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<?php // ============================================================================= // FRAMEWORK/FUNCTIONS/PRO/I18N/APP.PHP // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Localization strings. // ============================================================================= // ============================================================================= // TABLE OF CONTENTS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 01. Messaging // 02. General Purpose // 03. Status // 04. Accessibility // 05. Formatting // 06. Breakpoints // 07. Titles // 08. Content // 09. Inspector // 10. Elements // 11. Forms // 12. Controls // 13. Notifications // 14. Assignments // 15. Presets // 16. Confirm // 17. Options // 18. Manage // 19. Templates // 20. Design Cloud // 21. Fonts // 22. Colors // 23. Responsive Text // 24. Font Weights // 25. Custom Code // 26. Choices // 27. Sort // 28. Actions // 29. Errors // 30. Preferences // 31. Skeleton Mode // 32. Dynamic Content // 33. Global Blocks // 34. Launchpad // 35. Regions // 36. History // 37. Pro // ============================================================================= return array( 'integration-mode' => 'pro', 'powered-by-themeco' => __( 'Powered by Themeco', '__x__' ), // Messaging // --------- 'welcome-app' => __( '<strong>Howdy!</strong> What would you like to launch?', '__x__' ), 'save' => __( 'Save', '__x__' ), 'apply' => __( 'Apply', '__x__' ), 'loading' => __( 'Loading…', '__x__' ), 'unauthorized' => __( 'You don't have permission to do that.', '__x__' ), 'wordpress-admin' => __( 'WordPress Admin', '__x__' ), 'unsaved-warning' => __( 'You have unsaved changes that will be lost if you continue. Are you sure you wish to leave?', '__x__' ), 'save-and-continue' => __( 'Save & Continue', '__x__' ), 'edit-another' => __( 'Would you like to go edit this {{context}}?', '__x__' ), 'unauthorized' => __( '<strong>Oops!</strong> Looks like you are trying to view something you are not allowed to access. Check your permissions in the plugin settings.', '__x__' ), 'translate' => __( 'Translate', '__x__' ), 'translation.entity' => __( 'Translation', '__x__' ), 'translation.blank' => __( 'This {{context}} has not been translated into the active language.', '__x__' ), 'translation.start-blank' => __( 'Start Blank', '__x__' ), 'translation.or' => __( 'or', '__x__' ), 'translation.create-message' => __( 'This <strong>{{context}}</strong> does not have a <strong>{{lang}}</strong> translation. Start with a blank slate or choose an existing translation to begin with.', '__x__' ), 'translation.edit-existing' => __( 'Edit Existing ({{context}})', '__x__' ), // General Purpose // --------------- 'global' => __( 'Global', '__x__' ), 'blank' => __( 'Blank', '__x__' ), 'copy' => __( 'Copy', '__x__' ), 'copy-thing' => __( 'Copy {{context', '__x__' ), 'copy-of' => __( 'Copy of {{title}}', '__x__' ), 'copy-of-numeric' => __( '{{title}} ({{index}})', '__x__' ), 'indexed' => __( '{{label}} {{index}}', '__x__'), 'search' => __( 'Search', '__x__' ), 'search-thing' => __( 'Search {{context}}', '__x__' ), 'go-validate' => __( 'Go Validate', '__x__' ), 'title' => __( 'Title', '__x__' ), 'thing-title' => __( '{{context}} Title', '__x__' ), 'back' => __( 'Back', '__x__' ), 'back-to' => __( 'Back to {{to}}', '__x__' ), 'item' => __( 'Item', '__x__'), 'items' => __( 'Items', '__x__'), 'add-item' => __( 'Add Item', '__x__' ), 'add' => __( 'Add', '__x__' ), 'add-new' => __( 'Add New', '__x__' ), 'any' => __( 'Any', '__x__' ), 'edit' => __( 'Edit', '__x__' ), 'edit-thing' => __( 'Edit {{context}}', '__x__' ), 'unassigned' => __( 'Unassigned', '__x__' ), 'select' => __( 'Select', '__x__' ), 'select-thing' => __( 'Select {{context}}', '__x__' ), 'choose' => __( '– Choose –', '__x__' ), 'custom-abbr' => __( 'Cust.', '__x__' ), 'custom' => __( 'Custom', '__x__' ), 'save' => __( 'Save', '__x__' ), 'save-thing' => __( 'Save {{context}}', '__x__' ), 'create' => __( 'Create', '__x__' ), 'remove' => __( 'Remove', '__x__' ), 'create-thing' => __( 'Create {{context}}', '__x__' ), 'insert' => __( 'Insert', '__x__' ), 'insert-thing' => __( 'Insert {{context}}', '__x__' ), 'default' => __( 'Default', '__x__' ), 'default-thing' => __( 'Default {{context}}', '__x__' ), 'name' => __( 'Name', '__x__' ), 'thing-name' => __( '{{context}} Name', '__x__' ), 'name-thing' => __( 'Name {{context}}', '__x__' ), 'no-things' => __( 'No {{context}}', '__x__' ), 'no-things-found' => __( 'No {{context}} Found', '__x__' ), 'refine-search' => __( 'Try refining your search to locate your desired {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'plus-create' => __( 'Click + to create new {{context}}', '__x__' ), 'settings-format' => __( '{{type}} Settings', '__x__' ), 'context-css' => __( '{{context}} CSS', '__x__' ), 'context-js' => __( '{{context}} JS', '__x__' ), 'css-tooltip' => __( 'CSS', '__x__' ), 'js-tooltip' => __( 'JavaScript', '__x__' ), 'post-type' => __( 'Post Type', '__x__' ), 'page-template' => __( 'Page Template', '__x__' ), 'slug' => __( 'Slug', '__x__' ), 'created' => __( '{{context}} Created', '__x__' ), 'added' => __( '{{context}} Added', '__x__' ), 'moved' => __( '{{context}} Moved', '__x__' ), 'duplicated' => __( '{{context}} Duplicated', '__x__' ), 'deleted' => __( '{{context}} Deleted', '__x__' ), 'updated' => __( '{{context}} Updated', '__x__' ), 'undo' => __( 'Undo', '__x__' ), 'redo' => __( 'Redo', '__x__' ), 'inherit' => __( 'Inherit', '__x__' ), 'run' => __( 'Run', '__x__' ), 'type' => __( 'Type', '__x__' ), 'download' => __( 'Download', '__x__'), 'download.entity' => __( 'Download {{context}}', '__x__'), 'download.entity-count' => __( 'Download {{count}} {{context}}', '__x__'), 'delete.entity' => __( 'Delete {{context}}', '__x__'), 'delete.entity-count' => __( 'Delete {{count}} {{context}}', '__x__'), 'context-subcontext' => __( '{{context}} {{subcontext}}', '__x__'), 'last-modified' => __( 'Last Modified', '__x__' ), 'ascending' => __( 'Ascending', '__x__' ), 'descending' => __( 'Descending', '__x__' ), // Status // ------ 'status' => __( 'Status', '__x__' ), 'status.draft' => __( 'Draft', '__x__' ), 'status.publish' => __( 'Publish', '__x__' ), 'status.private' => __( 'Private', '__x__' ), // Accessibility // ------------- 'a11y.resize' => __( 'Resize', '__x__' ), 'a11y.close' => __( 'Close', '__x__' ), 'a11y.expand' => __( 'Expand', '__x__' ), 'a11y.collapse' => __( 'Collapse', '__x__' ), // Breakpoints // ----------- 'breakpoints.tooltip' => __( 'Preview Size', '__x__' ), 'breakpoints.size.xl' => __( 'Extra Large', '__x__' ), 'breakpoints.size.lg' => __( 'Large', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Medium', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Small', '__x__' ), 'breakpoints.size.xs' => __( 'Extra Small', '__x__' ), 'breakpoints.size-abbr.xl' => __( 'XL', '__x__' ), 'breakpoints.size-abbr.lg' => __( 'LG', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'MD', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'SM', '__x__' ), 'breakpoints.size-abbr.xs' => __( 'XS', '__x__' ), 'breakpoints.desc.xl' => __( '1200px & Up', '__x__' ), 'breakpoints.desc.lg' => __( '979px-1200px', '__x__' ), '' => __( '767px-979px', '__x__' ), '' => __( '480px-767px', '__x__' ), 'breakpoints.desc.xs' => __( '320px-480px', '__x__' ), 'breakpoints.format' => __( '{{size}} <span>{{desc}}</span>', '__x__'), // Titles // ------ 'home.title' => __( 'Home', '__x__' ), 'managers.title' => __( 'Managers', '__x__' ), 'outline.title' => __( 'Outline', '__x__' ), 'inspector.title' => __( 'Inspector', '__x__' ), 'elements.title' => __( 'Elements', '__x__' ), 'settings.title' => __( 'Settings', '__x__' ), 'cheatsheet.title' => __( 'Cheatsheet', '__x__' ), 'keyboard-shortcuts.title' => __( 'Keyboard Shortcuts', '__x__' ), 'help.title' => __( 'Help', '__x__' ), // Error // ------- 'error-title' => __('Uh oh!', '__x__'), 'error-message' => __('Details helpful to Themeco support can be found in the browser's developer tools console.', '__x__'), // Content // ------- 'content.sections' => __( 'Sections', '__x__' ), 'content.rows' => __( 'Rows', '__x__' ), 'content.columns' => __( 'Columns', '__x__' ), 'content.first-row' => __( 'Add your first Row to this Section.', '__x__' ), 'content.notify-before-save-template' => __( 'Add some Sections before saving a Template', '__x__' ), 'content.remove-spacing' => __( 'Remove Spacing', '__x__' ), 'content.remove-spacing-confirm' => __( 'Would you like to remove all margin and padding from this section, its rows and its columns?', '__x__' ), // Inspector // --------- '' => __( 'Nothing Selected', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Click an element in the site preview, or use the magnifying glass icon on elements in the <strong>Layout</strong> pane.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Search Inspector...', '__x__' ), 'inspector.apply-preset-warning' => __( 'This action will replace all element styling. Proceed?', '__x__' ), 'inspector.undefined-title' => __( 'Undefined Element', '__x__' ), 'inspector.undefined-message' => __( 'The definition for this element could not be located. You may need to activate a plugin. The type declared for this element is: <strong>{{type}}</strong>', '__x__' ), 'inspector.classic-element-title' => __( 'Classic Element', '__x__' ), 'inspector.classic-element-message' => __( 'This is a classic element. These are supported, but have less controls to configure.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Content', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Design', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Customize', '__x__' ), // Elements // -------- 'elements.entity' => __( 'Element', '__x__' ), 'elements.entities' => __( 'Elements', '__x__' ), 'elements.classic-title' => __( 'Classic Elements', '__x__' ), 'elements.classic-description' => __( 'Does not include advanced controls.', '__x__' ), 'elements-confirm-delete' => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete this {{title}}?', '__x__' ), 'elements-confirm-erase' => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete this element\'s contents?', '__x__' ), 'elements.favorites' => __( 'Favorites', '__x_-' ), 'elements.standard' => __( 'Standard', '__x_-' ), // Forms // ----- 'forms.icon-picker.blank' => __( 'No icons found.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Icons', '__x__' ), 'forms.label-input.placeholder' => __( 'Double click to edit.', '__x__'), 'forms.toggle.on' => __( 'On', '__x__'), '' => __( 'Off', '__x__'), 'forms.flex.standard' => __( 'Standard', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'No Shrink', '__x__' ), 'forms.flex.fill-space' => __( 'Fill Space', '__x__' ), 'forms.flex.fill-space-equally' => __( 'Fill Space Equally', '__x__' ), 'forms.flex.flex-grow' => __( 'Flex<br>Grow', '__x__' ), 'forms.flex.flex-shrink' => __( 'Flex<br>Shrink', '__x__' ), 'forms.flex.flex-basis' => __( 'Flex<br>Basis', '__x__' ), 'forms.flex.start' => __( 'Start', '__x__' ), 'forms.flex.flex-start' => __( 'Start', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Center', '__x__' ), 'forms.flex.end' => __( 'End', '__x__' ), 'forms.flex.flex-end' => __( 'End', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Space Around', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Space Between', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Space Evenly', '__x__' ), 'forms.flex.stretch' => __( 'Stretch', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Auto', '__x__' ), 'forms.flex.baseline' => __( 'Baseline', '__x__' ), 'border.none' => __( 'None', '__x__' ), 'border.solid' => __( 'Solid', '__x__' ), 'border.dotted' => __( 'Dotted', '__x__' ), 'border.dashed' => __( 'Dashed', '__x__' ), 'border.double' => __( 'Double', '__x__' ), 'border.groove' => __( 'Groove', '__x__' ), 'border.ridge' => __( 'Ridge', '__x__' ), 'border.inset' => __( 'Inset', '__x__' ), 'border.outset' => __( 'Outset', '__x__' ), // Controls // -------- 'controls.setup' => __( 'Setup', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'ID', '__x__' ), 'controls.class' => __( 'Class', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Style', '__x__' ), 'controls.inline-css' => __( 'Inline CSS', '__x__' ), 'controls.edit-css' => __( 'Edit CSS', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Conditions', '__x__' ), 'controls.element-css' => __( 'Element CSS', '__x__' ), 'controls.element-css-placeholder' => __( '/*\n\nUse "$el" in this editor to\ntarget this element (it will\nbecome the generated class).\n\ne.g.\n\n$el { property: value; }\n↓\n.el123 { property: value; }\n\n*/', '__x__' ), 'controls.toggle-hash' => __( 'Toggle Hash', '__x__' ), 'controls.hide-bp' => __( 'Hide During<br>Breakpoints', '__x__' ), 'controls.base' => __( 'Base', '__x__' ), 'controls.hover' => __( 'Hover', '__x__' ), '' => __( '{{family}} ({{source}})', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Click to Edit', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-editor.edit-text' => __( 'Edit Text', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-editor.mode-html' => __( 'HTML', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-editor.mode-rich-text' => __( 'Rich Text', '__x__' ), 'controls.classic.title' => __('Title', '__x__'), 'controls.unlinked' => __( 'Unlinked', '__x__' ), 'controls.linked' => __( 'Linked', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Link Sides', '__x__' ), 'controls.side' => __( 'Side', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Style', '__x__' ), 'controls.width' => __( 'Width', '__x__' ), 'controls.color' => __( 'Color', '__x__' ), 'controls.blur' => __( 'Blur', '__x__' ), 'controls.x-offset' => __( 'X Offset', '__x__' ), 'controls.y-offset' => __( 'Y Offset', '__x__' ), 'controls.spread-position' => __( 'Spread &<br>Position', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Top', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Right', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Bottom', '__x__' ), '' => _x( 'Bttm', 'Short version of bottom for dimension control', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Left', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Top<br>Left', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Top<br>Right', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Bttm<br>Right', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Bttm<br>Left', '__x__' ), 'controls.font-style' => __( 'Font Style', '__x__' ), 'controls.font-style.normal' => __( 'Normal', '__x__' ), 'controls.font-style.italic' => __( 'Italic', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Type', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Normal', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Popover', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Placement', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Trigger', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Hover', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Focus', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Click', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Title', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Content', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Audio URL', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Preload<br>Content', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'None', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Auto', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Metadata', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Advanced', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Loop', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Autoplay', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Display &<br>Function', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Select Widget Area', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-align.label' => __( 'Text Align', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-align.left' => __( 'Left', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Center', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-align.right' => __( 'Right', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-align.justify' => __( 'Justify', '__x__' ), 'controls.text.html-tag' => __( 'HTML Tag', '__x__' ), 'controls.text.looks-like' => __( 'Looks Like', '__x__' ), 'controls.text.label' => __( 'Text', '__x__' ), 'controls.text.color' => __( 'Text<br>Color', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-decoration.label' => __( 'Text Decoration', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-decoration.underline' => __( 'Underline', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-decoration.line-through' => __( 'Line Through', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-format.font-family' => __( 'Font Family', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-format.font-weight' => __( 'Font Weight', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-format.font-size' => __( 'Font Size', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-format.letter-spacing' => __( 'Letter Spacing', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-format.line-height' => __( 'Line Height', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-transform.label' => __( 'Text Transform', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-transform.uppercase' => __( 'Uppercase', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-transform.capitalize' => __( 'Capitalize', '__x__' ), 'controls.text-transform.lowercase' => __( 'Lowercase', '__x__' ), 'controls.image.retina' => __( 'Retina & Dimensions', '__x__' ), 'controls.image.dim-preview' => __( 'Dimensions Preview', '__x__' ), 'controls.image.alt-text' => __( 'Alt Text', '__x__' ), 'controls.image.alt-text-placeholder' => __( 'Describe Your Image', '__x__' ), 'controls.image.source' => __( 'Source', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Link', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Info', '__x__' ), 'controls.image.w' => __( 'W', '__x__' ), 'controls.image.h' => __( 'H', '__x__' ), 'controls.image.object' => __( 'Object Fit & Position', '__x__' ), 'controls.flex.children' => __( 'Child Placement', '__x__' ), 'controls.flex.row' => __( 'Row', '__x__' ), 'controls.flex.column' => __( 'Column', '__x__' ), 'controls.flex.self' => __( 'Self Flex', '__x__' ), 'controls.flex.reverse' => __( 'Reverse', '__x__' ), 'controls.flex.wrap' => __( 'Wrap', '__x__' ), 'controls.flex.align-h' => __( 'Align Horizontal', '__x__' ), 'controls.flex.align-v' => __( 'Align Vertical', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Preview', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Type', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Content', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'URL', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'e.g.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'New Tab', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Email', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'e.g.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Subject', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'e.g. Howdy!', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Phone', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'e.g. 18885551234', '__x__' ), 'controls.share' => __( 'Share', '__x__' ), 'controls.share.title' => __( 'Title', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Link', '__x__' ), 'controls.share.type' => __( 'Type', '__x__' ), // Notifications // ------------- 'notification-notice' => __( 'Hey!', '__x__' ), 'notification-success' => __( 'Awesome!', '__x__' ), 'notification-error' => __( 'Uh oh!', '__x__' ), 'notification-commence' => __( 'Here we go!', '__x__' ), 'notification-done' => __( 'All done!', '__x__' ), 'notification-refreshing-preview' => __( 'Refreshing preview.', '__x__' ), 'notification-refreshing-preview-save-reminder' => __( 'Refreshing preview. Don\'t forget to save.', '__x__' ), 'notify.saved-all' => __( 'Saved!', '__x__' ), 'notify.failed-to-save-all' => __( 'Failed to save.', '__x__' ), 'notify.saved' => __( 'Saved {{context}}!', '__x__' ), 'notify.failed-to-save' => __( 'Failed to save {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.downloaded' => __( 'Downloaded {{context}}!', '__x__' ), 'notify.failed-to-download' => __( 'Failed to download {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.delete-confirm' => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete this {{context}}?', '__x__' ), 'notify.delete-confirm-perm' => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete this {{context}}? This can not be undone.', '__x__' ), 'notify.duplicated' => __( 'Duplicated {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.failed-to-duplicate' => __( 'Failed to duplicate {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.deleted' => __( 'Deleted {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.failed-to-delete' => __( 'Failed to delete {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.title-updated' => __( '{{context}} title updated.', '__x__' ), 'notify.failed-to-update-title' => __( 'Failed to update {{context}} title.', '__x__' ), 'notify.created' => __( '{{context}} created!', '__x__' ), 'notify.failed-to-create' => __( 'Failed to create {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.updated' => __( 'Updated {{context}}!', '__x__' ), 'notify.failed-to-update' => __( 'Failed to update {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.loading' => __( 'Loading {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.inserted' => __( '{{context}} inserted!', '__x__' ), 'notify.failed-to-insert' => __( 'Failed to insert {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.installing' => __( 'Installing {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.installed' => __( '{{context}} installed!', '__x__' ), 'notify.failed-to-install' => __( 'Failed to install {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'notify.title-required' => __( 'Your {{context}} needs a title.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Your {{context}} needs a name.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'An existing {{context}} already has that name. Would you like to overwrite it?', '__x__' ), 'notify.preview-updating' => __( 'Preview Updating.', '__x__' ), 'notify.elements-max-children' => __( 'This element already has the maximum number of children.', '__x__' ), 'notify.elements-min-children' => __( 'This element requires a minimum number of children.', '__x__' ), 'notify.tinymce-failed' => __( 'Rich Text Editing is disabled because we found a problem with your Wordpress Visual Editor. You can still edit the text in HTML mode.', '__x__' ), 'notify.cloned-elements' => __( '{{context}} elements have been cloned!', '__x__' ), 'notify.failed-to-clone-elements' => __( 'Failed to clone {{context}} elements.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'No elements found in this {{context}}.', '__x__' ), // Assignments // ----------- 'assign.entity' => __( 'Assignment', '__x__' ), 'assign.entities' => __( 'Assignments', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Global', '__x__' ), 'assign.unassigned' => __( 'Unassigned', '__x__' ), 'assign.tagged' => __( '{{tag}}: {{title}}', '__x__' ), 'assign.multiple' => __( 'Multiple Assignments', '__x__' ), 'assign.make-global' => __( 'Make Global', '__x__' ), 'assign.manage' => __( 'Manage assignments.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'This {{context}} is currently assigned as your global (default) {{context}}.', '__x__' ), 'assign.collision' => __( 'This context is already assigned to another {{context}}. Would you like to move that assignment here instead?', '__x__' ), 'assign.collision-global' => __( 'You already have a global {{context}} assigned. Would you like to use this {{context}} instead?', '__x__' ), 'assign.collision-global-yep' => __( 'Yes, make this my global {{context}}', '__x__' ), 'assign.collision-global-nope' => __( 'No, keep my current {{context}}', '__x__' ), // Presets // ------- 'presets.placeholder' => __( 'Nothing Selected', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'No Presets', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Save Preset', '__x__' ), 'presets.apply' => __( 'Apply Preset', '__x__' ), 'presets.replace-content' => __( 'Replace Content', '__x__' ), 'presets.apply-confirm' => __( 'Yes, Apply', '__x__' ), 'presets.apply-decline' => __( 'No thanks', '__x__' ), // Confirm // ------- 'confirm-yep' => __( 'Yes, Proceed', '__x__' ), 'confirm-no-thanks' => __( 'No Thanks', '__x__' ), 'confirm-nope' => __( 'No, Go Back', '__x__' ), // Options // ------- 'options.entities' => __( 'Options', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Info:', '__x__' ), 'options.headers.launch-builder' => __( 'Launch Header Builder', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'You are currently using <strong>Original Headers</strong>', '__x__' ), 'options.headers.assign' => __( 'Assign a Global Header in the builder to use <strong>Pro Headers</strong>', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'You are currently using <strong>Pro Headers</strong>', '__x__' ), 'options.headers.switch-back' => __( 'Switch back to <strong>Original Headers</strong>', '__x__' ), 'options.headers.confirm-switch-back' => __( 'Are you sure you wish to switch back to Original Headers? This will unassign remove your global Pro Header.', '__x__' ), 'options.headers.notify-switch-back' => __( 'Header Assignment removed!', '__x__' ), 'options.footers.launch-builder' => __( 'Launch Footer Builder', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'You are currently using <strong>Original Footers</strong>', '__x__' ), 'options.footers.assign' => __( 'Assign a Global Footer in the builder to use <strong>Pro Footers</strong>', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'You are currently using <strong>Pro Footers</strong>', '__x__' ), 'options.footers.switch-back' => __( 'Switch back to <strong>Original Footers</strong>', '__x__' ), 'options.footers.confirm-switch-back' => __( 'Are you sure you wish to switch back to Original Footers? This will unassign remove your global Pro Footer.', '__x__' ), 'options.footers.notify-switch-back' => __( 'Footer Assignment removed!', '__x__' ), // Manage // ------ 'manage.welcome' => __( 'Manage all of your templates, fonts, and colors from one central location!', '__x__' ), // Templates // --------- 'templates.manager' => __( 'Template Manager', '__x__' ), 'templates.entity' => __( 'Template', '__x__'), 'templates.entities' => __( 'Templates', '__x__'), 'templates.entity-template' => __( '{{context}} Template', '__x__' ), 'templates.preset.entity' => __( 'Preset', '__x__'), 'templates.preset.entities' => __( 'Presets', '__x__'), '' => __( 'Save as Template', '__x__'), 'templates.load' => __( 'Load Template', '__x__' ), '' => __( ' Save Template', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'No Templates', '__x__'), '' => __( 'No {{context}} Templates', '__x__'), 'templates.visit-manager' => __( 'Visit Template Manager', '__x__'), 'templates.blank-welcome' => __( 'Begin with a blank slate.', '__x__'), '' => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected template?', '__x__'), 'templates.delete-popover.n' => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete the {{count}} selected templates?', '__x__'), 'templates.filter-all' => __( 'All', '__x__'), 'templates.filter-site' => __( 'Sites', '__x__'), 'templates.filter-header' => __( 'Headers', '__x__'), 'templates.filter-footer' => __( 'Footers', '__x__'), 'templates.filter-content' => __( 'Content', '__x__'), 'templates.filter-layout' => __( 'Layouts', '__x__'), 'templates.filter-preset' => __( 'Presets', '__x__'), 'templates.filter-my-templates' => __( 'My Templates', '__x__'), 'templates.filter-themeco-templates' => __( 'Themeco Templates', '__x__'), 'templates.type-site' => __( 'Site', '__x__'), 'templates.type-header' => __( 'Header', '__x__'), 'templates.type-footer' => __( 'Footer', '__x__'), 'templates.type-layout' => __( 'Layout', '__x__'), 'templates.type-content' => __( 'Content', '__x__'), 'templates.type-preset' => __( 'Preset', '__x__'), 'templates.subtype-format' => __( '<strong>{{type}}</strong>: {{subtype}}', '__x__'), 'templates.element-defaults.entity' => __( 'Element Defaults', '__x__' ), 'templates.element-defaults.message' => __( 'When adding new Elements in the builders they will start with the Preset you assign.', '__x__' ), 'templates.import.choose' => __( '<strong>Choose a Template</strong><br>or drag it here to import', '__x__' ), 'templates.import.imported' => __( 'Templates are importing.', '__x__' ), 'templates.import.done' => __( 'Templates have been added.', '__x__' ), 'templates.import.error' => __( 'This file you chose was not valid and could not be imported.', '__x__' ), 'templates.confirm-reimport' => __( 'It looks like you have imported this template package before. Would you like to import it again?', '__x__' ), 'templates.upload-error' => __( 'Sorry! Your file is not properly formatted.', '__x__' ), 'templates.unauthorized' => __( 'View your Templates to the right.', '__x__' ), 'templates.notify.upload-error' => __( 'Sorry! Your file is not properly formatted.', '__x__' ), 'templates.notify.uploaded' => __( 'Template Uploaded!', '__x__' ), 'templates.remove-preview-image' => __( 'Remove Preview Image', '__x__'), // Design Cloud // ------------ 'design-cloud.validate.title' => __( 'Validation Required.', '__x__' ), 'design-cloud.validate.confirm' => __( 'Your license must be validated before installing premium assets from Design Cloud.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'How It Works', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Our team of designers create beautiful premium templates.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'They are added to Design Cloud and show up automagically.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Demo and install directly to your Template Manager.', '__x__' ), 'design-cloud.faq.title' => __( 'Frequently Asked Questions', '__x__' ), 'design-cloud.install' => __( 'Install', '__x__' ), 'design-cloud.installed' => __( 'Installed', '__x__' ), 'design-cloud.installing' => __( 'Installing', '__x__' ), 'design-cloud.see-it-live' => __( 'See it Live', '__x__' ), 'design-cloud.demo-unavailable' => __( 'Demo Unavailable', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'By <a href="{{url}}">{{author}}</a>', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'By {{author}}', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Let's get started!', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Have fun!', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Working on it...', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Working on it...', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Hang in there, trying to reconnect...', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Experiencing technical difficulties...', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'We're sorry, the demo failed to finish importing.', '__x__' ), 'design-cloud.faq-content' => __('<dt><span>What is Design Cloud?</span></dt><dd><span>A collection of premium design assets, including Content templates, Element Presets. Headers and Footers are available to Pro users.</span></dd><dt><span>How do I access Design Cloud?</span></dt><dd><span>Your site must be validated at Template Manager → Design Cloud.</span></dd><dt><span>What happens when I install a template from Design Cloud?</span></dt><dd><span>The template is added to your Template Manager and available for use on your site.</span></dd><dt><span>What is included with the template?</span></dt><dd><span>Everything you see in the demo including the design, images, and copy.</span></dd><dt><span>Can I use the template more than once?</span></dt><dd><span>Absolutely! Any template installed from Design Cloud can be used as many times as you'd like on avalidated site.</span></dd><dt><span>What kind of templates are available to me?</span></dt><dd><span>Header, Content, Footer, and Preset Templates.</span></dd><dt><span>Do I have to update my theme to get the latest Design Cloud templates?</span></dt><dd><span>No, new templates will automatically show up as they are added to the repository.</span></dd><dt><span>How often do you plan on adding templates?</span></dt><dd><span>We are focused on quality over quantity with Design Cloud. Typically new templates are added monthly; however, we can not estimate the amount or frequency with which they will be added.</span></dd>', '__x__' ), // Fonts // ----- 'fonts.entity' => __( 'Font', '__x__' ), 'fonts.entities' => __( 'Fonts', '__x__' ), 'fonts.entity-selection' => __( 'Font Selection', '__x__' ), 'fonts.manager' => __( 'Font Manager', '__x__' ), 'fonts.description' => __( 'Once a new font has been added, click the arrow to the side of the label to reveal the selection tool for font families and weights. Double-click the label to rename the added font if desired. Make sure to save all changes before exiting.', '__x__' ), 'fonts.duplicate-name-error' => __( 'Two fonts selections can not share the same name.', '__x__' ), 'fonts.min-one-error' => __( 'You need at least one font. Create another before deleting this one.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Select a Font Family', '__x__' ), 'fonts.preview' => __( 'Preview', '__x__' ), 'fonts.preview-text' => __( 'Type here to change preview text...', '__x__' ), 'fonts.upload' => __( 'Upload Fonts', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Select Font File(s)', '__x__' ), 'fonts.regular' => __( 'Regular', '__x__' ), 'fonts.italic' => __( 'Italic', '__x__' ), 'fonts.import-files' => __( 'Import Font Files', '__x__' ), 'fonts.manager-add' => __( 'Add to Font Manager', '__x__' ), 'fonts.item-name' => __( 'Font Item Name', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Enable Subsets', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Additional Subsets', '__x__' ), 'fonts.adobe.project-id' => __( 'Project ID', '__x__' ), 'fonts.adobe.available' => __( 'Available', '__x__' ), 'fonts.adobe.fonts' => __( 'Fonts', '__x__' ), 'fonts.adobe.weights' => __( 'Weights', '__x__' ), 'fonts.adobe.enter-id' => __( 'Enter your Adobe Fonts project ID above and click refresh.', '__x__' ), 'fonts.adobe.not-found' => __( 'Your project was not found. Please check to make sure the project ID is correct and try again.', '__x__' ), 'fonts.adobe.refreshing' => __( 'Refreshing…', '__x__' ), 'fonts.adobe.refresh' => __( 'Refresh', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Custom Fonts', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Adobe Fonts (Typekit)', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'System Fonts', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Google Fonts', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Google Subsets', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Specify which character subsets you would like to enable below. All subsets included extended support. Latin is always loaded by default.', '__x__' ), 'fonts.adobe.title' => __( 'Adobe Fonts (Typekit)', '__x__' ), 'fonts.adobe.description' => __( 'To integrate your Adobe Fonts projects on this website, enter a project ID into the input below. You can find this by logging into Adobe Fonts, clicking on <strong>Web Projects</strong> and then looking for the <strong>Project ID</strong>.', '__x__' ), 'fonts.custom.title' => __( 'Custom Fonts', '__x__' ), 'fonts.custom.description' => __( 'Use this section to create custom font families. Upload custom font files to a family, then assign a weight and style. These families will become selectable in the Font Manager above. We recommend using the .woff or .woff2 file format.', '__x__' ), 'fonts.custom.default' => __( 'Custom Font Family', '__x__' ), 'fonts.body-copy' => __( 'Body Copy', '__x__' ), 'fonts.headings' => __( 'Headings', '__x__' ), 'fonts.display.title' => __( 'Font Display', '__x__' ), 'fonts.display.description' => __( 'The <code>font-display</code> property gives users control over how the timeline for fonts being loaded into the browser should be executed. The value selected will be utilized in supported browsers where applicable across your site.', '__x__' ), 'fonts.display.label' => __( 'Select Value', '__x__' ), // Colors // ------ 'colors.entity' => __( 'Color', '__x__' ), 'colors.title' => __( 'Color Manager', '__x__' ), 'colors.description' => __( 'Once a new color has been added, clicking it will reveal the color-picker in addition to an input where you can rename each color for clearer labeling. Duplicate and delete buttons are visible on hover. Make sure to save all changes before exiting.', '__x__' ), 'colors.duplicate-name-error' => __( 'Two colors selections can not share the same name.', '__x__' ), 'colors.brand-primary' => __( 'Brand Primary', '__x__' ), 'colors.brand-secondary' => __( 'Brand Secondary', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Link', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Link Interaction', '__x__' ), // Responsive Text // --------------- 'responsive-text.label' => __( 'Responsive Text', '__x__' ), 'responsive-text.selector' => __( 'Selector', '__x__' ), 'responsive-text.compress' => __( 'Compress', '__x__' ), 'responsive-text.min-size' => __( 'Minimum Size', '__x__' ), 'responsive-text.max-size' => __( 'Maximum Size', '__x__' ), // Font Weights // ------------ 'font-weight.100' => __( '100 – Ultra Light', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.100italic' => __( '100 – Ultra Light (Italic)', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.200' => __( '200 – Light', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.200italic' => __( '200 – Light (Italic)', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.300' => __( '300 – Book', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.300italic' => __( '300 – Book (Italic)', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.400' => __( '400 – Regular', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.400italic' => __( '400 – Regular (Italic)', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.500' => __( '500 – Medium', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.500italic' => __( '500 – Medium (Italic)', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.600' => __( '600 – Semi-Bold', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.600italic' => __( '600 – Semi-Bold (Italic)', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.700' => __( '700 – Bold', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.700italic' => __( '700 – Bold (Italic)', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.800' => __( '800 – Extra Bold', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.800italic' => __( '800 – Extra Bold (Italic)', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.900' => __( '900 – Ultra Bold', '__x__' ), 'font-weight.900italic' => __( '900 – Ultra Bold (Italic)', '__x__' ), // Custom Code // ----------- 'code-editors.css_placeholder_context' => __( '/* Enter CSS you would like added only for this {{context}}. */ ', '__x__' ), 'code-editors.css_placeholder_global' => __( '/* Enter CSS you would like added to your entire site. */ ', '__x__' ), 'code-editors.js_placeholder_context' => __( '/* Enter Javascript you would like added only for this {{context}}. */ ', '__x__' ), 'code-editors.js_placeholder_global' => __( '/* Enter Javascript you would like added to your entire site. */ ', '__x__' ), // Choices // ------- '' => __('Menu: %s', '__x__'), '' => __('Location: %s', '__x__'), '' => __( 'Sample', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Sample (No Dropdowns)', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Sample (Split #1)', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Sample (Split #2)', '__x__' ), // Sort // ---- '' => __( 'Newest', '__x__' ), 'sort.old-new' => __( 'Oldest', '__x__' ), 'sort.a-z' => __( 'A-Z', '__x__' ), 'sort.z-a' => __( 'Z-A', '__x__' ), 'sort.popular' => __( 'Popular', '__x__' ), // Actions // ------- 'inspect' => __( 'Inspect', '__x__' ), 'duplicate' => __( 'Duplicate', '__x__' ), 'delete' => __( 'Delete', '__x__' ), 'really-delete' => __( 'Really Delete?', '__x__' ), 'erase' => __( 'Erase', '__x__' ), 'really-erase' => __( 'Really Erase?', '__x__' ), 'manage-layout' => __( 'Manage Layout', '__x__' ), // Errors // ------ 'preview-error.missing-zone.x_masthead' => __('No suitable preview area found. This is most common when you are using a "No Header" page template. Try changing the page template, or assigning this header to a context where the template allows the header output.', '__x__'), 'preview-error.missing-zone.x_colophon' => __('No suitable preview area found. This is most common when you are using a "No Footer" page template. Try changing the page template, or assigning this footer to a context where the template allows the footer output.', '__x__'), 'preview-error.missing-zone.cs_content' => __('No suitable preview area found. This could happen when a third party plugin is overrinding the content area or "The Content" is not being output by the current layout.', '__x__'), 'preview-error.missing-zone.cs_layout' => __('No suitable preview area found. In Archive mode this could happen if you don\'t have a posts page assigned. Try using the Preview Switcher to view this Layout in a different context.', '__x__'), 'preview-error.load.default' => __('The preview could not load. This is most often related to a plugin conflict or aggressive page cacheing. Checking the developer console for errors could indicate what went wrong.', '__x__'), 'preview-error.load.https-mismatch' => __('The preview could not load due to a http/https mismatch. Please check that HTTPS is properly configured on your site.', '__x__'), 'preview-error.load.cross-origin' => __('The preview could not load due to misconfigured URLs. This could happen if you are using multiple environments and the site URL was not updated after migrating.', '__x__'), 'preview-error.load.incomplete' => __('The preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete. This is most often related to a plugin conflict, or customizations introducing a PHP error.', '__x__'), 'preview-error.load.timeout' => __('The preview was unresponsive after loading. This is most often related to a plugin conflict or aggressive page cacheing.', '__x__'), 'preview-error.loading.incomplete-html' => __('The preview HTML did not include a closing </html> tag. It may fail to load or work properly.', '__x__'), // Preferences // ----------- 'preferences.description' => __('Configure how Pro should look and behave. These settings are specific to your user account.', '__x__'), 'preferences.wp-toolbar-on' => __('The WordPress toolbar will be shown on next reload.', '__x__'), 'preferences.wp-toolbar-off' => __('The WordPress toolbar will be hidden on next reload.', '__x__'), // Dynamic Content // --------------- 'dc.field' => __( 'Field', '__x__'), 'dc.title' => __( 'Title', '__x__'), '' => __( 'Name', '__x__'), 'dc.slug' => __( 'Slug', '__x__'), 'dc.description' => __( 'Description', '__x__' ), 'dc.url' => __( 'URL', '__x__' ), 'dc.meta-key' => __( 'Meta Key', '__x__' ), 'dc.meta' => __( 'Meta', '__x__' ), 'dc.key' => __( 'Key', '__x__' ), 'dc.index' => __( 'Index', '__x__' ), 'dc.fallback' => __( 'Fallback', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'ID', '__x__' ), 'dc.length' => __( 'Length', '__x__' ), 'dc.count' => __( 'Count', '__x__'), '' => __( 'Post', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Archive', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Term', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Global', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Url', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'User', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Author', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'ACF', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Toolset', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'WooCommerce', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Looper', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Query', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Site Title', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Site Tagline', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Home URL', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Blog URL', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Admin URL', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Privacy Page URL', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Current Date', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Current Time', '__x__' ), 'dc.url.path' => __( 'Path', '__x__' ), 'dc.url.param' => __( 'Parameter', '__x__' ), 'dc.url.segment' => __( 'Segment', '__x__' ), 'dc.user.display-name' => __( 'Display Name', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Email Address', '__x__' ), 'dc.user.gravatar-url' => __( 'Gravatar URL', '__x__' ), 'dc.user.registration-date' => __( 'Registration Date', '__x__' ), 'dc.user.registration-time' => __( 'Registration Time', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Author URL', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Website URL', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Biographical Info', '__x__' ), 'dc.user.usermeta' => __( 'Usermeta', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Page Title', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Shop URL', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.cart-url' => __( 'Cart URL', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.checkout-url' => __( 'Checkout URL', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.account-url' => __( 'Account URL', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.terms-url' => __( 'Terms URL', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.fallback-image' => __( 'Fallback Image', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.cart-item-count-raw' => __( 'Cart Item Count (Raw)', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.cart-item-count' => __( 'Cart Item Count (Realtime)', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.cart-total-raw' => __( 'Cart Total (Raw)', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.cart-total' => __( 'Cart Total (Realtime)', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.cart-subtotal-raw' => __( 'Cart Subtotal (Raw)', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.cart-subtotal' => __( 'Cart Subtotal (Realtime)', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.currency-symbol' => __( 'Currency Symbol', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-price' => __( 'Product Price', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-price-html' => __( 'Product Price HTML', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-regular-price' => __( 'Product Regular Price', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-sale-price' => __( 'Product Sale Price', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-sale-percentage-off' => __( 'Product Sale Percentage Off', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-id' => __( 'Product ID', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-class' => __( 'Product Class', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-sku' => __( 'Product SKU', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-title' => __( 'Product Title', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-url' => __( 'Product Url', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-short-description' => __( 'Product Short Description', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-image-id' => __( 'Product Image', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-image' => __( 'Product Image Url ', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-stock' => __( 'Product Stock', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-rating-count' => __( 'Product Rating Count', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-average-rating' => __( 'Product Average Rating', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-review-count' => __( 'Product Review Count', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-description' => __( 'Product Description', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-additional-information' => __( 'Product Additional Information', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-reviews' => __( 'Product Reviews', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-weight' => __( 'Product Weight', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-length' => __( 'Product Length', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-width' => __( 'Product Width', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-height' => __( 'Product Height', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-dimensions' => __( 'Product Dimensions', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-shipping-class' => __( 'Product Shipping Class', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-shipping-class-slug' => __( 'Product Shipping Class Slug', '__x__' ), 'dc.wc.product-type' => __( 'Product Type', '__x__' ), 'dc.looper.field' => __( 'Field', '__x__' ), 'dc.looper.item' => __( 'Current Item', '__x__' ), 'dc.looper.index' => __( 'Current Item Index', '__x__' ), 'dc.looper.count' => __( 'Total Item Count', '__x__' ), 'dc.looper.debug-provider' => __( 'Debug Provider', '__x__' ), 'dc.looper.debug-consumer' => __( 'Debug Consumer', '__x__' ), 'dc.query.current-page' => __( 'Current Page Number', '__x__' ), 'dc.query.found-posts' => __( 'Total Posts Found', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Total Pages', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Search Query', '__x__' ), 'dc.query.query-var' => __( 'Query Var', '__x__' ), // Global Blocks // ------------- 'global-blocks.blank' => __( 'Click + to create your first Global Block.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'No Preview Available', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Click {{icon}} to edit.', '__x__' ), // Launchpad // --------- 'launchpad.content.description' => __( 'Design engaging layouts throughout your site.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Premium design assets.', '__x__' ), 'launchpad.templates.description' => __( 'Save and reuse snapshots of content.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'Design once. Use anywhere.', '__x__' ), 'launchpad.options.description' => __( 'Foundational styling for your site.', '__x__' ), // Regions // ------- '' => __( 'Top', '__x__' ), 'regions.left' => __( 'Left', '__x__' ), 'regions.right' => __( 'Right', '__x__' ), 'regions.bottom' => __( 'Bottom', '__x__' ), 'regions.footer' => __( 'Footer', '__x__' ), // History // ------- 'history.title' => __( 'History', '__x__' ), 'history.builder-loaded' => __( 'Builder Loaded', '__x__' ), 'history.column-layout-updated' => __( 'Column Layout Updated', '__x__' ), 'history.contents-deleted' => __( '{{context}} Contents Deleted', '__x__' ), 'history.spacing-removed' => __( '{{context}} Spacing Removed', '__x__' ), 'history.reset-style' => __( '{{context}} Style Reset', '__x__' ), 'history.set-label' => __( '{{context}} Renamed', '__x__' ), 'history.create-row-layout' => __( 'Row Layout Created', '__x__' ), 'history.create-grid-layout' => __( 'Grid Layout Created', '__x__' ), '' => __('is', '__x__'), '' => __('is not', '__x__'), '' => __('is %s', '__x__'), '' => __('is not %s', '__x__'), 'conditions.before' => __('before', '__x__'), 'conditions.after' => __('after', '__x__'), 'conditions.being-viewed' => __('being viewed', '__x__'), 'conditions.initial' => __('initial', '__x__'), 'conditions.empty' => __('empty', 'cornerstone'), 'conditions.repeated' => __('repeated', '__x__'), 'conditions.set' => __('set', '__x__'), 'conditions.true' => __('true', '__x__'), 'conditions.logged-in' => __('logged in', '__x__'), // Date // ---- 'date.before' => __( 'Before: {{date}}', '__x__' ), 'date.after' => __( 'After: {{date}}', '__x__' ), 'date.range' => __( '{{before}} - {{after}}', '__x__' ), // Element Statuses // ---------------- 'status.looper-provider' => __( 'Looper Provider', '__x__' ), 'status.looper-consumer' => __( 'Looper Consumer', '__x__' ), 'status.conditions' => __( 'Conditions', '__x__' ), 'status.custom-atts' => __( 'Custom Attributes', '__x__' ), 'status.element-css' => __( 'Element CSS', '__x__' ), 'status.hide-bp' => __( 'Hide During Breakpoints', '__x__' ), 'status.dynamic-content' => __( 'Dynamic Content', '__x__' ), 'status.scroll-effects' => __( 'Scroll Effects', '__x__' ), 'status.interaction-effects' => __( 'Interaction Effects', '__x__' ), 'status.effects-provider' => __( 'Link Child Interactions', '__x__' ), // Pro // --- 'regions.bars' => __( 'Bars', '__x__' ), 'regions.first-bar' => __( 'Add a Bar to get started.', '__x__' ), '' => __( 'This Region has no Bars.', '__x__' ), 'regions.single-bar' => __( 'This Region only supports a single Bar.', '__x__' ), 'regions.containers' => __( 'Containers', '__x__' ), 'regions.first-container' => __( 'Add your first Container to this Bar.', '__x__' ), 'regions.elements' => __( 'Elements', '__x__' ), 'regions.first-element' => __( 'Add your first Element to this Container.', '__x__' ), 'regions.add-container' => __( 'Add Container', '__x__' ), 'regions.add-element' => __( 'Add Element', '__x__' ), 'launchpad.headers.description' => __( 'Create as many beautiful headers as you need.', '__x__' ), 'launchpad.footers.description' => __( 'Finish off strong with a flexible footer design.', '__x__' ), 'layouts.single' => __('Single', '__x__'), 'layouts.archive' => __('Archive', '__x__'), 'layouts.single-wc' => __('WC Single', '__x__'), 'layouts.archive-wc' => __('WC Archive', '__x__'), 'layouts.single-wc-full' => __('WooCommerce Single', '__x__'), 'layouts.archive-wc-full' => __('WooCommerce Archive', '__x__') );
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