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<?php if (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR')) die('No direct access allowed.'); // Converted to array options: yes // Converted to job_options: yes // Migrate options to new-style storage - May 2014 if (!is_array(UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_ftp')) && '' != UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_server_address', '')) { $opts = array( 'user' => UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_ftp_login'), 'pass' => UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_ftp_pass'), 'host' => UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_server_address'), 'path' => UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_ftp_remote_path'), 'passive' => true ); UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_ftp', $opts); UpdraftPlus_Options::delete_updraft_option('updraft_server_address'); UpdraftPlus_Options::delete_updraft_option('updraft_ftp_pass'); UpdraftPlus_Options::delete_updraft_option('updraft_ftp_remote_path'); UpdraftPlus_Options::delete_updraft_option('updraft_ftp_login'); } if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_BackupModule')) updraft_try_include_file('methods/backup-module.php', 'require_once'); class UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_ftp extends UpdraftPlus_BackupModule { /** * Get FTP object with parameters set * * @param String $server Specify Server * @param String $user Specify Username * @param String $pass Specify Password * @param Boolean $disable_ssl Indicate whether to disable SSL * @param Boolean $disable_verify Indicate whether to disable verifiction * @param Boolean $use_server_certs Indicate whether to use server certificates * @param Boolean $passive Indicate whether to use passive FTP mode * @return Array */ private function getFTP($server, $user, $pass, $disable_ssl = false, $disable_verify = true, $use_server_certs = false, $passive = true) { if ('' == trim($server) || '' == trim($user) || '' == trim($pass)) return new WP_Error('no_settings', sprintf(__('No %s settings were found', 'updraftplus'), 'FTP')); if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_ftp_wrapper')) updraft_try_include_file('includes/ftp.class.php', 'include_once'); $port = 21; if (preg_match('/^(.*):(\d+)$/', $server, $matches)) { $server = $matches[1]; $port = $matches[2]; } $ftp = new UpdraftPlus_ftp_wrapper($server, $user, $pass, $port); if ($disable_ssl) $ftp->ssl = false; $ftp->use_server_certs = $use_server_certs; $ftp->disable_verify = $disable_verify; $ftp->passive = ($passive) ? true : false; return $ftp; } /** * WordPress options filter, sanitising the FTP options saved from the options page * * @param Array $settings - the options, prior to sanitisation * * @return Array - the sanitised options for saving */ public function options_filter($settings) { if (is_array($settings) && !empty($settings['version']) && !empty($settings['settings'])) { foreach ($settings['settings'] as $instance_id => $instance_settings) { if (!empty($instance_settings['host']) && preg_match('#ftp(es|s)?://(.*)#i', $instance_settings['host'], $matches)) { $settings['settings'][$instance_id]['host'] = rtrim($matches[2], "/ \t\n\r\0x0B"); } if (isset($instance_settings['pass'])) { $settings['settings'][$instance_id]['pass'] = trim($instance_settings['pass'], "\n\r\0\x0B"); } } } return $settings; } public function get_supported_features() { // The 'multi_options' options format is handled via only accessing options via $this->get_options() return array('multi_options', 'config_templates', 'multi_storage', 'conditional_logic'); } public function get_default_options() { return array( 'host' => '', 'user' => '', 'pass' => '', 'path' => '', 'passive' => 1 ); } /** * Retrieve a list of template properties by taking all the persistent variables and methods of the parent class and combining them with the ones that are unique to this module, also the necessary HTML element attributes and texts which are also unique only to this backup module * NOTE: Please sanitise all strings that are required to be shown as HTML content on the frontend side (i.e. wp_kses()) * * @return Array an associative array keyed by names that describe themselves as they are */ public function get_template_properties() { global $updraftplus; $possible = $this->ftp_possible(); $ftp_not_possible = array(); if (is_array($possible)) { $trans = array( 'ftp' => __('regular non-encrypted FTP', 'updraftplus'), 'ftpsslimplicit' => __('encrypted FTP (implicit encryption)', 'updraftplus'), 'ftpsslexplicit' => __('encrypted FTP (explicit encryption)', 'updraftplus') ); foreach ($possible as $type => $missing) { $ftp_not_possible[] = wp_kses('<strong>'.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').':</strong> '. sprintf(__("Your web server's PHP installation has these functions disabled: %s.", 'updraftplus'), implode(', ', $missing)).' '.sprintf(__('Your hosting company must enable these functions before %s can work.', 'updraftplus'), $trans[$type]), $this->allowed_html_for_content_sanitisation()); } } $properties = array( 'updraft_sftp_ftps_notice' => wp_kses(apply_filters('updraft_sftp_ftps_notice', '<strong>'.__('Only non-encrypted FTP is supported by regular UpdraftPlus.').'</strong> <a href="'.esc_url($updraftplus->get_url('premium')).'" target="_blank">'.__('If you want encryption (e.g. you are storing sensitive business data), then an add-on is available in the Premium version.', 'updraftplus')), $this->allowed_html_for_content_sanitisation()), 'ftp_not_possible_warnings' => $ftp_not_possible, 'input_host_label' => __('FTP server', 'updraftplus'), 'input_user_label' => __('FTP login', 'updraftplus'), 'input_password_label' => __('FTP password', 'updraftplus'), 'input_password_type' => apply_filters('updraftplus_admin_secret_field_type', 'password'), 'input_path_label' => __('Remote path', 'updraftplus'), 'input_path_title' => __('Needs to already exist', 'updraftplus'), 'input_passive_label' => __('Passive mode', 'updraftplus'), 'input_passive_title' => __('Almost all FTP servers will want passive mode; but if you need active mode, then uncheck this.', 'updraftplus'), 'input_test_label' => sprintf(__('Test %s Settings', 'updraftplus'), $updraftplus->backup_methods[$this->get_id()]) ); return wp_parse_args($properties, $this->get_persistent_variables_and_methods()); } public function backup($backup_array) { global $updraftplus; $opts = $this->get_options(); $ftp = $this->getFTP( $opts['host'], $opts['user'], $opts['pass'], $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_nossl'), $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_disableverify'), $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_useservercerts'), $opts['passive'] ); if (is_wp_error($ftp) || !$ftp->connect()) { if (is_wp_error($ftp)) { $updraftplus->log_wp_error($ftp); } else { $this->log("Failure: we did not successfully log in with those credentials."); } $this->log(__("login failure", 'updraftplus'), 'error'); return false; } // $ftp->make_dir(); we may need to recursively create dirs? TODO $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location().'/'; $ftp_remote_path = trailingslashit($opts['path']); foreach ($backup_array as $file) { $fullpath = $updraft_dir.$file; $this->log("upload attempt: $file -> ftp://".$opts['user']."@".$opts['host']."/{$ftp_remote_path}{$file}"); $timer_start = microtime(true); $size_k = round(filesize($fullpath)/1024, 1); // Note :Setting $resume to true unnecessarily is not meant to be a problem. Only ever (Feb 2014) seen one weird FTP server where calling SIZE on a non-existent file did create a problem. So, this code just helps that case. (the check for non-empty upload_status[p] is being cautious. $upload_status = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('uploading_substatus'); if (0 == $updraftplus->current_resumption || (is_array($upload_status) && !empty($upload_status['p']) && 0 == $upload_status['p'])) { $resume = false; } else { $resume = true; } if ($ftp->put($fullpath, $ftp_remote_path.$file, FTP_BINARY, $resume, $updraftplus)) { $this->log("upload attempt successful (".$size_k."KB in ".(round(microtime(true)-$timer_start, 2)).'s)'); $updraftplus->uploaded_file($file); } else { $this->log("ERROR: FTP upload failed"); $this->log(__("upload failed", 'updraftplus'), 'error'); } } return array('ftp_object' => $ftp, 'ftp_remote_path' => $ftp_remote_path); } public function listfiles($match = 'backup_') { global $updraftplus; $opts = $this->get_options(); $ftp = $this->getFTP( $opts['host'], $opts['user'], $opts['pass'], $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_nossl'), $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_disableverify'), $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_useservercerts'), $opts['passive'] ); if (is_wp_error($ftp)) return $ftp; if (!$ftp->connect()) return new WP_Error('ftp_login_failed', sprintf(__("%s login failure", 'updraftplus'), 'FTP')); $ftp_remote_path = $opts['path']; if ($ftp_remote_path) $ftp_remote_path = trailingslashit($ftp_remote_path); $dirlist = $ftp->dir_list($ftp_remote_path); if (!is_array($dirlist)) return array(); $results = array(); foreach ($dirlist as $k => $path) { if ($ftp_remote_path) { // Feb 2015 - found a case where the directory path was not prefixed on if (0 !== strpos($path, $ftp_remote_path) && (false !== strpos('/', $ftp_remote_path) && false !== strpos('\\', $ftp_remote_path))) continue; if (0 === strpos($path, $ftp_remote_path)) $path = substr($path, strlen($ftp_remote_path)); // if (0 !== strpos($path, $ftp_remote_path)) continue; // $path = substr($path, strlen($ftp_remote_path)); if (0 === strpos($path, $match)) $results[]['name'] = $path; } else { if ('/' == substr($path, 0, 1)) $path = substr($path, 1); if (false !== strpos($path, '/')) continue; if (0 === strpos($path, $match)) $results[]['name'] = $path; } unset($dirlist[$k]); } // ftp_nlist() doesn't return file sizes. rawlist() does, but is tricky to parse. So, we get the sizes manually. foreach ($results as $ind => $name) { $size = $ftp->size($ftp_remote_path.$name['name']); if (0 === $size) { unset($results[$ind]); } elseif ($size>0) { $results[$ind]['size'] = $size; } } return $results; } /** * Delete a single file from the service using FTP protocols * * @param Array $files - array of file names to delete * @param Array $ftparr - FTP details/credentials * @param Array $sizeinfo - unused here * @return Boolean|String - either a boolean true or an error code string */ public function delete($files, $ftparr = array(), $sizeinfo = array()) {// phpcs:ignore VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis.UnusedVariable -- $sizeinfo unused global $updraftplus; if (is_string($files)) $files = array($files); $opts = $this->get_options(); if (is_array($ftparr) && isset($ftparr['ftp_object'])) { $ftp = $ftparr['ftp_object']; } else { $ftp = $this->getFTP( $opts['host'], $opts['user'], $opts['pass'], $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_nossl'), $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_disableverify'), $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_useservercerts'), $opts['passive'] ); if (is_wp_error($ftp) || !$ftp->connect()) { if (is_wp_error($ftp)) $updraftplus->log_wp_error($ftp); $this->log("Failure: we did not successfully log in with those credentials (host=".$opts['host'].")."); return 'authentication_fail'; } } $ftp_remote_path = isset($ftparr['ftp_remote_path']) ? $ftparr['ftp_remote_path'] : trailingslashit($opts['path']); $ret = true; foreach ($files as $file) { if (@$ftp->delete($ftp_remote_path.$file)) {// phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- Silenced to suppress errors that may arise because of the method. $this->log("delete: succeeded ({$ftp_remote_path}{$file})"); } else { $this->log("delete: failed ({$ftp_remote_path}{$file})"); $ret = 'file_delete_error'; } } return $ret; } public function download($file) { global $updraftplus; $opts = $this->get_options(); $ftp = $this->getFTP( $opts['host'], $opts['user'], $opts['pass'], $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_nossl'), $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_disableverify'), $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_ssl_useservercerts'), $opts['passive'] ); if (is_wp_error($ftp)) { $this->log('Failure to get FTP object: '.$ftp->get_error_code().': '.$ftp->get_error_message()); $this->log($ftp->get_error_message().' ('.$ftp->get_error_code().')', 'error'); return false; } if (!$ftp->connect()) { $this->log('Failure: we did not successfully log in with those credentials.'); $this->log(__('login failure', 'updraftplus'), 'error'); return false; } // $ftp->make_dir(); we may need to recursively create dirs? TODO $ftp_remote_path = trailingslashit($opts['path']); $fullpath = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location().'/'.$file; $resume = false; if (file_exists($fullpath)) { $resume = true; $this->log("File already exists locally; will resume: size: ".filesize($fullpath)); } return $ftp->get($fullpath, $ftp_remote_path.$file, FTP_BINARY, $resume, $updraftplus); } private function ftp_possible() { $funcs_disabled = array(); foreach (array('ftp_connect', 'ftp_login', 'ftp_nb_fput') as $func) { if (!function_exists($func)) $funcs_disabled['ftp'][] = $func; } $funcs_disabled = apply_filters('updraftplus_ftp_possible', $funcs_disabled); return (0 == count($funcs_disabled)) ? true : $funcs_disabled; } /** * Get the pre configuration template * * @return String - the template */ public function get_pre_configuration_template() { ?> <tr class="{{get_template_css_classes false}} ftp_pre_config_container"> <td colspan="2"> <h3>{{method_display_name}}</h3> {{#each ftp_not_possible_warnings}} <div class="error updraftplusmethod ftp"><p>{{{this}}}</p></div> <div class="notice error below-h2"><p>{{{this}}}</p></div> {{/each}} {{#ifCond "undefined" "not_typeof" updraft_sftp_ftps_notice}} <em><p>{{{updraft_sftp_ftps_notice}}}</p></em> {{/ifCond}} </td> </tr> <?php } /** * Get the configuration template * * @return String - the template, ready for substitutions to be carried out */ public function get_configuration_template() { ob_start(); ?> <tr class="{{get_template_css_classes true}}"> <th>{{input_host_label}}:</th> <td><input class="updraft_input--wide" type="text" size="40" data-updraft_settings_test="server" id="{{get_template_input_attribute_value "id" "host"}}" name="{{get_template_input_attribute_value "name" "host"}}" value="{{host}}" /></td> </tr> <tr class="{{get_template_css_classes true}}"> <th>{{input_user_label}}:</th> <td><input class="updraft_input--wide" type="text" size="40" data-updraft_settings_test="login" id="{{get_template_input_attribute_value "id" "user"}}" name="{{get_template_input_attribute_value "name" "user"}}" value="{{user}}" /></td> </tr> <tr class="{{get_template_css_classes true}}"> <th>{{input_password_label}}:</th> <td><input class="updraft_input--wide" type="{{input_password_type}}" size="40" data-updraft_settings_test="pass" id="{{get_template_input_attribute_value "id" "pass"}}" name="{{get_template_input_attribute_value "name" "pass"}}" value="{{pass}}" /></td> </tr> <tr class="{{get_template_css_classes true}}"> <th>{{input_path_label}}:</th> <td><input title="{{input_path_title}}" class="updraft_input--wide" type="text" size="64" data-updraft_settings_test="path" id="{{get_template_input_attribute_value "id" "path"}}" name="{{get_template_input_attribute_value "name" "path"}}" value="{{path}}" /> <em>{{input_path_title}}</em></td> </tr> <tr class="{{get_template_css_classes true}}"> <th>{{input_passive_label}}:</th> <td> <input title="{{input_passive_title}}" type="checkbox" data-updraft_settings_test="passive" id="{{get_template_input_attribute_value "id" "passive"}}" name="{{get_template_input_attribute_value "name" "passive"}}" value="1" {{#ifeq '1' passive}}checked="checked"{{/ifeq}}> <br><em>{{input_passive_title}}</em></td> </tr> {{{get_template_test_button_html "FTP"}}} <?php return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Perform a test of user-supplied credentials, and echo the result * * @param Array $posted_settings - settings to test */ public function credentials_test($posted_settings) { $server = $posted_settings['server']; $login = $posted_settings['login']; $pass = $posted_settings['pass']; $path = $posted_settings['path']; $nossl = $posted_settings['nossl']; $passive = empty($posted_settings['passive']) ? false : true; $disable_verify = $posted_settings['disableverify']; $use_server_certs = $posted_settings['useservercerts']; if (empty($server)) { _e('Failure: No server details were given.', 'updraftplus'); return; } if (empty($login)) { printf(__('Failure: No %s was given.', 'updraftplus'), __('login', 'updraftplus')); return; } if (empty($pass)) { printf(__('Failure: No %s was given.', 'updraftplus'), __('password', 'updraftplus')); return; } if (preg_match('#ftp(es|s)?://(.*)#i', $server, $matches)) $server = untrailingslashit($matches[2]); // $ftp = $this->getFTP($server, $login, $pass, $nossl, $disable_verify, $use_server_certs); $ftp = $this->getFTP($server, $login, $pass, $nossl, $disable_verify, $use_server_certs, $passive); if (!$ftp->connect()) { _e('Failure: we did not successfully log in with those credentials.', 'updraftplus'); return; } // $ftp->make_dir(); we may need to recursively create dirs? TODO $file = md5(rand(0, 99999999)).'.tmp'; $fullpath = trailingslashit($path).$file; if ($ftp->put(ABSPATH.WPINC.'/version.php', $fullpath, FTP_BINARY, false, true)) { echo __("Success: we successfully logged in, and confirmed our ability to create a file in the given directory (login type:", 'updraftplus')." ".$ftp->login_type.')'; @$ftp->delete($fullpath);// phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- Silenced to suppress errors that may arise because of the method. } else { _e('Failure: we successfully logged in, but were not able to create a file in the given directory.', 'updraftplus'); if (!empty($ftp->ssl)) { echo ' '.__('This is sometimes caused by a firewall - try turning off SSL in the expert settings, and testing again.', 'updraftplus'); } } } /** * Check whether options have been set up by the user, or not * * @param Array $opts - the potential options * * @return Boolean */ public function options_exist($opts) { if (is_array($opts) && !empty($opts['host']) && isset($opts['user']) && '' != $opts['user']) return true; return false; } }
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