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/** * Theme Customizer enhancements for a better user experience. * * Contains handlers to make Theme Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously. */ ( function( $ ) { var $et_pb_section = $( '.et_pb_section' ), $et_transparent_nav = $( '.et_transparent_nav' ), $et_footer_info = $('#footer-info'), et_footer_info_original_html = et_main_customizer_data.original_footer_credits; var isCustomPostType = false; var selectorWrapper = ''; if ( ! $et_footer_info.length ) { $( '#footer-bottom .container' ).prepend( '<p id="footer-info"></p>' ); $et_footer_info = $('#footer-info'); } function et_remove_element_class( prefix, el ) { var $element = typeof el === 'undefined' ? $( 'body' ) : $( el ), el_classes = $element.attr( 'class' ), el_class; regex = new RegExp( prefix + '[^\\s]+', 'g' ); el_class = el_classes.replace( regex, '' ); $element.attr( 'class', $.trim( el_class ) ); } function et_fix_page_top_padding() { setTimeout( function() { var $body = $( 'body' ), $pagecontainer = $( '#page-container' ), $top_header = $( '#top-header' ), $main_header = $( '#main-header' ), secondary_nav_height = $top_header.length && $':visible') ? $top_header.innerHeight() : 0; if ( !$body.hasClass('et_hide_nav') && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav && $body.hasClass( 'et_fixed_nav' ) ) { $pagecontainer.css( 'paddingTop', $main_header.innerHeight() + secondary_nav_height ); $main_header.css( 'top', secondary_nav_height ); } else if ( window.et_is_vertical_nav ) { $pagecontainer.css( 'paddingTop', 0 ); $main_header.css( 'top', 0 ); } else { $pagecontainer.css( 'paddingTop', 0 ); } et_fix_page_container_position(); }, 550 ); } // Fixing logo height size function et_fix_logo_height() { var header_style = typeof wp.customize.value( 'et_divi[header_style]' )() === 'undefined' ? 'left' : wp.customize.value( 'et_divi[header_style]' )(), menu_height = typeof wp.customize.value( 'et_divi[menu_height]' )() === 'undefined' ? 66 : parseInt( wp.customize.value( 'et_divi[menu_height]' )() ), fixed_menu_height = ! $('#fixed_menu_height').length || typeof wp.customize.value( 'et_divi[minimized_menu_height]' )() === 'undefined' ? 40 : parseInt( wp.customize.value( 'et_divi[minimized_menu_height]' )() ), logo_height = typeof wp.customize.value( 'et_divi[logo_height]' )() === 'undefined' ? 54 : parseInt( wp.customize.value( 'et_divi[logo_height]' )() ), $body = $('body'), is_rtl = $body.hasClass( 'rtl' ), $et_top_navigation = $('#et-top-navigation'), et_top_nav_padding = is_rtl ? 'paddingRight' : 'paddingLeft', logo_width = 30; style_id = "style#logo_height_style", style_content = '<style id="logo_height_style">', top_nav_padding_value = ''; if ( header_style === 'left' || header_style === 'slide' || header_style === 'fullscreen' ) { style_content += "#logo { max-height: " + logo_height + "%; }\ "; style_content += ".et_pb_svg_logo #logo { height: " + logo_height + "%; }\ "; } if ( header_style === 'centered' ) { style_content += ".et_header_style_centered #logo { max-height: " + logo_height + "%; }\ "; style_content += ".et_pb_svg_logo.et_header_style_centered #logo { height: " + logo_height + "%; }\ "; } if ( header_style === 'split' ) { style_content += "body.et_header_style_split .centered-inline-logo-wrap { width: auto; height: " + ( ( ( menu_height / 100 ) * logo_height ) + 14 ) + "px; }\ "; style_content += "body.et_header_style_split .et-fixed-header .centered-inline-logo-wrap { width: auto; height: " + ( ( ( fixed_menu_height / 100 ) * logo_height ) + 14 ) + "px; }\ "; style_content += "body.et_header_style_split .centered-inline-logo-wrap #logo { height: auto; max-height: 100%; }\ "; style_content += "body.et_header_style_split .et-fixed-header .centered-inline-logo-wrap #logo { height: auto; max-height: 100%; }\ "; // Removes inline width styling $( '.et_header_style_split .centered-inline-logo-wrap' ).css({ 'width' : '' }); } if ( window.et_is_vertical_nav ) { style_content += "#main-header .logo_container { width: " + logo_height + "%; }\ "; style_content += ".et_header_style_centered #main-header .logo_container, .et_header_style_split #main-header .logo_container { margin: 0 auto; }\ "; } style_content += '</style>'; // Append / refresh logo height et_customizer_update_styles( style_id, style_content ); setTimeout( function() { // Update inline styling if ( header_style === 'left' && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav || header_style === 'slide' || header_style === 'fullscreen' ) { // Update logo height logo_width += $( '#logo' ).width(); top_nav_padding_value = logo_width; } $et_top_navigation.css( et_top_nav_padding, top_nav_padding_value ); }, 700 ); } // Retrieving padding/margin value based on formatted saved padding/margin strings function et_get_saved_padding_margin_value( saved_value, order ) { if ( typeof saved_value === 'undefined' ) { return false; } var values = saved_value.split('|'); return typeof values[order] !== 'undefined' ? values[order] : false; } // Calculate fixed header height by cloning, emulating, and calculating its height function et_fix_saved_main_header_height( state ) { var is_desktop_view = $(window).width() > 980, main_header_height = 0, $main_header = $('#main-header'), data_attribute = state === 'fixed' ? 'data-fixed-height-onload' : 'data-height-onload', main_header_clone_classname = state === 'fixed' ? 'main-header-clone et-fixed-header' : 'main-header-clone', $main_header_clone = $main_header.clone().addClass( main_header_clone_classname ); if ( is_desktop_view ) { if ( state === 'fixed' ) { $main_header_clone.css({ opacity: 0, position: 'fixed', top: 'auto', right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }).appendTo( $('body') ); } else { $main_header_clone.css({ opacity: 0, position: 'absolute', top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 'auto', left: 0 }).prependTo( $('body') ); } main_header_height = $main_header_clone.height(); $main_header_clone.remove(); $main_header.attr( data_attribute, main_header_height ); } } // Fixing main header's alpha to fixed background color transition function et_fix_page_container_position(){ var $et_pb_slider = $( '.et_pb_slider' ), $top_header = $('#top-header'), $main_header = $('#main-header'), $main_header_innerheight = $main_header.innerHeight(), $main_container_wrapper = $( '#page-container' ), $et_transparent_nav = $( '.et_transparent_nav' ), $et_transparent_nav_length = $et_transparent_nav.length, $et_pb_first_row = $( 'body.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout .et_pb_section:first-child' ), $et_pb_first_row_length = $et_pb_first_row.length, $et_pb_first_row_first_module = $et_pb_first_row.children( '.et_pb_module:first' ), $et_main_content_first_row = $( '#main-content .container:first-child' ), $et_main_content_first_row_length = $et_main_content_first_row.length, $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper = $et_main_content_first_row.find('.et_post_meta_wrapper:first'), $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper_title = $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper.find( 'h1' ), $et_main_content_first_row_content = $et_main_content_first_row.find('.entry-content:first'), $et_single_post = $( 'body.single-post' ), $et_window = $(window), et_window_width = $et_window.width(), secondary_nav_height = $top_header.length && $ ':visible' ) ? $top_header.innerHeight() : 0, inline_style = "<style id='et_fix_page_container_position'>", $inline_style = $('#et_fix_page_container_position'), $inline_style_length = $inline_style.length, $et_pb_post_fullwidth = $( '.single.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout.et_full_width_page' ), is_fixed_nav = $('body').hasClass('et_fixed_nav'), is_nav_vertical_to_horizontal = $('body').hasClass( 'nav-vertical-to-horizontal' ); // Set data-height-onload for header if the page is loaded on large screen // If the page is loaded from small screen, rely on data-height-onload printed on the markup, // prevent window resizing issue from small to large if ( et_window_width > 980 && ! $main_header.attr( 'data-height-loaded' ) ) { $main_header.attr({ 'data-height-onload' : $main_header_innerheight, 'data-height-loaded' : true }); } // Use on page load calculation for large screen. Use on the fly calculation for small screen (980px below) if ( et_window_width <= 980 ) { var header_height = $main_header_innerheight + secondary_nav_height - 1; // If transparent is detected, #main-content .container's padding-top needs to be added to header_height // And NOT a pagebuilder page if ( $et_transparent_nav_length && ! $et_pb_first_row_length ) { header_height += 58; } } else { // Get header height from header attribute var header_height = is_nav_vertical_to_horizontal ? $main_header.height() : parseInt( $main_header.attr( 'data-height-onload' ) ); header_height += secondary_nav_height; // Non page builder page needs to be added by #main-content .container's fixed height if ( $et_transparent_nav_length && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav && $et_main_content_first_row_length ) { header_height += 58; } // If this is horizontal to vertical switching, update main header's data-height-onload if ( is_nav_vertical_to_horizontal ) { $main_header.attr({ 'data-height-onload' : $main_header.height() }); } // Calculate fixed header height by cloning, emulating, and calculating its height } // Calculate fixed header height by cloning, emulating, and calculating its height et_fix_saved_main_header_height( 'fixed' ); // Specific adjustment required for transparent nav + not vertical nav if ( $et_transparent_nav_length && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) { // Add class for first row for custom section padding purpose $et_pb_first_row.addClass( 'et_pb_section_first' ); // List of conditionals var is_pb = $et_pb_first_row.length, is_post_pb = is_pb && $et_single_post.length, is_post_pb_full_layout_has_title = $et_pb_post_fullwidth.length && $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper_title.length, is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title = $et_pb_post_fullwidth.length && 0 === $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper_title.length, is_pb_fullwidth_section_first = $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_section' ), is_no_pb_mobile = $et_window.width() <= 980 && $et_main_content_first_row.length; if ( is_post_pb && ! ( is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title && is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Single Post */ /* * EXCEPT for fullwidth layout + fullwidth section ( at the first row ). * It is basically the same as page + fullwidth section with few quirk. * Instead of duplicating the conditional for each module, it'll be simpler to negate * fullwidth layout + fullwidth section in is_post_pb and rely it to is_pb_fullwidth_section_first */ // Remove main content's inline padding to styling to prevent looping padding-top calculation $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); if ( $et_window.width() < 980 ) { header_height += 40; } if ( is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ) { // If the first section is fullwidth, restore the padding-top modified area at first section $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '0', }); } if ( is_post_pb_full_layout_has_title ) { // Add header height to post meta wrapper as padding top $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } else if ( is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } else { // Add header height to first row content as padding top $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } } else if ( is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ){ /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Section */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module = $et_pb_first_row.children( '.et_pb_module:first' ); // Quirks: If this is post with fullwidth layout + no title + fullwidth section at first row, // Remove the added height at line 2656 if ( is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title && is_pb_fullwidth_section_first && $et_window.width() > 980 ) { header_height = header_height - 58; } if ( $ '.et_pb_slider' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth slider */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_image = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide_image' ), $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide' ), $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide .et_pb_container' ), et_pb_slide_image_margin_top = 0 - ( parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_image.height() ) / 2 ), et_pb_slide_container_height = 0, $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slider_arrow = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et-pb-slider-arrows a'), et_pb_first_row_slider_arrow_height = $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slider_arrow.height(); // Adding padding top to each slide so the transparency become useful $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height, }); // delete container's min-height $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.css({ 'min-height' : '' }); // Adjusting slider's image, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_image.css({ 'marginTop' : et_pb_slide_image_margin_top }); // Adjusting slider's arrow, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slider_arrow.css({ 'marginTop' : ( ( header_height / 2 ) - ( et_pb_first_row_slider_arrow_height / 2 ) ) }); // Looping the slide and get the highest height of slide et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new = 0 $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide' ).each( function(){ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_item = $(this), $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container = $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_item.find( '.et_pb_container' ); // Make sure that the slide is visible to calculate correct height $; // Remove existing inline css to make sure that it calculates the height $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.css({ 'min-height' : '' }); var et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height = $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.innerHeight(); if ( et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new < et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height ){ et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new = et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height; } // Hide the slide back if it isn't active slide if ( $ ':not(".et-pb-active-slide")' ) ){ $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_item.hide(); } }); // Setting appropriate min-height, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.css({ 'min-height' : et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new }); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_header' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth header */ // Remove existing inline stylesheet to prevent looping padding $et_pb_first_row_first_module.removeAttr( 'style' ); // Get paddingTop from stylesheet var et_pb_first_row_first_module_fullwidth_header_padding_top = parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css( 'paddingTop' ) ); // Implement stylesheet's padding-top + header_height $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'paddingTop' : ( header_height + et_pb_first_row_first_module_fullwidth_header_padding_top ) } ); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Portfolio */ $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_map_container' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Map */ var $et_pb_first_row_map = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_map' ); // Remove existing inline height to prevent looping height calculation $et_pb_first_row_map.css({ 'height' : '' }); // Implement map height + header height $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find('.et_pb_map').css({ 'height' : header_height + parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_map.css( 'height' ) ) }); // Adding specific class to mark the map as first row section element $et_pb_first_row_first_module.addClass( 'et_beneath_transparent_nav' ); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_menu' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Menu */ $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'marginTop' : header_height }); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_code' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth code */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code = $et_pb_first_row_first_module; $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); var et_pb_first_row_first_module_code_padding_top = parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code.css( 'paddingTop' ) ); $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height + et_pb_first_row_first_module_code_padding_top }); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_post_title' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Post Title */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_title = $et_pb_first_row_first_module; $et_pb_first_row_first_module_title.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height + 50 }); } } else if ( is_pb ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Regular section */ // Remove first row's inline padding top styling to prevent looping padding-top calculation $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); // Get saved custom padding from data-* attributes. Builder automatically adds // saved custom paddings to data-* attributes on first section var et_window_width = $et_window.width(), saved_custom_padding = $et_pb_first_row.attr('data-padding'), saved_custom_padding_top = et_get_saved_padding_margin_value( saved_custom_padding, 0 ), saved_custom_padding_tablet = $et_pb_first_row.attr('data-padding-tablet'), saved_custom_padding_tablet_top = et_get_saved_padding_margin_value( saved_custom_padding_tablet, 0 ), saved_custom_padding_phone = $et_pb_first_row.attr('data-padding-phone'), saved_custom_padding_phone_top = et_get_saved_padding_margin_value( saved_custom_padding_phone, 0 ), applied_saved_custom_padding; if ( saved_custom_padding_top || saved_custom_padding_tablet_top || saved_custom_padding_phone_top ) { // Applies padding top to first section to automatically convert saved unit into px if ( et_window_width > 980 && saved_custom_padding_top ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ paddingTop: saved_custom_padding_top }); } else if ( et_window_width > 767 && saved_custom_padding_tablet_top ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ paddingTop: saved_custom_padding_tablet_top }); } else if ( saved_custom_padding_phone_top ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ paddingTop: saved_custom_padding_phone_top }); } // Get converted custom padding top value applied_saved_custom_padding = parseInt( $et_pb_first_row.css( 'paddingTop' ) ); // Implemented saved & converted padding top + header height $et_pb_first_row.css({ paddingTop: ( header_height + applied_saved_custom_padding ) }); } else { // Pagebuilder ignores #main-content .container's fixed height and uses its row's padding // Anticipate the use of custom section padding. et_pb_first_row_padding_top = header_height + parseInt( $et_pb_first_row.css( 'paddingBottom' ) ); // Implementing padding-top + header_height $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : et_pb_first_row_padding_top }); } } else if ( is_no_pb_mobile ) { // Mobile + not pagebuilder $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } else if ( is_fixed_nav ) { $('#main-content .container:first-child').css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } // Append inline style inline_style += "#page-container{padding-top: 0 !important; }"; } else { // Remove class for first row for custom section padding purpose $et_pb_first_row.removeClass( 'et_pb_section_first' ); // Add padding-top for #page-container if fixed nav is used if ( is_fixed_nav ) { $main_container_wrapper.css( 'paddingTop', header_height ); } // Cleanup mechanism from transparent nav into fixed color nav for edge cases (e.g. fullwidth section) // List of conditionals var is_pb = $et_pb_first_row.length, is_post_pb = is_pb && $et_single_post.length, is_post_pb_full_layout_has_title = $et_pb_post_fullwidth.length && $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper_title.length, is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title = $et_pb_post_fullwidth.length && 0 === $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper_title.length, is_pb_fullwidth_section_first = $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_section' ), is_no_pb_mobile = $et_window.width() <= 980 && $et_main_content_first_row.length; if ( is_post_pb && ! ( is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title && is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Single Post */ /* * EXCEPT for fullwidth layout + fullwidth section ( at the first row ). * It is basically the same as page + fullwidth section with few quirk. * Instead of duplicating the conditional for each module, it'll be simpler to negate * fullwidth layout + fullwidth section in is_post_pb and rely it to is_pb_fullwidth_section_first */ // Remove main content's inline padding to styling to prevent looping padding-top calculation $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); if ( is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '', }); } if ( is_post_pb_full_layout_has_title ) { // Add header height to post meta wrapper as padding top $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); } else if ( is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); } else { // Add header height to first row content as padding top $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); } } else if ( is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ){ /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Section */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module = $et_pb_first_row.children( '.et_pb_module:first' ); if ( $et_pb_first_row.children( '.et_pb_module:first' ).is( '.et_pb_slider' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth slider */ var $et_pb_first_row_slide_image = $et_pb_first_row.find( '.et_pb_slide_image' ), $et_pb_first_row_slide = $et_pb_first_row.find( '.et_pb_slide' ), $et_pb_first_row_slide_container = $et_pb_first_row.find( '.et_pb_slide .et_pb_container' ), et_pb_slide_image_margin_top = 0 - ( parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_slide_image.height() ) / 2 ), et_pb_slide_container_height = 0, $et_pb_first_row_slider_arrow = $et_pb_first_row.find( '.et-pb-slider-arrows a'), et_pb_first_row_slider_arrow_height = $et_pb_first_row_slider_arrow.height(); // Adding padding top to each slide so the transparency become useful $et_pb_first_row_slide.css({ 'paddingTop' : '', }); // delete container's min-height $et_pb_first_row_slide_container.css({ 'min-height' : '' }); // Adjusting slider's image, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_slide_image.css({ 'marginTop' : '' }); // Adjusting slider's arrow, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_slider_arrow.css({ 'marginTop' : '' }); // Setting appropriate min-height, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_slide_container.css({ 'min-height' : '' }); } else if ( $et_pb_first_row.children( '.et_pb_module:first' ).is( '.et_pb_fullwidth_header' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth header */ // Implement stylesheet's padding-top + header_height $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' } ); } else if ( $et_pb_first_row.children( '.et_pb_module:first' ).is( '.et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Portfolio */ $et_pb_first_row.find( '.et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio' ).css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_map_container' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Map */ var $et_pb_first_row_map = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_map' ); // Remove existing inline height to prevent looping height calculation $et_pb_first_row_map.css({ 'height' : '' }); // Implement map height + header height $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find('.et_pb_map').css({ 'height' : '' }); // Adding specific class to mark the map as first row section element $et_pb_first_row_first_module.removeClass( 'et_beneath_transparent_nav' ); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_menu' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Menu */ $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'marginTop' : '' }); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_fullwidth_code' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth code */ var $et_pb_first_row_code = $et_pb_first_row_first_module; $et_pb_first_row_code.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); $et_pb_first_row_code.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); } else if ( $ '.et_pb_post_title' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Post Title */ var $et_pb_first_row_title = $et_pb_first_row_first_module; $et_pb_first_row_title.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); } } else if ( is_pb ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Regular section */ // Remove first row's inline padding top styling to prevent looping padding-top calculation $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); // Implementing padding-top + header_height $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); } else if ( is_no_pb_mobile ) { // Mobile + not pagebuilder $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); } else { $('#main-content .container:first-child').css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); } } // Print or update inline style on <head> inline_style += '</style>'; if ( $inline_style_length ) { $inline_style.replaceWith( inline_style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( inline_style ); } // Remove nav transition marking, if there's any. It should only used once during first transition $('body').removeClass( 'nav-vertical-to-horizontal nav-horizontal-to-vertical' ); // et_change_primary_nav_position( 0 ); } // Fixing main header's box-shadow based on primary_nav_bg and fixed_primary_nav_bg function et_fix_main_header_box_shadow() { var primary_nav_bg = wp.customize( 'et_divi[primary_nav_bg]' )(), fixed_primary_nav_bg = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_fixed_nav' ) ? wp.customize( 'et_divi[fixed_primary_nav_bg]' )() : '', et_custom_header_shadow_style = $( '<style />', { id: 'et_custom_header_shadow_style' }), $et_custom_header_shadow_style = $( '#et_custom_header_shadow_style' ), $et_custom_header_shadow_style_length = $et_custom_header_shadow_style.length; // Append styling // main-header's rule: if it's transparent, remove box-shadow if ( 'string' === typeof primary_nav_bg && 'rgba' === primary_nav_bg.substr( 0, 4 ) ) { et_custom_header_shadow_style.append( '#main-header{ background: '+primary_nav_bg+' !important;\n box-shadow: none; }' ); } else { et_custom_header_shadow_style.append( '#main-header{ background: '+primary_nav_bg+' !important;\n box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\n -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\n -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); }' ); } // fixed main-header's rule: 1) remove box-shadow if transparent. 2) if it uses default (#ffffff) derive color from primary_nav_bg if ( 'string' === typeof fixed_primary_nav_bg && ( 'rgba' === fixed_primary_nav_bg.substr( 0, 4 ) || ( 'rgba' === primary_nav_bg.substr( 0, 4 ) && '#ffffff' === fixed_primary_nav_bg ) ) ) { et_custom_header_shadow_style.append( '.et-fixed-header#main-header{ box-shadow: none !important; }' ); } else { et_custom_header_shadow_style.append( '.et-fixed-header#main-header{ box-shadow: 0 0 7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important; \n -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important; \n -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important; }' ); } if ( '#ffffff' === fixed_primary_nav_bg ) { et_custom_header_shadow_style.append( '.et-fixed-header#main-header{ background: '+primary_nav_bg+' !important; }' ); } else { et_custom_header_shadow_style.append( '.et-fixed-header#main-header{ background: '+fixed_primary_nav_bg+' !important; }' ); } // Print / replace the custom styling if ( $et_custom_header_shadow_style_length ) { $et_custom_header_shadow_style.replaceWith( et_custom_header_shadow_style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( et_custom_header_shadow_style ); } } function et_maybe_fix_header_style( mode ) { var $et_window = $(window), $et_window_width = $et_window.width(), $main_header = $('#main-header'), $main_header_height = $main_header.height(), $et_top_navigation = $('#et-top-navigation'), $logo_container = $('#main-header > .container > .logo_container'), $logo_container_length = $logo_container.length, $logo_container_splitted = $('.centered-inline-logo-wrap > .logo_container'), et_top_navigation_li_size = $et_top_navigation.children('nav').children('ul').children('li').size(), et_top_navigation_li_break_index = Math.round( et_top_navigation_li_size / 2 ) - 1; if ( $et_window_width > 980 && $logo_container_length && mode == 'split' && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) { $('<li class="centered-inline-logo-wrap"></li>').insertAfter($et_top_navigation.find('nav > ul >li:nth('+et_top_navigation_li_break_index+')') ); $logo_container.appendTo( $et_top_navigation.find('.centered-inline-logo-wrap') ); } if ( $et_window_width <= 980 && $logo_container_splitted.length || mode != 'split' ) { $logo_container_splitted.prependTo('#main-header > .container'); $('#main-header .centered-inline-logo-wrap').remove(); } // Update initial header height attribute if ( $et_window_width > 980 ) { $main_header.attr({ 'data-height-onload' : $main_header_height }); } } function et_fix_slider_height() { var $et_pb_slider = $( '.et_pb_slider' ); if ( ! $et_pb_slider.length ) { return; } $et_pb_slider.each( function() { var $slide = $(this).find( '.et_pb_slide' ), $slide_container = $slide.find( '.et_pb_container' ), max_height = 0; $slide_container.css( 'min-height', 0 ); $slide.each( function() { var $this_el = $(this), height = $this_el.innerHeight(); if ( max_height < height ) max_height = height; } ); $slide_container.css( 'min-height', max_height ); } ); } function et_maybe_create_secondary_nav() { if ( $( '#top-header' ).length ) { return; } $( 'body' ) .addClass( 'et_secondary_nav_enabled' ) .prepend( '<div id="top-header" class="et_nav_text_color_light"><div class="container"></div></div>' ); et_fix_page_top_padding(); } function et_maybe_remove_secondary_nav() { if ( ! $( '#top-header' ).length ) { return; } setTimeout( function() { if ( $( '#top-header .container' ).children().filter( ':visible' ).length ) { return; } $( 'body' ) .removeClass( 'et_secondary_nav_enabled' ) .removeClass( 'et_secondary_nav_two_panels' ) .find( '#top-header' ) .remove(); et_fix_page_top_padding(); }, 500 ); } function add_menu_styles( to, style_id, is_fixed ) { var $full_style_id = $( 'style#et_menu_preview_' + style_id ), fixed_class = 'fixed' === is_fixed ? '.et-fixed-header' : '', menu_styles = "<style id='et_menu_preview_" + style_id + "'>\ @media all and ( min-width: 981px ) {\ "; // Append menu styles menu_styles += ".et_header_style_left " + fixed_class + " #et-top-navigation nav > ul > li > a { padding-bottom: " + to / 2 + "px; }\ "; menu_styles += ".et_header_style_left " + fixed_class + " #et-top-navigation { padding: " + to / 2 + "px 0 0 0; }\ "; menu_styles += ".et_header_style_split " + fixed_class + " #et-top-navigation nav > ul > li > a { padding-bottom: " + to / 2 + "px; }\ "; menu_styles += ".et_header_style_split " + fixed_class + " .centered-inline-logo-wrap { width: "+to+"px; margin: -"+to+"px 0; }\ "; menu_styles += ".et_header_style_split " + fixed_class + " .centered-inline-logo-wrap #logo { max-height: "+to+"px; }\ "; menu_styles += ".et_header_style_split " + fixed_class + " #et-top-navigation { padding: " + to / 2 + "px 0 0 0; }\ "; menu_styles += ".et_header_style_centered header#main-header" + fixed_class + " .logo_container { height: " + to + "px; }\ "; menu_styles += ".et_header_style_centered header#main-header" + fixed_class + " #top-menu > li > a { padding-bottom: " + to * .18 + "px; }\ "; menu_styles += ".et_header_style_slide " + fixed_class + " #et-top-navigation, .et_header_style_fullscreen " + fixed_class + " #et-top-navigation { padding: " + ( to - 18 ) / 2 + "px 0 " + ( to - 18 ) / 2 + "px 0 !important; }\ "; menu_styles += '}\ </style>'; if ( $full_style_id.length ) { $( $full_style_id ).replaceWith( menu_styles ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( menu_styles ); } } function et_slide_to_top() { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop : 0 }, 100, function() { setTimeout( function() { et_fix_saved_main_header_height( 'initial' ); $(window).trigger('resize'); }, 300 ); }); } function add_content_sidebar_style( sidebar_width ) { var content_width = 100 - parseInt( sidebar_width ), content_sidebar_style = $( '<style />', { id : 'theme-customizer-sidebar-width-css' } ), $content_sidebar_style = $('#theme-customizer-sidebar-width-css'); content_sidebar_style.text( 'body #page-container #sidebar{ width:' + sidebar_width + '%; }\ body #page-container #left-area{ width:' + content_width + '%; }\ .et_right_sidebar #main-content .container:before{ right:' + sidebar_width+'% !important }\ .et_left_sidebar #main-content .container:before{ left:'+sidebar_width+'% !important }\ '); if ( $content_sidebar_style.length ) { $( $content_sidebar_style ).replaceWith( content_sidebar_style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( content_sidebar_style ); } } /** * This is a simplified version of {@see et_builder_maybe_wrap_css_selector()}. * If multiple selectors (eg. selector1, selector2) are provided they will each be wrapped. * * @param selector */ function maybe_wrap_css_selector(selector) { if (! isCustomPostType) { return selector; } var selectors = selector.split(','); var result = ''; _.forEach(selectors, function(css_selector) { result += selectorWrapper + ' ' + css_selector; }); return result.join(','); } var css = maybe_wrap_css_selector; /** * Basically mimics et_pb_print_module_styles_css() on functions.php * Append to <head> instead of adding inline styling. Module's individual styling > Customizer's module styles */ function et_print_module_styles_css( id, type, selector, value, important ){ // sanitize id into safe style's ID var style_id = id.replace(/[ +\/\[\]]/g,'_').toLowerCase(), $style = $('#' + style_id), $style_length = $style.length; // create DOM var style = $( '<style />', { id : style_id } ); // Determine important tag if ( typeof important !== 'undefined' ){ var important_tag = '!important'; } else { var important_tag = ''; } // append style into DOM switch( type ){ case 'font-size': style.text( css(selector) + "{ font-size: " + value + "px " + important_tag + ";}" ); // Option with specific adjustment for smaller columns var smaller_title_sections = [ 'et_divi[et_pb_audio-header_font_size]', 'et_divi[et_pb_blog-title_font_size]', 'et_divi[et_pb_cta-header_font_size]', 'et_divi[et_pb_contact_form-header_font_size]', 'et_divi[et_pb_login-header_font_size]', 'et_divi[et_pb_signup-header_font_size]', 'et_divi[et_pb_slider-header_font_size]', 'et_divi[et_pb_slider-body_font_size]', 'et_divi[et_pb_countdown_timer-header_font_size]' ]; if( $.inArray( id, smaller_title_sections ) ){ // font size coefficient switch ( id ) { case 'et_divi[et_pb_slider-header_font_size]': var font_size = parseInt( value ) * .565217391; // 26/46 break; case 'et_divi[et_pb_slider-body_font_size]': var font_size = parseInt( value ) * .777777778; // 14/16 break; default: var font_size = parseInt( value ) * .846153846; // 22/26 break; } style.append( ".et_pb_column_1_3 " + css(selector) + " { font-size: " + font_size + "px " + important_tag + "; }" ); style.append( ".et_pb_column_1_4 " + css(selector) + " { font-size: " + font_size + "px " + important_tag + "; }" ); } break; case 'font-styles': style.text( css(selector) + " { " + et_set_font_styles( value, important_tag ) + " }" ); break; case 'letter-spacing': style.text( css(selector) + "{ letter-spacing: " + value + "px " + important_tag + ";}" ); break; case 'line-height': style.text( css(selector) + "{ line-height: " + value + "em " + important_tag + ";}" ); break; case 'color': style.text( css(selector) + "{ color: " + value + " " + important_tag + ";}" ); break; case 'background-color': style.text( css(selector) + "{ background-color: " + value + " " + important_tag + ";}" ); break; case 'border-radius': style.text( css(selector) + " { -moz-border-radius: " + value + "px; -webkit-border-radius: " + value + "px; border-radius: " + value + "px; }" ); break; case 'width': style.text( css(selector) + "{ width: " + value + "px " + important_tag + ";}" ); break; case 'height': style.text( css(selector) + "{ height: " + value + "px " + important_tag + ";}" ); break; case 'padding': style.text( css(selector) + "{ padding: " + value + "px " + important_tag + ";}" ); break; case 'padding-top-bottom': style.text( css(selector) + "{ padding: " + value + "px 0 " + important_tag + ";}" ); break; case 'padding-tabs': var padding_tab_top_bottom = parseInt( value ) * 0.133333333, padding_tab_active_top = padding_tab_top_bottom + 1, padding_tab_active_bottom = padding_tab_top_bottom - 1, padding_tab_content = parseInt( value ) * 0.8; // negative result will cause layout issue if ( padding_tab_active_bottom < 0 ) { padding_tab_active_bottom = 0; } style.text( css('.et_pb_tabs_controls li') + " { padding: " + padding_tab_active_top + "px " + value + "px " + padding_tab_active_bottom + "px; }" ); style.text( css('.et_pb_tabs_controls li.et_pb_tab_active') + " { padding: " + padding_tab_top_bottom + "px " + value + "px; }" ); style.text( css('.et_pb_all_tabs') + " { padding: " + padding_tab_content + "px " + value + "px " + important_tag + "; }" ); break; case 'padding-slider': style.text( css(selector) + "{ padding-top: " + value + "%; padding-bottom: " + value + "%; }" ); if ( 'et_pagebuilder_slider_padding' === id ) { style.append( '@media only screen and ( max-width: 767px ) { ' + css(selector) + '{ padding-top: 16%; padding-bottom: 16%; } }' ); } break; case 'padding-call-to-action': value = parseInt( value ); style.text( css('.et_pb_promo') + " { padding: " + value + "px " + ( value * ( 60 / 40 ) ) + "px; }" ); style.append( css('.et_pb_column_1_2 .et_pb_promo') + " { padding: " + value + "px; }" ); style.append( css('.et_pb_column_1_3 .et_pb_promo') + " { padding: " + value + "px; }" ); style.append( css('.et_pb_column_1_4 .et_pb_promo') + " { padding: " + value + "px; }" ); break; case 'social-icon-size': var icon_margin = parseInt( value ) * 0.57; var icon_dimension = parseInt( value ) * 2; style.text( css('.et_pb_social_media_follow li a.icon') + " { margin-right: " + icon_margin + "px; width: " + icon_dimension + "px; height: " + icon_dimension + "px; }" ); style.text( css('.et_pb_social_media_follow li a.icon::before') + " { width: " + icon_dimension + "px; height: " + icon_dimension + "px; font-size: " + value + "px; line-height: " + icon_dimension + "px; }" ); style.text( css('.et_pb_social_media_follow li a.follow_button') + " { font-size:" + value + "px; }" ); break; case 'border-top-style': style.text( css(selector) + "{ border-top-style: " + value + " " + important_tag + "; }" ); break; case 'border-top-width': style.text( css(selector) + "{ border-top-width: " + value + "px " + important_tag + "; }" ); break; } // Insert custom styling if ( $style_length ) { $style.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } function et_set_font_styles( value, important_tag ) { var font_styles = value.split( '|' ), style = ''; if ( $.inArray( 'bold', font_styles ) >= 0 ) { style += "font-weight: bold " + important_tag + ";"; } else { style += "font-weight: inherit " + important_tag + ";"; } if ( $.inArray( 'italic', font_styles ) >= 0 ) { style += "font-style: italic " + important_tag + ";"; } else { style += "font-style: inherit " + important_tag + ";"; } if ( $.inArray( 'underline', font_styles ) >= 0 ) { style += "text-decoration: underline " + important_tag + ";"; } else { style += "text-decoration: inherit " + important_tag + ";"; } if ( $.inArray( 'uppercase', font_styles ) >= 0 ) { style += "text-transform: uppercase " + important_tag + ";"; } else { style += "text-transform: inherit " + important_tag + ";"; } return style; } function et_fix_footer_widget_bullet_top(){ var style = $( '<style />', { id : 'footer-widget-bullet-style' }), $style = $( '#footer-widget-bullet-style' ), line_height = parseFloat( $('.footer-widget .et_pb_widget div').css( 'line-height' ) ), footer_widget_bullet_top = ( line_height / 2 ) - 3; style.text( "#footer-widgets .footer-widget li:before { top: " + footer_widget_bullet_top + "px; }" ); // Insert custom styling if ( $style.length ) { $style.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } function et_customizer_update_styles( style_id, $style_content ) { if ( $( style_id ).length ) { if ( '' !== $style_content ) { $( style_id ).replaceWith( $style_content ); } else { $( style_id ).remove(); } } else { $( 'head' ).append( $style_content ); } } function et_calculate_header_values() { var $top_header = $( '#top-header' ), secondary_nav_height = $top_header.length && $ ':visible' ) ? $top_header.innerHeight() : 0, admin_bar_height = $( '#wpadminbar' ).length ? $( '#wpadminbar' ).innerHeight() : 0, $slide_menu_container = $( '.et_header_style_slide .et_slide_in_menu_container' ); et_header_height = $( '#main-header' ).innerHeight() + secondary_nav_height, et_header_modifier = et_header_height <= 90 ? et_header_height - 29 : et_header_height - 56, et_header_offset = et_header_modifier + admin_bar_height; et_primary_header_top = secondary_nav_height + admin_bar_height; if ( $slide_menu_container.length && ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_slide_menu_active' ) ) { $slide_menu_container.css( { right: '-' + $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() + 'px' } ); if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_boxed_layout' ) ) { var page_container_margin = $( '#page-container' ).css( 'margin-left' ); $( '#main-header' ).css( { left : page_container_margin } ); } } } function et_fix_fullscreen_section() { var $et_window = $(window); $( 'section.et_pb_fullscreen' ).each( function(){ var $this_section = $( this ); $.proxy( window.et_calc_fullscreen_section, $this_section )(); $et_window.on( 'resize', $.proxy( window.et_calc_fullscreen_section, $this_section ) ); }); } function et_set_right_vertical_menu() { var $body = $( 'body' ); if ( $body.hasClass( 'et_boxed_layout' ) && $body.hasClass( 'et_vertical_fixed' ) && $body.hasClass( 'et_vertical_right' ) ) { var header_offset = parseFloat( $( '#page-container' ).css( 'margin-right' ) ); 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