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(function($){ maybe_set_location_hash_after_oauth_redirect(); $( function () { var follow_delete_counter = 0, share_delete_counter = 0, url = window.location.href, tab_link = url.split( '#tab_' )[1], $et_modal_window; //Check whether tab_id specified in the URL, if not - set the first tab from the navigation as a current tab. if ( undefined != tab_link ) { var section = ( -1 != tab_link.indexOf( 'header' ) ) ? 'header' : 'side'; set_current_tab( tab_link, section ); } else { set_current_tab ( $( 'div#et_social_navigation > ul > li > ul > li > a' ).first().attr( 'id' ), 'side' ); } // show/hide appropriate api settings depending on selected networks reset_api_visibility(); // Execute the stats graphs generating function via Ajax, to speed up the dashboard loading $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'get_share_stats_graphs', get_stats_nonce : monarchSettings.get_stats }, beforeSend: function ( xhr ){ $( '#et_social_stats_container .spinner' ).addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $( '#et_social_stats_container .spinner' ).removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); $( '#et_social_stats_container' ).append( data ); calculate_bars_size(); } }); $( '.et_social_notice_link' ).on('click', function() { var $this = $( this ), tab_open = $this.attr( 'href' ).split( '#tab_' )[1]; set_current_tab( tab_open, 'side' ); } ); $( '.et_social_api_trigger' ).on('click', function() { reset_api_visibility(); } ); // checks which social networks selected and adds et_social_visible_api class to required api settings. function reset_api_visibility() { var visible_options_count = 0, $api_setting_containers = $( '.et_social_api_setting' ), $all_settings_container = $api_setting_containers.closest( '.et_social_row' ), $social_network_row = $( '.follow_networks_networks_sorting.et_social_row' ).find( '.et_social_network' ); $api_setting_containers.removeClass( 'et_social_visible_api' ); if ( $social_network_row.length ) { $social_network_row.each( function() { var network_name = $( this ).data( 'name' ); switch( network_name ) { case 'vimeo' : $( '.et_social_vimeo_api').addClass( 'et_social_visible_api' ); visible_options_count++; break; case 'linkedin' : $( '.et_social_linkedin_api').addClass( 'et_social_visible_api' ); visible_options_count++; break; case 'twitter' : $( '.et_social_twitter_api').addClass( 'et_social_visible_api' ); visible_options_count++; break; case 'youtube' : $( '.et_social_youtube_api').addClass( 'et_social_visible_api' ); visible_options_count++; break; } }); } if ( 0 === visible_options_count ) { $all_settings_container.addClass( 'et_social_hidden_api' ); } else { $all_settings_container.removeClass( 'et_social_hidden_api' ); } } function calculate_bars_size() { // Calculate and change the height for the graph bars in each row $( '.et_social_tab_content_header_stats ul.et_social_graph' ).each( function() { var this_el = $( this ); if ( this_el.hasClass( 'et_social_graph_alltime' ) ) { resize ( this_el, false ); } else { resize ( this_el, true ); } }); $( '.et_social_tab_content_header_stats ul li > div > div' ).each( resize_network ); } /* Create checkbox/toggle UI based off form data */ $("div.et_social_multi_selectable").on('click', function() { var checkbox = $(this).children("input"); checkbox.prop('checked') == false ? checkbox.prop('checked', true) : checkbox.prop('checked', false); $(this).toggleClass( "et_social_selected et_social_just_selected" ); $(this).on('mouseleave', function() { $(this).removeClass( "et_social_just_selected" ); }); }); $("div.et_social_single_selectable").on('click', function() { var tabs = $(this).parents(".et_social_row").find("div.et_social_single_selectable"); var inputs = $(this).parents(".et_social_row").find("input"); tabs.removeClass( "et_social_selected" ); inputs.prop('checked', false); $(this).toggleClass( "et_social_selected" ); $(this).children("input").prop('checked',true); }); function toggle() { $(this).parent().addClass("et_social_selected"); } $("input.et_social_toggle[checked='checked']").each(toggle); /* Tabs System */ //Function which sets the current tab in navigation menu function set_current_tab( $tab_id, $section ) { var tab = $( 'div.' + $tab_id ); var current = $( 'a.current' ); $( current ).removeClass( 'current' ); $( 'a#' + $tab_id ).addClass( 'current' ); $( 'div.et_social_tab_content' ).removeClass( 'et_tab_selected' ); $( tab ).addClass( 'et_tab_selected' ); //If the tab is in opened section, then we don't need to toggle current_section class if ( '' != $section ) { var current_section = $( 'ul.current_section' ); current_section.removeClass( 'current_section' ); } //Hide save button from the header section since there is nothing to save if ( 'header' == $section ) { $( '.et_social_save_changes' ).css( { 'display' : 'none' } ); } if ( 'side' == $section ) { $( 'a#' + $tab_id ).parent().parent().toggleClass( 'current_section' ); $( '.et_social_save_changes' ).css( { 'display' : 'block' } ); } } // Adding href to tabs of each parent element to store the link of current tab in URL properly $( 'div#et_social_navigation > ul > li > a' ).each( function() { var $this_el = $( this ); $this_el.attr( 'href', '#tab_' + $this_el.parent().find( 'ul > li > a' ).first().attr( 'id' ) ); }); $( 'div#et_social_navigation > ul > li > a' ).on('click', function() { set_current_tab ( $( this ).parent().find( 'ul > li > a' ).first().attr( 'id' ), 'side'); }); $( '#et_social_navigation ul li ul li > a' ).on('click', function() { set_current_tab ( $( this ).attr( 'id' ), '' ); }); $( 'div#et_social_header > ul > li > a' ).on('click', function() { set_current_tab ( $( this ).attr( 'id' ), 'header' ); }); /* Build a uniform statistics graph based on data input*/ function resize( $current_ul, $is_height ) { var bar_array = ''; var bar_array = $( $current_ul ).find( 'li > div' ).map( function() { return $( this ).attr( 'value' ); }).get(); var bar_size = Math.max.apply( Math, bar_array ); $( $current_ul ).find( 'li > div' ).each( function() { set_bar_size( $( this ), bar_size, $is_height ); }); } function set_bar_size( $element, $bar_size, $is_height ) { var value = $( $element ).attr( 'value' ); var li_size = ( value / $bar_size * 100 ) + '%'; if ( true == $is_height ) { $( $element ).animate( { height: li_size }, 700 ); } else { $( $element ).animate( { width: li_size }, 700 ); } } function resize_network() { var value = $(this).attr("value"); var parent_value = $(this).parent().attr("value"); var new_height = value / parent_value * 100; var percentage = new_height + "%"; var type = $(this).attr("type"); $(this).css("height", percentage); $(this).addClass("et_social_" + type) } $( '.et_social_tab_content_header_stats' ).on( 'mouseenter', '.et_social_hover_item', function(){ var $this_el = $( this ); var value = $this_el.attr( 'value' ); var type = $this_el.attr( 'type' ); var action = $ 'action' ); var display_message = 'like' == action ? monarchSettings.like_text : monarchSettings.share_text; $( '<div class="et_social_tooltip"><strong>' + type + '</strong><br>' + display_message + value + '</div>' ).appendTo( $this_el ); }).on( 'mouseleave', '.et_social_hover_item', function(){ $( this ).find( 'div.et_social_tooltip' ).remove(); }); /* jQuery Sortable */ function recalculate_networks_order( $section_id ) { var order = []; $item = $( '#' + $section_id ).find('.et_social_network'); $current_id = 0; $item.each(function(){ $network = $(this); $network.find('.input_label').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][label][' + $current_id + ']'); $network.find('.input_name').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][username][' + $current_id + ']'); $network.find('.input_class').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][class][' + $current_id + ']'); $network.find('.input_count').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][count][' + $current_id + ']'); $network.find('.input_cid').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][client_id][' + $current_id + ']'); $network.find('.input_client_name').attr('name', 'et_social[' + $'area') + '][client_name][' + $current_id + ']'); $current_id ++; order.push($(this).find('.input_label').attr('name')); }); } $( function() { $( ".et_social_sortable" ).sortable({ placeholder: "et_social_sortable_placeholder", update: function ( event, ui ) { $items = $( this ); recalculate_networks_order( $items.attr( 'id' ) ); } }); }); function generate_modal_window( $area, $network_to_deselect, $disply_modal ) { var modal_class = '.et_social_networks_modal.' + $area; if ( ! $( modal_class ).length ) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'generate_modal_ajax', area : $area, network_modal_nonce : monarchSettings.network_modal }, success: function( data ){ $( '#wpwrap' ).append( data ); if ( '' !== $network_to_deselect ){ $( modal_class ).find( $network_to_deselect ).removeClass( 'et_social_selectednetwork' ).addClass( 'et_social_nonselectednetwork' ); } if( true == $disply_modal ){ $( modal_class ).css( { 'z-index' : '99999', 'display' : 'block' } ); } $et_modal_window = $( modal_class ); et_change_modal_window_height(); } }); } if( true == $disply_modal ){ $( modal_class ).css( { 'z-index' : '99999', 'display' : 'block' } ); } } function et_change_modal_window_height() { if ( 1 <= $( '.et_social_networks_modal' ).length ) { var $parent_div = $et_modal_window.closest( '.et_social_networks_modal' ), $modal_header = $parent_div.find( '.et_social_modal_header' ), $modal_footer = $parent_div.find( '.et_social_modal_footer' ), $networks_container = $et_modal_window.find( '.social_icons_container' ), paddings = parseInt( $parent_div.css( 'paddingTop' ) ) + $modal_header.innerHeight() + $modal_footer.innerHeight(), height_percent = 0.7; $networks_container.css( 'height', ( $(window).height() - paddings ) * height_percent ); } } $( window ).on( 'resize', et_change_modal_window_height ); $( '.et_social_addnetwork' ).on('click', function(){ var area = $( this ).data( 'area' ); generate_modal_window( area, '', true ); return false; }); $( '#et_social_shortcode_button' ).on('click', function(){ var options_shortcode = $( '#et_monarch_options' ).serialize(); $spinner_shortcode = $( this ).parent().find( '.spinner' ); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'generate_shortcode_ajax', options_shortcode : options_shortcode, shortcode_nonce : monarchSettings.shortcode_nonce }, beforeSend: function ( xhr ){ $spinner_shortcode.addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $spinner_shortcode.removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); $( '#et_social_shortcode_field' ).empty().val( data ); } }); return false; }); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_close', function(){ var modal_container = $( this ).parent().parent().parent(); //Remove the modal container of warning or hide the modal of networks picker if ( modal_container.hasClass( 'et_social_warning' ) ) { modal_container.remove(); } else { modal_container.css( { 'z-index' : '-1' , 'display' : 'none' } ); } }); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_nonselectednetwork', function(){ $( this ).removeClass( 'et_social_nonselectednetwork' ).addClass( 'et_social_selectednetwork' ); return false; }); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_selectednetwork', function(){ $( this ).removeClass( 'et_social_selectednetwork' ).addClass( 'et_social_nonselectednetwork et_social_deselected' ); return false; }); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_apply', function(){ $this_el = $( this ); $network_container = $( this ).parent().parent(); $networks = $network_container.find( '.et_social_selectednetwork' ).parent(); $section = $( '.et_social_sortable.' + $ 'area' ) ); $need_recalculation = false; $network_container.find( '.et_social_deselected' ).parent().each( function(){ $network_deselected = $( this ); $network_in_list = $section.find( '.et_social_' + $ 'name' ) ); if ( $network_in_list.length ) { $network_in_list.parent().remove(); $need_recalculation = true; } }); $current_id = $section.find( '.et_social_network' ).length; $network_container.find( '.et_social_selectednetwork' ).parent().each( function(){ $network = $( this ); $add_class = ''; $input_cid = ''; $additional_name = ''; if ( ! $section.find( '.et_social_' + $ 'name' ) ).length ) { $is_follow_window = $network_container.find( '.social_icons_container' ).hasClass( 'follow_networks_networks_sorting' ) ? true : false; $input_counts = ( false != $ 'counts' ) && $is_follow_window ) ? '<input class="input_count" type="text" placeholder="0" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][count][' + $current_id + ']">' : ''; $username = ( false != $ 'username' ) ) ? '<input class="input_name" type="text" placeholder="' + $ 'placeholder' ) + '" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][username][' + $current_id + ']">' : ''; $check_mark_holder = ( undefined != $ 'api_support' ) && true == $ 'api_support' ) && $is_follow_window ) ? '<p class="et_social_checkmark_holder"></p>' : ''; if ( undefined != $ 'client_id_placeholder' ) && '' != $ 'client_id_placeholder' ) && $is_follow_window ) { $add_class = ( undefined != $ 'client_name_placeholder' ) && '' != $ 'client_name_placeholder' ) ) ? 'et_social_5_fields' : 'et_social_4_fields'; $input_cid = '<input type="text" class="input_cid" placeholder="' + $ 'client_id_placeholder' ) + '" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][client_id][' + $current_id + ']">'; $additional_name = ( undefined != $ 'client_name_placeholder' ) && '' != $ 'client_name_placeholder' ) ) ? '<input type="text" class="input_client_name" placeholder="' + $ 'client_name_placeholder' ) + '" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][client_name][' + $current_id + ']">' : ''; } $network_to_add = '<div class="et_social_network et_social_icon ui-sortable-handle ' + $add_class + '" data-name="' + $ 'name' ) +'" data-area="' + $ 'area' ) +'" ><span class="et_social_' + $ 'name' ) + '" ><a href="#" class="et_social_deletenetwork"></a></span><input class="input_label" type="text" placeholder="' + $ 'label' ) +'" value="' + $ 'label' ) +'" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][label][' + $current_id + ']">' + $username + $additional_name + $input_cid + $check_mark_holder + $input_counts + '<input type="hidden" class="input_class" name="et_social[' + $ 'area' ) + '][class][' + $current_id + ']" value="' + $ 'name' ) + '"/></div>'; $('.et_social_sortable.' + $ 'area' ) ).append( $network_to_add ); $current_id++; } }); if( true == $need_recalculation ) { recalculate_networks_order( $section.attr( 'id' ) ); } //Hide the Network Picker window $network_container.parent().css( { 'z-index' : '-1' , 'display' : 'none' } ); // show/hide appropriate api settings depending on selected networks reset_api_visibility(); return false; }); //Handle click on the OK button in warning window $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_ok', function(){ var this_el = $( this ), link = this_el.attr( 'href' ), main_container = this_el.parent().parent().parent(); main_container.remove(); //If OK button is a tab link, then open the tab if ( -1 != link.indexOf( '#tab' ) ) { var tab_link = link.split( '#tab_' )[1], section = ( -1 != tab_link.indexOf( 'header' ) ) ? 'header' : 'side'; set_current_tab( tab_link, section ); return false; } //Do nothing if there is no link in the OK button if ( '#' == link ) { return false; } }); $( '.et_social_sortable' ).on( 'click', '.et_social_deletenetwork', function(){ $this_el = $( this ); $sortable_items = $this_el.closest( '.et_social_sortable' ); $id = $this_el.closest( '.et_social_network' ).data( 'name' ); $network = $this_el.parent().parent(); $network_to_deselect = '.et_social_' + $ 'name' ); if ( 'follow_networks_networks_sorting' == $ 'area' ) ) { $clicks_counter = follow_delete_counter++; } else { $clicks_counter = share_delete_counter++; } //Need to generate the modal only if the button clicked first time. if ( 0 == $clicks_counter ) { generate_modal_window( $this_el.closest( '.et_social_network' ).data( 'area' ).replace('_networks_networks_sorting', ''), $network_to_deselect, false ); } $( '.social_icons_container.' + $ 'area' ) ).find( $network_to_deselect ).removeClass( 'et_social_selectednetwork' ).addClass( 'et_social_nonselectednetwork' ); $this_el.closest( '.et_social_network' ).remove(); recalculate_networks_order( $sortable_items.attr( 'id' ) ); // show/hide appropriate api settings depending on selected networks reset_api_visibility(); return false; }); $( '.et_social_save_changes button' ).on('click', function() { var options_fromform = $( '#et_monarch_options' ).serialize(); $spinner = $( this ).parent().find( '.spinner' ); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'ajax_save_settings', options : options_fromform, save_settings_nonce : monarchSettings.save_settings }, beforeSend: function ( xhr ){ $spinner.addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $spinner.removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); display_warning( data ); } }); return false; }); function display_warning( $warn_window ) { if ( '' == $warn_window ){ return; } $( '#wpwrap' ).append( $warn_window ); } function generate_warning( $message, $link ){ var link = '' == $link ? '#' : $link; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'generate_modal_warning', message : $message, ok_link : link, generate_warning_nonce : monarchSettings.generate_warning }, success: function( data ){ display_warning( data ); } }); } $( '.et-monarch-color-picker' ).wpColorPicker(); function check_conditional_options( $current_trigger ){ if ( undefined != $ "enables_2" ) ) { var j = 2; } else { var j = 1; } for ( var i = 1; i <= j; i++ ) { $option_name = '[name="et_social[' + $"enables_" + i ) + ']"]'; $section_name = '[data-name="et_social[' + $"enables_" + i ) + ']"]'; $triggered_option = $( $option_name ).length ? $( $option_name ) : $( $section_name ); // Check whether we need to enable/disable single option and not the entire section if ( ! ( $triggered_option ).hasClass( 'et_social_form' ) ) { $triggered_option = $( $option_name ).parent(); } $all_triggers = $('[data-enables_1=' + $"enables_" + i ) + '], [data-enables_2=' + $"enables_" + i ) + ']' ); $option_enabled = false; $all_triggers.each(function(){ if ( $ 'condition' ) == $( this ).children( 'input' ).prop('checked') ) { $triggered_option.removeClass( 'et_social_hidden_option' ).addClass( 'et_social_visible_option' ); $option_enabled = true; } else { if ( !$option_enabled ) { $triggered_option.addClass( 'et_social_hidden_option' ).removeClass( 'et_social_visible_option' ); } } }); } } $( '.et_social_conditional' ).on('click', function() { check_conditional_options( $( this ) ); }); if ( $( '.et_social_conditional' ).length ) { $( '.et_social_conditional' ).each( function() { check_conditional_options( $( this ) ); }); } $( '.et_social_form span.more_info' ).on('click', function() { $( this ).find( '.et_social_more_text' ).fadeToggle( 400 ); }); $( '.et_social_form' ).on( 'click', '.et_authorize_api', function() { var $this_el = $(this).parent(), client_id = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_client_id' ).val(), client_secret = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_client_secret' ).val(), using_legacy_api = $this_el.parent().find( 'input[name=et_social\\[general_main_facebook_legacy_api\\]]:checked' ).val(), using_instagram_api = $this_el.parent().find( 'input[name=et_social\\[general_main_facebook_instagram_api\\]]:checked' ).val(), network_name = $this_el.closest( '.et_social_form' ).find( '> h2' ).text(), options_fromform = $( '#et_monarch_options' ).serialize(), api_key; if ( 'Twitter' == network_name ) { api_key = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_api_key' ).val(); var api_secret = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_api_secret' ).val(), token = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_token' ).val(), token_secret = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_token_secret' ).val(); } if ( 'Youtube' == network_name ) { api_key = $this_el.parent().find( '.input .api_option_api_key' ).val(); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'monarch_authorize_network', nonce : monarchSettings.monarch_nonce, client_id : client_id, client_secret : client_secret, using_legacy_api: using_legacy_api, using_instagram_api: using_instagram_api, network_name : network_name, api_key : api_key, api_secret : api_secret, token : token, token_secret : token_secret, options : options_fromform }, beforeSend: function (){ $this_el.find( '.spinner' ).addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $this_el.find( '.spinner' ).removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); if ( typeof data.error_message !== 'undefined' ) { generate_warning( data.error_message ); } else if ( typeof data.authorization_url !== 'undefined' ) { window.location = data.authorization_url; } } }); return false; } ); $( 'label[for="et_social[follow_networks_use_api]"]' ).on('click', function() { $( '#sortable_follow_networks_networks_sorting' ).toggleClass( 'et_social_api_enabled' ); }); $( '.et_social_location_selector' ).on( 'change', 'select', function() { var selected_value = $( this ).val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'get_share_stats_graphs', get_stats_nonce : monarchSettings.get_stats, monarch_location : selected_value, monarch_all_stats : 'all_stats' }, beforeSend: function ( xhr ){ $( '.et_social_location_selector .spinner' ).addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $( '.et_social_location_selector .spinner' ).removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); $( '#et_social_globalstats' ).remove(); $( '#et_social_stats_container' ).remove(); $( '.et_social_tab_content_header_stats' ).append( data ); calculate_bars_size(); } }); }); $('.et_social_form' ).on('click', '.et_save_google_settings', function() { var $form_container = $(this).closest('ul'); var google_fonts_val = $form_container.find('#et_use_google_fonts').prop('checked') ? 'on' : 'off'; var $spinner = $form_container.find('.spinner'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'monarch_save_google_settings', google_settings_nonce : monarchSettings.google_settings, et_monarch_use_google_fonts : google_fonts_val }, beforeSend: function() { $spinner.addClass('spinner_visible'); }, success: function(data) { $spinner.removeClass('spinner_visible'); } }); return false; }); $( '.et_social_form' ).on( 'click', '.et_authorize_updates', function() { var $form_container = $( this ).closest( 'ul' ), username = $form_container.find( '.updates_option_username' ).val(), api_key = $form_container.find( '.updates_option_api_key' ).val(), $spinner = $form_container.find( '.spinner' ); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: monarchSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action : 'monarch_save_updates_settings', updates_settings_nonce : monarchSettings.updates_settings, et_monarch_updates_username : username, et_monarch_updates_api_key : api_key }, beforeSend: function() { $spinner.addClass( 'spinner_visible' ); }, success: function( data ){ $spinner.removeClass( 'spinner_visible' ); } }); return false; }); }); /** * Validate the value from input field and autocorrect to positive float number with allowed suffix. * * @param {object} event * * @return {void} */ var inputValidation = function(event) { var $inputField = $(; var userlValue = $inputField.val(); var convertedVal = parseFloat(userlValue.toString().replace(/\e/ig,'')); // remove `e` characters to avoid exponential numbers var numericValue = isNaN(convertedVal) ? 0 : Math.abs(parseFloat(convertedVal)); // check if value ends with allowed characters, i.e. "k" or "mil" var valueLength = userlValue.length; var suffixK = 'k' === userlValue.substr(valueLength - 1, 1).toLowerCase(); var suffixMil = 'mil' === userlValue.substr(valueLength - 3, 3).toLowerCase(); // Append the suffix to numeric value if it one of the allowed suffixes if (suffixK || suffixMil) { var suffix = suffixK ? 'k' : 'mil'; var fullValue = numericValue + suffix; $inputField.val(fullValue); return; } $inputField.val(numericValue); }; // validate and autocorrect the value of manual followers count field $('#et_social_wrapper').on('input', '.input_count', debounce(inputValidation, 1000)); /* _.debounce(), restArguments() and delay() from Underscore.js The MIT License (MIT) Underscore.js 1.8.3 (c) 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout, result; var later = function(context, args) { timeout = null; if (args) result = func.apply(context, args); }; var restArguments = (function(func, startIndex) { startIndex = startIndex == null ? func.length - 1 : +startIndex; return function() { var length = Math.max(arguments.length - startIndex, 0), rest = Array(length), index = 0; for (; index < length; index++) { rest[index] = arguments[index + startIndex]; } switch (startIndex) { case 0: return, rest); case 1: return, arguments[0], rest); case 2: return, arguments[0], arguments[1], rest); } var args = Array(startIndex + 1); for (index = 0; index < startIndex; index++) { args[index] = arguments[index]; } args[startIndex] = rest; return func.apply(this, args); }; }); var delay = restArguments(function(func, wait, args) { return setTimeout(function() { return func.apply(null, args); }, wait); }); var debounced = restArguments(function(args) { if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); if (immediate) { var callNow = !timeout; timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) result = func.apply(this, args); } else { timeout = delay(later, wait, this, args); } return result; }); debounced.cancel = function() { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; }; return debounced; } function get_url_parameter( param_name ) { var page_url =; var url_variables = page_url.split('&'); for ( var i = 0; i < url_variables.length; i++ ) { var curr_param_name = url_variables[i].split( '=' ); if ( curr_param_name[0] == param_name ) { return curr_param_name[1]; } } } function maybe_set_location_hash_after_oauth_redirect() { var state = get_url_parameter( 'state' ); if ( 'string' === typeof state && state.indexOf( 'linkedin_' ) !== -1 ) { window.location.hash = '#tab_et_social_tab_content_follow_networks'; } } })(jQuery);
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