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( function() { /** globals frmGlobal */ let __; if ( 'undefined' === typeof wp || 'undefined' === typeof wp.i18n || 'function' !== typeof wp.i18n.__ ) { __ = text => text; } else { __ = wp.i18n.__; } const modal = { maybeCreateModal: ( id, { title, content, footer, width } = {}) => { let modal = document.getElementById( id ); if ( ! modal ) { modal = createEmptyModal( id ); const titleElement = div({ className: 'frm-modal-title' }); if ( 'string' === typeof title ) { titleElement.textContent = title; } const a = tag( 'a', { child: svg({ href: '#frm_close_icon' }), className: 'dismiss' } ); const postbox = modal.querySelector( '.postbox' ); postbox.appendChild( div({ className: 'frm_modal_top', children: [ titleElement, div({ child: a }) ] }) ); postbox.appendChild( div({ className: 'frm_modal_content' }) ); if ( footer ) { postbox.appendChild( div({ className: 'frm_modal_footer' }) ); } } else if ( 'string' === typeof title ) { const titleElement = modal.querySelector( '.frm-modal-title' ); titleElement.textContent = title; } if ( ! content && ! footer ) { makeModalIntoADialogAndOpen( modal, { width }); return modal; } const postbox = modal.querySelector( '.postbox' ); const modalHelper = getModalHelper( modal, postbox ); if ( content ) { modalHelper( content, 'frm_modal_content' ); } if ( footer ) { modalHelper( footer, 'frm_modal_footer' ); } makeModalIntoADialogAndOpen( modal ); return modal; }, footerButton: args => { const output = a( args ); output.setAttribute( 'role', 'button' ); output.setAttribute( 'tabindex', 0 ); if ( args.buttonType ) { output.classList.add( 'button' ); if ( ! args.noDismiss && -1 !== [ 'red', 'primary' ].indexOf( args.buttonType ) ) { // Primary and red buttons close modals by default on click. // To disable this default behaviour you can use the noDismiss: 1 arg. output.classList.add( 'dismiss' ); } switch ( args.buttonType ) { case 'red': output.classList.add( 'frm-button-red', 'frm-button-primary' ); break; case 'primary': output.classList.add( 'button-primary', 'frm-button-primary' ); break; case 'secondary': output.classList.add( 'button-secondary', 'frm-button-secondary' ); = '10px'; break; case 'cancel': output.classList.add( 'button-secondary', 'frm-modal-cancel' ); break; } } return output; } }; const ajax = { doJsonFetch: async function( action ) { let targetUrl = ajaxurl + '?action=frm_' + action; if ( -1 === targetUrl.indexOf( 'nonce=' ) ) { targetUrl += '&nonce=' + frmGlobal.nonce; } const response = await fetch( targetUrl ); const json = await response.json(); if ( ! json.success ) { return Promise.reject( || 'JSON result is not successful' ); } return Promise.resolve( ); }, doJsonPost: async function( action, formData, { signal } = {}) { formData.append( 'nonce', frmGlobal.nonce ); const init = { method: 'POST', body: formData }; if ( signal ) { init.signal = signal; } const response = await fetch( ajaxurl + '?action=frm_' + action, init ); const json = await response.json(); if ( ! json.success ) { return Promise.reject( || 'JSON result is not successful' ); } return Promise.resolve( 'undefined' !== typeof ? : json ); } }; const multiselect = { init: function() { const $select = jQuery( this ); const id = $ '[id]' ) ? $select.attr( 'id' ).replace( '[]', '' ) : false; let labelledBy = id ? jQuery( '#for_' + id ) : false; labelledBy = id && labelledBy.length ? 'aria-labelledby="' + labelledBy.attr( 'id' ) + '"' : ''; // Set empty title attributes so that none of the dropdown options include title attributes. $select.find( 'option' ).attr( 'title', ' ' ); $select.multiselect({ templates: { popupContainer: '<div class="multiselect-container frm-dropdown-menu"></div>', option: '<button type="button" class="multiselect-option dropdown-item frm_no_style_button"></button>', button: '<button type="button" class="multiselect dropdown-toggle btn" data-toggle="dropdown" ' + labelledBy + '><span class="multiselect-selected-text"></span> <b class="caret"></b></button>' }, buttonContainer: '<div class="btn-group frm-btn-group dropdown" />', nonSelectedText: __( '— Select —', 'formidable' ), // Prevent the dropdown from showing "All Selected" when every option is checked. allSelectedText: '', // This is 3 by default. We want to show more options before it starts showing a count. numberDisplayed: 8, onInitialized: function( _, $container ) { $container.find( '.multiselect.dropdown-toggle' ).removeAttr( 'title' ); }, onDropdownShown: function( event ) { const action = jQuery( event.currentTarget.closest( '.frm_form_action_settings, #frm-show-fields' ) ); if ( action.length ) { jQuery( '#wpcontent' ).on( 'click', function() { if ( jQuery( '.multiselect-container.frm-dropdown-menu' ).is( ':visible' ) ) { jQuery( event.currentTarget ).removeClass( 'open' ); } }); } const $dropdown = $ '.frm-btn-group.dropdown' ); $dropdown.find( '.dropdown-item' ).each( function() { const option = this; const dropdownInput = option.querySelector( 'input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]' ); if ( dropdownInput ) { option.setAttribute( 'role', 'checkbox' ); option.setAttribute( 'aria-checked', dropdownInput.checked ? 'true' : 'false' ); } } ); }, onChange: function( $option, checked ) { $select.trigger( 'frm-multiselect-changed', $option, checked ); const $dropdown = $ '.frm-btn-group.dropdown' ); const optionValue = $option.val(); const $dropdownItem = $dropdown.find( 'input[value="' + optionValue + '"]' ).closest( 'button.dropdown-item' ); if ( $dropdownItem.length ) { $dropdownItem.attr( 'aria-checked', checked ? 'true' : 'false' ); // Delay a focus event so the screen reader reads the option value again. // Without this, and without the setTimeout, it only reads "checked" or "unchecked". setTimeout( () => $dropdownItem.get( 0 ).focus(), 0 ); } } }); } }; const bootstrap = { setupBootstrapDropdowns( callback ) { if ( ! window.bootstrap || ! window.bootstrap.Dropdown ) { return; } window.bootstrap.Dropdown._getParentFromElement = getParentFromElement; window.bootstrap.Dropdown.prototype._getParentFromElement = getParentFromElement; function getParentFromElement( element ) { let parent; const selector = window.bootstrap.Util.getSelectorFromElement( element ); if ( selector ) { parent = document.querySelector( selector ); } const result = parent || element.parentNode; const frmDropdownMenu = result.querySelector( '.frm-dropdown-menu' ); if ( ! frmDropdownMenu ) { // Not a formidable dropdown, treat like Bootstrap does normally. return result; } // Temporarily add dropdown-menu class so bootstrap can initialize. frmDropdownMenu.classList.add( 'dropdown-menu' ); setTimeout( function() { frmDropdownMenu.classList.remove( 'dropdown-menu' ); }, 0 ); if ( 'function' === typeof callback ) { callback( frmDropdownMenu ); } return result; } }, multiselect }; const autocomplete = { initSelectionAutocomplete: function() { if ( jQuery.fn.autocomplete ) { autocomplete.initAutocomplete( 'page' ); autocomplete.initAutocomplete( 'user' ); } }, /** * Init autocomplete. * * @since 4.10.01 Add container param to init autocomplete elements inside an element. * * @param {String} type Type of data. Accepts `page` or `user`. * @param {String|Object} container Container class or element. Default is null. */ initAutocomplete: function( type, container ) { const basedUrlParams = '?action=frm_' + type + '_search&nonce=' + frmGlobal.nonce; const elements = ! container ? jQuery( '.frm-' + type + '-search' ) : jQuery( container ).find( '.frm-' + type + '-search' ); elements.each( initAutocompleteForElement ); function initAutocompleteForElement() { let urlParams = basedUrlParams; const element = jQuery( this ); // Check if a custom post type is specific. if ( element.attr( 'data-post-type' ) ) { urlParams += '&post_type=' + element.attr( 'data-post-type' ); } element.autocomplete({ delay: 100, minLength: 0, source: ajaxurl + urlParams, change: autocomplete.selectBlank, select: autocomplete.completeSelectFromResults, focus: () => false, position: { my: 'left top', at: 'left bottom', collision: 'flip' }, response: function( event, ui ) { if ( ! ui.content.length ) { const noResult = { value: '', label: frm_admin_js.no_items_found }; ui.content.push( noResult ); } }, create: function() { let $container = jQuery( this ).parent(); if ( $container.length === 0 ) { $container = 'body'; } jQuery( this ).autocomplete( 'option', 'appendTo', $container ); } }) .on( 'focus', function() { // Show options on click to make it work more like a dropdown. if ( this.value === '' || this.nextElementSibling.value < 1 ) { jQuery( this ).autocomplete( 'search', this.value ); } }) .data( 'ui-autocomplete' )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) { return jQuery( '<li>' ) .attr( 'aria-label', item.label ) .append( jQuery( '<div>' ).text( item.label ) ) .appendTo( ul ); }; } }, selectBlank: function( e, ui ) { if ( ui.item === null ) { this.nextElementSibling.value = ''; } }, completeSelectFromResults: function( e, ui ) { e.preventDefault(); this.value = ui.item.value === '' ? '' : ui.item.label; this.nextElementSibling.value = ui.item.value; } }; const search = { wrapInput: ( searchInput, labelText ) => { const label = tag( 'label', { className: 'screen-reader-text', text: labelText } ); label.setAttribute( 'for', ); return tag( 'p', { className: 'frm-search', children: [ label, span({ className: 'frmfont frm_search_icon' }), searchInput ] } ); }, newSearchInput: ( id, placeholder, targetClassName, args = {}) => { const input = getAutoSearchInput( id, placeholder ); const wrappedSearch = search.wrapInput( input, placeholder ); search.init( input, targetClassName, args ); function getAutoSearchInput( id, placeholder ) { const className = 'frm-search-input frm-auto-search frm-w-full'; const inputArgs = { id, className }; const input = tag( 'input', inputArgs ); input.setAttribute( 'placeholder', placeholder ); return input; } return wrappedSearch; }, init: ( input, targetClassName, { handleSearchResult } = {}) => { input.setAttribute( 'type', 'search' ); input.setAttribute( 'autocomplete', 'off' ); input.addEventListener( 'input', handleSearch ); input.addEventListener( 'search', handleSearch ); input.addEventListener( 'change', handleSearch ); function handleSearch( event ) { const searchText = input.value.toLowerCase(); const notEmptySearchText = searchText !== ''; const items = Array.from( document.getElementsByClassName( targetClassName ) ); let foundSomething = false; items.forEach( toggleSearchClassesForItem ); if ( 'function' === typeof handleSearchResult ) { handleSearchResult({ foundSomething, notEmptySearchText }, event ); } function toggleSearchClassesForItem( item ) { let itemText; if ( item.hasAttribute( 'frm-search-text' ) ) { itemText = item.getAttribute( 'frm-search-text' ); } else { itemText = item.innerText.toLowerCase(); item.setAttribute( 'frm-search-text', itemText ); } const hide = notEmptySearchText && -1 === itemText.indexOf( searchText ); item.classList.toggle( 'frm_hidden', hide ); const isSearchResult = ! hide && notEmptySearchText; if ( isSearchResult ) { foundSomething = true; } item.classList.toggle( 'frm-search-result', isSearchResult ); } } } }; const util = { debounce: ( func, wait = 100 ) => { let timeout; return function( ...args ) { clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = setTimeout( () => func.apply( this, args ), wait ); }; }, onClickPreventDefault: ( element, callback ) => { const listener = event => { event.preventDefault(); callback( event ); }; element?.addEventListener( 'click', listener ); }, /** * Does the same as jQuery( document ).on( 'event', 'selector', handler ). * * @since 6.0 * * @param {String} event Event name. * @param {String} selector Selector. * @param {Function} handler Handler. * @param {Boolean|Object} options Options to be added to `addEventListener()` method. Default is `false`. */ documentOn: ( event, selector, handler, options ) => { if ( 'undefined' === typeof options ) { options = false; } document.addEventListener( event, function( e ) { let target; // loop parent nodes from the target to the delegation node. for ( target =; target && target != this; target = target.parentNode ) { if ( target && target.matches && target.matches( selector ) ) { target, e ); break; } } }, options ); }, /** * Retrieves the value of a cookie by its name. * * @param {string} name - The name of the cookie. * @return {string|null} The value of the cookie, or undefined if the cookie does not exist. */ getCookie: ( name ) => { const cookie = document.cookie.split('; ').find( cookie => cookie.startsWith( `${name}=` ) ); if ( cookie ) { return cookie.split( '=' )[1]; } return null; }, /** * Sets a cookie with the specified name, value, and expiration time. * * @param {string} name - The name of the cookie. * @param {string} value - The value of the cookie. * @param {number} minutes - The number of minutes until the cookie expires. */ setCookie: ( name, value, minutes ) => { const expires = new Date(); expires.setTime( expires.getTime() + ( minutes * 60 * 1000 ) ); document.cookie = `${name}=${value};expires=${expires.toUTCString()};path=/`; } }; const wysiwyg = { init( editor, { setupCallback, height, addFocusEvents } = {}) { if ( isTinyMceActive() ) { setTimeout( resetTinyMce, 0 ); } else { initQuickTagsButtons(); } setUpTinyMceVisualButtonListener(); setUpTinyMceHtmlButtonListener(); function initQuickTagsButtons() { if ( 'function' !== typeof window.quicktags || typeof window.QTags.instances[ ] !== 'undefined' ) { return; } const id =; window.quicktags({ name: 'qt_' + id, id: id, canvas: editor, settings: { id }, toolbar: document.getElementById( 'qt_' + id + '_toolbar' ), theButtons: {} }); } function initRichText() { const key = Object.keys( tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit )[0]; const orgSettings = tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ key ]; const settings = Object.assign( {}, orgSettings, { selector: '#' +, body_class: orgSettings.body_class.replace( key, ) } ); settings.setup = editor => { if ( addFocusEvents ) { function focusInCallback() { jQuery( editor.targetElm ).trigger( 'focusin' ); 'focusin', '**' ); } editor.on( 'focusin', focusInCallback ); editor.on( 'focusout', function() { editor.on( 'focusin', focusInCallback ); }); } if ( setupCallback ) { setupCallback( editor ); } }; if ( height ) { settings.height = height; } tinymce.init( settings ); } function removeRichText() { tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand( 'mceRemoveEditor', true, ); } function resetTinyMce() { removeRichText(); initRichText(); } function isTinyMceActive() { const id =; const wrapper = document.getElementById( 'wp-' + id + '-wrap' ); return null !== wrapper && wrapper.classList.contains( 'tmce-active' ); } function setUpTinyMceVisualButtonListener() { jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#' + + '-html', function() { = 'visible'; initQuickTagsButtons(); } ); } function setUpTinyMceHtmlButtonListener() { jQuery( '#' + + '-tmce' ).on( 'click', handleTinyMceHtmlButtonClick ); } function handleTinyMceHtmlButtonClick() { if ( isTinyMceActive() ) { resetTinyMce(); } else { initRichText(); } const wrap = document.getElementById( 'wp-' + + '-wrap' ); wrap.classList.add( 'tmce-active' ); wrap.classList.remove( 'html-active' ); } } }; function getModalHelper( modal, appendTo ) { return function( child, uniqueClassName ) { let element = modal.querySelector( '.' + uniqueClassName ); if ( null === element ) { element = div({ child: child, className: uniqueClassName }); appendTo.appendChild( element ); } else { redraw( element, child ); } }; } function createEmptyModal( id ) { const modal = div({ id, className: 'frm-modal' }); const postbox = div({ className: 'postbox' }); const metaboxHolder = div({ className: 'metabox-holder', child: postbox }); modal.appendChild( metaboxHolder ); document.body.appendChild( modal ); return modal; } function makeModalIntoADialogAndOpen( modal, { width } = {}) { const bodyWithModalClassName = 'frm-body-with-open-modal'; const $modal = jQuery( modal ); if ( ! $modal.hasClass( 'frm-dialog' ) ) { $modal.dialog({ dialogClass: 'frm-dialog', modal: true, autoOpen: false, closeOnEscape: true, width: width || '550px', resizable: false, draggable: false, open: function() { jQuery( '.ui-dialog-titlebar' ).addClass( 'frm_hidden' ).removeClass( 'ui-helper-clearfix' ); jQuery( '#wpwrap' ).addClass( 'frm_overlay' ); jQuery( '.frm-dialog' ).removeClass( 'ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all' ); modal.classList.remove( 'ui-dialog-content', 'ui-widget-content' ); $modal.on( 'click', 'a.dismiss', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $modal.dialog( 'close' ); }); const overlay = document.querySelector( '.ui-widget-overlay' ); if ( overlay ) { overlay.addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $modal.dialog( 'close' ); } ); } }, close: function() { document.body.classList.remove( bodyWithModalClassName ); jQuery( '#wpwrap' ).removeClass( 'frm_overlay' ); jQuery( '.spinner' ).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); } }); } document.body.classList.add( bodyWithModalClassName ); $modal.dialog( 'open' ); return $modal; } function div( args ) { return tag( 'div', args ); } function span( args ) { return tag( 'span', args ); } function a( args = {}) { const anchor = tag( 'a', args ); anchor.setAttribute( 'href', 'string' === typeof args.href ? args.href : '#' ); if ( 'string' === typeof ) { =; } return anchor; } function img( args = {}) { const output = tag( 'img', args ); if ( 'string' === typeof args.src ) { output.setAttribute( 'src', args.src ); } if ( 'string' === typeof args.alt ) { output.setAttribute( 'alt', args.alt ); } return output; } /** * Get a labelled text input and a matching label. * * @since 6.0 * * @param {String} inputId * @param {String} labelText * @param {String} inputName * @returns {Element} */ function labelledTextInput( inputId, labelText, inputName ) { const label = tag( 'label', labelText ); label.setAttribute( 'for', inputId ); const input = tag( 'input', { id: inputId, className: 'frm_long_input' } ); input.type = 'text'; input.setAttribute( 'name', inputName ); return div({ children: [ label, input ] }); } /** * Build an element. * * @since 6.4.1 Accept a string as one of `children` to append a text node inside the element. * * @param {String} type Element tag name. * @param {Object} args The args. * @return {Object} */ function tag( type, args = {}) { const output = document.createElement( type ); if ( 'string' === typeof args ) { // Support passing just a string to a tag for simple text elements. output.textContent = args; return output; } const { id, className, children, child, text, data } = args; if ( id ) { = id; } if ( className ) { output.className = className; } if ( children ) { children.forEach( child => { if ( 'string' === typeof child ) { output.appendChild( document.createTextNode( child ) ); } else { output.appendChild( child ) } } ); } else if ( child ) { output.appendChild( child ); } else if ( text ) { output.textContent = text; } if ( data ) { Object.keys( data ).forEach( function( dataKey ) { output.setAttribute( 'data-' + dataKey, data[dataKey] ); }); } return output; } function svg({ href, classList } = {}) { const namespace = ''; const output = document.createElementNS( namespace, 'svg' ); if ( classList ) { output.classList.add( ...classList ); } if ( href ) { const use = document.createElementNS( namespace, 'use' ); use.setAttribute( 'href', href ); output.appendChild( use ); output.classList.add( 'frmsvg' ); } return output; } /** * Pop up a success message in the lower right corner. * It then fades out and gets deleted automatically. * * @param {HTMLElement|String} content * @returns {void} */ function success( content ) { const container = document.getElementById( 'wpbody' ); const notice = div({ className: 'frm_updated_message frm-floating-success-message', child: div({ className: 'frm-satisfied', child: 'string' === typeof content ? document.createTextNode( content ) : content }) }); container.appendChild( notice ); setTimeout( () => jQuery( notice ).fadeOut( () => notice.remove() ), 2000 ); } function setAttributes( element, attrs ) { Object.entries( attrs ).forEach( ([ key, value ]) => element.setAttribute( key, value ) ); } function redraw( element, child ) { element.innerHTML = ''; element.appendChild( child ); } const allowedHtml = { b: [], div: [ 'class' ], img: [ 'src', 'alt' ], p: [], span: [ 'class' ], strong: [], svg: [ 'class' ], use: [], a: [ 'href', 'class' ] }; function cleanNode( node ) { if ( 'undefined' === typeof node.tagName ) { if ( '#text' === node.nodeName ) { return document.createTextNode( node.textContent ); } return document.createTextNode( '' ); } const tagType = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); if ( 'svg' === tagType ) { const svgArgs = { classList: Array.from( node.classList ) }; const use = node.querySelector( 'use' ); if ( use ) { svgArgs.href = use.getAttribute( 'xlink:href' ); if ( ! svgArgs.href ) { svgArgs.href = use.getAttribute( 'href' ); } } return svg( svgArgs ); } const newNode = document.createElement( tagType ); if ( 'undefined' === typeof allowedHtml[ tagType ]) { // Tag type is not allowed. return document.createTextNode( '' ); } allowedHtml[ tagType ].forEach( allowedTag => { if ( node.hasAttribute( allowedTag ) ) { newNode.setAttribute( allowedTag, node.getAttribute( allowedTag ) ); } } ); node.childNodes.forEach( child => newNode.appendChild( cleanNode( child ) ) ); return newNode; } window.frmDom = { tag, div, span, a, img, labelledTextInput, svg, setAttributes, success, modal, ajax, bootstrap, autocomplete, search, util, wysiwyg, cleanNode }; }() );
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