ready( function() { var follow_delete_counter = 0, share_delete_counter = 0, url = window.location.href, tab_link = url.split( '#tab_' )[1], $et_modal_window; //Check whether tab_id specified in the URL, if not - set the first tab from the navigation as a current tab. if ( undefined != tab_link ) { var section = ( -1 != tab_link.indexOf( 'header' ) ) ? 'header' : 'side'; set_current_tab( tab_link, section ); } else { set_current_tab ( $( 'div#et_social_navigation > ul > li > ul > li > a' ).first().attr( 'id' ), 'side' ); } // show/hide appropriate api settings depending on selected networks reset_api_visibility(); // Execute the stats graphs generating function via Ajax, to speed up the dashboard loading $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'get_share_stats_graphs', get_stats_nonce : monarchSettings.get_stats }, beforeSend: function ( xhr ){ $( '#et_social_stats_container .spinner' ).addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $( '#et_social_stats_container .spinner' ).removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); $( '#et_social_stats_container' ).append( data ); calculate_bars_size(); } }); $( '.et_social_notice_link' ).click( function() { var $this = $( this ), tab_open = $this.attr( 'href' ).split( '#tab_' )[1]; set_current_tab( tab_open, 'side' ); } ); $( '.et_social_api_trigger' ).click( function() { reset_api_visibility(); } ); // checks which social networks selected and adds et_social_visible_api class to required api settings. function reset_api_visibility() { var visible_options_count = 0, $api_setting_containers = $( '.et_social_api_setting' ), $all_settings_container = $api_setting_containers.closest( '.et_social_row' ), $social_network_row = $( '.follow_networks_networks_sorting.et_social_row' ).find( '.et_social_network' ); $api_setting_containers.removeClass( 'et_social_visible_api' ); if ( $social_network_row.length ) { $social_network_row.each( function() { var network_name = $( this ).data( 'name' ); switch( network_name ) { case 'vimeo' : $( '.et_social_vimeo_api').addClass( 'et_social_visible_api' ); visible_options_count++; break; case 'instagram' : $( '.et_social_instagram_api').addClass( 'et_social_visible_api' ); visible_options_count++; break; case 'linkedin' : $( '.et_social_linkedin_api').addClass( 'et_social_visible_api' ); visible_options_count++; break; case 'twitter' : $( '.et_social_twitter_api').addClass( 'et_social_visible_api' ); visible_options_count++; break; case 'youtube' : $( '.et_social_youtube_api').addClass( 'et_social_visible_api' ); visible_options_count++; break; } }); } if ( 0 === visible_options_count ) { $all_settings_container.addClass( 'et_social_hidden_api' ); } else { $all_settings_container.removeClass( 'et_social_hidden_api' ); } } function calculate_bars_size() { // Calculate and change the height for the graph bars in each row $( '.et_social_tab_content_header_stats ul.et_social_graph' ).each( function() { var this_el = $( this ); if ( this_el.hasClass( 'et_social_graph_alltime' ) ) { resize ( this_el, false ); } else { resize ( this_el, true ); } }); $( '.et_social_tab_content_header_stats ul li > div > div' ).each( resize_network ); } /* Create checkbox/toggle UI based off form data */ $("div.et_social_multi_selectable").click(function() { var checkbox = $(this).children("input"); checkbox.prop('checked') == false ? checkbox.prop('checked', true) : checkbox.prop('checked', false); $(this).toggleClass( "et_social_selected et_social_just_selected" ); $(this).mouseleave(function() { $(this).removeClass( "et_social_just_selected" ); }); }); $("div.et_social_single_selectable").click(function() { var tabs = $(this).parents(".et_social_row").find("div.et_social_single_selectable"); var inputs = $(this).parents(".et_social_row").find("input"); tabs.removeClass( "et_social_selected" ); inputs.prop('checked', false); $(this).toggleClass( "et_social_selected" ); $(this).children("input").prop('checked',true); }); function toggle() { $(this).parent().addClass("et_social_selected"); } $("input.et_social_toggle[checked='checked']").each(toggle); /* Tabs System */ //Function which sets the current tab in navigation menu function set_current_tab( $tab_id, $section ) { var tab = $( 'div.' + $tab_id ); var current = $( 'a.current' ); $( current ).removeClass( 'current' ); $( 'a#' + $tab_id ).addClass( 'current' ); $( 'div.et_social_tab_content' ).removeClass( 'et_tab_selected' ); $( tab ).addClass( 'et_tab_selected' ); //If the tab is in opened section, then we don't need to toggle current_section class if ( '' != $section ) { var current_section = $( 'ul.current_section' ); current_section.removeClass( 'current_section' ); } //Hide save button from the header section since there is nothing to save if ( 'header' == $section ) { $( '.et_social_save_changes' ).css( { 'display' : 'none' } ); } if ( 'side' == $section ) { $( 'a#' + $tab_id ).parent().parent().toggleClass( 'current_section' ); $( '.et_social_save_changes' ).css( { 'display' : 'block' } ); } } // Adding href to tabs of each parent element to store the link of current tab in URL properly $( 'div#et_social_navigation > ul > li > a' ).each( function() { var $this_el = $( this ); $this_el.attr( 'href', '#tab_' + $this_el.parent().find( 'ul > li > a' ).first().attr( 'id' ) ); }); $( 'div#et_social_navigation > ul > li > a' ).click( function() { set_current_tab ( $( this ).parent().find( 'ul > li > a' ).first().attr( 'id' ), 'side'); }); $( '#et_social_navigation ul li ul li > a' ).click( function() { set_current_tab ( $( this ).attr( 'id' ), '' ); }); $( 'div#et_social_header > ul > li > a' ).click( function() { set_current_tab ( $( this ).attr( 'id' ), 'header' ); }); /* Build a uniform statistics graph based on data input*/ function resize( $current_ul, $is_height ) { var bar_array = ''; var bar_array = $( $current_ul ).find( 'li > div' ).map( function() { return $( this ).attr( 'value' ); }).get(); var bar_size = Math.max.apply( Math, bar_array ); $( $current_ul ).find( 'li > div' ).each( function() { set_bar_size( $( this ), bar_size, $is_height ); }); } function set_bar_size( $element, $bar_size, $is_height ) { var value = $( $element ).attr( 'value' ); var li_size = ( value / $bar_size * 100 ) + '%'; if ( true == $is_height ) { $( $element ).animate( { height: li_size }, 700 ); } else { $( $element ).animate( { width: li_size }, 700 ); } } function resize_network() { var value = $(this).attr("value"); var parent_value = $(this).parent().attr("value"); var new_height = value / parent_value * 100; var percentage = new_height + "%"; var type = $(this).attr("type"); $(this).css("height", percentage); $(this).addClass("et_social_" + type) } $( '.et_social_tab_content_header_stats' ).on( 'mouseenter', '.et_social_hover_item', function(){ var $this_el = $( this ); var value = $this_el.attr( 'value' ); var type = $this_el.attr( 'type' ); var action = $ 'action' ); var display_message = 'like' == action ? monarchSettings.like_text : monarchSettings.share_text; $( '<div class="et_social_tooltip"><strong>' + type + '</strong><br>' + display_message + value + '</div>' ).appendTo( $this_el ); }).on( 'mouseleave', '.et_social_hover_item', function(){ $( this ).find( 'div.et_social_tooltip' ).remove(); }); /* jQuery Sortable */ function recalculate_networks_order( $section_id ) { var order = []; $item = $( '#' + $section_id ).find('.et_social_network'); $current_id = 0; $item.each(function(){ $network = $(this); $network.find('.input_label').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][label][' + $current_id + ']'); $network.find('.input_name').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][username][' + $current_id + ']'); $network.find('.input_class').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][class][' + $current_id + ']'); $network.find('.input_count').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][count][' + $current_id + ']'); $network.find('.input_cid').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][client_id][' + $current_id + ']'); $network.find('.input_client_name').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][client_name][' + $current_id + ']'); $current_id ++; order.push($(this).find('.input_label').attr('name')); }); } $( function() { $( ".et_social_sortable" ).sortable({ placeholder: "et_social_sortable_placeholder", update: function ( event, ui ) { $items = $( this ); recalculate_networks_order( $items.attr( 'id' ) ); } }); }); function generate_modal_window( $area, $network_to_deselect, $disply_modal ) { var modal_class = '.et_social_networks_modal.' + $area; if ( ! $( modal_class ).length ) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'generate_modal_ajax', area : $area, network_modal_nonce : monarchSettings.network_modal }, success: function( data ){ $( '#wpwrap' ).append( data ); if ( '' !== $network_to_deselect ){ $( modal_class ).find( $network_to_deselect ).removeClass( 'et_social_selectednetwork' ).addClass( 'et_social_nonselectednetwork' ); } if( true == $disply_modal ){ $( modal_class ).css( { 'z-index' : '99999', 'display' : 'block' } ); } $et_modal_window = $( modal_class ); et_change_modal_window_height(); } }); } if( true == $disply_modal ){ $( modal_class ).css( { 'z-index' : '99999', 'display' : 'block' } ); } } function et_change_modal_window_height() { if ( 1 <= $( '.et_social_networks_modal' ).length ) { var $parent_div = $et_modal_window.closest( '.et_social_networks_modal' ), $modal_header = $parent_div.find( '.et_social_modal_header' ), $modal_footer = $parent_div.find( '.et_social_modal_footer' ), $networks_container = $et_modal_window.find( '.social_icons_container' ), paddings = parseInt( $parent_div.css( 'paddingTop' ) ) + $modal_header.innerHeight() + $modal_footer.innerHeight(), height_percent = 0.7; $networks_container.css( 'height', ( $(window).height() - paddings ) * height_percent ); } } $( window ).resize( et_change_modal_window_height ); $( '.et_social_addnetwork' ).click( function(){ var area = $( this ).data( 'area' ); generate_modal_window( area, '', true ); return false; }); $( '#et_social_shortcode_button' ).click( function(){ var options_shortcode = $( '#et_monarch_options' ).serialize(); $spinner_shortcode = $( this ).parent().find( '.spinner' ); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'generate_shortcode_ajax', options_shortcode : options_shortcode, shortcode_nonce : monarchSettings.shortcode_nonce }, beforeSend: function ( xhr ){ $spinner_shortcode.addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $spinner_shortcode.removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); $( '#et_social_shortcode_field' ).empty().val( data ); } }); return false; }); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_close', function(){ var modal_container = $( this ).parent().parent().parent(); //Remove the modal container of warning or hide the modal of networks picker if ( modal_container.hasClass( 'et_social_warning' ) ) { modal_container.remove(); } else { modal_container.css( { 'z-index' : '-1' , 'display' : 'none' } ); } }); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_nonselectednetwork', function(){ $( this ).removeClass( 'et_social_nonselectednetwork' ).addClass( 'et_social_selectednetwork' ); return false; }); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_selectednetwork', function(){ $( this ).removeClass( 'et_social_selectednetwork' ).addClass( 'et_social_nonselectednetwork et_social_deselected' ); return false; }); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_apply', function(){ $this_el = $( this ); $network_container = $( this ).parent().parent(); $networks = $network_container.find( '.et_social_selectednetwork' ).parent(); $section = $( '.et_social_sortable.' + $ 'area' ) ); $need_recalculation = false; $network_container.find( '.et_social_deselected' ).parent().each( function(){ $network_deselected = $( this ); $network_in_list = $section.find( '.et_social_' + $ 'name' ) ); if ( $network_in_list.length ) { $network_in_list.parent().remove(); $need_recalculation = true; } }); $current_id = $section.find( '.et_social_network' ).length; $network_container.find( '.et_social_selectednetwork' ).parent().each( function(){ $network = $( this ); $add_class = ''; $input_cid = ''; $additional_name = ''; if ( ! $section.find( '.et_social_' + $ 'name' ) ).length ) { $is_follow_window = $network_container.find( '.social_icons_container' ).hasClass( 'follow_networks_networks_sorting' ) ? true : false; $input_counts = ( false != $ 'counts' ) && $is_follow_window ) ? '<input class="input_count" type="text" placeholder="0" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][count][' + $current_id + ']">' : ''; $username = ( false != $ 'username' ) ) ? '<input class="input_name" type="text" placeholder="' + $ 'placeholder' ) + '" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][username][' + $current_id + ']">' : ''; $check_mark_holder = ( undefined != $ 'api_support' ) && true == $ 'api_support' ) && $is_follow_window ) ? '<p class="et_social_checkmark_holder"></p>' : ''; if ( undefined != $ 'client_id_placeholder' ) && '' != $ 'client_id_placeholder' ) && $is_follow_window ) { $add_class = ( undefined != $ 'client_name_placeholder' ) && '' != $ 'client_name_placeholder' ) ) ? 'et_social_5_fields' : 'et_social_4_fields'; $input_cid = '<input type="text" class="input_cid" placeholder="' + $ 'client_id_placeholder' ) + '" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][client_id][' + $current_id + ']">'; $additional_name = ( undefined != $ 'client_name_placeholder' ) && '' != $ 'client_name_placeholder' ) ) ? '<input type="text" class="input_client_name" placeholder="' + $ 'client_name_placeholder' ) + '" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][client_name][' + $current_id + ']">' : ''; } $network_to_add = '<div class="et_social_network et_social_icon ui-sortable-handle ' + $add_class + '" data-name="' + $ 'name' ) +'" data-area="' + $ 'area' ) +'" ><span class="et_social_' + $ 'name' ) + '" ><a href="#" class="et_social_deletenetwork"></a></span><input class="input_label" type="text" placeholder="' + $ 'label' ) +'" value="' + $ 'label' ) +'" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][label][' + $current_id + ']">' + $username + $additional_name + $input_cid + $check_mark_holder + $input_counts + '<input type="hidden" class="input_class" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][class][' + $current_id + ']" value="' + $ 'name' ) + '"/></div>'; $('.et_social_sortable.' + $ 'area' ) ).append( $network_to_add ); $current_id++; } }); if( true == $need_recalculation ) { recalculate_networks_order( $section.attr( 'id' ) ); } //Hide the Network Picker window $network_container.parent().css( { 'z-index' : '-1' , 'display' : 'none' } ); // show/hide appropriate api settings depending on selected networks reset_api_visibility(); return false; }); //Handle click on the OK button in warning window $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_ok', function(){ var this_el = $( this ), link = this_el.attr( 'href' ), main_container = this_el.parent().parent().parent(); main_container.remove(); //If OK button is a tab link, then open the tab if ( -1 != link.indexOf( '#tab' ) ) { var tab_link = link.split( '#tab_' )[1], section = ( -1 != tab_link.indexOf( 'header' ) ) ? 'header' : 'side'; set_current_tab( tab_link, section ); return false; } //Do nothing if there is no link in the OK button if ( '#' == link ) { return false; } }); $( '.et_social_sortable' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_deletenetwork', function(){ $this_el = $( this ); $sortable_items = $this_el.closest( '.et_social_sortable' ); $id = $this_el.closest( '.et_social_network' ).data( 'name' ); $network = $this_el.parent().parent(); $network_to_deselect = '.et_social_' + $ 'name' ); if ( 'follow_networks_networks_sorting' == $ 'area' ) ) { $clicks_counter = follow_delete_counter++; } else { $clicks_counter = share_delete_counter++; } //Need to generate the modal only if the button clicked first time. if ( 0 == $clicks_counter ) { generate_modal_window( $this_el.closest( '.et_social_network' ).data( 'area' ).replace('_networks_networks_sorting', ''), $network_to_deselect, false ); } $( '.social_icons_container.' + $ 'area' ) ).find( $network_to_deselect ).removeClass( 'et_social_selectednetwork' ).addClass( 'et_social_nonselectednetwork' ); $this_el.closest( '.et_social_network' ).remove(); recalculate_networks_order( $sortable_items.attr( 'id' ) ); // show/hide appropriate api settings depending on selected networks reset_api_visibility(); return false; }); $( '.et_social_save_changes button' ).click( function() { var options_fromform = $( '#et_monarch_options' ).serialize(); $spinner = $( this ).parent().find( '.spinner' ); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'ajax_save_settings', options : options_fromform, save_settings_nonce : monarchSettings.save_settings }, beforeSend: function ( xhr ){ $spinner.addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $spinner.removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); display_warning( data ); } }); return false; }); function display_warning( $warn_window ) { if ( '' == $warn_window ){ return; } $( '#wpwrap' ).append( $warn_window ); } function generate_warning( $message, $link ){ var link = '' == $link ? '#' : $link; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'generate_modal_warning', message : $message, ok_link : link, generate_warning_nonce : monarchSettings.generate_warning }, success: function( data ){ display_warning( data ); } }); } $( '.et-monarch-color-picker' ).wpColorPicker(); function check_conditional_options( $current_trigger ){ if ( undefined != $ "enables_2" ) ) { var j = 2; } else { var j = 1; } for ( var i = 1; i <= j; i++ ) { $option_name = '[name="et_social[' + $"enables_" + i ) + ']"]'; $section_name = '[data-name="et_social[' + $"enables_" + i ) + ']"]'; $triggered_option = $( $option_name ).length ? $( $option_name ) : $( $section_name ); // Check whether we need to enable/disable single option and not the entire section if ( ! ( $triggered_option ).hasClass( 'et_social_form' ) ) { $triggered_option = $( $option_name ).parent(); } $all_triggers = $('[data-enables_1=' + $"enables_" + i ) + '], [data-enables_2=' + $"enables_" + i ) + ']' ); $option_enabled = false; $all_triggers.each(function(){ if ( $ 'condition' ) == $( this ).children( 'input' ).prop('checked') ) { $triggered_option.removeClass( 'et_social_hidden_option' ).addClass( 'et_social_visible_option' ); $option_enabled = true; } else { if ( !$option_enabled ) { $triggered_option.addClass( 'et_social_hidden_option' ).removeClass( 'et_social_visible_option' ); } } }); } } $( '.et_social_conditional' ).click( function() { check_conditional_options( $( this ) ); }); if ( $( '.et_social_conditional' ).length ) { $( '.et_social_conditional' ).each( function() { check_conditional_options( $( this ) ); }); } $( '.et_social_form span.more_info' ).click( function() { $( this ).find( '.et_social_more_text' ).fadeToggle( 400 ); }); $( '.et_social_form' ).on( 'click', '.et_authorize_api', function() { var $this_el = $(this).parent(), client_id = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_client_id' ).val(), client_secret = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_client_secret' ).val(), network_name = $this_el.closest( '.et_social_form' ).find( '> h2' ).text(), options_fromform = $( '#et_monarch_options' ).serialize(), api_key; if ( 'Twitter' == network_name ) { api_key = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_api_key' ).val(); var api_secret = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_api_secret' ).val(), token = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_token' ).val(), token_secret = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_token_secret' ).val(); } if ( 'Youtube' == network_name ) { api_key = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_api_key' ).val(); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'monarch_authorize_network', nonce : monarchSettings.monarch_nonce, client_id : client_id, client_secret : client_secret, network_name : network_name, api_key : api_key, api_secret : api_secret, token : token, token_secret : token_secret, options : options_fromform }, beforeSend: function (){ $this_el.find( '.spinner' ).addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $this_el.find( '.spinner' ).removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); if ( typeof data.error_message !== 'undefined' ) { generate_warning( data.error_message ); } else if ( typeof data.authorization_url !== 'undefined' ) { window.location = data.authorization_url; } } }); return false; } ); $( 'label[for="et_social[follow_networks_use_api]"]' ).click( function() { $( '#sortable_follow_networks_networks_sorting' ).toggleClass( 'et_social_api_enabled' ); }); $( '.et_social_location_selector' ).on( 'change', 'select', function() { var selected_value = $( this ).val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'get_share_stats_graphs', get_stats_nonce : monarchSettings.get_stats, monarch_location : selected_value, monarch_all_stats : 'all_stats' }, beforeSend: function ( xhr ){ $( '.et_social_location_selector .spinner' ).addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $( '.et_social_location_selector .spinner' ).removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); $( '#et_social_globalstats' ).remove(); $( '#et_social_stats_container' ).remove(); $( '.et_social_tab_content_header_stats' ).append( data ); calculate_bars_size(); } }); }); $('.et_social_form' ).on('click', '.et_save_google_settings', function() { var $form_container = $(this).closest('ul'); var google_fonts_val = $form_container.find('#et_use_google_fonts').prop('checked') ? 'on' : 'off'; var $spinner = $form_container.find('.spinner'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'monarch_save_google_settings', google_settings_nonce : monarchSettings.google_settings, et_monarch_use_google_fonts : google_fonts_val }, beforeSend: function() { $spinner.addClass('spinner_visible'); }, success: function(data) { $spinner.removeClass('spinner_visible'); } }); return false; }); $( '.et_social_form' ).on( 'click', '.et_authorize_updates', function() { var $form_container = $( this ).closest( 'ul' ), username = $form_container.find( '.updates_option_username' ).val(), api_key = $form_container.find( '.updates_option_api_key' ).val(), $spinner = $form_container.find( '.spinner' ); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'monarch_save_updates_settings', updates_settings_nonce : monarchSettings.updates_settings, et_monarch_updates_username : username, et_monarch_updates_api_key : api_key }, beforeSend: function() { $spinner.addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $spinner.removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); } }); return false; }); }); function get_url_parameter( param_name ) { var page_url =; var url_variables = page_url.split('&'); for ( var i = 0; i < url_variables.length; i++ ) { var curr_param_name = url_variables[i].split( '=' ); if ( curr_param_name[0] == param_name ) { return curr_param_name[1]; } } } function maybe_set_location_hash_after_oauth_redirect() { var state = get_url_parameter( 'state' ); if ( 'string' === typeof state && state.indexOf( 'linkedin_' ) !== -1 ) { window.location.hash = '#tab_et_social_tab_content_follow_networks'; } } })(jQuery);
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