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// External Dependencies import { defaults, isEmpty, get, includes, forEach, some, compact, uniq, } from 'lodash'; import { isScriptExcluded, isScriptTopOnly } from './utils'; import $ from 'jquery'; // Internal Dependencies const IS_YARN_START = 'development' === process.env.NODE_ENV && ! process.env.DEV_SERVER; class ETCoreFrames { /** * Instances of this class. * * @since 3.18 * * @type {Object.<string, ETCoreFrames>} */ static _instances = {}; /** * jQuery object for the base window. * * @since 3.18 * * @type {function(string, string=): jQuery} */ $base; /** * jQuery object for the target window. * * @since 3.18 * * @type {function(string, string=): jQuery} */ $target; /** * Frames that are currently in use. * * @since 3.18 * * @type {Object.<string, jQuery>} */ active_frames = {}; /** * Regex instances that match scripts that should not be put into frames. * * @since 3.18 * * @type {RegExp} */ exclude_scripts = /document\.location *=|apex\.live|(crm\.zoho|hotjar|googletagmanager|maps\.googleapis)\.com/i; /** * Cached frames available for use. * * @since 3.18 * * @type {jQuery[]} */ frames = []; /** * ETCoreFrames constructor * * @since 3.18 * * @param {string} [base_window] Path to get Window from which to get styles and scripts. * @param {string} [target_window] Path to get Window into which the frame should be inserted. */ constructor(base_window = 'self', target_window = 'self') { this.base_window = get(window, base_window); this.target_window = get(window, target_window); this.$base = this.base_window.jQuery; this.$target = this.target_window.jQuery; } _appendChildSafely(parent, child) { try { parent.appendChild(child); } catch(err) { console.error(err); } } _copyResourcesToFrame = $iframe => { const $html = this.$base('html'); const $body = $html.find('body'); const $resources = $body.find('style, link'); const $head_resources = $html.find('head').find('style, link'); const $scripts = $body.find('_script'); const iframe_window = this.getFrameWindow($iframe); defaults(iframe_window, this.base_window); const $iframe_body = $iframe.contents().find('body'); $iframe_body.parent().addClass('et-core-frame__html'); $head_resources.each(function() { $iframe_body.prev().append(jQuery(this).clone()); }); $resources.each(function() { $iframe_body.append(jQuery(this).clone()); }); $scripts.each(function() { const script = iframe_window.document.createElement('script'); script.src = jQuery(this).attr('src'); iframe_window.document.body.appendChild(script); }); }; _createElement = (base_element, target_document) => { this._filterElementContent(base_element); const element = target_document.importNode(base_element, true); const $resources = $(element).find('link, script, style'); $(element).find('#et-fb-app-frame, #et-bfb-app-frame, #wpadminbar').remove(); // Browsers will not load a resource node when it's imported from another document // because it was loaded already. Thus, we need to create new nodes for any resources // found nested inside this element. $resources.each((i, node) => { const $node = $(node); const $parent = $node.parent(); const new_node = this._createResourceElement(node, target_document); $node.remove(); new_node && this._appendChildSafely($parent[0], new_node); }); return element; }; _createFrame = (id, move_dom = false, parent = 'body') => { const $iframe = this.$target('<iframe>'); $iframe .addClass('et-core-frame') .attr('id', id) .appendTo(this.$target(parent)) .parents() .addClass('et-fb-root-ancestor'); // Add .et-fb-iframe-ancestor classname from app frame until body $iframe .parentsUntil('body') .addClass('et-fb-iframe-ancestor'); // We do the following after the iframe is in the DOM to avoid double load event that can occur // with Chrome and Safari in some cases $iframe.on('load', () => { if (move_dom) { this._moveDOMToFrame($iframe); } else { this._copyResourcesToFrame($iframe); } }); $iframe[0].src = `javascript:'<!DOCTYPE html><html><body></body></html>'`; return $iframe; }; _createResourceElement = (base_element, target_document) => { const { id, nodeName: name, href, src, rel, type } = base_element; const attrs = ['id', 'className', 'src', 'href', 'type', 'rel', 'innerHTML', 'media', 'screen', 'crossorigin', 'data-et-type']; if ('et-fb-top-window-css' === id) { return; } if ('et-frontend-builder-css' === id && IS_YARN_START) { return; } if (isScriptExcluded(base_element) || isScriptTopOnly(base_element)) { return; } const element = target_document.createElement(name); if ((src || (href && type !== 'text/less')) && ('LINK' !== name || 'stylesheet' === rel)) { this.loading.push(this._resourceLoadAsPromise(element)); } if ('SCRIPT' === name) { element.async = element.defer = false; } forEach(attrs, attr => { if (base_element[attr]) { element[attr] = base_element[attr]; return; } if (base_element.getAttribute(attr)) { element.setAttribute(attr, base_element.getAttribute(attr)); return; } }); return element; }; _maybeCreateFrame = () => { if (isEmpty(this.frames)) { requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.frames.push(this._createFrame()); }); } }; _filterElementContent = (node) => { if ( === 'page-container') { const $mobileMenu = $(node).find('#mobile_menu'); if ($mobileMenu.length > 0) { $mobileMenu.remove(); } } }; _moveDOMToFrame = $iframe => { const base_head = this.base_window.document.head; const body_children = this.$base('body').contents().not('iframe, #wpadminbar').get(); const target_window = this.getFrameWindow($iframe); const target_document = $iframe.contents()[0]; const target_head = $iframe.contents()[0].head; const target_body = $iframe.contents()[0].body; const resource_nodes = ['LINK', 'SCRIPT', 'STYLE']; const loading = []; this.loading = []; forEach(base_head.childNodes, child => { const is_resource = includes(resource_nodes, child.nodeName); let element; if (is_resource) { element = this._createResourceElement(child, target_document) if (! element) { return; // continue } } else { element = this._createElement(child, target_document); } this._appendChildSafely(target_head, element); }); target_body.className = this.base_window.ET_Builder.Misc.original_body_class; forEach(body_children, child => { const is_resource = includes(resource_nodes, child.nodeName); let element = is_resource ? this._createResourceElement(child, target_document) : this._createElement(child, target_document); if (! element) { return; // continue } this._appendChildSafely(target_body, element); }); const documentWrites = uniq(get(window, 'ET_Builder.Preboot.writes', [])); if (documentWrites.length > 0) { // The only `document.write`s we care about are the ones used to load scripts // like WP polyfills, anything else will just break the builder or show content // in the wrong place, hence we wrap them in an hidden container. try { jQuery(target_body).append(`<div style="display: none">${documentWrites.join(' ')}</div>`); } catch(e) { // We don't wanna log the exception here since, polyfills excluded, whatever is using `document.write` // would hardly care about handling errors. E.g. checking if DOM element exists before trying to use it.... } } Promise.all(this.loading).then(() => { // Fire events again since browser fired before we added content to the frame const frame_document = $iframe[0].contentDocument; const frame_window = $iframe[0].contentWindow; let dom_content_event; let load_event; if ('function' !== typeof(Event)) { dom_content_event = document.createEvent('Event'); load_event = document.createEvent('Event'); dom_content_event.initEvent('DOMContentLoaded', true, true); load_event.initEvent('load', true, true); } else { dom_content_event = new Event('DOMContentLoaded'); load_event = new Event('load'); } // Add small delay before firiing the events to give some Extra time to attach event handlers // Otherwise it may fire to early and event handlers attachment will fail. setTimeout(() => { frame_document.dispatchEvent(dom_content_event); frame_window.dispatchEvent(load_event); }, 0); }).catch(err => console.error(err)); }; _resourceLoadAsPromise(resource) { return new Promise((resolve) => { resource.addEventListener('load', resolve); resource.addEventListener('error', resolve); }); } /** * Gets a frame if it exists, creates a new one otherwise. * * @since 3.18 * * @param {Object} options Options * @param {string} Unique identifier for the frame. * @param {Object} [options.classnames] CSS classes * @param {string} [options.classnames.frame] CSS classes for the frame. * @param {string} [options.classnames.body] CSS classes for the frame's body element. * @param {boolean} [options.move_dom] Whether or not to move the entire DOM from base window to the frame. * @param {string} [options.parent] CSS selector for the frame's parent element. * * @return {jQuery} */ get({ id = '', classnames = { frame: '', body: '' }, move_dom = false, parent = 'body' }) { if (this.active_frames[id]) { return this.active_frames[id]; } if (move_dom) { this.active_frames[id] = this._createFrame(id, move_dom, parent); } else { this.active_frames[id] = this.frames.pop() || this._createFrame(id, move_dom, parent); } const iframe_window = this.getFrameWindow(this.active_frames[id]); = id; return this.active_frames[id]; } /** * Gets an iframe's {@see window} object; * * @param {jQuery} $iframe * * @return {Window} */ getFrameWindow($iframe) { return $iframe[0].contentWindow || $iframe[0].contentDocument; } static instance(id, base_window = 'self', target_window = 'self') { if (! ETCoreFrames._instances[id]) { ETCoreFrames._instances[id] = new ETCoreFrames(base_window, target_window); } return ETCoreFrames._instances[id]; } release(id) { setTimeout(() => { const $frame = this.get({ id }); if (! $frame) { return; } $frame[0].className = 'et-core-frame'; $frame.removeAttr('id'); $frame.removeAttr('style'); this.frames.push($frame); delete this.active_frames[id]; }, 250); } } export default ETCoreFrames;
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