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/* exported frmRecaptcha, frmAfterRecaptcha */ /* eslint-disable prefer-const */ function frmFrontFormJS() { 'use strict'; /*global jQuery:false, frm_js, grecaptcha, hcaptcha, turnstile, frmProForm, tinyMCE */ /*global frmThemeOverride_jsErrors, frmThemeOverride_frmPlaceError, frmThemeOverride_frmAfterSubmit */ let action = ''; let jsErrors = []; /** * Triggers custom JS event. * * @since 5.5.3 * * @param {HTMLElement} el The HTML element. * @param {string} eventName Event name. * @param {mixed} data The passed data. */ function triggerCustomEvent( el, eventName, data ) { if ( typeof window.CustomEvent !== 'function' ) { return; } const event = new CustomEvent( eventName ); event.frmData = data; el.dispatchEvent( event ); } /** * Get the ID of the field that changed. * * @param {HTMLElement|jQuery} field * @param {boolean} fullID * @return {string|number} Field ID. */ function getFieldId( field, fullID ) { let nameParts, fieldId, isRepeating = false, fieldName = ''; if ( field instanceof jQuery ) { fieldName = field.attr( 'name' ); } else { fieldName =; } if ( typeof fieldName === 'undefined' ) { fieldName = ''; } if ( fieldName === '' ) { if ( field instanceof jQuery ) { fieldName = 'name' ); } else { fieldName = field.getAttribute( 'data-name' ); } if ( typeof fieldName === 'undefined' ) { fieldName = ''; } if ( fieldName !== '' && fieldName ) { return fieldName; } return 0; } nameParts = fieldName.replace( 'item_meta[', '' ).replace( '[]', '' ).split( ']' ); //TODO: Fix this for checkboxes and address fields if ( nameParts.length < 1 ) { return 0; } nameParts = nameParts.filter( function( n ) { return n !== ''; }); fieldId = nameParts[0]; if ( nameParts.length === 1 ) { return fieldId; } if ( nameParts[1] === '[form' || nameParts[1] === '[row_ids' ) { return 0; } // Check if 'this' is in a repeating section if ( jQuery( 'input[name="item_meta[' + fieldId + '][form]"]' ).length ) { // this is a repeatable section with name: item_meta[repeating-section-id][row-id][field-id] fieldId = nameParts[2].replace( '[', '' ); isRepeating = true; } // Check if 'this' is an other text field and get field ID for it if ( 'other' === fieldId ) { if ( isRepeating ) { // name for other fields: item_meta[370][0][other][414] fieldId = nameParts[3].replace( '[', '' ); } else { // Other field name: item_meta[other][370] fieldId = nameParts[1].replace( '[', '' ); } } if ( fullID === true ) { // For use in the container div id if ( fieldId === nameParts[0]) { fieldId = fieldId + '-' + nameParts[1].replace( '[', '' ); } else { fieldId = fieldId + '-' + nameParts[0] + '-' + nameParts[1].replace( '[', '' ); } } return fieldId; } /** * Disable the submit button for a given jQuery form object * * @since 2.03.02 * * @param {Object} $form */ function disableSubmitButton( $form ) { $form.find( 'input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], button[type="submit"], button.frm_save_draft' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); } /** * Enable the submit button for a given jQuery form object * * @since 2.03.02 * * @param {Object} $form */ function enableSubmitButton( $form ) { $form.find( 'input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], button[type="submit"]' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); } /** * Disable the save draft link for a given jQuery form object * * @since 4.04.03 * * @param {Object} $form */ function disableSaveDraft( $form ) { $form.find( 'a.frm_save_draft' ).css( 'pointer-events', 'none' ); } /** * Enable the save draft link for a given jQuery form object * * @since 4.04.03 * * @param {jQuery} $form */ function enableSaveDraft( $form ) { if ( ! $form.length ) { return; } $form[0].querySelectorAll( '.frm_save_draft' ).forEach( saveDraftButton => { saveDraftButton.disabled = false; = ''; }); } /** * Validate form with JS. * * @param {HTMLElement|jQuery} object * @return {Array} Errors. */ function validateForm( object ) { let errors, n, nl, fields, field; errors = []; const vanillaJsObject = 'function' === typeof object.get ? object.get( 0 ) : object; // Required field validation. vanillaJsObject?.querySelectorAll( '.frm_required_field' ).forEach( requiredField => { const isVisible = requiredField.offsetParent !== null; if ( ! isVisible ) { return; } requiredField.querySelectorAll( 'input, select, textarea' ).forEach( requiredInput => { if ( hasClass( requiredInput, 'frm_optional' ) || hasClass( requiredInput, 'ed_button' ) ) { // skip rich text field buttons. return; } errors = checkRequiredField( requiredInput, errors ); } ); } ); fields = jQuery( object ).find( 'input,select,textarea' ); if ( fields.length ) { for ( n = 0, nl = fields.length; n < nl; n++ ) { field = fields[n]; if ( '' === field.value ) { if ( 'number' === field.type ) { // A number field will return an empty string when it is invalid. checkValidity( field, errors ); } const isConfirmationField = && 0 === 'item_meta[conf_' ); if ( ! isConfirmationField ) { // Allow a blank confirmation field to still call validateFieldValue. // If we continue for a confirmation field there are issues with forms submitting with a blank confirmation field. continue; } } validateFieldValue( field, errors, true ); checkValidity( field, errors ); } } // Invisible captchas are processed after validation. // We only want to validate a visible captcha on submit. if ( ! hasInvisibleRecaptcha( object ) ) { errors = validateRecaptcha( object, errors ); } return errors; } /** * Check the ValidityState interface for the field. * If it is invalid, show an error for it. * * @param {HTMLElement} field * @param {Array} errors * @return {void} */ function checkValidity( field, errors ) { let fieldID; if ( 'object' !== typeof field.validity || false !== field.validity.valid ) { return; } fieldID = getFieldId( field, true ); if ( 'undefined' === typeof errors[ fieldID ]) { errors[ fieldID ] = getFieldValidationMessage( field, 'data-invmsg' ); } if ( 'function' === typeof field.reportValidity ) { // This triggers an error pop up. field.reportValidity(); } } /** * @since 5.0.10 * * @param {Object} element * @param {string} targetClass * @return {boolean} True if the element has the target class. */ function hasClass( element, targetClass ) { return element.classList && element.classList.contains( targetClass ); } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field */ function maybeValidateChange( field ) { if ( field.type === 'url' ) { maybeAddHttpToUrl( field ); } if ( jQuery( field ).closest( 'form' ).hasClass( 'frm_js_validate' ) ) { validateField( field ); } } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field */ function maybeAddHttpToUrl( field ) { const url = field.value; const matches = url.match( /^(https?|ftps?|mailto|news|feed|telnet):/ ); if ( field.value !== '' && matches === null ) { field.value = 'http://' + url; } } function validateField( field ) { let key, errors = [], $fieldCont = jQuery( field ).closest( '.frm_form_field' ); if ( $fieldCont.hasClass( 'frm_required_field' ) && ! jQuery( field ).hasClass( 'frm_optional' ) ) { errors = checkRequiredField( field, errors ); } if ( errors.length < 1 ) { validateFieldValue( field, errors, false ); } removeFieldError( $fieldCont ); if ( Object.keys( errors ).length > 0 ) { for ( key in errors ) { addFieldError( $fieldCont, key, errors ); } } } /** * Validates a field value. * * @since 6.15 Added `onSubmit` parameter. * * @param {HTMLElement} field Field input. * @param {Object} errors Errors data. * @param {boolean} onSubmit Is `true` if the form is being submitted. */ function validateFieldValue( field, errors, onSubmit ) { if ( field.type === 'hidden' ) { // don't validate } else if ( field.type === 'number' ) { checkNumberField( field, errors ); } else if ( field.type === 'email' ) { checkEmailField( field, errors, onSubmit ); } else if ( field.type === 'password' ) { checkPasswordField( field, errors, onSubmit ); } else if ( field.type === 'url' ) { checkUrlField( field, errors ); } else if ( field.pattern !== null ) { checkPatternField( field, errors ); } /** * @since 6.15 Added `onSubmit` to the data. */ triggerCustomEvent( document, 'frm_validate_field_value', { field: field, errors: errors, onSubmit: onSubmit }); } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field * @param {Array} errors * @return {Array} Errors */ function checkRequiredField( field, errors ) { let checkGroup, tempVal, i, placeholder, val = '', fieldID = '', fileID = field.getAttribute( 'data-frmfile' ); if ( field.type === 'hidden' && fileID === null && ! isAppointmentField( field ) && ! isInlineDatepickerField( field ) ) { return errors; } if ( field.type === 'checkbox' || field.type === 'radio' ) { checkGroup = jQuery( 'input[name="' + + '"]' ).closest( '.frm_required_field' ).find( 'input:checked' ); jQuery( checkGroup ).each( function() { val = this.value; }); } else if ( field.type === 'file' || fileID ) { if ( typeof fileID === 'undefined' ) { fileID = getFieldId( field, true ); fileID = fileID.replace( 'file', '' ); } if ( typeof errors[ fileID ] === 'undefined' ) { val = getFileVals( fileID ); } fieldID = fileID; } else { if ( hasClass( field, 'frm_pos_none' ) ) { // skip hidden other fields return errors; } val = jQuery( field ).val(); if ( val === null ) { val = ''; } else if ( typeof val !== 'string' ) { tempVal = val; val = ''; for ( i = 0; i < tempVal.length; i++ ) { if ( tempVal[i] !== '' ) { val = tempVal[i]; } } } if ( hasClass( field, 'frm_other_input' ) ) { fieldID = getFieldId( field, false ); if ( val === '' ) { field = document.getElementById( '-otext', '' ) ); } } else { fieldID = getFieldId( field, true ); } // Make sure fieldID is a string. // fieldID may be a number which doesn't include a .replace function. if ( 'function' !== typeof fieldID.replace ) { fieldID = fieldID.toString(); } if ( hasClass( field, 'frm_time_select' ) ) { // set id for time field fieldID = fieldID.replace( '-H', '' ).replace( '-m', '' ); } else if ( isSignatureField( field ) ) { if ( val === '' ) { val = jQuery( field ).closest( '.frm_form_field' ).find( '[name="' + field.getAttribute( 'name' ).replace( '[typed]', '[output]' ) + '"]' ).val(); } fieldID = fieldID.replace( '-typed', '' ); } placeholder = field.getAttribute( 'data-frmplaceholder' ); if ( placeholder !== null && val === placeholder ) { val = ''; } } if ( val === '' ) { if ( fieldID === '' ) { fieldID = getFieldId( field, true ); } if ( ! ( fieldID in errors ) ) { errors[ fieldID ] = getFieldValidationMessage( field, 'data-reqmsg' ); } } return errors; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field * @return {boolean} True if the input is a typed signature input. */ function isSignatureField( field ) { const name = field.getAttribute( 'name' ); return 'string' === typeof name && '[typed]' === name.substr( -7 ); } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field * @return {boolean} True if the field is a SSA appointment field. */ function isAppointmentField( field ) { return hasClass( field, 'ssa_appointment_form_field_appointment_id' ); } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field * @return {boolean} True if the field is inline datepicker field. */ function isInlineDatepickerField( field ) { return 'hidden' === field.type && '_alt' === -4 ) && hasClass( field.nextElementSibling, 'frm_date_inline' ); } /** * @param {string|number} fileID * @return {string} File input value. */ function getFileVals( fileID ) { let val = '', fileFields = jQuery( 'input[name="file' + fileID + '"], input[name="file' + fileID + '[]"], input[name^="item_meta[' + fileID + ']"]' ); fileFields.each( function() { if ( val === '' ) { val = this.value; } }); return val; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field * @param {Array} errors * @return {void} */ function checkUrlField( field, errors ) { let fieldID, url = field.value; if ( url !== '' && ! /^http(s)?:\/\/(?:localhost|(?:[\da-z\.-]+\.[\da-z\.-]+))/i.test( url ) ) { fieldID = getFieldId( field, true ); if ( ! ( fieldID in errors ) ) { errors[ fieldID ] = getFieldValidationMessage( field, 'data-invmsg' ); } } } /** * Checks if the confirm field should be checked. * * @since 6.15 * * @param {HTMLElement} field Field input. * @param {boolean} onSubmit Is `true` if the form is being submitted. * @return {boolean} True if we should confirm the field. */ function shouldCheckConfirmField( field, onSubmit ) { if ( onSubmit ) { // Always check on submitting. return true; } if ( 0 === 'field_conf_' ) ) { // Always check if it's the confirm field. return true; } return false; } /** * Check the email field for errors. * * @since 6.15 Added `onSubmit` parameter. * * @param {HTMLElement} field Field input. * @param {Object} errors Errors data. * @param {boolean} onSubmit Is `true` if the form is being submitted. */ function checkEmailField( field, errors, onSubmit ) { const fieldID = getFieldId( field, true ), pattern = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/i; // validate the current field we're editing first if ( '' !== field.value && pattern.test( field.value ) === false ) { errors[ fieldID ] = getFieldValidationMessage( field, 'data-invmsg' ); } if ( shouldCheckConfirmField( field, onSubmit ) ) { confirmField( field, errors ); } } /** * Check the password field for errors. * * @since 6.15 Added `onSubmit` parameter. * * @param {HTMLElement} field Field input. * @param {Object} errors Errors data. * @param {boolean} onSubmit Is `true` if the form is being submitted. */ function checkPasswordField( field, errors, onSubmit ) { if ( shouldCheckConfirmField( field, onSubmit ) ) { confirmField( field, errors ); } } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field * @param {Array} errors * @return {void} */ function confirmField( field, errors ) { let value, confirmValue, firstField, fieldID = getFieldId( field, true ), strippedId = 'conf_', '' ), strippedFieldID = fieldID.replace( 'conf_', '' ), confirmField = document.getElementById( strippedId.replace( 'field_', 'field_conf_' ) ); if ( confirmField === null || typeof errors[ 'conf_' + strippedFieldID ] !== 'undefined' ) { return; } if ( fieldID !== strippedFieldID ) { firstField = document.getElementById( strippedId ); value = firstField.value; confirmValue = confirmField.value; if ( value !== confirmValue ) { errors[ 'conf_' + strippedFieldID ] = getFieldValidationMessage( confirmField, 'data-confmsg' ); } } else { validateField( confirmField ); } } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field * @param {Array} errors * @return {void} */ function checkNumberField( field, errors ) { let fieldID, number = field.value; if ( number !== '' && isNaN( number / 1 ) !== false ) { fieldID = getFieldId( field, true ); if ( ! ( fieldID in errors ) ) { errors[ fieldID ] = getFieldValidationMessage( field, 'data-invmsg' ); } } } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field * @param {Array} errors * @return {void} */ function checkPatternField( field, errors ) { let fieldID, text = field.value, format = getFieldValidationMessage( field, 'pattern' ); if ( format !== '' && text !== '' ) { fieldID = getFieldId( field, true ); if ( ! ( fieldID in errors ) ) { if ( 'object' === typeof window.frmProForm && 'function' === typeof window.frmProForm.isIntlPhoneInput && window.frmProForm.isIntlPhoneInput( field ) ) { if ( ! window.frmProForm.validateIntlPhoneInput( field ) ) { errors[ fieldID ] = getFieldValidationMessage( field, 'data-invmsg' ); } } else { format = new RegExp( '^' + format + '$', 'i' ); if ( format.test( text ) === false ) { errors[ fieldID ] = getFieldValidationMessage( field, 'data-invmsg' ); } } } } } /** * Set color for select placeholders. * * @since 6.5.1 */ function setSelectPlaceholderColor() { let selects = document.querySelectorAll( '.form-field select' ), styleElement = document.querySelector( '.with_frm_style' ), textColorDisabled = styleElement ? getComputedStyle( styleElement ).getPropertyValue( '--text-color-disabled' ).trim() : '', changeSelectColor; // Exit if there are no select elements or the textColorDisabled property is missing if ( ! selects.length || ! textColorDisabled ) { return; } // Function to change the color of a select element changeSelectColor = function( select ) { if ( select.options[select.selectedIndex] && hasClass( select.options[select.selectedIndex], 'frm-select-placeholder' ) ) { 'color', textColorDisabled, 'important' ); } else { = ''; } }; // Use a loop to iterate through each select element selects, function( select ) { // Apply the color change to each select element changeSelectColor( select ); // Add an event listener for future changes select.addEventListener( 'change', function() { changeSelectColor( select ); }); }); } /** * @param {HTMLElement|jQuery} object * @return {boolean} True if there is an invisible recaptcha. */ function hasInvisibleRecaptcha( object ) { let recaptcha, recaptchaID, alreadyChecked; if ( isGoingToPrevPage( object ) ) { return false; } recaptcha = jQuery( object ).find( '.frm-g-recaptcha[data-size="invisible"], .g-recaptcha[data-size="invisible"]' ); if ( recaptcha.length ) { recaptchaID = 'rid' ); alreadyChecked = grecaptcha.getResponse( recaptchaID ); if ( alreadyChecked.length === 0 ) { return recaptcha; } } return false; } /** * @param {jQuery} invisibleRecaptcha */ function executeInvisibleRecaptcha( invisibleRecaptcha ) { const recaptchaID = 'rid' ); grecaptcha.reset( recaptchaID ); grecaptcha.execute( recaptchaID ); } function validateRecaptcha( form, errors ) { let response; const $recaptcha = jQuery( form ).find( '.frm-g-recaptcha' ); if ( ! $recaptcha.length ) { return errors; } const recaptchaID = $ 'rid' ); try { response = grecaptcha.getResponse( recaptchaID ); } catch ( e ) { if ( jQuery( form ).find( 'input[name="recaptcha_checked"]' ).length ) { return errors; } response = ''; } if ( response.length === 0 ) { const fieldContainer = $recaptcha.closest( '.frm_form_field' ); const fieldID = fieldContainer.attr( 'id' ).replace( 'frm_field_', '' ).replace( '_container', '' ); errors[ fieldID ] = ''; } return errors; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} field * @param {string} messageType * @return {string} The error message to display. */ function getFieldValidationMessage( field, messageType ) { let msg = field.getAttribute( messageType ); if ( null === msg ) { msg = ''; } if ( '' !== msg && shouldWrapErrorHtmlAroundMessageType( messageType ) ) { msg = wrapErrorHtml( msg, field ); } return msg; } /** * @param {string} msg * @param {HTMLElement} field * @return {string} The error HTML to use. */ function wrapErrorHtml( msg, field ) { let errorHtml = field.getAttribute( 'data-error-html' ); if ( null === errorHtml ) { return msg; } errorHtml = errorHtml.replace( /\+/g, '%20' ); msg = decodeURIComponent( errorHtml ).replace( '[error]', msg ); const fieldId = getFieldId( field, false ); const split = fieldId.split( '-' ); const fieldIdParts = '_' ); fieldIdParts.shift(); // Drop the "field" value from the front. split[0] = fieldIdParts.join( '_' ); const errorKey = split.join( '-' ); return msg.replace( '[key]', errorKey ); } function shouldWrapErrorHtmlAroundMessageType( type ) { return 'pattern' !== type; } /** * Check if JS validation should happen. * * @param {HTMLElement|Object} object Form object. * @return {boolean} True if validation is enabled and we are not saving a draft or going to a previous page. */ function shouldJSValidate( object ) { if ( 'function' === typeof object.get ) { // Get the HTMLElement from a jQuery object. object = object.get( 0 ); } let validate = hasClass( object, 'frm_js_validate' ); if ( validate && typeof frmProForm !== 'undefined' && ( frmProForm.savingDraft( object ) || frmProForm.goingToPreviousPage( object ) ) ) { validate = false; } return validate; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} object * @param {string|undefined} action * @return {void} */ function getFormErrors( object, action ) { let fieldset, data, success, error, shouldTriggerEvent; if ( typeof action === 'undefined' ) { jQuery( object ).find( 'input[name="frm_action"]' ).val(); } fieldset = jQuery( object ).find( '.frm_form_field' ); fieldset.addClass( 'frm_doing_ajax' ); data = jQuery( object ).serialize() + '&action=frm_entries_' + action + '&nonce=' + frm_js.nonce; // eslint-disable-line camelcase shouldTriggerEvent = object.classList.contains( 'frm_trigger_event_on_submit' ); success = function( response ) { let defaultResponse, formID, replaceContent, pageOrder, formReturned, contSubmit, delay, $fieldCont, key, inCollapsedSection, frmTrigger, newTab; defaultResponse = { content: '', errors: {}, pass: false }; if ( response === null ) { response = defaultResponse; } response = response.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' ); if ( response.indexOf( '{' ) === 0 ) { response = JSON.parse( response ); } else { response = defaultResponse; } if ( typeof response.redirect !== 'undefined' ) { if ( shouldTriggerEvent ) { triggerCustomEvent( object, 'frmSubmitEvent' ); return; } jQuery( document ).trigger( 'frmBeforeFormRedirect', [ object, response ]); if ( ! response.openInNewTab ) { // We return here because we're redirecting there is no need to update content. window.location = response.redirect; return; } // We don't return here because we're opening in a new tab, the old tab will still update. newTab = response.redirect, '_blank' ); if ( ! newTab && response.fallbackMsg && response.content ) { response.content = response.content.trim().replace( /(<\/div><\/div>)$/, ' ' + response.fallbackMsg + '</div></div>' ); } } if ( response.content !== '' ) { // the form or success message was returned if ( shouldTriggerEvent ) { triggerCustomEvent( object, 'frmSubmitEvent', { content: response.content }); return; } removeSubmitLoading( jQuery( object ) ); if ( frm_js.offset != -1 ) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase frmFrontForm.scrollMsg( jQuery( object ), false ); } formID = jQuery( object ).find( 'input[name="form_id"]' ).val(); response.content = response.content.replace( / frm_pro_form /g, ' frm_pro_form frm_no_hide ' ); replaceContent = jQuery( object ).closest( '.frm_forms' ); removeAddedScripts( replaceContent, formID ); delay = maybeSlideOut( replaceContent, response.content ); setTimeout( function() { let container, input, previousInput; afterFormSubmittedBeforeReplace( object, response ); replaceContent.replaceWith( response.content ); addUrlParam( response ); if ( typeof frmThemeOverride_frmAfterSubmit === 'function' ) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase pageOrder = jQuery( 'input[name="frm_page_order_' + formID + '"]' ).val(); formReturned = jQuery( response.content ).find( 'input[name="form_id"]' ).val(); frmThemeOverride_frmAfterSubmit( formReturned, pageOrder, response.content, object ); } if ( typeof response.recaptcha !== 'undefined' ) { container = jQuery( '#frm_form_' + formID + '_container' ).find( '.frm_fields_container' ); input = '<input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_checked" value="' + response.recaptcha + '">'; previousInput = container.find( 'input[name="recaptcha_checked"]' ); if ( previousInput.length ) { previousInput.replaceWith( input ); } else { container.append( input ); } } afterFormSubmitted( object, response ); }, delay ); } else if ( Object.keys( response.errors ).length ) { // errors were returned removeSubmitLoading( jQuery( object ), 'enable' ); //show errors contSubmit = true; removeAllErrors(); $fieldCont = null; for ( key in response.errors ) { $fieldCont = jQuery( object ).find( '#frm_field_' + key + '_container' ); if ( $fieldCont.length ) { if ( ! $ ':visible' ) ) { inCollapsedSection = $fieldCont.closest( '.frm_toggle_container' ); if ( inCollapsedSection.length ) { frmTrigger = inCollapsedSection.prev(); if ( ! frmTrigger.hasClass( 'frm_trigger' ) ) { // If the frmTrigger object is the section description, check to see if the previous element is the trigger frmTrigger = frmTrigger.prev( '.frm_trigger' ); } frmTrigger.trigger( 'click' ); } } if ( $ ':visible' ) ) { addFieldError( $fieldCont, key, response.errors ); contSubmit = false; } } } jQuery( object ).find( '.frm-g-recaptcha, .g-recaptcha, .h-captcha' ).each( function() { const $recaptcha = jQuery( this ), recaptchaID = $ 'rid' ); if ( typeof grecaptcha !== 'undefined' && grecaptcha ) { if ( recaptchaID ) { grecaptcha.reset( recaptchaID ); } else { grecaptcha.reset(); } } if ( typeof hcaptcha !== 'undefined' && hcaptcha ) { hcaptcha.reset(); } }); jQuery( document ).trigger( 'frmFormErrors', [ object, response ]); fieldset.removeClass( 'frm_doing_ajax' ); scrollToFirstField( object ); if ( contSubmit ) { object.submit(); } else { object.insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterbegin', response.error_message ); checkForErrorsAndMaybeSetFocus(); } } else { // there may have been a plugin conflict, or the form is not set to submit with ajax showFileLoading( object ); object.submit(); } }; error = function() { jQuery( object ).find( 'input[type="submit"], input[type="button"]' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); object.submit(); }; postToAjaxUrl( object, data, success, error ); } function postToAjaxUrl( form, data, success, error ) { let ajaxUrl, action, ajaxParams; ajaxUrl = frm_js.ajax_url; // eslint-disable-line camelcase action = form.getAttribute( 'action' ); if ( 'string' === typeof action && -1 !== action.indexOf( '?action=frm_forms_preview' ) ) { ajaxUrl = action.split( '?action=frm_forms_preview' )[0]; } ajaxParams = { type: 'POST', url: ajaxUrl, data: data, success: success }; if ( 'function' === typeof error ) { ajaxParams.error = error; } jQuery.ajax( ajaxParams ); } function afterFormSubmitted( object, response ) { const formCompleted = jQuery( response.content ).find( '.frm_message' ); if ( formCompleted.length ) { jQuery( document ).trigger( 'frmFormComplete', [ object, response ]); } else { jQuery( document ).trigger( 'frmPageChanged', [ object, response ]); } } /** * Trigger an event before the form is replaced with a success message. * * @since 6.9 * * @param {HTMLElement} object The form. * @param {Object} response The response from submitting the form with AJAX. * @return {void} */ function afterFormSubmittedBeforeReplace( object, response ) { const formCompleted = jQuery( response.content ).find( '.frm_message' ); if ( formCompleted.length ) { triggerCustomEvent( document, 'frmFormCompleteBeforeReplace', { object, response }); } } function removeAddedScripts( formContainer, formID ) { const endReplace = jQuery( '.frm_end_ajax_' + formID ); if ( endReplace.length ) { formContainer.nextUntil( '.frm_end_ajax_' + formID ).remove(); endReplace.remove(); } } function maybeSlideOut( oldContent, newContent ) { let c, newClass = 'frm_slideout'; if ( newContent.indexOf( ' frm_slide' ) !== -1 ) { c = oldContent.children(); if ( newContent.indexOf( ' frm_going_back' ) !== -1 ) { newClass += ' frm_going_back'; } c.removeClass( 'frm_going_back' ); c.addClass( newClass ); return 300; } return 0; } function addUrlParam( response ) { let url; if ( history.pushState && typeof !== 'undefined' ) { url = addQueryVar( 'frm_page', ); window.history.pushState({ 'html': response.html }, '', '?' + url ); } } function addQueryVar( key, value ) { let kvp, i, x; key = encodeURI( key ); value = encodeURI( value ); kvp = 1 ).split( '&' ); i = kvp.length; while ( i-- ) { x = kvp[i].split( '=' ); if ( x[0] == key ) { x[1] = value; kvp[i] = x.join( '=' ); break; } } if ( i < 0 ) { kvp[ kvp.length ] = [ key, value ].join( '=' ); } return kvp.join( '&' ); } function addFieldError( $fieldCont, key, jsErrors ) { let input, id, describedBy, roleString; if ( $fieldCont.length && $ ':visible' ) ) { $fieldCont.addClass( 'frm_blank_field' ); input = $fieldCont.find( 'input, select, textarea' ); id = getErrorElementId( key, input.get( 0 ) ); describedBy = input.attr( 'aria-describedby' ); if ( typeof frmThemeOverride_frmPlaceError === 'function' ) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase frmThemeOverride_frmPlaceError( key, jsErrors ); } else { if ( -1 !== jsErrors[key].indexOf( '<div' ) ) { $fieldCont.append( jsErrors[key] ); } else { roleString = frm_js.include_alert_role ? 'role="alert"' : ''; // eslint-disable-line camelcase $fieldCont.append( '<div class="frm_error" ' + roleString + ' id="' + id + '">' + jsErrors[key] + '</div>' ); } if ( typeof describedBy === 'undefined' ) { describedBy = id; } else if ( describedBy.indexOf( id ) === -1 && describedBy.indexOf( 'frm_error_field_' ) === -1 ) { if ( 'error-first' ) === 0 ) { describedBy = describedBy + ' ' + id; } else { describedBy = id + ' ' + describedBy; } } input.attr( 'aria-describedby', describedBy ); } input.attr( 'aria-invalid', true ); jQuery( document ).trigger( 'frmAddFieldError', [ $fieldCont, key, jsErrors ]); } } /** * Get the ID to use for an error element added when submitting with AJAX. * * @param {string} key * @param {HTMLElement} input * @return {string} The ID to use for the error element. */ function getErrorElementId( key, input ) { if ( isNaN( key ) || ! ) { // If key isn't a number, assume it's already in the right format. return 'frm_error_field_' + key; } return 'frm_error_' +; } /** * Removes errors before validating with JS. * This prevents issues with stale errors that has since been fixed. * * @param {Object} $fieldCont jQuery object. * @return {void} */ function removeFieldError( $fieldCont ) { const errorMessage = $fieldCont.find( '.frm_error' ); const errorId = errorMessage.attr( 'id' ); const input = $fieldCont.find( 'input, select, textarea' ); let describedBy = input.attr( 'aria-describedby' ); const fieldContainer = $fieldCont.get( 0 ); if ( fieldContainer && fieldContainer.classList ) { fieldContainer.classList.remove( 'frm_blank_field', 'has-error' ); } errorMessage.remove(); input.attr( 'aria-invalid', false ); input.removeAttr( 'aria-describedby' ); if ( typeof describedBy !== 'undefined' ) { describedBy = describedBy.replace( errorId, '' ); input.attr( 'aria-describedby', describedBy ); } } function removeAllErrors() { jQuery( '.form-field' ).removeClass( 'frm_blank_field has-error' ); jQuery( '.form-field .frm_error' ).replaceWith( '' ); jQuery( '.frm_error_style' ).remove(); } /** * @param {HTMLElement|Object} object Form object. * @return {void} */ function scrollToFirstField( object ) { if ( 'function' === typeof object.get ) { // Get the HTMLElement from a jQuery object. object = object.get( 0 ); } const field = object.querySelector( '.frm_blank_field' ); if ( field ) { frmFrontForm.scrollMsg( jQuery( field ), object, true ); } } function showSubmitLoading( $object ) { showLoadingIndicator( $object ); disableSubmitButton( $object ); disableSaveDraft( $object ); } function showLoadingIndicator( $object ) { if ( ! $object.hasClass( 'frm_loading_form' ) && ! $object.hasClass( 'frm_loading_prev' ) ) { addLoadingClass( $object ); $object.trigger( 'frmStartFormLoading' ); } } function addLoadingClass( $object ) { const loadingClass = isGoingToPrevPage( $object ) ? 'frm_loading_prev' : 'frm_loading_form'; $object.addClass( loadingClass ); } function isGoingToPrevPage( $object ) { return ( typeof frmProForm !== 'undefined' && frmProForm.goingToPreviousPage( $object ) ); } function removeSubmitLoading( $object, enable, processesRunning ) { let loadingForm; if ( processesRunning > 0 ) { return; } loadingForm = jQuery( '.frm_loading_form' ); loadingForm.removeClass( 'frm_loading_form' ); loadingForm.removeClass( 'frm_loading_prev' ); loadingForm.trigger( 'frmEndFormLoading' ); if ( enable === 'enable' ) { enableSubmitButton( loadingForm ); enableSaveDraft( loadingForm ); } } function showFileLoading( object ) { let fileval, loading = document.getElementById( 'frm_loading' ); if ( loading !== null ) { fileval = jQuery( object ).find( 'input[type=file]' ).val(); if ( typeof fileval !== 'undefined' && fileval !== '' ) { setTimeout( function() { jQuery( loading ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); }, 2000 ); } } } /********************************************** * General Helpers *********************************************/ function confirmClick() { /*jshint validthis:true */ const message = jQuery( this ).data( 'frmconfirm' ); return confirm( message ); } /** * Check for -webkit-box-shadow css value for input:-webkit-autofill selector. * If this is a match, the User is autofilling the input on a Webkit browser. * We want to delete the Honeypot field, otherwise it will get triggered as spam on autocomplete. */ function onHoneypotFieldChange() { const css = jQuery( this ).css( 'box-shadow' ); if ( css.match( /inset/ ) ) { this.parentNode.removeChild( this ); } } function maybeMakeHoneypotFieldsUntabbable() { document.addEventListener( 'keydown', handleKeyUp ); function handleKeyUp( event ) { let code; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof event.key ) { code = event.key; } else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof event.keyCode && 9 === event.keyCode ) { code = 'Tab'; } if ( 'Tab' === code ) { makeHoneypotFieldsUntabbable(); document.removeEventListener( 'keydown', handleKeyUp ); } } function makeHoneypotFieldsUntabbable() { document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_verify' ).forEach( function( input ) { if ( && 0 === 'frm_email_' ) ) { input.setAttribute( 'tabindex', -1 ); } } ); } } /** * Focus on the first sub field when clicking to the primary label of combo field. * * @since 4.10.02 */ function changeFocusWhenClickComboFieldLabel() { let label; const comboInputsContainer = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_combo_inputs_container' ); comboInputsContainer.forEach( function( inputsContainer ) { if ( ! inputsContainer.closest( '.frm_form_field' ) ) { return; } label = inputsContainer.closest( '.frm_form_field' ).querySelector( '.frm_primary_label' ); if ( ! label ) { return; } label.addEventListener( 'click', function() { inputsContainer.querySelector( '.frm_form_field:first-child input, .frm_form_field:first-child select, .frm_form_field:first-child textarea' ).focus(); }); }); } function checkForErrorsAndMaybeSetFocus() { let errors, element, timeoutCallback; if ( ! frm_js.focus_first_error ) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase return; } errors = document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_form_field .frm_error' ); if ( ! errors.length ) { return; } element = errors[0]; do { element = element.previousSibling; if ( -1 !== [ 'input', 'select', 'textarea' ].indexOf( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() ) ) { focusInput( element ); break; } if ( 'undefined' !== typeof element.classList ) { if ( element.classList.contains( 'html-active' ) ) { timeoutCallback = function() { const textarea = element.querySelector( 'textarea' ); if ( null !== textarea ) { textarea.focus(); } }; } else if ( element.classList.contains( 'tmce-active' ) ) { timeoutCallback = function() { tinyMCE.activeEditor.focus(); }; } if ( 'function' === typeof timeoutCallback ) { setTimeout( timeoutCallback, 0 ); break; } } } while ( element.previousSibling ); } /** * Focus a visible input, or possibly delay the focus event until the form has faded in. * * @since x.x * * @param {HTMLElement} input * @return {void} */ function focusInput( input ) { if ( input.offsetParent !== null ) { input.focus(); } else { triggerCustomEvent( document, 'frmMaybeDelayFocus', { input }); } } /** * Does the same as jQuery( document ).on( 'event', 'selector', handler ). * * @since 5.4 * * @param {string} event Event name. * @param {string} selector Selector. * @param {Function} handler Handler. * @param {boolean | Object} options Options to be added to `addEventListener()` method. Default is `false`. */ function documentOn( event, selector, handler, options ) { if ( 'undefined' === typeof options ) { options = false; } document.addEventListener( event, function( e ) { let target; // loop parent nodes from the target to the delegation node. for ( target =; target && target != this; target = target.parentNode ) { if ( target && target.matches && target.matches( selector ) ) { target, e ); break; } } }, options ); } function initFloatingLabels() { let checkFloatLabel, checkDropdownLabel, runOnLoad, selector, floatClass; selector = '.frm-show-form .frm_inside_container input, .frm-show-form .frm_inside_container select, .frm-show-form .frm_inside_container textarea'; floatClass = 'frm_label_float_top'; checkFloatLabel = function( input ) { let container, shouldFloatTop, firstOpt; container = input.closest( '.frm_inside_container' ); if ( ! container ) { return; } shouldFloatTop = input.value || document.activeElement === input; container.classList.toggle( floatClass, shouldFloatTop ); if ( 'SELECT' === input.tagName ) { firstOpt = input.querySelector( 'option:first-child' ); if ( shouldFloatTop ) { if ( firstOpt.hasAttribute( 'data-label' ) ) { firstOpt.textContent = firstOpt.getAttribute( 'data-label' ); firstOpt.removeAttribute( 'data-label' ); } } else if ( firstOpt.textContent ) { firstOpt.setAttribute( 'data-label', firstOpt.textContent ); firstOpt.textContent = ''; } } }; checkDropdownLabel = function() { document.querySelectorAll( '.frm-show-form .frm_inside_container:not(.' + floatClass + ') select' ).forEach( function( input ) { const firstOpt = input.querySelector( 'option:first-child' ); if ( firstOpt.textContent ) { firstOpt.setAttribute( 'data-label', firstOpt.textContent ); firstOpt.textContent = ''; } }); }; [ 'focus', 'blur', 'change' ].forEach( function( eventName ) { documentOn( eventName, selector, function( event ) { checkFloatLabel( ); }, true ); }); jQuery( document ).on( 'change', selector, function( event ) { checkFloatLabel( ); }); runOnLoad = function( firstLoad ) { if ( firstLoad && document.activeElement && -1 !== [ 'INPUT', 'SELECT', 'TEXTAREA' ].indexOf( document.activeElement.tagName ) ) { checkFloatLabel( document.activeElement ); } else if ( firstLoad ) { document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_inside_container' ).forEach( function( container ) { const input = container.querySelector( 'input, select, textarea' ); if ( input && '' !== input.value ) { checkFloatLabel( input ); } } ); } checkDropdownLabel(); }; runOnLoad( true ); jQuery( document ).on( 'frmPageChanged', function( event ) { runOnLoad(); }); document.addEventListener( 'frm_after_start_over', function( event ) { runOnLoad(); }); } function shouldUpdateValidityMessage( target ) { if ( 'INPUT' !== target.nodeName ) { return false; } if ( ! target.dataset.invmsg ) { return false; } if ( 'text' !== target.getAttribute( 'type' ) ) { return false; } if ( target.classList.contains( 'frm_verify' ) ) { return false; } return true; } function maybeClearCustomValidityMessage( event, field ) { let key, isInvalid = false; if ( ! shouldUpdateValidityMessage( field ) ) { return; } for ( key in field.validity ) { if ( 'customError' === key ) { continue; } if ( 'valid' !== key && field.validity[ key ] === true ) { isInvalid = true; break; } }; if ( ! isInvalid ) { field.setCustomValidity( '' ); } } function maybeShowNewTabFallbackMessage() { let messageEl; if ( ! window.frmShowNewTabFallback ) { return; } messageEl = document.querySelector( '#frm_form_' + frmShowNewTabFallback.formId + '_container .frm_message' ); if ( ! messageEl ) { return; } messageEl.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', ' ' + frmShowNewTabFallback.message ); } function setCustomValidityMessage() { let forms, length, index; forms = document.getElementsByClassName( 'frm-show-form' ); length = forms.length; for ( index = 0; index < length; ++index ) { forms[ index ].addEventListener( 'invalid', function( event ) { const target =; if ( shouldUpdateValidityMessage( target ) ) { target.setCustomValidity( target.dataset.invmsg ); } }, true ); } } function enableSubmitButtonOnBackButtonPress() { window.addEventListener( 'pageshow', function( event ) { if ( event.persisted ) { document.querySelectorAll( '.frm_loading_form' ).forEach( function( form ) { enableSubmitButton( jQuery( form ) ); } ); removeSubmitLoading(); } }); } /** * Destroys the formidable generated global hcaptcha object since it wouldn't otherwise render. */ function destroyhCaptcha() { if ( ! window.hasOwnProperty( 'hcaptcha' ) || ! document.querySelector( '.frm-show-form .h-captcha' ) ) { return; } window.hcaptcha = null; } return { init: function() { jQuery( document ).off( 'submit.formidable', '.frm-show-form' ); jQuery( document ).on( 'submit.formidable', '.frm-show-form', frmFrontForm.submitForm ); jQuery( '.frm-show-form input[onblur], .frm-show-form textarea[onblur]' ).each( function() { if ( jQuery( this ).val() === '' ) { jQuery( this ).trigger( 'blur' ); } }); jQuery( document ).on( 'change', '.frm-show-form input[name^="item_meta"], .frm-show-form select[name^="item_meta"], .frm-show-form textarea[name^="item_meta"]', frmFrontForm.fieldValueChanged ); jQuery( document ).on( 'change', '[id^=frm_email_]', onHoneypotFieldChange ); maybeMakeHoneypotFieldsUntabbable(); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', 'a[data-frmconfirm]', confirmClick ); checkForErrorsAndMaybeSetFocus(); // Focus on the first sub field when clicking to the primary label of combo field. changeFocusWhenClickComboFieldLabel(); initFloatingLabels(); maybeShowNewTabFallbackMessage(); jQuery( document ).on( 'frmAfterAddRow', setCustomValidityMessage ); setCustomValidityMessage(); jQuery( document ).on( 'frmFieldChanged', maybeClearCustomValidityMessage ); setSelectPlaceholderColor(); // Elementor popup show event. Fix Elementor Popup && FF Captcha field conflicts jQuery( document ).on( 'elementor/popup/show', frmRecaptcha ); enableSubmitButtonOnBackButtonPress(); jQuery( document ).on( 'frmPageChanged', destroyhCaptcha ); }, getFieldId: function( field, fullID ) { return getFieldId( field, fullID ); }, renderCaptcha: function( captcha, captchaSelector ) { let formID, captchaID, size = captcha.getAttribute( 'data-size' ), rendered = captcha.getAttribute( 'data-rid' ) !== null, params = { 'sitekey': captcha.getAttribute( 'data-sitekey' ), 'size': size, 'theme': captcha.getAttribute( 'data-theme' ) }, activeCaptcha = getSelectedCaptcha( captchaSelector ), captchaContainer = typeof turnstile !== 'undefined' && turnstile === activeCaptcha ? '#' + :; if ( rendered ) { return; } if ( size === 'invisible' ) { formID = jQuery( captcha ).closest( 'form' ).find( 'input[name="form_id"]' ).val(); jQuery( captcha ).closest( '.frm_form_field .frm_primary_label' ).hide(); params.callback = function( token ) { frmFrontForm.afterRecaptcha( token, formID ); }; } captchaID = activeCaptcha.render( captchaContainer, params ); captcha.setAttribute( 'data-rid', captchaID ); }, afterSingleRecaptcha: function() { const object = jQuery( '.frm-show-form .g-recaptcha' ).closest( 'form' )[0]; frmFrontForm.submitFormNow( object ); }, afterRecaptcha: function( _, formID ) { const object = jQuery( '#frm_form_' + formID + '_container form' )[0]; frmFrontForm.submitFormNow( object ); }, submitForm: function( e ) { frmFrontForm.submitFormManual( e, this ); }, /** * @param {Event} e * @param {HTMLElement} object The form object that is being submitted. * @return {void} */ submitFormManual: function( e, object ) { let isPro, errors, invisibleRecaptcha = hasInvisibleRecaptcha( object ), classList = object.className.trim().split( /\s+/gi ); if ( classList && invisibleRecaptcha.length < 1 ) { isPro = classList.indexOf( 'frm_pro_form' ) > -1; if ( ! isPro ) { return; } } if ( jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'wp-admin' ) && jQuery( object ).closest( '.frmapi-form' ).length < 1 ) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if ( typeof frmProForm !== 'undefined' && typeof frmProForm.submitAllowed === 'function' && ! frmProForm.submitAllowed( object ) ) { return; } errors = frmFrontForm.validateFormSubmit( object ); if ( Object.keys( errors ).length !== 0 ) { return; } if ( invisibleRecaptcha.length ) { showLoadingIndicator( jQuery( object ) ); executeInvisibleRecaptcha( invisibleRecaptcha ); } else { showSubmitLoading( jQuery( object ) ); frmFrontForm.submitFormNow( object, classList ); } }, submitFormNow: function( object ) { let hasFileFields, antispamInput, classList = object.className.trim().split( /\s+/gi ); if ( object.hasAttribute( 'data-token' ) && null === object.querySelector( '[name="antispam_token"]' ) ) { // include the antispam token on form submit. antispamInput = document.createElement( 'input' ); antispamInput.type = 'hidden'; = 'antispam_token'; antispamInput.value = object.getAttribute( 'data-token' ); object.appendChild( antispamInput ); } if ( classList.indexOf( 'frm_ajax_submit' ) > -1 ) { hasFileFields = jQuery( object ).find( 'input[type="file"]' ).filter( function() { return !! this.value; }).length; if ( hasFileFields < 1 ) { action = jQuery( object ).find( 'input[name="frm_action"]' ).val(); frmFrontForm.checkFormErrors( object, action ); } else { object.submit(); } } else { object.submit(); } }, /** * @param {HTMLElement|Object} object Form object. This might be a jQuery object. * * @return {Array} List of errors. */ validateFormSubmit: function( object ) { if ( typeof tinyMCE !== 'undefined' && jQuery( object ).find( '.wp-editor-wrap' ).length ) { tinyMCE.triggerSave(); } jsErrors = []; if ( shouldJSValidate( object ) ) { frmFrontForm.getAjaxFormErrors( object ); if ( Object.keys( jsErrors ).length ) { frmFrontForm.addAjaxFormErrors( object ); } } return jsErrors; }, /** * @param {HTMLElement|Object} object Form object. This might be a jQuery object. * @return {Array} List of errors. */ getAjaxFormErrors: function( object ) { let customErrors, key; jsErrors = validateForm( object ); if ( typeof frmThemeOverride_jsErrors === 'function' ) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase action = jQuery( object ).find( 'input[name="frm_action"]' ).val(); customErrors = frmThemeOverride_jsErrors( action, object ); if ( Object.keys( customErrors ).length ) { for ( key in customErrors ) { jsErrors[ key ] = customErrors[ key ]; } } } triggerCustomEvent( document, 'frm_get_ajax_form_errors', { formEl: object, errors: jsErrors }); return jsErrors; }, /** * @param {HTMLElement|Object} object Form object. This might be a jQuery object. * @return {void} */ addAjaxFormErrors: function( object ) { let key, $fieldCont; removeAllErrors(); for ( key in jsErrors ) { $fieldCont = jQuery( object ).find( '#frm_field_' + key + '_container' ); if ( $fieldCont.length ) { addFieldError( $fieldCont, key, jsErrors ); } else { // we are unable to show the error, so remove it delete jsErrors[ key ]; } } scrollToFirstField( object ); checkForErrorsAndMaybeSetFocus(); }, checkFormErrors: function( object, action ) { getFormErrors( object, action ); }, checkRequiredField: function( field, errors ) { return checkRequiredField( field, errors ); }, showSubmitLoading: function( $object ) { showSubmitLoading( $object ); }, removeSubmitLoading: function( $object, enable, processesRunning ) { removeSubmitLoading( $object, enable, processesRunning ); }, scrollToID: function( id ) { const object = jQuery( document.getElementById( id ) ); frmFrontForm.scrollMsg( object, false ); }, scrollMsg: function( id, object, animate ) { let newPos, m, b, screenTop, screenBottom, scrollObj = ''; if ( typeof object === 'undefined' ) { scrollObj = jQuery( document.getElementById( 'frm_form_' + id + '_container' ) ); if ( scrollObj.length < 1 ) { return; } } else if ( typeof id === 'string' ) { scrollObj = jQuery( object ).find( '#frm_field_' + id + '_container' ); } else { scrollObj = id; } jQuery( scrollObj ).trigger( 'focus' ); newPos = scrollObj.offset().top; if ( ! newPos || frm_js.offset === '-1' ) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase return; } newPos = newPos - frm_js.offset; // eslint-disable-line camelcase m = jQuery( 'html' ).css( 'margin-top' ); b = jQuery( 'body' ).css( 'margin-top' ); if ( m || b ) { newPos = newPos - parseInt( m ) - parseInt( b ); } if ( newPos && window.innerHeight ) { screenTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; screenBottom = screenTop + window.innerHeight; if ( newPos > screenBottom || newPos < screenTop ) { // Not in view if ( typeof animate === 'undefined' ) { jQuery( window ).scrollTop( newPos ); } else { jQuery( 'html,body' ).animate({ scrollTop: newPos }, 500 ); } return false; } } }, fieldValueChanged: function( e ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ const fieldId = frmFrontForm.getFieldId( this, false ); if ( ! fieldId || typeof fieldId === 'undefined' ) { return; } if ( e.frmTriggered && e.frmTriggered == fieldId ) { return; } jQuery( document ).trigger( 'frmFieldChanged', [ this, fieldId, e ]); if ( e.selfTriggered !== true ) { maybeValidateChange( this ); } }, escapeHtml: function( text ) { return text .replace( /&/g, '&' ) .replace( /</g, '<' ) .replace( />/g, '>' ) .replace( /"/g, '"' ) .replace( /'/g, ''' ); }, invisible: function( classes ) { jQuery( classes ).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); }, visible: function( classes ) { jQuery( classes ).css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); }, triggerCustomEvent: triggerCustomEvent, documentOn }; } window.frmFrontForm = frmFrontFormJS(); jQuery( document ).ready( function() { frmFrontForm.init(); }); function frmRecaptcha() { frmCaptcha( '.frm-g-recaptcha' ); } function frmTurnstile() { frmCaptcha( '.cf-turnstile' ); } function frmCaptcha( captchaSelector ) { let c; const captchas = document.querySelectorAll( captchaSelector ); const cl = captchas.length; for ( c = 0; c < cl; c++ ) { const closestForm = captchas[c].closest( 'form' ); const formIsVisible = closestForm && closestForm.offsetParent !== null; const captcha = captchas[c]; if ( ! formIsVisible ) { // If the form is not visible, try again later in 400ms. // This fixes issues where the form fades visible on page load. // Or whne the form is inside of a modal. const interval = setInterval( function() { if ( closestForm && closestForm.offsetParent !== null ) { frmFrontForm.renderCaptcha( captcha, captchaSelector ); clearInterval( interval ); } }, 400 ); continue; } frmFrontForm.renderCaptcha( captcha, captchaSelector ); } } function getSelectedCaptcha( captchaSelector ) { if ( captchaSelector === '.frm-g-recaptcha' ) { return grecaptcha; } if ( document.querySelector( '.cf-turnstile' ) ) { return turnstile; } return hcaptcha; } function frmAfterRecaptcha( token ) { frmFrontForm.afterSingleRecaptcha( token ); }
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