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<?php // phpcs:disable Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent -- our preference is to not indent the whole inner function in this scenario. if ( ! function_exists( 'et_core_init' ) ) : /** * {@see 'plugins_loaded' (9999999) Must run after cache plugins have been loaded.} */ function et_core_init() { ET_Core_API_Spam_Providers::instance(); ET_Core_Cache_Directory::instance(); ET_Core_PageResource::startup(); ET_Core_CompatibilityWarning::instance(); if ( defined( 'ET_CORE_UPDATED' ) ) { global $wp_rewrite; add_action( 'shutdown', array( $wp_rewrite, 'flush_rules' ) ); update_option( 'et_core_page_resource_remove_all', true ); } $cache_dir = ET_Core_PageResource::get_cache_directory(); if ( file_exists( $cache_dir . '/DONOTCACHEPAGE' ) ) { ! defined( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE' ) ? define( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE', true ) : ''; @unlink( $cache_dir . '/DONOTCACHEPAGE' ); } if ( get_option( 'et_core_page_resource_remove_all' ) ) { ET_Core_PageResource::remove_static_resources( 'all', 'all', true ); } if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'et_core_page_resource_auto_clear' ) ) { wp_schedule_event( time() + MONTH_IN_SECONDS, 'monthly', 'et_core_page_resource_auto_clear' ); } } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'et_core_site_has_builder' ) ) : /** * Check is `et_core_site_has_builder` allowed. * We can clear cache managed by 3rd party plugins only * if Divi, Extra, or the Divi Builder plugin * is active when the core was called. * * @return boolean */ function et_core_site_has_builder() { global $shortname; $core_path = get_transient( 'et_core_path' ); $is_divi_builder_plugin_active = false; if ( ! empty( $core_path ) && false !== strpos( $core_path, '/divi-builder/' ) && function_exists('is_plugin_active') ) { $is_divi_builder_plugin_active = is_plugin_active( 'divi-builder/divi-builder.php' ); } if( $is_divi_builder_plugin_active || in_array( $shortname, array( 'divi', 'extra' ) ) ) { return true; } return false; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'et_core_clear_wp_cache' ) ): function et_core_clear_wp_cache( $post_id = '' ) { if ( ( ! wp_doing_cron() && ! et_core_security_check_passed( 'edit_posts' ) ) || ! et_core_site_has_builder() ) { return; } try { // Cache Plugins // Comet Cache if ( is_callable( 'comet_cache::clear' ) ) { comet_cache::clear(); } // WP Rocket if ( function_exists( 'rocket_clean_post' ) ) { if ( '' !== $post_id ) { rocket_clean_post( $post_id ); } else if ( function_exists( 'rocket_clean_domain' ) ) { rocket_clean_domain(); } } // W3 Total Cache if ( has_action( 'w3tc_flush_post' ) ) { '' !== $post_id ? do_action( 'w3tc_flush_post', $post_id ) : do_action( 'w3tc_flush_posts' ); } // WP Super Cache if ( function_exists( 'wp_cache_debug' ) && defined( 'WPCACHEHOME' ) ) { include_once WPCACHEHOME . 'wp-cache-phase1.php'; include_once WPCACHEHOME . 'wp-cache-phase2.php'; if ( '' !== $post_id && function_exists( 'clear_post_supercache' ) ) { clear_post_supercache( $post_id ); } else if ( '' === $post_id && function_exists( 'wp_cache_clear_cache_on_menu' ) ) { wp_cache_clear_cache_on_menu(); } } // WP Fastest Cache if ( isset( $GLOBALS['wp_fastest_cache'] ) ) { if ( '' !== $post_id && method_exists( $GLOBALS['wp_fastest_cache'], 'singleDeleteCache' ) ) { $GLOBALS['wp_fastest_cache']->singleDeleteCache( $post_id ); } else if ( '' === $post_id && method_exists( $GLOBALS['wp_fastest_cache'], 'deleteCache' ) ) { $GLOBALS['wp_fastest_cache']->deleteCache(); } } // Hummingbird if ( has_action( 'wphb_clear_page_cache' ) ) { '' !== $post_id ? do_action( 'wphb_clear_page_cache', $post_id ) : do_action( 'wphb_clear_page_cache' ); } // WordPress Cache Enabler if ( has_action( 'ce_clear_cache' ) ) { '' !== $post_id ? do_action( 'ce_clear_post_cache', $post_id ) : do_action( 'ce_clear_cache' ); } // LiteSpeed Cache v3.0+. if ( '' !== $post_id && has_action( 'litespeed_purge_post' ) ) { do_action( 'litespeed_purge_post', $post_id ); } elseif ( '' === $post_id && has_action( 'litespeed_purge_all' ) ) { do_action( 'litespeed_purge_all' ); } // LiteSpeed Cache v1.1.3 until v3.0. if ( '' !== $post_id && function_exists( 'litespeed_purge_single_post' ) ) { litespeed_purge_single_post( $post_id ); } elseif ( '' === $post_id && is_callable( 'LiteSpeed_Cache_API::purge_all' ) ) { LiteSpeed_Cache_API::purge_all(); } elseif ( is_callable( 'LiteSpeed_Cache::get_instance' ) ) { // LiteSpeed Cache v1.1.3 below. LiteSpeed_Cache still exist on v2.9.9.2, but no // longer exist on v3.0. Keep it here as backward compatibility for lower version. $litespeed = LiteSpeed_Cache::get_instance(); if ( '' !== $post_id && method_exists( $litespeed, 'purge_post' ) ) { $litespeed->purge_post( $post_id ); } else if ( '' === $post_id && method_exists( $litespeed, 'purge_all' ) ) { $litespeed->purge_all(); } } // Hyper Cache if ( class_exists( 'HyperCache' ) && isset( HyperCache::$instance ) ) { if ( '' !== $post_id && method_exists( HyperCache::$instance, 'clean_post' ) ) { HyperCache::$instance->clean_post( $post_id ); } else if ( '' === $post_id && method_exists( HyperCache::$instance, 'clean' ) ) { HyperCache::$instance->clean_post( $post_id ); } } // Hosting Provider Caching // Pantheon Advanced Page Cache $pantheon_clear = 'pantheon_wp_clear_edge_keys'; $pantheon_clear_all = 'pantheon_wp_clear_edge_all'; if ( function_exists( $pantheon_clear ) || function_exists( $pantheon_clear_all ) ) { if ( '' !== $post_id && function_exists( $pantheon_clear ) ) { pantheon_wp_clear_edge_keys( array( "post-{$post_id}" ) ); } else if ( '' === $post_id && function_exists( $pantheon_clear_all ) ) { pantheon_wp_clear_edge_all(); } } // Siteground if ( isset( $GLOBALS['sg_cachepress_supercacher'] ) ) { global $sg_cachepress_supercacher; if ( is_object( $sg_cachepress_supercacher ) && method_exists( $sg_cachepress_supercacher, 'purge_cache' ) ) { $sg_cachepress_supercacher->purge_cache( true ); } } else if ( function_exists( 'sg_cachepress_purge_cache' ) ) { sg_cachepress_purge_cache(); } // WP Engine if ( class_exists( 'WpeCommon' ) ) { is_callable( 'WpeCommon::purge_memcached' ) ? WpeCommon::purge_memcached() : ''; is_callable( 'WpeCommon::clear_maxcdn_cache' ) ? WpeCommon::clear_maxcdn_cache() : ''; is_callable( 'WpeCommon::purge_varnish_cache' ) ? WpeCommon::purge_varnish_cache() : ''; if ( is_callable( 'WpeCommon::instance' ) && $instance = WpeCommon::instance() ) { method_exists( $instance, 'purge_object_cache' ) ? $instance->purge_object_cache() : ''; } } // Bluehost if ( class_exists( 'Endurance_Page_Cache' ) ) { wp_doing_ajax() ? ET_Core_LIB_BluehostCache::get_instance()->clear( $post_id ) : do_action( 'epc_purge' ); } // Pressable. if ( isset( $GLOBALS['batcache'] ) && is_object( $GLOBALS['batcache'] ) ) { wp_cache_flush(); } // Cloudways - Breeze. if ( class_exists( 'Breeze_Admin' ) ) { $breeze_admin = new Breeze_Admin(); $breeze_admin->breeze_clear_all_cache(); } // Kinsta. if ( class_exists( '\Kinsta\Cache' ) && isset( $GLOBALS['kinsta_cache'] ) && is_object( $GLOBALS['kinsta_cache'] ) ) { global $kinsta_cache; if ( isset( $kinsta_cache->kinsta_cache_purge ) && method_exists( $kinsta_cache->kinsta_cache_purge, 'purge_complete_caches' ) ) { $kinsta_cache->kinsta_cache_purge->purge_complete_caches(); } } // GoDaddy. if ( class_exists( '\WPaaS\Cache' ) ) { global $wpaas_cache_class; // Since GD System Plugin 4.51.1 the cache class instance can be accessed // with $wpaas_cache_class global. In addition to this, the 'has_ban' method // is no longer static. To cover both static and non-static versions we // can test if $wpaas_cache_class exists and use the correct type accordingly. $has_ban = $wpaas_cache_class ? $wpaas_cache_class->has_ban() : \WPaaS\Cache::has_ban(); if ( ! $has_ban ) { $gd_cache_class = $wpaas_cache_class ? $wpaas_cache_class : '\WPaaS\Cache'; remove_action( 'shutdown', array( $gd_cache_class, 'purge' ), PHP_INT_MAX ); add_action( 'shutdown', array( $gd_cache_class, 'ban' ), PHP_INT_MAX ); } } // Complimentary Performance Plugins. // Autoptimize. if ( is_callable( 'autoptimizeCache::clearall' ) ) { autoptimizeCache::clearall(); } // WP Optimize. if ( class_exists( 'WP_Optimize' ) && defined( 'WPO_PLUGIN_MAIN_PATH' ) ) { if ( '' !== $post_id && is_callable( 'WPO_Page_Cache::delete_single_post_cache' ) ) { WPO_Page_Cache::delete_single_post_cache( $post_id ); } elseif ( is_callable( array( 'WP_Optimize', 'get_page_cache' ) ) && is_callable( array( WP_Optimize()->get_page_cache(), 'purge' ) ) ) { WP_Optimize()->get_page_cache()->purge(); } } } catch( Exception $err ) { ET_Core_Logger::error( 'An exception occurred while attempting to clear site cache.' ); } } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'et_core_get_nonces' ) ): /** * Returns the nonces for this component group. * * @return string[] */ function et_core_get_nonces() { static $nonces = null; return $nonces ? $nonces : $nonces = array( 'clear_page_resources_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'clear_page_resources' ), ); } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'et_core_page_resource_auto_clear' ) ): function et_core_page_resource_auto_clear() { ET_Core_PageResource::remove_static_resources( 'all', 'all' ); } add_action( 'switch_theme', 'et_core_page_resource_auto_clear' ); add_action( 'activated_plugin', 'et_core_page_resource_auto_clear', 10, 0 ); add_action( 'deactivated_plugin', 'et_core_page_resource_auto_clear', 10, 0 ); add_action( 'et_core_page_resource_auto_clear', 'et_core_page_resource_auto_clear' ); endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'et_core_page_resource_clear' ) ): /** * Ajax handler for clearing cached page resources. */ function et_core_page_resource_clear() { et_core_security_check( 'manage_options', 'clear_page_resources' ); if ( empty( $_POST['et_post_id'] ) ) { et_core_die(); } $post_id = sanitize_key( $_POST['et_post_id'] ); $owner = sanitize_key( $_POST['et_owner'] ); ET_Core_PageResource::remove_static_resources( $post_id, $owner ); } add_action( 'wp_ajax_et_core_page_resource_clear', 'et_core_page_resource_clear' ); endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'et_core_page_resource_get' ) ): /** * Get a page resource instance. * * @param string $owner The owner of the instance (core|divi|builder|bloom|monarch|custom). * @param string $slug A string that uniquely identifies the resource. * @param string|int $post_id The post id that the resource is associated with or `global`. * If `null`, the return value of {@link get_the_ID()} will be used. * @param string $type The resource type (style|script). Default: `style`. * @param string $location Where the resource should be output (head|footer). Default: `head-late`. * * @return ET_Core_PageResource */ function et_core_page_resource_get( $owner, $slug, $post_id = null, $priority = 10, $location = 'head-late', $type = 'style' ) { $post_id = $post_id ? $post_id : et_core_page_resource_get_the_ID(); $_slug = "et-{$owner}-{$slug}-{$post_id}-cached-inline-{$type}s"; $all_resources = ET_Core_PageResource::get_resources(); return isset( $all_resources[ $_slug ] ) ? $all_resources[ $_slug ] : new ET_Core_PageResource( $owner, $slug, $post_id, $priority, $location, $type ); } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'et_core_page_resource_get_the_ID' ) ): function et_core_page_resource_get_the_ID() { static $post_id = null; if ( is_int( $post_id ) ) { return $post_id; } return $post_id = apply_filters( 'et_core_page_resource_current_post_id', get_the_ID() ); } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'et_core_page_resource_is_singular' ) ): function et_core_page_resource_is_singular() { return apply_filters( 'et_core_page_resource_is_singular', is_singular() ); } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'et_debug' ) ): function et_debug( $msg, $bt_index = 4, $log_ajax = true ) { ET_Core_Logger::debug( $msg, $bt_index, $log_ajax ); } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'et_wrong' ) ): function et_wrong( $msg, $error = false ) { $msg = "You're Doing It Wrong! {$msg}"; if ( $error ) { et_error( $msg ); } else { et_debug( $msg ); } } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'et_error' ) ): function et_error( $msg, $bt_index = 4 ) { ET_Core_Logger::error( "[ERROR]: {$msg}", $bt_index ); } endif;
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