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<?php /** * Public API * These functions expose Cornerstone APIs, allowing it to be extended. * The processes represented here are otherwise handled internally. */ /** * Set which post types should be enabled by default when Cornerstone is first * activated. * @param array $types Array of strings specifying post type names. * @return none */ function cornerstone_set_default_post_types( $types ) { // Deprecated } /** * Allows integrating themes to disable Themeco cross-promotion, and other * presentational items. Example: * cornerstone_theme_integration( array( 'remove_global_validation_notice' => true, 'remove_themeco_offers' => true, 'remove_purchase_link' => true, 'remove_support_box' => true ) ); * * @param array $args List of items to flag * @return none */ function cornerstone_theme_integration( $args ) { $args = cs_define_defaults( $args, array( 'remove_global_validation_notice' => false, 'remove_themeco_offers' => false, 'remove_purchase_link' => false, 'remove_support_box' => false, ) ); foreach ( $args as $key => $value ) { if ( $value ) { add_filter( "_cornerstone_integration_$key", '__return_true' ); } } } function cornerstone_register_styles( $id, $css ) { return CS()->component( 'Styling' )->add_styles( $id, $css ); } function cornerstone_options_register_option( $name, $default_value = null, $options = array() ) { $options_bootstrap = CS()->component( 'Theme_Options' ); $options_bootstrap->register_option( $name, $default_value, $options ); } function cornerstone_options_register_options( $group, $options = array() ) { $options_bootstrap = CS()->component( 'Theme_Options' ); $options_bootstrap->register_options( $group, $options ); } function cornerstone_enqueue_custom_script( $id, $content, $type = 'text/javascript' ) { return CS()->component( 'Inline_Scripts' )->add_script( $id, $content, $type ); } function cornerstone_dequeue_custom_script( $id ) { return CS()->component( 'Inline_Scripts' )->remove_script( $id ); } function cornerstone_post_process_css( $css, $minify = false ) { CS()->component('Font_Manager'); CS()->component('Color_Manager'); return CS()->component( 'Styling' )->post_process( array( 'css' => $css, 'minify' => $minify ) ); } function cornerstone_post_process_color( $value ) { CS()->component('Color_Manager'); return apply_filters('cs_css_post_process_color', $value); } function cornerstone_cleanup_generated_styles() { return CS()->component('Cleanup')->clean_generated_styles(); } function cornerstone_queue_font( $font ) { return CS()->component('Font_Manager')->queue_font( $font ); } function cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_field( $field ) { CS()->component('Dynamic_Content')->register_field( $field ); } function cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_group( $group ) { CS()->component('Dynamic_Content')->register_group( $group ); } function cs_dynamic_content_array( $content ) { return apply_filters( 'cs_dynamic_content_array', $content ); } function cs_dynamic_content( $content ) { return apply_filters( 'cs_dynamic_content', $content ); } function cs_theme_integration_header() { do_action('x_before_site_begin'); // left/right bar spaces echo '<div id="cs-header">'; do_action('x_after_site_begin'); // header echo '</div>'; } function cs_theme_integration_footer() { echo '<div id="cs-footer">'; do_action('x_before_site_end'); // footer, deferred partials, bottom bar space (header) echo '</div>'; do_action('x_after_site_end'); // right bar space when fixed } /** * Deprecated */ function cornerstone_add_element( $class_name ) { CS()->component( 'Element_Orchestrator' )->add_mk1_element( $class_name ); } function cornerstone_make_placeholder_pixel( $color = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)' ) { return CS()->common()->placeholderImage( 1, 1, $color ); } function cornerstone_make_placeholder_image_uri( $color = '#eeeeee', $height = null, $width = null ) { return CS()->common()->placeholderImage( is_null( $height ) ? apply_filters('cs_default_image_height', 48 ) : $height, is_null( $width ) ? apply_filters('cs_default_image_width', 48 ) : $width, $color ); } function cornerstone_get_element( $name ) { return cs_get_element( $name ); } function cornerstone_register_element( $type, $atts, $deprecated = null ) { if ( null !== $deprecated || is_string( $atts ) ) { /** * Override for old method. Register a new element * @param $class_name Name of the class you've created in definition.php * @param $name slug name of the element. "alert" for example. * @param $path Path to the folder containing a definition.php file. */ CS()->component( 'Element_Orchestrator' )->add( $type, $atts, $deprecated ); return; } cs_register_element( $type, $atts ); } function cornerstone_remove_element( $name ) { CS()->component( 'Element_Orchestrator' )->remove( $name ); } function cornerstone_register_integration( $name, $class_name ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_register_integration is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); } function cornerstone_unregister_integration( $name ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_unregister_integration is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); } // function cornerstone_options_register_option( $name, $default_value = null, $options = array() ) { // trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_register_option is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); // } // function cornerstone_options_register_options( $group, $options = array() ) { // trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_register_options is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); // } function cornerstone_options_get_defaults() { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_get_defaults is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); return array(); } function cornerstone_options_get_default( $name ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_get_default is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); return ''; } function cornerstone_options_get_value( $name ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_get_value is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); return ''; } function cornerstone_options_update_value( $name, $value ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_update_value is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); return ''; } function cornerstone_options_register_section( $name, $value = array() ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_register_section is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); } function cornerstone_options_register_sections( $groups ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_register_sections is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); } function cornerstone_options_register_control( $option_name, $control ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_register_control is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); } function cornerstone_options_unregister_option( $name ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_unregister_option is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); } function cornerstone_options_unregister_section( $name ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_unregister_section is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); } function cornerstone_options_unregister_control( $option_name ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_unregister_control is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); } function cornerstone_options_enable_custom_css( $option_name, $selector = '' ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_enable_custom_css is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); } function cornerstone_options_enable_custom_js( $option_name ) { trigger_error( "cornerstone_options_enable_custom_js is deprecated", E_USER_WARNING ); }
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