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/*************************************************************************** * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) Themify * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * ***************************************************************************/ (function($){ 'use strict'; $(document).ready(function($){ // Themify Directory var blog_url = themify_js_vars.blog_url, $body = $('body'), $wpbody = $('#wpbody'), $themify = $('#themify'), transitionEvents = 'webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend'; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Tab Events */ // // Get Subtab height based on Navigation height // $themify.find('.maintab').not('[aria-expanded="false"]').each(function(){ var $this = $(this).find('.subtabnav'), h = $this.outerHeight(); $(this).find('.subtab').css('minHeight', h); }); // fixed themify panel while scrolling (variables) var $panel = $('#setting>.subtabnav'); var $panelTop; if ($panel.length > 0) { $panelTop = $panel.offset().top - 32; } // // Create Tabs // $('#maintabnav').find('a').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if ( 'replaceState' in history ) { history.replaceState( null, null, this.hash ); } }); $('#content, .maintab').tabs({ fx: { opacity: 'toggle', duration: 200 }, cache: true, select: function() { $(this).css({ 'height': $(this).height(), 'overflow': 'hidden' }); }, show: function() { $(this).css({ 'height': 'auto', 'overflow': 'visible' }); if ($panel.length > 0) { $panelTop = $panel.offset().top - 32; } } }); // fixed themify panel while scrolling if ($panel.length > 0) { $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(this).scrollTop() > $panelTop) { if (!$panel.hasClass('themify_settings_fixed')){ $panel.addClass('themify_settings_fixed'); } } else { $panel.removeClass('themify_settings_fixed'); } }); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Global Events */ // // Validation of Numbers // $('.valid_num').keyup(function(){ if(!is_numeric($(this).val())){ $(this).val($(this).val().substring(0,($(this).val().length-1))); } }).on('input paste', function(){ $(this).trigger('keyup'); }); /** * Save user settings * Uses nonces for security */ $('.save-button').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); showAlert(); var data = $themify.serialize(); $.post( ajaxurl, { 'action': 'themify_save', 'data': data, 'nonce' : themify_js_vars.nonce }, function() { hideAlert(); } ); return false; }); /** * Save user settings when pressing Shift+Enter */ if($themify.length > 0){ $(document).on('keydown', function(event){ if (83 == event.which && (true == event.ctrlKey || true == event.metaKey)) { event.preventDefault(); $('.save-button').trigger('click'); } }); } /** * Reset user styling */ $("#reset-styling").on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var reply = confirm(themify_lang.confirm_reset_styling); if(reply){ showAlert(); var data = $themify.serialize(); $.post( ajaxurl, { 'action': 'themify_reset_styling', 'data' : data, 'nonce' : themify_js_vars.nonce }, function(){ hideAlert(); window.location.reload(true); } ); } }); /** * Reset user settings */ $("#reset-setting").on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var reply = confirm(themify_lang.confirm_reset_settings); if(reply){ showAlert(); var data = $themify.serialize(); $.post( ajaxurl, { 'action': 'themify_reset_setting', 'data' : data, 'nonce' : themify_js_vars.nonce }, function(){ hideAlert(); window.location.reload(true); } ); } }); // // Upgrade Theme / Framework // $wpbody.on('click', '.upgrade-framework, .upgrade-theme', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var reply = confirm(themify_lang.check_backup), type = '', themeversion = ''; if($(this).hasClass('upgrade-theme')){ type = 'theme'; themeversion = "&themeversion=" + ( $('#themeversiontoreinstall').length == 1 ? $('#themeversiontoreinstall').val() : 'latest' ); } else { type = 'framework'; } if ( reply ) { if ( $(this).parent().hasClass('login') ) { showLogin(); } else { //showAlert(); window.location = blog_url + "wp-admin/admin.php?page=themify&action=upgrade&type=" + type + themeversion + "&login=false"; } } }); // // Login Validation // $wpbody.on('click', '.upgrade-login', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if ( ! $('.prompt-box').hasClass( 'update-plugin' ) ) { var el = $(this), username = el.parent().parent().find('.username').val(), password = el.parent().parent().find('.password').val(), login = $(".upgrade-theme").parent().hasClass('login'); if ( username != '' && password != '' ) { hideLogin(); showAlert(); $.post( ajaxurl, { 'action':'themify_validate_login', 'nonce': themify_js_vars.nonce, 'type':'theme', 'login':login, 'username':username, 'password':password }, function(data){ data = $.trim(data); if('subscribed' == data){ hideAlert(); $('#themify_update_form').submit(); } else if('invalid' == data) { hideAlert('error'); showLogin('error'); } else if('unsuscribed' == data) { hideAlert('error'); showLogin('unsuscribed'); } } ); } else { hideAlert('error'); showLogin('error'); } } else if ( $('.prompt-box').hasClass( 'update-plugin' ) ) { e.preventDefault(); var el = $(this), username = el.parent().parent().find('.username').val(), password = el.parent().parent().find('.password').val(), _updater_el = $('.themify-builder-upgrade-plugin') login = _updater_el.closest( '.notifications' ).find( '.update' ).hasClass('login'); if ( username !== '' && password !== '' ) { hideLogin(); showAlert(); $.post( ajaxurl, { 'action':'themify_builder_validate_login', 'type':'plugin', 'login':login, 'username':username, 'password':password, 'nicename_short': 'nicename_short' ), 'update_type': 'update_type' ) }, function(data){ data = $.trim(data); if ( data === 'true' ) { hideAlert(); $('#themify_update_form').append( '<input type="hidden" name="plugin" value="'+ 'plugin' ) +'" /><input type="hidden" name="package_url" value="'+ 'package_url' ) +'" />' ).submit(); } else if ( data === 'false' || 'invalid' === data ) { hideAlert('error'); showLogin('error'); } } ); } else { hideAlert('error'); showLogin('error'); } } }); // // Hide Overlay // $('.overlay').on('click', function(){ hideLogin(); }); $('.themify_changelogs').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var $self = $(this), url = $'changelog'); $('.show-login, .show-error').hide(); $('.alert').addClass('busy').fadeIn(300); $('.overlay, .prompt-box').fadeIn(300); var $iframe = $('<iframe src="'+url+'" />'); $iframe.on('load', function(){ $('.alert').removeClass('busy').fadeOut(300); }).prependTo( '.prompt-box' ); $('.prompt-box').addClass('show-changelog'); }); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Style Module Events */ // // Padding / Margin // $('.padding-switch, .margin-switch').click(function(){ var parent = $(this).parent().parent().parent(); var num = 0; if($(this).is(":checked")){ if(parent.find(".individuals input:first").val() != ''){ num = parent.find(".individuals input:first").val(); } parent.find(".individuals").fadeOut(200, function(){ parent.find(".same").fadeIn(200).find("input").val(num); }).find("input").val(''); } else { if(parent.find(".same input").val() != ''){ num = parent.find(".same input").val(); } parent.find(".same").fadeOut(200, function(){ parent.find(".individuals").fadeIn(200).find("input").val(num); }).find("input").val(''); } }); // // Border // $('.border-switch').click(function(){ var parent = $(this).parent().parent(), color = '', num = 0, true_color = ''; if($(this).is(":checked")){ if(parent.parent().find(".individuals input[type='text']:nth-child(1)").val() != ''){ color = parent.parent().find(".individuals input[type='text']:nth-child(1)").val(); } if(parent.parent().find(".individuals input:nth-child(2)").val() != ''){ num = parent.parent().find(".individuals input:nth-child(2)").val(); } true_color = parent.parent().find(".individuals .colorSelect").css('background-color'); parent.parent().find(".individuals .colorSelect").css('background-color','#ffffff'); parent.parent().find(".individuals input[type='text']").val(''); parent.parent().find(".individuals").fadeOut(200, function(){ parent.parent().find(".same input[type='text']:nth-child(1)").val(color); parent.parent().find(".same .colorSelect").css("background-color",true_color); parent.parent().find(".same").fadeIn(200).find("input[type=text]:nth-child(2)").val(num); parent.parent().find(".same select").val(parent.parent().find('.individuals select:first option:selected').val()); }); } else { if(parent.parent().find(".same input[type='text']:nth-child(1)").val() != ''){ color = parent.parent().find(".same input[type='text]:nth-child(1)").val(); } if(parent.parent().find(".same input:nth-child(2)").val() != ''){ num = parent.parent().find(".same input:nth-child(2)").val(); } true_color = parent.parent().find(".same .colorSelect").css('background-color'); parent.parent().find(".same .colorSelect").css('background-color','#ffffff'); parent.parent().find(".same input").val(''); parent.parent().find(".same").fadeOut(200, function(){ parent.parent().find(".individuals select").val(parent.parent().find('.same select:first option:selected').val()); parent.parent().find(".individuals").fadeIn(200).find("input[type='text']:nth-child(2)").val(num); parent.parent().find(".individuals .borders input[type='text']:nth-child(1)").val(color); parent.parent().find(".individuals .borders .colorSelect").css("background-color",true_color); }); } }); // // Background-Color Transparent // $('.colorTransparent').click(function(){ var $parent = $(this).parent(); if($(this).is(":checked")){ $parent.find("input[type='text']").attr('disabled', true).val('').addClass('opacity-7'); $parent.find('.colorSelect').minicolors('value', ''); $('.clearColor, .minicolors', $parent).hide(); } else { $parent.find("input[type=text]").removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('opacity-7'); $('.minicolors', $parent).show(); } }); // // Background-Image No BG Image // var $noBgImage = $('.noBgImage'); $noBgImage.each(function(){ if($(this).is(":checked")){ var $parent = $(this).parent(); $parent.find("input[type='text']").attr('disabled', true).val('').addClass('opacity-7'); $('.plupload-button', $parent).hide(); } }); ${ var $parent = $(this).parent(); if($(this).is(":checked")){ $parent.find("input[type='text']").attr('disabled', true).val('').addClass('opacity-7'); $('.plupload-button', $parent).hide(); } else { $parent.find("input[type='text']").removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('opacity-7'); $('.plupload-button', $parent).show(); } }); // // Background-Position // $('.background_position.positionX').change(function(){ $(this).parent().find('.valueX').val($('option:selected', this).val()); }); $('.background_position.positionY').change(function(){ $(this).parent().find('.valueY').val($('option:selected', this).val()); }); // // Background-Image Thumb // var $bgPreset = $('.preset'); $bgPreset.on('click', '.backgroundThumb', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var alt = $(this).attr("alt"); $(this).parent().parent().find('.backgroundThumb.selected').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.background_image input[type=text]').removeAttr('disabled').val(alt); $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.background_image input:checkbox').attr('checked', false); }); // // Background-Image Remove Selection on Blur // $('.background_image .upload-file').on('blur', function(){ if($(this).val() == ''){ $(this).parent().parent().find('.backgroundThumb.selected').removeClass('selected'); } }); // // Background-Image None // $('.background_image input:checkbox').on('click',function(){ if($(this).is(":checked")){ $(this).parent().parent().find('.backgroundThumb.selected').removeClass('selected'); $(this).parent().parent().find('.background_image input[type=text]').attr('disabled', true).val(''); } else { $(this).parent().parent().find('.background_image input[type=text]').removeAttr('disabled'); } }); // // Delete Image // $bgPreset.on('click', 'span', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var el = $(this); var reply = confirm(themify_lang.confirm_delete_image); // Check if it has an attachment ID if(reply){ $.post( ajaxurl, { 'action': 'themify_delete_preset', 'file': el.attr('title'), 'nonce' : themify_js_vars.nonce }, function() { if(el.parent().parent().parent().find('.background_image input[type="text"]').val() == el.parent().find("img").attr("alt")){ el.parent().parent().parent().find('.background_image input[type="text"]').val(''); } el.parent().remove(); $('.preset a[title="'+el.parent().attr('title')+'"]').remove(); $('.upload-file').each(function(){ if($(this).val() == el.parent().find('img').attr('alt')){ $(this).val(''); } }); } ); } }); // // Position // $('.select_position').change(function(){ var val = $('option:selected', this).val(); if(val == 'absolute' || val == 'fixed'){ $(this).parent().parent().find('.position_display').show(200); } else { $(this).parent().parent().find('.position_display').hide(200); } }); // // Color Picker // $('.colorSelect').each(function(){ var input = $(this).parent().parent().find('.colorSelectInput'), set_color = (input.val() == '') ? '' : input.val(), minicolors = $(this); minicolors.minicolors({ defaultValue: set_color, textfield: false, change: function(hex) { // Generate text to show in console var text = hex ? hex : '', colorField = this.parent().parent(); colorField.find('.colorSelectInput').val(text.replace('#', '')); $('.clearColor', colorField).show(); } }); }); // Set or clear color swatch based on input value $(document).on('blur', '.colorSelectInput', function() { var $parent = $(this).parent(); if('' == $(this).val()){ $parent.find('.colorSelect').minicolors('value', ''); $('.clearColor', $parent).hide(); } else { $('.colorSelect', $parent).minicolors('value', '#' + $(this).val()); $('.clearColor', $parent).show(); } }); // Clear swatch and input $(document).on('click', '.clearColor', function(){ $(this).parent().find('.colorSelect').minicolors('value', ''); $(this).parent().find('.colorSelectInput').val(''); $(this).hide(); }); $('.themify_field-color').each(function(){ if('' != $('.colorSelectInput', $(this)).val()){ $('.clearColor', $(this)).show(); } if($('.colorTransparent', $(this)).prop('checked')){ $('.minicolors', $(this)).hide(); } }); $( '.colorSelectInput' ).on('keyup', function(){ if ( $(this).val().indexOf( '#' ) !== -1 ) { $(this).val( $(this).val().replace( '#', '' ) ); } }); // // Font-Family // $('.fontFamily').change(function(){ if($('option:selected', this).val() == 'custom'){ $(this).parent().find('.value').show(); $(this).parent().find('.value input').val(''); } else { $(this).parent().find('.value').hide(); $(this).parent().find('.value input').val($('option:selected', this).val()); } }); // // Site-Logo // $("input[name='setting-site_logo'], input[name='setting-footer_logo']").change(function(){ if($(this).val() == "image"){ $(this).parent().parent().find(".image").fadeIn(200); $(this).parent().parent().find(".image").css("display","block"); } else { $(this).parent().parent().find(".image").fadeOut(); } }); // // Feature Box Image / Posts Display // $(".feature-box-display").click(function(){ if($(this).val() == "images"){ $(this).parent().parent().find(".feature_box_posts").fadeOut(200, function(){ $(this).parent().parent().find(".feature_box_images").fadeIn(200); }); } else { $(this).parent().parent().find(".feature_box_images").fadeOut(200, function(){ $(this).parent().parent().find(".feature_box_posts").fadeIn(200); }); } }); // // Generic show/hide block for radio buttons // Requires the value="x" and a data-hide="y" where y is the suffix of the block to hide // $(".block-toggle").click(function(){ var $self = $(this), val = $self.val(), hide = $'hide'); $self.parent().parent().find('.feature_box_' + hide).fadeOut(200, function(){ $self.parent().parent().find('.feature_box_' + val).fadeIn(200); }); }); // // Feature Box Enabled Display // $(".feature_box_enabled_check").change(function(){ if('on' == $(this).val()){ $(this).closest('fieldset').find(".feature_box_enabled_display").fadeIn(200); } else { $(this).closest('fieldset').find(".feature_box_enabled_display").fadeOut(200); } }); /** * Display box if checkbox is checked * Markup required * <div class="row"> * <input type="checkbox" class="box_enabled_check" /> * <*tag* class="box_enabled_display"> * <select> */ var $boxEnabledCheck = $('.box_enabled_check'); ${ if($(this).is(":checked")){ $(this).parent().find(".box_enabled_display").fadeIn(200); } else { $(this).parent().find(".box_enabled_display").fadeOut(200); } }); if($":checked")){ $boxEnabledCheck.parent().find(".box_enabled_display").show(); } /** * Display matched boxes if checkbox is checked * Markup required * <input type="checkbox" class="box_enabled_check" /> * <span class="box_enabled_display"> */ var $disableImgPhp = $('.disable_img_php'); ${ if($":checked")){ $( '.show_if_disabled_img_php' ).fadeIn(200); $( '.show_if_enabled_img_php' ).fadeOut(200); } else { $( '.show_if_disabled_img_php' ).fadeOut(200); $( '.show_if_enabled_img_php' ).fadeIn(200); } }); if($":checked")){ $(".show_if_disabled_img_php").show(); } else { if($disableImgPhp.not(":checked")){ $(".show_if_enabled_img_php").show(); } } $('.gallery_lightbox_type').change(function(){ var lightboxIndex = $('.gallery_lightbox_type').prop('selectedIndex'); if(lightboxIndex != 1){ $( '.show_if_photoswipe_enabled' ).fadeOut(200); } else { $( '.show_if_photoswipe_enabled' ).fadeIn(200); } }).change(); // // Toggle Active Layout Icons and Post Format Icons // var $enableToggle = $('.enable_toggle'); if($enableToggle.length > 0){ $enableToggle.each(function(){ var context = $(this).closest('.themify_write_panel'); $('.themify-toggle', context).hide().addClass('toggled-off'); }); } $('.enable_toggle .preview-icon').on('click', function(e){ // toggle var img_alt = $(this).find("img").attr("alt"), toggle_class = ($.trim(img_alt) != '') ? '.'+img_alt+'-toggle' : '.default-toggle'; $(this).closest('.inside').find('.themify-toggle').hide().addClass('toggled-off'); $(this).closest('.inside').find( toggle_class ).show().removeClass('toggled-off'); e.preventDefault(); }); $('.enable_toggle .preview-icon.selected').each(function(){ var img_alt = $(this).find("img").attr("alt"), toggle_class = (img_alt != '' && img_alt != 'default') ? '.'+img_alt+'-toggle' : '.default-toggle'; $( toggle_class ).show().removeClass('toggled-off'); }); // Toggle Post Format Fields by Radio Button $('.enable_toggle input[type=radio]').on('click', function() { var val = $(this).val(), toggle_class = (val != 0 && val != '') ? '.'+val+'-toggle' : '.default-toggle', $siblings = $(this).siblings('input[type=radio]'); $siblings.each(function(){ var sib_val = $(this).val(); if ( sib_val != 0 && sib_val !== '' ) $( '.' + sib_val + '-toggle').hide().addClass('toggled-off'); }); $(toggle_class).each(function(){ $(this).show().removeClass('toggled-off'); if ( $(this).hasClass('enable_toggle_child') ) { var $child_siblings = $(this).find('input[type=radio]:checked').siblings('input[type=radio]'); $child_siblings.each(function(){ var sib_val = $(this).val(); setTimeout(function(){ if ( sib_val != 0 && sib_val !== '' ) $( '.' + sib_val + '-toggle').hide().addClass('toggled-off'); }, 500); }); } }); }); $enableToggle.each(function(){ var $checked = $(this).find('input[type="radio"]:checked'), val = $checked.val(), toggle_class = (val != 0 && val !== '') ? '.'+val+'-toggle' : '.default-toggle'; $(toggle_class).each(function(){ $(this).show().removeClass('toggled-off'); if ( $(this).hasClass('enable_toggle_child') ) { var $child_siblings = $(this).find('input[type=radio]:checked').siblings('input[type=radio]'); $child_siblings.each(function(){ var sib_val = $(this).val(); setTimeout(function(){ if ( sib_val != 0 && sib_val !== '' ) $( '.' + sib_val + '-toggle').hide().addClass('toggled-off'); }, 500); }); } }); }); // Toggle Post Format Fields by Checkbox. // Works with single checkbox selection, not yet with combinations. $('.enable_toggle input[type="checkbox"]').on('click', function() { var val = $(this).data('val'), toggle_class = (val != 0 && val != '') ? '.'+val+'-toggle' : '.default-toggle'; $(this).closest('.inside').find('.themify-toggle').hide().addClass('toggled-off'); if($(this).prop('checked')){ $(this).closest('.inside').find( toggle_class ).show().removeClass('toggled-off'); } }); $('.enable_toggle input[type="checkbox"]:checked').each(function() { var val = $(this).data('val'), toggle_class = (val != 0 && val !== '') ? '.'+val+'-toggle' : '.default-toggle'; $( toggle_class ).show().removeClass('toggled-off'); }); // // Layout Options // $('.preview-icon').each( function() { var $self = $(this), $parent = $self.parent(), $val = $parent.find('.val'), $dataHide, dataHide = '', context = ''; if ( $self.closest('.group-hide').length > 0 ) { context = 'theme-settings'; $dataHide = $self.closest('.group-hide'); dataHide = $ 'hide' ); } else if ( $self.closest('.themify_field_row').length > 0 ) { context = 'custom-panel'; $dataHide = $self.closest('.themify_field_row'); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof $ 'hide' ) ) { dataHide = $ 'hide' ); } } ${ e.preventDefault(); // Change value $parent.find('.selected').removeClass('selected'); $self.addClass('selected'); $val.val( $self.find('img').attr('alt') ).trigger('change'); // There are elements to show/hide so do it if ( '' !== dataHide ) { if ( 'custom-panel' == context ) { // All until next data-hide, minus toggled-off those are nested and handled by toggle code, minus items not in list to hide var $list = $dataHide.nextUntil('[data-hide]'); $list.add( $list.find( '.themify_field .hide-if' ) ).not('.toggled-off').filter( '.' + dataHide.replace( /\s/g, ',.' ) ).show().filter( '.' + $val.val() ).hide(); } else if ( 'theme-settings' == context ) { $dataHide.find('.hide-if').filter( '.' + dataHide.replace( /\s/g, ',.' ) ).show().filter( '.' + $val.val() ).hide(); } } }); // All until next data-hide, minus toggled-off those are nested and handled by toggle code, minus items not in list to hide if ( '' !== dataHide ) { if ( 'custom-panel' == context ) { var $list = $dataHide.nextUntil('[data-hide]'); $list.add( $list.find( '.themify_field .hide-if' ) ).not('.toggled-off').filter( '.' + dataHide.replace( /\s/g, ',.' ) ).filter( '.' + $val.val() ).hide(); } else if ( 'theme-settings' == context ) { $dataHide.find('.hide-if').filter( '.' + dataHide.replace( /\s/g, ',.' ) ).show().filter( '.' + $val.val() ).hide(); } } }); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Skin CSS Load */ // // Skins Load // $(".skin-preview").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(".skin-preview img.selected").removeClass(); $(this).find("img").addClass('selected'); $("input[name='skin']").val($(this).find("img").attr('id')); }); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Display Alerts */ function showLogin(status){ var version = $('#themeversiontoreinstall').length == 1 ? $('#themeversiontoreinstall').val() : 'latest', action = $('.prompt-box form').attr('action'); action = action.replace(/(themeversion=.*$)/ig, 'themeversion='+version); $('.prompt-box form').attr('action', action); $('.prompt-box .show-login').show(); $('.prompt-box .show-error').hide(); if('error' == status){ if($('.prompt-box .prompt-error').length == 0){ $('.prompt-box .prompt-msg').after('<p class="prompt-error">' + themify_lang.invalid_login + '</p>'); } } else if ('unsuscribed' == status) { if($('.prompt-box .prompt-error').length == 0) { $('.prompt-box .prompt-msg').after('<p class="prompt-error">' + themify_lang.unsuscribed + '</p>'); } } else { $('.prompt-box .prompt-error').remove(); } $('.prompt-box').removeClass( 'update-plugin' ); $(".overlay, .prompt-box").fadeIn(500); } function hideLogin(){ $('.overlay, .prompt-box').fadeOut(500, function(){ var $prompt = $('.prompt-box'), $iframe = $prompt.find('iframe'); if ( $iframe.length > 0 ) { $iframe.remove(); } $prompt.removeClass('show-changelog'); }); } function showAlert(){ $(".alert").addClass("busy").fadeIn(800); } function hideAlert(status){ if(status == 'error'){ status = 'error'; showErrors(); } else { status = 'done'; } $(".alert").removeClass("busy").addClass(status).delay(800).fadeOut(800, function(){ $(this).removeClass(status); }); } function showErrors(verbose){ $(".overlay, .prompt-box").delay(900).fadeIn(500); $('.prompt-box .show-error').show(); $('.prompt-box .show-error p').remove(); $('.prompt-box .error-msg').after('<p class="prompt-error">' + verbose + '</p>'); $('.prompt-box .show-login').hide(); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Is Numeric Function */ function is_numeric(string){ var ValidChars = " 0123456789.+-"; var IsNumber = true; var Char; for (var i = 0; i < string.length && IsNumber == true; i++){ Char = string.charAt(i); if(ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1){ IsNumber = false; } } return IsNumber; } /** * Group drop down containing Featured Image sizes with the Featured Image field * .featimgdropdown */ var $featImgControl = $('.featimgcontrol'); if( $featImgControl.length > 0 && $('.featimgdropdown').length > 0 ) { $featImgControl.each( function() { $(this).append($(this).next('.featimgdropdown')); }); } /** * Map layout icons to values and bind clicks */ $(".themify_field .preview-icon").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().find(".selected").removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); $(this).parent().find(".val").val($(this).find("img").attr("alt")).trigger('change'); }); /** * Bind categories select to value field */ var $themifyField = $('.themify_field'), $themifyInfoLink = $('.themify-info-link'); $themifyField.find('.query_category').blur(function(){ var $self = $(this), value = $self.val(); $(this).parent().find('.val').val( value ); toggleQueryCategoryFields( $self, value ); }).keyup(function(){ var $self = $(this), value = $self.val(); $(this).parent().find('.val').val( value ); toggleQueryCategoryFields( $self, value ); }); $themifyField.find('.query_category_single').change(function() { var $self = $(this), value = $self.val(); $self.parent().find('.query_category, .val').val( value ); toggleQueryCategoryFields( $self, value ); }).closest('.themify_field_row').addClass('query-field-visible'); $themifyInfoLink.closest('.themify_field_row').addClass('query-field-visible'); $('.query_category_single, .query_category').each(function(){ var $self = $(this), value = $self.val(); toggleQueryCategoryFields( $self, value ); }); $themifyInfoLink.closest('.themify_field_row').removeClass('query-field-hide'); function toggleQueryCategoryFields( $obj, value ) { if ( '' != value ) { $obj.closest('.inside').find('.themify_field_row').removeClass('query-field-hide'); } else { $obj.closest('.inside').find('.themify_field_row').not('.query-field-visible').addClass('query-field-hide'); 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} $elf.on('click', '.meta-all', function(){ var $all = $(this); if($all.prop('checked')){ //$all.prop('checked', true); $('.meta-sub', $elf).prop('disabled', true).prop('checked', false).parent().addClass('opacity-7'); } else { //$all.prop('checked', false); $('.meta-sub', $elf).prop('disabled', false).parent().removeClass('opacity-7'); } }); }); /** * Post meta checkboxes - Mostly the same than before, but adding hidden field update. */ $('.custom-post-meta-group').each(function(){ var $elf = $(this), states_str = $('input[type="text"]', $elf).val(), states = {}, state = [], states_arr = []; // Backwards compatibility if('yes' == states_str){ $('.meta-all', $elf).val('yes').prop('checked', true); $('.meta-sub', $elf).val('yes').prop('disabled', true).parent().addClass('opacity-7'); } else { // Parse string states_arr = states_str.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < states_arr.length; i++) { state = states_arr[i].split('='); states[state[0]] = state[1]; } for ( var meta in states ) { if ( states.hasOwnProperty(meta) ) { if ( 'yes' == states[meta] ) { $('#' + meta, $elf).val('yes').prop('checked', true); } } } if($('.meta-all', $elf).prop('checked')){ $('.meta-sub', $elf).prop('disabled', true).prop('checked', false).parent().addClass('opacity-7'); } } $elf.on('click', '.meta-all', function(){ var $all = $(this); if($all.prop('checked')){ $('.meta-sub', $elf).val('yes').prop('disabled', true).prop('checked', false).parent().addClass('opacity-7'); $all.val('yes'); } else { $('.meta-sub', $elf).val('no').prop('disabled', false).parent().removeClass('opacity-7'); $all.val('no'); } savePostMetaStates($elf); }); $elf.on('click', '.meta-sub', function(){ var $sub = $(this); if($sub.prop('checked')){ $sub.val('yes'); } else { $sub.val('no'); } savePostMetaStates($elf); }); }); function savePostMetaStates($et){ var state = ''; $('input[type="checkbox"]', $et).each(function(){ state += $(this).attr('id') + '=' + $(this).val() + '&'; }); $('input[type="text"]', $et).val(state.slice(0,-1)); } /** * Social Links Panel */ var $socialType = $('#social-link-type' ), $socialLinksWrapper = $('#social-links-wrapper'), $socialLinkIDs = $('#setting-link_field_ids'), $socialLinkHash = $('#setting-link_field_hash'); 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var $self = $(this); $( '#' + $'picker') ).val('').trigger( 'change' ); $self.removeClass('themifyFadeIn'); }); // Tabs for Custom Panel var $ilcHTabsLi = $('.ilc-htabs li'); if($ilcHTabsLi.length > 1) { ilcTabs({ilctabs : '#themify-meta-box-tabs'}); } else { $('.ilc-tab').show(); $ilcHTabsLi.addClass('select'); } // set tabs cookie $('.ilc-htabs a').on('click', function(){ themifySetCookie('themify-builder-tabs', $(this).attr('id')); }); // active tabs cookie if( typeof(themifyGetCookie('themify-builder-tabs')) != 'undefined' && themifyGetCookie('themify-builder-tabs') !== null ){ $( '#' + themifyGetCookie('themify-builder-tabs')).trigger('click'); } // Validate slug input $('.slug-rewrite').each(function(){ $(this).on('keypress', function (event) { var regex = new RegExp("^[a-z0-9_\-]+$"), key = String.fromCharCode(!event.charCode ? event.which : event.charCode); if (!regex.test(key)) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); }); $themify.on('click', '.refresh-webfonts', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var reply = confirm(themify_lang.confirm_refresh_webfonts); if(reply){ var data = $themify.serialize(); $.post( ajaxurl, { 'action': 'themify_save', 'data': data, 'nonce' : themify_js_vars.nonce }, function() { showAlert(); $.post( ajaxurl, { 'action': 'themify_refresh_webfonts', 'nonce' : themify_js_vars.nonce }, function(){ hideAlert(); window.location.reload(true); } ); } ); } }); $themify.on('change', '.google_font_subset', function(){ var $vals = $(this).val(); if($vals){ $vals= $vals.join(','); } $(this).next().val($vals); }); var Themify_Visibility = { target: '', getDocHeight: function() { var D = document; return Math.max( Math.max(D.body.scrollHeight, D.documentElement.scrollHeight), Math.max(D.body.offsetHeight, D.documentElement.offsetHeight), Math.max(D.body.clientHeight, D.documentElement.clientHeight) ); }, showLightbox: function() { var top = $(document).scrollTop() + 80, $lightbox = $("#themify_lightbox_visibility"); $('#themify_lightbox_overlay').show(); $.ajax({ 'type' : 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'themify_get_visibility_options', selected:, nonce: themify_js_vars.nonce }, success: function(data){ $( '.lightbox_container', $lightbox ).append(data); $lightbox .show() .css('top', Themify_Visibility.getDocHeight()) .animate({ 'top': top }, 800 ); $('#visibility-tabs', $lightbox).tabs(); $('#visibility-tabs .themify-visibility-inner-tabs', $lightbox).tabs(); } }); }, closeLightbox: function( callback ){ $('#themify_lightbox_visibility').animate({ 'top': Themify_Visibility.getDocHeight() }, 800, function() { $('#themify_lightbox_overlay').hide(); $('#themify_lightbox_visibility').hide(); if( typeof(callback) === 'function' ) { callback(); } Themify_Visibility.clearOptions(); }); }, clearOptions: function(){ $('#themify_lightbox_visibility').find('.lightbox_container').empty(); } }; var $lightbox = $('#themify_lightbox_visibility'); $body.on('click', '.themify-add-hook a', function(){ var field_ids = JSON.parse( $('#themify-hooks-field-ids').val() ), new_field_id = 1; if( field_ids.length > 0 ) { new_field_id = Math.max.apply(null, field_ids) + 1; } else { field_ids = []; } $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'post', data: { action: 'themify_hooks_add_item', field_id : new_field_id, nonce: themify_js_vars.nonce }, success: function(data){ field_ids.push( new_field_id ); 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}); } ); return false; }); // <select> Wrapper $themify.find('select').not('[multiple]').wrap('<div class="selectwrapper"></div>'); $('.selectwrapper').click(function(){ $(this).toggleClass('clicked'); }); // Return a specific variable in the url function getUrlVar( sParam ) { var sPageURL =, sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'), out = false; for ( var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i ++ ) { var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if ( sParameterName[0] == sParam ) { out = sParameterName[1]; break; } } return out; } // Redirect to Update tab if url has update=check variable var isThemify = getUrlVar('page'); if ( isThemify && 'themify' == isThemify ) { var hash = window.location.hash; if ( ! hash ) { var isUpdate = getUrlVar('update'); if ( isUpdate && 'check' === isUpdate ) { $themify.find('a[href="#update-check"]').trigger('click'); } } } // If image in Featured Image meta box is removed, remove image in #post_image var themifyCustomPostImageRemove = $( '#post_image' ).closest( '.themify_field' ).find( '.themify_featimg_remove a' ); 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'true' : 'false' ; } else { var $source_element_value = $source_element.val(); } $target_value = $.isArray($target_value)?$target_value:[$target_value]; if( 'undefined' !== typeof( $source_element_value ) && $.inArray($source_element_value.trim(),$target_value)!==-1){ // Show $target_element.slideDown( { duration: 550 } ); } else { // Hide $target_element.slideUp( { duration: 550 } ); } }); } })(jQuery);
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