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/* exported frm_add_logic_row, frm_remove_tag, frm_show_div, frmCheckAll, frmCheckAllLevel */ /* eslint-disable jsdoc/require-param, prefer-const, no-redeclare, @wordpress/no-unused-vars-before-return, jsdoc/check-types, jsdoc/check-tag-names, @wordpress/i18n-translator-comments, @wordpress/valid-sprintf, jsdoc/require-returns-description, jsdoc/require-param-type, no-unused-expressions, compat/compat */ window.FrmFormsConnect = window.FrmFormsConnect || ( function( document, window, $ ) { /*global jQuery:false, frm_admin_js, frmGlobal, ajaxurl */ const el = { messageBox: null, reset: null, setElements: function() { el.messageBox = document.querySelector( '.frm_pro_license_msg' ); el.reset = document.getElementById( 'frm_reconnect_link' ); } }; /** * Public functions and properties. * * @since 4.03 * * @type {Object} */ const app = { /** * Register connect button event. * * @since 4.03 */ init: function() { el.setElements(); $( document.getElementById( 'frm_deauthorize_link' ) ).on( 'click', app.deauthorize ); $( '.frm_authorize_link' ).on( 'click', app.authorize ); // Handles FF dashboard Authorize & Reauthorize events. // Attach click event to parent as #frm_deauthorize_link & #frm_reconnect_link dynamically recreated by bootstrap.setupBootstrapDropdowns in dom.js $( '.frm-dashboard-license-options' ).on( 'click', '#frm_deauthorize_link', app.deauthorize ); $( '.frm-dashboard-license-options' ).on( 'click', '#frm_reconnect_link', app.reauthorize ); if ( el.reset !== null ) { $( el.reset ).on( 'click', app.reauthorize ); } }, /* Manual license authorization */ authorize: function() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const button = this; const pluginSlug = this.getAttribute( 'data-plugin' ); const input = document.getElementById( 'edd_' + pluginSlug + '_license_key' ); const license = input.value; let wpmu = document.getElementById( 'proplug-wpmu' ); this.classList.add( 'frm_loading_button' ); if ( wpmu === null ) { wpmu = 0; } else if ( wpmu.checked ) { wpmu = 1; } else { wpmu = 0; } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'frm_addon_activate', license: license, plugin: pluginSlug, wpmu: wpmu, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( msg ) { app.afterAuthorize( msg, input ); button.classList.remove( 'frm_loading_button' ); } }); }, afterAuthorize: function( msg, input ) { if ( msg.success === true ) { input.value = '•••••••••••••••••••'; } wp.hooks.doAction( 'frm_after_authorize', msg ); app.showMessage( msg ); }, showProgress: function( msg ) { if ( el.messageBox === null ) { // In case the message box was added after page load. el.setElements(); } const messageBox = el.messageBox; if ( messageBox === null ) { return; } if ( msg.success === true ) { messageBox.classList.remove( 'frm_error_style' ); messageBox.classList.add( 'frm_message', 'frm_updated_message' ); } else { messageBox.classList.add( 'frm_error_style' ); messageBox.classList.remove( 'frm_message', 'frm_updated_message' ); } messageBox.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); messageBox.innerHTML = msg.message; }, showMessage: function( msg ) { if ( el.messageBox === null ) { // In case the message box was added after page load. el.setElements(); } const messageBox = el.messageBox; if ( msg.success === true ) { app.showAuthorized( true ); app.showInlineSuccess(); /** * Triggers the after license is authorized action for a confirmation/success modal. * @param {Object} msg An object containing message data received from Authorize request. */ wp.hooks.doAction( 'frmAdmin.afterLicenseAuthorizeSuccess', { msg }); } app.showProgress( msg ); if ( msg.message !== '' ) { setTimeout( function() { messageBox.innerHTML = ''; messageBox.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); messageBox.classList.remove( 'frm_error_style', 'frm_message', 'frm_updated_message' ); }, 10000 ); const refreshPage = document.querySelector( '.frm-admin-page-dashboard' ); if ( refreshPage ) { setTimeout( function() { window.location.reload(); }, 1000 ); } } }, showAuthorized: function( show ) { const from = show ? 'unauthorized' : 'authorized'; const to = show ? 'authorized' : 'unauthorized'; const container = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_' + from + '_box' ); if ( container.length ) { // Replace all authorized boxes with unauthorized boxes. container.forEach( function( box ) { box.className = box.className.replace( 'frm_' + from + '_box', 'frm_' + to + '_box' ); }); } }, /** * Use the data-success element to replace the element content. */ showInlineSuccess: function() { const successElement = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-confirm-msg [data-success]' ); if ( successElement.length ) { successElement.forEach( function( element ) { element.innerHTML = frmAdminBuild.purifyHtml( element.getAttribute( 'data-success' ) ); }); } }, /* Clear the site license cache */ reauthorize: function() { /*jshint validthis:true */ this.innerHTML = '<span class="frm-wait frm_spinner" style="visibility:visible;float:none"></span>'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'frm_reset_cache', plugin: 'formidable_pro', nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( msg ) { el.reset.textContent = msg.message; if ( el.reset.getAttribute( 'data-refresh' ) === '1' ) { window.location.reload(); } } }); return false; }, deauthorize: function() { /*jshint validthis:true */ if ( ! confirm( frmGlobal.deauthorize ) ) { return false; } const pluginSlug = this.getAttribute( 'data-plugin' ), input = document.getElementById( 'edd_' + pluginSlug + '_license_key' ), license = input.value, link = this; this.innerHTML = '<span class="frm-wait frm_spinner" style="visibility:visible;"></span>'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_addon_deactivate', license: license, plugin: pluginSlug, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function() { app.showAuthorized( false ); input.value = ''; link.replaceWith( 'Disconnected' ); /** * Triggers the after license is deauthorized sruccess action. */ wp.hooks.doAction( 'frmAdmin.afterLicenseDeauthorizeSuccess', {}); } }); return false; } }; // Provide access to public functions/properties. return app; }( document, window, jQuery ) ); function frmAdminBuildJS() { //'use strict'; /*global jQuery:false, frm_admin_js, frmGlobal, ajaxurl, fromDom */ const frmAdminJs = frm_admin_js; // eslint-disable-line camelcase const { tag, div, span, a, svg, img } = frmDom; const { onClickPreventDefault } = frmDom.util; const { doJsonFetch, doJsonPost } = frmDom.ajax; const icons = { save: svg({ href: '#frm_save_icon' }), drag: svg({ href: '#frm_drag_icon', classList: [ 'frm_drag_icon', 'frm-drag' ] }) }; let $newFields = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm-show-fields' ) ), builderForm = document.getElementById( 'new_fields' ), thisForm = document.getElementById( 'form_id' ), copyHelper = false, fieldsUpdated = 0, thisFormId = 0, autoId = 0, optionMap = {}, lastNewActionIdReturned = 0; const { __, sprintf } = wp.i18n; let debouncedSyncAfterDragAndDrop, postBodyContent, $postBodyContent; const dragState = { dragging: false }; if ( thisForm !== null ) { thisFormId = thisForm.value; } const currentURL = new URL( window.location.href ); const urlParams = currentURL.searchParams; const builderPage = document.getElementById( 'frm_builder_page' ); // Global settings let s; function showElement( element ) { if ( ! element[0]) { return; } element[0].style.display = ''; } function empty( $obj ) { if ( $obj !== null ) { while ( $obj.firstChild ) { $obj.removeChild( $obj.firstChild ); } } } function addClass( $obj, className ) { if ( $obj.classList ) { $obj.classList.add( className ); } else { $obj.className += ' ' + className; } } function confirmClick( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); confirmLinkClick( this ); } function confirmLinkClick( link ) { const message = link.getAttribute( 'data-frmverify' ), loadedFrom = link.getAttribute( 'data-loaded-from' ) ; if ( message === null || === 'frm-confirmed-click' ) { return true; } if ( 'entries-list' === loadedFrom ) { return wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'frm_on_multiple_entries_delete', { link, initModal }); } return confirmModal( link ); } function confirmModal( link ) { let verify, $confirmMessage, i, dataAtts, btnClass, $info = initModal( '#frm_confirm_modal', '400px' ), continueButton = document.getElementById( 'frm-confirmed-click' ); if ( $info === false ) { return false; } verify = link.getAttribute( 'data-frmverify' ); btnClass = verify ? link.getAttribute( 'data-frmverify-btn' ) : ''; $confirmMessage = jQuery( '.frm-confirm-msg' ); $confirmMessage.empty(); if ( verify ) { $confirmMessage.append( document.createTextNode( verify ) ); if ( btnClass ) { continueButton.classList.add( btnClass ); } } removeAtts = continueButton.dataset; for ( i in dataAtts ) { continueButton.removeAttribute( 'data-' + i ); } dataAtts = link.dataset; for ( i in dataAtts ) { if ( i !== 'frmverify' ) { continueButton.setAttribute( 'data-' + i, dataAtts[i]); } } /** * Triggers the pre-open action for a confirmation modal. This action passes * relevant modal information and associated link to any listening hooks. * * @param {Object} options An object containing modal elements and data. * @param {HTMLElement} options.$info The HTML element containing modal information. * @param {string} The link associated with the modal action. */ wp.hooks.doAction( 'frmAdmin.beforeOpenConfirmModal', { $info, link }); $info.dialog( 'open' ); continueButton.setAttribute( 'href', link.getAttribute( 'href' ) ); return false; } function infoModal( msg ) { const $info = initModal( '#frm_info_modal', '400px' ); if ( $info === false ) { return false; } jQuery( '.frm-info-msg' ).html( msg ); $info.dialog( 'open' ); return false; } function toggleItem( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ const toggle = this.getAttribute( 'data-frmtoggle' ); const text = this.getAttribute( 'data-toggletext' ); const $items = jQuery( toggle ); e.preventDefault(); $items.toggle(); if ( text !== null && text !== '' ) { this.setAttribute( 'data-toggletext', this.innerHTML ); this.textContent = text; } return false; } /** * Toggle a class on target elements when an anchor is clicked, or when a radio or checkbox has been selected. * * @param {Event} e Event with either the change or click type. * @returns {false} */ function hideShowItem( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ let hide = this.getAttribute( 'data-frmhide' ); let show = this.getAttribute( 'data-frmshow' ); // Flip unchecked checkboxes so an off value undoes the on value. if ( isUncheckedCheckbox( this ) ) { if ( hide !== null ) { show = hide; hide = null; } else if ( show !== null ) { hide = show; show = null; } } e.preventDefault(); const toggleClass = this.getAttribute( 'data-toggleclass' ) || 'frm_hidden'; if ( hide !== null ) { jQuery( hide ).addClass( toggleClass ); } if ( show !== null ) { jQuery( show ).removeClass( toggleClass ); } const current = this.parentNode.querySelectorAll( 'a.current' ); if ( current !== null ) { for ( let i = 0; i < current.length; i++ ) { current[ i ].classList.remove( 'current' ); } this.classList.add( 'current' ); } return false; } function isUncheckedCheckbox( element ) { return 'INPUT' === element.nodeName && 'checkbox' === element.type && ! element.checked; } function setupMenuOffset() { window.onscroll = document.documentElement.onscroll = setMenuOffset; setMenuOffset(); } function setMenuOffset() { const fields = document.getElementById( 'frm_adv_info' ); if ( fields === null ) { return; } const currentOffset = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; // body for Safari if ( currentOffset === 0 ) { fields.classList.remove( 'frm_fixed' ); return; } const posEle = document.getElementById( 'frm_position_ele' ); if ( posEle === null ) { return; } const eleOffset = jQuery( posEle ).offset(); const offset =; let desiredOffset = offset - currentOffset; let menuHeight = 0; const menu = document.getElementById( 'wpadminbar' ); if ( menu !== null ) { menuHeight = menu.offsetHeight; } if ( desiredOffset < menuHeight ) { desiredOffset = menuHeight; } if ( desiredOffset > menuHeight ) { fields.classList.remove( 'frm_fixed' ); } else { fields.classList.add( 'frm_fixed' ); if ( desiredOffset !== 32 ) { = desiredOffset + 'px'; } } } function loadTooltips() { let wrapClass = jQuery( '.wrap, .frm_wrap' ), confirmModal = document.getElementById( 'frm_confirm_modal' ), doAction = false, confirmedBulkDelete = false; jQuery( confirmModal ).on( 'click', '[data-deletefield]', deleteFieldConfirmed ); jQuery( confirmModal ).on( 'click', '[data-removeid]', removeThisTag ); jQuery( confirmModal ).on( 'click', '[data-trashtemplate]', trashTemplate ); wrapClass.on( 'click', '.frm_remove_tag, .frm_remove_form_action', removeThisTag ); wrapClass.on( 'click', 'a[data-frmverify]', confirmClick ); wrapClass.on( 'click', 'a[data-frmtoggle]', toggleItem ); wrapClass.on( 'click', 'a[data-frmhide], a[data-frmshow]', hideShowItem ); wrapClass.on( 'change', 'input[data-frmhide], input[data-frmshow]', hideShowItem ); wrapClass.on( 'click', '.widget-top,a.widget-action', clickWidget ); wrapClass.on( 'mouseenter.frm', '.frm_bstooltip, .frm_help', function() { jQuery( this ).off( 'mouseenter.frm' ); jQuery( '.frm_bstooltip, .frm_help' ).tooltip(); jQuery( this ).tooltip( 'show' ); }); jQuery( '.frm_bstooltip, .frm_help' ).tooltip( ); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#doaction, #doaction2', function( event ) { const isTop = === 'doaction', suffix = isTop ? 'top' : 'bottom', bulkActionSelector = document.getElementById( 'bulk-action-selector-' + suffix ), confirmBulkDelete = document.getElementById( 'confirm-bulk-delete-' + suffix ); if ( bulkActionSelector !== null && confirmBulkDelete !== null ) { doAction = this; if ( ! confirmedBulkDelete && bulkActionSelector.value === 'bulk_delete' ) { event.preventDefault(); confirmLinkClick( confirmBulkDelete ); return false; } } else { doAction = false; } }); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#frm-confirmed-click', function( event ) { if ( doAction === false || 'frm-btn-inactive' ) ) { return; } if ( this.getAttribute( 'href' ) === 'confirm-bulk-delete' ) { event.preventDefault(); confirmedBulkDelete = true;; return false; } }); } function deleteTooltips() { document.querySelectorAll( '.tooltip' ).forEach( function( tooltip ) { tooltip.remove(); } ); } function removeThisTag() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let show, hide, removeMore; if ( parseInt( this.getAttribute( 'data-skip-frm-js' ) ) || confirmLinkClick( this ) === false ) { return; } const deleteButton = jQuery( this ); const id = deleteButton.attr( 'data-removeid' ); show = deleteButton.attr( 'data-showlast' ); if ( typeof show === 'undefined' ) { show = ''; } hide = deleteButton.attr( 'data-hidelast' ); if ( typeof hide === 'undefined' ) { hide = ''; } removeMore = deleteButton.attr( 'data-removemore' ); if ( show !== '' ) { if ( deleteButton.closest( '.frm_add_remove' ).find( '.frm_remove_tag:visible' ).length > 1 ) { show = ''; hide = ''; } } else if ( id.indexOf( 'frm_postmeta_' ) === 0 ) { if ( jQuery( '#frm_postmeta_rows .frm_postmeta_row' ).length < 2 ) { show = '.frm_add_postmeta_row.button'; } if ( jQuery( '.frm_toggle_cf_opts' ).length && jQuery( '#frm_postmeta_rows .frm_postmeta_row:not(#' + id + ')' ).last().length ) { if ( show !== '' ) { show += ','; } show += '#' + jQuery( '#frm_postmeta_rows .frm_postmeta_row:not(#' + id + ')' ).last().attr( 'id' ) + ' .frm_toggle_cf_opts'; } } const $fadeEle = jQuery( document.getElementById( id ) ); $fadeEle.fadeOut( 400, function() { $fadeEle.remove(); fieldUpdated(); if ( hide !== '' ) { jQuery( hide ).hide(); } if ( show !== '' ) { jQuery( show + ' a,' + show ).removeClass( 'frm_hidden' ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); } if ( this.closest( '.frm_form_action_settings' ) ) { const type = this.closest( '.frm_form_action_settings' ).querySelector( '.frm_action_name' ).value; afterActionRemoved( type ); } document.querySelector( '.tooltip' )?.remove(); }); if ( typeof removeMore !== 'undefined' ) { removeMore = jQuery( removeMore ); removeMore.fadeOut( 400, function() { removeMore.remove(); }); } if ( show !== '' ) { jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_logic_rows' ).fadeOut( 'slow' ); } return false; } function afterActionRemoved( type ) { checkActiveAction( type ); const hookName = 'frm_after_action_removed'; const hookArgs = { type }; wp.hooks.doAction( hookName, hookArgs ); } function clickWidget( event, b ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ if ( typeof b === 'undefined' ) { b = this; } popCalcFields( b, false ); const cont = jQuery( b ).closest( '.frm_form_action_settings' ); const target =; if ( cont.length && typeof target !== 'undefined' ) { const className = target.parentElement.className; if ( 'string' === typeof className ) { if ( className.indexOf( 'frm_email_icons' ) > -1 || className.indexOf( 'frm_toggle' ) > -1 ) { // clicking on delete icon shouldn't open it event.stopPropagation(); return; } } } let inside = cont.children( '.widget-inside' ); if ( cont.length && inside.find( 'p, div, table' ).length < 1 ) { const actionId = cont.find( 'input[name$="[ID]"]' ).val(); const actionType = cont.find( 'input[name$="[post_excerpt]"]' ).val(); if ( actionType ) { inside.html( '<span class="frm-wait frm_spinner"></span>' ); cont.find( '.spinner' ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_form_action_fill', action_id: actionId, action_type: actionType, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { inside.html( html ); initiateMultiselect(); showInputIcon( '#' + cont.attr( 'id' ) ); frmDom.autocomplete.initAutocomplete( 'page', inside ); jQuery( b ).trigger( 'frm-action-loaded' ); /** * Fires after filling form action content when opening. * * @since 5.5.4 * * @param {Object} insideElement JQuery object of form action inside element. */ wp.hooks.doAction( 'frm_filled_form_action', inside ); } }); } } jQuery( b ).closest( '.frm_field_box' ).siblings().find( '.widget-inside' ).slideUp( 'fast' ); if ( ( typeof b.className !== 'undefined' && b.className.indexOf( 'widget-action' ) !== -1 ) || jQuery( b ).closest( '.start_divider' ).length < 1 ) { return; } inside = jQuery( b ).closest( 'div.widget' ).children( '.widget-inside' ); if ( ':hidden' ) ) { inside.slideDown( 'fast' ); } else { inside.slideUp( 'fast' ); } } function clickNewTab() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const t = this.getAttribute( 'href' ); if ( typeof t === 'undefined' ) { return false; } const c = t.replace( '#', '.' ); const $link = jQuery( this ); $link.closest( 'li' ).addClass( 'frm-tabs active' ).siblings( 'li' ).removeClass( 'frm-tabs active starttab' ); $link.closest( 'div' ).children( '.tabs-panel' ).not( t ).not( c ).hide(); const tabContent = document.getElementById( t.replace( '#', '' ) ); if ( tabContent ) { = 'block'; } // clearSettingsBox would hide field settings when opening the fields modal and we want to skip it there. if ( === 'frm_insert_fields_tab' && ! this.closest( '#frm_adv_info' ) ) { clearSettingsBox(); } return false; } function clickTab( link, auto ) { link = jQuery( link ); const t = link.attr( 'href' ); if ( typeof t === 'undefined' ) { return; } const c = t.replace( '#', '.' ); link.closest( 'li' ).addClass( 'frm-tabs active' ).siblings( 'li' ).removeClass( 'frm-tabs active starttab' ); if ( link.closest( 'div' ).find( '.tabs-panel' ).length ) { link.closest( 'div' ).children( '.tabs-panel' ).not( t ).not( c ).hide(); } else if ( document.getElementById( 'form_global_settings' ) !== null ) { /* global settings */ const ajax = 'frmajax' ); link.closest( '.frm_wrap' ).find( '.tabs-panel, .hide_with_tabs' ).hide(); if ( typeof ajax !== 'undefined' && ajax == '1' ) { loadSettingsTab( t ); } } else { /* form settings page */ jQuery( '#frm-categorydiv .tabs-panel, .hide_with_tabs' ).hide(); } jQuery( t ).show(); jQuery( c ).show(); hideShortcodes(); if ( auto !== 'auto' ) { // Hide success message on tab change. jQuery( '.frm_updated_message' ).hide(); jQuery( '.frm_warning_style' ).hide(); } if ( jQuery( link ).closest( '#frm_adv_info' ).length ) { return; } if ( jQuery( '.frm_form_settings' ).length ) { jQuery( '.frm_form_settings' ).attr( 'action', '?page=formidable&frm_action=settings&id=' + jQuery( '.frm_form_settings input[name="id"]' ).val() + '&t=' + t.replace( '#', '' ) ); } else { jQuery( '.frm_settings_form' ).attr( 'action', '?page=formidable-settings&t=' + t.replace( '#', '' ) ); } } function setupSortable( sortableSelector ) { document.querySelectorAll( sortableSelector ).forEach( list => { makeDroppable( list ); Array.from( list.children ).forEach( child => makeDraggable( child, '.frm-move' ) ); const $sectionTitle = jQuery( list ).children( '[data-type="divider"]' ).children( '.divider_section_only' ); if ( $sectionTitle.length ) { makeDroppable( $sectionTitle ); } } ); setupFieldOptionSorting( jQuery( '#frm_builder_page' ) ); } function makeDroppable( list ) { jQuery( list ).droppable({ accept: '.frmbutton, li.frm_field_box', deactivate: handleFieldDrop, over: onDragOverDroppable, out: onDraggableLeavesDroppable, tolerance: 'pointer' }); } function onDragOverDroppable( event, ui ) { const droppable = getDroppableForOnDragOver( ); const draggable = ui.draggable[0]; if ( ! allowDrop( draggable, droppable, event ) ) { droppable.classList.remove( 'frm-over-droppable' ); jQuery( droppable ).parents( 'ul.frm_sorting' ).addClass( 'frm-over-droppable' ); return; } document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-over-droppable' ).forEach( droppable => droppable.classList.remove( 'frm-over-droppable' ) ); droppable.classList.add( 'frm-over-droppable' ); jQuery( droppable ).parents( 'ul.frm_sorting' ).addClass( 'frm-over-droppable' ); } /** * Maybe change the droppable. * Section titles are made droppable, but are not a list, so we need to change the droppable to the section's list instead. * * @param {Element} droppable * @returns {Element} */ function getDroppableForOnDragOver( droppable ) { if ( droppable.classList.contains( 'divider_section_only' ) ) { droppable = jQuery( droppable ).nextAll( '.start_divider.frm_sorting' ).get( 0 ); } return droppable; } function onDraggableLeavesDroppable( event ) { const droppable =; droppable.classList.remove( 'frm-over-droppable' ); } function makeDraggable( draggable, handle ) { const settings = { helper: getDraggableHelper, revert: 'invalid', delay: 10, start: handleDragStart, stop: handleDragStop, drag: handleDrag, cursor: 'grabbing', refreshPositions: true, cursorAt: { top: 0, left: 90 // The width of draggable button is 180. 90 should center the draggable on the cursor. } }; if ( 'string' === typeof handle ) { settings.handle = handle; } jQuery( draggable ).draggable( settings ); } function getDraggableHelper( event ) { const draggable = event.delegateTarget; if ( isFieldGroup( draggable ) ) { const newTextFieldClone = document.getElementById( 'frm-insert-fields' ).querySelector( '.frm_ttext' ).cloneNode( true ); newTextFieldClone.querySelector( 'use' ).setAttributeNS( '', 'href', '#frm_field_group_layout_icon' ); newTextFieldClone.querySelector( 'span' ).textContent = __( 'Field Group', 'formidable' ); newTextFieldClone.classList.add( 'frm_field_box' ); newTextFieldClone.classList.add( 'ui-sortable-helper' ); return newTextFieldClone; } let copyTarget; const isNewField = draggable.classList.contains( 'frmbutton' ); if ( isNewField ) { copyTarget = draggable.cloneNode( true ); copyTarget.classList.add( 'ui-sortable-helper' ); draggable.classList.add( 'frm-new-field' ); return copyTarget; } if ( draggable.hasAttribute( 'data-ftype' ) ) { const fieldType = draggable.getAttribute( 'data-ftype' ); copyTarget = document.getElementById( 'frm-insert-fields' ).querySelector( '.frm_t' + fieldType ); copyTarget = copyTarget.cloneNode( true ); copyTarget.classList.add( 'form-field' ); copyTarget.classList.add( 'ui-sortable-helper' ); if ( copyTarget ) { return copyTarget.cloneNode( true ); } } return div({ className: 'frmbutton' }); } function handleDragStart( event, ui ) { dragState.dragging = true; const container = postBodyContent; container.classList.add( 'frm-dragging-field' ); document.body.classList.add( 'frm-dragging' ); ui.helper.addClass( 'frm-sortable-helper' ); ui.helper.initialOffset = container.scrollTop; 'frm-drag-fade' ); unselectFieldGroups(); deleteEmptyDividerWrappers(); maybeRemoveGroupHoverTarget(); closeOpenFieldDropdowns(); deleteTooltips(); } function handleDragStop() { const container = postBodyContent; container.classList.remove( 'frm-dragging-field' ); document.body.classList.remove( 'frm-dragging' ); const fade = document.querySelector( '.frm-drag-fade' ); if ( fade ) { fade.classList.remove( 'frm-drag-fade' ); } } function handleDrag( event, ui ) { maybeScrollBuilder( event ); const draggable =; const droppable = getDroppableTarget(); let placeholder = document.getElementById( 'frm_drag_placeholder' ); if ( ! allowDrop( draggable, droppable, event ) ) { if ( placeholder ) { placeholder.remove(); } return; } if ( ! placeholder ) { placeholder = tag( 'li', { id: 'frm_drag_placeholder', className: 'sortable-placeholder' }); } const frmSortableHelper = ui.helper.get( 0 ); if ( frmSortableHelper.classList.contains( 'form-field' ) || frmSortableHelper.classList.contains( 'frm_field_box' ) ) { // Sync the y position of the draggable so it still follows the cursor after scrolling up and down the field list. = 'translateY(' + getDragOffset( ui.helper ) + 'px)'; } if ( 'frm-show-fields' === || droppable.classList.contains( 'start_divider' ) ) { = 0; handleDragOverYAxis({ droppable, y: event.clientY, placeholder }); return; } = ''; handleDragOverFieldGroup({ droppable, x: event.clientX, placeholder }); } function maybeScrollBuilder( event ) { $postBodyContent.scrollTop( ( _, v ) => { const moved = event.clientY; const h = postBodyContent.offsetHeight; const relativePos = event.clientY - postBodyContent.offsetTop; const y = relativePos - h / 2; if ( relativePos > ( h - 50 ) && moved > 5 ) { // Scrolling down. return v + y * 0.1; } if ( relativePos < 70 && moved < 130 ) { // Scrolling up. return v - Math.abs( y * 0.1 ); } return v; } ); } function getDragOffset( $helper ) { return postBodyContent.scrollTop - $helper.initialOffset; } function getDroppableTarget() { let droppable = document.getElementById( 'frm-show-fields' ); while ( droppable.querySelector( '.frm-over-droppable' ) ) { droppable = droppable.querySelector( '.frm-over-droppable' ); } if ( 'frm-show-fields' === && ! droppable.classList.contains( 'frm-over-droppable' ) ) { droppable = false; } return droppable; } function handleFieldDrop( _, ui ) { if ( ! dragState.dragging ) { // dragState.dragging is set to true on drag start. // The deactivate event gets called for every droppable. This check to make sure it happens once. return; } dragState.dragging = false; const draggable = ui.draggable[0]; const placeholder = document.getElementById( 'frm_drag_placeholder' ); if ( ! placeholder ) { ui.helper.remove(); debouncedSyncAfterDragAndDrop(); return; } maybeOpenCollapsedPage( placeholder ); const $previousFieldContainer = ui.helper.parent(); const previousSection = ui.helper.get( 0 ).closest( 'ul.start_divider' ); const newSection = placeholder.closest( 'ul.frm_sorting' ); if ( draggable.classList.contains( 'frm-new-field' ) ) { insertNewFieldByDragging( ); } else { moveFieldThatAlreadyExists( draggable, placeholder ); } const previousSectionId = previousSection ? parseInt( previousSection.closest( '.edit_field_type_divider' ).getAttribute( 'data-fid' ) ) : 0; const newSectionId = newSection.classList.contains( 'start_divider' ) ? parseInt( newSection.closest( '.edit_field_type_divider' ).getAttribute( 'data-fid' ) ) : 0; placeholder.remove(); ui.helper.remove(); const $previousContainerFields = $previousFieldContainer.length ? getFieldsInRow( $previousFieldContainer ) : []; maybeUpdatePreviousFieldContainerAfterDrop( $previousFieldContainer, $previousContainerFields ); maybeUpdateDraggableClassAfterDrop( draggable, $previousContainerFields ); if ( previousSectionId !== newSectionId ) { updateFieldAfterMovingBetweenSections( jQuery( draggable ), previousSection ); } debouncedSyncAfterDragAndDrop(); } /** * If a page if collapsed, expand it before dragging since only the page break will move. * * @param {Element} placeholder * @returns {void} */ function maybeOpenCollapsedPage( placeholder ) { if ( ! placeholder.previousElementSibling || ! placeholder.previousElementSibling.classList.contains( 'frm-is-collapsed' ) ) { return; } const $pageBreakField = jQuery( placeholder ).prevUntil( '[data-type="break"]' ); if ( ! $pageBreakField.length ) { return; } const collapseButton = $pageBreakField.find( '.frm-collapse-page' ).get( 0 ); if ( collapseButton ) {; } } function maybeUpdatePreviousFieldContainerAfterDrop( $previousFieldContainer, $previousContainerFields ) { if ( ! $previousFieldContainer.length ) { return; } if ( $previousContainerFields.length ) { syncLayoutClasses( $previousContainerFields.first() ); } else { maybeDeleteAnEmptyFieldGroup( $previousFieldContainer.get( 0 ) ); } } function maybeUpdateDraggableClassAfterDrop( draggable, $previousContainerFields ) { if ( 0 !== $previousContainerFields.length || 1 !== getFieldsInRow( jQuery( draggable.parentNode ) ).length ) { syncLayoutClasses( jQuery( draggable ) ); } } /** * Remove an empty field group, but don't remove an empty section. * * @param {Element} previousFieldContainer * @returns {void} */ function maybeDeleteAnEmptyFieldGroup( previousFieldContainer ) { const closestFieldBox = previousFieldContainer.closest( 'li.frm_field_box' ); if ( closestFieldBox && ! closestFieldBox.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_divider' ) ) { closestFieldBox.remove(); } } function handleDragOverYAxis({ droppable, y, placeholder }) { const $list = jQuery( droppable ); let top; $children = $list.children().not( '.edit_field_type_end_divider' ); if ( 0 === $children.length ) { $list.prepend( placeholder ); top = 0; } else { const insertAtIndex = determineIndexBasedOffOfMousePositionInList( $list, y ); if ( insertAtIndex === $children.length ) { const $lastChild = jQuery( $children.get( insertAtIndex - 1 ) ); top = $lastChild.offset().top + $lastChild.outerHeight(); $list.append( placeholder ); // Make sure nothing gets inserted after the end divider. const $endDivider = $list.children( '.edit_field_type_end_divider' ); if ( $endDivider.length ) { $list.append( $endDivider ); } } else { top = jQuery( $children.get( insertAtIndex ) ).offset().top; jQuery( $children.get( insertAtIndex ) ).before( placeholder ); } } top -= $list.offset().top; = top + 'px'; } function determineIndexBasedOffOfMousePositionInList( $list, y ) { const $items = $list.children().not( '.edit_field_type_end_divider' ); const length = $items.length; let index, item, itemTop, returnIndex; if ( ! document.querySelector( '.frm-has-fields .frm_no_fields' ) ) { // Always return 0 when there are no fields. return 0; } returnIndex = 0; for ( index = length - 1; index >= 0; --index ) { item = $items.get( index ); itemTop = jQuery( item ).offset().top; if ( y > itemTop ) { returnIndex = index; if ( y > itemTop + ( jQuery( item ).outerHeight() / 2 ) ) { returnIndex = index + 1; } break; } } return returnIndex; } function handleDragOverFieldGroup({ droppable, x, placeholder }) { const $row = jQuery( droppable ); const $children = getFieldsInRow( $row ); if ( ! $children.length ) { return; } let left; const insertAtIndex = determineIndexBasedOffOfMousePositionInRow( $row, x ); if ( insertAtIndex === $children.length ) { const $lastChild = jQuery( $children.get( insertAtIndex - 1 ) ); left = $lastChild.offset().left + $lastChild.outerWidth(); $row.append( placeholder ); } else { left = jQuery( $children.get( insertAtIndex ) ).offset().left; jQuery( $children.get( insertAtIndex ) ).before( placeholder ); const amountToOffsetLeftBy = 0 === insertAtIndex ? 4 : 8; // Offset by 8 in between rows, but only 4 for the first item in a group. left -= amountToOffsetLeftBy; // Offset the placeholder slightly so it appears between two fields. } left -= $row.offset().left; = left + 'px'; } function syncAfterDragAndDrop() { fixUnwrappedListItems(); toggleSectionHolder(); maybeFixEndDividers(); maybeDeleteEmptyFieldGroups(); updateFieldOrder(); const event = new Event( 'frm_sync_after_drag_and_drop', { bubbles: false }); document.dispatchEvent( event ); } function maybeFixEndDividers() { document.querySelectorAll( '.edit_field_type_end_divider' ).forEach( endDivider => endDivider.parentNode.appendChild( endDivider ) ); } function maybeDeleteEmptyFieldGroups() { document.querySelectorAll( 'li.form_field_box:not(.form-field)' ).forEach( fieldGroup => ! fieldGroup.children.length && fieldGroup.remove() ); } function fixUnwrappedListItems() { const lists = document.querySelectorAll( 'ul#frm-show-fields, ul.start_divider' ); lists.forEach( list => { list.childNodes.forEach( child => { if ( 'undefined' === typeof child.classList ) { return; } if ( child.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_end_divider' ) ) { // Never wrap end divider in place. return; } if ( 'undefined' !== typeof child.classList && child.classList.contains( 'form-field' ) ) { wrapFieldLiInPlace( child ); } } ); } ); } function deleteEmptyDividerWrappers() { const dividers = document.querySelectorAll( 'ul.start_divider' ); if ( ! dividers.length ) { return; } dividers.forEach( function( divider ) { const children = [] divider.children ); children.forEach( function( child ) { if ( 0 === child.children.length ) { child.remove(); } else if ( 1 === child.children.length && 'ul' === child.firstElementChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() && 0 === child.firstElementChild.children.length ) { child.remove(); } } ); } ); } function getFieldsInRow( $row ) { let $fields = jQuery(); const row = $row.get( 0 ); if ( ! row.children ) { return $fields; } Array.from( row.children ).forEach( child => { if ( 'none' === ) { return; } const classes = child.classList; if ( ! classes.contains( 'form-field' ) || classes.contains( 'edit_field_type_end_divider' ) || classes.contains( 'frm-sortable-helper' ) ) { return; } $fields = $fields.add( child ); } ); return $fields; } function determineIndexBasedOffOfMousePositionInRow( $row, x ) { let $inputs = getFieldsInRow( $row ), length = $inputs.length, index, input, inputLeft, returnIndex; returnIndex = 0; for ( index = length - 1; index >= 0; --index ) { input = $inputs.get( index ); inputLeft = jQuery( input ).offset().left; if ( x > inputLeft ) { returnIndex = index; if ( x > inputLeft + ( jQuery( input ).outerWidth() / 2 ) ) { returnIndex = index + 1; } break; } } return returnIndex; } function syncLayoutClasses( $item, type ) { let $fields, size, layoutClasses, classToAddFunction; if ( 'undefined' === typeof type ) { type = 'even'; } $fields = $item.parent().children( 'li.form-field, li.frmbutton_loadingnow' ).not( '.edit_field_type_end_divider' ); size = $fields.length; layoutClasses = getLayoutClasses(); if ( 'even' === type && 5 !== size ) { $fields.each( getSyncLayoutClass( layoutClasses, getEvenClassForSize( size ) ) ); } else if ( 'clear' === type ) { $fields.each( getSyncLayoutClass( layoutClasses, '' ) ); } else { if ( -1 !== [ 'left', 'right', 'middle', 'even' ].indexOf( type ) ) { classToAddFunction = function( index ) { return getClassForBlock( size, type, index ); }; } else { classToAddFunction = function( index ) { const size = type[ index ]; return getLayoutClassForSize( size ); }; } $fields.each( getSyncLayoutClass( layoutClasses, classToAddFunction ) ); } updateFieldGroupControls( $item.parent(), $fields.length ); } function updateFieldGroupControls( $row, count ) { let rowOffset, shouldShowControls, controls; rowOffset = $row.offset(); if ( 'undefined' === typeof rowOffset ) { return; } shouldShowControls = count >= 2; controls = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_group_controls' ); if ( null === controls ) { if ( ! shouldShowControls ) { // exit early. if we do not need controls and they do not exist, do nothing. return; } controls = div(); = 'frm_field_group_controls'; controls.setAttribute( 'role', 'group' ); controls.setAttribute( 'tabindex', 0 ); setFieldControlsHtml( controls ); builderPage.appendChild( controls ); } $row.append( controls ); = shouldShowControls ? 'block' : 'none'; } function setFieldControlsHtml( controls ) { let layoutOption, moveOption; layoutOption = document.createElement( 'span' ); layoutOption.innerHTML = '<svg class="frmsvg"><use xlink:href="#frm_field_group_layout_icon"></use></svg>'; const layoutOptionLabel = __( 'Set Row Layout', 'formidable' ); addTooltip( layoutOption, layoutOptionLabel ); makeTabbable( layoutOption, layoutOptionLabel ); moveOption = document.createElement( 'span' ); moveOption.innerHTML = '<svg class="frmsvg"><use xlink:href="#frm_thick_move_icon"></use></svg>'; moveOption.classList.add( 'frm-move' ); const moveOptionLabel = __( 'Move Field Group', 'formidable' ); addTooltip( moveOption, moveOptionLabel ); makeTabbable( moveOption, moveOptionLabel ); controls.innerHTML = ''; controls.appendChild( layoutOption ); controls.appendChild( moveOption ); controls.appendChild( getFieldControlsDropdown() ); } function addTooltip( element, title ) { element.setAttribute( 'data-toggle', 'tooltip' ); element.setAttribute( 'data-container', 'body' ); element.setAttribute( 'title', title ); element.addEventListener( 'mouseover', function() { if ( null === element.getAttribute( 'data-original-title' ) ) { jQuery( element ).tooltip(); } } ); } function getFieldControlsDropdown() { const dropdown = span({ className: 'dropdown' }); const trigger = a({ className: 'frm_bstooltip frm-hover-icon frm-dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle', children: [ span({ child: svg({ href: '#frm_thick_more_vert_icon' }) }), span({ className: 'screen-reader-text', text: __( 'Toggle More Options Dropdown', 'formidable' ) }) ] }); frmDom.setAttributes( trigger, { 'title': __( 'More Options', 'formidable' ), 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', 'data-container': 'body' } ); makeTabbable( trigger, __( 'More Options', 'formidable' ) ); dropdown.appendChild( trigger ); const ul = div({ className: 'frm-dropdown-menu dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right' }); ul.setAttribute( 'role', 'menu' ); dropdown.appendChild( ul ); return dropdown; } function getSyncLayoutClass( layoutClasses, classToAdd ) { return function( itemIndex ) { let currentClassToAdd, length, layoutClassIndex, currentClass, activeLayoutClass, fieldId, layoutClassesInput; currentClassToAdd = 'function' === typeof classToAdd ? classToAdd( itemIndex ) : classToAdd; length = layoutClasses.length; activeLayoutClass = false; for ( layoutClassIndex = 0; layoutClassIndex < length; ++layoutClassIndex ) { currentClass = layoutClasses[ layoutClassIndex ]; if ( this.classList.contains( currentClass ) ) { activeLayoutClass = currentClass; break; } } fieldId = this.dataset.fid; if ( 'undefined' === typeof fieldId ) { // we are syncing the drag/drop placeholder before the actual field has loaded. // this will get called again afterward and the input will exist then. this.classList.add( currentClassToAdd ); return; } moveFieldSettings( document.getElementById( 'frm-single-settings-' + fieldId ) ); layoutClassesInput = document.getElementById( 'frm_classes_' + fieldId ); if ( null === layoutClassesInput ) { // not every field type has a layout class input. return; } if ( false === activeLayoutClass ) { if ( '' !== currentClassToAdd ) { layoutClassesInput.value = layoutClassesInput.value.concat( ' ' + currentClassToAdd ); } } else { this.classList.remove( activeLayoutClass ); layoutClassesInput.value = layoutClassesInput.value.replace( activeLayoutClass, currentClassToAdd ); } if ( this.classList.contains( 'frm_first' ) ) { this.classList.remove( 'frm_first' ); layoutClassesInput.value = layoutClassesInput.value.replace( 'frm_first', '' ).trim(); } if ( 0 === itemIndex ) { this.classList.add( 'frm_first' ); layoutClassesInput.value = layoutClassesInput.value.concat( ' frm_first' ); } jQuery( layoutClassesInput ).trigger( 'change' ); }; } function getLayoutClasses() { return [ 'frm_full', 'frm_half', 'frm_third', 'frm_fourth', 'frm_sixth', 'frm_two_thirds', 'frm_three_fourths', 'frm1', 'frm2', 'frm3', 'frm4', 'frm5', 'frm6', 'frm7', 'frm8', 'frm9', 'frm10', 'frm11', 'frm12' ]; } function setupFieldOptionSorting( sort ) { const opts = { items: '.frm_sortable_field_opts li', axis: 'y', opacity: 0.65, forcePlaceholderSize: false, handle: '.frm-drag', helper: function( e, li ) { copyHelper = li.clone().insertAfter( li ); return li.clone(); }, stop: function( e, ui ) { copyHelper && copyHelper.remove(); const fieldId = ui.item.attr( 'id' ).replace( 'frm_delete_field_', '' ).replace( '-' + 'optkey' ) + '_container', '' ); resetDisplayedOpts( fieldId ); fieldUpdated(); } }; jQuery( sort ).sortable( opts ); } // Get the section where a field is dropped function getSectionForFieldPlacement( currentItem ) { let section = ''; if ( typeof currentItem !== 'undefined' && ! currentItem.hasClass( 'edit_field_type_divider' ) ) { section = currentItem.closest( '.edit_field_type_divider' ); } return section; } // Get the form ID where a field is dropped function getFormIdForFieldPlacement( section ) { let formId = ''; if ( typeof section[0] !== 'undefined' ) { const sDivide = section.children( '.start_divider' ); sDivide.children( '.edit_field_type_end_divider' ).appendTo( sDivide ); if ( typeof section.attr( 'data-formid' ) !== 'undefined' ) { const fieldId = section.attr( 'data-fid' ); formId = jQuery( 'input[name="field_options[form_select_' + fieldId + ']"]' ).val(); } } if ( typeof formId === 'undefined' || formId === '' ) { formId = thisFormId; } return formId; } // Get the section ID where a field is dropped function getSectionIdForFieldPlacement( section ) { let sectionId = 0; if ( typeof section[0] !== 'undefined' ) { sectionId = section.attr( 'id' ).replace( 'frm_field_id_', '' ); } return sectionId; } /** * Update a field after it is dragged and dropped into, out of, or between sections * * @param {Object} currentItem * @param {Object} previousSection * @returns {void} */ function updateFieldAfterMovingBetweenSections( currentItem, previousSection ) { if ( ! currentItem.hasClass( 'form-field' ) ) { // currentItem is a field group. Call for children recursively. getFieldsInRow( jQuery( currentItem.get( 0 ).firstChild ) ).each( function() { updateFieldAfterMovingBetweenSections( jQuery( this ), previousSection ); } ); return; } const fieldId = currentItem.attr( 'id' ).replace( 'frm_field_id_', '' ); const section = getSectionForFieldPlacement( currentItem ); const formId = getFormIdForFieldPlacement( section ); const sectionId = getSectionIdForFieldPlacement( section ); const previousFormId = previousSection ? getFormIdForFieldPlacement( jQuery( previousSection.parentNode ) ) : 0; jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_update_field_after_move', form_id: formId, field: fieldId, section_id: sectionId, previous_form_id: previousFormId, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function() { toggleSectionHolder(); updateInSectionValue( fieldId, sectionId ); } }); } // Update the in_section field value function updateInSectionValue( fieldId, sectionId ) { document.getElementById( 'frm_in_section_' + fieldId ).value = sectionId; } /** * Add a new field by dragging and dropping it from the Fields sidebar * * @param {string} fieldType */ function insertNewFieldByDragging( fieldType ) { const placeholder = document.getElementById( 'frm_drag_placeholder' ); const loadingID = fieldType.replace( '|', '-' ) + '_' + getAutoId(); const loading = tag( 'li', { id: loadingID, className: 'frm-wait frmbutton_loadingnow' } ); const $placeholder = jQuery( loading ); const currentItem = jQuery( placeholder ); const section = getSectionForFieldPlacement( currentItem ); const formId = getFormIdForFieldPlacement( section ); const sectionId = getSectionIdForFieldPlacement( section ); placeholder.parentNode.insertBefore( loading, placeholder ); placeholder.remove(); syncLayoutClasses( $placeholder ); let hasBreak = 0; if ( 'summary' === fieldType ) { // see if we need to insert a page break before this newly-added summary field. Check for at least 1 page break hasBreak = jQuery( '.frmbutton_loadingnow#' + loadingID ).prevAll( 'li[data-type="break"]' ).length ? 1 : 0; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_insert_field', form_id: formId, field_type: fieldType, section_id: sectionId, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce, has_break: hasBreak, last_row_field_ids: getFieldIdsInSubmitRow() }, success: function( msg ) { let replaceWith; document.getElementById( 'frm_form_editor_container' ).classList.add( 'frm-has-fields' ); const $siblings = $placeholder.siblings( 'li.form-field' ).not( '.edit_field_type_end_divider' ); if ( ! $siblings.length ) { // if dragging into a new row, we need to wrap the li first. replaceWith = wrapFieldLi( msg ); } else { replaceWith = msgAsjQueryObject( msg ); if ( ! $placeholder.get( 0 ).parentNode.parentNode.classList.contains( 'ui-draggable' ) ) { // If a field group wasn't draggable because it only had a single field, make it draggable. makeDraggable( $placeholder.get( 0 ).parentNode.parentNode, '.frm-move' ); } } $placeholder.replaceWith( replaceWith ); updateFieldOrder(); afterAddField( msg, false ); if ( $siblings.length ) { syncLayoutClasses( $siblings.first() ); } toggleSectionHolder(); if ( ! $siblings.length ) { makeDroppable( replaceWith.get( 0 ).querySelector( 'ul.frm_sorting' ) ); makeDraggable( replaceWith.get( 0 ).querySelector( 'li.form-field' ), '.frm-move' ); } else { makeDraggable( replaceWith.get( 0 ), '.frm-move' ); } }, error: handleInsertFieldError }); } function getFieldIdsInSubmitRow() { const submitField = document.querySelector( '.edit_field_type_submit' ); if ( ! submitField ) { return []; } const lastRowFields = submitField.parentNode.children; const ids = []; for ( let i = 0; i < lastRowFields.length; i++ ) { ids.push( lastRowFields[ i ].dataset.fid ); } return ids; } function moveFieldThatAlreadyExists( draggable, placeholder ) { placeholder.parentNode.insertBefore( draggable, placeholder ); } function msgAsjQueryObject( msg ) { const element = div(); element.innerHTML = msg; return jQuery( element.firstChild ); } function handleInsertFieldError( jqXHR, _, errorThrown ) { maybeShowInsertFieldError( errorThrown, jqXHR ); } function maybeShowInsertFieldError( errorThrown, jqXHR ) { if ( ! jqXHRAborted( jqXHR ) ) { infoModal( errorThrown + '. Please try again.' ); } } function jqXHRAborted( jqXHR ) { return jqXHR.status === 0 || jqXHR.readyState === 0; } /** * Get a unique id that automatically increments with every function call. * Can be used for any UI that requires a unique id. * Not to be used in data. * * @returns {integer} */ function getAutoId() { return ++autoId; } /** * Determine if a draggable element can be droppable into a droppable element. * * Don't allow page break, embed form, or section inside section field * Don't allow page breaks inside of field groups. * Don't allow field groups with sections inside of sections. * Don't allow field groups in field groups. * Don't allow hidden fields inside of field groups but allow them in sections. * Don't allow any fields below the submit button field. * Don't allow submit button field above any fields. * * @param {HTMLElement} draggable * @param {HTMLElement} droppable * @param {Event} event * @returns {Boolean} */ function allowDrop( draggable, droppable, event ) { if ( false === droppable ) { // Don't show drop placeholder if dragging somewhere off of the droppable area. return false; } if ( droppable.closest( '.frm-sortable-helper' ) ) { // Do not allow drop into draggable. return false; } const isSubmitBtn = draggable.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_submit' ); const containSubmitBtn = ! draggable.classList.contains( 'form_field' ) && !! draggable.querySelector( '.edit_field_type_submit' ); if ( 'frm-show-fields' === ) { const draggableIndex = determineIndexBasedOffOfMousePositionInList( jQuery( droppable ), event.clientY ); if ( isSubmitBtn || containSubmitBtn ) { // Do not allow dropping submit button to above position. const lastRowIndex = droppable.childElementCount - 1; return draggableIndex > lastRowIndex; } // Do not allow dropping other fields to below submit button. const submitButtonIndex = jQuery( droppable.querySelector( '.edit_field_type_submit' ).closest( '#frm-show-fields > li' ) ).index(); return draggableIndex <= submitButtonIndex; } if ( isSubmitBtn ) { if ( droppable.classList.contains( 'start_divider' ) ) { // Don't allow dropping submit button into a repeater. return false; } if ( isLastRow( droppable.parentElement ) ) { // Allow dropping submit button into the last row. return true; } if ( ! isLastRow( droppable.parentElement.nextElementSibling ) ) { // Don't a dropping submit button into the row that isn't the second one from bottom. return false; } // Allow dropping submit button into the second row from bottom if there is only submit button in the last row. return ! draggable.parentElement.querySelector( 'li.frm_field_box:not(.edit_field_type_submit)' ); } if ( ! droppable.classList.contains( 'start_divider' ) ) { const $fieldsInRow = getFieldsInRow( jQuery( droppable ) ); if ( ! groupCanFitAnotherField( $fieldsInRow, jQuery( draggable ) ) ) { // Field group is full and cannot accept another field. return false; } } const isNewField = draggable.classList.contains( 'frm-new-field' ); if ( isNewField ) { return allowNewFieldDrop( draggable, droppable ); } return allowMoveField( draggable, droppable ); } /** * Checks if given element is the last row in form builder. * * @param {HTMLElement} element Element. * @return {Boolean} */ function isLastRow( element ) { return element && element.matches( '#frm-show-fields > li:last-child' ); } // Don't allow a new page break or hidden field in a field group. // Don't allow a new field into a field group that includes a page break or hidden field. // Don't allow a new section inside of a section. // Don't allow an embedded form in a section. function allowNewFieldDrop( draggable, droppable ) { const classes = draggable.classList; const newPageBreakField = classes.contains( 'frm_tbreak' ); const newHiddenField = classes.contains( 'frm_thidden' ); const newSectionField = classes.contains( 'frm_tdivider' ); const newEmbedField = classes.contains( 'frm_tform' ); const newUserIdField = classes.contains( 'frm_tuser_id' ); const newFieldWillBeAddedToAGroup = ! ( 'frm-show-fields' === || droppable.classList.contains( 'start_divider' ) ); if ( newFieldWillBeAddedToAGroup ) { if ( groupIncludesBreakOrHiddenOrUserId( droppable ) ) { // Never allow any field beside a page break or a hidden field. return false; } return ! newHiddenField && ! newPageBreakField && ! newUserIdField; } const fieldTypeIsAlwaysAllowed = ! newPageBreakField && ! newHiddenField && ! newSectionField && ! newEmbedField; if ( fieldTypeIsAlwaysAllowed ) { return true; } const newFieldWillBeAddedToASection = droppable.classList.contains( 'start_divider' ) || null !== droppable.closest( '.start_divider' ); if ( newFieldWillBeAddedToASection ) { // Don't allow a section or an embedded form in a section. return ! newEmbedField && ! newSectionField; } return true; } function allowMoveField( draggable, droppable ) { if ( isFieldGroup( draggable ) ) { return allowMoveFieldGroup( draggable, droppable ); } const isPageBreak = draggable.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_break' ); if ( isPageBreak ) { // Page breaks are only allowed in the main list of fields, not in sections or in field groups. return false; } if ( droppable.classList.contains( 'start_divider' ) ) { return allowMoveFieldToSection( draggable ); } const isHiddenField = draggable.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_hidden' ); const isUserIdField = draggable.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_user_id' ); if ( isHiddenField || isUserIdField ) { // Hidden fields and user id fields should not be added to field groups since they're not shown // and don't make sense with the grid distribution. return false; } return allowMoveFieldToGroup( draggable, droppable ); } function isFieldGroup( draggable ) { return draggable.classList.contains( 'frm_field_box' ) && ! draggable.classList.contains( 'form-field' ); } function allowMoveFieldGroup( fieldGroup, droppable ) { if ( droppable.classList.contains( 'start_divider' ) && null === fieldGroup.querySelector( '.start_divider' ) ) { // Allow a field group with no section inside of a section. return true; } return false; } function allowMoveFieldToSection( draggable ) { const draggableIncludeEmbedForm = draggable.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_form' ) || draggable.querySelector( '.edit_field_type_form' ); if ( draggableIncludeEmbedForm ) { // Do not allow an embedded form inside of a section. return false; } const draggableIncludesSection = draggable.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_divider' ) || draggable.querySelector( '.edit_field_type_divider' ); if ( draggableIncludesSection ) { // Do not allow a section inside of a section. return false; } return true; } function allowMoveFieldToGroup( draggable, group ) { if ( groupIncludesBreakOrHiddenOrUserId( group ) ) { // Never allow any field beside a page break or a hidden field. return false; } const isFieldGroup = jQuery( draggable ).children( 'ul.frm_sorting' ).not( '.start_divider' ).length > 0; if ( isFieldGroup ) { // Do not allow a field group directly inside of a field group unless it's in a section. return false; } const draggableIncludesASection = draggable.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_divider' ) || draggable.querySelector( '.edit_field_type_divider' ); const draggableIsEmbedField = draggable.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_form' ); const groupIsInASection = null !== group.closest( '.start_divider' ); if ( groupIsInASection && ( draggableIncludesASection || draggableIsEmbedField ) ) { // Do not allow a section or an embed field inside of a section. return false; } return true; } function groupIncludesBreakOrHiddenOrUserId( group ) { return null !== group.querySelector( '.edit_field_type_break, .edit_field_type_hidden, .edit_field_type_user_id' ); } function groupCanFitAnotherField( fieldsInRow, $field ) { let fieldId; if ( fieldsInRow.length < 6 ) { return true; } if ( fieldsInRow.length > 6 ) { return false; } fieldId = $field.attr( 'data-fid' ); // allow 6 if we're not changing field groups. return 1 === jQuery( fieldsInRow ).filter( '[data-fid="' + fieldId + '"]' ).length; } function loadFields( fieldId ) { const thisField = document.getElementById( fieldId ); const $thisField = jQuery( thisField ); const field = []; const addHtmlToField = element => { const frmHiddenFdata = element.querySelector( '.frm_hidden_fdata' ); element.classList.add( 'frm_load_now' ); if ( frmHiddenFdata !== null ) { field.push( frmHiddenFdata.innerHTML ); } }; let nextElement = thisField; addHtmlToField( nextElement ); let nextField = getNextField( nextElement ); while ( nextField && field.length < 15 ) { addHtmlToField( nextField ); nextElement = nextField; nextField = getNextField( nextField ); } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_load_field', field: field, form_id: thisFormId, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: html => handleAjaxLoadFieldSuccess( html, $thisField, field ) }); } function getNextField( field ) { if ( field.nextElementSibling ) { return field.nextElementSibling; } return field.parentNode?.closest( '.frm_field_box' )?.nextElementSibling?.querySelector( '.form-field' ); } function handleAjaxLoadFieldSuccess( html, $thisField, field ) { let key, $nextSet; html = html.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' ); if ( html.indexOf( '{' ) !== 0 ) { jQuery( '.frm_load_now' ).removeClass( '.frm_load_now' ).html( 'Error' ); return; } html = JSON.parse( html ); for ( key in html ) { jQuery( '#frm_field_id_' + key ).replaceWith( html[key]); setupSortable( '#frm_field_id_' + key + '.edit_field_type_divider ul.frm_sorting' ); makeDraggable( document.getElementById( 'frm_field_id_' + key ) ); } $nextSet = $thisField.nextAll( '.frm_field_loading:not(.frm_load_now)' ); if ( $nextSet.length ) { loadFields( $nextSet.attr( 'id' ) ); } else { // go up a level $nextSet = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm-show-fields' ) ).find( '.frm_field_loading:not(.frm_load_now)' ); if ( $nextSet.length ) { loadFields( $nextSet.attr( 'id' ) ); } } initiateMultiselect(); renumberPageBreaks(); maybeHideQuantityProductFieldOption(); const loadedEvent = new Event( 'frm_ajax_loaded_field', { bubbles: false }); loadedEvent.frmFields = f => JSON.parse( f ) ); document.dispatchEvent( loadedEvent ); } function addFieldClick() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const $thisObj = jQuery( this ); // there is no real way to disable a <a> (with a valid href attribute) in HTML - if ( $thisObj.hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) { return false; } const $button = $thisObj.closest( '.frmbutton' ); const fieldType = $button.attr( 'id' ); let hasBreak = 0; if ( 'summary' === fieldType ) { hasBreak = $newFields.children( 'li[data-type="break"]' ).length > 0 ? 1 : 0; } const formId = thisFormId; jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_insert_field', form_id: formId, field_type: fieldType, section_id: 0, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce, has_break: hasBreak, last_row_field_ids: getFieldIdsInSubmitRow() }, success: function( msg ) { document.getElementById( 'frm_form_editor_container' ).classList.add( 'frm-has-fields' ); const replaceWith = wrapFieldLi( msg ); const submitField = $newFields[0].querySelector( '.edit_field_type_submit' ); if ( ! submitField ) { $newFields.append( replaceWith ); } else { jQuery( submitField.closest( '.frm_field_box:not(.form-field)' ) ).before( replaceWith ); } afterAddField( msg, true ); replaceWith.each( function() { makeDroppable( this.querySelector( 'ul.frm_sorting' ) ); makeDraggable( this.querySelector( '.form-field' ), '.frm-move' ); } ); }, error: handleInsertFieldError }); return false; } function maybeHideQuantityProductFieldOption() { let hide = true, opts = document.querySelectorAll( '.frmjs_prod_field_opt_cont' ); if ( $newFields.find( 'li.edit_field_type_product' ).length > 1 ) { hide = false; } for ( let i = 0; i < opts.length; i++ ) { if ( hide ) { opts[ i ].classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); } else { opts[ i ].classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); } } } function duplicateField() { let $field, fieldId, children, newRowId, fieldOrder; $field = jQuery( this ).closest( 'li.form-field' ); if ( $field.hasClass( 'frm-page-collapsed' ) ) { return false; } closeOpenFieldDropdowns(); fieldId = $ 'fid' ); children = fieldsInSection( fieldId ); newRowId = this.getAttribute( 'frm-target-row-id' ); if ( null !== newRowId ) { fieldOrder = this.getAttribute( 'frm-field-order' ); } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_duplicate_field', field_id: fieldId, form_id: thisFormId, children: children, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( msg ) { let newRow; let replaceWith; if ( null !== newRowId ) { newRow = document.getElementById( newRowId ); if ( null !== newRow ) { replaceWith = msgAsjQueryObject( msg ); jQuery( newRow ).append( replaceWith ); makeDraggable( replaceWith.get( 0 ), '.frm-move' ); if ( null !== fieldOrder ) { newRow.lastElementChild.setAttribute( 'frm-field-order', fieldOrder ); } jQuery( newRow ).trigger( 'frm_added_duplicated_field_to_row', { duplicatedFieldHtml: msg, originalFieldId: fieldId } ); afterAddField( msg, false ); return; } } if ( $field.siblings( 'li.form-field' ).length ) { replaceWith = msgAsjQueryObject( msg ); $field.after( replaceWith ); syncLayoutClasses( $field ); makeDraggable( replaceWith.get( 0 ), '.frm-move' ); } else { replaceWith = wrapFieldLi( msg ); $field.parent().parent().after( replaceWith ); makeDroppable( replaceWith.get( 0 ).querySelector( 'ul.frm_sorting' ) ); makeDraggable( replaceWith.get( 0 ).querySelector( 'li.form-field' ), '.frm-move' ); } updateFieldOrder(); afterAddField( msg, false ); maybeDuplicateUnsavedSettings( fieldId, msg ); toggleOneSectionHolder( replaceWith.find( '.start_divider' ) ); $field[0].querySelector( '.frm-dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right' )?.classList.remove( 'show' ); } }); return false; } function maybeDuplicateUnsavedSettings( originalFieldId, newFieldHtml ) { let originalSettings, newFieldId, copySettings, fieldOptionKeys, originalDefault, copyDefault; originalSettings = document.getElementById( 'frm-single-settings-' + originalFieldId ); if ( null === originalSettings ) { return; } newFieldId = jQuery( newFieldHtml ).attr( 'data-fid' ); if ( 'undefined' === typeof newFieldId ) { return; } copySettings = document.getElementById( 'frm-single-settings-' + newFieldId ); if ( null === copySettings ) { return; } fieldOptionKeys = [ 'name', 'required', 'unique', 'read_only', 'placeholder', 'description', 'size', 'max', 'format', 'prepend', 'append', 'separate_value' ]; originalSettings.querySelectorAll( 'input[name^="field_options["], textarea[name^="field_options["]' ).forEach( function( originalSetting ) { let key, tagType, copySetting; key = getKeyFromSettingInput( originalSetting ); if ( 'options' === key ) { copyOption( originalSetting, copySettings, originalFieldId, newFieldId ); return; } if ( -1 === fieldOptionKeys.indexOf( key ) ) { return; } tagType = originalSetting.matches( 'input' ) ? 'input' : 'textarea'; copySetting = copySettings.querySelector( tagType + '[name="field_options[' + key + '_' + newFieldId + ']"]' ); if ( null === copySetting ) { return; } if ( 'checkbox' === originalSetting.type ) { if ( originalSetting.checked !== copySetting.checked ) { jQuery( copySetting ).trigger( 'click' ); } } else if ( 'text' === originalSetting.type || 'textarea' === tagType ) { if ( originalSetting.value !== copySetting.value ) { copySetting.value = originalSetting.value; jQuery( copySetting ).trigger( 'change' ); } } } ); originalDefault = originalSettings.querySelector( 'input[name="default_value_' + originalFieldId + '"]' ); if ( null !== originalDefault ) { copyDefault = copySettings.querySelector( 'input[name="default_value_' + newFieldId + '"]' ); if ( null !== copyDefault && originalDefault.value !== copyDefault.value ) { copyDefault.value = originalDefault.value; jQuery( copyDefault ).trigger( 'change' ); } } } function copyOption( originalSetting, copySettings, originalFieldId, newFieldId ) { let remainingKeyDetails, copyKey, copySetting; remainingKeyDetails = 23 + ( '' + originalFieldId ).length ); copyKey = 'field_options[options_' + newFieldId + ']' + remainingKeyDetails; copySetting = copySettings.querySelector( 'input[name="' + copyKey + '"]' ); if ( null !== copySetting && copySetting.value !== originalSetting.value ) { copySetting.value = originalSetting.value; jQuery( copySetting ).trigger( 'change' ); } } function getKeyFromSettingInput( input ) { let nameWithoutPrefix, nameSplit; nameWithoutPrefix = 14 ); nameSplit = nameWithoutPrefix.split( '_' ); nameSplit.pop(); return nameSplit.join( '_' ); } function closeOpenFieldDropdowns() { const openSettings = document.querySelector( '.frm-field-settings-open' ); if ( null !== openSettings ) { openSettings.classList.remove( 'frm-field-settings-open' ); jQuery( document ).off( 'click', '#frm_builder_page', handleClickOutsideOfFieldSettings ); jQuery( '.frm-field-action-icons' ).removeClass( 'open' ); } } function handleClickOutsideOfFieldSettings( event ) { if ( ! jQuery( ).closest( '.frm-field-action-icons' ).length ) { closeOpenFieldDropdowns(); } } function checkForMultiselectKeysOnMouseMove( event ) { const keyIsDown = ! ! ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey ); jQuery( builderPage ).toggleClass( 'frm-multiselect-key-is-down', keyIsDown ); checkForActiveHoverTarget( event ); } function checkForActiveHoverTarget( event ) { let container, elementFromPoint, list, previousHoverTarget; container = postBodyContent; if ( container.classList.contains( 'frm-dragging-field' ) ) { return; } if ( null !== document.querySelector( '.frm-field-group-hover-target .frm-field-settings-open' ) ) { // do not set a hover target if a dropdown is open for the current hover target. return; } elementFromPoint = document.elementFromPoint( event.clientX, event.clientY ); if ( null !== elementFromPoint && ! elementFromPoint.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_divider' ) ) { list = elementFromPoint.closest( 'ul.frm_sorting' ); if ( null !== list && ! list.classList.contains( 'start_divider' ) && 'frm-show-fields' !== ) { previousHoverTarget = maybeRemoveGroupHoverTarget(); if ( false !== previousHoverTarget && ! jQuery( previousHoverTarget ).is( list ) ) { destroyFieldGroupPopup(); } updateFieldGroupControls( jQuery( list ), getFieldsInRow( jQuery( list ) ).length ); list.classList.add( 'frm-field-group-hover-target' ); jQuery( '#wpbody-content' ).on( 'mousemove', maybeRemoveHoverTargetOnMouseMove ); } } } function maybeRemoveGroupHoverTarget() { let controls, previousHoverTarget; controls = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_group_controls' ); if ( null !== controls ) { = 'none'; } previousHoverTarget = document.querySelector( '.frm-field-group-hover-target' ); if ( null === previousHoverTarget ) { return false; } jQuery( '#wpbody-content' ).off( 'mousemove', maybeRemoveHoverTargetOnMouseMove ); previousHoverTarget.classList.remove( 'frm-field-group-hover-target' ); return previousHoverTarget; } function maybeRemoveHoverTargetOnMouseMove( event ) { const elementFromPoint = document.elementFromPoint( event.clientX, event.clientY ); if ( null !== elementFromPoint && null !== elementFromPoint.closest( '#frm-show-fields' ) ) { return; } maybeRemoveGroupHoverTarget(); } function onFieldActionDropdownShow( isFieldGroup ) { unselectFieldGroups(); // maybe offset the dropdown if it goes off of the right of the screen. setTimeout( function() { let ul, $ul; ul = document.querySelector( ' .frm-dropdown-menu' ); if ( null === ul ) { return; } if ( null === ul.getAttribute( 'aria-label' ) ) { ul.setAttribute( 'aria-label', __( 'More Options', 'formidable' ) ); } if ( 0 === ul.children.length ) { fillFieldActionDropdown( ul, true === isFieldGroup ); } $ul = jQuery( ul ); if ( $ul.offset().left > jQuery( window ).width() - $ul.outerWidth() ) { = ( -$ul.outerWidth() ) + 'px'; } const firstAnchor = ul.firstElementChild.querySelector( 'a' ); if ( firstAnchor ) { firstAnchor.focus(); } }, 0 ); } function onFieldGroupActionDropdownShow() { onFieldActionDropdownShow( true ); } function changeSectionStyle( e ) { const collapsedSection = '.frm-section-collapsed' ); if ( ! collapsedSection ) { return; } if ( e.type === 'show' ) { = 3; } else { = 1; } } function fillFieldActionDropdown( ul, isFieldGroup ) { let classSuffix, options; classSuffix = isFieldGroup ? '_field_group' : '_field'; options = [ getDeleteActionOption( isFieldGroup ), getDuplicateActionOption( isFieldGroup ) ]; if ( ! isFieldGroup ) { options.push( { class: 'frm_select', icon: 'frm_settings_icon', label: __( 'Field Settings', 'formidable' ) } ); } options.forEach( function( option ) { let li, anchor, span; li = document.createElement( 'div' ); li.classList.add( 'frm_more_options_li', 'dropdown-item' ); anchor = document.createElement( 'a' ); anchor.classList.add( option.class + classSuffix ); anchor.setAttribute( 'href', '#' ); makeTabbable( anchor ); span = document.createElement( 'span' ); span.textContent = option.label; anchor.innerHTML = '<svg class="frmsvg"><use xlink:href="#' + option.icon + '"></use></svg>'; anchor.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' ' ) ); anchor.appendChild( span ); li.appendChild( anchor ); ul.appendChild( li ); } ); } function getDeleteActionOption( isFieldGroup ) { const option = { class: 'frm_delete', icon: 'frm_delete_icon' }; option.label = isFieldGroup ? __( 'Delete Group', 'formidable' ) : __( 'Delete', 'formidable' ); return option; } function getDuplicateActionOption( isFieldGroup ) { const option = { class: 'frm_clone', icon: 'frm_clone_icon' }; option.label = isFieldGroup ? __( 'Duplicate Group', 'formidable' ) : __( 'Duplicate', 'formidable' ); return option; } function wrapFieldLi( field ) { const wrapper = div(); if ( 'string' === typeof field ) { wrapper.innerHTML = field; } else { wrapper.appendChild( field ); } let result = jQuery(); Array.from( wrapper.children ).forEach( li => { result = result.add( jQuery( '<li>' ) .addClass( 'frm_field_box' ) .html( jQuery( '<ul>' ).addClass( 'frm_grid_container frm_sorting' ).append( li ) ) ); } ); return result; } function wrapFieldLiInPlace( li ) { const ul = tag( 'ul', { className: 'frm_grid_container frm_sorting' } ); const wrapper = tag( 'li', { className: 'frm_field_box', child: ul } ); li.replaceWith( wrapper ); ul.appendChild( li ); makeDroppable( ul ); makeDraggable( wrapper, '.frm-move' ); } function afterAddField( msg, addFocus ) { const regex = /id="(\S+)"/; const match = regex.exec( msg ); const field = document.getElementById( match[1]); const section = '#' + match[1] + '.edit_field_type_divider ul.frm_sorting.start_divider'; const $thisSection = jQuery( section ); const type = field.getAttribute( 'data-type' ); checkHtmlForNewFields( msg ); let toggled = false; fieldUpdated(); setupSortable( section ); if ( 'quantity' === type ) { // try to automatically attach a product field maybeSetProductField( field ); } if ( 'product' === type || 'quantity' === type ) { // quantity too needs to be a part of the if stmt especially cos of the very // 1st quantity field (or even if it's just one quantity field in the form). maybeHideQuantityProductFieldOption(); } if ( $thisSection.length ) { $thisSection.parent( '.frm_field_box' ).children( '.frm_no_section_fields' ).addClass( 'frm_block' ); } else { const $parentSection = jQuery( field ).closest( 'ul.frm_sorting.start_divider' ); if ( $parentSection.length ) { toggleOneSectionHolder( $parentSection ); toggled = true; } } if ( msg.indexOf( 'frm-collapse-page' ) !== -1 ) { renumberPageBreaks(); } addClass( field, 'frm-newly-added' ); setTimeout( function() { field.classList.remove( 'frm-newly-added' ); }, 1000 ); if ( addFocus ) { const bounding = field.getBoundingClientRect(), container = document.getElementById( 'post-body-content' ), inView = ( >= 0 && bounding.left >= 0 && bounding.right <= ( window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth ) && bounding.bottom <= ( window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ); if ( ! inView ) { container.scroll({ top: container.scrollHeight, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }); } if ( toggled === false ) { toggleOneSectionHolder( $thisSection ); } } deselectFields(); initiateMultiselect(); const addedEvent = new Event( 'frm_added_field', { bubbles: false }); addedEvent.frmField = field; addedEvent.frmSection = section; addedEvent.frmType = type; addedEvent.frmToggles = toggled; document.dispatchEvent( addedEvent ); } /** * Since multiple new fields may get added when a new field is inserted, check the HTML. * * @param {string} html * @returns {void} */ function checkHtmlForNewFields( html ) { const element = div(); element.innerHTML = html; element.querySelectorAll( '.form-field' ).forEach( addFieldIdToDraftFieldsInput ); } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field * @returns {void} */ function addFieldIdToDraftFieldsInput( field ) { if ( ! field.dataset.fid ) { return; } const draftInput = document.getElementById( 'draft_fields' ); if ( ! draftInput ) { return; } if ( '' === draftInput.value ) { draftInput.value = field.dataset.fid; } else { const split = draftInput.value.split( ',' ); if ( ! split.includes( field.dataset.fid ) ) { draftInput.value += ',' + field.dataset.fid; } } } function clearSettingsBox( preventFieldGroups ) { jQuery( '#new_fields .frm-single-settings' ).addClass( 'frm_hidden' ); jQuery( '#frm-options-panel > .frm-single-settings' ).removeClass( 'frm_hidden' ); deselectFields( preventFieldGroups ); } function deselectFields( preventFieldGroups ) { jQuery( 'li.ui-state-default.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' ); jQuery( '.frm-show-field-settings.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' ); if ( ! preventFieldGroups ) { unselectFieldGroups(); } } function scrollToField( field ) { const newPos = field.getBoundingClientRect().top, container = document.getElementById( 'post-body-content' ); if ( typeof animate === 'undefined' ) { jQuery( container ).scrollTop( newPos ); } else { // TODO: smooth scroll jQuery( container ).animate({ scrollTop: newPos }, 500 ); } } function checkCalculationCreatedByUser() { const calculation = this.value; let warningMessage = checkMatchingParens( calculation ); warningMessage += checkShortcodes( calculation, this ); if ( warningMessage !== '' ) { infoModal( calculation + '\n\n' + warningMessage ); } } /** * Checks the Detail Page slug to see if it's a reserved word and displays a message if it is. */ function checkDetailPageSlug() { let slug = jQuery( '#param' ).val(), msg; slug = slug.trim().toLowerCase(); if ( Array.isArray( frmAdminJs.unsafe_params ) && frmAdminJs.unsafe_params.includes( slug ) ) { msg = frmAdminJs.slug_is_reserved; msg = msg.replace( '****', addHtmlTags( slug, 'strong' ) ); msg += '<br /><br />'; msg += addHtmlTags( '<a href="" target="_blank" class="frm-standard-link">' + frmAdminJs.reserved_words + '</a>', 'div' ); infoModal( msg ); } } /** * Checks View filter value for params named with reserved words and displays a message if any are found. */ function checkFilterParamNames() { let regEx = /\[\s*get\s*param\s*=\s*['"]?([a-zA-Z-_]+)['"]?/ig, filterValue = jQuery( this ).val(), match = regEx.exec( filterValue ), unsafeParams = ''; while ( match !== null ) { if ( Array.isArray( frmAdminJs.unsafe_params ) && frmAdminJs.unsafe_params.includes( match[1]) ) { if ( unsafeParams !== '' ) { unsafeParams += '", "' + match[ 1 ]; } else { unsafeParams = match[ 1 ]; } } match = regEx.exec( filterValue ); } if ( unsafeParams !== '' ) { let msg = frmAdminJs.param_is_reserved; msg = msg.replace( '****', addHtmlTags( unsafeParams, 'strong' ) ); msg += '<br /><br />'; msg += ' <a href="" target="_blank" class="frm-standard-link">' + frmAdminJs.reserved_words + '</a>'; infoModal( msg ); } } function addHtmlTags( text, tag ) { tag = tag ? tag : 'p'; return '<' + tag + '>' + text + '</' + tag + '>'; } /** * Checks a string for parens, brackets, and curly braces and returns a message if any unmatched are found. * @param formula * @returns {string} */ function checkMatchingParens( formula ) { let stack = [], formulaArray = formula.split( '' ), length = formulaArray.length, opening = [ '{', '[', '(' ], closing = { '}': '{', ')': '(', ']': '[' }, unmatchedClosing = [], msg = '', i, top; for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { if ( opening.includes( formulaArray[i]) ) { stack.push( formulaArray[i]); continue; } if ( closing.hasOwnProperty( formulaArray[i]) ) { top = stack.pop(); if ( top !== closing[formulaArray[i]]) { unmatchedClosing.push( formulaArray[i]); } } } if ( stack.length > 0 || unmatchedClosing.length > 0 ) { msg = frmAdminJs.unmatched_parens + '\n\n'; return msg; } return ''; } /** * Checks a calculation for shortcodes that shouldn't be in it and returns a message if found. * @param calculation * @param inputElement * @returns {string} */ function checkShortcodes( calculation, inputElement ) { let msg = checkNonNumericShortcodes( calculation, inputElement ); msg += checkNonFormShortcodes( calculation ); return msg; } /** * Checks if a numeric calculation has shortcodes that output non-numeric strings and returns a message if found. * @param calculation * * @param inputElement * @returns {string} */ function checkNonNumericShortcodes( calculation, inputElement ) { let msg = ''; if ( isTextCalculation( inputElement ) ) { return msg; } const nonNumericShortcodes = getNonNumericShortcodes(); if ( nonNumericShortcodes.test( calculation ) ) { msg = frmAdminJs.text_shortcodes + '\n\n'; } return msg; } /** * Determines if the calculation input is from a text calculation. * * @param inputElement */ function isTextCalculation( inputElement ) { return jQuery( inputElement ).siblings( 'label[for^="calc_type"]' ).children( 'input' ).prop( 'checked' ); } /** * Returns a regular expression of shortcodes that can't be used in numeric calculations. * @returns {RegExp} */ function getNonNumericShortcodes() { return /\[(date|time|email|ip)\]/; } /** * Checks if a string has any shortcodes that do not belong in forms and returns a message if any are found. * @param formula * @returns {string} */ function checkNonFormShortcodes( formula ) { let nonFormShortcodes = getNonFormShortcodes(), msg = ''; if ( nonFormShortcodes.test( formula ) ) { msg += frmAdminJs.view_shortcodes + '\n\n'; } return msg; } /** * Returns a regular expression of shortcodes that can't be used in forms but can be used in Views, Email * Notifications, and other Formidable areas. * * @returns {RegExp} */ function getNonFormShortcodes() { return /\[id\]|\[key\]|\[if\s\w+\]|\[foreach\s\w+\]|\[created-at(\s*)?/g; } function isCalcBoxType( box, listClass ) { const list = jQuery( box ).find( '.frm_code_list' ); return 1 === list.length && list.hasClass( listClass ); } function extractExcludedOptions( exclude ) { const opts = []; if ( ! Array.isArray( exclude ) ) { return opts; } for ( let i = 0; i < exclude.length; i++ ) { if ( exclude[ i ].startsWith( '[' ) ) { opts.push( exclude[ i ]); // remove it exclude.splice( i, 1 ); // i--; } } return opts; } function hasExcludedOption( field, excludedOpts ) { let hasOption = false; for ( let i = 0; i < excludedOpts.length; i++ ) { const inputs = document.getElementsByName( getFieldOptionInputName( excludedOpts[ i ], field.fieldId ) ); // 2nd condition checks that there's at least one non-empty value if ( inputs.length && jQuery( inputs[0]).val() ) { hasOption = true; break; } } return hasOption; } function getFieldOptionInputName( opt, fieldId ) { const at = opt.indexOf( ']' ); return 'field_options' + opt.substring( 0, at ) + '_' + fieldId + opt.substring( at ); } function popCalcFields( v, force ) { let box, exclude, fields, i, list, p = jQuery( v ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ), calc = p.find( '.frm-calc-field' ); if ( ! force && ( ! calc.length || calc.val() === '' || ':hidden' ) ) ) { return; } const isSummary = isCalcBoxType( v, 'frm_js_summary_list' ); const fieldId = p.find( 'input[name="frm_fields_submitted[]"]' ).val(); if ( force ) { box = v; } else { box = document.getElementById( 'frm-calc-box-' + fieldId ); } exclude = getExcludeArray( box, isSummary ); const excludedOpts = extractExcludedOptions( exclude ); fields = getFieldList(); list = document.getElementById( 'frm-calc-list-' + fieldId ); list.innerHTML = ''; for ( i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) { if ( ( exclude && exclude.includes( fields[ i ].fieldType ) ) || ( excludedOpts.length && hasExcludedOption( fields[ i ], excludedOpts ) ) ) { continue; } const span = document.createElement( 'span' ); span.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '[' + fields[i].fieldId + ']' ) ); const a = document.createElement( 'a' ); a.setAttribute( 'href', '#' ); a.setAttribute( 'data-code', fields[i].fieldId ); a.classList.add( 'frm_insert_code' ); a.appendChild( span ); a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( fields[i].fieldName ) ); const li = document.createElement( 'li' ); li.classList.add( 'frm-field-list-' + fieldId ); li.classList.add( 'frm-field-list-' + fields[i].fieldType ); li.appendChild( a ); list.appendChild( li ); } } function getExcludeArray( calcBox, isSummary ) { const exclude = JSON.parse( calcBox.getElementsByClassName( 'frm_code_list' )[0].getAttribute( 'data-exclude' ) ); if ( isSummary ) { // includedExtras are those that are normally excluded from the summary but the form owner can choose to include, // when they have been chosen to be included, then they can now be manually excluded in the calc box. const includedExtras = getIncludedExtras(); if ( includedExtras.length ) { for ( let i = 0; i < exclude.length; i++ ) { if ( includedExtras.includes( exclude[ i ]) ) { // remove it exclude.splice( i, 1 ); // i--; } } } } return exclude; } function getIncludedExtras() { const checked = []; const checkboxes = document.getElementsByClassName( 'frm_include_extras_field' ); for ( let i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++ ) { if ( checkboxes[i].checked ) { checked.push( checkboxes[i].value ); } } return checked; } function rePopCalcFieldsForSummary() { popCalcFields( jQuery( '.frm-inline-modal.postbox:has(.frm_js_summary_list)' )[0], true ); } function getFieldList( fieldType ) { let i, fields = [], allFields = document.querySelectorAll( 'li.frm_field_box' ), checkType = 'undefined' !== typeof fieldType; for ( i = 0; i < allFields.length; i++ ) { // data-ftype is better (than data-type) cos of fields loaded by AJAX - which might not be ready yet if ( checkType && allFields[ i ].getAttribute( 'data-ftype' ) !== fieldType ) { continue; } const fieldId = allFields[ i ].getAttribute( 'data-fid' ); if ( typeof fieldId !== 'undefined' && fieldId ) { fields.push({ 'fieldId': fieldId, 'fieldName': getPossibleValue( 'frm_name_' + fieldId ), 'fieldType': getPossibleValue( 'field_options_type_' + fieldId ), 'fieldKey': getPossibleValue( 'field_options_field_key_' + fieldId ) }); } } return wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'frm_admin_get_field_list', fields, fieldType, allFields ); } function popProductFields( field ) { let i, checked, id, options = [], current = getCurrentProductFields( field ), fName = field.getAttribute( 'data-frmfname' ), products = getFieldList( 'product' ), quantities = getFieldList( 'quantity' ), isSelect = field.tagName === 'SELECT', // for reverse compatibility. // whether we have just 1 product and 1 quantity field & should therefore attach the latter to the former auto = 1 === quantities.length && 1 === products.length; if ( isSelect ) { // This fallback can be removed after 4.05. current = field.getAttribute( 'data-frmcurrent' ); } for ( i = 0 ; i < products.length ; i++ ) { // let's be double sure it's string, else indexOf will fail id = products[ i ].fieldId.toString(); checked = auto || -1 !== current.indexOf( id ); if ( isSelect ) { // This fallback can be removed after 4.05. checked = checked ? ' selected' : ''; options.push( '<option value="' + id + '"' + checked + '>' + products[ i ].fieldName + '</option>' ); } else { checked = checked ? ' checked' : ''; options.push( '<label class="frm6">' ); options.push( '<input type="checkbox" name="' + fName + '" value="' + id + '"' + checked + '> ' + products[ i ].fieldName ); options.push( '</label>' ); } } field.innerHTML = options.join( '' ); } function getCurrentProductFields( prodFieldOpt ) { const products = prodFieldOpt.querySelectorAll( '[type="checkbox"]:checked' ), idsArray = []; for ( let i = 0; i < products.length; i++ ) { idsArray.push( products[ i ].value ); } return idsArray; } function popAllProductFields() { const opts = document.querySelectorAll( '.frmjs_prod_field_opt' ); for ( let i = 0; i < opts.length; i++ ) { popProductFields( opts[ i ]); } } function maybeSetProductField( field ) { const fieldId = field.getAttribute( 'data-fid' ), productFieldOpt = document.getElementById( 'field_options[product_field_' + fieldId + ']' ); if ( null === productFieldOpt ) { return; } popProductFields( productFieldOpt ); // in order to move its settings to that LHS panel where // the update form resides, else it'll lose this setting moveFieldSettings( document.getElementById( 'frm-single-settings-' + fieldId ) ); } /** * If the element doesn't exist, use a blank value. */ function getPossibleValue( id ) { const field = document.getElementById( id ); if ( field !== null ) { return field.value; } return ''; } function liveChanges() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let option, newValue = this.value, changes = document.getElementById( this.getAttribute( 'data-changeme' ) ), att = this.getAttribute( 'data-changeatt' ); if ( changes === null ) { return; } if ( att !== null ) { if ( changes.tagName === 'SELECT' && att === 'placeholder' ) { option = changes.options[0]; if ( option.value === '' ) { option.innerHTML = newValue; } else { // Create a placeholder option if there are no blank values. addBlankSelectOption( changes, newValue ); } } else if ( att === 'class' ) { changeFieldClass( changes, this ); } else if ( isSliderField( changes ) ) { updateSliderFieldPreview( changes, att, newValue ); } else { changes.setAttribute( att, newValue ); } } else if ( 'setup-message' ) === 0 ) { if ( newValue !== '' ) { changes.innerHTML = '<input type="text" value="" disabled />'; } } else { changes.innerHTML = purifyHtml( newValue ); if ( 'TEXTAREA' === changes.nodeName && changes.classList.contains( 'wp-editor-area' ) ) { // Trigger change events on wysiwyg textareas so we can also sync default values in the visual tab. jQuery( changes ).trigger( 'change' ); } if ( changes.classList.contains( 'frm_primary_label' ) && 'break' === changes.nextElementSibling.getAttribute( 'data-ftype' ) ) { changes.nextElementSibling.querySelector( '.frm_button_submit' ).textContent = newValue; } } } function updateSliderFieldPreview( field, att, newValue ) { if ( frmGlobal.proIncludesSliderJs ) { const hookName = 'frm_update_slider_field_preview'; const hookArgs = { field, att, newValue }; wp.hooks.doAction( hookName, hookArgs ); return; } // This functionality has been moved to pro since v5.4.3. This code should be removed eventually. if ( 'value' === att ) { if ( '' === newValue ) { newValue = getSliderMidpoint( field ); } field.value = newValue; } else { field.setAttribute( att, newValue ); } if ( -1 === [ 'value', 'min', 'max' ].indexOf( att ) ) { return; } if ( ( 'max' === att || 'min' === att ) && '' === getSliderDefaultValueInput( ) ) { field.value = getSliderMidpoint( field ); } field.parentNode.querySelector( '.frm_range_value' ).textContent = field.value; } function getSliderDefaultValueInput( previewInputId ) { return document.querySelector( 'input[data-changeme="' + previewInputId + '"][data-changeatt="value"]' ).value; } function getSliderMidpoint( sliderInput ) { const max = parseFloat( sliderInput.getAttribute( 'max' ) ); const min = parseFloat( sliderInput.getAttribute( 'min' ) ); return ( max - min ) / 2 + min; } function isSliderField( previewInput ) { return 'range' === previewInput.type && previewInput.parentNode.classList.contains( 'frm_range_container' ); } function toggleInvalidMsg() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let typeDropdown, fieldType, fieldId = this.getAttribute( 'data-fid' ), value = ''; [ 'field_options_max_', 'frm_format_' ].forEach( function( id ) { const input = document.getElementById( id + fieldId ); if ( ! input ) { return; } value += input.value; }); typeDropdown = document.getElementsByName( 'field_options[type_' + fieldId + ']' )[0]; fieldType = typeDropdown.options[typeDropdown.selectedIndex].value; if ( fieldType === 'text' ) { toggleValidationBox( '' !== value, '.frm_invalid_msg' + fieldId ); } } function markRequired() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const thisid = 'frm_', '' ), fieldId = thisid.replace( 'req_field_', '' ), checked = this.checked, label = jQuery( '#field_label_' + fieldId + ' .frm_required' ); toggleValidationBox( checked, '.frm_required_details' + fieldId ); if ( checked ) { const $reqBox = jQuery( 'input[name="field_options[required_indicator_' + fieldId + ']"]' ); if ( $reqBox.val() === '' ) { $reqBox.val( '*' ); } label.removeClass( 'frm_hidden' ); } else { label.addClass( 'frm_hidden' ); } } function toggleValidationBox( hasValue, messageClass ) { $msg = jQuery( messageClass ); if ( hasValue ) { $msg.fadeIn( 'fast' ).closest( '.frm_validation_msg' ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); } else { //Fade out validation options const v = $msg.fadeOut( 'fast' ).closest( '.frm_validation_box' ).children( ':not(' + messageClass + '):visible' ).length; if ( v === 0 ) { $msg.closest( '.frm_validation_msg' ).fadeOut( 'fast' ); } } } function markUnique() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const fieldId = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).data( 'fid' ); const $thisField = jQuery( '.frm_unique_details' + fieldId ); if ( this.checked ) { $thisField.fadeIn( 'fast' ).closest( '.frm_validation_msg' ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); $unqDetail = jQuery( '.frm_unique_details' + fieldId + ' input' ); if ( $unqDetail.val() === '' ) { $unqDetail.val( frmAdminJs.default_unique ); } } else { const v = $thisField.fadeOut( 'fast' ).closest( '.frm_validation_box' ).children( ':not(.frm_unique_details' + fieldId + '):visible' ).length; if ( v === 0 ) { $thisField.closest( '.frm_validation_msg' ).fadeOut( 'fast' ); } } } //Fade confirmation field and validation option in or out function addConf() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const fieldId = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).data( 'fid' ); const val = jQuery( this ).val(); const $thisField = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_field_id_' + fieldId ) ); toggleValidationBox( val !== '', '.frm_conf_details' + fieldId ); if ( val !== '' ) { //Add default validation message if empty const valMsg = jQuery( '.frm_validation_box .frm_conf_details' + fieldId + ' input' ); if ( valMsg.val() === '' ) { valMsg.val( frmAdminJs.default_conf ); } setConfirmationFieldDescriptions( fieldId ); //Add or remove class for confirmation field styling if ( val === 'inline' ) { $thisField.removeClass( 'frm_conf_below' ).addClass( 'frm_conf_inline' ); } else if ( val === 'below' ) { $thisField.removeClass( 'frm_conf_inline' ).addClass( 'frm_conf_below' ); } jQuery( '.frm-conf-box-' + fieldId ).removeClass( 'frm_hidden' ); } else { jQuery( '.frm-conf-box-' + fieldId ).addClass( 'frm_hidden' ); setTimeout( function() { $thisField.removeClass( 'frm_conf_inline frm_conf_below' ); }, 200 ); } } function setConfirmationFieldDescriptions( fieldId ) { const fieldType = document.getElementsByName( 'field_options[type_' + fieldId + ']' )[0].value; const fieldDescription = document.getElementById( 'field_description_' + fieldId ); const hiddenDescName = 'field_options[description_' + fieldId + ']'; const newValue = frmAdminJs['enter_' + fieldType]; maybeSetNewDescription( fieldDescription, hiddenDescName, newValue ); const confFieldDescription = document.getElementById( 'conf_field_description_' + fieldId ); const hiddenConfName = 'field_options[conf_desc_' + fieldId + ']'; const newConfValue = frmAdminJs['confirm_' + fieldType]; maybeSetNewDescription( confFieldDescription, hiddenConfName, newConfValue ); } function maybeSetNewDescription( descriptionDiv, hiddenName, newValue ) { if ( descriptionDiv.innerHTML === frmAdminJs.desc ) { // Set the visible description value and the hidden description value descriptionDiv.innerHTML = newValue; document.getElementsByName( hiddenName )[0].value = newValue; } } function initBulkOptionsOverlay() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const $info = initModal( '#frm-bulk-modal', '700px' ); if ( $info === false ) { return; } jQuery( '.frm-insert-preset' ).on( 'click', insertBulkPreset ); jQuery( builderForm ).on( 'click', 'a.frm-bulk-edit-link', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); let i, key, label, content = '', optList, opts, fieldId = jQuery( this ).closest( '[data-fid]' ).data( 'fid' ), separate = usingSeparateValues( fieldId ), product = isProductField( fieldId ); optList = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_' + fieldId + '_opts' ); if ( ! optList ) { return; } opts = optList.getElementsByTagName( 'li' ); document.getElementById( 'bulk-field-id' ).value = fieldId; for ( i = 0; i < opts.length; i++ ) { key = opts[i].getAttribute( 'data-optkey' ); if ( key !== '000' ) { label = document.getElementsByName( 'field_options[options_' + fieldId + '][' + key + '][label]' )[0]; if ( typeof label !== 'undefined' ) { content += label.value; if ( separate ) { content += '|' + document.getElementsByName( 'field_options[options_' + fieldId + '][' + key + '][value]' )[0].value; } if ( product ) { content += '|' + document.getElementsByName( 'field_options[options_' + fieldId + '][' + key + '][price]' )[0].value; } content += '\r\n'; } } if ( i >= opts.length - 1 ) { document.getElementById( 'frm_bulk_options' ).value = content; } } $info.dialog( 'open' ); return false; }); jQuery( '#frm-update-bulk-opts' ).on( 'click', function() { const fieldId = document.getElementById( 'bulk-field-id' ).value; const optionType = document.getElementById( 'bulk-option-type' ).value; if ( optionType ) { // Use custom handler for custom option type. return; } this.classList.add( 'frm_loading_button' ); frmAdminBuild.updateOpts( fieldId, document.getElementById( 'frm_bulk_options' ).value, $info ); fieldUpdated(); }); } function insertBulkPreset( event ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ const opts = JSON.parse( this.getAttribute( 'data-opts' ) ); event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById( 'frm_bulk_options' ).value = opts.join( '\n' ); return false; } //Add new option or "Other" option to radio/checkbox/dropdown function addFieldOption() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let fieldId = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).data( 'fid' ), newOption = jQuery( '#frm_field_' + fieldId + '_opts .frm_option_template' ).prop( 'outerHTML' ), optType = jQuery( this ).data( 'opttype' ), optKey = 0, oldKey = '000', lastKey = getHighestOptKey( fieldId ); if ( lastKey !== oldKey ) { optKey = lastKey + 1; } //Update hidden field if ( optType === 'other' ) { document.getElementById( 'other_input_' + fieldId ).value = 1; //Hide "Add Other" option now if this is radio field const ftype = jQuery( this ).data( 'ftype' ); if ( ftype === 'radio' || ftype === 'select' ) { jQuery( this ).fadeOut( 'slow' ); } const data = { action: 'frm_add_field_option', field_id: fieldId, opt_key: optKey, opt_type: optType, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }; ajaxurl, data, function( msg ) { jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_field_' + fieldId + '_opts' ) ).append( msg ); resetDisplayedOpts( fieldId ); }); } else { newOption = newOption.replace( new RegExp( 'optkey="' + oldKey + '"', 'g' ), 'optkey="' + optKey + '"' ); newOption = newOption.replace( new RegExp( '-' + oldKey + '_', 'g' ), '-' + optKey + '_' ); newOption = newOption.replace( new RegExp( '-' + oldKey + '"', 'g' ), '-' + optKey + '"' ); newOption = newOption.replace( new RegExp( '\\[' + oldKey + '\\]', 'g' ), '[' + optKey + ']' ); newOption = newOption.replace( 'frm_hidden frm_option_template', '' ); newOption = { newOption }; addSaveAndDragIconsToOption( fieldId, newOption ); jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_field_' + fieldId + '_opts' ) ).append( newOption.newOption ); resetDisplayedOpts( fieldId ); } fieldUpdated(); } function getHighestOptKey( fieldId ) { let i = 0, optKey = 0, opts = jQuery( '#frm_field_' + fieldId + '_opts li' ), lastKey = 0; for ( i; i < opts.length; i++ ) { optKey = opts[i].getAttribute( 'data-optkey' ); if ( opts.length === 1 ) { return optKey; } if ( optKey !== '000' ) { optKey = optKey.replace( 'other_', '' ); optKey = parseInt( optKey, 10 ); } if ( ! isNaN( lastKey ) && ( optKey > lastKey || lastKey === '000' ) ) { lastKey = optKey; } } return lastKey; } function toggleMultSel() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const fieldId = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).data( 'fid' ); toggleMultiSelect( fieldId, this.value ); } function toggleMultiSelect( fieldId, value ) { const setting = jQuery( '.frm_multiple_cont_' + fieldId ); if ( value === 'select' ) { setting.fadeIn( 'fast' ); } else { setting.fadeOut( 'fast' ); } } function toggleSepValues() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const fieldId = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).data( 'fid' ); toggle( jQuery( '.field_' + fieldId + '_option_key' ) ); jQuery( '.field_' + fieldId + '_option' ).toggleClass( 'frm_with_key' ); } function toggleImageOptions() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let hasImageOptions, imageSize, $field = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ), fieldId = $ 'fid' ), displayField = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_id_' + fieldId ); refreshOptionDisplayNow( jQuery( this ) ); toggle( jQuery( '.field_' + fieldId + '_image_id' ) ); toggle( jQuery( '.frm_toggle_image_options_' + fieldId ) ); toggle( jQuery( '.frm_image_size_' + fieldId ) ); toggle( jQuery( '.frm_alignment_' + fieldId ) ); toggle( jQuery( '.frm-add-other#frm_add_field_' + fieldId ) ); hasImageOptions = imagesAsOptions( fieldId ); if ( hasImageOptions ) { setAlignment( fieldId, 'inline' ); removeImageSizeClasses( displayField ); imageSize = getImageOptionSize( fieldId ); displayField.classList.add( 'frm_image_options' ); displayField.classList.add( 'frm_image_size_' + imageSize ); $field.find( '.frm-bulk-edit-link' ).hide(); } else { displayField.classList.remove( 'frm_image_options' ); removeImageSizeClasses( displayField ); setAlignment( fieldId, 'block' ); $field.find( '.frm-bulk-edit-link' ).show(); } } function removeImageSizeClasses( field ) { field.classList.remove( 'frm_image_size_', 'frm_image_size_small', 'frm_image_size_medium', 'frm_image_size_large', 'frm_image_size_xlarge' ); } function setAlignment( fieldId, alignment ) { jQuery( '#field_options_align_' + fieldId ).val( alignment ).trigger( 'change' ); } function setImageSize() { const $field = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ), fieldId = $ 'fid' ), displayField = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_id_' + fieldId ); refreshOptionDisplay(); if ( imagesAsOptions( fieldId ) ) { removeImageSizeClasses( displayField ); displayField.classList.add( 'frm_image_options' ); displayField.classList.add( 'frm_image_size_' + getImageOptionSize( fieldId ) ); } } function refreshOptionDisplayNow( object ) { const $field = object.closest( '.frm-single-settings' ), fieldID = $ 'fid' ); jQuery( '.field_' + fieldID + '_option' ).trigger( 'change' ); } function refreshOptionDisplay() { /*jshint validthis:true */ refreshOptionDisplayNow( jQuery( this ) ); } function addImageToOption( event ) { const imagePreview = '.frm_image_preview_wrapper' ); event.preventDefault(); = 0; const fileFrame = ={ multiple: false, library: { type: [ 'image' ] } }); fileFrame.on( 'select', function() { const attachment = fileFrame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(); const img = imagePreview.querySelector( 'img' ); img.setAttribute( 'src', attachment.url ); img.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); img.removeAttribute( 'srcset' ); // Prevent the old image from sticking around. imagePreview.querySelector( '.frm_image_preview_frame' ).style.display = 'block'; imagePreview.querySelector( '.frm_image_preview_title' ).textContent = attachment.filename; imagePreview.querySelector( '.frm_choose_image_box' ).style.display = 'none'; const $imagePreview = jQuery( imagePreview ); $imagePreview.siblings( 'input[name*="[label]"]' ).data( 'frmimgurl', attachment.url ); $imagePreview.find( 'input.frm_image_id' ).val( ).trigger( 'change' ); = 0; });; } function removeImageFromOption( event ) { const $this = jQuery( this ), previewWrapper = $this.closest( '.frm_image_preview_wrapper' ); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); previewWrapper.find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', '' ); previewWrapper.find( '.frm_image_preview_frame' ).hide(); previewWrapper.find( '.frm_choose_image_box' ).show(); previewWrapper.find( 'input.frm_image_id' ).val( 0 ).trigger( 'change' ); } function toggleMultiselect() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const dropdown = jQuery( this ).closest( 'li' ).find( '.frm_form_fields select' ); if ( this.checked ) { dropdown.attr( 'multiple', 'multiple' ); } else { dropdown.removeAttr( 'multiple' ); } } /** * Allow typing on form switcher click without an extra click to search. */ function focusSearchBox() { const searchBox = document.getElementById( 'dropform-search-input' ); if ( searchBox !== null ) { setTimeout( function() { searchBox.focus(); }, 100 ); } } /** * Dismiss a warning message and send an AJAX request to update the dismissal state. * * @since 6.3 * * @param {Event} event The event object associated with the click on the dismiss icon. */ function dismissWarningMessage( event ) { const target =; const warningEl = target.closest( '.frm_warning_style' ); jQuery( warningEl ).fadeOut( 400, () => warningEl.remove() ); const action = target.dataset.action; const formData = new FormData(); doJsonPost( action, formData ); } /** * If a field is clicked in the builder, prevent inputs from changing. */ function stopFieldFocus( e ) { e.preventDefault(); } function deleteFieldOption() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let otherInput, parentLi = this.parentNode, parentUl = parentLi.parentNode, fieldId = this.getAttribute( 'data-fid' ); jQuery( parentLi ).fadeOut( 'slow', function() { wp.hooks.doAction( 'frm_before_delete_field_option', this ); jQuery( parentLi ).remove(); const hasOther = jQuery( parentUl ).find( '.frm_other_option' ); if ( hasOther.length < 1 ) { otherInput = document.getElementById( 'other_input_' + fieldId ); if ( otherInput !== null ) { otherInput.value = 0; } jQuery( '#other_button_' + fieldId ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); } }); fieldUpdated(); } /** * If a radio button is set as default, allow a click to * deselect it. */ function maybeUncheckRadio() { let $self, uncheck, unbind, up; /*jshint validthis:true */ $self = jQuery( this ); if ( $ ':checked' ) ) { uncheck = function() { setTimeout( function() { $self.prop( 'checked', false ); }, 0 ); }; unbind = function() { $ 'mouseup', up ); }; up = function() { uncheck(); unbind(); }; $self.on( 'mouseup', up ); $ 'mouseout', unbind ); } } /** * If the field option has the default text, clear it out on click. */ function maybeClearOptText() { /*jshint validthis:true */ if ( this.value === frmAdminJs.new_option ) { this.setAttribute( 'data-value-on-focus', this.value ); this.value = ''; } } function confirmFieldsDeleteMessage( numberOfFields ) { /* translators: %1$s: Number of fields that are selected to be deleted. */ return sprintf( __( 'Are you sure you want to delete these %1$s selected field(s)?', 'formidable' ), numberOfFields ); } function clickDeleteField() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let confirmMsg = frmAdminJs.conf_delete, maybeDivider = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, li = maybeDivider.parentNode, field = jQuery( this ).closest( 'li.form-field' ), fieldId = 'fid' ); if ( 'ftype' ) === 'divider' ) { const fieldBoxes = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-field-group-hover-target .start_divider .frm_field_box' ); let fieldIdsToDelete = 0; fieldBoxes.forEach( fieldBox => { const fieldsInsideFieldBox = fieldBox.querySelectorAll( 'li.form-field' ); if ( fieldsInsideFieldBox ) { fieldIdsToDelete += fieldsInsideFieldBox.length; } }); if ( fieldIdsToDelete ) { confirmMsg = confirmFieldsDeleteMessage( ++fieldIdsToDelete ); } } if ( li.classList.contains( 'frm-section-collapsed' ) || li.classList.contains( 'frm-page-collapsed' ) ) { return false; } // If deleting a section, use a special message. if ( maybeDivider.className === 'divider_section_only' ) { confirmMsg = frmAdminJs.conf_delete_sec; } this.setAttribute( 'data-frmverify', confirmMsg ); this.setAttribute( 'data-frmverify-btn', 'frm-button-red' ); this.setAttribute( 'data-deletefield', fieldId ); closeOpenFieldDropdowns(); confirmLinkClick( this ); return false; } function clickSelectField() { this.closest( 'li.form-field' ).click(); } function clickDeleteFieldGroup() { let hoverTarget, decoy; hoverTarget = document.querySelector( '.frm-field-group-hover-target' ); if ( null === hoverTarget ) { return; } hoverTarget.classList.add( 'frm-selected-field-group' ); decoy = document.createElement( 'div' ); decoy.classList.add( 'frm-delete-field-groups', 'frm_hidden' ); document.body.appendChild( decoy );; } function duplicateFieldGroup() { const hoverTarget = document.querySelector( '.frm-field-group-hover-target' ); if ( null === hoverTarget ) { return; } const newRowId = 'frm_field_group_' + getAutoId(); const placeholderUlChild = document.createTextNode( '' ); wrapFieldLiInPlace( placeholderUlChild ); const newRow = jQuery( placeholderUlChild ).closest( 'li' ).get( 0 ); newRow.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); const newRowUl = newRow.querySelector( 'ul' ); = newRowId; jQuery( hoverTarget.closest( 'li.frm_field_box' ) ).after( newRow ); const $fields = getFieldsInRow( jQuery( hoverTarget ) ); const syncDetails = []; const injectedCloneOptions = []; const expectedLength = $fields.length; const originalFieldIdByDuplicatedFieldId = {}; let duplicatedCount = 0; jQuery( newRow ).on( 'frm_added_duplicated_field_to_row', function( _, args ) { originalFieldIdByDuplicatedFieldId[ jQuery( args.duplicatedFieldHtml ).attr( 'data-fid' ) ] = args.originalFieldId; if ( expectedLength > ++duplicatedCount ) { return; } const $newRowUl = jQuery( newRowUl ); const $duplicatedFields = getFieldsInRow( $newRowUl ); injectedCloneOptions.forEach( function( cloneOption ) { cloneOption.remove(); } ); for ( let index = 0; index < expectedLength; ++index ) { $newRowUl.append( $newRowUl.children( 'li.form-field[frm-field-order="' + index + '"]' ) ); } syncLayoutClasses( $duplicatedFields.first(), syncDetails ); newRow.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); updateFieldOrder(); getFieldsInRow( $newRowUl ).each( function() { maybeDuplicateUnsavedSettings( originalFieldIdByDuplicatedFieldId[ this.getAttribute( 'data-fid' ) ], jQuery( this ).prop( 'outerHTML' ) ); } ); } ); $fields.each( function( index ) { let cloneOption; cloneOption = document.createElement( 'li' ); cloneOption.classList.add( 'frm_clone_field' ); cloneOption.setAttribute( 'frm-target-row-id', newRowId ); cloneOption.setAttribute( 'frm-field-order', index ); this.appendChild( cloneOption );; injectedCloneOptions.push( cloneOption ); syncDetails.push( getSizeOfLayoutClass( getLayoutClassName( this.classList ) ) ); } ); } function clickFieldGroupLayout() { let hoverTarget, sizeOfFieldGroup, popupWrapper; hoverTarget = document.querySelector( '.frm-field-group-hover-target' ); if ( null === hoverTarget ) { return; } deselectFields(); sizeOfFieldGroup = getSizeOfFieldGroupFromChildElement( hoverTarget.querySelector( 'li.form-field' ) ); hoverTarget.classList.add( 'frm-has-open-field-group-popup' ); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#frm_builder_page', destroyFieldGroupPopupOnOutsideClick ); popupWrapper = div(); = 'relative'; popupWrapper.appendChild( getFieldGroupPopup( sizeOfFieldGroup, this ) ); this.parentNode.appendChild( popupWrapper ); const firstLayoutOption = popupWrapper.querySelector( '.frm-row-layout-option' ); if ( firstLayoutOption ) { firstLayoutOption.focus(); } } function destroyFieldGroupPopupOnOutsideClick( event ) { if ( 'frm-custom-field-group-layout' ) || 'frm-cancel-custom-field-group-layout' ) ) { return; } if ( ! jQuery( ).closest( '#frm_field_group_controls' ).length && ! jQuery( ).closest( '#frm_field_group_popup' ).length ) { destroyFieldGroupPopup(); } } function getSizeOfFieldGroupFromChildElement( element ) { const $ul = jQuery( element ).closest( 'ul' ); if ( $ul.length ) { return getFieldsInRow( $ul ).length; } return getSelectedFieldCount(); } function getFieldGroupPopup( sizeOfFieldGroup, childElement ) { let popup, wrapper, rowLayoutOptions, ul; popup = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_group_popup' ); if ( null === popup ) { popup = div(); } else { popup.innerHTML = ''; } = 'frm_field_group_popup'; wrapper = div(); = '0 24px 12px'; wrapper.appendChild( getRowLayoutTitle() ); rowLayoutOptions = getRowLayoutOptions( sizeOfFieldGroup ); ul = childElement.closest( 'ul.frm_sorting' ); if ( null !== ul ) { maybeMarkRowLayoutAsActive( ul, rowLayoutOptions ); } wrapper.appendChild( rowLayoutOptions ); popup.appendChild( wrapper ); popup.appendChild( separator() ); popup.appendChild( getCustomLayoutOption() ); popup.appendChild( getBreakIntoDifferentRowsOption() ); return popup; } function maybeMarkRowLayoutAsActive( activeRow, options ) { let length, index, currentRow; length = options.children.length; for ( index = 0; index < length; ++index ) { currentRow = options.children[ index ]; if ( rowLayoutsMatch( currentRow, activeRow ) ) { currentRow.classList.add( 'frm-active-row-layout' ); return; } } } function separator() { return document.createElement( 'hr' ); } function getCustomLayoutOption() { const option = div(); option.textContent = __( 'Custom layout', 'formidable' ); jQuery( option ).prepend( getIconClone( 'frm_gear_svg' ) ); option.classList.add( 'frm-custom-field-group-layout' ); makeTabbable( option ); return option; } function makeTabbable( element, ariaLabel ) { element.setAttribute( 'tabindex', 0 ); element.setAttribute( 'role', 'button' ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ariaLabel ) { element.setAttribute( 'aria-label', ariaLabel ); } } function getIconClone( iconId ) { const clone = document.getElementById( iconId ).cloneNode( true ); = ''; return clone; } function getBreakIntoDifferentRowsOption() { const option = div(); option.textContent = __( 'Break into rows', 'formidable' ); jQuery( option ).prepend( getIconClone( 'frm_break_field_group_svg' ) ); option.classList.add( 'frm-break-field-group' ); makeTabbable( option ); return option; } function getRowLayoutTitle() { const rowLayoutTitle = div(); rowLayoutTitle.classList.add( 'frm-row-layout-title' ); rowLayoutTitle.textContent = __( 'Row Layout', 'formidable' ); return rowLayoutTitle; } function getRowLayoutOptions( size ) { let wrapper, padding; wrapper = getEmptyGridContainer(); if ( 5 !== size ) { wrapper.appendChild( getRowLayoutOption( size, 'even' ) ); } if ( size % 2 === 1 ) { // only include the middle option for odd numbers because even doesn't make a lot of sense. wrapper.appendChild( getRowLayoutOption( size, 'middle' ) ); } if ( size < 6 ) { wrapper.appendChild( getRowLayoutOption( size, 'left' ) ); wrapper.appendChild( getRowLayoutOption( size, 'right' ) ); } else { padding = div(); padding.classList.add( 'frm_fourth' ); wrapper.prepend( padding ); } return wrapper; } function getRowLayoutOption( size, type ) { let option, useClass; option = div(); option.classList.add( 'frm-row-layout-option' ); makeTabbable( option, type ); switch ( size ) { case 6: useClass = 'frm_half'; break; case 5: useClass = 'frm_third'; break; default: useClass = size % 2 === 1 ? 'frm_fourth' : 'frm_third'; break; } option.classList.add( useClass ); option.setAttribute( 'layout-type', type ); option.appendChild( getRowForSizeAndType( size, type ) ); return option; } function rowLayoutsMatch( row1, row2 ) { return getRowLayoutAsKey( row1 ) === getRowLayoutAsKey( row2 ); } function getRowLayoutAsKey( row ) { let $fields, sizes; if ( row.classList.contains( 'frm-row-layout-option' ) ) { $fields = jQuery( row ).find( '.frm_grid_container' ).children(); } else { $fields = getFieldsInRow( jQuery( row ) ); } sizes = []; $fields.each( function() { sizes.push( getSizeOfLayoutClass( getLayoutClassName( this.classList ) ) ); } ); return sizes.join( '-' ); } function getRowForSizeAndType( size, type ) { let row, index, block; row = getEmptyGridContainer(); for ( index = 0; index < size; ++index ) { block = div(); block.classList.add( getClassForBlock( size, type, index ) ); = '16px'; = '#9EA9B8'; = '1px'; row.appendChild( block ); } return row; } /** * @param {int} size 2-6. * @param {string} type even, middle, left, or right. * @param {int} index 0-5. * @returns string */ function getClassForBlock( size, type, index ) { if ( 'even' === type ) { return getEvenClassForSize( size, index ); } else if ( 'middle' === type ) { if ( 3 === size ) { return 1 === index ? 'frm6' : 'frm3'; } if ( 5 === size ) { return 2 === index ? 'frm4' : 'frm2'; } } else if ( 'left' === type ) { return 0 === index ? getLargeClassForSize( size ) : getSmallClassForSize( size ); } else if ( 'right' === type ) { return index === size - 1 ? getLargeClassForSize( size ) : getSmallClassForSize( size ); } return 'frm12'; } function getEvenClassForSize( size, index ) { if ( -1 !== [ 2, 3, 4, 6 ].indexOf( size ) ) { return getLayoutClassForSize( 12 / size ); } if ( 5 === size && 'undefined' !== typeof index ) { return 0 === index ? 'frm4' : 'frm2'; } return 'frm12'; } function getSmallClassForSize( size ) { switch ( size ) { case 2: case 3: return 'frm3'; case 4: return 'frm2'; case 5: return 'frm2'; case 6: return 'frm1'; } return 'frm12'; } function getLargeClassForSize( size ) { switch ( size ) { case 2: return 'frm9'; case 3: case 4: return 'frm6'; case 5: return 'frm4'; case 6: return 'frm7'; } return 'frm12'; } function getEmptyGridContainer() { const wrapper = div(); wrapper.classList.add( 'frm_grid_container' ); return wrapper; } /** * Handle when a field group layout option (that sets grid classes/column sizing) is selected in the "Row Layout" popup. * * @returns {void} */ function handleFieldGroupLayoutOptionClick() { const row = document.querySelector( '.frm-field-group-hover-target' ); if ( ! row ) { // The field group layout options also get clicked when merging multiple rows. // The following code isn't required for multiple rows though so just exit early. return; } const type = this.getAttribute( 'layout-type' ); syncLayoutClasses( getFieldsInRow( jQuery( row ) ).first(), type ); destroyFieldGroupPopup(); } function handleFieldGroupLayoutOptionInsideMergeClick() { let $ul, type; $ul = mergeSelectedFieldGroups(); type = this.getAttribute( 'layout-type' ); syncLayoutClasses( getFieldsInRow( $ul ).first(), type ); unselectFieldGroups(); } function mergeSelectedFieldGroups() { const $selectedFieldGroups = jQuery( '.frm-selected-field-group' ), $firstGroupUl = $selectedFieldGroups.first(); $selectedFieldGroups.not( $firstGroupUl ).each( function() { getFieldsInRow( jQuery( this ) ).each( function() { const previousParent = this.parentNode; getFieldsInRow( $firstGroupUl ).last().after( this ); if ( ! jQuery( previousParent ).children( 'li.form-field' ).length ) { // clean up the previous field group if we've removed all of its fields. previousParent.closest( 'li.frm_field_box' ).remove(); } } ); } ); updateFieldOrder(); syncLayoutClasses( getFieldsInRow( $firstGroupUl ).first() ); return $firstGroupUl; } function customFieldGroupLayoutClick() { let $fields; if ( null !== this.closest( '.frm-merge-fields-into-row' ) ) { return; } $fields = getFieldsInRow( jQuery( '.frm-field-group-hover-target' ) ); setupCustomLayoutOptions( $fields ); } function setupCustomLayoutOptions( $fields ) { let size, popup, wrapper, layoutClass, inputRow, paddingElement, inputValueOverride, index, inputField, heading, label, buttonsWrapper, cancelButton, saveButton; size = $fields.length; popup = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_group_popup' ); popup.innerHTML = ''; wrapper = div(); = '0 24px'; layoutClass = getEvenClassForSize( 5 === size ? 6 : size ); inputRow = div(); = '20px 0'; inputRow.classList.add( 'frm_grid_container' ); if ( 5 === size ) { // add a span to pad the inputs by 1 column, to account for the missing 2 columns. paddingElement = document.createElement( 'span' ); paddingElement.classList.add( 'frm1' ); inputRow.appendChild( paddingElement ); } inputValueOverride = getSelectedFieldCount() > 0 ? getSizeOfLayoutClass( getEvenClassForSize( size ) ) : false; if ( false !== inputValueOverride && inputValueOverride >= 12 ) { inputValueOverride = Math.floor( 12 / size ); } for ( index = 0; index < size; ++index ) { inputField = document.createElement( 'input' ); inputField.type = 'text'; inputField.classList.add( layoutClass ); inputField.classList.add( 'frm-custom-grid-size-input' ); inputField.value = false !== inputValueOverride ? inputValueOverride : getSizeOfLayoutClass( getLayoutClassName( $fields.get( index ).classList ) ); inputRow.appendChild( inputField ); } heading = div(); heading.classList.add( 'frm-builder-popup-heading' ); heading.textContent = __( 'Enter number of columns for each field', 'formidable' ); label = div(); label.classList.add( 'frm-builder-popup-subheading' ); label.textContent = __( 'Layouts are based on a 12-column grid system', 'formidable' ); wrapper.appendChild( heading ); wrapper.appendChild( label ); wrapper.appendChild( inputRow ); buttonsWrapper = div(); = 'right'; cancelButton = getSecondaryButton(); cancelButton.textContent = __( 'Cancel', 'formidable' ); cancelButton.classList.add( 'frm-cancel-custom-field-group-layout' ); = '10px'; saveButton = getPrimaryButton(); saveButton.textContent = __( 'Save', 'formidable' ); saveButton.classList.add( 'frm-save-custom-field-group-layout' ); buttonsWrapper.appendChild( cancelButton ); buttonsWrapper.appendChild( saveButton ); wrapper.appendChild( buttonsWrapper ); popup.appendChild( wrapper ); setTimeout( function() { const firstInput = popup.querySelector( 'input.frm-custom-grid-size-input' ).focus(); if ( firstInput ) { firstInput.focus(); } }, 0 ); } function customFieldGroupLayoutInsideMergeClick() { $fields = jQuery( '.frm-selected-field-group li.form-field' ); setupCustomLayoutOptions( $fields ); } function getPrimaryButton() { const button = getButton(); button.classList.add( 'button-primary', 'frm-button-primary' ); return button; } function getSecondaryButton() { const button = getButton(); button.classList.add( 'button-secondary', 'frm-button-secondary' ); return button; } function getButton() { const button = document.createElement( 'a' ); button.setAttribute( 'href', '#' ); button.classList.add( 'button' ); = 'none'; return button; } function getSizeOfLayoutClass( className ) { switch ( className ) { case 'frm_half': return 6; case 'frm_third': return 4; case 'frm_two_thirds': return 8; case 'frm_fourth': return 3; case 'frm_three_fourths': return 9; case 'frm_sixth': return 2; } if ( 0 === className.indexOf( 'frm' ) ) { return parseInt( className.substr( 3 ) ); } // Anything missing a layout class should be a full width row. return 12; } function getLayoutClassName( classList ) { let classes, index, currentClass; classes = getLayoutClasses(); for ( index = 0; index < classes.length; ++index ) { currentClass = classes[ index ]; if ( classList.contains( currentClass ) ) { return currentClass; } } return ''; } function getLayoutClassForSize( size ) { return 'frm' + size; } function breakFieldGroupClick() { const row = document.querySelector( '.frm-field-group-hover-target' ); breakRow( row ); destroyFieldGroupPopup(); } function breakRow( row ) { const $row = jQuery( row ); getFieldsInRow( $row ).each( function( index ) { const field = this; if ( 0 !== index ) { $row.parent().after( wrapFieldLi( field ) ); } stripLayoutFromFields( jQuery( field ) ); } ); } function stripLayoutFromFields( field ) { syncLayoutClasses( field, 'clear' ); } function focusFieldGroupInputOnClick() {; } function cancelCustomFieldGroupClick() { revertToFieldGroupPopupFirstPage( this ); } function revertToFieldGroupPopupFirstPage( triggerElement ) { jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_field_group_popup' ) ).replaceWith( getFieldGroupPopup( getSizeOfFieldGroupFromChildElement( triggerElement ), triggerElement ) ); } function destroyFieldGroupPopup() { let popup, wrapper; popup = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_group_popup' ); if ( popup === null ) { return; } wrapper = document.querySelector( '.frm-has-open-field-group-popup' ); if ( null !== wrapper ) { wrapper.classList.remove( 'frm-has-open-field-group-popup' ); popup.parentNode.remove(); } jQuery( document ).off( 'click', '#frm_builder_page', destroyFieldGroupPopupOnOutsideClick ); } function saveCustomFieldGroupClick() { let syncDetails, $controls, $ul; syncDetails = []; jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_field_group_popup' ).querySelectorAll( '.frm_grid_container input' ) ) .each( function() { syncDetails.push( parseInt( this.value ) ); } ); $controls = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_field_group_controls' ) ); if ( $controls.length && 'none' !== $controls.get( 0 ).style.display ) { syncLayoutClasses( getFieldsInRow( jQuery( document.querySelector( '.frm-field-group-hover-target' ) ) ).first(), syncDetails ); } else { $ul = mergeSelectedFieldGroups(); syncLayoutClasses( getFieldsInRow( $ul ).first(), syncDetails ); unselectFieldGroups(); } destroyFieldGroupPopup(); } function fieldGroupClick( e ) { maybeShowFieldGroupMessage(); if ( 'ul' !== ) { // only continue if the group itself was clicked / ignore when a field is clicked. return; } const hoverTarget = document.querySelector( '.frm-field-group-hover-target' ); if ( ! hoverTarget ) { return; } const ctrlOrCmdKeyIsDown = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; const shiftKeyIsDown = e.shiftKey; const groupIsActive = hoverTarget.classList.contains( 'frm-selected-field-group' ); const $selectedFieldGroups = getSelectedFieldGroups(); let numberOfSelectedGroups = $selectedFieldGroups.length; if ( ctrlOrCmdKeyIsDown || shiftKeyIsDown ) { // multi-selecting const selectedField = getSelectedField(); if ( null !== selectedField && ! jQuery( selectedField ).siblings( 'li.form-field' ).length ) { // count a selected field on its own as a selected field group when multiselecting. selectedField.parentNode.classList.add( 'frm-selected-field-group' ); ++numberOfSelectedGroups; } if ( ctrlOrCmdKeyIsDown ) { if ( groupIsActive ) { // unselect if holding ctrl or cmd and the group was already active. --numberOfSelectedGroups; hoverTarget.classList.remove( 'frm-selected-field-group' ); syncAfterMultiSelect( numberOfSelectedGroups ); return; // exit early to avoid adding back frm-selected-field-group } ++numberOfSelectedGroups; } else if ( shiftKeyIsDown && ! groupIsActive ) { ++numberOfSelectedGroups; // include the one we're selecting right now. const $firstGroup = $selectedFieldGroups.first(); let $range; if ( $firstGroup.parent().index() < jQuery( hoverTarget.parentNode ).index() ) { $range = $firstGroup.parent().nextUntil( hoverTarget.parentNode ); } else { $range = $firstGroup.parent().prevUntil( hoverTarget.parentNode ); } $range.each( function() { const $fieldGroup = jQuery( this ).closest( 'li' ).find( 'ul.frm_sorting' ); if ( ! $fieldGroup.hasClass( 'frm-selected-field-group' ) ) { ++numberOfSelectedGroups; $fieldGroup.addClass( 'frm-selected-field-group' ); } } ); // when holding shift and clicking, text gets selected. unselect it. document.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } } else { // not multi-selecting unselectFieldGroups(); numberOfSelectedGroups = 1; } hoverTarget.classList.add( 'frm-selected-field-group' ); syncAfterMultiSelect( numberOfSelectedGroups ); maybeHideFieldGroupMessage(); jQuery( document ).off( 'click', unselectFieldGroups ); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', unselectFieldGroups ); } /** * Hide the field group message by manipulating classes. * * @param {Element} fieldGroupMessage The field group message element. * @return {void} */ function hideFieldGroupMessage( fieldGroupMessage ) { if ( ! fieldGroupMessage ) { return; } fieldGroupMessage.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); fieldGroupMessage.classList.remove( 'frm-fadein-up-back' ); } /** * Show the field group message by manipulating classes. * * @param {Element} fieldGroupMessage The field group message element. * @return {void} */ function showFieldGroupMessage( fieldGroupMessage ) { if ( ! fieldGroupMessage ) { return; } fieldGroupMessage.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); fieldGroupMessage.classList.add( 'frm-fadein-up-back' ); } /** * Maybe show a message if there are at least two rows. * * @return {void} */ function maybeShowFieldGroupMessage() { let fieldGroupMessage = document.getElementById( 'frm-field-group-message' ); const rows = document.querySelectorAll( '.edit_form_item:not(.edit_field_type_end_divider)' ); if ( rows.length < 2 ) { hideFieldGroupMessage( fieldGroupMessage ); return; } if ( fieldGroupMessage ) { showFieldGroupMessage( fieldGroupMessage ); return; } fieldGroupMessage = div({ id: 'frm-field-group-message', className: 'frm-flex-center frm-fadein-up-back', children: [ span({ id: 'frm-field-group-message-dismiss', className: 'frm-flex-center', child: svg({ href: '#frm_close_icon' }) }) ] }); // Insert the field group into the DOM document.getElementById( 'post-body-content' ).appendChild( fieldGroupMessage ); // Get and add the field group message text const messageText = getFieldGroupMessageText(); fieldGroupMessage.prepend( messageText ); // Set up a click event listener document.getElementById( 'frm-field-group-message-dismiss' ).addEventListener( 'click', () => { hideFieldGroupMessage( document.getElementById( 'frm-field-group-message' ) ); }); } /** * Get a span element with text about selecting multiple fields. * * @return {HTMLElement} A span element with the message and style classes. */ function getFieldGroupMessageText() { const text = document.createElement( 'span' ); text.classList.add( 'frm-field-group-message-text', 'frm-flex-center' ); text.innerHTML = sprintf( /* translators: %1$s: Start span HTML, %2$s: end span HTML */ frm_admin_js.holdShiftMsg, // eslint-disable-line camelcase '<span class="frm-meta-tag frm-flex-center"><svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-shift" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M7.3 2a1 1 0 0 1 1.4 0l6.4 6.8a1 1 0 0 1-.8 1.7h-2.8v3a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-5a1 1 0 0 1-1-1v-3H1.7a1 1 0 0 1-.8-1.7L7.3 2zm7 7.5L8 2.7 1.7 9.5h2.8a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v3h5v-3a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h2.8z"/></svg>', '</span>' ); return text; } /** * Maybe hide the field group message based on the number of selected rows. * * @return {void} */ function maybeHideFieldGroupMessage() { const selectedRowCount = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-selected-field-group' ).length; if ( selectedRowCount < 2 ) { return; } const fieldGroupMessage = document.getElementById( 'frm-field-group-message' ); hideFieldGroupMessage( fieldGroupMessage ); } function getSelectedField() { return document.getElementById( 'frm-show-fields' ).querySelector( 'li.form-field.selected' ); } function getSelectedFieldGroups() { const $fieldGroups = jQuery( '.frm-selected-field-group' ); if ( $fieldGroups.length ) { return $fieldGroups; } const selectedField = getSelectedField(); if ( selectedField ) { // If there is only one field in a group and the field is selected, consider the field's group as selected for multi-select. const selectedFieldGroup = selectedField.closest( 'ul' ); if ( selectedFieldGroup && 1 === getFieldsInRow( jQuery( selectedFieldGroup ) ).length ) { selectedFieldGroup.classList.add( 'frm-selected-field-group' ); return jQuery( selectedFieldGroup ); } } return jQuery(); } function syncAfterMultiSelect( numberOfSelectedGroups ) { clearSettingsBox( true ); // unselect any fields if one is selected. if ( numberOfSelectedGroups >= 2 || ( 1 === numberOfSelectedGroups && selectedGroupHasMultipleFields() ) ) { addFieldMultiselectPopup(); } else { maybeRemoveMultiselectPopup(); } maybeRemoveGroupHoverTarget(); } function selectedGroupHasMultipleFields() { return getFieldsInRow( jQuery( document.querySelector( '.frm-selected-field-group' ) ) ).length > 1; } function unselectFieldGroups( event ) { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof event ) { if ( null !== '#frm-show-fields' ) ) { return; } if ( 'frm-merge-fields-into-row' ) ) { return; } if ( null !== '.frm-merge-fields-into-row' ) ) { return; } if ( 'frm-custom-field-group-layout' ) ) { return; } if ( 'frm-cancel-custom-field-group-layout' ) ) { return; } } jQuery( '.frm-selected-field-group' ).removeClass( 'frm-selected-field-group' ); jQuery( document ).off( 'click', unselectFieldGroups ); maybeRemoveMultiselectPopup(); } function maybeRemoveMultiselectPopup() { const popup = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_multiselect_popup' ); if ( null !== popup ) { popup.remove(); } } function addFieldMultiselectPopup() { getFieldMultiselectPopup(); } function getFieldMultiselectPopup() { let popup, mergeOption, caret, verticalSeparator, deleteOption; popup = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_multiselect_popup' ); if ( null !== popup ) { popup.classList.toggle( 'frm-unmergable', ! selectedFieldsAreMergeable() ); return popup; } popup = div(); = 'frm_field_multiselect_popup'; if ( ! selectedFieldsAreMergeable() ) { popup.classList.add( 'frm-unmergable' ); } mergeOption = div(); mergeOption.classList.add( 'frm-merge-fields-into-row' ); mergeOption.textContent = __( 'Merge into row', 'formidable' ); caret = document.createElement( 'a' ); = '5px'; caret.classList.add( 'frm_icon_font', 'frm_arrowdown6_icon' ); caret.setAttribute( 'href', '#' ); mergeOption.appendChild( caret ); popup.appendChild( mergeOption ); verticalSeparator = div(); verticalSeparator.classList.add( 'frm-multiselect-popup-separator' ); popup.appendChild( verticalSeparator ); deleteOption = div(); deleteOption.classList.add( 'frm-delete-field-groups' ); deleteOption.appendChild( getIconClone( 'frm_trash_svg' ) ); popup.appendChild( deleteOption ); document.getElementById( 'post-body-content' ).appendChild( popup ); jQuery( popup ).hide().fadeIn(); return popup; } function selectedFieldsAreMergeable() { let selectedFieldGroups, totalFieldCount, length, index, fieldGroup; selectedFieldGroups = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-selected-field-group' ); length = selectedFieldGroups.length; if ( 1 === length ) { return false; } totalFieldCount = 0; for ( index = 0; index < length; ++index ) { fieldGroup = selectedFieldGroups[ index ]; if ( null !== fieldGroup.querySelector( '.edit_field_type_break, .edit_field_type_hidden' ) ) { return false; } totalFieldCount += getFieldsInRow( jQuery( fieldGroup ) ).length; if ( totalFieldCount > 6 ) { return false; } } return true; } function mergeFieldsIntoRowClick( event ) { let size, popup; if ( null !== '#frm_field_group_popup' ) ) { // prevent clicks within the popup from triggering the button again. return; } if ( 'frm-custom-field-group-layout' ) ) { // avoid switching back to the first page when clicking the custom option nested inside of the merge option. return; } size = getSelectedFieldCount(); popup = getFieldGroupPopup( size, document.querySelector( '.frm-selected-field-group' ).firstChild ); this.appendChild( popup ); } function getSelectedFieldCount() { let count = 0; jQuery( document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-selected-field-group' ) ).each( function() { count += getFieldsInRow( jQuery( this ) ).length; } ); return count; } function deleteFieldGroupsClick() { let fieldIdsToDelete, deleteOnConfirm, multiselectPopup; fieldIdsToDelete = getSelectedFieldIds(); deleteOnConfirm = getDeleteSelectedFieldGroupsOnConfirmFunction( fieldIdsToDelete ); multiselectPopup = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_multiselect_popup' ); if ( null !== multiselectPopup ) { multiselectPopup.remove(); } this.setAttribute( 'data-frmverify', confirmFieldsDeleteMessage( fieldIdsToDelete.length ) ); confirmLinkClick( this ); jQuery( '#frm-confirmed-click' ).on( 'click', deleteOnConfirm ); jQuery( '#frm_confirm_modal' ).one( 'dialogclose', function() { jQuery( '#frm-confirmed-click' ).off( 'click', deleteOnConfirm ); }); } function getSelectedFieldIds() { const deleteFieldIds = []; jQuery( '.frm-selected-field-group > li.form-field' ) .each( function() { deleteFieldIds.push( this.dataset.fid ); } ); return deleteFieldIds; } function getDeleteSelectedFieldGroupsOnConfirmFunction( deleteFieldIds ) { return function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); deleteAllSelectedFieldGroups( deleteFieldIds ); }; } function deleteAllSelectedFieldGroups( deleteFieldIds ) { deleteFieldIds.forEach( function( fieldId ) { deleteFields( fieldId ); } ); } function deleteFieldConfirmed() { /*jshint validthis:true */ deleteFields( this.getAttribute( 'data-deletefield' ) ); } function deleteFields( fieldId ) { const field = jQuery( '#frm_field_id_' + fieldId ); deleteField( fieldId ); if ( field.hasClass( 'edit_field_type_divider' ) ) { field.find( 'li.frm_field_box' ).each( function() { //TODO: maybe delete only end section //if(n.hasClass('edit_field_type_end_divider')){ deleteField( this.getAttribute( 'data-fid' ) ); //} }); } toggleSectionHolder(); } /** * Checks if there is only submit field in the form builder. * * @return {Boolean} */ function hasOnlySubmitField() { // If there are at least 2 rows, return false. if ( $newFields.get( 0 ).childElementCount > 1 ) { return false; } const childUl = $newFields.get( 0 ).firstElementChild.firstElementChild; // Use query instead of children because there might be a div inside this ul. const childLi = childUl.querySelectorAll( 'li.frm_field_box' ); // If there are at least 2 items in the row, return false. if ( childLi.length > 1 ) { return false; } return childLi[0].classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_submit' ); } function deleteField( fieldId ) { jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_delete_field', field_id: fieldId, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function() { const $thisField = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_field_id_' + fieldId ) ), settings = jQuery( '#frm-single-settings-' + fieldId ); // Remove settings from sidebar. if ( ':visible' ) ) { document.getElementById( 'frm_insert_fields_tab' ).click(); } settings.remove(); $thisField.fadeOut( 'slow', function() { let $section = $thisField.closest( '.start_divider' ), type = $ 'type' ), $adjacentFields = $thisField.siblings( 'li.form-field' ), $liWrapper; if ( ! $adjacentFields.length ) { if ( $ '.edit_field_type_end_divider' ) ) { $adjacentFields.length = $thisField.closest( 'li.form-field' ).siblings(); } else { $liWrapper = $thisField.closest( 'ul.frm_sorting' ).parent(); } } $thisField.remove(); if ( type === 'break' ) { renumberPageBreaks(); } else if ( type === 'product' ) { maybeHideQuantityProductFieldOption(); // a product field attached to a quantity field earlier might be the one deleted, so re-populate popAllProductFields(); } if ( $adjacentFields.length ) { syncLayoutClasses( $adjacentFields.first() ); } else { $liWrapper.remove(); } if ( jQuery( '#frm-show-fields li' ).length === 0 || hasOnlySubmitField() ) { const formEditorContainer = document.getElementById( 'frm_form_editor_container' ); formEditorContainer.classList.remove( 'frm-has-fields' ); formEditorContainer.classList.add( 'frm-empty-fields' ); } else if ( $section.length ) { toggleOneSectionHolder( $section ); } // prevent "More Options" tooltips from staying around after their target field is deleted. deleteTooltips(); }); if ( $thisField.length ) { wp.hooks.doAction( 'frm_after_delete_field', $thisField[0] ); } } }); } function addFieldLogicRow() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const id = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).data( 'fid' ), formId = thisFormId, logicRows = document.getElementById( 'frm_logic_row_' + id ).querySelectorAll( '.frm_logic_row' ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_add_logic_row', form_id: formId, field_id: id, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce, meta_name: getNewRowId( logicRows, 'frm_logic_' + id + '_' ), fields: getFieldList() }, success: function( html ) { jQuery( document.getElementById( 'logic_' + id ) ).fadeOut( 'slow', function() { const logicRow = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_logic_row_' + id ) ); logicRow.append( html ); logicRow.closest( '.frm_logic_rows' ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); }); } }); return false; } function getNewRowId( rows, replace, defaultValue ) { if ( ! rows.length ) { return 'undefined' !== typeof defaultValue ? defaultValue : 0; } return parseInt( rows[ rows.length - 1 ].id.replace( replace, '' ), 10 ) + 1; } function addWatchLookupRow() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let lastRowId, id = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).data( 'fid' ), formId = thisFormId, lookupBlockRows = document.getElementById( 'frm_watch_lookup_block_' + id ).children; jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_add_watch_lookup_row', form_id: formId, field_id: id, row_key: getNewRowId( lookupBlockRows, 'frm_watch_lookup_' + id + '_' ), nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( newRow ) { const watchRowBlock = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_watch_lookup_block_' + id ) ); watchRowBlock.append( newRow ); watchRowBlock.fadeIn( 'slow' ); } }); return false; } function resetOptionTextDetails() { jQuery( '.frm-single-settings ul input[type="text"][name^="field_options[options_"]' ).filter( '[data-value-on-load]' ).removeAttr( 'data-value-on-load' ); jQuery( 'input[type="hidden"][name^=optionmap]' ).remove(); } function optionTextAlreadyExists( input ) { let fieldId = jQuery( input ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).attr( 'data-fid' ), optionInputs = jQuery( input ).closest( 'ul' ).get( 0 ).querySelectorAll( '.field_' + fieldId + '_option' ), index, optionInput; for ( index in optionInputs ) { optionInput = optionInputs[ index ]; if ( !== && optionInput.value === input.value && optionInput.getAttribute( 'data-duplicate' ) !== 'true' ) { return true; } } return false; } function onOptionTextFocus() { let input, fieldId; if ( this.getAttribute( 'data-value-on-load' ) === null ) { this.setAttribute( 'data-value-on-load', this.value ); fieldId = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).attr( 'data-fid' ); input = document.createElement( 'input' ); input.value = this.value; input.setAttribute( 'type', 'hidden' ); input.setAttribute( 'name', 'optionmap[' + fieldId + '][' + this.value + ']' ); this.parentNode.appendChild( input ); if ( typeof optionMap[ fieldId ] === 'undefined' ) { optionMap[ fieldId ] = {}; } optionMap[ fieldId ][ this.value ] = input; } if ( this.getAttribute( 'data-duplicate' ) === 'true' ) { this.removeAttribute( 'data-duplicate' ); // we want to use original value if actually still a duplicate if ( optionTextAlreadyExists( this ) ) { this.setAttribute( 'data-value-on-focus', this.getAttribute( 'data-value-on-load' ) ); return; } } if ( '' !== this.value || frmAdminJs.new_option !== this.getAttribute( 'data-value-on-focus' ) ) { this.setAttribute( 'data-value-on-focus', this.value ); } } /** * Returns an object that has the old and new values and labels, when a field choice is changed. * * @param {HTMLElement} input * @returns {Object} */ function getChoiceOldAndNewValues( input ) { const { oldValue, oldLabel } = getChoiceOldValueAndLabel( input ); const { newValue, newLabel } = getChoiceNewValueAndLabel( input ); return { oldValue, oldLabel, newValue, newLabel }; } /** * Returns an object that has the new value and label, when a field choice is changed. * * @param {HTMLElement} choiceElement * @returns {Object} */ function getChoiceNewValueAndLabel( choiceElement ) { const singleOptionContainer = choiceElement.closest( '.frm_single_option' ); let newValue, newLabel; if ( choiceElement.parentElement.classList.contains( 'frm_single_option' ) ) { // label changed newValue = singleOptionContainer.querySelector( '.frm_option_key input[type="text"]' ).value; newLabel = choiceElement.value; return { newValue, newLabel }; } // saved value changed newLabel = singleOptionContainer.querySelector( 'input[type="text"]' ).value; newValue = choiceElement.value; return { newValue, newLabel }; } /** * Returns an object that has the old value and label, when a field choice is changed. * * @param {HTMLElement} choiceElement * @returns {Object} */ function getChoiceOldValueAndLabel( choiceElement ) { const usingSeparateValues = choiceElement.closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).querySelector( '.frm_toggle_sep_values' ).checked; const singleOptionContainer = choiceElement.closest( '.frm_single_option' ); let oldValue, oldLabel; if ( usingSeparateValues ) { if ( choiceElement.parentElement.classList.contains( 'frm_single_option' ) ) { // label changed oldValue = singleOptionContainer.querySelector( '.frm_option_key input[type="text"]' ).getAttribute( 'data-value-on-focus' ); oldLabel = choiceElement.getAttribute( 'data-value-on-focus' ); return { oldValue, oldLabel }; } } oldValue = choiceElement.getAttribute( 'data-value-on-focus' ); oldLabel = singleOptionContainer.querySelector( 'input[type="text"]' ).getAttribute( 'data-value-on-focus' ); return { oldValue, oldLabel }; } function onOptionTextBlur() { let originalValue, fieldId, fieldIndex, logicId, row, rowLength, rowIndex, valueSelect, opts, fieldIds, settingId, setting, optionMatches, option; const { oldValue, oldLabel, newValue, newLabel } = getChoiceOldAndNewValues( this ); if ( oldValue === newValue && oldLabel === newLabel ) { return; } const singleSettingsContainer = this.closest( '.frm-single-settings' ); fieldId = singleSettingsContainer.getAttribute( 'data-fid' ); originalValue = this.getAttribute( 'data-value-on-load' ); // check if the newValue is already mapped to another option // if it is, mark as duplicate and return if ( optionTextAlreadyExists( this ) ) { this.setAttribute( 'data-duplicate', 'true' ); if ( typeof optionMap[ fieldId ] !== 'undefined' && typeof optionMap[ fieldId ][ originalValue ] !== 'undefined' ) { // unmap any other change that may have happened before instead of changing it to something unused optionMap[ fieldId ][ originalValue ].value = originalValue; } return; } if ( typeof optionMap[ fieldId ] !== 'undefined' && typeof optionMap[ fieldId ][ originalValue ] !== 'undefined' ) { optionMap[ fieldId ][ originalValue ].value = newValue; } fieldIds = []; rows = builderPage.querySelectorAll( '.frm_logic_row' ); rowLength = rows.length; for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowLength; rowIndex++ ) { row = rows[ rowIndex ]; opts = row.querySelector( '.frm_logic_field_opts' ); if ( opts.value !== fieldId ) { continue; } logicId = '_' )[ 2 ]; valueSelect = row.querySelector( 'select[name="field_options[hide_opt_' + logicId + '][]"]' ); if ( '' === oldValue ) { optionMatches = []; } else { optionMatches = valueSelect.querySelectorAll( 'option[value="' + oldValue + '"]' ); } if ( ! optionMatches.length ) { optionMatches = valueSelect.querySelectorAll( 'option[value="' + newValue + '"]' ); if ( ! optionMatches.length ) { if ( ! singleSettingsContainer.querySelector( '.frm_toggle_sep_values' ).checked ) { option = searchSelectByText( valueSelect, oldValue ); // Find conditional logic option with oldValue } if ( ! option ) { option = document.createElement( 'option' ); valueSelect.appendChild( option ); } } } if ( optionMatches.length ) { option = optionMatches[ optionMatches.length - 1 ]; } option.setAttribute( 'value', newValue ); option.textContent = newLabel; if ( fieldIds.indexOf( logicId ) === -1 ) { fieldIds.push( logicId ); } } for ( fieldIndex in fieldIds ) { settingId = fieldIds[ fieldIndex ]; setting = document.getElementById( 'frm-single-settings-' + settingId ); moveFieldSettings( setting ); } } /** * Returns an option element that matches a string with its text content. * * @param {HTMLElement} selectElement * @param {string} searchText * @returns {HTMLElement|null} */ function searchSelectByText( selectElement, searchText ) { const options = selectElement.options; for ( let i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) { const option = options[i]; if ( searchText === option.textContent ) { return option; } } return null; } function updateGetValueFieldSelection() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const fieldID = 'get_values_form_', '' ); const fieldSelect = document.getElementById( 'get_values_field_' + fieldID ); const fieldType = this.getAttribute( 'data-fieldtype' ); if ( this.value === '' ) { fieldSelect.options.length = 1; } else { const formID = this.value; jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_get_options_for_get_values_field', form_id: formID, field_type: fieldType, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( fields ) { fieldSelect.innerHTML = fields; } }); } } // Clear the Watch Fields option when Lookup field switches to "Text" option function maybeClearWatchFields() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let link, lookupBlock, fieldID = 'field_options[data_type_', '' ).replace( ']', '' ); link = document.getElementById( 'frm_add_watch_lookup_link_' + fieldID ); if ( ! link ) { return; } link = link.parentNode; if ( this.value === 'text' ) { lookupBlock = document.getElementById( 'frm_watch_lookup_block_' + fieldID ); if ( lookupBlock !== null ) { // Clear and hide the Watch Fields option lookupBlock.innerHTML = ''; link.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); // Hide the Watch Fields row = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; } } else { // Show the Watch Fields option link.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); } toggleMultiSelect( fieldID, this.value ); } // Number the pages and hide/show the first page as needed. function renumberPageBreaks() { let i, containerClass, pages = document.getElementsByClassName( 'frm-page-num' ); if ( pages.length > 1 ) { document.getElementById( 'frm-fake-page' ).style.display = 'block'; for ( i = 0; i < pages.length; i++ ) { containerClass = pages[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.classList; if ( i === 1 ) { // Hide previous button on page 1 containerClass.add( 'frm-first-page' ); } else { containerClass.remove( 'frm-first-page' ); } pages[i].textContent = ( i + 1 ); } } else { document.getElementById( 'frm-fake-page' ).style.display = 'none'; } wp.hooks.doAction( 'frm_renumber_page_breaks', pages ); } // The fake field works differently than real fields. function maybeCollapsePage() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const field = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_field_box[data-ftype=break]' ); if ( field.length ) { toggleCollapsePage( field ); } else { toggleCollapseFakePage(); } } // Find all fields in a page and hide/show them function toggleCollapsePage( field ) { const toCollapse = getAllFieldsForPage( field.get( 0 ).parentNode.closest( 'li.frm_field_box' ).nextElementSibling ); togglePage( field, toCollapse ); } function toggleCollapseFakePage() { const topLevel = document.getElementById( 'frm-fake-page' ), firstField = document.getElementById( 'frm-show-fields' ).firstElementChild, toCollapse = getAllFieldsForPage( firstField ); if ( firstField.getAttribute( 'data-ftype' ) === 'break' ) { // Don't collapse if the first field is a page break. return; } togglePage( jQuery( topLevel ), toCollapse ); } function getAllFieldsForPage( firstWrapper ) { let $fieldsForPage, currentWrapper; $fieldsForPage = jQuery(); if ( null === firstWrapper ) { return $fieldsForPage; } currentWrapper = firstWrapper; do { if ( null !== currentWrapper.querySelector( '.edit_field_type_break' ) ) { break; } $fieldsForPage = $fieldsForPage.add( jQuery( currentWrapper ) ); currentWrapper = currentWrapper.nextElementSibling; } while ( null !== currentWrapper ); return $fieldsForPage; } function togglePage( field, toCollapse ) { let i, fieldCount = toCollapse.length, slide = Math.min( fieldCount, 3 ); if ( field.hasClass( 'frm-page-collapsed' ) ) { field.removeClass( 'frm-page-collapsed' ); toCollapse.removeClass( 'frm-is-collapsed' ); for ( i = 0; i < slide; i++ ) { if ( i === slide - 1 ) { jQuery( toCollapse[ i ]).slideDown( 150, function() {; }); } else { jQuery( toCollapse[ i ]).slideDown( 150 ); } } } else { field.addClass( 'frm-page-collapsed' ); toCollapse.addClass( 'frm-is-collapsed' ); for ( i = 0; i < slide; i++ ) { if ( i === slide - 1 ) { jQuery( toCollapse[ i ]).slideUp( 150, function() { toCollapse.css( 'cssText', 'display:none !important;' ); }); } else { jQuery( toCollapse[ i ]).slideUp( 150 ); } } } } function maybeCollapseSection() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const parentCont = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; parentCont.classList.toggle( 'frm-section-collapsed' ); } function maybeCollapseSettings() { /*jshint validthis:true */ this.classList.toggle( 'frm-collapsed' ); // Toggles the "aria-expanded" attribute const expanded = this.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ) === 'true' || false; this.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', ! expanded ); } function clickLabel() { if ( ! ) { return; } /*jshint validthis:true */ let setting = document.querySelectorAll( '[data-changeme="' + + '"]' )[0], fieldId = 'field_label_', '' ), fieldType = document.getElementById( 'field_options_type_' + fieldId ), fieldTypeName = fieldType.value; if ( typeof setting !== 'undefined' ) { if ( fieldType.tagName === 'SELECT' ) { fieldTypeName = fieldType.options[ fieldType.selectedIndex ].text.toLowerCase(); } else { fieldTypeName = fieldTypeName.replace( '_', ' ' ); } fieldTypeName = normalizeFieldName( fieldTypeName ); setTimeout( function() { if ( setting.value.toLowerCase() === fieldTypeName ) {; } else { setting.focus(); } }, 50 ); } } function clickDescription() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const setting = document.querySelectorAll( '[data-changeme="' + + '"]' )[0]; if ( typeof setting !== 'undefined' ) { setTimeout( function() { setting.focus(); autoExpandSettings( setting ); }, 50 ); } } function autoExpandSettings( setting ) { const inSection = setting.closest( '.frm-collapse-me' ); if ( inSection !== null ) { inSection.previousElementSibling.classList.remove( 'frm-collapsed' ); } } function normalizeFieldName( fieldTypeName ) { if ( fieldTypeName === 'divider' ) { fieldTypeName = 'section'; } else if ( fieldTypeName === 'range' ) { fieldTypeName = 'slider'; } else if ( fieldTypeName === 'data' ) { fieldTypeName = 'dynamic'; } else if ( fieldTypeName === 'form' ) { fieldTypeName = 'embed form'; } return fieldTypeName; } function clickVis( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ let currentClass, originalList; currentClass =; if ( currentClass.contains( 'frm-collapse-page' ) || currentClass.contains( 'frm-sub-label' ) || '.dropdown' ) !== null ) { return; } if ( this.closest( '.start_divider' ) !== null ) { e.stopPropagation(); } if ( this.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_divider' ) ) { originalList = 'ul.frm_sorting' ); if ( null !== originalList ) { // prevent section click if clicking a field group within a section. if ( originalList.classList.contains( 'edit_field_type_divider' ) || originalList.parentNode.parentNode.classList.contains( 'start_divider' ) ) { return; } } } clickAction( this ); } /** * Update the phone format input based on the selected phone type. * * This function is triggered when a phone type is selected. * If the selected type is 'custom' and the current format is 'international', * the format input value is cleared to allow for custom input. * * @since 6.9 * * @param {Event} event The event object from the phone type selection. * @return {void} */ function maybeUpdatePhoneFormatInput( event ) { const phoneType =; if ( 'custom' === phoneType.value ) { const formatInput = phoneType.parentElement.nextElementSibling.querySelector( '.frm_format_opt' ); if ( 'international' === formatInput.value ) { formatInput.setAttribute( 'value', '' ); } } } /** * Open Advanced settings on double click. */ function openAdvanced() { const fieldId = this.getAttribute( 'data-fid' ); autoExpandSettings( document.getElementById( 'field_options_field_key_' + fieldId ) ); } function toggleRepeatButtons() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const $thisField = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_field_box' ); $thisField.find( '.repeat_icon_links' ).removeClass( 'repeat_format repeat_formatboth repeat_formattext' ).addClass( 'repeat_format' + this.value ); if ( this.value === 'text' || this.value === 'both' ) { $thisField.find( '.frm_repeat_text' ).show(); $thisField.find( '.repeat_icon_links a' ).addClass( 'frm_button' ); } else { $thisField.find( '.frm_repeat_text' ).hide(); $thisField.find( '.repeat_icon_links a' ).removeClass( 'frm_button' ); } } function checkRepeatLimit() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const val = this.value; if ( val !== '' && ( val < 2 || val > 200 ) ) { infoModal( frmAdminJs.repeat_limit_min ); this.value = ''; } } function checkCheckboxSelectionsLimit() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const val = this.value; if ( val !== '' && ( val < 1 || val > 200 ) ) { infoModal( frmAdminJs.checkbox_limit ); this.value = ''; } } function updateRepeatText( obj, addRemove ) { const $thisField = jQuery( obj ).closest( '.frm_field_box' ); $thisField.find( '.frm_' + addRemove + '_form_row .frm_repeat_label' ).text( obj.value ); } function fieldsInSection( id ) { const children = []; jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_field_id_' + id ) ).find( 'li.frm_field_box:not(.no_repeat_section .edit_field_type_end_divider)' ).each( function() { children.push( jQuery( this ).data( 'fid' ) ); }); return children; } function toggleFormTax() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const id = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).data( 'fid' ); const val = this.value; const $showFields = document.getElementById( 'frm_show_selected_fields_' + id ); const $showForms = document.getElementById( 'frm_show_selected_forms_' + id ); jQuery( $showForms ).find( 'select' ).val( '' ); if ( val === 'form' ) { $ = 'inline'; empty( $showFields ); } else { $ = 'none'; $ = 'none'; getTaxOrFieldSelection( val, id ); } } function resetOptOnChange() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let field, thisOpt; field = getFieldKeyFromOpt( this ); if ( ! field ) { return; } thisOpt = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_single_option' ); resetSingleOpt( field.fieldId, field.fieldKey, thisOpt ); } function getFieldKeyFromOpt( object ) { let allOpts, fieldId, fieldKey; allOpts = jQuery( object ).closest( '.frm_sortable_field_opts' ); if ( ! allOpts.length ) { return false; } fieldId = allOpts.attr( 'id' ).replace( 'frm_field_', '' ).replace( '_opts', '' ); fieldKey = 'key' ); return { fieldId: fieldId, fieldKey: fieldKey }; } function resetSingleOpt( fieldId, fieldKey, thisOpt ) { let saved, text, defaultVal, previewInput, labelForDisplay, optContainer, optKey = 'optkey' ), separateValues = usingSeparateValues( fieldId ), single = jQuery( 'label[for="field_' + fieldKey + '-' + optKey + '"]' ), baseName = 'field_options[options_' + fieldId + '][' + optKey + ']', label = jQuery( 'input[name="' + baseName + '[label]"]' ); if ( single.length < 1 ) { resetDisplayedOpts( fieldId ); // Set the default value. defaultVal = thisOpt.find( 'input[name^="default_value_"]' ); if ( ':checked' ) && label.length > 0 ) { jQuery( 'select[name^="item_meta[' + fieldId + ']"]' ).val( label.val() ); } return; } previewInput = single.children( 'input' ); if ( label.length < 1 ) { // Check for other label. label = jQuery( 'input[name="' + baseName + '"]' ); saved = label.val(); } else if ( separateValues ) { saved = jQuery( 'input[name="' + baseName + '[value]"]' ).val(); } else { saved = label.val(); } if ( label.length < 1 ) { return; } // Set the displayed value. text = single[0].childNodes; if ( imagesAsOptions( fieldId ) ) { labelForDisplay = getImageDisplayValue( thisOpt, fieldId, label ); optContainer = single.find( '.frm_image_option_container' ); if ( optContainer.length > 0 ) { optContainer.replaceWith( labelForDisplay ); } else { text[ text.length - 1 ].nodeValue = ''; single.append( labelForDisplay ); } } else { let firstInputIndex = false; text.forEach( ( node, index ) => { if ( firstInputIndex === false ) { if ( node.tagName === 'INPUT' ) { firstInputIndex = index; } } else if ( index === firstInputIndex + 1 ) { let nodeValue = ''; if ( buttonsAsOptions( fieldId ) ) { nodeValue = div({ className: 'frm_label_button_container', text: ' ' + label.val() }); single[0].replaceChild( nodeValue, node ); } else { node.nodeValue = ' ' + label.val(); } } else { single[0].removeChild( node ); } }); } // Set saved value. previewInput.val( saved ); // Set the default value. defaultVal = thisOpt.find( 'input[name^="default_value_"]' ); previewInput.prop( 'checked', ':checked' ) ? true : false ); } function buttonsAsOptions( fieldId ) { const fields = document.getElementsByName( 'field_options[image_options_' + fieldId + ']' ); const result = Array.from( fields ).find( field => field.checked && ( 'buttons' === field.value ) ); return typeof result !== 'undefined'; } /** * Set the displayed value for an image option. */ function getImageDisplayValue( thisOpt, fieldId, label ) { let image, imageUrl, showLabelWithImage, fieldType; image = thisOpt.find( 'img' ); if ( image ) { imageUrl = image.attr( 'src' ); } showLabelWithImage = showingLabelWithImage( fieldId ); fieldType = radioOrCheckbox( fieldId ); return getImageLabel( label.val(), showLabelWithImage, imageUrl, fieldType ); } function getImageOptionSize( fieldId ) { let val, field = document.getElementById( 'field_options_image_size_' + fieldId ), size = ''; if ( field !== null ) { val = field.value; if ( val !== '' ) { size = val; } } return size; } function resetDisplayedOpts( fieldId ) { let i, opts, type, placeholder, fieldInfo, input = jQuery( '[name^="item_meta[' + fieldId + ']"]' ); if ( input.length < 1 ) { return; } if ( 'select' ) ) { placeholder = document.getElementById( 'frm_placeholder_' + fieldId ); if ( placeholder !== null && placeholder.value === '' ) { fillDropdownOpts( input[0], { sourceID: fieldId }); } else { fillDropdownOpts( input[0], { sourceID: fieldId, placeholder: placeholder.value }); } } else { opts = getMultipleOpts( fieldId ); jQuery( '#field_' + fieldId + '_inner_container > .frm_form_fields' ).html( '' ); fieldInfo = getFieldKeyFromOpt( jQuery( '#frm_delete_field_' + fieldId + '-000_container' ) ); const container = jQuery( '#field_' + fieldId + '_inner_container > .frm_form_fields' ), hasImageOptions = imagesAsOptions( fieldId ), imageSize = hasImageOptions ? getImageOptionSize( fieldId ) : '', imageOptionClass = hasImageOptions ? ( 'frm_image_option frm_image_' + imageSize + ' ' ) : '', isProduct = isProductField( fieldId ); type = ( 'hidden' === input.attr( 'type' ) ? 'field-type' ) : input.attr( 'type' ) ); for ( i = 0; i < opts.length; i++ ) { container.append( addRadioCheckboxOpt( type, opts[ i ], fieldId, fieldInfo.fieldKey, isProduct, imageOptionClass ) ); } } adjustConditionalLogicOptionOrders( fieldId ); } /** * Returns an object that has a value and label for new conditional logic option, for a given option value. * * @param {Number} fieldId * @param {string} expectedOption * @returns {Object} */ function getNewConditionalLogicOption( fieldId, expectedOption ) { const optionsContainer = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_' + fieldId + '_opts' ); const expectedOptionInput = optionsContainer.querySelector( 'input[value="' + expectedOption + '"]' ); if ( expectedOptionInput ) { return getChoiceNewValueAndLabel( expectedOptionInput ); } return { newValue: expectedOption, newLabel: expectedOption }; } function adjustConditionalLogicOptionOrders( fieldId, type ) { let row, opts, logicId, valueSelect, optionLength, optionIndex, expectedOption, optionMatch, fieldOptions, rows = builderPage.querySelectorAll( '.frm_logic_row' ), rowLength = rows.length; fieldOptions = wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'frm_conditional_logic_field_options', getFieldOptions( fieldId ), { type, fieldId }); optionLength = fieldOptions.length; for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowLength; rowIndex++ ) { row = rows[ rowIndex ]; opts = row.querySelector( '.frm_logic_field_opts' ); if ( opts.value != fieldId ) { continue; } logicId = '_' )[ 2 ]; valueSelect = row.querySelector( 'select[name="field_options[hide_opt_' + logicId + '][]"]' ); for ( optionIndex = optionLength - 1; optionIndex >= 0; optionIndex-- ) { expectedOption = fieldOptions[ optionIndex ]; let expectedOptionValue = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_' + fieldId + '_opts' ).querySelector( '.frm_option_key input[type="text"]' )?.value; if ( ! expectedOptionValue ) { expectedOptionValue = expectedOption; } optionMatch = valueSelect.querySelector( 'option[value="' + expectedOptionValue + '"]' ); const { newValue, newLabel } = getNewConditionalLogicOption( fieldId, expectedOption ); const fieldChoices = document.querySelectorAll( '#frm_field_' + fieldId + '_opts input[data-value-on-focus]' ); const expectedChoiceEl = Array.from( fieldChoices ).find( element => element.value === expectedOption ); if ( expectedChoiceEl ) { const oldValue = expectedChoiceEl.dataset.valueOnFocus; const hasMatch = oldValue && valueSelect.querySelector( 'option[value="' + oldValue + '"]' ); if ( hasMatch ) { continue; } } prependValueSelectWithOptionMatch( valueSelect, optionMatch, newValue, newLabel ); } optionMatch = valueSelect.querySelector( 'option[value=""]' ); if ( optionMatch !== null ) { valueSelect.prepend( optionMatch ); } } } function prependValueSelectWithOptionMatch( valueSelect, optionMatch, newValue, newLabel ) { if ( optionMatch === null && ! valueSelect.querySelector( 'option[value="' + newValue + '"]' )) { optionMatch = frmDom.tag( 'option', { text: newLabel }); optionMatch.value = newValue; } valueSelect.prepend( optionMatch ); } function getFieldOptions( fieldId ) { let index, input, li, listItems, optsContainer, length, options = []; optsContainer = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_' + fieldId + '_opts' ); if ( ! optsContainer ) { return options; } listItems = optsContainer.querySelectorAll( '.frm_single_option' ); length = listItems.length; for ( index = 0; index < length; index++ ) { li = listItems[ index ]; if ( li.classList.contains( 'frm_hidden' ) ) { continue; } input = li.querySelector( '.field_' + fieldId + '_option' ); options.push( input.value ); } return options; } function addRadioCheckboxOpt( type, opt, fieldId, fieldKey, isProduct, classes ) { let other, single = '', isOther = opt.key.indexOf( 'other' ) !== -1, id = 'field_' + fieldKey + '-' + opt.key, inputType = type === 'scale' ? 'radio' : type; other = '<input type="text" id="field_' + fieldKey + '-' + opt.key + '-otext" class="frm_other_input frm_pos_none" name="item_meta[other][' + fieldId + '][' + opt.key + ']" value="" />'; this.getSingle = function() { /** * Get single option template. * @param {Object} option Object containing the option data. * @param {string} type The field type. * @param {string} fieldId The field id. * @param {string} classes The option clasnames. * @param {string} id The input id attribute. */ single = wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'frm_admin.build_single_option_template', single, { opt, type, fieldId, classes, id }); if ( '' !== single ) { return single; } return '<div class="frm_' + type + ' ' + type + ' ' + classes + '" id="frm_' + type + '_' + fieldId + '-' + opt.key + '"><label for="' + id + '"><input type="' + inputType + '" name="item_meta[' + fieldId + ']' + ( type === 'checkbox' ? '[]' : '' ) + '" value="' + purifyHtml( opt.saved ) + '" id="' + id + '"' + ( isProduct ? ' data-price="' + opt.price + '"' : '' ) + ( opt.checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ) + '> ' + purifyHtml( opt.label ) + '</label>' + ( isOther ? other : '' ) + '</div>'; }; return this.getSingle(); } function fillDropdownOpts( field, atts ) { if ( field === null ) { return; } const sourceID = atts.sourceID, placeholder = atts.placeholder, isProduct = isProductField( sourceID ), showOther = atts.other; removeDropdownOpts( field ); let opts = getMultipleOpts( sourceID ), hasPlaceholder = ( typeof placeholder !== 'undefined' ); for ( let i = 0; i < opts.length; i++ ) { let label = opts[ i ].label, isOther = opts[ i ].key.indexOf( 'other' ) !== -1; if ( hasPlaceholder && label !== '' ) { addBlankSelectOption( field, placeholder ); } else if ( hasPlaceholder ) { label = placeholder; } hasPlaceholder = false; if ( ! isOther || showOther ) { const opt = document.createElement( 'option' ); opt.value = opts[ i ].saved; opt.innerHTML = purifyHtml( label ); if ( isProduct ) { opt.setAttribute( 'data-price', opts[ i ].price ); } field.appendChild( opt ); } } } function addBlankSelectOption( field, placeholder ) { const opt = document.createElement( 'option' ), firstChild = field.firstChild; opt.value = ''; opt.innerHTML = placeholder; if ( firstChild !== null ) { field.insertBefore( opt, firstChild ); field.selectedIndex = 0; } else { field.appendChild( opt ); } } function getMultipleOpts( fieldId ) { let i, saved, labelName, label, key, optObj, fieldType, checked = false, opts = [], imageUrl = ''; const optVals = jQuery( 'input[name^="field_options[options_' + fieldId + ']"]' ); const isProduct = isProductField( fieldId ); const showLabelWithImage = showingLabelWithImage( fieldId ); const hasImageOptions = imagesAsOptions( fieldId ); const separateValues = usingSeparateValues( fieldId ); for ( i = 0; i < optVals.length; i++ ) { if ( optVals[ i ].name.indexOf( '[000]' ) > 0 || optVals[ i ].name.indexOf( '[value]' ) > 0 || optVals[ i ].name.indexOf( '[image]' ) > 0 || optVals[ i ].name.indexOf( '[price]' ) > 0 ) { continue; } saved = optVals[ i ].value; label = saved; key = optVals[ i ].name.replace( 'field_options[options_' + fieldId + '][', '' ).replace( '[label]', '' ).replace( ']', '' ); if ( separateValues ) { labelName = optVals[ i ].name.replace( '[label]', '[value]' ); saved = jQuery( 'input[name="' + labelName + '"]' ).val(); } if ( hasImageOptions ) { imageUrl = getImageUrlFromInput( optVals[i]); fieldType = radioOrCheckbox( fieldId ); label = getImageLabel( label, showLabelWithImage, imageUrl, fieldType ); } /** * @since 5.0.04 */ label = frmAdminBuild.hooks.applyFilters( 'frm_choice_field_label', label, fieldId, optVals[ i ], hasImageOptions ); checked = getChecked( optVals[ i ].id ); optObj = { saved: saved, label: label, checked: checked, key: key }; if ( isProduct ) { labelName = optVals[ i ].name.replace( '[label]', '[price]' ); optObj.price = jQuery( 'input[name="' + labelName + '"]' ).val(); } opts.push( optObj ); } return opts; } function radioOrCheckbox( fieldId ) { const settings = document.getElementById( 'frm-single-settings-' + fieldId ); if ( settings === null ) { return 'radio'; } return settings.classList.contains( 'frm-type-checkbox' ) ? 'checkbox' : 'radio'; } function getImageUrlFromInput( optVal ) { let img, wrapper = jQuery( optVal ).siblings( '.frm_image_preview_wrapper' ); if ( ! wrapper.length ) { return ''; } img = wrapper.find( 'img' ); if ( ! img.length ) { return ''; } return img.attr( 'src' ); } function purifyHtml( html ) { if ( html instanceof Element || html instanceof Document ) { html = html.outerHTML; } const clean = jQuery.parseHTML( html ).reduce( ( total, currentNode ) => { const cleanNode = frmDom.cleanNode( currentNode ); if ( '#text' === cleanNode.nodeName ) { return total += cleanNode.textContent; } return total + cleanNode.outerHTML; }, '' ); if ( clean !== html ) { // Clean it until nothing changes, in case the stripped result is now unsafe. return purifyHtml( clean ); } return clean; } function getImageLabel( label, showLabelWithImage, imageUrl, fieldType ) { let imageLabelClass, originalLabel = label, shape = fieldType === 'checkbox' ? 'square' : 'circle', labelImage, labelNode, imageLabel; originalLabel = purifyHtml( originalLabel ); if ( imageUrl ) { labelImage = img({ src: imageUrl, alt: originalLabel }); } else { labelImage = div({ className: 'frm_empty_url' }); labelImage.innerHTML = frmAdminJs.image_placeholder_icon; } imageLabelClass = showLabelWithImage ? ' frm_label_with_image' : ''; imageLabel = tag( 'span', { className: 'frm_text_label_for_image_inner' }); imageLabel.innerHTML = originalLabel; labelNode = tag( 'span', { className: 'frm_image_option_container' + imageLabelClass, children: [ labelImage, tag( 'span', { className: 'frm_text_label_for_image', child: imageLabel }) ] } ); return labelNode; } function getChecked( id ) { field = jQuery( '#' + id ); if ( field.length === 0 ) { return false; } checkbox = field.siblings( 'input[type=checkbox]' ); return checkbox.length && checkbox.prop( 'checked' ); } function removeDropdownOpts( field ) { let i; if ( typeof field.options === 'undefined' ) { return; } for ( i = field.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { field.remove( i ); } } /** * Is the box checked to use separate values? */ function usingSeparateValues( fieldId ) { return isChecked( 'separate_value_' + fieldId ); } /** * Is the box checked to use images as options? */ function imagesAsOptions( fieldId ) { let checked = false, field = document.getElementsByName( 'field_options[image_options_' + fieldId + ']' ); for ( let i = 0; i < field.length; i++ ) { if ( field[ i ].checked ) { checked = '0' !== field[ i ].value; } } /** * @since 5.0.04 */ return frmAdminBuild.hooks.applyFilters( 'frm_choice_field_images_as_options', checked, fieldId ); } function showingLabelWithImage( fieldId ) { const isShowing = ! isChecked( 'hide_image_text_' + fieldId ); /** * @since 5.0.04 */ return frmAdminBuild.hooks.applyFilters( 'frm_choice_field_showing_label_with_image', isShowing, fieldId ); } function isChecked( id ) { const field = document.getElementById( id ); if ( field === null ) { return false; } return field.checked; } function checkUniqueOpt( targetInput ) { const settingsContainer = targetInput.closest( '.frm-single-settings' ); const fieldId = settingsContainer.getAttribute( 'data-fid' ); const areValuesSeparate = settingsContainer.querySelector( '[name="field_options[separate_value_' + fieldId + ']"]' ).checked; if ( areValuesSeparate && ! '[value]' ) ) { return; } const container = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_' + fieldId + '_opts' ); const conflicts = Array.from( container.querySelectorAll( 'input[type="text"]' ) ).filter( input => !== && areValuesSeparate === '[value]' ) && input.value === targetInput.value ); if ( conflicts.length ) { /* translators: %s: The detected option value. */ infoModal( sprintf( __( 'Duplicate option value "%s" detected', 'formidable' ), purifyHtml( targetInput.value ) ) ); } } function getFieldValues() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let isTaxonomy, val = this.value; if ( val ) { const parentIDs = 'frm_logic_', '' ).split( '_' ); const fieldID = parentIDs[0]; const metaKey = parentIDs[1]; const valueField = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_id_' + val ); const valueFieldType = valueField.getAttribute( 'data-ftype' ); const fill = document.getElementById( 'frm_show_selected_values_' + fieldID + '_' + metaKey ); const optionName = 'field_options[hide_opt_' + fieldID + '][]'; const optionID = 'frm_field_logic_opt_' + fieldID; let input = false; let showSelect = ( valueFieldType === 'select' || valueFieldType === 'checkbox' || valueFieldType === 'radio' ); const showText = ( valueFieldType === 'text' || valueFieldType === 'email' || valueFieldType === 'phone' || valueFieldType === 'url' || valueFieldType === 'number' ); if ( showSelect ) { isTaxonomy = document.getElementById( 'frm_has_hidden_options_' + val ); if ( isTaxonomy !== null ) { // get the category options with ajax showSelect = false; } } if ( showSelect || showText ) { fill.innerHTML = ''; if ( showSelect ) { input = document.createElement( 'select' ); } else { input = document.createElement( 'input' ); input.type = 'text'; } = optionName; = optionID + '_' + metaKey; fill.appendChild( input ); if ( showSelect ) { const fillField = document.getElementById( ); fillDropdownOpts( fillField, { sourceID: val, placeholder: '', other: true }); } } else { const thisType = this.getAttribute( 'data-type' ); frmGetFieldValues( val, fieldID, metaKey, thisType ); } } } function getFieldSelection() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const formId = this.value; if ( formId ) { const fieldId = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).data( 'fid' ); getTaxOrFieldSelection( formId, fieldId ); } } function getTaxOrFieldSelection( formId, fieldId ) { if ( formId ) { jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_get_field_selection', field_id: fieldId, form_id: formId, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( msg ) { jQuery( '#frm_show_selected_fields_' + fieldId ).html( msg ).show(); } }); } } function updateFieldOrder() { let self = this; this.initOnceInAllInstances = function() { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof updateFieldOrder.prototype.orderFieldsObject ) { return; } // It will store the order input fields ( input[name="field_options[field_order_{fieldId}]"] ). // It will help to reduce the DOM searches based on fieldId. // The same object data is used across all "updateFieldOrder" instances. updateFieldOrder.prototype.orderFieldsObject = {}; // Get the Form group that will handle the fields settings. // Perform a single DOM search and use it across all "updateFieldOrder" instances. updateFieldOrder.prototype.fieldSettingsForm = document.getElementById( 'frm-end-form-marker' ).closest( 'form' ); }; this.getFieldOrderInputById = function( fieldId, parent ) { let field; const orderFieldsObject = updateFieldOrder.prototype.orderFieldsObject; const fieldSettingsForm = updateFieldOrder.prototype.fieldSettingsForm; if ( 'undefined' === typeof orderFieldsObject[ fieldId ]) { field = fieldSettingsForm.querySelector( 'input[name="field_options[field_order_' + fieldId + ']"]' ); if ( null === field ) { field = parent.querySelector( 'input[name="field_options[field_order_' + fieldId + ']"]' ); } orderFieldsObject[ fieldId ] = field; return field; } return orderFieldsObject[ fieldId ]; }; this.initOnceInAllInstances(); renumberPageBreaks(); return ( function() { let fieldId, field, currentOrder, newOrder, moveFieldsClass = new moveFieldSettings(), fields = jQuery( 'li.frm_field_box', jQuery( '#frm-show-fields' ) ); for ( i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) { fieldId = fields[ i ].getAttribute( 'data-fid' ); field = self.getFieldOrderInputById( fieldId, fields[ i ]); // get current field order, make sure we don't get the "field" reference as the "field" value will get updated later. currentOrder = null !== field ? Object.assign({}, field.value )[0] : null; newOrder = i + 1; if ( currentOrder != newOrder && null !== currentOrder ) { field.value = newOrder; singleField = fields[ i ].querySelector( '#frm-single-settings-' + fieldId ); // add field that needs to be moved to "updateFieldOrder.prototype.fieldSettingsForm" moveFieldsClass.append( singleField ); fieldUpdated(); } } // move all appended fields moveFieldsClass.moveFields(); }() ); } function toggleSectionHolder() { document.querySelectorAll( '.start_divider' ).forEach( function( divider ) { toggleOneSectionHolder( jQuery( divider ) ); } ); } function toggleOneSectionHolder( $section ) { let noSectionFields, $rows, length, index, sectionHasFields; if ( ! $section.length ) { return; } $rows = $section.find( 'ul.frm_sorting' ); sectionHasFields = false; length = $rows.length; for ( index = 0; index < length; ++index ) { if ( 0 !== getFieldsInRow( jQuery( $rows.get( index ) ) ).length ) { sectionHasFields = true; break; } } noSectionFields = $section.parent().children( '.frm_no_section_fields' ).get( 0 ); noSectionFields.classList.toggle( 'frm_block', ! sectionHasFields ); } function handleShowPasswordLiveUpdate() { frmDom.util.documentOn( 'change', '.frm_show_password_setting_input', event => { const fieldId = 'data-fid' ); const fieldEl = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_id_' + fieldId ); if ( ! fieldEl ) { return; } fieldEl.classList.toggle( 'frm_disabled_show_password', ! ); }); } function slideDown() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const id = jQuery( this ).data( 'slidedown' ); const $thisId = jQuery( document.getElementById( id ) ); if ( $ ':hidden' ) ) { $thisId.slideDown( 'fast' ); = 'none'; } return false; } function slideUp() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const id = jQuery( this ).data( 'slideup' ); const $thisId = jQuery( document.getElementById( id ) ); $thisId.slideUp( 'fast' ); $thisId.siblings( 'a' ).show(); return false; } function adjustVisibilityValuesForEveryoneValues( element, option ) { if ( '' === option.getAttribute( 'value' ) ) { onEveryoneOptionSelected( jQuery( this ) ); } else { unselectEveryoneOptionIfSelected( jQuery( this ) ); } } function onEveryoneOptionSelected( $select ) { $select.val( '' ); $ '.btn-group' ).find( '.multiselect-container input[value!=""]' ).prop( 'checked', false ); } function unselectEveryoneOptionIfSelected( $select ) { let selectedValues = $select.val(), index; if ( selectedValues === null ) { $ '.btn-group' ).find( '.multiselect-container input[value=""]' ).prop( 'checked', true ); onEveryoneOptionSelected( $select ); return; } index = selectedValues.indexOf( '' ); if ( index >= 0 ) { selectedValues.splice( index, 1 ); $select.val( selectedValues ); $ '.btn-group' ).find( '.multiselect-container input[value=""]' ).prop( 'checked', false ); } } /** * Get rid of empty container that inserts extra space. */ function hideEmptyEle() { jQuery( '.frm-hide-empty' ).each( function() { if ( jQuery( this ).text().trim().length === 0 ) { jQuery( this ).remove(); } }); } /* Change the classes in the builder */ function changeFieldClass( field, setting ) { let classes, replace, alignField, replaceWith = ' ' + setting.value, fieldId = field.getAttribute( 'data-fid' ); // Include classes from multiple settings. if ( typeof fieldId !== 'undefined' ) { if ( setting.classList.contains( 'field_options_align' ) ) { replaceWith += ' ' + document.getElementById( 'frm_classes_' + fieldId ).value; } else if ( setting.classList.contains( 'frm_classes' ) ) { alignField = document.getElementById( 'field_options_align_' + fieldId ); if ( alignField !== null ) { replaceWith += ' ' + alignField.value; } } } replaceWith += ' '; // Allow for the column number dropdown. replaceWith = replaceWith.replace( ' block ', ' ' ).replace( ' inline ', ' horizontal_radio ' ); classes = field.className.split( ' frmstart ' )[1]; classes = 0 === classes.indexOf( 'frmend ' ) ? '' : classes.split( ' frmend ' )[0]; if ( classes.trim() === '' ) { replace = ' frmstart frmend '; if ( -1 === field.className.indexOf( replace ) ) { replace = ' frmstart frmend '; } replaceWith = ' frmstart ' + replaceWith.trim() + ' frmend '; } else { replace = classes.trim(); replaceWith = replaceWith.trim(); } field.className = field.className.replace( replace, replaceWith ); } function maybeShowInlineModal( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ e.preventDefault(); showInlineModal( this ); } function showInlineModal( icon, input ) { const box = document.getElementById( icon.getAttribute( 'data-open' ) ), container = jQuery( icon ).closest( 'p' ), inputTrigger = ( typeof input !== 'undefined' ); if ( container.hasClass( 'frm-open' ) ) { container.removeClass( 'frm-open' ); box.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); } else { if ( ! inputTrigger ) { input = getInputForIcon( icon ); } if ( input !== null ) { if ( ! inputTrigger ) { input.focus(); } container.after( box ); box.setAttribute( 'data-fills', ); if ( 'frm-calc-box' ) === 0 ) { popCalcFields( box, true ); } } container.addClass( 'frm-open' ); box.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); /** * @since 6.4.1 */ wp.hooks.doAction( 'frm_show_inline_modal', box, icon ); } } function dismissInlineModal( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ e.preventDefault(); this.parentNode.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); jQuery( '.frm-open [data-open="' + + '"]' ).closest( '.frm-open' ).removeClass( 'frm-open' ); } function changeInputtedValue() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let i, action = this.getAttribute( 'data-frmchange' ).split( ',' ); for ( i = 0; i < action.length; i++ ) { if ( action[i] === 'updateOption' ) { changeHiddenSeparateValue( this ); } else if ( action[i] === 'updateDefault' ) { changeDefaultRadioValue( this ); } else if ( action[i] === 'checkUniqueOpt' ) { checkUniqueOpt( this ); } else { this.value = this.value[ action[i] ](); } } } /** * When the saved value is changed, update the default value radio. */ function changeDefaultRadioValue( input ) { const parentLi = getOptionParent( input ), key = parentLi.getAttribute( 'data-optkey' ), fieldId = getOptionFieldId( parentLi, key ), defaultRadio = parentLi.querySelector( 'input[name="default_value_' + fieldId + '"]' ); if ( defaultRadio !== null ) { defaultRadio.value = input.value; } } /** * If separate values are not enabled, change the saved value when * the displayed value is changed. */ function changeHiddenSeparateValue( input ) { let savedVal, parentLi = getOptionParent( input ), key = parentLi.getAttribute( 'data-optkey' ), fieldId = getOptionFieldId( parentLi, key ), sep = document.getElementById( 'separate_value_' + fieldId ); if ( sep !== null && sep.checked === false ) { // If separate values are not turned on. savedVal = document.getElementById( 'field_key_' + fieldId + '-' + key ); savedVal.value = input.value; changeDefaultRadioValue( savedVal ); } } function getOptionParent( input ) { let parentLi = input.parentNode; if ( parentLi.tagName !== 'LI' ) { parentLi = parentLi.parentNode; } return parentLi; } function getOptionFieldId( li, key ) { const liId =; return liId.replace( 'frm_delete_field_', '' ).replace( '-' + key + '_container', '' ); } function submitBuild() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const $thisEle = this; if ( showNameYourFormModal() ) { return; } preFormSave( this ); const $form = jQuery( builderForm ); const v = JSON.stringify( $form.serializeArray() ); jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_compact_fields' ) ).val( v ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: {action: 'frm_save_form', 'frm_compact_fields': v, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce}, success: function( msg ) { afterFormSave( $thisEle ); const $postStuff = document.getElementById( 'post-body-content' ); const $html = document.createElement( 'div' ); $html.setAttribute( 'class', 'frm_updated_message' ); $html.innerHTML = msg; $postStuff.insertBefore( $html, $postStuff.firstChild ); reloadIfAddonActivatedAjaxSubmitOnly(); }, error: function() { triggerSubmit( document.getElementById( 'frm_js_build_form' ) ); } }); } function triggerSubmit( form ) { const button = form.ownerDocument.createElement( 'input' ); = 'none'; button.type = 'submit'; form.appendChild( button ).click(); form.removeChild( button ); } function triggerChange( element ) { jQuery( element ).trigger( 'change' ); } function submitNoAjax() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let form; if ( showNameYourFormModal() ) { return; } preFormSave( this ); form = jQuery( builderForm ); jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_compact_fields' ) ).val( JSON.stringify( form.serializeArray() ) ); triggerSubmit( document.getElementById( 'frm_js_build_form' ) ); } /** * Display a modal dialog for naming a new form template, if applicable. * * @return {boolean} True if the modal is successfully initialized and displayed; false otherwise. */ function showNameYourFormModal() { // Exit early if the 'new_template' URL parameter is not set to 'true' if ( ! shouldShowNameYourFormNameModal() ) { return false; } const modalWidget = initModal( '#frm-form-templates-modal', '440px' ); if ( ! modalWidget ) { return false; } // Set the vertical offset for the modal and open it offsetModalY( modalWidget, '72px' ); modalWidget.dialog( 'open' ); return true; } /** * Returns true if 'Name Your Form' modal should be displayed. * * @returns {Boolean} */ function shouldShowNameYourFormNameModal() { const formNameInput = document.getElementById( 'frm_form_name' ); if ( formNameInput && formNameInput.value.trim() !== '' ) { return false; } return 'true' === urlParams.get( 'new_template' ) && document.querySelector( '#frm_top_bar #frm_bs_dropdown .frm_bstooltip' )?.textContent.trim() === frm_admin_js.noTitleText; // eslint-disable-line camelcase } /** * Manages event handling for the 'Name your form' modal. * * Attaches click and keydown event listeners to the save button and input field. * * @return {void} */ function addFormNameModalEvents() { const saveFormNameButton = document.getElementById( 'frm-save-form-name-button' ); const newFormNameInput = document.getElementById( 'frm_new_form_name_input' ); // Attach click event listener onClickPreventDefault( saveFormNameButton, onSaveFormNameButton ); // Attach keydown event listener newFormNameInput.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( event ) { if ( event.key === 'Enter' ) { this, event ); } }); } /** * Handles the click event on the save form name button. * * @param {Event} event The click event object. * @return {void} */ const onSaveFormNameButton = ( event ) => { const newFormName = document.getElementById( 'frm_new_form_name_input' ).value.trim(); // Prepare FormData for the POST request const formData = new FormData(); formData.append( 'form_id', urlParams.get( 'id' ) ); formData.append( 'form_name', newFormName ); // Perform the POST request doJsonPost( 'rename_form', formData ).then( data => { // Remove the 'new_template' parameter from the URL and update the browser history urlParams.delete( 'new_template' ); = urlParams.toString(); history.replaceState({}, '', currentURL.toString() ); if ( null !== document.getElementById( 'frm_notification_settings' ) ) { document.getElementById( 'frm_form_name' ).value = newFormName; document.getElementById( 'frm_form_key' ).value = data.form_key; } // Trigger the 'Save' button click using jQuery jQuery( '#frm-publishing' ).find( '.frm_button_submit' ).trigger( 'click' ); }); }; function preFormSave( b ) { removeWPUnload(); if ( jQuery( 'form.inplace_form' ).length ) { jQuery( '.inplace_save, .postbox' ).trigger( 'click' ); } if ( b.classList.contains( 'frm_button_submit' ) ) { b.classList.add( 'frm_loading_form' ); } else { b.classList.add( 'frm_loading_button' ); } b.setAttribute( 'aria-busy', 'true' ); adjustFormatInputBeforeSave(); } /** * Updates the format input based on the selected phone type from dropdowns during the form save process. * * Triggered within the preFormSave function, this function iterates through all phone type dropdown elements * and adjusts the format input value accordingly. Specifically, if the phone type is 'custom' but the format input * is empty, it sets it to 'none'. If the phone type is 'international', it sets the format input value to 'international' * before the form is saved. * * @since 6.9 * * @param {HTMLButtonElement} submitButton The button that was submitted. * @return {void} */ function adjustFormatInputBeforeSave( submitButton ) { const phoneTypes = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_phone_type_dropdown' ); phoneTypes.forEach( phoneType => { const value = phoneType.value; if ( ! [ 'none', 'international' ].includes( value ) ) { return; } const formatInput = phoneType.parentElement.nextElementSibling.querySelector( '.frm_format_opt' ); if ( 'none' === value ) { formatInput.setAttribute( 'value', '' ); } if ( 'international' === value ) { formatInput.setAttribute( 'value', 'international' ); } }); } function afterFormSave( button ) { button.classList.remove( 'frm_loading_form' ); button.classList.remove( 'frm_loading_button' ); resetOptionTextDetails(); fieldsUpdated = 0; button.setAttribute( 'aria-busy', 'false' ); setTimeout( function() { jQuery( '.frm_updated_message' ).fadeOut( 'slow', function() { this.parentNode.removeChild( this ); }); }, 5000 ); } function initUpgradeModal() { const $info = initModal( '#frm_upgrade_modal' ); if ( $info === false ) { return; } document.addEventListener( 'click', handleUpgradeClick ); frmDom.util.documentOn( 'change', 'select.frm_select_with_upgrade', handleUpgradeClick ); function handleUpgradeClick( event ) { let element, link, content; element =; if ( ! element.classList ) { return; } const showExpiredModal = element.classList.contains( 'frm_show_expired_modal' ) || null !== element.querySelector( '.frm_show_expired_modal' ) || element.closest( '.frm_show_expired_modal' ); // If a `select` element is clicked, check if the selected option has a 'data-upgrade' attribute if ( event.type === 'change' && element.classList.contains( 'frm_select_with_upgrade' ) ) { const selectedOption = element.options[element.selectedIndex]; if ( selectedOption && selectedOption.dataset.upgrade ) { element = selectedOption; } } if ( ! element.dataset.upgrade ) { let parent = element.closest( '[data-upgrade]' ); if ( ! parent ) { parent = element.closest( '.frm_field_box' ); if ( ! parent ) { return; } // Fake it if it's missing to avoid error. element.dataset.upgrade = ''; } element = parent; } if ( showExpiredModal ) { const hookName = 'frm_show_expired_modal'; wp.hooks.doAction( hookName, element ); return; } const upgradeLabel = element.dataset.upgrade; if ( ! upgradeLabel || element.classList.contains( 'frm_show_upgrade_tab' ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); const modal = $info.get( 0 ); const lockIcon = modal.querySelector( '.frm_lock_icon' ); if ( lockIcon ) { = 'block'; lockIcon.classList.remove( 'frm_lock_open_icon' ); lockIcon.querySelector( 'use' ).setAttribute( 'href', '#frm_lock_icon' ); } const upgradeImageId = 'frm_upgrade_modal_image'; const oldImage = document.getElementById( upgradeImageId ); if ( oldImage ) { oldImage.remove(); } if ( element.dataset.image ) { if ( lockIcon ) { = 'none'; } lockIcon.parentNode.insertBefore( img({ id: upgradeImageId, src: frmGlobal.url + '/images/' + element.dataset.image }), lockIcon ); } const level = modal.querySelector( '.license-level' ); if ( level ) { level.textContent = getRequiredLicenseFromTrigger( element ); } // If one click upgrade, hide other content addOneClick( element, 'modal', upgradeLabel ); modal.querySelector( '.frm_are_not_installed' ).style.display = element.dataset.image ? 'none' : 'inline-block'; modal.querySelector( '.frm_feature_label' ).textContent = upgradeLabel; modal.querySelector( 'h2' ).style.display = 'block'; $info.dialog( 'open' ); // set the utm medium const button = modal.querySelector( '.button-primary:not(.frm-oneclick-button)' ); link = button.getAttribute( 'href' ).replace( /(medium=)[a-z_-]+/ig, '$1' + element.getAttribute( 'data-medium' ) ); content = element.getAttribute( 'data-content' ); if ( content === null ) { content = ''; } link = link.replace( /(content=)[a-z_-]+/ig, '$1' + content ); button.setAttribute( 'href', link ); } } function getRequiredLicenseFromTrigger( element ) { if ( element.dataset.requires ) { return element.dataset.requires; } return 'Pro'; } function populateUpgradeTab( element ) { const title = element.dataset.upgrade; const tab = element.getAttribute( 'href' ).replace( '#', '' ); const container = document.querySelector( '.frm_' + tab ) || document.querySelector( '.' + tab ); if ( ! container ) { return; } if ( container.querySelector( '.frm-upgrade-message' ) ) { // Tab has already been populated. return; } const h2 = container.querySelector( 'h2' ); = 'none'; /* translators: %s: Form Setting section name (ie Form Permissions, Form Scheduling). */ h2.textContent = sprintf( __( '%s are not installed', 'formidable' ), title ); container.classList.add( 'frmcenter' ); const upgradeModal = document.getElementById( 'frm_upgrade_modal' ); appendClonedModalElementToContainer( 'frm-oneclick' ); appendClonedModalElementToContainer( 'frm-addon-status' ); // Borrow the call to action from the Upgrade upgradeModal which should exist on the settings page (it is still used for other upgrades including Actions). const upgradeModalLink = upgradeModal.querySelector( '.frm-upgrade-link' ); if ( upgradeModalLink ) { const upgradeButton = upgradeModalLink.cloneNode( true ); const level = upgradeButton.querySelector( '.license-level' ); if ( level ) { level.textContent = getRequiredLicenseFromTrigger( element ); } container.appendChild( upgradeButton ); // Maybe append the secondary "Already purchased?" link from the upgradeModal as well. if ( upgradeModalLink.nextElementSibling && upgradeModalLink.nextElementSibling.querySelector( '.frm-link-secondary' ) ) { container.appendChild( upgradeModalLink.nextElementSibling.cloneNode( true ) ); } appendClonedModalElementToContainer( 'frm-oneclick-button' ); } appendClonedModalElementToContainer( 'frm-upgrade-message' ); let upgradeLabel = element.dataset.message; if ( upgradeLabel === undefined ) { upgradeLabel = element.dataset.upgrade; } addOneClick( element, 'tab', upgradeLabel ); if ( element.dataset.screenshot ) { container.appendChild( getScreenshotWrapper( element.dataset.screenshot ) ); } function appendClonedModalElementToContainer( className ) { container.appendChild( upgradeModal.querySelector( '.' + className ).cloneNode( true ) ); } } function getScreenshotWrapper( screenshot ) { const folderUrl = frmGlobal.url + '/images/screenshots/'; const wrapper = div({ className: 'frm-settings-screenshot-wrapper', children: [ getToolbar(), div({ child: img({ src: folderUrl + screenshot }) }) ] }); function getToolbar() { const children = getColorIcons(); children.push( img({ src: frmGlobal.url + '/images/tab.svg' }) ); return div({ className: 'frm-settings-screenshot-toolbar', children }); } function getColorIcons() { return [ '#ED8181', '#EDE06A', '#80BE30' ].map( color => { const circle = div({ className: 'frm-minmax-icon' }); = color; return circle; } ); } return wrapper; } /** * Allow addons to be installed from the upgrade modal. * * @param {Element} link * @param {String} context Either 'modal' or 'tab'. * @param {String|undefined} upgradeLabel */ function addOneClick( link, context, upgradeLabel ) { let container; if ( 'modal' === context ) { container = document.getElementById( 'frm_upgrade_modal' ); } else if ( 'tab' === context ) { container = document.getElementById( link.getAttribute( 'href' ).substr( 1 ) ); } else { return; } const oneclickMessage = container.querySelector( '.frm-oneclick' ); const upgradeMessage = container.querySelector( '.frm-upgrade-message' ); const showLink = container.querySelector( '.frm-upgrade-link' ); const button = container.querySelector( '.frm-oneclick-button' ); const addonStatus = container.querySelector( '.frm-addon-status' ); let oneclick = link.getAttribute( 'data-oneclick' ); let newMessage = link.getAttribute( 'data-message' ); let showIt = 'block'; let showMsg = 'block'; let hideIt = 'none'; // If one click upgrade, hide other content. if ( oneclickMessage !== null && typeof oneclick !== 'undefined' && oneclick ) { if ( newMessage === null ) { showMsg = 'none'; } showIt = 'none'; hideIt = 'block'; oneclick = JSON.parse( oneclick ); button.className = button.className.replace( ' frm-install-addon', '' ).replace( ' frm-activate-addon', '' ); button.className = button.className + ' ' + oneclick.class; button.rel = oneclick.url; if ( oneclick.class === 'frm-activate-addon' ) { oneclickMessage.textContent = __( 'This plugin is not activated. Would you like to activate it now?', 'formidable' ); button.textContent = __( 'Activate', 'formidable' ); } else { oneclickMessage.textContent = __( 'That add-on is not installed. Would you like to install it now?', 'formidable' ); button.textContent = __( 'Install', 'formidable' ); } } if ( ! newMessage ) { newMessage = upgradeMessage.getAttribute( 'data-default' ); } if ( undefined !== upgradeLabel ) { newMessage = newMessage.replace( '<span class="frm_feature_label"></span>', upgradeLabel ); } upgradeMessage.innerHTML = newMessage; if ( link.dataset.upsellImage ) { upgradeMessage.appendChild( img({ src: link.dataset.upsellImage, alt: link.dataset.upgrade }) ); } // Either set the link or use the default. showLink.href = getShowLinkHrefValue( link, showLink ); = 'none'; = hideIt; = hideIt === 'block' ? 'inline-block' : hideIt; = showMsg; = showIt === 'block' ? 'inline-block' : showIt; } function getShowLinkHrefValue( link, showLink ) { let customLink = link.getAttribute( 'data-link' ); if ( customLink === null || typeof customLink === 'undefined' || customLink === '' ) { customLink = showLink.getAttribute( 'data-default' ); } return customLink; } /* Form settings */ function showInputIcon( parentClass ) { if ( typeof parentClass === 'undefined' ) { parentClass = ''; } maybeAddFieldSelection( parentClass ); jQuery( parentClass + ' .frm_has_shortcodes:not(.frm-with-right-icon) input,' + parentClass + ' .frm_has_shortcodes:not(.frm-with-right-icon) textarea' ).wrap( '<span class="frm-with-right-icon"></span>' ).before( '<svg class="frmsvg frm-show-box"><use xlink:href="#frm_more_horiz_solid_icon"/></svg>' ); } /** * For reverse compatibility. Check for fields that were * using the old sidebar. */ function maybeAddFieldSelection( parentClass ) { let i, missingClass = jQuery( parentClass + ' :not(.frm_has_shortcodes) .frm_not_email_message, ' + parentClass + ' :not(.frm_has_shortcodes) .frm_not_email_to, ' + parentClass + ' :not(.frm_has_shortcodes) .frm_not_email_subject' ); for ( i = 0; i < missingClass.length; i++ ) { missingClass[i].parentNode.classList.add( 'frm_has_shortcodes' ); } } function showSuccessOpt() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let c = 'success'; if ( === 'options[edit_action]' ) { c = 'edit'; } const v = jQuery( this ).val(); jQuery( '.' + c + '_action_box' ).hide(); if ( v === 'redirect' ) { jQuery( '.' + c + '_action_redirect_box.' + c + '_action_box' ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); } else if ( v === 'page' ) { jQuery( '.' + c + '_action_page_box.' + c + '_action_box' ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); } else { jQuery( '.' + c + '_action_message_box.' + c + '_action_box' ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); } } function copyFormAction( event ) { if ( waitForActionToLoadBeforeCopy( ) ) { return; } const targetSettings = '.frm_form_action_settings' ); const wysiwyg = targetSettings.querySelector( '.wp-editor-area' ); if ( wysiwyg ) { // Temporary remove TinyMCE before cloning to avoid TinyMCE conflicts. tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand( 'mceRemoveEditor', true, ); } const $action = jQuery( targetSettings ).clone(); const currentID = $action.attr( 'id' ).replace( 'frm_form_action_', '' ); const newID = newActionId( currentID ); $action.find( '.frm_action_id, .frm-btn-group' ).remove(); $action.find( 'input[name$="[' + currentID + '][ID]"]' ).val( '' ); $action.find( '.widget-inside' ).hide(); // the .html() gets original values, so they need to be set $action.find( 'input[type=text], textarea, input[type=number]' ).prop( 'defaultValue', function() { return this.value; }); $action.find( 'input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]' ).prop( 'defaultChecked', function() { return this.checked; }); const rename = new RegExp( '\\[' + currentID + '\\]', 'g' ); const reid = new RegExp( '_' + currentID + '"', 'g' ); const reclass = new RegExp( '-' + currentID + '"', 'g' ); const revalue = new RegExp( '"' + currentID + '"', 'g' ); // if a field id matches, this could cause trouble let html = $action.html().replace( rename, '[' + newID + ']' ).replace( reid, '_' + newID + '"' ); html = html.replace( reclass, '-' + newID + '"' ).replace( revalue, '"' + newID + '"' ); const newAction = div({ id: 'frm_form_action_' + newID, className: $action.get( 0 ).className }); newAction.setAttribute( 'data-actionkey', newID ); newAction.innerHTML = html; newAction.querySelectorAll( '.wp-editor-wrap, .wp-editor-wrap *' ).forEach( element => { if ( 'string' === typeof element.className ) { element.className = element.className.replace( currentID, newID ); } = currentID, newID ); } ); newAction.classList.remove( 'open' ); document.getElementById( 'frm_notification_settings' ).appendChild( newAction ); if ( wysiwyg ) { // Re-initialize the original wysiwyg which was removed before cloning. frmDom.wysiwyg.init( wysiwyg ); frmDom.wysiwyg.init( newAction.querySelector( '.wp-editor-area' ) ); } if ( newAction.classList.contains( 'frm_single_on_submit_settings' ) ) { const autocompleteInput = newAction.querySelector( 'input.frm-page-search' ); if ( autocompleteInput ) { frmDom.autocomplete.initAutocomplete( 'page', newAction ); } } initiateMultiselect(); const hookName = 'frm_after_duplicate_action'; wp.hooks.doAction( hookName, newAction ); } function waitForActionToLoadBeforeCopy( element ) { let $trigger = jQuery( element ), $original = $trigger.closest( '.frm_form_action_settings' ), $inside = $original.find( '.widget-inside' ), $top; if ( $inside.find( 'p, div, table' ).length ) { return false; } $top = $original.find( '.widget-top' ); $top.on( 'frm-action-loaded', function() { $trigger.trigger( 'click' ); $original.removeClass( 'open' ); $inside.hide(); }); $top.trigger( 'click' ); return true; } function newActionId( currentID ) { let newID = parseInt( currentID, 10 ) + 11; const exists = document.getElementById( 'frm_form_action_' + newID ); if ( exists !== null ) { newID++; newID = newActionId( newID ); } return newID; } function addFormAction() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const type = jQuery( this ).data( 'actiontype' ); if ( isAtLimitForActionType( type ) ) { return; } const actionId = getNewActionId(); const formId = thisFormId; const placeholderSetting = document.createElement( 'div' ); placeholderSetting.classList.add( 'frm_single_' + type + '_settings' ); const actionsList = document.getElementById( 'frm_notification_settings' ); actionsList.appendChild( placeholderSetting ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_add_form_action', type: type, list_id: actionId, form_id: formId, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: handleAddFormActionSuccess }); function handleAddFormActionSuccess( html ) { fieldUpdated(); placeholderSetting.remove(); closeOpenActions(); const newActionContainer = div(); newActionContainer.innerHTML = html; const widgetTop = newActionContainer.querySelector( '.widget-top' ); Array.from( newActionContainer.children ).forEach( child => actionsList.appendChild( child ) ); jQuery( '.frm_form_action_settings' ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); const newAction = document.getElementById( 'frm_form_action_' + actionId ); newAction.classList.add( 'open' ); document.getElementById( 'post-body-content' ).scroll({ top: newAction.offsetTop + 10, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }); // Check if icon should be active checkActiveAction( type ); showInputIcon( '#frm_form_action_' + actionId ); initiateMultiselect(); frmDom.autocomplete.initAutocomplete( 'page', newAction ); if ( widgetTop ) { jQuery( widgetTop ).trigger( 'frm-action-loaded' ); } /** * Fires after added a new form action. * * @since 5.5.4 * * @param {HTMLElement} formAction Form action element. */ frmAdminBuild.hooks.doAction( 'frm_added_form_action', newAction ); } } function closeOpenActions() { document.querySelectorAll( '' ).forEach( setting => setting.classList.remove( 'open' ) ); } function toggleActionGroups() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const actions = document.getElementById( 'frm_email_addon_menu' ).classList, search = document.getElementById( 'actions-search-input' ); if ( actions.contains( 'frm-all-actions' ) ) { actions.remove( 'frm-all-actions' ); actions.add( 'frm-limited-actions' ); } else { actions.add( 'frm-all-actions' ); actions.remove( 'frm-limited-actions' ); } // Reset search. search.value = ''; triggerEvent( search, 'input' ); } function getNewActionId() { let actionSettings = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_form_action_settings' ), len = getNewRowId( actionSettings, 'frm_form_action_' ); if ( typeof document.getElementById( 'frm_form_action_' + len ) !== 'undefined' ) { len = len + 100; } if ( lastNewActionIdReturned >= len ) { len = lastNewActionIdReturned + 1; } lastNewActionIdReturned = len; return len; } function clickAction( obj ) { const $thisobj = jQuery( obj ); if ( obj.className.indexOf( 'selected' ) !== -1 ) { return; } if ( obj.className.indexOf( 'edit_field_type_end_divider' ) !== -1 && $thisobj.closest( '.edit_field_type_divider' ).hasClass( 'no_repeat_section' ) ) { return; } deselectFields(); $thisobj.addClass( 'selected' ); showFieldOptions( obj ); } /** * When a field is selected, show the field settings in the sidebar. */ function showFieldOptions( obj ) { let i, singleField, fieldId = obj.getAttribute( 'data-fid' ), fieldType = obj.getAttribute( 'data-type' ), allFieldSettings = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-single-settings:not(.frm_hidden)' ); for ( i = 0; i < allFieldSettings.length; i++ ) { allFieldSettings[i].classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); } singleField = document.getElementById( 'frm-single-settings-' + fieldId ); moveFieldSettings( singleField ); if ( fieldType && 'quantity' === fieldType ) { popProductFields( jQuery( singleField ).find( '.frmjs_prod_field_opt' )[0]); } singleField.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); document.getElementById( 'frm-options-panel-tab' ).click(); const editor = singleField.querySelector( '.wp-editor-area' ); if ( editor ) { frmDom.wysiwyg.init( editor, { setupCallback: setupTinyMceEventHandlers } ); } wp.hooks.doAction( 'frmShowedFieldSettings', obj, singleField ); maybeAddShortcodesModalTriggerIcon( fieldType, fieldId, singleField ); } function maybeAddShortcodesModalTriggerIcon( fieldType, fieldId, singleField ) { if ( ! shouldAddShortcodesModalTriggerIcon( fieldType ) ) { return; } const fieldSettingsSelector = '#frm-single-settings-' + fieldId; if ( document.querySelector( fieldSettingsSelector + ' .frm-show-box' ) ) { return; } singleField.querySelector( '.wp-editor-container' )?.classList.add( 'frm_has_shortcodes' ); const wrapTextareaWithIconContainer = () => { const textareas = document.querySelectorAll( fieldSettingsSelector + ' .frm_has_shortcodes textarea' ); textareas.forEach( textarea => { const wrapperSpan = span({ className: 'frm-with-right-icon' }); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( wrapperSpan, textarea ); wrapperSpan.appendChild( createModalTriggerIcon() ); wrapperSpan.appendChild( textarea ); }); }; const createModalTriggerIcon = () => { return frmDom.svg({ href: '#frm_more_horiz_solid_icon', classList: [ 'frm-show-box' ] }); }; wrapTextareaWithIconContainer(); } function shouldAddShortcodesModalTriggerIcon( fieldType ) { const fieldsWithShortcodesBox = wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'frm_fields_with_shortcode_popup', [ 'html' ]); return fieldsWithShortcodesBox.includes( fieldType ); } function setupTinyMceEventHandlers( editor ) { editor.on( 'Change', function() { handleTinyMceChange( editor ); }); } function handleTinyMceChange( editor ) { if ( ! isTinyMceActive() || tinyMCE.activeEditor.isHidden() ) { return; } editor.targetElm.value = editor.getContent(); jQuery( editor.targetElm ).trigger( 'change' ); } function isTinyMceActive() { let activeSettings, wrapper; activeSettings = document.querySelector( '.frm-single-settings:not(.frm_hidden)' ); if ( ! activeSettings ) { return false; } wrapper = activeSettings.querySelector( '.wp-editor-wrap' ); return null !== wrapper && wrapper.classList.contains( 'tmce-active' ); } /** * Move the settings to the sidebar the first time they are changed or selected. * Keep the end marker at the end of the form. */ function moveFieldSettings( singleField ) { let self = this; if ( singleField === null ) { // The field may have not been loaded yet via ajax. return; } this.fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); this.initOnceInAllInstances = function() { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof moveFieldSettings.prototype.endMarker ) { return; } // perform a single search in the DOM and use it across all moveFieldSettings instances moveFieldSettings.prototype.endMarker = document.getElementById( 'frm-end-form-marker' ); }; this.append = function( field ) { const classname = null !== field ? field.parentElement.classList : ''; if ( null === field || ( ! classname.contains( 'frm_field_box' ) && ! classname.contains( 'divider_section_only' ) ) ) { return; } self.fragment.appendChild( field ); }; this.moveFields = function() { builderForm.insertBefore( self.fragment, moveFieldSettings.prototype.endMarker ); }; this.initOnceInAllInstances(); // Move the field if function is called as function with a singleField passed as arg. // In this particular case only 1 field is needed to be moved so the field will get instantly moved. // "singleField" may be undefined when it's called as a constructor instead of a function. Use the constructor to add multiple fields which are passed through "append" and move these all at once via "moveFields". if ( 'undefined' !== typeof singleField ) { this.append( singleField ); this.moveFields(); return; } return { append: this.append, moveFields: this.moveFields }; } function showEmailRow() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const actionKey = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_form_action_settings' ).data( 'actionkey' ); const rowType = this.getAttribute( 'data-emailrow' ); jQuery( '#frm_form_action_' + actionKey + ' .frm_' + rowType + '_row' ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); jQuery( this ).fadeOut( 'slow' ); } function hideEmailRow() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const actionBox = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_form_action_settings' ), rowType = this.getAttribute( 'data-emailrow' ), emailRowSelector = '.frm_' + rowType + '_row', emailButtonSelector = '.frm_' + rowType + '_button'; jQuery( actionBox ).find( emailButtonSelector ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); jQuery( actionBox ).find( emailRowSelector ).fadeOut( 'slow', function() { jQuery( actionBox ).find( emailRowSelector + ' input' ).val( '' ); }); } function showEmailWarning() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const actionBox = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_form_action_settings' ), emailRowSelector = '.frm_from_to_match_row', fromVal = actionBox.find( 'input[name$="[post_content][from]"]' ).val(), toVal = actionBox.find( 'input[name$="[post_content][email_to]"]' ).val(); if ( fromVal === toVal ) { jQuery( actionBox ).find( emailRowSelector ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); } else { jQuery( actionBox ).find( emailRowSelector ).fadeOut( 'slow' ); } } function checkActiveAction( type ) { const actionTriggers = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_' + type + '_action' ); if ( isAtLimitForActionType( type ) ) { const addAlreadyUsedClass = getLimitForActionType( type ) > 0; markActionTriggersInactive( actionTriggers, addAlreadyUsedClass ); return; } markActionTriggersActive( actionTriggers ); } function markActionTriggersActive( triggers ) { triggers.forEach( trigger => { if ( trigger.querySelector( '.frm_show_upgrade' ) ) { // Prevent disabled action becoming active. return; } trigger.classList.remove( 'frm_inactive_action', 'frm_already_used' ); trigger.classList.add( 'frm_active_action' ); } ); } function markActionTriggersInactive( triggers, addAlreadyUsedClass ) { triggers.forEach( trigger => { trigger.classList.remove( 'frm_active_action' ); trigger.classList.add( 'frm_inactive_action' ); if ( addAlreadyUsedClass ) { trigger.classList.add( 'frm_already_used' ); } } ); } function isAtLimitForActionType( type ) { let atLimit = getNumberOfActionsForType( type ) >= getLimitForActionType( type ); const hookName = 'frm_action_at_limit'; const hookArgs = { type }; atLimit = wp.hooks.applyFilters( hookName, atLimit, hookArgs ); return atLimit; } function getLimitForActionType( type ) { return parseInt( jQuery( '.frm_' + type + '_action' ).data( 'limit' ), 10 ); } function getNumberOfActionsForType( type ) { return jQuery( '.frm_single_' + type + '_settings' ).length; } function actionLimitMessage() { let message = frmAdminJs.only_one_action; let limit = this.dataset.limit; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof limit ) { limit = parseInt( limit ); if ( limit > 1 ) { message = message.replace( 1, limit ).trim(); } else { message += ' ' + frmAdminJs.edit_action_text; } } infoModal( message ); } function addFormLogicRow() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const id = jQuery( this ).data( 'emailkey' ); const type = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_form_action_settings' ).find( '.frm_action_name' ).val(); const formId = document.getElementById( 'form_id' ).value; const logicRowsContainer = document.getElementById( 'frm_logic_row_' + id ); const logicRows = logicRowsContainer.querySelectorAll( '.frm_logic_row' ); const newRowID = getNewRowId( logicRows, 'frm_logic_' + id + '_' ); const placeholder = div({ id: 'frm_logic_' + id + '_' + newRowID, className: 'frm_logic_row frm_hidden' }); logicRowsContainer.appendChild( placeholder ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_add_form_logic_row', email_id: id, form_id: formId, meta_name: newRowID, type: type, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { jQuery( document.getElementById( 'logic_link_' + id ) ).fadeOut( 'slow', () => { placeholder.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforebegin', html ); placeholder.remove(); // Show conditional logic options after "Add Conditional Logic" is clicked. jQuery( logicRowsContainer ).parent( '.frm_logic_rows' ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); }); } }); return false; } function toggleSubmitLogic() { /*jshint validthis:true */ if ( this.checked ) { addSubmitLogic(); } else { jQuery( '.frm_logic_row_submit' ).remove(); document.getElementById( 'frm_submit_logic_rows' ).style.display = 'none'; } } /** * Adds submit button Conditional Logic row and reveals submit button Conditional Logic * * @returns {boolean} */ function addSubmitLogic() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const formId = thisFormId, logicRows = document.getElementById( 'frm_submit_logic_row' ).querySelectorAll( '.frm_logic_row' ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_add_submit_logic_row', form_id: formId, meta_name: getNewRowId( logicRows, 'frm_logic_submit_' ), nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { const $logicRow = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_submit_logic_row' ) ); $logicRow.append( html ); $logicRow.parent( '.frm_submit_logic_rows' ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); } }); return false; } /** * When the user selects a field for a submit condition, update corresponding options field accordingly. */ function addSubmitLogicOpts() { const fieldOpt = jQuery( this ); const fieldId = fieldOpt.find( ':selected' ).val(); if ( fieldId ) { const row = 'row' ); frmGetFieldValues( fieldId, 'submit', row, '', 'options[submit_conditions][hide_opt][]' ); } } function checkDupPost() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const postField = jQuery( 'select.frm_single_post_field' ); postField.css( 'border-color', '' ); const $t = this; const v = jQuery( $t ).val(); if ( v === '' || v === 'checkbox' ) { return false; } postField.each( function() { if ( jQuery( this ).val() === v && !== $ ) { = 'red'; jQuery( $t ).val( '' ); infoModal( frmAdminJs.field_already_used ); return false; } }); } function togglePostContent() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const v = jQuery( this ).val(); if ( '' === v ) { jQuery( '.frm_post_content_opt, select.frm_dyncontent_opt' ).hide().val( '' ); jQuery( '.frm_dyncontent_opt' ).hide(); } else if ( 'post_content' === v ) { jQuery( '.frm_post_content_opt' ).show(); jQuery( '.frm_dyncontent_opt' ).hide(); jQuery( 'select.frm_dyncontent_opt' ).val( '' ); } else { jQuery( '.frm_post_content_opt' ).hide().val( '' ); jQuery( 'select.frm_dyncontent_opt, .frm_form_field.frm_dyncontent_opt' ).show(); } } function fillDyncontent() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const v = jQuery( this ).val(); const $dyn = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_dyncontent' ) ); if ( '' === v || 'new' === v ) { $dyn.val( '' ); jQuery( '.frm_dyncontent_opt' ).show(); } else { jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: {action: 'frm_display_get_content', id: v, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce}, success: function( val ) { $dyn.val( val ); jQuery( '.frm_dyncontent_opt' ).show(); } }); } } function switchPostType() { /*jshint validthis:true */ // update all rows of categories/taxonomies let curSelect, newSelect, catRows = document.getElementById( 'frm_posttax_rows' ).childNodes, postParentField = document.querySelector( '.frm_post_parent_field' ), postMenuOrderField = document.querySelector( '.frm_post_menu_order_field' ), postType = this.value; // Get new category/taxonomy options jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_replace_posttax_options', post_type: postType, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { // Loop through each category row, and replace the first dropdown for ( i = 0; i < catRows.length; i++ ) { // Check if current element is a div if ( catRows[i].tagName !== 'DIV' ) { continue; } // Get current category select curSelect = catRows[i].getElementsByTagName( 'select' )[0]; // Set up new select newSelect = document.createElement( 'select' ); newSelect.innerHTML = html; newSelect.className = curSelect.className; =; // Replace the old select with the new select catRows[i].replaceChild( newSelect, curSelect ); } } }); // Get new post parent option. if ( postParentField ) { getActionOption( postParentField, postType, 'frm_get_post_parent_option', function( response, optName ) { // The replaced string is declared in FrmProFormActionController::ajax_get_post_menu_order_option() in the pro version. postParentField.querySelector( '.frm_post_parent_opt_wrapper' ).innerHTML = response.replaceAll( 'REPLACETHISNAME', optName ); frmDom.autocomplete.initAutocomplete( 'page', postParentField ); } ); } if ( postMenuOrderField ) { getActionOption( postMenuOrderField, postType, 'frm_should_use_post_menu_order_option' ); } } function getActionOption( field, postType, action, successHandler ) { const opt = field.querySelector( '.frm_autocomplete_value_input' ) || field.querySelector( 'select' ), optName = opt.getAttribute( 'name' ); jQuery.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, method: 'POST', data: { action: action, post_type: postType, _wpnonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: response => { if ( 'string' !== typeof response ) { console.error( response ); return; } if ( '0' === response ) { // This post type does not support this field. field.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); field.value = ''; return; } field.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); if ( 'function' === typeof successHandler ) { successHandler( response, optName ); } }, error: response => console.error( response ) }); } function addPosttaxRow() { /*jshint validthis:true */ addPostRow( 'tax', this ); } function addPostmetaRow() { /*jshint validthis:true */ addPostRow( 'meta', this ); } function addPostRow( type, button ) { let name, id = jQuery( 'input[name="id"]' ).val(), settings = jQuery( button ).closest( '.frm_form_action_settings' ), key = 'actionkey' ), postType = settings.find( '.frm_post_type' ).val(), metaName = 0, postTypeRows = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_post' + type + '_row' ); if ( postTypeRows.length ) { name = postTypeRows[ postTypeRows.length - 1 ].id.replace( 'frm_post' + type + '_', '' ); if ( isNumeric( name ) ) { metaName = 1 + parseInt( name, 10 ); } else { metaName = 1; } } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_add_post' + type + '_row', form_id: id, meta_name: metaName, tax_key: metaName, post_type: postType, action_key: key, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { let cfOpts, optIndex; jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_post' + type + '_rows' ) ).append( html ); jQuery( '.frm_add_post' + type + '_row.button' ).hide(); if ( type === 'meta' ) { jQuery( '.frm_name_value' ).show(); cfOpts = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_toggle_cf_opts' ); for ( optIndex = 0; optIndex < cfOpts.length - 1; ++optIndex ) { cfOpts[ optIndex ].style.display = 'none'; } } else if ( type === 'tax' ) { jQuery( '.frm_posttax_labels' ).show(); } } }); } function isNumeric( value ) { return ! isNaN( parseFloat( value ) ) && isFinite( value ); } function changePosttaxRow() { /*jshint validthis:true */ if ( ! jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_posttax_row' ).find( '.frm_posttax_opt_list' ).length ) { return; } jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_posttax_row' ).find( '.frm_posttax_opt_list' ).html( '<div class="spinner frm_spinner" style="display:block"></div>' ); const postType = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_form_action_settings' ).find( 'select[name$="[post_content][post_type]"]' ).val(), actionKey = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_form_action_settings' ).data( 'actionkey' ), taxKey = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_posttax_row' ).attr( 'id' ).replace( 'frm_posttax_', '' ), metaName = jQuery( this ).val(), showExclude = jQuery( document.getElementById( taxKey + '_show_exclude' ) ).is( ':checked' ) ? 1 : 0, fieldId = jQuery( 'select[name$="[post_category][' + taxKey + '][field_id]"]' ).val(), id = jQuery( 'input[name="id"]' ).val(); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_add_posttax_row', form_id: id, post_type: postType, tax_key: taxKey, action_key: actionKey, meta_name: metaName, field_id: fieldId, show_exclude: showExclude, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { const $tax = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_posttax_' + taxKey ) ); $tax.replaceWith( html ); } }); } function toggleCfOpts() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const row = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_postmeta_row' ); const cancel = row.find( '.frm_cancelnew' ); const select = row.find( '.frm_enternew' ); if ( row.find( 'select.frm_cancelnew' ).is( ':visible' ) ) { cancel.hide();; } else {; select.hide(); } row.find( 'input.frm_enternew, select.frm_cancelnew' ).val( '' ); return false; } function toggleFormOpts() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const changedOpt = jQuery( this ); let val = changedOpt.val(); if ( changedOpt.attr( 'type' ) === 'checkbox' ) { if ( this.checked === false ) { val = ''; } } const toggleClass = 'toggleclass' ); if ( val === '' ) { jQuery( '.' + toggleClass ).hide(); } else { jQuery( '.' + toggleClass ).show(); jQuery( '.hide_' + toggleClass + '_' + val ).hide(); } } function submitSettings() { if ( showNameYourFormModal() ) { return; } /*jshint validthis:true */ preFormSave( this ); triggerSubmit( document.querySelector( '.frm_form_settings' ) ); } /* View Functions */ function showCount() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const value = jQuery( this ).val(); const $cont = document.getElementById( 'date_select_container' ); const tab = document.getElementById( 'frm_listing_tab' ); let label = tab.getAttribute( 'data-label' ); if ( value === 'calendar' ) { jQuery( '.hide_dyncontent, .hide_single_content' ).removeClass( 'frm_hidden' ); jQuery( '.limit_container' ).addClass( 'frm_hidden' ); $ = 'block'; } else if ( value === 'dynamic' ) { jQuery( '.hide_dyncontent, .limit_container, .hide_single_content' ).removeClass( 'frm_hidden' ); } else if ( value === 'one' ) { label = tab.getAttribute( 'data-one' ); jQuery( '.hide_dyncontent, .limit_container, .hide_single_content' ).addClass( 'frm_hidden' ); } else { jQuery( '.hide_dyncontent' ).addClass( 'frm_hidden' ); jQuery( '.limit_container, .hide_single_content' ).removeClass( 'frm_hidden' ); } if ( value !== 'calendar' ) { $ = 'none'; } tab.innerHTML = label; } function displayFormSelected() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const formId = jQuery( this ).val(); thisFormId = formId; // set the global form id if ( formId === '' ) { return; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_get_cd_tags_box', form_id: formId, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { jQuery( '#frm_adv_info .categorydiv' ).html( html ); } }); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_get_date_field_select', form_id: formId, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { jQuery( document.getElementById( 'date_select_container' ) ).html( html ); } }); } function clickTabsAfterAjax() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const t = jQuery( this ).attr( 'href' ); jQuery( this ).parent().addClass( 'tabs' ).siblings( 'li' ).removeClass( 'tabs' ); jQuery( t ).show().siblings( '.tabs-panel' ).hide(); return false; } function clickContentTab() { /*jshint validthis:true */ link = jQuery( this ); const t = link.attr( 'href' ); if ( typeof t === 'undefined' ) { return false; } const c = t.replace( '#', '.' ); link.closest( '.nav-tab-wrapper' ).find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'nav-tab-active' ); link.addClass( 'nav-tab-active' ); jQuery( '.nav-menu-content' ).not( t ).not( c ).hide(); jQuery( t + ',' + c ).show(); return false; } function addOrderRow() { const logicRows = document.getElementById( 'frm_order_options' ).querySelectorAll( '.frm_logic_rows div' ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_add_order_row', form_id: thisFormId, order_key: getNewRowId( logicRows, 'frm_order_field_', 1 ), nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { jQuery( '#frm_order_options .frm_logic_rows' ).append( html ).show().prev( '.frm_add_order_row' ).hide(); } }); } function addWhereRow() { const rowDivs = document.getElementById( 'frm_where_options' ).querySelectorAll( '.frm_logic_rows div' ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_add_where_row', form_id: thisFormId, where_key: getNewRowId( rowDivs, 'frm_where_field_', 1 ), nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { jQuery( '#frm_where_options .frm_logic_rows' ).append( html ).show().prev( '.frm_add_where_row' ).hide(); } }); } function insertWhereOptions() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const value = this.value, whereKey = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_where_row' ).attr( 'id' ).replace( 'frm_where_field_', '' ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_add_where_options', where_key: whereKey, field_id: value, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { jQuery( document.getElementById( 'where_field_options_' + whereKey ) ).html( html ); } }); } function hideWhereOptions() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const value = this.value, whereKey = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_where_row' ).attr( 'id' ).replace( 'frm_where_field_', '' ); if ( value === 'group_by' || value === 'group_by_newest' ) { document.getElementById( 'where_field_options_' + whereKey ).style.display = 'none'; } else { document.getElementById( 'where_field_options_' + whereKey ).style.display = 'inline-block'; } } function setDefaultPostStatus() { const urlQuery = 1 ); if ( urlQuery.indexOf( 'action=edit' ) === -1 ) { document.getElementById( 'post-visibility-display' ).textContent = frmAdminJs.private_label; document.getElementById( 'hidden-post-visibility' ).value = 'private'; document.getElementById( 'visibility-radio-private' ).checked = true; } } /* Customization Panel */ function insertCode( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ e.preventDefault(); insertFieldCode( jQuery( this ), this.getAttribute( 'data-code' ) ); return false; } function insertFieldCode( element, variable ) { let rich = false, elementId = element; if ( typeof element === 'object' ) { if ( element.hasClass( 'frm_noallow' ) ) { return; } elementId = jQuery( element ).closest( '[data-fills]' ).attr( 'data-fills' ); if ( typeof elementId === 'undefined' ) { elementId = element.closest( 'div' ).attr( 'class' ); if ( typeof elementId !== 'undefined' ) { elementId = elementId.split( ' ' )[1]; } } } if ( typeof elementId === 'undefined' ) { let active = document.activeElement; if ( active.type === 'search' ) { // If the search field has focus, find the correct field. elementId = '-search-input', '' ); if ( elementId.match( /\d/gi ) === null ) { active = jQuery( '.frm-single-settings:visible .' + elementId ); elementId = active.attr( 'id' ); } } else { elementId =; } } if ( elementId ) { rich = jQuery( '#wp-' + elementId + '-wrap.wp-editor-wrap' ).length > 0; } const contentBox = jQuery( document.getElementById( elementId ) ); if ( typeof element.attr( 'data-shortcode' ) === 'undefined' && ( ! contentBox.length || typeof contentBox.attr( 'data-shortcode' ) === 'undefined' ) ) { // this helps to exclude those that don't want shortcode-like inserted content e.g. frm-pro's summary field const doShortcode = element.parents( 'ul.frm_code_list' ).attr( 'data-shortcode' ); if ( doShortcode === 'undefined' || doShortcode !== 'no' ) { variable = '[' + variable + ']'; } } if ( rich ) { wpActiveEditor = elementId; } if ( ! contentBox.length ) { return false; } if ( variable === '[default-html]' || variable === '[default-plain]' ) { let p = 0; if ( variable === '[default-plain]' ) { p = 1; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'frm_get_default_html', form_id: jQuery( 'input[name="id"]' ).val(), plain_text: p, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, elementId: elementId, success: function( msg ) { if ( rich ) { const p = document.createElement( 'p' ); p.innerText = msg; send_to_editor( p.innerHTML ); } else { insertContent( contentBox, msg ); } } }); } else { variable = maybeAddSanitizeUrlToShortcodeVariable( variable, element, contentBox ); if ( rich ) { send_to_editor( variable ); } else { insertContent( contentBox, variable ); } } return false; } function maybeAddSanitizeUrlToShortcodeVariable( variable, element, contentBox ) { if ( 'object' !== typeof element || ! ( element instanceof jQuery ) || 0 !== contentBox[0].id.indexOf( 'success_url_' ) ) { return variable; } element = element[0]; if ( ! element.closest( '#frm-insert-fields-box' ) ) { // Only add sanitize_url=1 to field shortcodes. return variable; } if ( ! element.parentNode.classList.contains( 'frm_insert_url' ) ) { variable = variable.replace( ']', ' sanitize_url=1]' ); } return variable; } function insertContent( contentBox, variable ) { if ( document.selection ) { contentBox[0].focus(); document.selection.createRange().text = variable; } else { obj = contentBox[0]; const e = obj.selectionEnd; variable = maybeFormatInsertedContent( contentBox, variable, obj.selectionStart, e ); obj.value = obj.value.substr( 0, obj.selectionStart ) + variable + obj.value.substr( obj.selectionEnd, obj.value.length ); const s = e + variable.length; maybeRemoveLayoutClasses( obj, variable ); obj.focus(); obj.setSelectionRange( s, s ); } triggerChange( contentBox ); } /** * When a layout class is added, remove any previous layout classes to avoid conflicts. * We only expect one layout class to exist for a given field. * For example, if a field has frm_half and we set it to frm_third, frm_half will be removed. * * @since 6.11 * * @param {HTMLElement} obj * @param {string} variable * @return {void} */ function maybeRemoveLayoutClasses( obj, variable ) { if ( ! obj.classList.contains( 'frm_classes' ) || ! isALayoutClass( variable ) ) { return; } const removeClasses = obj.value.split( ' ' ).filter( isALayoutClass ); if ( removeClasses.length ) { obj.value = maybeRemoveClasses( obj.value, removeClasses, variable.trim() ); } } /** * Check if a given class is a layout class. * * @since 6.11 * * @param {string} className * @return {boolean} */ function isALayoutClass( className ) { let layoutClasses = [ 'frm_half', 'frm_third', 'frm_two_thirds', 'frm_fourth', 'frm_three_fourths', 'frm_fifth', 'frm_sixth', 'frm2', 'frm3', 'frm4', 'frm6', 'frm8', 'frm9', 'frm10', 'frm12' ]; return layoutClasses.includes( className.trim() ); } /** * @since 6.11 * * @param {string} beforeValue * @param {Array} removeClasses * @param {string} variable * @return {string} */ function maybeRemoveClasses( beforeValue, removeClasses, variable ) { const currentClasses = beforeValue.split( ' ' ).filter( currentClass => { currentClass = currentClass.trim(); return currentClass.length && ! removeClasses.includes( currentClass ); } ); if ( ! currentClasses.includes( variable ) ) { currentClasses.push( variable ); } return currentClasses.join( ' ' ); } function maybeFormatInsertedContent( input, textToInsert, selectionStart, selectionEnd ) { const separator = 'sep' ); if ( undefined === separator ) { return textToInsert; } const value = input.val(); if ( ! value.trim().length ) { return textToInsert; } const startPattern = new RegExp( separator + '\\s*$' ); const endPattern = new RegExp( '^\\s*' + separator ); if ( value.substr( 0, selectionStart ).trim().length && false === startPattern.test( value.substr( 0, selectionStart ) ) ) { textToInsert = separator + textToInsert; } if ( value.substr( selectionEnd, value.length ).trim().length && false === endPattern.test( value.substr( selectionEnd, value.length ) ) ) { textToInsert += separator; } return textToInsert; } function resetLogicBuilder() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const id = document.getElementById( 'frm-id-condition' ), key = document.getElementById( 'frm-key-condition' ); if ( this.checked ) { id.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); key.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); triggerEvent( key, 'change' ); } else { id.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); key.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); triggerEvent( id, 'change' ); } } function setLogicExample() { let field, code, idKey = document.getElementById( 'frm-id-key-condition' ).checked ? 'frm-id-condition' : 'frm-key-condition', is = document.getElementById( 'frm-is-condition' ).value, text = document.getElementById( 'frm-text-condition' ).value, result = document.getElementById( 'frm-insert-condition' ); idKey = document.getElementById( idKey ); field = idKey.options[idKey.selectedIndex].value; code = 'if ' + field + ' ' + is + '="' + text + '"]'; result.setAttribute( 'data-code', code + frmAdminJs.conditional_text + '[/if ' + field ); result.innerHTML = '[' + code + '[/if ' + field + ']'; } function showBuilderModal() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const moreIcon = getIconForInput( this ); showInlineModal( moreIcon, this ); } function maybeShowModal( input ) { let moreIcon; if ( input.parentNode.parentNode.classList.contains( 'frm_has_shortcodes' ) ) { hideShortcodes(); moreIcon = getIconForInput( input ); if ( moreIcon.tagName === 'use' ) { moreIcon = moreIcon.firstElementChild; if ( moreIcon.getAttributeNS( '', 'href' ).indexOf( 'frm_close_icon' ) === -1 ) { showShortcodeBox( moreIcon, 'nofocus' ); } } else if ( ! moreIcon.classList.contains( 'frm_close_icon' ) ) { showShortcodeBox( moreIcon, 'nofocus' ); } } } function showShortcodes( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); showShortcodeBox( this ); } function updateShortcodesPopupPosition( target ) { let moreIcon; if ( target instanceof Event ) { const useElements = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-single-settings .frm-show-box.frmsvg use' ); const openTrigger = Array.from( useElements ).find( use => use.getAttribute( 'href' ) === '#frm_close_icon' ); if ( 'undefined' === typeof openTrigger ) { return; } moreIcon = openTrigger.parentElement; } else { moreIcon = target; } const moreIconPosition = moreIcon.getBoundingClientRect(); const shortCodesPopup = document.getElementById( 'frm_adv_info' ); const parentPos = shortCodesPopup.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); = ( - + 32 ) + 'px'; = ( moreIconPosition.left - parentPos.left - 280 ) + 'px'; } function showShortcodeBox( moreIcon, shouldFocus ) { let input = getInputForIcon( moreIcon ), box = document.getElementById( 'frm_adv_info' ), classes = moreIcon.className; if ( moreIcon.tagName === 'svg' ) { moreIcon = moreIcon.firstElementChild; } if ( moreIcon.tagName === 'use' ) { classes = moreIcon.getAttributeNS( '', 'href' ); if ( null === classes ) { // If the deprecated xlink:href is not defined, check for href. classes = moreIcon.getAttribute( 'href' ); } } if ( classes.indexOf( 'frm_close_icon' ) !== -1 ) { hideShortcodes( box ); } else { updateShortcodesPopupPosition( moreIcon ); jQuery( '.frm_code_list a' ).removeClass( 'frm_noallow' ); if ( input.classList.contains( 'frm_not_email_to' ) ) { jQuery( '#frm-insert-fields-box .frm_code_list li:not(.show_frm_not_email_to) a' ).addClass( 'frm_noallow' ); } else if ( input.classList.contains( 'frm_not_email_subject' ) ) { jQuery( '.frm_code_list li.hide_frm_not_email_subject a' ).addClass( 'frm_noallow' ); } box.setAttribute( 'data-fills', ); = 'block'; if ( moreIcon.tagName === 'use' ) { if ( moreIcon.hasAttributeNS( '', 'href' ) ) { moreIcon.setAttributeNS( '', 'href', '#frm_close_icon' ); } else { const newMoreIcon = document.createElementNS( '', 'use' ); newMoreIcon.setAttributeNS( '', 'href', '#frm_close_icon' ); moreIcon.parentNode.replaceChild( newMoreIcon, moreIcon ); } } else { moreIcon.className = classes.replace( 'frm_more_horiz_solid_icon', 'frm_close_icon' ); } if ( shouldFocus !== 'nofocus' ) { if ( 'none' !== ) { input.focus(); } else { jQuery( tinymce.get( ) ).trigger( 'focus' ); } } } } function fieldUpdated() { if ( ! fieldsUpdated ) { fieldsUpdated = 1; window.addEventListener( 'beforeunload', confirmExit ); } } function buildSubmittedNoAjax() { // set fieldsUpdated to 0 to avoid the unsaved changes pop up fieldsUpdated = 0; } function settingsSubmitted() { // set fieldsUpdated to 0 to avoid the unsaved changes pop up fieldsUpdated = 0; } function saveAndReloadSettings() { let page, form; page = document.getElementById( 'form_settings_page' ); if ( null !== page ) { form = page.querySelector( 'form.frm_form_settings' ); if ( null !== form ) { fieldsUpdated = 0; form.submit(); } } } function reloadIfAddonActivatedAjaxSubmitOnly() { const submitButton = document.getElementById( 'frm_submit_side_top' ); if ( submitButton.hasAttribute( 'data-new-addon-installed' ) && 'true' === submitButton.getAttribute( 'data-new-addon-installed' ) ) { submitButton.removeAttribute( 'data-new-addon-installed' ); window.location.reload(); } } function saveAndReloadFormBuilder() { const submitButton = document.getElementById( 'frm_submit_side_top' ); if ( submitButton.classList.contains( 'frm_submit_ajax' ) ) { submitButton.setAttribute( 'data-new-addon-installed', true ); }; } function confirmExit( event ) { if ( fieldsUpdated ) { event.preventDefault(); event.returnValue = ''; } } function bindClickForDialogClose( $modal ) { const closeModal = function() { $modal.dialog( 'close' ); }; jQuery( '.ui-widget-overlay' ).on( 'click', closeModal ); $modal.on( 'click', 'a.dismiss', closeModal ); } function offsetModalY( $modal, amount ) { const position = { my: 'top', at: 'top+' + amount, of: window }; $modal.dialog( 'option', 'position', position ); } /** * Get the input box for the selected ... icon. */ function getInputForIcon( moreIcon ) { let input = moreIcon.nextElementSibling; while ( input !== null && input.tagName !== 'INPUT' && input.tagName !== 'TEXTAREA' ) { input = getInputForIcon( input ); } return input; } /** * Get the ... icon for the selected input box. */ function getIconForInput( input ) { let moreIcon = input.previousElementSibling; while ( moreIcon !== null && moreIcon.tagName !== 'I' && moreIcon.tagName !== 'svg' ) { moreIcon = getIconForInput( moreIcon ); } return moreIcon; } function hideShortcodes( box ) { let i, u, closeIcons, closeSvg; if ( typeof box === 'undefined' ) { box = document.getElementById( 'frm_adv_info' ); if ( box === null ) { return; } } if ( document.getElementById( 'frm_dyncontent' ) !== null ) { // Don't run when in the sidebar. return; } = 'none'; closeIcons = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-show-box.frm_close_icon' ); for ( i = 0; i < closeIcons.length; i++ ) { closeIcons[i].classList.remove( 'frm_close_icon' ); closeIcons[i].classList.add( 'frm_more_horiz_solid_icon' ); } closeSvg = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_has_shortcodes use' ); for ( u = 0; u < closeSvg.length; u++ ) { if ( closeSvg[u].getAttributeNS( '', 'href' ) === '#frm_close_icon' ) { closeSvg[u].setAttributeNS( '', 'href', '#frm_more_horiz_solid_icon' ); } } } function initToggleShortcodes() { if ( typeof tinymce !== 'object' ) { return; } DOM = tinymce.DOM; if ( typeof !== 'undefined' && typeof !== 'undefined' ) { '.wp-editor-wrap' ), 'mouseover', function() { if ( jQuery( '*:focus' ).length > 0 ) { return; } if ( ) { toggleAllowedShortcodes( 3, -5 ) ); } }); '.wp-editor-wrap' ), 'mouseout', function() { if ( jQuery( '*:focus' ).length > 0 ) { return; } if ( ) { toggleAllowedShortcodes( 3, -5 ) ); } }); } else { jQuery( '#frm_dyncontent' ).on( 'mouseover mouseout', '.wp-editor-wrap', function() { if ( jQuery( '*:focus' ).length > 0 ) { return; } if ( ) { toggleAllowedShortcodes( 3, -5 ) ); } }); } } function toggleAllowedShortcodes( id ) { let c, clickedID; if ( typeof id === 'undefined' ) { id = ''; } c = id; if ( id.indexOf( '-search-input' ) !== -1 ) { return; } if ( id !== '' ) { const $ele = jQuery( document.getElementById( id ) ); if ( $ele.attr( 'class' ) && id !== 'wpbody-content' && id !== 'content' && id !== 'dyncontent' && id !== 'success_msg' ) { let d = $ele.attr( 'class' ).split( ' ' )[0]; if ( d === 'frm_long_input' || d === 'frm_98_width' || typeof d === 'undefined' ) { d = ''; } else { id = d.trim(); } c = c + ' ' + d; c = c.replace( 'widefat', '' ).replace( 'frm_with_left_label', '' ); } } jQuery( '#frm-insert-fields-box,#frm-conditionals,#frm-adv-info-tab,#frm-dynamic-values' ).attr( 'data-fills', c.trim() ); const a = [ 'content', 'wpbody-content', 'dyncontent', 'success_url', 'success_msg', 'edit_msg', 'frm_dyncontent', 'frm_not_email_message', 'frm_not_email_subject' ]; const b = [ 'before_content', 'after_content', 'frm_not_email_to', 'dyn_default_value' ]; if ( jQuery.inArray( id, a ) >= 0 ) { jQuery( '.frm_code_list a' ).removeClass( 'frm_noallow' ).addClass( 'frm_allow' ); jQuery( '.frm_code_list a.hide_' + id ).addClass( 'frm_noallow' ).removeClass( 'frm_allow' ); } else if ( jQuery.inArray( id, b ) >= 0 ) { jQuery( '.frm_code_list:not(.frm-dropdown-menu) a:not(.show_' + id + ')' ).addClass( 'frm_noallow' ).removeClass( 'frm_allow' ); jQuery( '.frm_code_list a.show_' + id ).removeClass( 'frm_noallow' ).addClass( 'frm_allow' ); } else { jQuery( '.frm_code_list:not(.frm-dropdown-menu) a' ).addClass( 'frm_noallow' ).removeClass( 'frm_allow' ); } // Automatically select a tab. if ( id === 'dyn_default_value' ) { clickedID = 'frm_dynamic_values'; document.getElementById( clickedID + '_tab' ).click(); jQuery( '#' + clickedID.replace( /_/g, '-' ) + ' .frm_show_inactive' ).addClass( 'frm_hidden' ); jQuery( '#' + clickedID.replace( /_/g, '-' ) + ' .frm_show_active' ).removeClass( 'frm_hidden' ); } } function toggleAllowedHTML( input ) { let b, id =; if ( typeof id === 'undefined' || id.indexOf( '-search-input' ) !== -1 ) { return; } jQuery( '#frm-adv-info-tab' ).attr( 'data-fills', id.trim() ); if ( input.classList.contains( 'field_custom_html' ) ) { id = 'field_custom_html'; } b = [ 'after_html', 'before_html', 'submit_html', 'field_custom_html' ]; if ( jQuery.inArray( id, b ) >= 0 ) { jQuery( '.frm_code_list li:not(.show_' + id + ')' ).addClass( 'frm_hidden' ); jQuery( '.frm_code_list li.show_' + id ).removeClass( 'frm_hidden' ); } } function toggleKeyID( switchTo, e ) { e.stopPropagation(); jQuery( '.frm_code_list .frmids, .frm_code_list .frmkeys' ).addClass( 'frm_hidden' ); jQuery( '.frm_code_list .' + switchTo ).removeClass( 'frm_hidden' ); jQuery( '.frmids, .frmkeys' ).removeClass( 'current' ); jQuery( '.' + switchTo ).addClass( 'current' ); } function onActionLoaded( event ) { const settings = '.frm_form_action_settings' ); if ( settings && ( settings.classList.contains( 'frm_single_email_settings' ) || settings.classList.contains( 'frm_single_on_submit_settings' ) ) ) { initWysiwygOnActionLoaded( settings ); } } function initWysiwygOnActionLoaded( settings ) { const wysiwyg = settings.querySelector( '.wp-editor-area' ); if ( wysiwyg ) { frmDom.wysiwyg.init( wysiwyg, { height: 160, addFocusEvents: true } ); } } /* Global settings page */ function loadSettingsTab( anchor ) { const holder = anchor.replace( '#', '' ); const holderContainer = jQuery( '.frm_' + holder + '_ajax' ); if ( holderContainer.length ) { jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { 'action': 'frm_settings_tab', 'tab': holder.replace( '_settings', '' ), 'nonce': frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { holderContainer.replaceWith( html ); } }); } } function uninstallNow() { /*jshint validthis:true */ if ( confirmLinkClick( this ) === true ) { jQuery( '.frm_uninstall .frm-wait' ).css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: 'action=frm_uninstall&nonce=' + frmGlobal.nonce, success: function( msg ) { jQuery( '.frm_uninstall' ).fadeOut( 'slow' ); window.location = msg; } }); } return false; } function saveAddonLicense() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const button = jQuery( this ); const buttonName =; const pluginSlug = this.getAttribute( 'data-plugin' ); const action = buttonName.replace( 'edd_' + pluginSlug + '_license_', '' ); let license = document.getElementById( 'edd_' + pluginSlug + '_license_key' ).value; button.get(0).disabled = true; jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', data: {action: 'frm_addon_' + action, license: license, plugin: pluginSlug, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce}, success: function( msg ) { button.get(0).disabled = false; const thisRow = button.closest( '.edd_frm_license_row' ); if ( action === 'deactivate' ) { license = ''; document.getElementById( 'edd_' + pluginSlug + '_license_key' ).value = ''; } thisRow.find( '.edd_frm_license' ).html( license ); const eddWrapper = button.get(0).closest( '.frm_form_field' ); const actionIsSuccess = msg.success === true; eddWrapper.querySelector( `.frm_icon_font.frm_action_success` ).classList.toggle( 'frm_hidden', ! actionIsSuccess || action === 'deactivate' ); eddWrapper.querySelector( `.frm_icon_font.frm_action_error` ).classList.toggle( 'frm_hidden', actionIsSuccess); const messageBox = thisRow.find( '.frm_license_msg' ); messageBox.html( msg.message ); if ( msg.message !== '' ) { setTimeout( function() { messageBox.html( '' ); thisRow.find( '.frm_icon_font' ).addClass( 'frm_hidden' ); if ( actionIsSuccess ) { const actionIsActivate = action === 'activate'; thisRow.get(0).querySelector( '.edd_frm_unauthorized' ).classList.toggle( 'frm_hidden', actionIsActivate ); thisRow.get(0).querySelector( '.edd_frm_authorized' ).classList.toggle( 'frm_hidden', ! actionIsActivate ); } }, 2000 ); } } }); } /* Import/Export page */ function startFormMigration( event ) { event.preventDefault(); const checkedBoxes = jQuery( ).find( 'input:checked' ); if ( ! checkedBoxes.length ) { return; } const ids = []; checkedBoxes.each( function( i ) { ids[i] = this.value; }); // Begin the import process. importForms( ids, ); } /** * Begins the process of importing the forms. */ function importForms( forms, targetForm ) { // Hide the form select section. const $form = jQuery( targetForm ), $processSettings = $ '.frm-importer-process' ); // Display total number of forms we have to import. $processSettings.find( '.form-total' ).text( forms.length ); $processSettings.find( '.form-current' ).text( '1' ); $form.hide(); // Show processing status. // '.process-completed' might have been shown earlier during a previous import, so hide now. $processSettings.find( '.process-completed' ).hide(); $; // Create global import queue. s.importQueue = forms; s.imported = 0; // Import the first form in the queue. importForm( $processSettings ); } /** * Imports a single form from the import queue. */ function importForm( $processSettings ) { const formID = s.importQueue[0], provider = jQuery( '#welcome-panel' ).find( 'input[name="slug"]' ).val(), data = { action: 'frm_import_' + provider, form_id: formID, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }; // Trigger AJAX import for this form. ajaxurl, data, function( res ) { if ( res.success ) { let statusUpdate; if ( ) { statusUpdate = '<p>' + + ': ' + + '</p>'; } else { statusUpdate = '<p>Imported <a href="' + + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></p>'; } $processSettings.find( '.status' ).prepend( statusUpdate ); $processSettings.find( '.status' ).show(); // Remove this form ID from the queue. s.importQueue = jQuery.grep( s.importQueue, function( value ) { return value != formID; }); s.imported++; if ( s.importQueue.length === 0 ) { $processSettings.find( '.process-count' ).hide(); $processSettings.find( '.forms-completed' ).text( s.imported ); $processSettings.find( '.process-completed' ).show(); } else { // Import next form in the queue. $processSettings.find( '.form-current' ).text( s.imported + 1 ); importForm( $processSettings ); } } }); } function validateExport( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ e.preventDefault(); let s = false; const $exportForms = jQuery( 'input[name="frm_export_forms[]"]' ); if ( ! jQuery( 'input[name="frm_export_forms[]"]:checked' ).val() ) { $exportForms.closest( '.frm-table-box' ).addClass( 'frm_blank_field' ); s = 'stop'; } const $exportType = jQuery( 'input[name="type[]"]' ); if ( ! jQuery( 'input[name="type[]"]:checked' ).val() && $exportType.attr( 'type' ) === 'checkbox' ) { $exportType.closest( 'p' ).addClass( 'frm_blank_field' ); s = 'stop'; } if ( s === 'stop' ) { return false; } e.stopPropagation(); this.submit(); } function removeExportError() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const t = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm_blank_field' ); if ( typeof t === 'undefined' ) { return; } const $thisName =; if ( $thisName === 'type[]' && jQuery( 'input[name="type[]"]:checked' ).val() ) { t.removeClass( 'frm_blank_field' ); } else if ( $thisName === 'frm_export_forms[]' && jQuery( this ).val() ) { t.removeClass( 'frm_blank_field' ); } } function checkCSVExtension() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const f = jQuery( this ).val(); const re = /\.csv$/i; if ( f.match( re ) !== null ) { jQuery( '.show_csv' ).fadeIn(); } else { jQuery( '.show_csv' ).fadeOut(); } } function getExportOption() { const exportFormatSelect = document.querySelector( 'select[name="format"]' ); if ( exportFormatSelect ) { return exportFormatSelect.value; } return ''; } function exportTypeChanged( event ) { const value =; showOrHideRepeaters( value ); ); checkSelectedAllFormsCheckbox( value ); } function checkSelectedAllFormsCheckbox( exportType ) { const selectAllCheckbox = document.getElementById( 'frm-export-select-all' ); if ( exportType === 'csv' ) { selectAllCheckbox.checked = false; selectAllCheckbox.disabled = true; } else { selectAllCheckbox.disabled = false; } } function checkExportTypes() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const $dropdown = jQuery( this ); const $selected = $dropdown.find( ':selected' ); const s = $ 'support' ); const multiple = s.indexOf( '|' ); jQuery( 'input[name="type[]"]' ).each( function() { this.checked = false; if ( s.indexOf( this.value ) >= 0 ) { this.disabled = false; if ( multiple === -1 ) { this.checked = true; } } else { this.disabled = true; } }); if ( $dropdown.val() === 'csv' ) { jQuery( '.csv_opts' ).show(); jQuery( '.xml_opts' ).hide(); } else { jQuery( '.csv_opts' ).hide(); jQuery( '.xml_opts' ).show(); } const c = $ 'count' ); const exportField = jQuery( 'input[name="frm_export_forms[]"]' ); if ( c === 'single' ) { exportField.prop( 'multiple', false ); exportField.prop( 'checked', false ); } else { exportField.prop( 'multiple', true ); exportField.prop( 'disabled', false ); } $dropdown.trigger( 'change' ); } function showOrHideRepeaters( exportOption ) { if ( exportOption === '' ) { return; } const repeaters = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-is-repeater' ); if ( ! repeaters.length ) { return; } if ( exportOption === 'csv' ) { repeaters.forEach( form => { form.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); }); } else { repeaters.forEach( form => { form.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); }); } document.querySelector( '.frm-auto-search' ) ); } function preventMultipleExport() { const type = jQuery( 'select[name=format]' ), selected = type.find( ':selected' ), count = 'count' ), exportField = jQuery( 'input[name="frm_export_forms[]"]' ); if ( count === 'single' ) { // Disable all other fields to prevent multiple selections. if ( this.checked ) { exportField.prop( 'disabled', true ); this.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } else { exportField.prop( 'disabled', false ); } } else { exportField.prop( 'disabled', false ); } } function initiateMultiselect() { jQuery( '.frm_multiselect' ).hide().each( frmDom.bootstrap.multiselect.init ); } /* Addons page */ function installMultipleAddons( e ) { e.preventDefault(); toggleAddonState( this, 'frm_multiple_addons' ); } function activateAddon( e ) { e.preventDefault(); toggleAddonState( this, 'frm_activate_addon' ); } function installAddon( e ) { e.preventDefault(); toggleAddonState( this, 'frm_install_addon' ); } function toggleAddonState( clicked, action ) { let button, plugin, el, message; // Remove any leftover error messages, output an icon and get the plugin basename that needs to be activated. jQuery( '.frm-addon-error' ).remove(); button = jQuery( clicked ); plugin = button.attr( 'rel' ); el = button.parent(); message = el.parent().find( '.addon-status-label' ); button.addClass( 'frm_loading_button' ); // Process the Ajax to perform the activation. jQuery.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'POST', async: true, cache: false, dataType: 'json', data: { action: action, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce, plugin: plugin }, success: function( response ) { response = response?.data ?? response; let saveAndReload; if ( 'string' !== typeof response && 'string' === typeof response.message ) { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.saveAndReload ) { saveAndReload = response.saveAndReload; } response = response.message; } const error = extractErrorFromAddOnResponse( response ); if ( error ) { addonError( error, el, button ); return; } afterAddonInstall( response, button, message, el, saveAndReload, action ); /** * Trigger an action after successfully toggling the addon state. * * @param {Object} response */ wp.hooks.doAction( 'frm_update_addon_state', response ); }, error: function() { button.removeClass( 'frm_loading_button' ); } }); } function installAddonWithCreds( e ) { // Prevent the default action, let the user know we are attempting to install again and go with it. e.preventDefault(); // Now let's make another Ajax request once the user has submitted their credentials. const proceed = jQuery( this ); const el = proceed.parent().parent(); const plugin = proceed.attr( 'rel' ); proceed.addClass( 'frm_loading_button' ); jQuery.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'POST', async: true, cache: false, dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'frm_install_addon', nonce: frmAdminJs.nonce, plugin: plugin, hostname: el.find( '#hostname' ).val(), username: el.find( '#username' ).val(), password: el.find( '#password' ).val() }, success: function( response ) { response = response?.data ?? response; const error = extractErrorFromAddOnResponse( response ); if ( error ) { addonError( error, el, proceed ); return; } afterAddonInstall( response, proceed, message, el ); }, error: function() { proceed.removeClass( 'frm_loading_button' ); } }); } function afterAddonInstall( response, button, message, el, saveAndReload, action = 'frm_activate_addon' ) { const addonStatuses = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-addon-status' ); addonStatuses.forEach( addonStatus => { addonStatus.textContent = response; = 'block'; } ); // The Ajax request was successful, so let's update the output. button.css({ opacity: '0' }); document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-oneclick' ).forEach( oneClick => { = 'none'; } ); jQuery( '#frm_upgrade_modal h2' ).hide(); jQuery( '#frm_upgrade_modal .frm_lock_icon' ).addClass( 'frm_lock_open_icon' ); jQuery( '#frm_upgrade_modal .frm_lock_icon use' ).attr( 'xlink:href', '#frm_lock_open_icon' ); // Proceed with CSS changes const actionMap = { frm_activate_addon: { class: 'frm-addon-active', message: }, frm_deactivate_addon: { class: 'frm-addon-installed', message: frmAdminJs.installed }, frm_uninstall_addon: { class: 'frm-addon-not-installed', message: frmAdminJs.not_installed } }; actionMap.frm_install_addon = actionMap.frm_activate_addon; const messageElement = message[0]; if ( messageElement ) { messageElement.textContent = actionMap[action].message; } const parentElement = el[0].parentElement; parentElement.classList.remove( 'frm-addon-not-installed', 'frm-addon-installed', 'frm-addon-active' ); parentElement.classList.add( actionMap[action].class ); const buttonElement = button[0]; buttonElement.classList.remove( 'frm_loading_button' ); // Maybe refresh import and SMTP pages const refreshPage = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-admin-page-import, #frm-admin-smtp, #frm-welcome' ); if ( refreshPage.length > 0 ) { window.location.reload(); return; } if ([ 'settings', 'form_builder' ].includes( saveAndReload ) ) { addonStatuses.forEach( addonStatus => { const inModal = null !== addonStatus.closest( '#frm_upgrade_modal' ); addonStatus.appendChild( getSaveAndReloadSettingsOptions( saveAndReload, inModal ) ); } ); } } function getSaveAndReloadSettingsOptions( saveAndReload, inModal ) { const className = 'frm-save-and-reload-options'; const children = [ saveAndReloadSettingsButton( saveAndReload ) ]; if ( inModal ) { children.push( closePopupButton() ); } return div({ className, children }); } function saveAndReloadSettingsButton( saveAndReload ) { const button = document.createElement( 'button' ); button.classList.add( 'frm-save-and-reload', 'button', 'button-primary', 'frm-button-primary' ); button.textContent = __( 'Save and Reload', 'formidable' ); button.addEventListener( 'click', () => { if ( saveAndReload === 'form_builder' ) { saveAndReloadFormBuilder(); } else if ( saveAndReload === 'settings' ) { saveAndReloadSettings(); } }); return button; } function closePopupButton() { const a = document.createElement( 'a' ); a.setAttribute( 'href', '#' ); a.classList.add( 'button', 'button-secondary', 'frm-button-secondary', 'dismiss' ); a.textContent = __( 'Close', 'formidable' ); return a; } function extractErrorFromAddOnResponse( response ) { if ( typeof response !== 'string' ) { if ( typeof response.success !== 'undefined' && response.success ) { return false; } if ( response.form ) { if ( jQuery( response.form ).is( '#message' ) ) { return { message: jQuery( response.form ).find( 'p' ).html() }; } } return response; } return false; } function addonError( response, el, button ) { if ( response.form ) { jQuery( '.frm-inline-error' ).remove(); button.closest( '.frm-card' ) .html( response.form ) .css({ padding: 5 }) .find( '#upgrade' ) .attr( 'rel', button.attr( 'rel' ) ) .on( 'click', installAddonWithCreds ); } else { el.append( '<div class="frm-addon-error frm_error_style"><p><strong>' + response.message + '</strong></p></div>' ); button.removeClass( 'frm_loading_button' ); jQuery( '.frm-addon-error' ).delay( 4000 ).fadeOut(); } } /* Templates */ function showActiveCampaignForm() { loadApiEmailForm(); } function handleApiFormError( inputId, errorId, type, message ) { const $error = jQuery( errorId ); $error.removeClass( 'frm_hidden' ).attr( 'frm-error', type ); if ( typeof message !== 'undefined' ) { $error.find( 'span[frm-error="' + type + '"]' ).text( message ); } jQuery( inputId ).one( 'keyup', function() { $error.addClass( 'frm_hidden' ); }); } function handleEmailAddressError( type ) { handleApiFormError( '#frm_leave_email', '#frm_leave_email_error', type ); } function loadApiEmailForm() { const formContainer = document.getElementById( 'frmapi-email-form' ); jQuery.ajax({ dataType: 'json', url: formContainer.getAttribute( 'data-url' ), success: function( json ) { let form = json.renderedHtml; form = form.replace( /<link\b[^>]*(formidableforms.css|action=frmpro_css)[^>]*>/gi, '' ); formContainer.innerHTML = form; } }); } function initSelectionAutocomplete() { frmDom.autocomplete.initSelectionAutocomplete(); } function nextInstallStep( thisStep ) { thisStep.classList.add( 'frm_grey' ); thisStep.nextElementSibling.classList.remove( 'frm_grey' ); } function installTemplateFieldset( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ const fieldset = this.parentNode.parentNode, action = fieldset.elements.type.value, button = this; e.preventDefault(); button.classList.add( 'frm_loading_button' ); installNewForm( fieldset, action, button ); } function installTemplate( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ const action = this.elements.type.value, button = this.querySelector( 'button' ); e.preventDefault(); button.classList.add( 'frm_loading_button' ); installNewForm( this, action, button ); } function installNewForm( form, action, button ) { const formData = formToData( form ); const formName = formData.template_name; const formDesc = formData.template_desc; const link =; let data = { action: action, xml: link, name: formName, desc: formDesc, form: JSON.stringify( formData ), nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }; const hookName = 'frm_before_install_new_form'; const filterArgs = { formData }; data = wp.hooks.applyFilters( hookName, data, filterArgs ); postAjax( data, function( response ) { if ( typeof response.redirect !== 'undefined' ) { const redirect = response.redirect; if ( typeof form.elements.redirect === 'undefined' ) { window.location = redirect; } else { const href = document.getElementById( 'frm-redirect-link' ); if ( typeof link !== 'undefined' && href !== null ) { // Show the next installation step. href.setAttribute( 'href', redirect ); href.classList.remove( 'frm_grey', 'disabled' ); nextInstallStep( form.parentNode.parentNode ); button.classList.add( 'frm_grey', 'disabled' ); } } } else { jQuery( '.spinner' ).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); // Show response.message if ( 'string' === typeof response.message ) { showInstallFormErrorModal( response.message ); } } button.classList.remove( 'frm_loading_button' ); }); } function showInstallFormErrorModal( message ) { const modalContent = div( message ); = '20px 40px'; const modal = frmDom.modal.maybeCreateModal( 'frmInstallFormErrorModal', { title: __( 'Unable to install template', 'formidable' ), content: modalContent } ); modal.classList.add( 'frm_common_modal' ); } function handleCaptchaTypeChange( e ) { const thresholdContainer = document.getElementById( 'frm_captcha_threshold_container' ); if ( thresholdContainer ) { thresholdContainer.classList.toggle( 'frm_hidden', 'v3' !== ); } } function trashTemplate( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ const id = this.getAttribute( 'data-id' ); e.preventDefault(); data = { action: 'frm_forms_trash', id: id, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }; postAjax( data, function() { const card = document.getElementById( 'frm-template-custom-' + id ); fadeOut( card, function() { card.parentNode.removeChild( card ); }); }); } function searchContent() { /*jshint validthis:true */ let i, regEx = false, searchText = this.value.toLowerCase(), toSearch = this.getAttribute( 'data-tosearch' ), items = document.getElementsByClassName( toSearch ); if ( this.tagName === 'SELECT' ) { searchText = selectedOptions( this ); searchText = searchText.join( '|' ).toLowerCase(); regEx = true; } if ( toSearch === 'frm-action' && searchText !== '' ) { const addons = document.getElementById( 'frm_email_addon_menu' ).classList; addons.remove( 'frm-all-actions' ); addons.add( 'frm-limited-actions' ); } for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) { const innerText = items[i].innerText.toLowerCase(); const itemCanBeShown = ! ( getExportOption() === 'xml' && items[i].classList.contains( 'frm-is-repeater' ) ); if ( searchText === '' ) { if ( itemCanBeShown ) { items[i].classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); } items[i].classList.remove( 'frm-search-result' ); } else if ( ( regEx && new RegExp( searchText ).test( innerText ) ) || innerText.indexOf( searchText ) >= 0 || textMatchesPlural( innerText, searchText ) ) { if ( itemCanBeShown ) { items[i].classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); } items[i].classList.add( 'frm-search-result' ); } else { items[i].classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); items[i].classList.remove( 'frm-search-result' ); } } // Updates the visibility of category headings based on search results. updateCatHeadingVisibility(); jQuery( this ).trigger( 'frmAfterSearch' ); } /** * Allow a search for "signatures" to still match "signature" for example when searching fields. * * @since 6.15 * * @param {string} text The text in the element we are checking for a match. * @param {string} searchText The text value that is being searched. * @return {boolean} */ function textMatchesPlural( text, searchText ) { if ( searchText === 's' ) { // Don't match everything when just "s" is searched. return false; } if ( text[ text.length - 1 ] === 's' ) { // Do not match something with double s if the text already ends in s. return false; } return ( text + 's' ).indexOf( searchText ) >= 0; } /** * Updates the visibility of category headings based on search results. * If all associated fields are hidden (indicating no search matches), * the heading is hidden. * * @since 6.4.1 */ function updateCatHeadingVisibility() { const insertFieldsElement = document.querySelector( '#frm-insert-fields' ); if ( ! insertFieldsElement ) { return; } const headingElements = insertFieldsElement.querySelectorAll( ':scope > .frm-with-line' ); headingElements.forEach( heading => { const fieldsListElement = heading.nextElementSibling; if ( ! fieldsListElement ) { return; } const listItemElements = fieldsListElement.querySelectorAll( ':scope > li.frmbutton' ); const allHidden = Array.from( listItemElements ).every( li => li.classList.contains( 'frm_hidden' ) ); // Add or remove class based on `allHidden` condition heading.classList.toggle( 'frm_hidden', allHidden ); }); } function stopPropagation( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); } /* Helpers */ function selectedOptions( select ) { let opt, result = [], options = select && select.options; for ( let i = 0, iLen = options.length; i < iLen; i++ ) { opt = options[i]; if ( opt.selected ) { result.push( opt.value ); } } return result; } function triggerEvent( element, event ) { const evt = document.createEvent( 'HTMLEvents' ); evt.initEvent( event, false, true ); element.dispatchEvent( evt ); } function postAjax( data, success ) { let response; const xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); const params = typeof data === 'string' ? data : Object.keys( data ).map( function( k ) { return encodeURIComponent( k ) + '=' + encodeURIComponent( data[k]); } ).join( '&' ); 'post', ajaxurl, true ); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( xmlHttp.readyState > 3 && xmlHttp.status == 200 ) { response = xmlHttp.responseText; try { response = JSON.parse( response ); } catch ( e ) { // The response may not be JSON, so just return it. } success( response ); } }; xmlHttp.setRequestHeader( 'X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest' ); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ); xmlHttp.send( params ); return xmlHttp; } function fadeOut( element, success ) { element.classList.add( 'frm-fade' ); setTimeout( success, 1000 ); } function invisible( classes ) { jQuery( classes ).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); } function visible( classes ) { jQuery( classes ).css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); } function initModal( id, width ) { const $info = jQuery( id ); if ( ! $info.length ) { return false; } if ( typeof width === 'undefined' ) { width = '550px'; } const dialogArgs = { dialogClass: 'frm-dialog', modal: true, autoOpen: false, closeOnEscape: true, width: width, resizable: false, draggable: false, open: function() { jQuery( '.ui-dialog-titlebar' ).addClass( 'frm_hidden' ).removeClass( 'ui-helper-clearfix' ); jQuery( '#wpwrap' ).addClass( 'frm_overlay' ); jQuery( '.frm-dialog' ).removeClass( 'ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all' ); $info.removeClass( 'ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content' ); bindClickForDialogClose( $info ); }, close: function() { jQuery( '#wpwrap' ).removeClass( 'frm_overlay' ); jQuery( '.spinner' ).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); this.removeAttribute( 'data-option-type' ); const optionType = document.getElementById( 'bulk-option-type' ); if ( optionType ) { optionType.value = ''; } } }; $info.dialog( dialogArgs ); return $info; } function toggle( cname, id ) { if ( id === '#' ) { const cont = document.getElementById( cname ); const hidden =; if ( hidden === 'none' ) { = 'block'; } else { = 'none'; } } else { const vis = ':visible' ); if ( vis ) { cname.hide(); } else {; } } } function removeWPUnload() { window.onbeforeunload = null; const w = jQuery( window ); 'beforeunload.widgets' ); 'beforeunload.edit-post' ); } function addMultiselectLabelListener() { const clickListener = ( e ) => { if ( 'LABEL' !== ) { return; } const labelFor = 'for' ); if ( ! labelFor ) { return; } const input = document.getElementById( labelFor ); if ( ! input || ! input.nextElementSibling ) { return; } const buttonToggle = input.nextElementSibling.querySelector( 'button.dropdown-toggle.multiselect' ); if ( ! buttonToggle ) { return; } const triggerMultiselectClick = () =>; setTimeout( triggerMultiselectClick, 0 ); }; document.addEventListener( 'click', clickListener ); } function maybeChangeEmbedFormMsg() { const fieldId = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ).data( 'fid' ); let fieldItem = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_id_' + fieldId ); if ( null === fieldItem || 'form' !== fieldItem.dataset.type ) { return; } fieldItem = jQuery( fieldItem ); if ( this.options[ this.selectedIndex ].value ) { fieldItem.find( '.frm-not-set' )[0].classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); const embedMsg = fieldItem.find( '.frm-embed-message' ); embedMsg.html( 'embedmsg' ) + this.options[ this.selectedIndex ].text ); fieldItem.find( '.frm-embed-field-placeholder' )[0].classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); } else { fieldItem.find( '.frm-not-set' )[0].classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); fieldItem.find( '.frm-embed-field-placeholder' )[0].classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); } } function toggleProductType() { const settings = jQuery( this ).closest( '.frm-single-settings' ), container = settings.find( '.frmjs_product_choices' ), heading = settings.find( '.frm_prod_options_heading' ), currentVal = this.options[ this.selectedIndex ].value; container.removeClass( 'frm_prod_type_single frm_prod_type_user_def' ); heading.removeClass( 'frm_prod_user_def' ); if ( 'single' === currentVal ) { container.addClass( 'frm_prod_type_single' ); } else if ( 'user_def' === currentVal ) { container.addClass( 'frm_prod_type_user_def' ); heading.addClass( 'frm_prod_user_def' ); } } /** * @param {Number | string} fieldId * @return {boolean} True if the field is a product field. */ function isProductField( fieldId ) { const field = document.getElementById( 'frm_field_id_' + fieldId ); if ( field === null ) { return false; } return 'product' === field.getAttribute( 'data-type' ); } /** * Serialize form data with vanilla JS. */ function formToData( form ) { let subKey, i, object = {}, formData = form.elements; for ( i = 0; i < formData.length; i++ ) { let input = formData[i], key =, value = input.value, names = key.match( /(.*)\[(.*)\]/ ); if ( ( input.type === 'radio' || input.type === 'checkbox' ) && ! input.checked ) { continue; } if ( names !== null ) { key = names[1]; subKey = names[2]; if ( ! Reflect.has( object, key ) ) { object[key] = {}; } object[key][subKey] = value; continue; } // Reflect.has in favor of: object.hasOwnProperty(key) if ( ! Reflect.has( object, key ) ) { object[key] = value; continue; } if ( ! Array.isArray( object[key]) ) { object[key] = [ object[key] ]; } object[key].push( value ); } return object; } /** * Show, hide, and sort subfields of Name field on form builder. * * @since 4.11 */ function handleNameFieldOnFormBuilder() { /** * Gets subfield element from cache. * * @param {String} fieldId Field ID. * @param {String} key Cache key. * @returns {HTMLElement|undefined} Return the element from cache or undefined if not found. */ const getSubFieldElFromCache = ( fieldId, key ) => { window.frmCachedSubFields = window.frmCachedSubFields || {}; window.frmCachedSubFields[fieldId] = window.frmCachedSubFields[fieldId] || {}; return window.frmCachedSubFields[fieldId][key]; }; /** * Sets subfield element to cache. * * @param {String} fieldId Field ID. * @param {String} key Cache key. * @param {HTMLElement} el Element. */ const setSubFieldElToCache = ( fieldId, key, el ) => { window.frmCachedSubFields = window.frmCachedSubFields || {}; window.frmCachedSubFields[fieldId] = window.frmCachedSubFields[fieldId] || {}; window.frmCachedSubFields[fieldId][key] = el; }; /** * Gets column class from the number of columns. * * @param {Number} colCount Number of columns. * @returns {string} */ const getColClass = colCount => 'frm' + parseInt( 12 / colCount ); const colClasses = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ].map( num => 'frm' + num ); const allSubFieldNames = [ 'first', 'middle', 'last' ]; /** * Handles name layout change. * * @param {Event} event Event object. */ const onChangeLayout = event => { const value =; const subFieldNames = value.split( '_' ); const fieldId =; /* * Live update form on the form builder. */ const container = document.querySelector( '#field_' + fieldId + '_inner_container .frm_combo_inputs_container' ); const newColClass = getColClass( subFieldNames.length ); // Set all sub field elements to cache and hide all of them first. allSubFieldNames.forEach( name => { const subFieldEl = container.querySelector( '[data-sub-field-name="' + name + '"]' ); if ( subFieldEl ) { subFieldEl.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); subFieldEl.classList.remove( ...colClasses ); setSubFieldElToCache( fieldId, name, subFieldEl ); } }); subFieldNames.forEach( subFieldName => { const subFieldEl = getSubFieldElFromCache( fieldId, subFieldName ); if ( ! subFieldEl ) { return; } subFieldEl.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); subFieldEl.classList.add( newColClass ); container.append( subFieldEl ); }); /* * Live update subfield options. */ // Hide all subfield options. allSubFieldNames.forEach( name => { const optionsEl = document.querySelector( '.frm_sub_field_options-' + name + '[data-field-id="' + fieldId + '"]' ); if ( optionsEl ) { optionsEl.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); setSubFieldElToCache( fieldId, name + '_options', optionsEl ); } }); subFieldNames.forEach( subFieldName => { const optionsEl = getSubFieldElFromCache( fieldId, subFieldName + '_options' ); if ( ! optionsEl ) { return; } optionsEl.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); }); }; const dropdownSelector = '.frm_name_layout_dropdown'; document.addEventListener( 'change', event => { if ( dropdownSelector ) ) { onChangeLayout( event ); } }, false ); } function debounce( func, wait = 100 ) { return frmDom.util.debounce( func, wait ); } function addSaveAndDragIconsToOption( fieldId, liObject ) { let li, useTag, useTagHref; let hasDragIcon = false; let hasSaveIcon = false; if ( liObject.newOption ) { const parser = new DOMParser(); li = parser.parseFromString( liObject.newOption, 'text/html' ).body.childNodes[0]; } else { li = liObject; } const liIcons = li.querySelectorAll( 'svg' ); liIcons.forEach( ( svg, key ) => { useTag = svg.getElementsByTagNameNS( '', 'use' )[0]; if ( ! useTag ) { return; } useTagHref = useTag.getAttributeNS( '', 'href' ) || useTag.getAttribute( 'href' ); if ( useTagHref === '#frm_drag_icon' ) { hasDragIcon = true; } if ( useTagHref === '#frm_save_icon' ) { hasSaveIcon = true; } }); if ( ! hasDragIcon ) { li.prepend( icons.drag.cloneNode( true ) ); } if ( li.querySelector( `[id^=field_key_${fieldId}-]` ) && ! hasSaveIcon ) { li.querySelector( `[id^=field_key_${fieldId}-]` ).after( true ) ); } if ( liObject.newOption ) { liObject.newOption = li; } } function maybeAddSaveAndDragIcons( fieldId ) { fieldOptions = document.querySelectorAll( `[id^=frm_delete_field_${fieldId}-]` ); // return if there are no options. if ( fieldOptions.length < 2 ) { return; } const options = [ ...fieldOptions ].slice( 1 ); options.forEach( ( li, _key ) => { if ( li.classList.contains( 'frm_other_option' ) ) { return; } addSaveAndDragIconsToOption( fieldId, li ); }); } function initOnSubmitAction() { const onChangeType = event => { if ( ! ) { return; } const actionEl = '.frm_form_action_settings' ); actionEl.querySelectorAll( '.frm_on_submit_dependent_setting:not(.frm_hidden)' ).forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); }); const activeEls = actionEl.querySelectorAll( '.frm_on_submit_dependent_setting[data-show-if-' + + ']' ); activeEls.forEach( activeEl => { activeEl.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); }); actionEl.setAttribute( 'data-on-submit-type', ); }; frmDom.util.documentOn( 'change', '.frm_on_submit_type input[type="radio"]', onChangeType ); } /** * Listen for click events for an API-loaded email collection form. * * This is used for the Active Campaign sign-up form in the inbox page (when there are no messages). */ function initAddMyEmailAddress() { jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#frm-add-my-email-address', event => { event.preventDefault(); addMyEmailAddress(); } ); const emptyInbox = document.getElementById( 'frm_empty_inbox' ); const leaveEmailInput = document.getElementById( 'frm_leave_email' ); if ( emptyInbox && leaveEmailInput ) { const leaveEmailModal = document.getElementById( 'frm-leave-email-modal' ); leaveEmailModal.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); leaveEmailModal.querySelector( '.frm_modal_footer' ).classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); leaveEmailInput.addEventListener( 'keyup', event => { if ( 'Enter' === event.key ) { const button = document.getElementById( 'frm-add-my-email-address' ); if ( button ) {; } } } ); } } function addMyEmailAddress() { const email = document.getElementById( 'frm_leave_email' ).value.trim(); if ( '' === email ) { handleEmailAddressError( 'empty' ); return; } const regex = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/i; if ( regex.test( email ) === false ) { handleEmailAddressError( 'invalid' ); return; } const $hiddenForm = jQuery( '#frmapi-email-form' ).find( 'form' ); const $hiddenEmailField = $hiddenForm.find( '[type="email"]' ).not( '.frm_verify' ); if ( ! $hiddenEmailField.length ) { return; } const emptyInbox = document.getElementById( 'frm_empty_inbox' ); if ( emptyInbox ) { document.getElementById( 'frm-add-my-email-address' ).remove(); const emailWrapper = document.getElementById( 'frm_leave_email_wrapper' ); if ( emailWrapper ) { emailWrapper.classList.add( 'frm_hidden' ); const spinner = span({ className: 'frm-wait frm_spinner' }); = 'visible'; = 'none'; = 'unset'; emailWrapper.parentElement.insertBefore( spinner, emailWrapper.nextElementSibling ); } } $hiddenEmailField.val( email ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: $hiddenForm.attr( 'action' ), data: $hiddenForm.serialize() + '&action=frm_forms_preview' }).done( function( data ) { const message = jQuery( data ).find( '.frm_message' ).text().trim(); if ( message.indexOf( 'Thanks!' ) === -1 ) { handleEmailAddressError( 'invalid' ); return; } const apiForm = document.getElementById( 'frmapi-email-form' ); const spinner = apiForm.parentElement.querySelector( '.frm_spinner' ); if ( spinner ) { spinner.remove(); } const showSuccessMessage = wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'frm_thank_you_on_signup', true ); if ( showSuccessMessage ) { // Handle successful form submission. // handle the Active Campaign form on the inbox page. document.getElementById( 'frm_leave_email_wrapper' ).replaceWith( span( __( 'Thank you for signing up!', 'formidable' ) ) ); } }); } /** * Adds footer links to the admin body content. * * @return {void} */ function addAdminFooterLinks() { const footerLinks = document.querySelector( '.frm-admin-footer-links' ); const container = document.querySelector( '.frm_page_container' ) ?? document.getElementById( 'wpbody-content' ); if ( ! footerLinks || ! container ) { return; } container.appendChild( footerLinks ); footerLinks.classList.remove( 'frm_hidden' ); } /** * Apply zebra striping to a table while ignoring empty rows. * * @param {string} tableSelector The CSS selector for the table. * @param {string} emptyRowClass The class name used to identify empty rows. */ function applyZebraStriping( tableSelector, emptyRowClass ) { // Get all non-empty table rows within the specified table const rows = document.querySelectorAll( `${tableSelector} tr${emptyRowClass ? `:not(.${emptyRowClass})` : ''}` ); if ( rows.length < 1 ) { return; } let isOdd = true; rows.forEach( row => { // Clean old "frm-odd" or "frm-even" classes and add the appropriate new class row.classList.remove( 'frm-odd', 'frm-even' ); row.classList.add( isOdd ? 'frm-odd' : 'frm-even' ); isOdd = ! isOdd; }); const tables = document.querySelectorAll( tableSelector ); tables.forEach( table => table.classList.add( 'frm-zebra-striping' ) ); }; function maybeHideShortcodes( e ) { if ( ! builderPage ) { e.stopPropagation(); } if ( 'frm-show-box' ) || ( && 'frm-show-box' ) ) ) { return; } const sidebar = document.getElementById( 'frm_adv_info' ); if ( ! sidebar ) { return; } if ( sidebar.dataset.fills === && typeof !== 'undefined' ) { return; } const isChild = '#frm_adv_info' ); if ( ! isChild && !== 'none' ) { hideShortcodes( sidebar ); } } /** * Initializes and manages the visibility of dependent elements based on the selected options in dropdowns with the 'frm_select_with_dependency' class. * It sets up initial visibility at page load and updates it on each dropdown change. * * @since 6.9 * * @return {void} */ function initSelectDependencies() { const selects = document.querySelectorAll( 'select.frm_select_with_dependency' ); /** * Toggles the visibility of dependent elements associated with a select element based on its current selection. * * @since 6.9 * * @param {HTMLElement} select The select element whose dependencies need to be managed. * @return {void} */ function toggleDependencyVisibility( select ) { const selectedOption = select.options[ select.selectedIndex ]; select.querySelectorAll( 'option[data-dependency]' ).forEach( option => { const dependencyElement = document.querySelector( option.dataset.dependency ); dependencyElement?.classList.toggle( 'frm_hidden', selectedOption !== option ); }); } // Initial setup: Show dependencies based on the current selection in each dropdown selects.forEach( toggleDependencyVisibility ); // Update dependencies visibility on dropdown change frmDom.util.documentOn( 'change', 'select.frm_select_with_dependency', ( event ) => toggleDependencyVisibility( ) ); }; return { init: function() { initAddMyEmailAddress(); addAdminFooterLinks(); s = {}; // Bootstrap dropdown button jQuery( '.wp-admin' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { const t = jQuery( ); const $openDrop = jQuery( '' ); if ( $openDrop.length && ! t.hasClass( 'dropdown' ) && ! t.closest( '.dropdown' ).length ) { $openDrop.removeClass( 'open' ); } }); jQuery( '#frm_bs_dropdown:not(.open) a' ).on( 'click', focusSearchBox ); if ( typeof thisFormId === 'undefined' ) { thisFormId = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'form_id' ) ).val(); } // Add event listener for dismissible warning messages. document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-warning-dismiss' ).forEach( ( dismissIcon ) => { onClickPreventDefault( dismissIcon, dismissWarningMessage ); }); frmAdminBuild.inboxBannerInit(); if ( $newFields.length > 0 ) { // only load this on the form builder page frmAdminBuild.buildInit(); } else if ( document.getElementById( 'frm_notification_settings' ) !== null ) { // only load on form settings page frmAdminBuild.settingsInit(); } else if ( document.getElementById( 'frm_styling_form' ) !== null ) { // load styling settings js frmAdminBuild.styleInit(); } else if ( document.getElementById( 'form_global_settings' ) !== null ) { // global settings page frmAdminBuild.globalSettingsInit(); } else if ( document.getElementById( 'frm_export_xml' ) !== null ) { // import/export page frmAdminBuild.exportInit(); } else if ( document.getElementById( 'frm_dyncontent' ) !== null ) { // only load on views settings page frmAdminBuild.viewInit(); } else if ( null !== document.querySelector( '.frm-inbox-wrapper' ) ) { // Dashboard page inbox. frmAdminBuild.inboxInit(); } else if ( document.getElementById( 'frm-welcome' ) !== null ) { // Solution install page frmAdminBuild.solutionInit(); } else { initSelectionAutocomplete(); jQuery( '[data-frmprint]' ).on( 'click', function() { window.print(); return false; }); } jQuery( document ).on( 'change', 'select[data-toggleclass], input[data-toggleclass]', toggleFormOpts ); initSelectDependencies(); const $advInfo = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_adv_info' ) ); if ( $advInfo.length > 0 || jQuery( '.frm_field_list' ).length > 0 ) { // only load on the form, form settings, and view settings pages frmAdminBuild.panelInit(); } loadTooltips(); initUpgradeModal(); // used on build, form settings, and view settings const $shortCodeDiv = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_shortcodediv' ) ); if ( $shortCodeDiv.length > 0 ) { jQuery( 'a.edit-frm_shortcode' ).on( 'click', function() { if ( $ ':hidden' ) ) { $shortCodeDiv.slideDown( 'fast' ); = 'none'; } return false; }); jQuery( '.cancel-frm_shortcode', '#frm_shortcodediv' ).on( 'click', function() { $shortCodeDiv.slideUp( 'fast' ); $shortCodeDiv.siblings( 'a.edit-frm_shortcode' ).show(); return false; }); } // tabs jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#frm-nav-tabs a', clickNewTab ); jQuery( '.post-type-frm_display .frm-nav-tabs a, .frm-category-tabs a' ).on( 'click', function() { const showUpgradeTab = this.classList.contains( 'frm_show_upgrade_tab' ); if ( this.classList.contains( 'frm_noallow' ) && ! showUpgradeTab ) { return; } if ( showUpgradeTab ) { populateUpgradeTab( this ); } clickTab( this ); return false; }); clickTab( jQuery( '.starttab a' ), 'auto' ); // submit the search form with dropdown jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#frm-fid-search-menu a', function() { const val = 'fid-', '' ); jQuery( 'select[name="fid"]' ).val( val ); triggerSubmit( document.getElementById( 'posts-filter' ) ); return false; }); jQuery( '.frm_select_box' ).on( 'click focus', function() {; }); jQuery( document ).on( 'input search change', '.frm-auto-search:not(#frm-form-templates-page #template-search-input)', searchContent ); jQuery( document ).on( 'focusin click', '.frm-auto-search', stopPropagation ); const autoSearch = jQuery( '.frm-auto-search' ); if ( autoSearch.val() !== '' ) { autoSearch.trigger( 'keyup' ); } // Initialize Formidable Connection. FrmFormsConnect.init(); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.frm-install-addon', installAddon ); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.frm-activate-addon', activateAddon ); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.frm-solution-multiple', installMultipleAddons ); // prevent annoying confirmation message from WordPress jQuery( 'button, input[type=submit]' ).on( 'click', removeWPUnload ); addMultiselectLabelListener(); frmAdminBuild.hooks.addFilter( 'frm_before_embed_modal', ( ids, { element, type }) => { if ( 'form' !== type ) { return ids; } let formId, formKey; const row = element.closest( 'tr' ); if ( row ) { // Embed icon on form index. formId = parseInt( row.querySelector( '.column-id' ).textContent ); formKey = row.querySelector( '.column-form_key' ).textContent; } else { // Embed button in form builder / form settings. formId = document.getElementById( 'form_id' ).value; const formKeyInput = document.getElementById( 'frm_form_key' ); if ( formKeyInput ) { formKey = formKeyInput.value; } else { const previewDrop = document.getElementById( 'frm-previewDrop' ); if ( previewDrop ) { formKey = previewDrop.nextElementSibling.querySelector( '.dropdown-item a' ).getAttribute( 'href' ).split( 'form=' )[1]; } } } return [ formId, formKey ]; } ); document.querySelectorAll( '#frm-show-fields > li, .frm_grid_container li' ).forEach( ( el, _key ) => { el.addEventListener( 'click', function() { const fieldId = this.querySelector( 'li' )?.dataset.fid || this.dataset.fid; maybeAddSaveAndDragIcons( fieldId ); }); }); }, buildInit: function() { jQuery( '#frm_builder_page' ).on( 'mouseup', '*:not(.frm-show-box)', maybeHideShortcodes ); let loadFieldId, $builderForm, builderArea; debouncedSyncAfterDragAndDrop = debounce( syncAfterDragAndDrop, 10 ); postBodyContent = document.getElementById( 'post-body-content' ); $postBodyContent = jQuery( postBodyContent ); if ( jQuery( '.frm_field_loading' ).length ) { loadFieldId = jQuery( '.frm_field_loading' ).first().attr( 'id' ); loadFields( loadFieldId ); } setupSortable( 'ul.frm_sorting' ); document.querySelectorAll( '.field_type_list > li:not(.frm_show_upgrade)' ).forEach( makeDraggable ); jQuery( 'ul.field_type_list, .field_type_list li, ul.frm_code_list, .frm_code_list li, .frm_code_list li a, #frm_adv_info #category-tabs li, #frm_adv_info #category-tabs li a' ).disableSelection(); jQuery( '.frm_submit_ajax' ).on( 'click', submitBuild ); jQuery( '.frm_submit_no_ajax' ).on( 'click', submitNoAjax ); addFormNameModalEvents(); jQuery( 'a.edit-form-status' ).on( 'click', slideDown ); jQuery( '.cancel-form-status' ).on( 'click', slideUp ); jQuery( '.save-form-status' ).on( 'click', function() { const newStatus = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'form_change_status' ) ).val(); jQuery( 'input[name="new_status"]' ).val( newStatus ); jQuery( document.getElementById( 'form-status-display' ) ).html( newStatus ); jQuery( '.cancel-form-status' ).trigger( 'click' ); return false; }); jQuery( '.frm_form_builder form' ).first().on( 'submit', function() { jQuery( '.inplace_field' ).trigger( 'blur' ); }); initiateMultiselect(); renumberPageBreaks(); $builderForm = jQuery( builderForm ); 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'frm_bulk_products' : 'frm_import_options'; jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: action, field_id: fieldId, opts: opts, separate: separate, nonce: frmGlobal.nonce }, success: function( html ) { document.getElementById( 'frm_field_' + fieldId + '_opts' ).innerHTML = html; wp.hooks.doAction( 'frm_after_bulk_edit_opts', fieldId ); resetDisplayedOpts( fieldId ); if ( typeof modal !== 'undefined' ) { modal.dialog( 'close' ); document.getElementById( 'frm-update-bulk-opts' ).classList.remove( 'frm_loading_button' ); } } }); }, /* remove conditional logic if the field doesn't exist */ triggerRemoveLogic: function( fieldID, metaName ) { jQuery( '#frm_logic_' + fieldID + '_' + metaName + ' .frm_remove_tag' ).trigger( 'click' ); }, downloadXML: function( controller, ids, isTemplate ) { let url = ajaxurl + '?action=frm_' + controller + '_xml&ids=' + ids; if ( isTemplate !== null ) { url = url + '&is_template=' + isTemplate; } location.href = url; }, /** * @since 5.0.04 */ hooks: { applyFilters: function( hookName, ...args ) { return wp.hooks.applyFilters( hookName, ...args ); }, addFilter: function( hookName, callback, priority ) { return wp.hooks.addFilter( hookName, 'formidable', callback, priority ); }, doAction: function( hookName, ...args ) { return wp.hooks.doAction( hookName, ...args ); }, addAction: function( hookName, callback, priority ) { return wp.hooks.addAction( hookName, 'formidable', callback, priority ); } }, applyZebraStriping, initModal, infoModal, offsetModalY, adjustConditionalLogicOptionOrders, addRadioCheckboxOpt, installNewForm, toggleAddonState, purifyHtml, loadApiEmailForm, addMyEmailAddress }; } window.frmAdminBuild = frmAdminBuildJS(); jQuery( document ).ready( () => { frmAdminBuild.init(); frmDom.bootstrap.setupBootstrapDropdowns( convertOldBootstrapDropdownsToBootstrap4 ); document.querySelector( '.preview.dropdown .frm-dropdown-toggle' )?.setAttribute( 'data-toggle', 'dropdown' ); function convertOldBootstrapDropdownsToBootstrap4( frmDropdownMenu ) { const toggle = frmDropdownMenu.querySelector( '.frm-dropdown-toggle' ); if ( toggle ) { if ( ! toggle.hasAttribute( 'role' ) ) { toggle.setAttribute( 'role', 'button' ); } if ( ! toggle.hasAttribute( 'tabindex' ) ) { toggle.setAttribute( 'tabindex', 0 ); } } // Convert <li> and <ul> tags. if ( 'UL' === frmDropdownMenu.tagName ) { convertBootstrapUl( frmDropdownMenu ); } } function convertBootstrapUl( ul ) { let html = ul.outerHTML; html = html.replace( '<ul ', '<div ' ); html = html.replace( '</ul>', '</div>' ); html = html.replaceAll( '<li>', '<div class="dropdown-item">' ); html = html.replaceAll( '<li class="', '<div class="dropdown-item ' ); html = html.replaceAll( '</li>', '</div>' ); ul.outerHTML = html; } } ); function frm_show_div( div, value, showIf, classId ) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase if ( value == showIf ) { jQuery( classId + div ).fadeIn( 'slow' ).css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); } else { jQuery( classId + div ).fadeOut( 'slow' ); } } function frmCheckAll( checked, n ) { jQuery( 'input[name^="' + n + '"]' ).prop( 'checked', ! ! checked ); } function frmCheckAllLevel( checked, n, level ) { const $kids = jQuery( '.frm_catlevel_' + level ).children( '.frm_checkbox' ).children( 'label' ); $kids.children( 'input[name^="' + n + '"]' ).prop( 'checked', ! ! checked ); } function frmGetFieldValues( fieldId, cur, rowNumber, fieldType, htmlName ) { if ( fieldId ) { jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: 'action=frm_get_field_values¤t_field=' + cur + '&field_id=' + fieldId + '&name=' + htmlName + '&t=' + fieldType + '&form_action=' + jQuery( 'input[name="frm_action"]' ).val() + '&nonce=' + frmGlobal.nonce, success: function( msg ) { document.getElementById( 'frm_show_selected_values_' + cur + '_' + rowNumber ).innerHTML = msg; } }); } } function frmImportCsv( formID ) { let urlVars = ''; if ( typeof __FRMURLVARS !== 'undefined' ) { urlVars = __FRMURLVARS; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: 'action=frm_import_csv&nonce=' + frmGlobal.nonce + '&frm_skip_cookie=1' + urlVars, success: function( count ) { const max = jQuery( '.frm_admin_progress_bar' ).attr( 'aria-valuemax' ); const imported = max - count; const percent = ( imported / max ) * 100; jQuery( '.frm_admin_progress_bar' ).css( 'width', percent + '%' ).attr( 'aria-valuenow', imported ); if ( parseInt( count, 10 ) > 0 ) { jQuery( '.frm_csv_remaining' ).html( count ); frmImportCsv( formID ); } else { jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_import_message' ) ).html( frm_admin_js.import_complete ); // eslint-disable-line camelcase setTimeout( function() { location.href = '?page=formidable-entries&frm_action=list&form=' + formID + '&import-message=1'; }, 2000 ); } } }); }
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