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<?php // exit if accessed directly if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; /** * Cookie_Notice_Dashboard class. * * @class Cookie_Notice_Dashboard */ class Cookie_Notice_Dashboard { /** * Class constructor. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { // actions add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', [ $this, 'wp_dashboard_setup' ], 11 ); add_action( 'wp_network_dashboard_setup', [ $this, 'wp_dashboard_setup' ], 11 ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'admin_scripts_styles' ] ); // site status add_filter( 'site_status_tests', [ $this, 'add_tests' ] ); } /** * Initialize widget. * * @global array $wp_meta_boxes * * @return void */ public function wp_dashboard_setup() { // filter user_can_see_stats if ( ! current_user_can( apply_filters( 'cn_manage_cookie_notice_cap', 'manage_options' ) ) ) return; // get main instance $cn = Cookie_Notice(); // check when to hide widget if ( is_multisite() ) { // site dashboard if ( current_action() === 'wp_dashboard_setup' && $cn->is_plugin_network_active() && $cn->network_options['global_override'] ) return; // network dashboard if ( current_action() === 'wp_network_dashboard_setup' ) { if ( $cn->is_plugin_network_active() ) { if ( ! $cn->network_options['global_override'] ) return; } else return; } } // check is it network admin if ( $cn->is_network_admin() ) $dashboard_key = 'dashboard-network'; else $dashboard_key = 'dashboard'; global $wp_meta_boxes; // set widget key $widget_key = 'cn_dashboard_stats'; // add dashboard chart widget wp_add_dashboard_widget( $widget_key, __( 'Cookie Compliance', 'cookie-notice' ), [ $this, 'dashboard_widget' ] ); // get widgets $normal_dashboard = $wp_meta_boxes[$dashboard_key]['normal']['core']; // attempt to place the widget at the top $widget_instance = [ $widget_key => $normal_dashboard[ $widget_key ] ]; // remove new widget unset( $normal_dashboard[ $widget_key ] ); // merge widgets $sorted_dashboard = array_merge( $widget_instance, $normal_dashboard ); // update widgets $wp_meta_boxes[$dashboard_key]['normal']['core'] = $sorted_dashboard; } /** * Enqueue admin scripts and styles. * * @param string $pagenow * @return void */ public function admin_scripts_styles( $pagenow ) { if ( $pagenow !== 'index.php' ) return; // filter user_can_see_stats if ( ! current_user_can( apply_filters( 'cn_manage_cookie_notice_cap', 'manage_options' ) ) ) return; // get main instance $cn = Cookie_Notice(); $date_format = get_option( 'date_format' ); if ( is_multisite() && $cn->is_network_admin() && $cn->is_plugin_network_active() && $cn->network_options['global_override'] ) $analytics = get_site_option( 'cookie_notice_app_analytics', [] ); else $analytics = get_option( 'cookie_notice_app_analytics', [] ); // styles wp_enqueue_style( 'cookie-notice-admin-dashboard', COOKIE_NOTICE_URL . '/css/admin-dashboard.css', [], $cn->defaults['version'] ); wp_enqueue_style( 'cookie-notice-microtip', COOKIE_NOTICE_URL . '/assets/microtip/microtip.min.css', [], $cn->defaults['version'] ); // bail if compliance is not active if ( $cn->get_status() !== 'active' ) return; // scripts wp_register_script( 'cookie-notice-admin-chartjs', COOKIE_NOTICE_URL . '/assets/chartjs/chart.min.js', [ 'jquery' ], '4.4.0', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'cookie-notice-admin-dashboard', COOKIE_NOTICE_URL . '/js/admin-dashboard.js', [ 'jquery', 'cookie-notice-admin-chartjs' ], $cn->defaults['version'], true ); // cycle usage data $cycle_usage = [ 'threshold' => ! empty( $analytics['cycleUsage']->threshold ) ? (int) $analytics['cycleUsage']->threshold : 0, 'visits' => ! empty( $analytics['cycleUsage']->visits ) ? (int) $analytics['cycleUsage']->visits : 0 ]; // no more than threshold available $cycle_usage['visits'] = $cycle_usage['visits'] > $cycle_usage['threshold'] ? $cycle_usage['threshold'] : $cycle_usage['visits']; // available visits, -1 for no pro plans $cycle_usage['visits_available'] = $cycle_usage['threshold'] ? $cycle_usage['threshold'] - $cycle_usage['visits'] : -1; // get used threshold info if ( $cycle_usage['threshold'] > 0 ) { $threshold_used = ( $cycle_usage['visits'] / $cycle_usage['threshold'] ) * 100; if ( $threshold_used > 100 ) $threshold_used = 100; } else $threshold_used = 0; $chartdata = [ 'usage' => [ 'type' => 'doughnut', 'data' => [ 'labels' => [ _x( 'Used', 'threshold limit', 'cookie-notice' ), _x( 'Free', 'threshold limit', 'cookie-notice' ) ], 'datasets' => [ [ 'data' => [ $cycle_usage['visits'], $cycle_usage['visits_available'] ], 'backgroundColor' => [ 'rgb(32, 193, 158)', 'rgb(235, 233, 235)' ] ] ] ] ], 'consent-activity' => [ 'type' => 'line' ] ]; // warning usage color if ( $threshold_used > 80 && $threshold_used < 100 ) $chartdata['usage']['data']['datasets'][0]['backgroundColor'][0] = 'rgb(255, 193, 7)'; // danger usage color elseif ( $threshold_used == 100 ) $chartdata['usage']['data']['datasets'][0]['backgroundColor'][0] = 'rgb(220, 53, 69)'; $data = [ 'labels' => [], 'datasets' => [ 0 => [ 'label' => sprintf( __( 'Level %s', 'cookie-notice' ), 1 ), 'data' => [], 'fill' => true, 'backgroundColor' => 'rgba(196, 196, 196, 0.3)', 'borderColor' => 'rgba(196, 196, 196, 1)', 'borderWidth' => 1.2, 'borderDash' => [], 'pointBorderColor' => 'rgba(196, 196, 196, 1)', 'pointBackgroundColor' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', 'pointBorderWidth' => 1.2 ], 1 => [ 'label' => sprintf( __( 'Level %s', 'cookie-notice' ), 2 ), 'data' => [], 'fill' => true, 'backgroundColor' => 'rgba(213, 181, 101, 0.3)', 'borderColor' => 'rgba(213, 181, 101, 1)', 'borderWidth' => 1.2, 'borderDash' => [], 'pointBorderColor' => 'rgba(213, 181, 101, 1)', 'pointBackgroundColor' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', 'pointBorderWidth' => 1.2 ], 2 => [ 'label' => sprintf( __( 'Level %s', 'cookie-notice' ), 3 ), 'data' => [], 'fill' => true, 'backgroundColor' => 'rgba(152, 145, 177, 0.3)', 'borderColor' => 'rgba(152, 145, 177, 1)', 'borderWidth' => 1.2, 'borderDash' => [], 'pointBorderColor' => 'rgba(152, 145, 177, 1)', 'pointBackgroundColor' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', 'pointBorderWidth' => 1.2 ] ] ]; // generate chart days $chart_date_format = 'j/m'; for ( $i = 30; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { // set label $data['labels'][] = date( $chart_date_format, strtotime( '-'. $i .' days' ) ); // reset datasets $data['datasets'][0]['data'][] = 0; $data['datasets'][1]['data'][] = 0; $data['datasets'][2]['data'][] = 0; } if ( ! empty( $analytics['consentActivities'] ) && is_array( $analytics['consentActivities'] ) ) { // set consent records in charts days foreach ( $analytics['consentActivities'] as $index => $entry ) { $time = date_i18n( $chart_date_format, strtotime( $entry->eventdt ) ); $i = array_search( $time, $data['labels'] ); if ( $i ) $data['datasets'][(int) $entry->consentlevel - 1]['data'][$i] = (int) $entry->totalrecd; } } $chartdata['consent-activity']['data'] = $data; // prepare script data $script_data = [ 'ajaxURL' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'cn-dashboard-widget' ), 'nonceUser' => wp_create_nonce( 'cn-dashboard-user-options' ), 'charts' => $chartdata ]; wp_add_inline_script( 'cookie-notice-admin-dashboard', 'var cnDashboardArgs = ' . wp_json_encode( $script_data ) . ";\n", 'before' ); } /** * Render dashboard widget. * * @return void */ public function dashboard_widget() { // get main instance $cn = Cookie_Notice(); if ( $cn->is_network_admin() ) $upgrade_url = network_admin_url( 'admin.php?page=cookie-notice&welcome=1' ); else $upgrade_url = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=cookie-notice&welcome=1' ); $html = ''; // compliance active, display chart if ( $cn->get_status() === 'active' ) { // get user options $user_options = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'pvc_dashboard', true ); // empty options? if ( empty( $user_options ) || ! is_array( $user_options ) ) $user_options = []; // sanitize options $user_options = map_deep( $user_options, 'sanitize_text_field' ); // get menu items $menu_items = ! empty( $user_options['menu_items'] ) ? $user_options['menu_items'] : []; $items = [ [ 'id' => 'visits', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Traffic Overview', 'cookie-notice' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Displays the general visits information for your domain.', 'cookie-notice' ) ], [ 'id' => 'consent-activity', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Consent Activity', 'cookie-notice' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Displays the chart of the domain consent activity in the last 30 days.', 'cookie-notice' ) ] ]; $html .= ' <div id="cn-dashboard-accordion" class="cn-accordion">'; foreach ( $items as $item ) { $html .= $this->widget_item( $item, $menu_items ); } $html .= ' </div>'; // compliance inactive, display image } else { $html .= ' <div id="cn-dashboard-accordion" class="cn-accordion cn-widget-block"> <img src="' . esc_url( COOKIE_NOTICE_URL ) . '/img/cookie-compliance-widget.png" alt="Cookie Compliance widget" /> <div id="cn-dashboard-upgrade"> <div id="cn-dashboard-modal"> <h2>' . esc_html__( 'View consent activity inside WordPress Dashboard', 'cookie-notice' ) . '</h2> <p>' . esc_html__( 'Display information about the visits.', 'cookie-notice' ) . '</p> <p>' . esc_html__( 'Get Consent logs data for the last 30 days.', 'cookie-notice' ) . '</p> <p>' . esc_html__( 'Enable consent purpose categories, automatic cookie blocking and more.', 'cookie-notice' ) . '</p> <p><a href="' . esc_url( $upgrade_url ) . '" class="button button-primary button-hero cn-button">' . esc_html__( 'Upgrade to Cookie Compliance', 'cookie-notice' ) . '</a></p> </div> </div> </div>'; } // allows a list of html entities such as $allowed_html = wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' ); $allowed_html['canvas'] = [ 'id' => true, 'height' => true ]; echo wp_kses( $html, $allowed_html ); } /** * Generate dashboard widget item HTML. * * @param array $item * @param array $menu_items * @return string */ public function widget_item( $item, $menu_items ) { return ' <div id="cn-' . esc_attr( $item['id'] ) . '" class="cn-accordion-item' . ( in_array( $item['id'], $menu_items, true ) ? ' cn-collapsed' : '' ) . '"> <div class="cn-accordion-header"> <div class="cn-accordion-toggle"><span class="cn-accordion-title">' . esc_html( $item['title'] ) . '</span><span class="cn-tooltip" aria-label="' . esc_attr( $item['description'] ) . '" data-microtip-position="top" data-microtip-size="large" role="tooltip"><span class="cn-tooltip-icon"></span></span></div> </div> <div class="cn-accordion-content"> <div class="cn-dashboard-container"> <div class="cn-data-container"> ' . $this->widget_item_content( $item['id'] ) . ' <span class="spinner"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div>'; } /** * Generate dashboard widget item content HTML. * * @param array $item * @return void */ public function widget_item_content( $item ) { $html = ''; switch ( $item ) { case 'visits': // get main instance $cn = Cookie_Notice(); $date_format = get_option( 'date_format' ); // get analytics data options if ( is_multisite() && $cn->is_network_admin() && $cn->is_plugin_network_active() && $cn->network_options['global_override'] ) $analytics = get_site_option( 'cookie_notice_app_analytics', [] ); else $analytics = get_option( 'cookie_notice_app_analytics', [] ); // thirty days data $thirty_days_usage = [ 'visits' => ! empty( $analytics['thirtyDaysUsage']->visits ) ? (int) $analytics['thirtyDaysUsage']->visits : 0, 'consents' => 0, 'consents_updated' => ! empty( $analytics['lastUpdated'] ) ? date_create_from_format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $analytics['lastUpdated'] ) : date_create_from_format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', current_time( 'mysql', true ) ) ]; // set current timezone $current_timezone = new DateTimeZone( $this->timezone_string() ); // update date $thirty_days_usage['consents_updated']->setTimezone( $current_timezone ); if ( ! empty( $analytics['consentActivities'] ) ) { foreach ( $analytics['consentActivities'] as $index => $entry ) { $thirty_days_usage['consents'] += (int) $entry->totalrecd; } } // cycle usage data $cycle_usage = [ 'threshold' => ! empty( $analytics['cycleUsage']->threshold ) ? (int) $analytics['cycleUsage']->threshold : 0, 'visits' => ! empty( $analytics['cycleUsage']->visits ) ? (int) $analytics['cycleUsage']->visits : 0, 'days_to_go' => ! empty( $analytics['cycleUsage']->daysToGo ) ? (int) $analytics['cycleUsage']->daysToGo : 0, 'start_date' => ! empty( $analytics['cycleUsage']->startDate ) ? date_create_from_format( '!Y-m-d', $analytics['cycleUsage']->startDate ) : '' ]; // get used threshold info if ( $cycle_usage['threshold'] > 0 ) { $threshold_used = ( $cycle_usage['visits'] / $cycle_usage['threshold'] ) * 100; if ( $threshold_used > 100 ) $threshold_used = 100; } else $threshold_used = 0; $html .= ' <div id="cn-dashboard-' . esc_attr( $item ) . '"> <div id="cn-' . esc_attr( $item ) . '-infobox-traffic-overview" class="cn-infobox-container"> <div id="cn-' . esc_attr( $item ) . '-infobox-visits" class="cn-infobox"> <div class="cn-infobox-title">' . esc_html__( 'Total Visits', 'cookie-notice' ) . '</div> <div class="cn-infobox-number">' . esc_html( number_format_i18n( $thirty_days_usage['visits'], 0 ) ) . '</div> <div class="cn-infobox-subtitle">' . esc_html__( 'Last 30 days', 'cookie-notice' ) . '</div> </div> <div id="cn-' . esc_attr( $item ) . '-infobox-consents" class="cn-infobox"> <div class="cn-infobox-title">' . esc_html__( 'Consent Logs', 'cookie-notice' ) . '</div> <div class="cn-infobox-number">' . esc_html( number_format_i18n( $thirty_days_usage['consents'], 0 ) ) . '</div> <div class="cn-infobox-subtitle">' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Updated %s', 'cookie-notice' ), date_i18n( $date_format, $thirty_days_usage['consents_updated']->getTimestamp() ) ) ) . '</div> </div> </div>'; if ( $cycle_usage['threshold'] ) { $usage_class = 'success'; // warning usage color if ( $threshold_used > 80 && $threshold_used < 100 ) $usage_class = 'warning'; // danger usage color elseif ( $threshold_used === 100 ) $usage_class = 'danger'; $html .= ' <div id="cn-' . esc_attr( $item ) . '-infobox-traffic-usage" class="cn-infobox-container"> <div id="cn-' . esc_attr( $item ) . '-infobox-limits" class="cn-infobox"> <div class="cn-infobox-title">' . esc_html__( 'Traffic Usage', 'cookie-notice' ) . '</div> <div class="cn-infobox-number cn-text-' . esc_attr( $usage_class ) . '">' . esc_html( number_format_i18n( $threshold_used, 1 ) ) . ' %</div> <div class="cn-infobox-subtitle"> <p>' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Visits usage: %1$s / %2$s', 'cookie-notice' ), $cycle_usage['visits'], $cycle_usage['threshold'] ) ) . '</p> <p>' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Cycle started: %s', 'cookie-notice' ), date_i18n( $date_format, $cycle_usage['start_date']->getTimestamp() ) ) ) . '</p> <p>' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Days to go: %s', 'cookie-notice' ), $cycle_usage['days_to_go'] ) ) . '</p> </div> </div> <div id="cn-' . esc_attr( $item ) . '-chart-limits" class="cn-infobox cn-chart-container"> <canvas id="cn-usage-chart" style="height: 100px"></canvas> </div>'; /* <div id="cn-' . $item . '-traffic-notice" class="cn-infobox-notice cn-traffic-' . $usage_class . '"> <p><b>' . __( 'Your domain has exceeded 90% of the usage limit.', 'cookie-notice' ) . '</b></p> <p>' . sprintf(__( 'The banner will still display properly and consent record will be set in the browser. However the Autoblocking will be disabled and Consent Records will not be stored in the application until the current visits cycle resets (in %s days).', 'cookie-notice' ), $cycle_usage['days_to_go'] ) . '</p> </div> */ $html .= ' </div>'; } $html .= ' </div>'; break; case 'consent-activity': $html .= ' <div id="cn-dashboard-' . esc_attr( $item ) . '"> <div id="cn-' . esc_attr( $item ) . '-chart-container cn-chart-container"> <canvas id="cn-' . esc_attr( $item ) . '-chart" style="height: 300px"></canvas> </div> </div>'; break; } return $html; } /** * Add site test. * * @param array $tests * @return array */ public function add_tests( $tests ) { $tests['direct']['cookie_compliance_status'] = [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Cookie Compliance Status', 'cookie-notice' ), 'test' => [ $this, 'test_cookie_compliance' ] ]; return $tests; } /** * Test for Cookie Compliance. * * @return array|void */ public function test_cookie_compliance() { if ( Cookie_Notice()->get_status() !== 'active' ) { return [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Your site does not have Cookie Compliance', 'cookie-notice' ), 'status' => 'recommended', 'description' => esc_html__( "Run Compliance Check to determine your site's compliance with updated data processing and consent rules under GDPR, CCPA and other international data privacy laws.", 'cookie-notice' ), 'actions' => sprintf( '<p><a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">%s</a></p>', admin_url( 'admin.php?page=cookie-notice&welcome=1' ), esc_html__( 'Run Compliance Check', 'cookie-notice' ) ), 'test' => 'cookie_compliance_status', 'badge' => [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Cookie Notice', 'cookie-notice' ), 'color' => 'blue' ] ]; } } /** * Retrieve the timezone of the site as a string. * * @return string */ public function timezone_string() { if ( function_exists( 'wp_timezone_string' ) ) return wp_timezone_string(); $timezone_string = get_option( 'timezone_string' ); if ( $timezone_string ) return $timezone_string; $offset = (float) get_option( 'gmt_offset' ); $hours = (int) $offset; $minutes = ( $offset - $hours ); $sign = ( $offset < 0 ) ? '-' : '+'; $abs_hour = abs( $hours ); $abs_mins = abs( $minutes * 60 ); $tz_offset = sprintf( '%s%02d:%02d', $sign, $abs_hour, $abs_mins ); return $tz_offset; } }
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